The New Era, 1884-10-10, Page 10i
ONN CLTBlexlalre. -•Mise Hilyar,of this place, has
't E 'EIS
FRIDAY OCTOBER 10, 18;84. Eschool. mn who alts
, ., on
the the xeter road The to success and waaits fora free
LOoAL NOTICES. ride ivell get left, and the n who his
• been re-engaged as one of the teachers in
saleable goods and waits foe the people
n I outkeeps is goods;
JE"4'61l X. - •4 inns New Stock re' is the keystone to success, A Sarnia ppa, threatened by careless driving;
DICKSON'S BOON m yon Q. C. Goc]er• some allowance should be made' for the
Huron Association, which has fixed en t tr�i.
those dates for their meeting in Godericit.. W W
Mr. H.Canteton was a prize taker at Exec
ter show, on Tuesda . Six utiles an
' u osed to be
allowed in town,but every day that speed
hour is the fastest driving supposed r„tT
is doubled, and the lives of pedestrian))
rlvin • we believe
craved this week at per says, M. C. Ca e , there others
was fees is ,was in last —
OFIR1 . Ddt;ICSON Clinton t 'd connected With the will of here who should be summoned before the
late Mies Cameron. f rummett who died near Ooderich last
Advcoate says; A merchant from Clinton
k former, resident of this town..
to find 't h code• advertteing
STORE' bought cheap and will sell cheap. htown1 t Wednesday on boat busses driving fast, but . •
nese, i is said, tonnes e . wi. Mayor for reckless driving. b] r. John
gOIVII g0P1 . the1 t M C The 1llitcliell y
FAM SoLD.—Messrs. Mooney & Rat- is still negotiating for the Ritze store, weehen as conveniences have been provid-
u o own havetickets the . c o.
b WIN. Th theheld a matinee on g
h theL tookplacebet ee e g
tens ry, f town, sold their farm o£ Who is he ? number of tic a were ed for the scholars at Model S h ol,
100 acres, being lot 23, con, 5, Hallett, sold for the Chicago excursion on Friday, this is right- Mr.. H. Whitey, of Solo -
to 'Mr. (:filbert Nair, for a out t; • e man in moon mon, Ks. who baa been visiting at Mr.A.
The farm is well situated, andisnot dear, Saturday' afterneen. ; an Mitts() Ioama n S. Fisher's, left for home on Thursday,
In consequence of selling their farm Luna oo. w n' Eight arsons Sven, from Clinton to Lon- A large assortment of
late owners intend selling off the whole of and the dark," and star gazers were on ' g p g. •
Lon -
their excellent stock, without reserve on the loakput for the show, A. .foot ball don, Tuesday .avenin to hear the great
.the 24th inst. match between the Seaforth High School English actor- Irvin:;. A silver cornet COMBS from, .5c to�4Oc
Iiu'ROVEUENTs.—Those go-ahead and Club and the Club of the Clinton Model has been added Bandto s instruments
is fined , f
enterprising businessmen, Aiessrs. Pay & School will be played on the Agricultural
$1 aHyl costs for trespassing on premises
Wiseman, are about to have plate glaes grounds, Seaforth, on Saturday next; the of J. Johnston, A meeting for the for -
fronts put in the store occupied by. them, ,Clinton boys will surely make it lively for oration of a Horticultural Society was ,
Croll ofthebest Combs
Frank are e b
the glass now being at the station, and their opponents, Miss called for last night in the Council xoom - We h m
only awaiting the arrival of a fitter from this place is now at work in the Howicl.
Enterprise office. Mr. John McGarva, there is. room for such an association here,
Montreal. When these and other sou- to and we hope all interested will heartily
will ated improvements are made they last week, looks wellreturned from his and appearsslo have
assist the project. We believe that Thos.
will have as fine a stand as any. We are enjoyed himself. Duringhis.homeward-Cooper &Son have about completed ar-
l.leased to learn that this and other ad-voyage,a man was washed overboard•and rangements for Mr, Searl,e.'s .corner st9re:
,latent property has reverted to the pos• lost, Mrs. Doh nee Miss Burchill is "ii own briefs" several letters on the
session of Mr. Whitehead, who• contem- visiting friends inyto (nee
We are told ,S Ott act, advertisements, &c., are crowd -
plates considerable improvement at an a out this week by local matter.
early day. - that the statement made in these columns
two weeks since to the effect ;that Capt, Co/et:eR'1',-•-The. sober,, Orgati • Co,.
