The New Era, 1884-06-20, Page 3r
June '20 1884.
Metall and leetentlete„
t • z ea..-- 4 . I . In the' land. where ' enneretititin The richest litlii' n'girlin ills werld.'in the Fine writin.g on &zee paper will give
A Riede 141sie 041., , ,
13181:111Terry a-nd"rrlher 14:Vyboet14:94iters, via: 41"4:60111:4:1117,::::::bi:;40...07:::,,z.ntuas.:: ; Own name, the'amount ItaYieg bo_gliefsk her. jet black ink and one part of gelatine,
. ,
, jAIOIllisK Wt.+7. ,
. „
.lireltelierYoltndneltitdet Piederelnateeft bine 7.yeerold .dalighfee Of OlptetGstingeelti ono or two fair copies witholtt callilig be en
thi mug ow. in . addition to mum comm. so the, the strangest end wet Porkies of the nayy„ vtlei ha; weillnetewneia aunistanoe of aPreee or water if use is made
thie city e She ie worth $7,000, .9010" IS "bee oft, writing :minden of three parts of good
are an in the profession. ma Irving has liPoo theee 000tesione. The gent .ion.aral. mem* by her. grendfather. Willibele Z - Manymonths age the medical press wait
4,11100Yered hist•rionio possibilities in ayoung Whickr witnessedWas that of a Men Pe. P0 - weld, of Boseen.' Mr. liireld Wee theliethon
briether of the tragedienne, and [reposes .to
make him An BAWL His fitoial resemblance Waal betnfe Parried along it Wall felletved by alga tour hake, including the child, ,c4:020 crowded with articled to allow the action of
, s. so-called new remedy it. leeare diriesete--
partioular tank neposItion. As the,corpse of the little Ore. mother, and „whet; he
ter lalse'411:111 Terry is. striking, and Ur. °ertthh14°t.M. mirtumt Wit° wore 411 • "rim°, '' Thffi Possesskoll of The bulk' 'of his fortune, ' w9trinat CIRloillalYe°finf la° tvhaalteY. t.heirtatteAdyb°v(;itek-
fInryibieng int/monde to•minngtilizerovitvhaiis orreeae:iinTlawl4finftche .rirldomthde)04078t wat00144.0eaterlArrih410°Dggrootand° derrt.0100,000, l,, hwehLobte ewtell2odmaivideadhditl.elt07• Towr. highly eeteenled in Germany for the same
Night." ,
A Great , Mhisileall eteeita . ettle residence in , Boston were bequeathed .nialeerad,. Yl.riwwettletelleee77erelle2:len• ntigatea the
, and, a serial of ,lithletta games Were Qom,
, maimed. in *Mob 'laxity earn's" were be fdre. Perkins wite,titthe Captau* and
An :wept which will long, be memorable the ra°86P"Inilunb* .99.ben th° Pl°°° °I . $20,000 antaudy 'to be used in maringlor °t,rt1°11ur° 'ma formatinn of coal: Ere con -
in London's musioal annals tail place to- harlot Wail rallobad the Dames 'Was thrown the utile , miiiieeeire hojteee ,oatil she otadee (1) that Home kinds of 0041 Were .
night Mahe BeYal Alba* Hai Where Sir, ,nwmakoetahenl°:;:toge'a :1:1;egl:av:soan::::: ' Leoa:011.eaTtlaheiBlegglikr.orp4t:p°14rilita' .4s.efriormil; rwr;retalit,YthmapRecivesPrilt187:xiscvachierierinthgeinra
dulius-33enedict, the eminent composer, ' • covered up with"earth.e& large pile:of gecko
gave his fiftieth annual ' mine -ere, The
choir was composed entirely of members of. :diver and`' a re* other articles were. innis"GtgkelencamsheneS•40Qairey' ''etvellttre‘letePecht leetleine! eoli".60:1114e1 ublit‘ouneult'ointlee swell!? 'w444021a(2rBet123400t the
buried with the body in order to give
of the Albert Ball Choral Soeiety, under his magnificent reeldence In Boston.—
of rank are buried the ceremony is • teemed of the eltbstanoe which he. termed
the training of Mr. liamby,• end be the the ghost a start in the next world. When Washington Rtriblican, hydrooarbon; to which the wood tissue had
orchestra Were gathered all of the most contributed beyond a doubt.
