The New Era, 1884-06-06, Page 1„,119311I,14
1r.jspoiAtstii# givcrelitER,
enstheeleatt, rereleei Mee, an
3 S011ial Dolt, 8th 1104 at 3 and 7 p.m,
Conte. WI Oeat fer. yourself—
A, - TM R*74°IrilirliS are 91. . rottoolosak ang otistr earmo • ' er Amill"1”
D; ti;„ r"41:8.:16% tAND:'
e ge . t loan
furien, savaa PL , , n Ont.
.01. sums= ou good n3ortgage. securitt, moderate
ate of intereilL IL 11 a Clinton.
Gide° and Tellidell00
aegt HabotVe Bank 7,128r t
.Lion Ontario streeti,Clinten,opposite the langltah
OhUPah- Entr4tP90 by aido gate.
Maker, Rooms CatGaz Passuits BLotig, up
stairs, Rattenbury Street,„ Clinton,
•HUniteraltiiPhYalsiani fig:aeons 860-4reeideilee at
Zr.atusing's, three doors east of the Temperance
l'all,Londeibore, Ont. • •
au* University, Philadelphia, Ifeniber oi College of
Physicians mid Singeons, sOntario. Office at George
•Gratiards, three doors north of the PQA. Office,
'• Mas. MORLEY, Proprietor, Large and wiry, cen-
trally situated, .elegantly famished, heated vith het
air, large and lighted sample rooms. Good sta-
bling. -$1 per day. 9
• •
Ale proviacial and Dominion Land Surveyor,
Architect and Draughtsman, PEER= BLoolc,
-11-rater the Countyof Huron, Sales attended
preanptly, Charges moderate. Residence
Albert Gt. Clinton.
Mafrity Block, .two doors emit of, liodgens' en-
trance. Residenee, opPosite the Temperance Hall,
Huron 'Street, Clinton. Mee hours, 8 a.m. to 0 p.m.
• attended at their own residenoe,ifneceSsary. Re-
Ielin Robertson's Ruron Street, Clinton.
" • Moots crew' method taught if desired.
-X-rdar.. Department of 'Victoria tiniTersity, Torouto,f or
• merry of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York
Coronercor the County of Huron,Bayfield, Ont. •
Top W. WILLIAMS, 11. L, 11.11., GRADUATE 'OE
.1.11,4Tororitothriversity; member of the Collegeigny
sloians and Surgeons, Ont. thrion & Itzsinimen the
house fornierlyocoupted by Dr. Reeve, Albert street
Aeconeheur,Lioentiateof the CollegeotPhysician-
and Surgeons of Tg/Wer Canadat,and Provincia 1Licen,
tiato and Corotiorf or theCountyollluroa, Oaleeand
residenee,-The building formerly ocoupied by •Me
Thwaite, Huron street. ' •
Clinton, .7am..10, 1871.
TATAvERLY Boum, oidbirow;
TV Hotel is new and has all the requirements
of a first-class house. Largo and any roomli,
elegant parlor, nested with hot air, and in the
immediate Vicinity, of the G. T. 4.,depot. The
ear js well stocked with the chilicest brands of,
liginirs and cigars. The travelling public may
rest a'sgured of being well bared for at this lieuse
SAMUEL PIKE, proprititOr. A •••• •
D. S.
will vritt
the'Grand Unionhotel ,eiery second Friday in the
. month; where he will bo. prepared to attend :patients
professionally,. The administration,of ,Nitrous Oxide
Gas; or Vitallied Atir,:eifett to Pailentli.W!lp re41141yed
for the painless extraction pc Aeeth. •
. Hold the exclusive...right for the county for the Hurd
process of administering theinically pure Nitrogen
Monoxideovlitch is theSafest and beat System yet dis-
cdVered for the painless extraetiOn of teeth. Charges
Moderate, satisfaction .guaranteed. 011E10E, BEAVER
BLOCK, over Thompson & Switzer's GrocoryStore,
Albert Street, Clinton:
R. H.,
&c., s,c.;
In Blyth every Thursday. Collections • and
claims promptly and' reliably attended to.-
PRIVATE PUNDS to lend at iriwest rate of•
• hiterest. •
Thompon's Tiokot ,116111
elay'Doitiortosi LixEo STRAMERS"tn
Liverpool, and all points east -low rates.
to Manitoba an points west.: ,
inar-TICKETS TO ALL romus WEs1',: at
lowest rates. •
Stay' CALL before making arrangements
to any of these VOints. •
Town Agent G.T.R.
Cheap Excursion tickets
• .to the.
I ani now selling goldits from NEW
and return fcir $60; 2nd Cable Aecoin-
medittion. :. •
Steerage Hates, Clinton to Liverpool;
via White Star Line, $25.15 •
Th is s the Cheapest route titer offered for pas-
sengers to the owe COUNTRY, afid intending
passengers should apply id 0000 for full par-
ticulars. •
• W. JACICSPN, Tieket Agent:
The Athol Line is taking Steerage passengers
from Clinton to Liverpool, Derty
and Glasgow, for $25.15.
