The New Era, 1884-06-13, Page 30 1 J**u akartrtiotmatio. Sale rolling along -john Chia. INInishinga—Wm. 3MIcson.. • Lightning rods—D, B. Kennedy; Ooffee,;0. Palliser tis ,Q0. ' • Hams—S. Palliser Servant wanted --.)Brie Theo. Jackson. Lumber for t:ale-John Shanahan. Boarders wanted -Mrs. Simpson: Men wanted -Boom 6.; Grand. "Won Ifetel, •Store for eitle-,-D, Barker. Dwelling for sale -This. office. Card thanke-Mrs.,Surerue.• Lake Superior Boats -W. Jeckeop. giinton to; eta. diFiCIAL P4.15.41ZO1TILE CO11.10,1" FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1884. TUE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND CANADIAN INTEILESMS. The social relations and eomniercial in- tercourae of the United States and Cana- da are se intimate and far reaching that almost everything of a public character that is done in one country is of interest, . and some , degree of importance to the other;therefore the nomination Ola can. didate to fill the presidential chair for a, term, of four years by one of the political' parties that exist in that county, last- wbeli at Chicago, is an event that should command .some\degree of notice on this sidn:the-lines. Our trade relations with the ;United States are, of course, less or more, affected by the 'party in power, and the election of the candidate that would bring about or aid in the most freedom of ifitercourse with Canada, would naturally be desired by us; but we are glad to think that there are many in this'country who are so .unselfish and henorable in spirit that they only desire the success of that party that profess and carry out- right principles in government. Republi- cans, as a -party,, in the past, poSsestied many traits that entitled. thern to the Op- i)ort of the peorie; but,.like nest• every other human institution ' has grown corrupt, and obstructive e'pregress of Anti* freedom and conunercial pros- perity,- by its control faliing into the hands of political trickilters, and trade and coMmercial robbers: • Even it' Blaine, the nominee, had been,a, good man, with an unitained•record, with abilities fitting • him to preside over such, a vaet.poptilit- tion and rich country', with credit to self and henor to the nation -which he does not -he *should not receive the sup- port of the people in consequeote of the iniquitous platform put forth by the party: There is scarcely an honestsentence in it, except it maybe said to be honest' in showing thei4eolors at °hoe, which is done to; catch the selfish: and corrupt in • certain'quarters: . • the Prifforin is an 014 and out bid. ler. tie-prothctionists in every section, auSing a gooddeal of bankurn to; tiondust' in • , the eyes and deceive the tinwary-liaiping. upon'the:panher lathor of "Eifrorieitnd'fbs•::- tering home industrieS-preventing the • destructive competition of foreign • collo- tries, etc., at the'same• time prpmisink the commercial marine that legislative aid it needs -to firing it back into 0514etice, de- stroyed as it has been hy.the'litoteetiye. policy that They threaten to centinim :and s t length • He must be a stupid : man indeed if he eitnnot'SeKtnat the farneere • of the' tinited. 8tate5,-In'etery particular, Must, and do • • compete with the farmers of the world. Wheat -the great striple-is 'how grown_ and exported' from almost every cohatry at one period.of the year 'or Otber, and also many other articles of .1��d. Cotton, • a staple that perhaps .gives employment to More capital and labor than any. other 01 wlikeh there is more than $500,900,000 worth .ptodu.ced in the. Ijuion, hits toe:a= Ur i uto dolnpotition withthat produced ii Egypt', ' India, China, etc:, where tither. isnot 'brie -quarter 'the price it is in the DOONbit*Ii - f * 'We are indebte1 to the Signal for th folio:Wing summary of County Council proceedings 7,-11,1r. Harstone, of Seafortti, was appointed 411 the 130r4 of County Examiners, inplam of the late Mr. Dewar. The reports of tlitr road commissioners were read and accepted; The warden. and clerk were authorized to memorialize the Ontario Legislature to amend the Act declaring the true meaning ,of the sections of the Itrunicips1 Act