more exteneive • and somewhat -different.
prominent mud:none in London. The solo a - The mead ay "Deem Mr. Richard A. tractor holds that if the -
artiste, of the . evenhig were lefeedanaell httstiimetlitie:thar9st killed, and ?fled ghrtes'trivPeasrilag , One day a few weeke ago, one of the faulippipt:Ito"t°orgetiloieeparsinly.Balnoagele6gmBe°0anhanbaiiim°
Albsni and Patti and Messrs.Sims Reeves, obliged to out oil their hair and otherwise richest men in Chicago, was asked Air a'
William J. Windt and Bentley. Sir disfigure then:melees. • A coffin is ;made by private intervteve by a jitranger, who aa to Work wings- moree or less regime-
julinerwas weloomed by hearty applause. bling thou of a bird there 18 little meson •
wetting, a log somewhat lodger than the ex:Plained '•
The musical programme of the evening
rubbish, " Skipped by the Light of the
WM!" ' .. '
Boston went mad over that worsb of all
, with aromatic' subdue:* awl placed on ti
or portion of more thanordieary dletinetion wait, h r , .
departs this life.
decompose before burial. It is covered
bansboceplatform in the attn. where it is
his' boey le allowed to °t°'"t
that's the way I have lora thotteends:" , •
" Why, then, how beve,-yon attach:, your'
"Not a dollar young man I In. fade
1-24:10,tu,itolisapeveeettdo of doubting inate0 power 04 611,41,5ining him.
noyed by oil marks onNpapered walls,
egeenet which careless or thouehtless per-, . -
Good hotisekeepere are frequently an.
Peter," and the 'artistic excellence of the The
performance was beyond all oritiolem. The funeral ceremonies are neeer. complete
lowed out and - the boar 0,00 , within. -woladerful
'4.! NToevilerairgilkevo.erillYTaeterirm'ilatl; vi
iu that•I Easy make money? " great rapidity .tiarclugh it. • FrObably, he
self in the air and even travelling with
was Sir Julies Benedietei oratorio, e St. corpse. This log te split feegthwiee, hol-
was ths adds, it . willberanch °spier for hiM to
Nettie ' until the et:weeding einef bele captured a•
= town or has taught a battle' ineabloh blood mricni° 448wer-
.: But you have made money in railroad sustain himself while travelling rapidly
New York,
, Renaehyi, the violiniet, is pedorming in bits been abed.. Whenevor•et great Dormer,
.., stooks, wheitt, silver mines, :meat stooks, Wt.
onward *ea while hovering over the mime
the recent musical festival in that .eity—
A gliimigb paper headed its, account of
peoduces a putiefying liquid wheth ill caught
left for aetretel days. The deeompoidtion
4, By inventing a spring bean. 0000-
.,. .. , . sous' hay:Yield their heads. Team unsightly •
Recite -may be removed by malting a pieta
" A bOdY•fillitking MAIM." in earthen vessels placed under the plut. ing a boot.jack. all spegulations alone, ed 'cold water and , pipe,clay or fuller's
Mrs. Langtry' bas had a seii7dWm
teem... This horrible liquid •ie then divided and turn you attention to the solid wants 'eagth, and laying it on tee surface without
dress button:" made of gold dollertiengraved ;among. thole present. • Raab reeeives the of the people.."—Wall Street Nevis. rubbing it on, else the.'pattern of the taper
• will then likely be iejured. Leave the paste
With her Moboeram. • ' ' • ' ;liquid in his hand and quickly rubs .it all
: , „ on all night.. In the naorniug it oan be
Mr. GetiWillianne finding that"Captatri over his body. After this revolting per- . The Brown dloaterlal Seam* ' • : broiled off and the spot will,' have dieap-
Mellor "did not take as a tragedy, toned formai:toe the bodeeeeivra,pped In &kind of .. • From. letters received by Mr. J. D peared, bat arenewal of the operation may
it over into 0 fare°, 'Mid kept the eame cloth and buried Withvariousceremindee.-- Edgar, the Secretary of the committee, it Arm application of oft soap to a fresh
heavy role. . arr. Springfield Republican.learnt thee; the •bronzo statue, Of ,thd late' bernebessaeyitthe oil mark is ole, . •
. . .