Excursion Tickets.' good for Sig MORN%
at Jew rates. Intermediate rates Wee
reduced. Aceominedation geed.
Sailings every Saturday
front Quebee.
Pasaengers realiire to loate Clinton at 4 p.
m., 011 Thursdays, Milking salrect teltheetion
with stoanters at Quebed. •
Pull particulars and all information en appli-
cation to .
(4, T. R. Agent, Clinton.
Nov akevtritsetwento.
T OST -.4t SMALL SUM OP MONEY in bills,
,8-.1 The Ender will be suitably rewarded on re,
turningit to the NEW Etta. office.. •
clitAWL and wadi
on Wednesday, Dark and. light brown. --
Finder will be rewarded on returning it to MRS
T. REDMOND, Duren Street. Clinton.
Dv 1/1121414 --Thoroughbred Durham
Bull for aerviee. /ait 48, Bayiteld comes-
Goderleh Township. Terms, 4I per coW
for the ,seasen.,
nA171110N-Woxning ie hereby ;Gym against
trespasserSoPon the Piehlo homestead, as
lime guns are placed eo that 110 0110 trespaasing
will escape detection and prosecutiou. JOS.
ALLANSON, Clinton. "
.1laubseriber keeps for service at hie premises
Lot 36, Maitland concession Goderich township,
(at Rolinesville) a good Thoroughbred Durham
Bull: Terms, Sam, with privilege of returning
if neoossary. CHAS. J. DISNEY,
Iiiiportant Judicial Sale !
11:111AGE. LADS
Li High court of Justice, Chancery Division,
made in the above action, dated the 20th No-
vember, 1882, and the Sad November, Buz there
'will be sold by PUBLIC Auvriorr, the follow-
ing valuable- properties, at the several times.
and places hereinater mentioned. by and 'with
the approbation'of Sortinntaima4 arconson;
Esciums, one ot the Masters at Goderich of the
Supreme Court of Judicantre for Ontario,
isr. At She Grand 1Tnion Hotel, in the
Town of Clintonion Tuesday. the 24th
day of June. *SSA, at Two o'clock _p.
Lots numbers 41 and ss, in the Maitland Con-
cession of the Township of Goderich, contain-.
ing MO acres of land, more or less, in one. lot.
210o. At the satue.linae and,phtee,.Lot
:aaussui%ber-25,.i.n 7•3 I.4th concession of said town-
ship of coderieh„ gontainiog so acres, more or..
ORD. At the sante. ante 'and place,
lege Lots nuniners 144rind 172, on the south aide
of the River Teeswater, and fronting on Clarin-
da Street, in, the Village .of Teeswater, in, the.
County or -Bruce. •
. •
4111. At tfartItes-lifotel, .in the Village.
of Dungannon. on Weduesday..25th
day. of Jnne,•1884. at Two o'clock p.m., the
West -halter -Lot number Ssven, i0 the •sth CO11-
cession-eastern divialon, of the Township of
Aslineld;eontaining 106 acres, more "QC JCRS.. •
Grit. At scandrett4s Tin the Vil:
• .
lageofllelgrave. on Thursday. the 2611t
day -of June. 1884. at One o'clock P.M.,. the
p:operty in the said village,. occupied by Mr..
hi andrett as a hottil; eomprising Let
number, Lon the Iderris aide; in the.said village,
and the -land occupied by the stables oPposite,.
forming part of Lot 42, in the•8th eoncession of
the ton naltiP. Wawanosh, and which may be
described as follows: Commencing at a point
on thenortherly Malt of the Gravid Road, be-
tween Blyth and Wingliam, distanttenrods,
southerly dinictioti from the northeast corner
of said tot, thence .westerly parallel with the
conceasion road 8 rods, the,nce eoutherIy
Id with. the said. gravel road 02 feet‘ thence
easterly parallel with- theisaid coneession road,
to the.said gravel read; 8 rods, thence northerly
; along said gravel road 02 feet, to the place of
beginning. • .
ONT.,. JUNE' 1.884.
• Ligitamerr.
Bitim.-Last Friday, the 30th of May-,
about seventy.five Of the neighbors assem-
bled at the residence of Mr. Ify, Kelly,.
