The Clinton News-Record, 1907-12-05, Page 6•
You'll be delighted with
jelly PovOder
in is true fruit and wine
flavors. It makes such'a
.idelioious dessert oquickly
-and with so little trouble.
Toronto. 6
Coneinso cods. ho sees, and Miser throat
.1.11sarrnts aro cmielily relieved by Oresolenq
Itiable3a,.. ten cents pur bb.r, atal ctruseista.
. •
At Findlay, Ohio, Roy A.Ispach,
wars.old, accidently shot ,and. killtd
its-art:self with a mall rifle.
ire. Rieslow!s Setethina ,Syr,up.0.5
'keen used by millions of mothers for
'their children while teething. , If di-
-barbed by night and brotee of your.
rest .by a sick .ihit suffering • and
eerying with pain of cutting teeth send
a.temee. and get a . bottle. of "Mrs;
lasloves Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething.. It will relieve the poor
Tittle sufferer immediately. Depend:
upon- it, mothers, there is.. no mistake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, rep -
Sates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Colic, softens tho Gums, reduces
Infiarnmatten and gives • tone and en •
eergy to the whole system.. "Mrs
'Winslow's Soothing Syrup" For child
inn teething is pleasant to the taste
and is -the prescription of one of. . the
oldest and best Female physicians and
eturses in the United States.. Price
25 cents a: bottle.-SaoldThf drug-•
gists throughout (the world. Be sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
extg Syrup..
Mrs. • Margaret Whalen,- aged fif-
ty years, of Haddon, Conn., 66
saw two thieves carrying off her
Thanksgiving turkey, naounteci her
bicycle and chased them till they
:drallied tire turkey and ocaped,
You can cure them painlesily by
Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor.
Never known to fail. Be sure you gett
"Putnam's," in 25e bottles.
Mrs. Whitelaw Reid is building
maternity hospital in San Francisco.
On Monday last 230 women applied
for divorce in Saint Louis.
Is it a matter of pride to be pale as
o. lily, -certainly not. What every w.o-
man wants is strength, color, vigor..
Buoyancy and health the 'tight of
every woman, and *these she need not
leek if she only •uses Perroseme. It
gives appetite, creates strength, en-
riches blood, gives vigor to the nerves,
color to the _cheeks and brightness to
the eyes. Ferrozone is at -once con-
vertible into health, beauty and st-
rength. There is powerin Ferrozone,
a -try it., and know wbat you • have
missed, 500 at all dealers,
"Be an 'optimist and smile,' • 'is the
motto of the Chicago branch ca. the
Optimist, Clubof America, lately or-
ganized in that lty. .
Europe is now in its grasp, and in
a short thim America will be run
over with this awful epidemic. Get
ready, use preventive measures, Build
up a surplus. of vigor by rerrozone,
and inhale Catarrhozone three times
• each day. Isitthing aestroye the grippe
germlike Catarrhozone. It cups the
cold, breaks up- the fever, :relieves the
headache and destroys every vestige of
cetsrth nedasareethroates-For
Otitis, 'Grippe and winter ill s Catarrhs
ozone is beet. Sold by all dealers 2.5c
and $1.00, • •
• Fire • at Stint Marys destroy-.
Arthur LaPalme, a ' sAluorikeeper, ed the Amax -Intent ' store • of Glass
aSed at Marquette, Mich., from raise Block Cempany. Loss $30,e01 cover-
t:teed. ' . • ed by inurariee
. • ‘.1
fk,D tir>s f
6 I
Ft 7. P
- anciora
:0 A
oven - perfectly
ventElated. The air in the
<wen is eonstantl.y being
renewed with fresh air
drawn through three vents
between oven and fire -pt
doors, r.‘r.d 'the ‘coOking
ried (nit
t h -r °ugh •
another sct
of vents in baelc
end of oven, as
shown by illus-
s -t
ovennever smells close
, ,
anstuffy, as clo the
majority "of range �v -ens.
r, „
ood cooked in it is more
healthful, a8 well as more
appetizing and satisfying.
If your local dealer cannot give
y• u %plate information about the
• ••• ra, write direct' for free
4..4,4,1747'Y • , • '4"'*
......_•••,. "•., ;.• • =., ........• :•:;•;, ...., ' e...... •••••••. . ;1.; , (L.", 0.;..,..:i.. ..V!:.'