Rene George Brown may' ba expeoted te burn almost instantly removes the fire
Mies Annie Pixley Will leave for Europe •
pleying continuously almost for four .years Before it anbierned at Montreal, the
• Centereeatkinat lenient • '
begipning of September, A number of the flesh, It000rdieg to a- modioal man who '
within the next two weeks. She has been ' • errive hone til the end, of August or 'the
and110068a rest. - There is no likelihood Coegregational .Unietietif Canada agreed
-.leaned ism: 'have :men thaaftilleeitectemodel . • -
bad been burned repeatedly himself. If the
.that she will accept an engagement in to meet in Hamilton; in June 1885. Rev, in the studise of the artist, Mr. 0. B. Birch. ,tnjury ie very severe,. ee .soon as' the pain
eceasewapply linseed ell and Ilion dust over
-England. W. H. Warriner, B. 'A., read the statist -el A.U.A., in Letelon, and it is pronounced with fine fleeur: When this last, covering
E. A. McDowell and Fanny Reeves, his
oal • report, from whiele it • Appogrope
a twit to be admitable."; The granite deetaii
only.64 cher:lee reported, being abOuttchie- ,the Queen's Peak is very suitable' and -ales hard repeat the oil end flour drawing - :
wife, who . organieed a company in New until a goo'd coating is obtained,. When the.
York a few weeke agato Make a tour 'of half the total number. - The 'number of substantial, and its petition is one of the latter dries allow it to steed uneil lb cranks „,
the West Indite, have received diremprag- stations, not churches, ea 33; average at. best that could be chosen., • and tally off, as it will do in e (lay or two. •
ing reports from there and . given upethe tendance oil Sabbath serviette, 16,129; total - and .a new skin will be found to leave formed r a
,i,,...1.9T.tiElifenWP-...241111 : . ' under pastoral. care, 21,303; additions to A Keen Eanaluder, .. .. where the 'Ain was berned. .-
,Mins By, the wen known singer, and• membership, by profeision,127; by letter I, There isn't a button on thie shirt," .
d'aughter Of the ambient baritone, is we lee ; total, 893; present membersbip, 6,394T -dismally . observed the young husband, Prosentinterus.
' '
. .
Undetete,nd, about to be married tti the Sunday Sobools, 76; officers and teachers, shaking the gement bhad undertaken rite tor Ile reyeterious
efore his wife's:eyes. ' Mozart's Saa notion-thet the requiem he
Horl. Robert H. Lyttelein, and to qui •the 831 ; scholars , on rolls; 7,423 ; average at: " I'm sorry, ruy love ; it might have been customer would b s owndeath-chant,
• • . • tenclaneee5:582; number. of baptiems, 498; remedied if I had had tuned aropheti
." ' - •
.c a.l.
,Mr. John Ryder, veteran actor, takes serious
raised for all purposes, Ifu.4,8.07 ; increase value of church property,11462,922 ; amount . " Why, -you've get nothing to do. What
• • ' .
de you mean by saying .if you bad had ..The End of All Things was completed
. povs ps s
his Wave of the stage We month, when he over last year, $4,489. . •' team ?" - . . . ' " astient to the jocular suggeetioa that when
thero. would bean end to the painter.
will attainethe age of 70. Mr. Irving will'• •
Fechter's intuition was not et fault when '
probably appear et his 'farewell: • Mr, The 'Storni Near London: - "I Mean to say that if there had been no
profession. ., . ,. • . Dorchester., Harriet:Mlle and Nilestown bonnet for this spring's wear, 1 Would.heve •
' • sculptor,
Ryder wil/continite to train artists for the occasion for me to trim over a last opting itmade him urge thoscutor, taking hie
, were visited yesterday afternoon with it had time to look after your clothes." . instructions , respecting hie last resting
. The Birmingham mere dissent from the thunderstorm, wheal testae three hoary, place; to set to work at once, as thinewan •
. Miss Mery4oidersoneand deolare that her .general praise thatehas been leveled. upon • end swelled• the %river and creeks to an ' Snow On the Heckles: •
no time to lose ; when ths torah was ready
•-umisual eitent. • Near Derehester four for the tenant, the tenant wee e4dy for the'
a, 'badge were carried - away, - Gen. Briebin ineaommand of ..e, battalion tomb. • • • •
impersonation of Pauline, in "The Lady of cuiverts and •
-Lyons," was cold and &hilt:dal. • and twenty-eight feet of. the G. T. R. of troope marchieg from SL Peul to Idaho, Torn Sheridan, blade* Angelo good-bye '
.Miss Clara Louise rellog,g -toiled by the track was washed .out. ' Aid was at once crossed the main ;edge range of the Rookies.. with the remark, "1 have twenty menthe
Auralaia for Europe yesterday, to • be, gone sent from LonilOn by the railway authori- jun° 'Ord. He reports ,now several feet to live," ganged the, term of his existence) .