131.h con., to raise ft barn, which was well
framed by W. Riley. Messrs, IlazIewood,
and Lyon were chosen as eaptainsi the ate , by a largo number ot•
farmer choaing about 30 and the atter voices teem auto/4 which will no doubt her adepted father, and on. way the
45 otthe hands; the result Wall a Victory be a musical treat for the People in Otis story had been exaggerated t° the eXteat
for the latter of about five minates; while alcinity. We heel -ink for Mr. Jackson t that she bad died through the injuries re'
all this business was going on outside, hearty welcome. , ceived. In order to find out what eruth
there was a quilting bee inside; after ,a1( Bitiors,-The tanners are joyous iu an. there wag lril, the report a NEW Erti., re-
work was done, the young folks enjoyed ticipation of a bountiful harvest-exeert porter wank td 'auburn to make investi-
themselves until a late hour by "tripping. for fall wheat, Again the. evening sal- gatione, and found that there Was no truth
building Mr. Kelly has put up within the
the light "-fantastic ;" this is the second ness is broken by the sound of the clrturei in.tho reports of her.death that had gone
of the Orangeenene. in the walk the musk abroad. About three years ago Mr. As.
short ,space of two years, one being a beau- thereof may be nielodious to certain minds, Snell took a small girl from the Middle -
Wirt brick residence, which is a credit to but, alas, for those who are compelled to •more Rothe, London, and adapted her,
thejneighborhood. Mi. John Tamblynt hearken to the irregular thumps of the Sometime during the epring,e. couple of
of the oth con., has greatly improved inexperienced drummer. We believe the 'letters were received at that institutien
the appearance oi his farm, bay planting Foresters are to-liave- it pienie at Man- from arties in Kinburn stating
EtereneerEn SON
COOVERT.,.--10. T. hckson jr., of Clin-
OP, Was in the village onMonday evening,
meking errangemeets to give a grand en-
tertainment on the evening of Friday the
20th. He proposes giving the cantata
Alkyd limb, Troofinent of
aOtrI at Milburn.
On Monday night a report reached
$:11inten that a girl residing with a party
at ginbarn had been brutally beaten b
severe shade tre s and la
p ,. that Un-
g , A U 13$ a tore eheeter to.oay (Friday); it is to be hoped less the girl was taken awaY she would
enee along the Concession ; may the that the prospetuus Court Of this place o?In die, as she was being half-starved
eighbors follow his example, 'Mrs Tam- may he 'well represented. , , and brute* treated. Acting on. the in--
orth west last week, Mr. J. Govier dis-
lyn and Mrs. Rich. Jacksort left for the 0111401i MBETINO.-There was allied.: formatiopethus receiefed Mrs. Gibbons,
lug of the united trust boards ofthe CI,M.
osed of three head of cattle to a °Buten find B.C. Chtuches, for the first timer in matron of the Mem, came up to Clinton
and drove over to Kinburn a few days'
utcher this week; Mr. Govier usually their official capacity, last Monday night; ago, to see itthe statements in the letters
eeps a few head on hand, so that he is It was decided to mot a gallery in the were true She made known her business
)le to supply an emergency at any time. Methodist church, in order to provide suf. to Mr* and Mr°. Sneill and, aeeerding to
r. 1, .1, Sprung celebrated the natal daK ficierkt seating accommodation for the their statement to our reporter, was per -
her naajesty in rejoicing over the birt . *united congregations. kwas likewise re- 'fectly satisfied that the girl had not been
a son. Mr. A. Roberton had his ankle solved to erect another driving shed, and abused; she examined her persdn, but
slocated ibis week. Mr. Je Clarkel4th committees. were appointed: to caery Out found no marks of violence, and failed to
n., received news that his brother died Plans -ag.reed neon. A good, kind and discover any reason for complaint ori the,
.Manitoba last week: be had only been brotherlY feelingprevailed throughout the Part 4r4. the girl( w -b° °named t° be-satio'
• on
ern. At the_ saline time and place, the
property adjoining to' the southerly upon the
said stables, known formerly as.the MeCartner
, Hotel, and described ns a part of the said farin
Lot number 42.1n the fith congession sof the Bahl
Township Of Wawanosh, .0011311100C111,1* on the
northerly. liniit of the said gravel road," the
south-easterly. comer of the parcel lastly above
dean ibed, thence southerlY along the said gra-
vel Mad 113feet, more or lose, to the parcel con
tatting 20 rods, Owned by •on William. Thomp-
son, thence westerly parallel with the said con-
cession road eigbtrods,thence northerly63 feet
more or less, to* the southwest corner. of OW
said pareel hotly aboVe described; theace cast-
•erly parallel to the eel(' concession road eight
rods, tone said gravel taad end plat,e of be-,
.3PA.EiCIDE. '1; •
Thleprcfporty -is 134 Miles ' front Ifol itiesvi I It;
'and about' milea from Clintelf.-A-b-out po acres
are efiared and almost free from stumps, and
the balance is fairly thnbered with 'hardweed
timber, .The buildings thereon 'consist of a
story stone dwelling house, 28x 81; aliaMe Wien'
80x70, and. a Stable' lope. Soil part clay. and
part inind'yloain. 'Several never -fading springs
Row through the promisee, and a good well ad -
loins the house. There is also a good bearing
orchard, conaisting of about 150 fruit trees.
• •
re. •
.. This prOperty IR about Miles tenni rfalleee-
vIlle, and 3 miles from Clinton. About.130 aerea
are cleared, and about' 20 acres in hush. Soil
part Oar and part sandy loam. Thu buildings
thereon consist of a frame dwelling house 20x28,
with a, 'small kitchen attached, a frame barn.