• NARROW ESCAPE. --On Tuesday even- Haanbl was working with a new army at $and ave t Pis .omen_ a concert • in
Ing Mrs. 1�ewrna.Yeii— ar,;Zsarrowly-eseape• arri'It n, isincorrect he. nl int'ends- o the town ball iastprcma a4 econcert it
'"- g li enter -:the regular ministry. A Manitoba
wife,-•mr ht~ -have roved•))- serious•. -))eel,...
dent. She was crossing the street near a er'teas refers to a.former Clintonian: was well attended, considering the incle-
p p meet 'state of the• weather, The band
Mr.Turnbull's just as a spirited team came We are indebted to Mt. John Fox for a
along, and they were almost on top of herpailful of the biggest potatoes that ever rendered their music in a style that any
before her presence was known, it being adorned'•au editor's table; they were of professional band might e proud -of,
,quite dark. The driver of the team quick- the Early and Late Rose varieties, •and The oho ej�yoMr. ortong Well selectedhe d death oand f
ly pulled up, and shouted, which frighten- thea tubers weighed .from one to three and Nelson," deserves especial mention ; it
ed and caused her to tumble• almost be- a half���ppou•nds each. The many friends of.
death the restless horses. In falling she Mrs. W. Marra will be sorr to •learn was arranged sir C.•. Blackstone for this
attack ber knee which has been verysore :band; and beautifully 'rendered, , Miss
that shes spline is stillycofined to her bed; • no. Robertson's recitation Was much appre-
ti a before she was able and rolled into the to be helpand it ed into serious res)itlts, however; ere anticipated ciated, receiving an encore, as also did
Pfrom her illness. At the recent court of xhe�onga of Mess.-Reeves•and Bennett
the house.. . revision here, about 411 ladies were-added'showing theme .parties to be favorites With,
CHILD DESERTION.--- Annie Wright, to• the list of voters in this town ; that set- ' the public, The out -door °playing of the.
set heron as a can-
rd deserted it,counted
who,itwill be r meYhhbe e d ed . tieswemaybe
, •evening,was
Town Band, the same
child at. Clinton station, was brought up didate for municipal ,honors, as there is wno er if' the be -
on remand before Judge Doyle, on Mon- no law against personal canvassing. -Mrs, tweendthetetwo mise, omewhatfeetra ned,
day of last week: Iiis Honor taking, into . E. Floody has been confined to bed for Good feeling between even rivals does no
'consideration the long time she had been about six weeks, hopes are entertained, harm.
in jail, released her on her own bail in however, that she will soon: be out again. DEATH or MT's CHIDLEY.r-The re-.•
the sum of $200 to come up.for sonteeee Messrs.' Miller &; Tedford,. blacksmiths, p
when called upon. In discharging the' dissolve partnership at the end of the year .the s inns illness of nt in is seaz el mus o
prisoner His Honor advised her at some and the latter has leased for a term o
length on her course of life, and admen- years the blacksmith shop of Mr. J. Les- tthird daughter'of Joseph`Chidiey, Esq i).