for the summer. Although Magi • Kellogg. •tiett and the delay ai. travel was of sheet deep and the weather still eery cold.
has had four offers for 'opera for -next duration'. A.short distance, three. and a , to a nicety. •
Awakened from a sick md.n's :dumber by ,
season, three English and one Italian, she half mules, from Dorchester 'there wae not One of them rare' birds, a white robin, the baying of hounds, and thp uproar at-
has made ncearratigements for the future. .enough rain to lay the duet.
Her ' European trip is entirely one. et — • -' was seen ettIttymouth, Mess., a few .days neighbor's gr
the pulling down of a. stag in a
pleasure. • . • • •ozenrtitpatnindg in Millileewe
Niagara 'mystery' Cleared tip. 4(04.. • ' t -.' • . . exclaimed, "Itridseaxin
. In .order to impart dignity to the town .of days took leave of pencil and peper forever.
Mary Andeison conchided,her provincial
tour, which.'fitte been ephemixontallY. :me- The impenetrable mystery that • has Maiose 'III., forty of the men:lentil have ' Not long before • his fatal' inneese Prince ,.
.ceisful, at 'Birmingham on Saturday even; hitherto, shrouded .the' tragedy. on •Luna signed a - pledge to wear . high' silk hate, 'Albert said to the Que.ere " 1 do not cling
•iim: ' •She is to stilt for Ititly,next week for Island, Niagara Falls, in which Mr. • Pear. inetead of the withabrinimed slouches that to life. - You de, butt serno sore by it. If . e
a few Weeks of rest and retireetion befoie eon lost', as • was supposed at the have been in fashion there. ' .. : • , I knew that those rioved worewell oared
, halide of his brother-in-law, Vedder, and Falsehood is in a hurry; it mey be et 'any for, I should be qiiitie reaea. to diceto-mor.
reappearing at the Lyceum Theatre early
in September. : . . • , .• • which was deepened by the latter's core- moment 'detected and puniehed. Truth is row. :I' am euro, if I had. etaeeeet Mme
plete *appearance, -bids fair to be °leered calm, serene ; its judgment is on high; eits should give up at once. I should nob
Gregorian eatisio, says a late writer, halt up at laar, the' body of the . latter having king come* out of the chambers of eter- struggle for life. '---Chamber's journal. • ! ,
stood the teat of centuries,. and 'instead of been fohnd yesterday in it egood state • ofnity. '' '
Wearying of it keen:Want repetition, as we preservation in the Cave of the Winds. An
do of other mum, yee„ find • that as the inquest will be held toalaye • . '
festivale and season,: of the Chureh'n. year
comeround they. bring with themthis
sublime ohantain all its freehnees and
grandeur. • • . -. '
.141VOlY Thar' ,.14111Stleis-AWSespt
1111Alle' edieriteri el TIMM- Plat In
They are having lively time' With the
Be wore a pair of tattered pante, Salvationists in London. As the drummers
A ragged round -about, through the torn cream of his hat sh°4 Mahal Plalsre, James Nitilkie, abseil
A look of hair stuck out: Griffith and Luke Wilde, who were fined
He bad no Rheas upon his feet, for breaking the city by -Jaw, appeared to
No shirt upon his back; have no goods they were taken into custody
His home weal on the frWndlers.street,
Hill name was 41.4ittle Jack.' on Saturday afternoon and placed. in the
county jail lb undergo the sentence ot ten
One day it toddling babillboy days each, while it Wall decided not to
With head of early hair
Escaped. his loving mother'seyes, execute the warrants againeta the Women
who, busy ivith her ease, until to -day. The arrests seethed to
Forgot the little one, who Crept Oble a remarkable infillence on the Army,
Upon a railroad pear for in the evening they turned out in full
To play with the bright pebbles there,
foroetand after goingt through the anal
Withputa Monet of fear.