50x 30, with a part stonefountianon and a lean ,
to 12 x 00, all in fair repair. A never -failing.
spring stream:Cows through: the land, and there
is also a good well close to the house, and it
sniall °milord of about 30 fruit ti -es, in good.,
bearing. The fene,es on the lands are in fair
• repair.. , • • • •
• . 3PA.ncatT • 3.. . •
• These 'riots are vacant, but are"eligible for
either garden or private reahlenee.purposea;
•the thriyingvillage .of TeeaWater. . , • . •
1.4%..4.11CIEL. 4. . •
This ' property DI intuate abotit 14 nines front'
the Town of Goderich, and about 2 miles troni
1110 Village of Dungannon. -About (10 acres are
gloated, as acres timbered, chiefly witlz•hemiock
maple and beech, and'abbut .5 aerosol slash,
most part a sandy loam. -
'There ia a 114 atory frame dwelling hOuse.ln
fair repair, and a fraine barn Om nearly new
and gooa repair On the premises. A small
creek flows through the land; and.there is alae
O good Well 011 the promisea,..
• re.A.' eacte et.
tete elainerfsee. a. valuable Country Hotel pre-
lees, In the enjoyment of 11 good business,
being •the only licensed Hotel in the village, -
The Hotel building is of brick, two stories Mg!),
Weltiluished, nearly now, ambit gocicl repair,
The aceommodation, both tlic note] Mill the
4000mPanYing Stables, is ample for the trans.
:tenon of a good basiness.
• .P.A.1-i,c inx.. es.
This prdperty is upon' the mani.street in the
village was fermcrly used as a hotel and could
a mace evadable for any ordinary husinegs
purpose, or odeupled as a residence,. by the ex-
petaliture of A4snuin elm in, repairs.
The title to all the mireels is peltt. They
are at present under lease, but eine, es expire
in the present year, and the particulars of each
lease bo fully stated, at the sale,
There will be a rosorVed bid or upset price
upon each parcel, The purchaser will .bo re-
quired to pay toti per cent of his purelfase ino-
ney to the Vendor's Solicitors on the day of sale,
and the balance into Court within one month
thereafter. Withotit interest, whOnthe purchas-
er shall be entitled to a etniveytinec free ft otti
all ineumbrances, °mot the Bald 100$07,
In pther respects the conditions .of salo Abell
he, the standing conditions of the Chaneery Di-
vision of tho 4igh Court of
For tardier particUlars. apply to ldtSBAS.
connote, HOLT Sci CAMERON, Gode-
efieisuseneneni ICLTEION; &inciters, Ha-
milton, and to the Vendor'sSoliditore, GOderleh,
Dated at GOderich the -20,0 day of111aV, 1884.
Master at Goderieb.
Vendor's Solicitors,
ere about three weeks; 'rheumatic fever meeting. ' So dlaY it be to the ,end of the fied to remain with Mr. Snell; she return-
s the cause of his death, brought 011 by chapter. • • .
posure on the journey, • ' . ' THE frOLMESVILLE BetereeEe-sWe un- theircare,ctl3e,dseon tebeetYieidaledd
•.to leave the girl in-
Comte or REVISION AND Couxemt--The' derstand that no work whatever.has been When_our_reporter-called on Mr. -Snell'
urt of Revision for the -Townellitresef bine on- Hohneiville bridge this season, the girl, about 12 years of age, was pre-
ullett, for 1883, was held atlemiderboro, and there is yet about fifty pieces of timber sent, and heard the ,questiopeSetsked, so
the 20 of May, •Pursuant to adjeuniS to be got out for it. • Mr. Harbottle, the that had the replies been centitary to the
nt ; all the members present and sweetie contractor, . said some time ago, that he facts she could have so intimated, but did
drew J. Macdonald was appointed chair- had a barn to build and his seeding to not take exception to any statement made'
ne The clerk reported that he had re, do before he would proceed with the by Mr. or illra. Snell, who stated that the
ved no appeale. The assessment toll, bridge, bgt fears are expressed by some girt had no reason Whatever , for being
er being duly examined, was passed, that he does not intend to go on with the dissatisfied,. and was not, as they are her
d court finally closed. A council meet. work. We hope they are groundless fears, the choice o otiig back to the owe,: if
was held at the close of the court; The Matter will come up at the present • content to remain, and as she
Dates of previous meeting read ,ancl meeting ofethe County -council, and h is but just to 09811010 that her
sod. Solomon lingerriOnnot 0, con. welt prOleably be communicated with at
and ,Eneas Elkin, base line, cope 3.4, 6O0o. , : :LI . ' '
each granted dbonus Of 20 cents , per PniteolvAi..Mr.MarkRumball preach.:
, for, building' wire fence. .. Council ed an appropriate and Acceptable. sermon
n resolved that no more applications in the • U.M. church, last Sunday., Mrs.