' '. '11'. ::# 11.F. 1. ST— L . . • . • . „ - 4 ' •.-., g.,M.1,71,7•4,71..C.r1M-r2=4WWZ.71711.70.447..i.',..710.0
• •
--747-4J__:**) •.' '•...,,•-. ,;,,,,-,-:,,,,.. .:„,,,, . . , . ., ,,,,,,, ,.
41,;,.... • .:.• —,71 ,,,,,,,,trrINNW
.:*;11:1.1-7L"i'-=‘,Zeth...t4gt.:.,:i.l.:,;` -, '.,1',..;:;-0 ••?;:.., •:4,--,A.}7,7-v-r--v—,..,!.-.`,::...... ';,..4..\k, ,
is / ':77";TIVY "' / " '40. ' •
tr^:` 1, 7 I.V,Ar ,•44 -I ' .1-'''
,A• 1-exAr,... .i., .7-",' 'le. -."'
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Dlliaa.7"il....111111.?•141;riaLlfaVif. 4:21.41.1•5•46i.,.410,0;11d2441 i Ai.
4.Y00 -
, o!,‘,
Sold by Harland Bros.,
o:iNfr:411271.1e. 171.4101:f6tiP' '
with its tense interest in the trusts, the tariff, the railroads, politics generally and '
political perconagea, the Review of ReViews will be doulily valuable to you.
—7r,,--±v.f.::1:47.,' —,.', . • st
25 cents f T H 13 AU E 11.40 AN
a . .. BMWS' a
smut+ nt Ai Rawl. 'mot,
e •
The evtew of evtews
kers busy people an education in current events that is con-
cise, comprehensive ancl authoritative'at a minimum
cost of time, egtort and ntoney
4IJI With Dr. Albert Shaw's monthly
" Progress of the World," with the
cartoon history of the month, with
the timely contributed articles on
just tho queshotv yon ate !ntereoted
in, with the gist of the really lames.
tent articles �f all the other maga.
tines of the world served up to you,
and reviews of new books -one can
keep intelligently up with the times
at a >minimum cost nf Lim; effort
and Money,.
in every eommunity to take subscriptionsand sell our book offers, Lib-
eral commissions and cal! prizes. A lint chance to build up a per
maned and profitable busanea in your home town, Write to -day to
1.74 !CI ' 7.1t, '
, -
Clinton News -Record
in the ioneet 'Days.
December 5th, 1901
Reproduced bg Permission From "In the Dags of the Canada Comm
pang," bg R. and K M. Lizars, the Authors.
forms so various, and from suph
"These accusations have come in,
erent and opposite quarters, that it is.:
difficult.t� classify and arrange. them.
But they have never ceme, in Parlia-
ment or but .of Parlianeent, in news-
papers, in slang-wha.nging speeches,, or
in private communications,in such a
shape as to be 1angi.ble and that gives
the opponents of the Company all
the advantage that a party of skirm-
ishing partizans' would 'possesS -over a
body, of :troops in a ‚rough country -
they can neither see from whence the
attaok proeeeas nor effectually return
it. Their 'only shift, therefore, is to
attack them whatever they are group-
ed, so as to draw them out and com-
pel them 'either to defend the ground
they pretend to occupy or at once and
forever abandon it.
"'We shall, therefore, endeavor to
sere up .the various changes that have
been 'made against tae Company and
its agents, and • rely to them s
-elm as they ccur. They consist, as
far as we canegather, of .the following
assumptions : .
est -That ' the •Company purchased
their .land at too cheap a rate.
:-Zint-Thatr• thesolony has -received-floe
advantage adequate to the advaritago
accruing to the Company. : •
3rd -That individuals have received
no adequate advantage. . .
1 th-That the Company is a mono-
poly. •
"We shall now consider .the first of
these allegations, • that the Company
tee 'not paid to the Government a. suf.
tient ealue for the land. . ' •
"When the plan of the COmpany.was
• announced in London, : the .capitalists
who intended te embark' in. being
totally ignorant of' Canadian affairs.