ished her to keep away from the, reputed. lie, which he is erecting at the rear of his had partially prepared the public for
father of her deserted child. shop. Our esteemed friend A. Mel), All- the announcement of her death, neverthe-
A. Dwelt -me MAP. — The• wholesale au, of Godericb, called in• to see: us on less it was received with the deepest feel -
(merchants of London have. issued, a an' Monday,, on his way to Exeter show ; be inn of pain. and••;surprise.: Sometime
,advertisement, •a map of Western Ontario. is this year sent out by the Ontario Fruit during the summer, not feeling Very well,
The general get-up of the map is good, Grewers'.Association to properly;"nae she took a lake. trip, which appeared to
fruit it ,having Invigorate her but she caught_ a cold
but greater cera should have been taken , • g been.found that •.many g to � g '
to have the. counties properly.formed. In .varieties of fruit were imeioperly nettled,. which
Inde. death idofThure eventually
ntnua lly
endigrouping the townships into counties the and considerable trouble arises froin this last. She was ageneral favorite with all;
Dominion Re -distribution Bill' (or Gerry- fact.. Mr. Dave .Currie, the well-known
for severalyears me had been employed
mender Act) has been taken as )).pattern liquor -dealer, of Goderich, passed through, in the f Mr. J. C•raib, plce
consequently the township of Stephen town'on Monday,',on his :way to Riffled ; t e store one rf, resect ando thisi This
appears in the county ofirl�t Middlesex and kre carried a dnullle=barrelled shot guy, wdeath is one etthe saddest that hal oc-
Usborne, in the county. of Perth. Both itis. inferred that he went. to bring down carred here for some time, as'the wasjust
of these townships are til Huron, but for. Scott,Act men. Mr. John 'McKenzie, •:of ,
Dominion election'purposes Only,• are in the London road; . who was recently hurt entering on woman's estat, and gave ro-
ceunties named. kimilar errors occur in, by a threshing machine, is making favor- mise of a life of usefulness. ' That her pa-
other count" es. able, progress to . recovery. . The a other rents have the sympathy of the communis
evening ,as Mr. C. J. Reeves -was passing ty goes without saying. The floral tri
•Some EGGS.—Fora couple of daysy a theDry GoodsPalace'be Oro ped through butes surrounding her remains were the
lot of eggs exposed on the editorial table,.
about the size of large marbles, and just
as round, attracted considerable attention
and very few -Who inspected - them c• obit,
tell what they were. They supposed they
were some kind of bird's egg, and that vas
all they knew about it. They were ;inud
turtles eggs, twenty-three of them being
found in a nest six inches under the ground
by Mr. John Stephenson.. Out of.curiosi
ty several were broken,'and in each.' was
found an active little turtle that was able
to walk as soon as he saw daylight. " The
remainder were planted .in a hos. of sand
and are expected to emerge in a day or two..
the cellar door, the support beneath -which :mgst•beautiful and,profuae ever seen hers,
gave way just as he steppped:upon the
door, he-wae not hurt. Mr.-Thos.=White•
has. been appointed • District Deputy;
Grand Master of the Independent Order
of Oddfellowa The';Messrs.: Morton, for-
•'merly:of Hulled, left here on Monday,
the one for his farni in Iowa, the ether
for Kansas. .Mr.W. Cudmore,:of.Tueker,
smith, bought about 60 bead of cattle here
on Friday; froin•Messrs Hearn, Craig and
Mooney, he' .has now ever one hundred
•head, which he'expects to take to the old
country, if hie can secure vessel space at a
reasonable rate; Mr jos:. McLaughlin,
who, withothers, took a number of'stil-
l' ns
talliepns: to Chicago and Kalamazoo, says
Jiat he never knew, good horseflesh to .be
such a'drug as. it there; not a sale'
was made,•'and Dave Fisher, who had.17
horses, had to seek , a market elsewhere.
The old Great 'Western station has been
•pulled.down and the timbers taken away;.
the :company would have nioyed the build
downto .the freight shed and attached
it 'thereto, hut the town anthorities'object
ed. The approaches to Grieves'. bridgge�,
llcTfiillop;,caved in completely on Suii-
day, :night last. Mr.- Searle has fled an
application for one of his buildinlgs• by a'
party.from:the east, who wishes to start a
confectionary and 'fruit store; Mr. Searle•
should get good tenants for.these premises,
ae he is going to much trouble •and ex-
pense in making them complete in all re-
spects. A meeting of•the•directors of the.
Live Stock Association was, held at the
Grand Union, on Saturday; as there are:
not enough entries to warrant them going
on with:the intended sale, -this fall,.it was
decided toadjourn the meeting to the 27th.
Of Dee, when theprospects of holding a
a sale in. February will :be considered.
If the gentleman who traded hats at the
Meetingwill return the•one he got to this:
office he will confer a favor on the owner.