respecting hawkers, etc., to be as declared by statute in Eng- land, not only those who go about solieit- ing orders at retail for goods to be after- wards supplied, It was decided that in case of appeal by any, municipality from the equalization of the assessznent, that the final equalization of the assessments be made by the county judge. Reports from different committees were read and adopted. EQUA.LIZATION. The report of the equalization commit- tee was read, when the council went into eonimittee of the whole. A, motion made to reduce the **moment of the 'town of Goderich from $1,065,000 to $1,000.000, end that -it be equalized at that amount, was lost on a division by a majority of 10. A motion that the equalization of the town of Wingharn be reduced to $385,000, the same value as it was in 1883, was lost oi a division by a majority of 14. A mo- tion that the reportbst amended by reducing the equalization of Went Wawanosb to $32 Per acre on real property; and $2.28 on • personal, was lost on a division by a ma- jority of 22. A motion that the equal- zation report be amended by reducing Usborne township $1 per acre was lost OP &division by a majority of 22.. A motion that the report of the equalization . coin= mittee be amended by raising the equali- zation of Hay $1 per acre, viz., to $32 per acre, Was' lost on a division by a majority of 27. The report was then adopted. Several by-laws of an unimportant na- ture were.reacl and:pm",- , The clerk was instructed to cornraum- este with the Dominion .Bridge Co., and ask them to report to him what progress they have made with the iron work of the Manehester bridge, and td notify him when the 'iron, is ready for testing ; and that commissioners Hardy and Gibson go to Toronto or Hamilton to see the iren tested. The road commissioners were empowered to employ a competent eogi- neer, and, 11' necessary, to obtain appli- ances to 'thoroughly test both Manchester and. Grieve's 'bridge when completed, and talce themoff thehandsof the contractors when satisfactory. Council then adjourn- ed to meet: again on the first Tuesday in December next. • • BAILING OUT TilE ARCMS. . • A Goderich lady Belida the following letter to the Toronto News, and the fact cannot be disguised that her sentiments are re•echoed by many more than her own sex: - "With regard to the Clinton outrage, please all)w Me a small epson.- After all thenoise and commotion, these.youpg fiends, Herbert and.' Smiles, have found men' sympathetic enough to bail theiii.Out:- Does it not salmi terrible that any Man who has wife,* mother or daughter who would do such a thing as bail such young sofunpe out, . while the poor • girl, the victim ' of their devilisb deed, is cone, ,pelled to darkness, Oh I is there any man ,er woman of principle will ever countenanee their presence.again f. , You would think not, and yet liad you seen the fuse made Over. them by setae men and woinen. you would 'think 'they had done sonic hereie deed instead .of a. hellish :One. ' 'Not satisfied with raining the unfortunate, girl's life, they now go to work to :blacken her 'character. Shame upod those • men Who *ant their bail!: 'Shame upon those who admitted them to bail !.. Shame upo a the sten-or women of Huron if wfr donot exert every effort to'see tat the 'full . penalty: of the laW.lie executed •tipon them ! How is it that these sotindrels,can Walk the .earth free men' ,while their Taint is a riving rainiati? Is there any. pare, vignette Minded Man, .wo. man Or girl vi he will not TeCOU with •horror when they-, see tho leerof triumph upan the. razen, cone pounces, .0 108e tends ? Nit alone are they. freeto laugh and sheer at All law, but pow they 'cat feel mere eisVoto their nefarioureraft with More entitling aud skill. • .We hear eries et the terrible slate of erithe anacong"..depraved Yankees" bWneVer let the 'Men and women of Unroll point one finger 'of kora at them again, for had this out. rage been •committed adroes the, lines,they would not on O•-• he: free-. to cast a:blot open., society nor ruin a' girl'a Lair name to screen thom saves.' IS it nothiugthat one young iia' has been blasted