exeronme on the Market Square, marohed
But see! around a ourve there conies
A swiftly flying train- along King Meet with liege flying and
It rattles, roars' the whistle shrieks drums playing—Cepa Hall herselt bomb*
ealeith all its might and main; a kettledrum, another sturdy Lase vigorously
The mother sees her child but gitands • • pounding the km: it Oiled °Melting the
Transliked with oudden fright
The baby claps his little hands cymbals and still anothertehaking a tem -
and laughs with low delight. bourine, while the maxi that followed sang
and ehouted louder and more frequently
Look! look! a tattered figure flies than Adown the railroad track an on other emotions. They went to the
HiEt hatis gone I his feet are bare t 00Unty Jail and gave what was probably
'Tie ragged "Little Jack!" intended for an enocutragement to their
He grasps the child, and from the track imprisoned oomrades, and then returned to
The babe is safely tressed- •
A slip 1 it ary the train rolls by- the barraoke. Yesterday morning their
Brave "Little Jack" is lost. seonanot was repeated, only with increased
violence, and in the afternoon they once
They found his mangled body there
Just where. he slipped and 1,11- more prooeeded to the' jail; and took up
And strong 11,011 Wept who never cared their stand outside the fence on Dundas
For him when he was Well. • street. They were followed throughout,
If there be starry crowns in heaven
For -little ones to wear, the whole of their exercises by large orowde
The star in "Little Jack's" shau shine • . of people who thronged the sidewalks and
Se bright as any there! ' streets; renderingipedestrianism and l000 -
motion generally mpossible in the vicinity.
Competition in Advertising. Religious -servioes was " being held in the
jail at the time, Rev.'CannonInnes °Inciter
The lengths to whioll hen oonelletition ing ; and as he was engaged in prapir when
carries modern advertising would make a the procession drew up the soldiers cone,
better book than has yet appeared: Th°r° menoed their usual noise, greatly disturb.
is hardly any field of labor in which ,a0 ing the gerviee- • '
nmeh'ingenuity, ram, skill and money is Twenty-fotie milabereepf the Salvation'
expended, all Of arhich, of °twee, every; Army were arteitted at veland 011Sitter-
body know% Tennyson not long ago wrote day for disturbing the peace.
a poem for an Eastern magazine for the
confessed purpose of advertising it, . Be
received 015,000 for the effort. Now I hear Disquaituted.
he has.been offered 0100,000 for it poem "John," said a father to his son, "you
advertising it certain manufacturers' waree. have disappointed me greatly. / have given
My Lord Alfred, most pee& will bo in you every opportunity to team -something,-
entitled- to -remark,- will be it gOliliff-11'lie but it has been just 'money thrown away.
doesett accept: Advertising, has given a You are' the stupidest young Mali I ever
oertimpetus to art. Not it few of the taw. You know nothing."
ittruggling young artiste owe mut% of the e Itis 'true, father,' , eyed John, with it
encouragement they have received to go on sigh, . .
to the liberality of merchants who buy . s'I never see you with a book in your
their pictures to:meth custom with. The hand," pursued the father • "you never ,
most original and cleverest idea have take up a newspaper ; you know nothing ef.
heard of, however, is that of a telticago man omens ciente. • You don't take ate* your
who proposes to hire it phalanx of halal mother or me, for„ both got good.
heads, paint the name of his corapound natural- intelligence. What you're •going
upon their shiny scalps, and Gehl)* them, to do to earn your living is spozzle to me.
every night in their historic front -raw seats There isn't a single earthly thing that you
at the theatres.—" Lounger," in the Chicago can turn your hand to." , '
„ luter•Ocean. "But I'M not altogether an ineheolle,
father. I oan count up to it hundred:"
Progress ot Christianity. "I know it and that's what vexes' me."
" Wb,y 2''
Some interetting figures have just been
made publio illustrative of the progress and " Why, don't you eee, if you didn't know
present condition of Christianity. Accord- that much you would make ati excellent
ing to the most trusted authorities thejuryman for criminal trials, but yenr know.
Christian population of the world in the ing that much entiiely disqualifies you,
year 1001) of our era was about 60;000,000. It's it sad eakie."—Someeville 07 118 •
In the next 500 years the numbers doubled.