Theletter. of Rev,Mr. Kenner bas evident-
ly aceoreplished its purpose, as the Lon-
don road bridge, over the Bayfield river,
is being. repaired. Mr, John Irving h
home from Chicago,and purposes remain-
ing for the winter; A case between some
of the emigrant women, attracted consid-
erable attention on Friday night last, and
made more fun than any show could ; it
wasso complicated and puzzling that the
Mayor took 6 week to decide it. Mr. M.
T. Andrews, of the express office,' S't.
Thomas, (formerly 'of Clinton) is very 111
with intermittent, fever, On Sunday last
a drunke;i man might have been seen ly-
ing en one of our streets for about an hour.
Mr,C,Oyerberry is about erecting a frame
house on North street; I3y; Walker has
the contract.. W, 3, Mulloy,. (son of D.
Malloy) who has been travelling with the
.Barnum show, has been confined to his
bed for the past two weeks at Tere Haute
Indiana, is not yet able to leave hie
room, and is still under the doctor's care.
Mr, John Brown, of Wawanosh, (brother
,.o# -yrs. H. $. McLean) who wrote at the
examations here, and did not obtain a
certificate; ap'oealed from the examiners'
.deelkod, Whieferpmtriferb'ee ettettalEed,
bo seeurine a 3rd,• this adds another to
the list of those passing from . Clinton
Etigh Sobool, Out venerable friend Jae,
Stitvely, has returned to town, after an
absence of several months in the old court -
try; be look as blooming ns a daisy, The
intended "union Teachers' Luddite, are
bounce to a he ere on the r an
24th inst., ]las fallen through, owin to:
third meeting of the School Literary 'So-
ciety was held in the High. School, on
October 3rd, at 4 p.m., and was a decided
success. After the opening preliminaries;
the amount. of the initiation fee was set-
tled, and it was resolved that the meet-
ings should be held on Thursday evenings.
Mr. Turnbull addressed the meeting,
showing the advantages of such a society,
and advising all to take an ectivepart in
the meetings, so -as to make our' joint so-
ciety a„ success. He showed • that the
qualities a person must possess in 'order
to make a successful -teacher are: com-
rnon sense, tact, faculty of keeping order,
firmness and energy. This. was followed
by a reading ” The last prayer of Mary
Queen of Scots,". by Miss Irvine, .and•a
recitation' "The highway cow," and the
meeting was brought to a close by singing
God save the Queen.
TSNCES.—Patrick Moore appeared before John
Aikens, J. P., at Dublin last week, on a
charge of obtaining money under false pre.
tenses. tie has been representing that be is
deputed by -the Catholic Bishop of -Huron to
take the Catholic census. ilis manner' of
procedure has been to go from house to house
among Catholics, and take down the name
and age of each member of the family, in a
book, and if there were no men around, .be
would collect $1 for his troubles as. be said.
He also carried a Catholic bible, for which he
took orders, the dollar he collected to 'be op,
plied on ita_purebase. After hearing the
evidence against him, Mr. Aikens sent him to
Stratford jail for 0110 month. it appears that.
he has duped about fifty families: in this
manner, and as soon as he is liberated other
charges are pending against him, both in, the
county of Huron and Perth. This individual
is said to have duped numbers in this county,
in the same way.
INeonancr.—Our local cetera referred last
week to what it • termed a "bad, rule" in
operation at the Model Sobool, with refer-
ence to scholars who are late. We have
made, inquiries relating thereto, wild find that
the rule has the following •satisfactory re-
sults :—(1) The uutnber of tardy pupils ;has
been reduced by 50%.. (2)' The 'Hitte of the,
teachers• is not occupied in munning to the
door. (3) The attention of the class is not
drawn from work by pupils coming in'late.
