The Clinton News-Record, 1907-10-24, Page 6not only1t Morrie Township.
William Robb of the Gth line lost a
t ` - .4eIk ions* '^ valueb,to .cult the other day.
Ma; 1•4o1a Agar visited her friend,
delightful 'to Miss 1Vifett of rorrie the other day.
Speeial evangelistic services will
eat, but be held in Sunshine church, Rev.. G,
rM. i.'iivera to be assisted by the past-
ors :of the silrrounding churches.
Oue day recently John Spee;, �1i1•
son and Samuel Nicholson filled the
l�iln et Uodnain• ° lime works, twirling
about 700 bushels, and had tee lime
burned ready for delivery an Satur-
day afternoon,
While 'gaup dnesda
` forenoon of `last week James Evans,
7th line, the plow struck a big stone
causing the plow handle to. strike him
in the right side breaking 2 ribs. Mr.
Evans had three ribs brokeiv qn his
lett. side at different threes so that
he has had his own experience in this
„. kind of accident.
One day last week Itemize ltIcLean,
London Liberals have decided not 7th con, had a close call. from ser*-
to make any -nomination fol the Cont- ons Imlay, as it was he received a
mons vacancy. very severe tumble the effects( of which
The M. C. Railway has pleaded gull- he still feels. He, was driving into his
ty at Windsor in the matter of the gateway when the horse shied at 'some
Essex explosion. apple barrels in the lane causing the
Two men. were arrested at Passer- buggy wheel to strike the gate post.
ton charged with seting fire to W. , Mr. McLean. was pitched -out striking
garter's stave factory. the ground with his .head and shoulder.
He is able • to be about but the
soreness is still quite manifest. --
Monday of last week Rev; A, C.
Wishart of Brussels performed the
interesting ceremony, at the home of
John Douglas, the 'bride's•.iather, of
coining in wedlock, Victor G. Rapa-
porth, of.Detroit, to, Miss Sophia R.
Douglas. The happy. couple went to
London and. from .thence to Detroit
acid New. York from which port they
sailed for .London, England, where
they purpose making their home, Mise
Annie Douglase, accompanied her sis-
ter. •
teff Powder
Witt • true fruit' and.
,rile' flavone is :really
$ for yap. As
your grocer for a pack.
age, Any of 1S. differ-.
ent fit;vors. PrLCe, roc,
't1 .OW l 40.,.11a1s •
Tassis 4
From Walton, P. G., -Que., comes,
- aIle following from Mr. Nazairc Be-
gin—"'If anyone had told me any
remedy could ' build up my nervous
systein so well, I would not have be-
lieved them. Before using Ferrozone
l[ was run down in nerve and vital en -
and in very weak health. I
dlid'nt get enough -sleep at night, felt
poorly in the day time. Ferrozone has
pled hie with energy and vim, in-
creased my weight and made a new
amara of me."
Hundreds fell the same story, -=Weak
and dispirited, everything . going
•wrong, unable to catch up. They took
Ferrozone and all was changed to
Ibealth and serenity. Price 50c per.
box at all dealers.
A number of seismographs' in differ-
, cat parts of America registered a
• violent earthquake on Wednesday last
but the disturbance was not localized.
Captain Bernier has returned from,
the Polar Seas with the steamer Ar -
Most important of ' all is proper at-
tention . to the `bowels, Avoid' ' cone
stipation it's the health -killer of to-
day. Harsh, griping medicine is ruin-
ous--beware of it: Best results . follo av
a truly vegetable remedy like : Dr.
Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and .But-
=tcrnut--which--not`�only t•ei'ieve-ccistfve= one night but cures the cause
. of the trouble and prevents. its return:
No distress or: inconvenience attends
the use of. Dr; Ramilton's Pills which
are world famous for. their inildness
and efficiency. Sold everywhere, e5e
per box.
To know the
a Martin - Orme
Mart .. pieeno it
ayou ninust
s. Send
your name and
address' to -day
and we'll mail
you a descriptive
catalogue show-
ing photographs
of the instrument
and telling how
it's manufactured.
Many styles and many
prices, but only one qual-
ity—the best.
If thz. ,Partin -Orme
Piano is n,•t represented
near you, we will ship a
piano to your address, in
any part of Canada.
Write for prices. and
terms. Old instruments
exchanged at a liberal
ORME & SON, Limited
01 TPA, ONT.
�a t
Thin people should take Miller's
Compound Iron Pills. For sale_ by W.