and the peace and happiness 'ef one family been ruined all •for _ the 'sport and amusement of two- ,or three' drunken scoundrels? Or is it because she ,wils *a do. cent hardworking poor girl that some leek up.. on this crime so lightly?. The laws word item% ecl for tho protection' Of .the poor -working girl. as inuch as for the rieh. daughter•of the rich Milli naive, What if the young ilendi;do be. long fo repentahle: families? that seems to Me to he the.very reason .why.they should have been cletainect to keep thetn..:'. from . briegiog more shame upon their Sisters and: friend Alas I 'for the morale of. our beautiful fan Alas for poor fallen humanity. When a w man* or girl falls from the paths p( vir . even in the least degree, Veer soon :eV ry, other woman wilt draw her garments of's IL' righteousness (thinly around her ante pa'ss y upon the'other side, but no matter how low a man has 'fallen 1,o will always find men and Women, (vir)uousseemingly), whowill net only countenance him bat in- some wises lionize hitn,, while the poor Victim of his licentious passions is hunted down and driven from post to pillar, till very often, in the ex- tremity of despair, she hurl; herself into •the great etainity. Shame .npon os 'women that such ,is the ease! Shame upon dear -old Huron if all her daughters do net band together and petition the presiding ledge of the assizes to give the accessories the • same • punishment meted out to Hunter. I.Tp then women of. Huron, and you fathers and mothere, and nec that justice is done,' : . , • , . Winnipeg Snn:=The rainoe the.past week has. done a world of good .to the wheat crop throughout the Northwest. The Stine rains, as they are called, have fallen:in doe season'and if the September frost i will keen, off,.there will be mar- vellous yield. Returns to the Department of Agried- him show the general average condition of cotton is 87. against 86 in June last year. There is an increase of 4 percent:. in the area planted. :The .decrease in the, area of spitingwheat appears to be nearly 900,000 acres; or 9 'per 'cent. The condi- tion of spring when average 101 per.cent., being up to the standard. In nearly every. district the condition of Winter • wheat continues high. The average- is 93, against 94 a; Menai ago. The ittetease:in the area of oats is 4 per cent.; average condition 98. The general of rye is 97. tarityl tlic:average has fallen to 98.. States, Tice promise Of looking after...the interests of workmen can scarcely deceive any -owe, for laboiers hre begin to see that. they must meet eompetitiou fron. everyquarter, and that only bY skill can they successfully overcome it: The Democrats haVe now an opportnni- ty never before offered them, and if they have the wisdom and discretion to formu- late a platform based Upon principle -and, the general good of the. people, without sectional and party preferences, and:chose a candidate with au honest record, they. can win the day. Already some or the mist respectable hi the Republican party, such as the New York Times, Harper's Weekly, The Independent, etc., have sig- nified their determination't� refuse slip - port to the nominee and platform, and there will, no doubt, be many others that will follOw their lead. • ...,••••••••••••••-•••••.• LICENIEMD ..TCYrttATITJERS AssoCiArioN. —A Meeting of the above-named associa- tion was held here, in the town hall, yes' terday afternoon, when nearireverylmtel keeper And liquor- dealer in:the, county answered to their names. Tho object of the meeting was for the purpose of dis- cussing what measures, if , any, should be takin with respect to aPPosm 4)ass- sage of the Scott Act. Up to the hour of mir going to press no decision had been arrived at, but the probabilities are that the submission of' the Act will be opposed by them, 0' letirtOtt 310 e „ The Naw Sea elope net atild Itself responsible for ideas expressed under tkle heeding., rail -44'4W of the Clinton Xoto Wyo, DEAR, Stn, --We are called a law abid- ing people in this part of the world, and verily we are either that, or we ' have no trace of manhood left in us. Let us hope it is the former. But it