(4) As pupils who are not admitted have to
bring a note, on again presenting themselves,
the responsibility of inflicting punishment is
thrown Upon the parent or guardian.. (3)
The parent or guardian is compelled to oI
serve tha6 the hours for opening art, o cl i
a.m., and 1:80 p.m. (6) The pupils, are be
taught the habit of'punetuality. Education is
not all book work. The objection urged
against the "Bad rule" is overcome by tom
pelting pupils to bring note+. tf thio notes
aro not satisfactory, o ,the parent' or g�tarflisn
Theo fee you a s e r
that can be
procured, at LOWEST PRICES.
first shipment of our
Miscellaneous books
Have : arrived. from London, +'ngland, •
consisting of about 2,000 Books, among
which are Matthew Henry's Commete
tary on the Bible, 9 vole., price $16—
worth $22. Scott's Commentary, .•6.
vols., price $12.50, worth ' $17.50,
Chambers Enoyclopa;dia, 10 vols;, for
$20, worth' $25. A large quantity of
Chamber's Dictionaries. The •balance
consists ohiefiy of Sunday School, Libr
ary, or Prize Books, published by:Re-:
ligious Tract' Society, NiohoIson & Sons.
Society for promoting Christian Know-
ledee las Nisbett &V Co Nimmo'& Co
Book Society, Oliphant & 00., &c.; &c..
Give us a call.' for
Our prices are lower than the Toro
:ens Furnisilin;
u <Fro+S
No one Merchant can get all the bargains ofi`ered by the trade.
We got our share this fall and a good ,big share it was,
Now *e purpose to give the public their
. r4270
__c w
4r 4
'of the plunder.
Our Great Big Stock,of DRESS GOODS.
Ourp-Great*BigLStotk of WOOL -GOODS •
Our Great Bi Stock of' HOSIERY. RX.
Our Great Big St .
. g Stock-o�'O�T�S. .
And don't forget the Blankets . and Flannels. Men's Under-
• clothing at the .price of Wool.
had Mantle Iiepartment Agai9
Leave 'an order while stock complete.
Largest stock of Boy's Clothing in the County.
e --Vital Question
CLOTHED" is• one that is, a .peculiar pleasure 'Tor us to, answer; this season, ,.
because there wat -never a time that.we remember .when .there were Iso. many.
new ;designs that are so popular, and our stock . so complete' and --so; .nice :
as it is :this season .:
..`f } 'a T.IIE ,STEADY PROGRESS we'ha�-e ;made: for` the past 26 years in: our buai-
nese is sufficient_ito all to know that we are capable of judging what . is best
adapted for our`customers. ` Experience is the best teacher and, that we.,have had;
and we can say without fear of contredietion'thatt we have every, advantage over.
others in the same business; and we can sell cheaper' and give you a better fit. •
Our stock of Neckwear, never vas` so full and d complete with
nice Goods. as it is Our great line of TIES at 25cts..
is the . best selling :goods we ever•, pffered..: Very few. 50ct.
goods a i e ally better. '• ;•
We; are ' carrying - the largest' • stock
In town, in sizes from 12z to 17: Otir line of FANCY WooxLEN
and KNIT SHIRTS is .very large. : Our GREAT TI1�TLAUNDIIIED
aS1HRT. A'f 75cTs. has ztslzt beyt�nd--aitpeetation-s-.nd-is...withV _
Out doubt• the cheapest shirt shown in this section. Buyers
should ask to see it.
We will make a grand display of FURS in: a' short time.
wilt be consulted, ter punishments s worn • -
triod�bEfore the "• ,sal rulo" was enacted, d i ` T l ' T `t t ,
d l; held h 1 23 d d
bj t' that 1 been rased would be
as applicable to an Othor
form of encs. -
eat. y p the action of the executive of the l estVl2L7CX]lb'II71� ���'�t�lk:`3' ]��YIt�bll.••
WE TAKE- A -DEEP.. INTEREST:iu the art of cutting and follow all thenew
styles,'and.ere thus able to give any one the latest out: We keep the•neweet evil
nicest goods"that, can be: procured in.tlie 'markets, axid• are continually in receipo .
of new Goods. We this week' received two Cases of Goods that were bought at •
extraordinary. low prices, and: have give the people the: benefit of`
• thom, A special' line, they consist of -,
AT $20.00, WORTH $23.0.0. ,
AT $18.00, WORTH '$21.00.
These are extra . value, ` and intending` ;purchasers sho hld Bee - them.
Next week *e will talk to you about : Over Coats..'
We would ask everybody to read our space from week to week, and keep posted
in what wo are doing this season in. the Clothing Business. •