In the year 1800 there were 200,000,000, toddeees et Every Day 1.11e.
and in the year 1880 747,000,000 of the
human raoe were under Christian goyim. A Delaware farmer has ploughed under,.
went. According to recent returns there 4°411°° h4rrmg° as a rertlilim• '
are over 303,000,000 of nominal Christiane in An Oglethorpe, Ga., boy has invented 'a
the British dominionsalone. Theeopulationcash drawer for which he has refused -$10, -
of Europe in the year 1500 was 100,000,000. 000.
As yet Western Christendom was undi- A Indy/ilk girl name Daily is reported
vided. The Roman Catholics in the year to have coughed up a needle on Monday
just named, representing the entire , which she lost in her knee a year ago.
Christianity of the West; numbered 80,- •
Now York pickpockets have it new dodge
000,000. The roansining 10,000,000 oovered
Greeks, Muesulmans and Jews. In 1880 of scouring purses. A boy of 14 or
15 strolls along behind it lady and bounces
the population of Europe had increased to it rubber ball on the sidevialk so that. ie
327,502,000. 'Of these there were Roman rises and falls close to her dress. While
Catholic:I, 159,815,155 ; Greek and Eastere, she is•wittohing the motion Of the ,ba11 her
81,11,0c,2; Protestant, 76,688,88 ;Mobam- pocket is quickly rifled:
medans, 1,309989; Jews, 4,515,425 ; • not
classified, 524,467.
The Wise Itlether•in-lbaw.
She meeteth her eon•in-law at the door
when the now clock tolleth fourteen, and
he eesayeth to let himself into the hall by,
unlocking the front gate with his ,watob
key. And for this oftimee be feareth her.
She knoweth his ways and his tricks are
not new to her. Shen: up to all his excuses,
and When he sayeth be was detained down
at the bane until thealext morning;
that the last oar WW1 gone, and he
had to walk;
Or, that be was sittipg up with a sick
Or, that he was lookiug for hie collar
button; • •
Or, that he was drawn on the jury; •
Or, that he had joined the astronomy
Of, that his books wouldn't balanoe ;
Then doth she get onto hire with both
feet, for she sayeth within herself "All
these things bath his fatherin-law • said
unto me for lo, these many years. Lo,
this is also tanity and vexation of spirit."
And for this he feareth her yet more and
The Skutt and Ills Klarent.
Many people • are wondering, says the
Pall Nall Gazette,- what the Shah thinks of
Russia's advance to Seale% The Shah is
probably not thinking about Saralths at
all. His troubles arise from.other sources.
Twiera or ,thrice every year one of his
eunuchs leaves the Imperial Palace
at Teheran for the far-famed Women
Bazaar at Herat. These agents. cerry
with them large sums of money in gold, for
the dealers in women allow no credit on
their beautiful goods. The last mission of
the imperial messenger was, however,
unsuccessful. He had soaroely crossed the
Afghap frontier whena band of highway
robbers overtook him, robbed him of every
penny, and be has had to journey back to
Teberan with empty hands and empty
pockets, and without the convoy of delect-
able damsels which the Shah was expecting
to replenish his harem. Much more
serious is this than Barakhri—at lead for
the Shah.
Mite Jennie Casseday, of Louisville, who
is incurably confined to her bed as an in-
valid, is nevertheless prominent as. super-
intendent of a flower mission, and now
she wants to send bouquets, on June 9th, to.
all the prisons, penitentiaries and reforms:
tories in the 'United States. She thinks it
will hunianize the inmetes while the flowers
Caliternia 011iranes.
• We have all eeen on the plains here; says
the Colusa Bun, beautiful sheets of water
in appearance, ill which' men would look
like giants, sheep likelnaftelo, and small
houses like great castles. Portions of a
level plain will sometimes mem to rise and
a ridge appear, where, in fact, there is no
ridge. Tne prettiest mirage we. ever saw-,
however, appeared bus the other day jot
above jaointo. A field of bright yellow
poppies was raised to an apparent, height
of about twenty feet, so that they appeared
as an immense bouquet set in a sheet of
water. The delusion was so perfect that it
was hard to realize the fad that these
flowers were on level land, perhaps lower
than the intervening country, and that
they were really not over it foot high and
011 0. dry plain.
=neediest item.
It often occurs that doctors do not care
to tell patients the whole truth. An Auatin
doctor has a very neat way of encouraging
= the patient, and at the same time he doee
not deviate from the truth.