A. McConnell, druggist, Clinton.
Queen's convocation . conferred. hon-
orary degrees upon five prominent
Canadians. It • was the sixty-sixth
anniversary of the chartering of -the
institution..:' • • •
A . •tremenduous = storms raged over
Europe on Thuisday andmany per-
sons were drowned.
Jerome K. ,Jerome comlilaiitd that
Carnegie's '. libraries :have made the
writing of books unprofitable.
No, it's as bad as ever.' Nothing
seems to help. Why' not use the ' up-
to -date specific "Catarrhozone,'r
which ("rives out cold in .on� day;, In-
:halo Catarrhozone and you will be
relieved in, two .minutes.' Continue
the treatment and cure is assured.
Healing, germ destroying and pleas=
ant, nothing for colds,,,throahtrouble
-and Catarrh compotes with .Catarrh-
ozone. Sold,. everywhere; 25c and i;1:00•
Mr. - Ayleswarth is improving under
dootor's care and there is nos idea • of
his retirement from the : cabinet '.
Conductor • Graham, was acquitted
at Party Sound of criminal responsi=
bility for the •accident in which Fire-
man Rochan was killed. • •
The Jepanese bill of claims arising
out of the Vancouver riot is • a com-
plete document. Photographs • of the
damaged buildings attached. -
The shooting -of Gans:'by a Winnip-
detective has, aroused considerable in-
terest, and the Provincial Govern-
meni will hold a strict investigation.
Mr - C R... I1evein. __Me P. and.. Mr _L,._
A. Tachereau M. P. P. have been ap-
pointed to the Quebec Cabinet.
Frontenac Conservatives, nominated
Dr. J. W. Edwards for the Com-
mons, rejecting the present member,
Mr. Avery, • • Miller's Kidney and Bladder Pills
Dr. William 0•sler is taking an act- aro sold at 25 cents per.boxi For
ivo interest in Lady Aberdeen's cam- sale 'by W. ' A: McConnell, druggist,
pfi.ign against tuberculosis in Ireland, j Clinton.
Owing to:_
the flue .eon-
taruction of
most ranges
it 'is a rather
difficult feat to
cook and bake
successfully at
the same time.
But the arrangement of the Pandora flues differs consider-
ably from others. They are so constructed that the draft for
baking is also•the best for cooking, the heat circulating around.
the oven twice and under every pot hole before passing up
t e himney.
The Pandora bakes and conks perfectly
at the same time.
Do ; au know of another• rang^ that deeg?
If your local dealer does not st:lf the Pandora write direct
to us for Free Booklet.
Loudon, Toronto,, of ig o Wi eNote. ; Vancouver, St. %t�1 i; ;
Sold b ariaid T r` f ix.
florae Solar lett last week for
Miss' D. Ross vsiijled at Mrs. Wee-
son i.
Mr. T. J. Brydges' ceild has been
very suck.
Mr. and Mrs. Pentland of AshfleTd
were visiting at Mr. Vannorman's.
Mr. Adam Halliday has been at
Bayfield with his daughter for a cou-
ple of Weeks.
William Johnstone of East Wawann
osh has recovered eieely front hes re-
cent illness, - • - .
yr- Mrse-Bryant-fid Diss-. _ lytorris..nt. spent a day with Mr. ' and,
Mrs, J. A. Brandon last week.
Rev. and Mrs. trestle have returned
from a two -weeks vacation among
friends in and around Toronto.
What might have been a sericus fire
was narrowly avoided one morning re-
cently, Mr, John • Coul`es of the .3rd
Hue, Morris, after mauling' a fire in
the kitchen went out to the barn. In
a short time Mrs. Coultes smelt
smoke she went out into the kitchen
and found it on fire, "ogether with a
lot of clothing, hanging around' the
stove, Among - tee latter was a good
fur coat, all on fire and destroyed.
The heat was so intense that it broke
Most of the glass in the windows be-
• fore itcould be put out. The loss is
about .one hundred -dollars;
One of those pleasing though unus-
ual events, a Golden Wending anni-
versary, took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Sinton Vannorman on
October 14th, that couple having beep
married on October 14th, 1857. The
and daughters feltthat • they
could not Jet the, event pass by with-
out notice, so they gathered at the
home and spent a pleasant •afternoon
and evening in congratulating -their
parents and. wishing them many •more.
years of life together. An ,excellent
wedding supper was served which was
partaken of by .sons, daughters . and
grandchildren. Rev. and Mrs, G, W.