bonuses for building wire fence be en- Wm. Stanky left here lastMonday Mini-
aine3, and that mine begranted melees ing to pay a yisit to her sister, Mrs...ttlex6
ered by this Tomei], •after this date. ander, of Highlend Creek, below Toronto;
t the tenure's bond, as hew examin- we,trust ahe may return tench . strength -
by the council, be acoepted. That tlie ened and refteehed' by her holiday trip:
ve,,cierk, Geo. Watt, Thomas Carbett, Mrs. Walker, of Lueknow, is visiting her
John Sprang he a.ppointed a board of brother, Mr. Robt, Taylor, OP the Huron'
lth for .this municipality, .puiemapt tee road, who was recentleehere but is slowly
Aot *impeding public health,,end that recovering: Reee.W. Birks took the noon '
0; Yoting,, of Londisboro; be health arab) on Tuesday, for Guelph, to. attend
ere Benjamin Hunter was eippeintee the lase London, Conference of the late
master, in peace of, William • Ste- Methodist. eliukelt Of.Canacla: ; Mi. Pierce
, who had neglected to qualify. That and wifee or .Tormitiiii- are eisiting at
Y cerds of . gretel be pup 'oil gide Messrs.:41m andlAtedeeeegetereicts% bro
25 267,4t,tiryru* pointe, Under the thers'bf. Mes:;Fiereeee Blessree MeCono-
°lion of-: the seined °muddlers e ee. chie and Cowan, of Pickering' accempany
robin tieeiamine. and replir mid on theme: • • • • • •
he was no
mains i
reat n has been nothing like what was
reported. • Mrs. Snell said they had resid-
ed in Kinburn for 34 years,. the girt had
been with them for three years, and the
only trouble they had is what has arisen
this year about the girl. How •the story
driginate4 they do not know, bet attri
*bate it to the malice of neighbors.
Constable Davis of Blyth hearing the
rePert, went to"Kinburn to "work up tile
ease," but found none .to Work up, and
gave his verbal testimony that the treat.:
merit of the.girl, froth' appearances; Was
all, that she could expect or- deeire.
. Inquiring in the villageof SOMO parties
as to the girl's treatment generally, tlie
remark was Made " Guess she. does not
have any too pleasant a time be it, any-
how," and the efgeifielint sbake'of the
bead,-Witit the remark that"Itedal not do
to tell all one knew," would *convey the
-impreseion that the .girl had -not 'always
been :•tleate4 as well as her adopted pa-
rents made out, but whether these expres-
'goes were ehe result or:tbeir observations
or the outConie of malice and we
cannot say.: At any rate Mr. and Mrs,
•Siiell emphatically deny their correctness;
land, under the eireninstances, elicit denial
'should be accepted, unless the Accusers earl
substantiate their Insinuations by proof,
hill at side road 20-21, con. 3, and give
eider on treasurer for ;payment thereof,
when wOrk lir done... Thet James ',Iltaith-
waite,.'.township clerk,' be allowed' one
mOnth's vacation, for a trip teeKentuoky,
and that James Campbell be appointed to
Perform his duties as 'clerk; during his ab -
pence. Council then adjourned 'to' meet
again when called by the reeve,
• * .• SaihtiiS B1L'AITHWAITE,.
esitmeeneee. •
Welerowe, of 2torri8,.is
budding' a Very liege and eomniodioui
brick residence, ' on ' the moat improved
plans. Mr. le. .McArthur, of the same
line, is also building a hendsome and sub-
stands:id brick ;twee. • Sheep shearing has
commenced. The Om try looks beautiful
in its new green coat. The spring 'Mops
•are doing well in some places; the:fall
'wheat 18 rather Blithe There are a great
manes blossoras trees; we will call again
and see if there is aoy.. fruit, The farm-
ers will be doing their Statute' labor next
week. -We are getting quite a dry eimee it
has not rained for two or three. days.
There are eight newstoresin couree of Bettasels. Elis -Fry, a lit-
tle -son of Ilfr.Fry, ofthe Tecumseh Meese,
Brume's; hadTio fingers cut off, by a, cir-
cular saw, on Tuesday last; be Went into
the sash and door :factory of Mr. Beenett,
and wanted to see if the saw 'wee running
And, touched it, With the above result ;„
tthe doctor dressed the two and found Ine
third one wtte nearly off. • There are
fout bleyeles in tuio village, , The concert
at the 0, Me Church was well .attended
last:Monday evening!' in usie, recitations
and readings were 111 onion- Re*. Mr;
Reefer, of Hamilton, is visiting in the
village. .
tt •
Ilateeee-ele, C. Walters is preparing
to erect a house, which will add greatly to
theeppewrance Of . the place: Rev. Thos.