"Doctor, please examine my chest. There
is something the matter with my lungs,"
eaid it man far gone in consumption.
The doctor examined the patient's chest,
and °tinseled him by saying:
"You just go home and don't bother
about your luege."
"Is theta nothing the matter with
them ?" L '
"1• don't hay that there is nothing the
matter with them, but they will last you
until you draw your last breath, and you
certainly will not have any uso for them
after that." ,
Not Dynamiter*, but " Watitvd."
A London deepen:1h says: A sensation
According to the German monthly was caused belay by it repert that two of
statistical statement, the total nude* of the dynamiters engaged In the recent ex-
thbee who left the country for-Americieteln- -plosions-in-London had been arrestea at
the first quarter of 188,4 was 29,782, as Jarrow, in Durham county. On their ex -
compared with 28,291 in the same period amination, however, there was no attempt
of 1838, to connecit them with these, outrages. It
Five hundred thousand marks was the was shown that one of them, an Inehmen
named Hart, and believed to be a Fenian
sum paid to Mme. Kalaniem for releasing
*he e Duke of HOODO from his morganatic was a fugitive from Glasgow, where he had
fatally stabbed a man during a riot caused
A uertediedto
octorof Paris who had had
by it politioalediectissione -Theather pre:-
oner had also been engaged in the fight,
many unfortuate operations became crazy. and hadaided Hart to crimp°. Both were
Hie mania was to walk day by day among re/handed, and will be sent back to Glas-
the tombs of Blontmertre, muttering all gow for trial. ' •
sorts of incomprehensible things. One day
it friend surprised him trylpg to force open
the grated doer of a private -Vault. "What Whois the" whom ofmtnet with a greet
are you doing there 2" asked the friend, soul will not exalt ?. A drop of water upon
trying to lead him away. "Let me alone.» the petal of •a loons" glistens with the
said he;
"1 want to make my excuses to splendors of the pearl.
my tpatient." Frivolity,under whatever form it appears:,
Three Indiana, highwaymen, fearing that tithe° frtme attention WI strength, from
the boy whom they had robbed might reach thought he originality, from feeling Its
it neighboring villege to report the crime earnestness.
before they could eet to it safe distance in He is doubly it conqueror who, when A
the other direction, deliberately shot it °emperor, can conquer Mime% Modem.
bullet through each of his legs in order to then and mercy shed over the laurele Of the
ame him conqueror the lustre of true glory.
-11011)SE.BACINH AT P &MS.
_ -
Professional 3Nrots Oendenaned
coln County Comae'. I. ,
At a reacting of the County Connell of
Lincoln on Friday, Mr. Nellee moved,
seconded by Mr. Culp, That the county
ehould discourage prof:Able/1st horse trete
at county and township faits. Mr. Nelles
took the ground thattoo much time is
-spent in these matters, and that the tend-
ency of these professional horse trots, is
detrimental to the intereste of shows. Mr.
Strong thought the oounty had no right :to
dictate how the money voted for shows is
• used. Mr. Culp said that there was no
attempt to control, ' but rather to recom-
mend. Mr. Snyder thought horse trotting
W&111 sapping the foundation of the county,
by perverting the attention of the eons of
the county, who become exeited and
lose interest in everything else but trotting
stook. The motion was carried.
' . •
Last Wednesday night when the guard at
Calgary barracks went his round at 10
o'cloek to see that ehe prisoners had retired,
he found Shindler, who had received it sen-
tence of a year's imprisonment and dis-
obarge from the • force, missing. •He hag
not since been found.
Prof. Henry Ward Rogers has an article
in the last number of the North American
:Review going to show that the plate of the
dynamiters do not fall within the provisions
of the Neutrality Aot.
An extraordinary sentence has boon
passed upon the menalunatio Weissmanver •
et Vienna. While it patient recently in one
of the Vienna -hospitals, he became un-
manageable, broke away from his atten-
dants, smashed it crucifix and trampled
-upon ite fragnientsaand bitterly cursed the
hospital officials. He was • tried and con- , Westohester County, New York, is suf-
vioted on a charge of blasphemy, and has tering great damages from the ravages of
been sentenced to nine penal *nava the apple worm, the pests being so flamer.