thelanlvee, naturally consulted every
'person anit every document net might
ethroava itglit' -up 11 -The rSgii,teet TB iom
people • -connected with lend 'cinamanies
in the State of New: York and . other
parts of the finite(' States, featly . of
whom had pupilage(' their 'gide upoa
ape most e4lvantegeou3 ternis when
was. s rue at three shillings and six , ard, what right has any one to
. pence per acre. The Gdyernment party ; plain .of the eoodness of the argain
was exceedingly wroth at this deci-1 Suppose the land had turned out ag•
sion and they determined to mend it, . they said it would, would they have
'Wherefore a' circular was sent to the been willing to release the Company;
magistrates' ia Quarter Sessions_ as -a from itse_part ofethe bargain arid re --
ambled these 'going over the i same fund the money 'pad for the land Or
'grounds. for their own particular 'Oise: expended for its improvements' t - But
tricte, as the commissioners had donein every case where the Comp.a.ny's!
at Toronto • for the whole province, 1 purdhase . is estimated kit must
found. that the value of lands in thole not be by what i the value • !of
severediatricts had been overrated, the land in 1830, but what it was in
and made returns which showed to 1824, more Particularly when it is •
'ataail 'value' of the -province theit 'to rememberedthat the inereaeo of value'
have been three shillings four and a has been caused by, the enormous in -
'half pence per acre, or one and a -half drease of emigration whicli the exer-e
pence less- than the -commissioners at tions of the Company in bringing the '
York had made it. NoW, when we •colOny into notice in the Mother' C,,oura:'
• I
fled that eight or tere different bodie.3 try has produced. te
.of men, acting winhont 'eoncert, and -""But take the bargain ae .t stands.
at a greet distance from enh otaer., We defy any man who'has • enything
corp e to a conclasion so nearly alike, like a competent knowledge . of •the
it. must show that either they are presence
to assertthat the Company
very neatly correct, or that, if they ,
have erred, 'there is an unaccountable any probability of realizing an
orb.itant profits From March 1.824, till
coincidseee in the sources of their ,
•the present day, in various instal -
m .
1. eats the proprietors' had paid 22e
'very 8pona!ter. the esteblishineet
sterling per share upon 0,000 shares,
: ,
of •Ithe CompanY the *fiele. policyoi amountingto 2225,100 terline to
.which add. 20 par 'wet. for .lifference
the Government in granting so large
of currency.eaneateerleemee,_endasheeteter,
a portion:of their lands to a.,1;
01 eateratiblint :subscribed will Orel.' £271,-
the House i
kion - maneunde
- rallfFebillideratien H. C. of . *bleb enerteoes • sum
of Commons . -le the de
(excluelve of the homear•xpenses et: the
hate, ,.Mr; .Hume • stated hie opiniOn
Company ), and all . the C ern -
that to do justice both to the Gov.
pany have .received for. the sale of
erre-neat and to :the pirehaeors-. if .
ought .not to have been :mid, without
competition, to a 'great moneyed.pem
• pariy; but exposed to sale by auction,
• and. in Such parcele. as Might suit the
.pahlie. This- has Since been flone. ;rhos
absentee tax!' has...caused. nineh Mad, the
land beld iiv• pereona who hael4Procure '
0(1 it from the Government_ to poen
into the • market . in lots. generally, not
exceeding lw.o :hundredacres; • . and
; these were sold at •various times • .afs
I ter, ', tieing ether:Wee- fox . . least.
tiYelve: mortitis-ethe • a,vera,ge or Men
rur ite this nee' they -tepee nearly the:
same) was abeet• 6d. per acre, :or. is.