Sanderson intends preaching 011 temper-
ance, on ,Sunday evening, theleith lust;
Mr. Connols has perehased the louse and
lot new oecupied by Me. W:•eloore. The
ofh br 1(1110 ore'exhibition le Clinton
was made hi% iessrs. niu]B, Baer,of I , "Huran ScottACt ASSOCiati011,
Watorlob, W.40 are bridgh 'hontractors,•and I • ' . . • • ,
this one is propesed to teke the piece. of t'meet i ug:of the executive•ofileele and
thii•Efolineeville bridge;,,. ir.aceeptable tO man vice:presidents of • 'the Huron
the council. Itritti. Stewart has been Seott Act: ..‘issociation, • waS, held in the
'nuking an addition to his hedge. Miele, temperance hall, here, On Wednesday:0e*
Brown has Moved his barn flearer to bie ternoon. Arrangements were: Made fbr
house, and put e stone foundation neer it, Can teasing the various n lOr •
• .`"7-44"--- ' signatures to the petition for the
. : • GLIM'''.
, Sion or the act to the electors:, and for .the
Iseiremnis.-eAt eelee an- purpose..ef raising the funds neCessaryfor
iatial meeting' of the•Blyth prosecuting the caMpeign.. An assessment
stitate, the followIng"offieeie and directors was: madeetipon._the•terimerafiee people of
Were elected for the year --Pres. %soh mUniciPtility for.the following sums':
Mr. 11. MeQuarrie; -VieeePres. Rev. A. •Ashfield $99, W.Wawanosh $94;E:Whemee
MeLean ; Sec. Mr. R. 'TtendersOn; Treas. nosh '$90, ilOrria SOO; :Grey $125, Turn
Mr. D. B. McKinnon: DiteetpiS, Messrs. berry $106; HoWiek $150ellIcKillop $150,
F. N. Ir. Young, Chas. Mamils
Mullett $125, Colborne $100, Godench
ton, Alex. Murdock and W. Le Oubliette, -010, Steil* $100, Hay $80, Stephen $80,
Leedesbero: It is to be regretted that u•oborOe $100, Tuckersmith $100; Gode-
lhospublic de not take a livelier.: interest rich town $125; Clinton $150; Seaforth
in ehe prosperity of the Institute as the esese, Winglitme $100, Mussels 50,.Blyth
benefits•to be derived and the advantages e50, Weoxetet $5e,,,Exeter $100, Beytiplci-
:thus secured kens undoubted its, they are sea: An. executive. committee • was ep.
wide spread .arici enduring. * pointed; consisting of the President, See-
* e Basenre.--erridaynftertioon?Mtpollock, retary, Treasurer, Dr. Virillictins; lames
•of Victoria liefeleind Jae. Ferguson went Scott,. E. Corbett and De Tiplady. This
out to atereek in Wavvenosh and.caught comnimetee has been instructed to• secere
'42'fisif, one trout weighing alb and•anoth- the Rend ees of •Iiieme.prominent.10eturcet,
er---1112. ' Miss Reid, ofClinton, wae Visit- to 'hold meetings through* the ceuntyeend
leg friends in Myth on Timidity. Mr: C. proetim a Urge supplysofetemporan011-
am. ton, hardware mere.hant, left;toiet tereture foe -distribution. • • e •
latt-Week for Algoma, , Mr. R. Todd., late ' •
of the staffof Whitel •3 Clinton
• mutecirt.esTeett. is employed in the Blyth Advocate office;
BRIEFS. -0.11 Sunday last as M T
McShannock was driving down the hill
froM church, a portion of the, harness:
gate way, and he was thrown out witli
considerable force; he was cnteind prcttv
badly bruised. Mr. .T.Parks, of Westfiel ,
lately refused $ffit for a grade cow, Mr.
J. P. Brown struck his knee with an ax
this week, and is not yet Able to work. ,
the paper will he out this week, for the
first time. Rev. .T. B.TayloriviIV'preabh
in the 0, M. church next Sunday evening,
The • inquest of . the body of . Wm. Mains
was concluded on Thursday tifternoon
the jury retired at 11178 O'Citlek, and. about
5.30 red] rti ed the fellewing yeedich--"Th at
e Wm. Maines came to his death friene thc
efreets of injuries tueeived in a fight with
' Henry Beamish, on Mendey,1[ay'25th,
and that Ilei1r7 Ileainish is guilty of
manSlatighter in the first degree. that jas.
BRIDPS.-111r. S. McBurney, of the 10t1
eon.'delivered a fine lot of fat . ce i
Wroitete,r on Monday last; Mr,MeBurne
n open on fall Wheat alone. for
his profits. in farming. While travelling
over the reads in this neighborhood, dur-
ing this particular season, a traveller
might have stumbled over a man lying on
Itis back od the side of the road smoking,
and if he listened Carefully he might hear
ft slight noise at long intervals caused by.
the throwing Of an occaiienal shovelful of
gravel into a waggon, around which is
grouped several mon; they are doing their
statute labor, and the man on the bank
is the pathmaster. Mr. S, Reid, 12 con„
lost a valuable cow recently &OM infiain-
matiOn. Inspector Malloch paid our
school a visit last Week.; usually the in.
epectOr's visit regarded evith a tacit feel'.