Rivers were the - only . 'extra guests.,
After supper their eldest son, Mr.
Vannorman of Wingham, read •a con
gratulatory address and tin • behalf
of their sons and daughters presented
Mr. 'and Mrs,: Vannorhian . with gold
nieces• is niomeiitos of the. event.
No substitute has` ever been devised
that gives the • quick, painless` results
of Putnam,'s Coin Extractor, For
fifty. years 'its success ;has' been uneq-
ualled. For safety and thorough cure
use. '"Putnant's" only, • ,
Mr. John. A Jai iron of rear T'x-
bridge was • dragged ey e : • tun:twry
liorse and fatally 114,110.. •
Nervous people should 'take minor'
Compound Iron Tells, For sae by W.
A: McConnell; druggist, Clinton.
Thomas A, Richardson; the al'tg,ed
bigamist at . Owen Sou,: 1, has 'beta
arrested at Londao.
Tho Braesieeel ock ;4G' I.r.t t 1 an Ras'
damaged by. fire to the t:xte t• of
thousand' dollars.
Then probably know the bvfl
of dis'iention, fermentation : and irrita-
tion that accompany : digestive trouble
es. Net amportaat•i's to .know : how
promptly, Nerviline, cures.
wink it relieves, bloating .and. feeling
of •fullness, puts the entire digestive
apparatus' in perfect order, makes, you
feel 'fit and line all over. For internal
pain Polo' Nerviline surpasses eve`
cry known remedy. Keep it in ' the
house always, it's .a source of comfort
in the hour of emergency. Large bot-
Iles for 25c at all dealers.• -
Mr. Davide-Clow has been laid • up,
with • tsore'hand:the result of a• boil:
Miss Maggie Weliwood 'of Caledon
has been speiidiiig a few days with
her cousin, Mrs. J. T. Relines.
Everitt Everitt• of the village has .a.
pumpkin which weighs, 4th•. pounds.
We^are. sorry to learn` that on Mon-
day evening, of last • week Mrs. Archie
Clow_ had a third relapse and at time
of, writingvery little hope is field out
for her recovery...
A- feW mornings ago the honie of Mr.
.1. T.• I•Iolmcs was gladdened by , the
advent of a tae healthy. • boy and
Jack has since Worn the smile that
wont wear oft;.
The Methodist people here have had
gasoline installed in their church add
consider .it-ver,I• eatisf<•ictory..:
The parsonage is undergoing exten-
sive repairs; The basement has been
all dug out and a cement wall built,
with two cross'walls dividi,ig• the
basement intro four rooms, in ono of
which a furnace 'has been installed ''at
a cost 01.$125.. 'These improvements
will Adel greatly to the convenience
and comfort of the parsonage."
Mrs. Winslow's. Soothing Syrup has
been used by millions of mothers for
their children while teething. It dis-
turbed by night and broken of your
rest by a sick child stiftering and
crying With pain of cutting teeth send
at onee and get a bottle of "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child-
ren teething.' It will relieve the poor
little sufferer immediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it, It aures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, eures
Wind Collo, softens the -Gums, rreducee
Inflammation and gives tone and en
ergy to the whole system. "Mrs
Winslow's 'Soothing Syrup" for child
ren teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the preseription of one of the
Oldest and best female physicians and
ix trace in "the fruited States, Price
tents a bottle!. ,Sold by all drug-
, gists throughout the world, 1#e sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sootli-
Ing Syrup. to
Clinton' l` ewod f+'r.00arf
Was It Wilful Myth
October 24th, 1901
Misrepresentation. ; . The marriage of Miss Etelka Ham-
, on is not often that we hear of Hamilton, daughter of Mr. James.
M. Y. McLean being so misinformed or Mecka gg -to IMI,. solemnized aM.
anxious to wilfully represent facts as 1 the holne ote they bride onwas Wedn sday
the London Advertiser reports him to of last week, the ceremony being per -
have have been at the.Liberal convention, • formed by the Rev, J. L. Small•.
He said that the Lieense board' in i Only the immediate, relatives
South Huron was extremely partisan,were
while the i' one of the co present. Owing to the recent her -
corm*” eavctnen i
t n the bride's
i nfamily
t' snli
s a Liberal. (Such a thing as ; wedding was. very quiet y the
a `Conservative being on the board 1 standing this the bride's. ' `yfrie tled
during Liberal rule was unknown.; 1. many friends.