• 7d.; what. the erimmissionere -valued
them 'at Seeeral years before T and we:
e Tenet On one instance amens,-
atene where three thousalid acre; .ol•
tab most tabiable land' in the western
distriat. e were sold at sheriff's -Side •
for,- 57R, •or about 41d. per . acre..W�
are now •told that not only had the
Canada Coe:pane made e most • exoes
t n tly advantageous 'bargain, • bat
that everybody in Canada -nay' 'that
they hadchine so.- StIow came .it then
that out of ten thousand slia• res • of
stock, et the Company only •twenty-
fNe • wee taken, up bya 'resident of
'Uppeti Canada • was .it that two
Yeareetafterwardee When 21e.'10p• was
paid' on. each 'share,' though they were
actually sold fore 21 to 21 Ies., • and
shathe were in . some instances eye')
away . by the boldees rat* than pay
the • instalment of las, a Share ;why
was• • it that the people of • Canada,
knowing the advantageous bargain the
Company. he.d. Made; did not. rush for-
ward .to participate in thepoit-'and
why, daring the long- period _that_the
Stock of the ,Compa,nY was bele)* per,
did those Who were so Well, aware" of
the normoes profits to be eialieed de-
cline to %participate -in them ? .Tbey
bad an infinitely more:promising aff-
air of their own -the . Welland „ Canal
Wu -theft then El Dorado ; and when
Me investment of capital :was prOpOsed
t� one of' the :noet enterprising mei
of businessthat has. ,over appeared 1- in
province, in the depregiated• et:0k
loi• the Conmany„ is answer _ewes
'I •eitter into speculations only' 'when
thero IS at least a ,probable .thence of
gain, .flot: whee there is a certainty of
'"We 'have 'Said that. •Irtnit the very
"beginning. at the oedertaking • out.. of
10,000 shares oely 25 have ever been
held by an inhabitant. of Upper Cami-
la, and that small portion wits aband-
oned totally and. without any consid-
eration rather that pXy die 'third in-
stalment, Nay,- so little did the people
of the proSince know.. of the mater
thetethe • Coinpany'S" officers were taun-
ted at Toreeto with their being taken
in when they' abandoned their portion
(if the Clergy 'Reserves for the Huron
'Tract; end they Were, assured from
unquestionable authority that what
'portion cif it was not .an inairactible
swamp was rock and sand"; and. .one
of the largest shareholder's in the
Phil/Tice, and one who lives• and holds
land within the breadth of the town-
ship of the. confines ef -the Huron
Tract, said that. from what he had
heard front men who had traversed it..
ha would not give 100 acres nf ljjs�ain
toWnehip (and °God knows, there is
better • land in the colony) for the
best one thousand acres in the Harbn
Tract, When; then, the Ciinipany pur-
chased 'their land so •enilrely haphae-
Government Were .straitenecl • f ot,
money' ; to pay the debt e • and obliges
tions contracted, • rluin tile Revolue
tionary War, they leaped that rio
land company • in . the States,: howevet
judically •economically Conducted;
had ever realized . asehigh a profit as
. the money erapleyed in it• had heed
lent an landea security at .what is the
legal interest on niertga,ge in • the
State of New . York. • ..
'Another clan: who in London are
held oracular on all fnatters conneet-.
ed.:With tipper Canada theemerchants
_ the Lowei. .Pviviece, Were,. of.
course, consulted.. They •epoke feeliage
ly be, the subject, : Whig .settled.
manyhad and doubtful debts by• ;talc=
iii, laha that ,they eould hot eel: In-
deed, in the palmy days. of Governors
Hunter and Gore • • it was 'a favorite
mode ot Paying a greyeer's, bill 'in Mon -
treat, for a . person. &limit the Govern -
Mont' to get a grant be 'land' arid make
it Over to thelaheitteal recreharit, *he
gave him Credit at the rate of a York
.shilling per acre: Mest.of these of-
fered to ,give •up ail the land they .hade
to the CoMpany nt the price fixed by
the. ' Commissioners, and oneof the
most eminent merchants' Lower Cans
.ada•-evet produced declared -that . he
would not give a web of Russia sheet-
ing for the best tea thousand' acre itt
Upper Canada fat he could double •the
one five time over, while ehe other
lay ,consuming the interest of. money,:
.Aed. although this, hyprholical; yet
fi me .has shown that it eavoured meter
Of the natural shrewdness and • sagaci-
ty of the man,; farthaugh .he has been
'dead for upwards of twenty •years,,
yet 'four-fifths of • his lands reniaintine
sold to thie•hotire Now, though • the
Web el Russia ,,heeting only cost;
if he 'could double it once a year, the
curious' itt geameteical preareseloe
must be aware • that • in twenty-five
years it would amount to a sum that
would .purehase the fee eimple •of all
the land le Upper Cenada.
rlands for tile past ten ysars, not.
Ono. farthing has been remitted to
England. All has lend expended i
tae celony,,. an expenditure great:.r
than that 'of the Legislature oe the
colony itself during' the greater Par
'of that period. During the first two
yearn of the Corapaity's'Operatiens
they paid 24,060 to the (IMiernMeat,
and 21e,000. mere °a road, -bridges,
and ()thee improvements, sal-
ttries, Oleo expeneees.-seryeasenad ex=
ploring parties. The. profits Of -tho.
sales (cvnIiad .they' :been realized,.
which of 04w -they were note:being
mirde. me' flee siatteel et:Oita areounted
to '2. 7,000 perannain, a .•!,) sum wh.
ould - net -have more 'than paid the.
current expeneee of the ,Company 'at
hollte • and abroad; and bad emiigr1a-•
tam' ConliTtued :at the 'same ratio' it:
thenawait, the. CeMpany. ere this Must'
have sunk nearly half a millidna to be •
recovered: .ae beSt it might. .Tne ., • in-
crease ofeemigration which was: caused,:
by the ..exertions of the Company.' nee •
lessened this e,xpenditere, butby no
means eupplied it nth:eye seeing that
the lasit call of 2'2' aer Share was paid' .
in the January of the present • year.