Leg of dread by the pupils; the kindle
manner of our new inspeetor snifeltlY dise
sipate&this feeling and lliS Vkit will
be eagerly rooked for,
Beatnish is guilty of 'manslaughter in the.
y second-degree; and Thos. M. Beamleh is.
guilty of manslaughter in the third de-
gree; Constable Davis took the prisoners
toeGeeterieli jail the same,' night [The
jury simply • exceeded their powers. and
showed it lack of knowledge in classifying
the degrees of meifeleughter. All they
Were required to do was to find• the Cal180
of death.). Weather het theremometer
away upen the . eighties; crops gnawing
Afiely, although Min is needed!: 1Ln. A.
McLean is la Toronto this week, attetne
ing the meeting of the General Assembly
Of the Presbyterian church in Canada,
The Court of Foresters is flourishing, the
membership is very geed, considering the
length of time thP court has beim organ-
ized ;unity and harmony prevail among
the menibers. Arr. It. Henderson, has,
been appointed delegate tO the meeting
teethe High Court, which commences its
88881e i
nts n Tr.)rOnto on ttlie loth
eneweititte• news, .
:Betiers.,-Mr. Archibald Mellougalli the
Manitoba missionary, islolding Praymineet-
ings every Wednesday eVeningi at Bethany,
whichare wall attended. Bethel's 'Voting
People's 'Mutual Improvement Society is to
hold a strawberry festival as Sochi as the ber-
ries,' are ripe. A horse of Ur, McDoit-
altis sliiiped into a well at his barn, and had
a narrow escape from being drowned, bat,
with the assistance pf about twenty of his
neighbors, bowas taken Out, after being in
the water over two hours, not much the worse
for his bath. Ames H. Elliott had a valu-
able 8 -Year old entire colt die iast week, from
an•over feed of chopped grain,: he was a line
anicnal,•and 19 the second loss MeeEllieteliase
had this sprite having lost a fine mare and
colt a short time ego. Lively times are ex-
pected on the disputed side line, Mr, Naftel
is putting a wire fence around his bush lot
on con. 3) on the supposed eriginil servey;
which leaves a'road about (light feet 'Wide be-
tween 2nd and IIrd eon. The council has let
a coetract to grade this read, and .been for-
bidden by Mittel, to trespase on his land, , or
stand the contequencee, George II. Cox re.
turned irOM Michigan last Saturday. John
Wobdti is able to he out again, after a :mete
illnesk Miss jaw McDonald, eve are happy
to say, is receveringe Mr. &lent Marshall
is suffering with lumbago of, tbe,back. Mrs.
It. Sterling returned from Dakota very
recovering. Mise Arable Newton is on the
sick list. Patlintasters are ordering people
out for :tvork tett :Nronday. Mr. Geo. Cox,
is going into strawberries ektoesively. Oar
Deptity.Reevo let a -nubile* of 060fratt4 last
.8aturday, at Darter's 11111, - •
.318TII 001 iriT 'UNION.. •
On Sunday morning last Mr.A.K.Birks
preached in Clinton Methodist church.
It being the day for the legal consume.
tion of the Union between the Methodist "'
and Bible Christian societies, a Union ser-
vice of the two dellOminationP ligaS held
in the evening, th.e church tieing well fil-
ed. Bev. W. Birks , conductedthe meet- .
in, and after the cinitomary services, a
.united fellowship meeting waslield, in
which 8, large number partleipatel, and a
very good feeling prevailed. It, union Ls
strength, and if devotion to princlples can
help to make strong, then the figure of
the Methodist Church °feline& is bright'
indeed. The Conference in which Cline
ton is situated will be known in Altura as
the Guelph Conference, The first meet-
ing will be held in the third week ofJune.
It is not yet a century since Mettiodism
was introduced in Canada. MialtiOnarlea
eatne frona the United States in 1792, and
preached with considerable streeessit
Brockville and neighborhood, arid from
that time onwarda the church grew AR
population multiplied; The first' Confer.
ence fever 'held in Canada essetribled in
1811, at Augusta,near 13rocky i I I e. Bishop
George•presided, and the 'lumber Of min-
isters present was over 00. Now the num.
ber of spiritual advisees is away Lipinthe
Methodist Union lees- eelebreted at '
Goderich on Sunday by joint meeting.
At 930 aan, a love feast was held it tbe
Victoria St, Methodist Episcopal Church,
which was largely attended. At 14 a. m.