would put to a severe test the law abiding principles of any man or woman in the connty of EN- ron, were they to visit the pounty jail at this time. ThereAs the perpetrator of one of the meat hellish deeds .ever perpe• trated, in one cell, and in another, bound in a straight jacket, constantly raving, a sight to make anyman's blood boil, is the victim of the outrage. Outside, restored to socidy, fondled, petted and pitied, are poor Herbert and Smiles, the supposed eiders and abettors in this case, placed where they are partly through the aid .of men who should blush for ehame at their actions. IWant to ask what justice, what fairness is there in the perpetrators being restored to society, 'home and freedom, while their poor victim lives a living death, aye, worse than ,dead. Let theae men who helped bail out these ruffians, these devils in human forrn, go and see the sight I have this'clay beheld, in the person of poor Becky Bates, and if they don't loathe theniaelves forthe part they have Played, it is beeanite hen no • vestige of manhood. Some say, forsooth, it was merey,oti.their part to try and re- store the fallen to the right path. It makes me' sick to hear such rot spoken. Pityl what pity has been extended to the, • girl? Have these same angels of mercy(?) these bondsmen, lifted their finger to help her. Have they even made an 'enquiry about her ? •Have the relations of. these brutes, or have the repentant young men (so called) done one.anigleihing_tow providing for the girl's comfort? When she is provided for, when she is cared for, clothed, housed, and medical attendance furnished, and all that can be done for her has been done, then, 'and not till then, let those interested turn their attentions to the fiends who placed her where she is. As Virgihius of old raised the riot against the tyrant Appius, by showing the .blade. reeking with+ his daughter's 'blood to the people, so could a crowd be raised to mete out fitting punishment to all concerned, ,by a sight of the poor Wretched victim, as she now lays in _ Goderich. jail. I cry. shame on those who, by their action, en- courage such crimes. The time may, come wh'en their own wife or 'their own slaughter Might meet ,with alike fate, and then they will yiew the crime in its real • light.' Yours trulY, ' JtysTIC. Clinton, June 11, 1884: . To the :Editor of the Clinton .1)Tozo SIR, -The other evening my eye fell on 'a communication in. your local cotem., signed, by a member of the Good Templars Lodge of this town. Being a. ,member of that order myself, I suppose I nuty.MY a few words On the subject I didnot believe tiptil now that there was 'one member •In' the Clinton Lodge mean enough to put up such u paragrabh • against any political party, or any newii 'paper, over so trifling an affair as this. Certainly it shows his' LA of comMon serf* in' a very plain manner. Evory one, ivith any self-respect Or respect for the feelings of others, must admit that the sabject. fur debate was note fit one to de-. bate in public, .and nine out of every ten of the sensible members will -bear me out in this. He further charges " The whole Grit, platform, from, the Globe and Blake down to the resser ligbts,eith being pit- ted against secret societies.!' In reply to this hnve'enly to say that if Mr. B ake's "experience has „been the same with: mem- bers of secret Societies, as my own with certain members of our lodge hire, Denti- n:A blame 'hm for taking this step. Not wishing to trespass Upon your space with more defence at present," I -a , • AO -ruin MEI= Clinron,..Tune 11, 1884. • -*wk. ...•-AROWID. 'THE •COlilitY, .. • ,. „ Ltlea*week:ivbroWn beaFs'eub,!was killed in .a swatup'on the farm 0 f.las,, jolingten,'•oit ,the lFtli con: .pf Monts. , • AA1cLaiJ,4tai con.'1\ortin, iicb Witha serious • ac`:dident y: la.horses rut ng. A. broken collar -bone- and rib and a generally bruised.bbdy waS the result, . ..1.4ast Sunday evening Erie, .sen f Theina's INIPLaughliu, storekeeper in 'Clerrie, had: the• Misfortune, to fall front a doorstep 'At 'Rom., IN...lontgoinery's and fraottire.his:leg.' Mr. Samuel 1\ f. Scott, 'of ,'West WitWannsh; has leased the estate t:d titerlate ,Tolin Diamond being lot 11, „concession 1.37 Clio farm tiontains .150 LICVE`Ai Ite,rents it for three yoars, Poking 304 a year. • , "Mark 011trk, of Exeter;•who,soie time ago, had the misfortune'to fall from a wagon heavy lo ened wit1i. manure, atol which pased over his le :is now lying in a. datikerObs .position, It t fought he will lose his leg, if not his life, ' the wounded limb is decaying rapidly.