The •payments to Gpvcrrumentmust!
continue Until the year 1.842, a when a
final acutwiexiit, inuSt take place ';• al -1
lowing thate.29e;000 .more will, -.With
the .1nond eeteitori :for sale of lands;1
ceVer thieOutlay;•,it. will ina‘ke a *tall
.expeedi fere _between • the ydars Of 1821
and 1842 -of 2361,600. •Nov, suppose
this to bo repaid.rage rate
/of 225;000 per annum, witheiriterest;
it will take -:fousteen. end. One-half,
years to repay the whole,- that is,- une
der . these circumstances., the profits
of the ..Company would continence. . in
the 'earl :of the y,eee 1856, or aftei•
thirty-two years from: the coMreence-'
ment of- the, undertakieg, and the peb:e
ate Would -aided to • be considerable to
pay for the delay.. •
' wfake in. contrast. with this the
only er' , orieyed institution, thee
or for a tang thee after in the arov,
ince,. the Bank .of Upper Cahada; the
whole capital of which did not .amount
to so much by e20,000 as the two
first instalments of the Cariada Com-
pany paid in the months lq :Match
and. April, 1824. • The profits .ef., this
concern .have . averaged -12 per cent.
per annum, which without calculating
compound interest would nearly quad-
!rupleithecapital originally invested,
before. the Canada Company has re
Paid itself that: which it had expended.
Taking these and other eircemstancee
of . the province' into consideretioe at,
the. time the Canada Company • caul-
menced operations, we think it will
hardly. be asserted that 'they have
made an ptiormettSiy •edvantageoue ar-
• "The next 'subject of .vituperation
against the Company .is that the pro-
vince has received no .. adequate advan-
tage by their .means.. We can only
judge of thiS by cmhparing what they
have done in settling their lands • with
What the .province itself has one.
•Yoling street is one of the oldeet set-
tlements in the- peovince,. and net-
withetanding all' the statute. labor
•.(Which, if .faithfully ex)ended, might.
have paved it ere this, all that priv-
ate stibscription and provincial aid
has done for it, it is not at this hour
so good a road ns a line three times
its length Which the Canada Company
have eons trne ted itt• thelluron Tract
between the.. years. 188.0 ,ana.1834, As.
'thatlie main read through the•-arovinee,1
Whillt was 'commencea • ay Cieverner,
8inicoe, it Would be folly to talk of
tit, seeing that you have only lb will;
Termite a mile on either side UT find*
yourself in a wilderness, where' not
only the road is not turnpiked• but •
where the very tree; of the forest Are
.not cut flown to the :Aatirte width.'
'°Vhu, city of roronto was commen-
eed in 1792, and though the seat of
government, of the courts of law, and .
having in addition to nearly the whole
revenue of .the province the expend
ture of a large garrison, at the veal of
twenty-four years fin 1810) tantalite('
sevotty-eight inhabited house l ; that
is to say, there were eeventy-eight
human habitatioes (from the then
only brick house to the log .Imatit s
!"The Mode fa Which the price ta be
charged foe•the lends purebas•ed by the
'Canada Company ' was determined was
MT fair .as • under' any: eircaMstances
could he devieed. TWe • cemniissionets
were. ehosete by the Crown, .two by
the ConiptirlY,."and a fifth to act as
Umpire between them, was .appointed
by Government. These met at Toron-
to during the eitting of the Legisla-
ture ;• examined witnesSes.! eveiy
deatription, •Ailiong whom were reunite
ers of bethellouses"and every other
person *limn either the Executive • OF
the province orthe favourers' of' • the
Company Chose to present, besides all
,who chose to come voluntarily for-
ward •an(l.. give their evidence, • This
evidence was taken at the time 'arel
duly engrossed, and upon. this .was Ihe
repeat of tbe eommiesioners Teredieted.