O platform meeting tookplace in the same
church; on which occasion the following
lay members spoke: -,T, E. Detlor on the
•Origin of Methodism ; R. W. McKenzie
on the growth of Methodism ;. D. Fisher
on \the Characteristkes of early Methodist
Pteaching; Geo. Cox,, distinc:ive feature
of ltrethodiernt George Acheson, adapta-
bility ofillettiodism. In the afternoon the
Sunday Schools were joined together in
Nortle_St-ehurch, 'when addresses were
given by R. Parker on the importance of •
Sunday School work in Methodism, and
Wm. Sivafield on how to make the Union
a euecees. T. eleGilligedy,„Bepteete foie "
-leered, andpaidret triblife to certain '.char-
actenstics of Methodism. In the evening
the North St. church was filled, when the
pasters addressed the, congregation. Rev. •
T. M. Campbell spoke on thedangers and
duties) of the hoer. Ile said the basis of
union had been accepted and all slieeld
endeavor to faithfully carry It out. The
new Position of tbe church eliould not be
one of easeebut one of inerea.sed aceivity.
Rey. Mr. West dwelt en the past achieve- • •
merits of Methodism and predicted con-
tinued success .for the future. A Onion
prayer meeting closed the exerciees.: The
meetings were all full of interest, ind the
union bee been consummated here uncle?:
the Most favorable indications. ' • •
are prety nearly
done seeding in this ticipity. Spring
grains are coming on very nicely.. • .
TEINIPERANOE. Delegates aro; going
from Leeburte lodge to attend District
Lodge, to he held in Blyth,10th hist
Itemerons.--Rev.11r. Sabinepreitehed
aesermon on Methodist :Ui
nion, n the Bi-
ble Christian church, lest Sunday even-
ing, • • : • •
Seceexesee-We are sorry to learn Mr.
McLeod, Lake shore, is sinking fast with .
consimptione e • • ' *
Fitperee-There is a very good: display •
of fruit this year, if the frost keeps away..
• . tVINGRA51.
A Toronto' paper says :-Wallace
Ude, who eggs he comes fromWingh
ha.s been wrnderin aro sl.‘„,the.atteetaja '
a (lazed condi • without -food f r -
the past three edays. Constable. No111 e
ught an was all idiot, and w1en
he met him on York street last night, to
put him put of tb,e way of harm, arrested
him under. the Vagrant act. . ,
Addgtjonaf Local lierio:
• •; .
• 10. Stevenson leaves.
Ott Saturday, to . attend the International. •
Convention at Leitistille;• ICy;4as .
delegate from Huron county S. 5, ASsocia- .
tion An executive cemieittee have thus
dorm a graceful net in aCknowledging.31r.
,StevensOn'S .; long labors in behalf effqnat •
nsti tn tii We tru4. he will haVe a:gond
time andgive our readers;the.bettefit Of,
what he sees • and hears; ' '
THW'SuALT, Pox CASE. -Last week.
Seim Little, the smallpox patient, hating
entirely recovered, feft the London hos- .
pital and returned to Oxford eotihtry, •
near Woodstock, to work for his former '
emploYer. On Saturday he was surprised
to have a call from Detective Ryder, of'
London,.who placed him undeurrest and •
took him back. The charge against 'him ..
was that at ,Goderich, .on Aprit;19t1i, he
unlawfully and wrongfully consperet.leand
agreed with J. B. Whiteley,' M. D. of
eoderich, to commit a nuisatieeintondon.
The trial came off at the General Setsiens •
in London �n • Wednesday, ' When t De, •
Whiteley Wag fined $20,: without Oita of
'the courtphisowncosts,hoilever, will like-
ly amount to absent $l6O, Little was. tea- ,
Mimed to jail for half -an -hour, •
CltrEcir.---The last Mating, ot, the Lon •
don Conference of the Methodist Chuteh
of Canada as at present constituted, open- '
ed in tbe "First Methodist. Church of '
Guelph, on Wednesday. The attendance '.
islarge. This will .be the last time all '„
Ilia ministers compoging the old :confer ,
ence will have an opportunity of ineetieg
together, for fleet year die changes ;woes. :;
sitated by the union will have taken ef-
fect. The first draft of the Stationing
commi tfee makes the following cluteg•es •
of persons known in this vidinity:--
London; Sueen's,avenue, D. G. Sather -
lad; Elora; Jas, Broley. Drayton, G80.
Dug& • Gerrie, Jas. Chaeltele • NM-
wich, 11, Sherlock: Monet, 1"Porest, Alfred
Andrews, Peltherston, 0, E. Stafford, ,
Lamm, It. Da'vy. Miss Craig, JaS,
well, Kincardine, Jas. McAllister. , Tren-
t:elle/elf. E. Smith, leondeshone jelitt
}bugleLecknow, A. G. Harris. Dun- -
!ann, John iTurner. Auburn, E,
till. onParis, Thos. Brook, Carlisle, near
l,r/rtiemielalvtoonn: Thes.Stobba. Chatham Orate
Ills. Graham.. Chatham (second,) R.
NOTIUN0 OAN SIVrtY the piece ' ot a ,
beautiful silky head of' heturel haus It is in-
finitely more comfortabk then switches, and
other preparations of the hair of unknown
foreigners. Mir May be tontine, beaali-
fled, and actually restored by the use , Of •
Citigalelie Nair' Illinois:et, SO) l at 5) cents
,per bOttle,