• . • We regret to announce ill; death of akfr.Wtn. Elliott, of the .1.1abylouStanley. Mr. was a quiet, ineffensiVi.lium,.and Much:: respected by all who'll:la:W:1nm. 11,e hail been ' a sufferer for Some yearafront 5 caueer on the right teinple, which bitfiledthe skill of the floc-' The death of kr, Jes.WilsonLi former mor chant of Varna, is announced, Be was a young man very•much respected and was posSeatied of much mental ability. He lately kept store at St. Paul's near Stratford, but finding his health failing he went' to Colorado where he,Apent the. winter. .He was brought home • to Stratford, Where he died: • • . From the 'card of Mrs. Seisms, in another column it will he.seen that the Confederation Life Asiociation(of which IL Manning, of tater, is agent,) is exceedingly prompt in the, payment of 'claims'. • Mrauroras died of typhoid Mier seercely three menthe after iu outing hislife, se thriller the small outlay of. about $5 his family tum boon paid $1,000.--,; Exeter Reflector. . , Wide Awake Dreier/nits, Mesetra Watts & are always alive to their buinesse- and stare no pains to stout° the best of evory'artiole in theie line. They have secured the, agency for the celebrated Dr. King's Now Discovery for Clitinialpt,i0n. The only pertain cure known for Consump- tion, Coughs, Hoarseeess,, Asthma, Hay Veva, tronchtto, or any affection of the Throat and Longa. saw on a positive guarantee, Trial Bottles free. Regnlaretze $L The Bishop of Linooln, England, rid- den ITte for bad harvestthere by saying that they have been bent as punishments bo - cause people have been trying to .legalise marriage with a deedalied wife's:deter,' • As bad harvests have' been known. to ozenr- only ton fro() uen tly 00111410a W hero such Marriages are legal, it would neem that the reasoning pourers ef the :Mellen aro a trifle ton heterogeneous. er 0110.4.11DY VIUSLINS, WHITE PEE; FANCY PRINTS, FANCY gATEENS 10 Blue and, White Cheeks, Pink and White Checks, Black and White Cheeks, and Black Spots. Sco•rog GINGHAM.% new designs, LADIES ,PARASOLS; plain and fancy. New LACE TIES and COLLARS; new LINEN COLLAR,S. • NUN'S VEILING, for dresses, all colors. CASHMERES for dresses, all shades and colors. • 0.11010TON'8 CORA.LINE CORSETS. CnniurruN's 0 IC COItSETS. • 13.0a1i's Binu,Sruirm CORSETS. Madam Dufral's CORDED BAND CORSETS: ' Both the Millinery and Mantle Departments In full swing. CARPETS—the finest selection west of Toronto, in All -wool, Union, Hemp, Tapestry and Brussels. (4•L0rirEs. & Hosmix—two cases just in, the greatest bargains in the trade. LADIES BLACK HOSE) CitILDREWS.B1,40X 1.44.1 -)IES and .01/ILDUN'S HOSE all. colors.. 1V,Igu's STRAW BT'S STRAW HATS, Mures- FELT HATS,. Boles FELT HATS. GENT'S TIES, WitiTn TIES, "Warn: -SHIRTS, COLIAA.RS, CUFFS, titc. we. 3 Cases of TWEEDS just in. lrBales of COTTONS, just in. le Bales of WHITINGS, DUCKS, and DENIMS, pat arrived, Moricesis Right. Terms Itiglit. oods bought for Net Chu -4h and marked nit price* which defy competition. WE SELL FOR CASH. WE SELL FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. WE SELL ON CREDIT TO GOOD WEN, ,WE GIVE FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 41. • State of late John Hodgens, 32Zityi Coeds Palace of Clinton end Huron County. .• • 1.1 e r • • Coes Rolling A 031 •at • . , COUNTY ARE HELPING •IT ALONG• irs, • ' ' . . . The.woncieiful attraction. Make your ipurchases, without delay, or you will find yourself, behind in the rush for the finest range of Dry. Goods ever of- tered, and all AT FIRST COST. Stock is still well assorted. • 4.. For Cash, for. Butter. for Eggs„ • . . ;•.301N"-:-;;-.04A_IB,,..diiINTON•• • • _ .Ttio-Gre.at Drsi06048.. Mane • - • 4 0.* . •