.fude. ' ous that people ere'obliged to take the
A last night's Berlin' despatch says the middle of the road to avoid being covered
hernia trona whieh Emperor William has by them as they drop from the trees.
for *tome time been suffering is becoming Earl Granville and M. Waddington have
mere stubborn and debilitating. It is said agreed upon the basis of the conference of
that although the aged Kaiser still insists of Egyptian affairs. They affirm the
upon maintaining the appearance of per- principle of . it temporary ocetapation of
forming all his official military dutiee, the Egypt by England, to whioh, however, no
real work of receiving the necessary official limit is fixed, and propose an international
visitors and performing the Imperial civet °entrel of the powers to audit the whole
t11110tiOnti is now.performed by the Crown -system of revenue and expeneee of Egypt
?tine° Frederick Williana. England reotignizee the suzerain tights of
Two hundred thousand herring vrere the Porte throughout Egypt, liteltiding the
landed at one haul, recently, on the North- Soudan. and Prude formally abandons al
east river, Virginle. claim to a dual control.
The emend report makes a vdry unfavor litTeohbeelapziyiyth
"antodgteheeirlthusterfloauzys clo:itenrifineetvbeer
able showing her dootote, especially at the
West. The average for theeWestern States industrious tee much,
atui Territories is one doctor for each 524 Be loving, and you will never Want for
of population, it proportion.not eqttelled love ; bo humble,and you will never want
anywhere in the world. or guiding.
George H. Fox, Who Treeigned a position A patmr Mad before the Forestry Gen -
on the Ottawa Free .Press because of an gram estimated the cost of the railroad ties
affection of 'the (lei, has returned from tilled in the.' United States beery seven
Florida, where he spent the past seven years at $14,784,000.
months.Notwithstanding two operations Becatate 11 18 silly to believe eVeryilaing,
bis sight is unimproved, and he has given up there are some no wondrette wiee as to
all hepe of recovery. believe nothieg. '
The Gan.
An international rifle match, participated
in by Englieb, Socitela and Irish teams, eon
stating of twenty men each, has just been
concluded at Conglen, near Glasgow. The
eseore was as follows England, 1,817
points ; Scotland, 1,810; and Ireland, 1,657.
and that maketh no account of any -height
Heelii truly great that is little in biineelf,
Awego (N. Y.) firm has orders for a
million torohlight haiadles, in view of the
approaching political campaign.
The thirteen -year locusts home appeared
in East Feliciana peril, Louisiana, but
not insufficient numbers to do any damage,
The inecription on Besoonefield's bust in
Westminster Abbey is "Lord Beaconsfield,
twice Premier of England."
• Two hundred .and twenty-five thousand
persons live in furnished lodgings in Paris,
and most of them possess no reserve of
pecuniary resources whatever.
The poOr and despised are much given
to boasting ; they feel that their position is
equivocal and they brag to make it less so.,
It has been :mid' of " Angelus "
that it is the only picture it which Bound
has been painted.
Ceeexe Monezezate.—Sitene::-. A ehieling
in the north.' Tonal (who ie it rapid
Upholder of " use and wont" on reading
the debate on Dr. Cameron's Cremation
Bill) ---It's awfu' I aWfu'l tey've profaned
ta kirk wi' tare organs an' hymns an' fat
not, and noo °tare trying to profane ta
kirkyaird pi purnin' ta Babes o' ta teid in
tleit I! •
, fallen copiously n all parts of
the Provijloe and the territory. The crops
are in s endid oondition and promise well.
Keeping a gaminglouse has been decided
to be a felony 'by the Supreme Court of
Tenneseee. .•
If a matt is determined to do the best he There is a negro gradeete at avian]
can, whether he drives a cart, conducts a,
this year—Robert Hebberton Terrell,
business of a million dollars preaches
, or . Virginian, and the son cf slave parents. He
the Gospel, he °Minot fad. Went to college as a waiter, and at; hat
A man of patience—the physician. • time was illiterate, but matte of the white
• ,
ehim through a preparatory course, after
laracter is higher than intellect.
- students took a fancy to bitn, and helped -
great soul will be strong to live, as well as
A '
whieh he supported himeelf by teeching a
to think. ' Boston class of negro boys. -
a _ • • • tt a a 4747,
72261:11,1/1• 111P
jib frvideo -.41mA
.21icnashaV4.1 ,
-' "'Om 13%`Irosto:v1.„,3 a „
.; 44.44
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