The evidence and the rePOWIlaVing ne-
cessarily been delivered into the Col-
onlal Office, have become -state papers,
and are liable to he called for in the
proper quarter, and their reaeonings
and findings dinnesed and animadvert-
ed 011 before ft eonlpt,t nt tribunal.
But. erre point • Wee Min diffletilL tO be
determined. It was impossitl, from
the evidenceto atrike an 11.Vek age, and
•at last it was 'determined to strike a
moon: This wee obvieusly. to the dia.
advantaire Of the (*impiety, for all the
lost lands and the meet saleable *erg
It ft eut of the mean in so far aci the
Company could profit by them ; for
they had Wen elven rtwaY, leaeed or
promised long berere., • Bur nothing:
heft et MUM he their' ; t Mean price
occupied as temporary' shelter by the
officers of the Army who beat them)
between the Don bridge and the garri-
"The Certacht Company have -in eight
years established two villages the
ono of which, though commenced sev-
enty miles from the nearest available
human habitation, noeentetee, dote
tile the "
and inhhi
tants that Toronto did in 1816 ; and
the 'other, though thirty miles frora
water carriage,is equaschools, stores, and
l, if not .super-
ior, in houses,
conveniences of life, to what Toronto
was in 1827, when the bthet , was
foundd. .
everything that can conduce to the
"When the Canada Company, was es-
tablished 'there was not a harbour in .
the province which owed. anything to
.art, the one wharf at. Toronto coni- GREAT DANGER IN HEADACHE
''We have -already, alluded to the in -
the exertions of the Canada Company Its ' often dangerous . to consider
headache a trifling ailment. If the
crease of emigration, in consequence of
Ave thousand Per annum, ; now it rar- head aches!, the stomach is out of oed-
mes itho et and some serious disease may be
impending. To tone up the stomach,
at home. ' Formerly it rarely excnded
Neve__York.-Geiletallyespeakflii; -Can-
4tO giee it. healthy action, nothing in
ely falls short of three ti . ,
'number, besides that which comes 1 as
(Ida 'WAS only knew!' as an eligible. monen inedicineeeis so successfu •
Bre eilaienttereta PilleT.---iTrie concentr at -
settlement by the laboring classes tet ed vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilte
Scotland and in some parts of .Ire- .on.'s Pills have ti healthful effect on
land ; the very existence et the ewe. the stomach and remove all disorders.
Your headache will be cured and they
wonton's Pills• Sold ever wh re.
't return, if yem use Dr. %Hardt-
Ross' Furs.
Manufacturer di Retailer
• 'AMANDA 01)
The advantage of buying direct from
a manufacturer is apparent LQ v,ll, AS
middle profits are cut off, andgoods
are sold on baste of firstpost. We af-
ford customers this advantage,
A visit to our Fur Show Room will
verify the fact tbat the moat
-SelectiLargest and Latest
Up-to-date Stock in
Western Ontario is tlere.
Ladies'," Men's and Children.'s Furs of
every docription is on our list.
Write for Catalogue and Price List
Ross, 1% Dundas Street
London, Ont.
try was no)t known to the laboring
n et ar of Eng and, The
Canada 'Company • betiveen the ,yeaas
1829 and 1832, had peblished in every
city, market town,.yillage and hamlet.
classee in theit i i
o , tne• iree ingdorns intelligenee
, the shape et adyertisefnents, pros,
pectus: maps, and pamphlets, respect
nig the capabilities of the colony; and
the result -is thatwhereas former em-'
igre,tion consisted almost exclusively
of Scotch, these, though their nein-
-bees hate by -no-. -.MeadS diminished,
form but a. small fractiortal. part el
the emigtaiits lo this country s Bur
it ig net . the working. classes aleee
that the Company 'have been • install,
mental le bringing to this counter ;
anert,61 capitalana:' What waS of even
greater consequence to the colony; o
education and intelligence, have been '
indeced to emigrate; and though thein
ietellectual qualifications are as .. yet:
but pat tially. felt, the beneficial re-
sult of capital thus introduced i.s ev-
erywhere acknowledged., Land, .cattle,
and ell kinds ef .agricultural produce,
-not easily brought from a distance,
has risen from fifty to eighty per
cent. in value, and baprovement . has
gone on in a ratio se „accelarated that
in One. year More is done now for 'the
advancement of the province that ten
piniisfhoerpe.r t would: have accom-
.3rd. The benefit the ap.crations of
.ihe Company have conferred. on their
individual Settlers: can be -eery short-
ly discussed when weetate that, gen-
erally speaking, thereis'net a settler
in the Huron Treaty who has purchas
ed a year baek, evhroticaldepart With
liifi farm (his improvement's being paid
For) under fifty pee cent. aavance, and
that one, two, three; and evenfour
hundred per cent. have been given for
farms not in the occu att. f t "
. .
owners .a great ratraber of years. We
could mention aaa instance: where 150e
per cent. was given on it let net mord
than four years in the ocetipation •bf
the proprietor; but as this was. 'coun-
ted extrabrilinaty, °veil. in the Heppe
Tract,. it meet be lield as the excep-
tion ° and not as the rule. ,
. 1.,41.h. The last cliaige we :tall no-
tice against the Company is that it is
a monopoly. This accusation ean only
heeve aricien.frem the mineable .igaer.
ante of. the English langeage which
exists ig all classeis . in the colony.
Chicago police responding to a hurry
call to capture aurglars, found iNesveel
foteldland dog locked.up in the tete,.
ment of the house, instead (if a thief,
Kreengt‘alir cure -
March. 5 'oti. .
. 'It am usmg
Spavjn Curennd can
say there•is nothiiig:
. to he compared with
it." Gi/betilifuzerag
and all
Lameness •
$1 a bottle -4 for $5. our great book—
" Treatise on the Horse "-free from
dealers or 32
Dr. 8. J. KENDALL CO., EnosIntre Fall�, Valmont U.S.A
The National C,range of the thlitod
States ended its . fortyeerst alio:lel •
session :at Hartford, Conn., !alit week.
Among the resolutions passed v•as
one favoring women suffrage.
0! 10‘ot
0r °liiil:etdye: . s
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is, senior. .partnee of the firm of F.
J. Cheeey & Co, dab% business in
the City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, andthat said firm will pay
the srim of ONE HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each. and every cage of
, catarrh' that' cannot be cured by ethe •
use of Hall's Catarrh Oure:-FRANX.
Sworn to before me and subecribed
lin my presence, this eth day of De
comber, .4:-. D. 1880... • •
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's, Catarrh Cure is taker', inter?
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and: mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free. '
. F. J. Cheney Co tOledcy,* O.
'Take Fel mggils'P
y Pills for een-e
Monopoly,. as its name implies
nacre • patticularly in its legisla:tors.!
amine ' Take
compounded of fluency, alohee and pol- '
rat, th sell), signifies one person or
corporation possessing ; the • exclusive
sale of any article hi a nation '• or
oominunity. Such • Uras . the privilege
of the • Eaat bidet Company. with le-
wd: tothe iMportation and sale of ,
teas ; such of .the Bank of England
in thecitculation of their notes with-
in si:ety miles Of ofxlon, and eueh oft.
•the Government in the sale ef lottery ,
tickets'. 'But when two or. more,. ex-!
iSt who thaw the -power of •sAling • a!
comfbodity, it ceases to be a mono,:
poly ; and were we. given to .be
ary felony of coining or counterfeiting
the Ring's 'English, we should desige;
nate such a %tide of things as a duoa-
oly or a pelyopely. Now me,cieely ittt
this situation does the Cabada Corie-1.
pa.ny stand with legard to land._ The:
Crown, the clergy, the colleges, the'
schools,have all of them large`tracts
of land, perletpe, tee times as much as
the Canada COmPany. But beside
these, every- merchant of both provin-,
ees, eatery shop -keeper,- every lawyer,
and a great many who are none of
theses have lands for sale ; :so that
awe might as will talk of a utunopoly
1)1 groceries as of lands en Canadasseee
ing that there are more. Timone and
companiee -who- dispose Of the ' Mier
than 'the former,
(TC) BE coNTrNumn.).•
"...,••.1 -...•••••••*14 aylca 1.1.1-..41•11.64..•••101•••••,
The Dominion Parliament opened a
Ottaweitt .e snow storm.
nitupla and cifectivo remedy for
They machine the germicidal value of Crenolene
;141! tii,%Tr',Vglfgtvgutttglt,"7:,'IT ":1,!1):
JUSUNO, Agent', stontreai. 401.
A large' buck and seven female deer
entered the town. of Piainsfield, Conn.'
and -from their fighting • eroeliviates
drove .several people indoor.
Ale and Porter
Only medal for At hi Canada.