Again, he said that the colnmissh , of rem thering Iter; of the opportunity
dacided to cut off, a certain note fn 1 -of remembering largtg day in a
Exeter owned by Liberals' becauseate
tafigible manner. *f'lie=large axray , of
o handsome presents testified to. their
population was not large enough', ante warm regard. The bride, who was
meantime tae the hotel bra
Ilton oral
that in the e t'
carpe owned byes Conservative, and given away by her lather, wore a
that at was.thee found that the popul- handsotno Imam silk costume and en-
ation was
large enough to warrant tered . the parlor as the Wedding. March
the granting, of the license: Every-
verybody in Exeter knows time are not
facts. The liotel had. passed 'into the
present owner's hands some weeks'
previous to thecommissioners' deci-
sion, and it was quite• the proper
thing h
th o
tilde deeision when i b reconsiderhwasd found that
a simple mistake in. addition nage the
population of the town appear ,100 less,
than it•was in reality. Facts are far
more substantial than fiction as Mr,
McLean should know, but -then __there •
is so little to criticise• in the work bf
the Whitney administration that • Mr.
McLean finds it neceseary to resort to
fiction to have anything to say,—Exe-
ter Advocate, '
was being played by Miss. Eva Gracey
of Wingham. The bride's going -away
costume was a black broadcloth
hat to match.
Miller's Grip Powders. Cure. For
sale by W, A. McConnell, druggist,
Parliament has been called to meet
on November 1Sth.
Charles Tremeer died from heart
failure while shooting .at St. 114thar-
State of Ohio, City of-- '
•Toledo, Lucas°County:=-ss. -
•Prank J, Cheney makes )ath• that
lie is' senior„_ partner of the firm of -.F;.
J; -Cheney .ae .co., doing .business in
•the City of Toledo, County' and state
aforesaid, and that.said firm, will pay
the sunt' ::.of ONE IHUNDRED DOL.
LARS for each :led every case of cat
arrh that cannot ne cured,'by the use
of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ..
Sworntobefore rho and subscribed
in my, presence, this 6th day of Dec-
ember, A. D; 1886. A. W. GLEASON
(Seal) Notary Public.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
•,nilly,, and acts: directly on the blood
and mucous: surfaces 'olthe system
Send for .testimonials, free.
'F,,,J..CHENEY & Co,,: Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's. Family Pills for con-
stipation. .
Kei",tsae lit'n 8p vies Gore
•Powrina RIVER.
203., March 5 'AG,;' Cares:
"I sill using your Spavins
Spavin Cure and can, 'l hpgot .
say there is nothing 'MI"to be compared with_.
it," G,lbertlifuzerall. Splint
and au
f: a bottle - .6 for rya Our gr
,"eat book
Treatise on the Horse "-free from
dealers or
Ib. L J. KEllOALL CO, Euoaberg Win beet, U«la
IiRieumaffsm Wed
x7v you know why you are.
suffering with Rheumatism?
Because your ldcl'neys are sick.
They are too weak to Alter uric
acidfrom the Wood. This acid
is poisoning your system, and
inflaming every nerve in your ,
body, Those .excruciating pains
in hands, shoulders, hack, knees
4ncl feet -A -are the result 0, kidney
trouble, Stop the uric
from poisoning the blood *u4
there will be no Rhewflatisna.
Sure Itheuuurefua beatuatt they cars Ott
Si'f• They rep ca ttt4sa..d +►ltk deer.
out, healthy ussee'-.seetJtheallmissom ,,.
mewls* vete acid -sand priest Ow 14404
belat pate tad rich,
Try can Pit ,e ou our pooleve suoreeteat
mother most cure you or auou*it' reftearlaq,
4C.* boxes fttrUso.t t,>Ii deiiit:tttat
Railway men at Mont:reel ate 'gi-
, tatting for tbe inaugnrati,,a r.•f tl,e
twenty-four hour , yst?m.
The Brussels ,osee i
i ? c., swa3 icbbt`cl
of over three hurstir d s uu+ais. in
and cash, The safe was blown.
Thirty -Ave bops have leen taken
from the river .;t Montreal in tire. ata-;tsix - months, ,most of them-Ie,tring
-marks of death lay violence.
,Health officers ;,t. Winnipeg suited
and condemned about four thou' and
pounds of impure food, mostly cdiu"ed'
stuff,• and the deals, Samuel Shore,
wits fined.
The Emperor e'rancis• Jareph's rrli
dation es again eerioyis.- _. _ . .
A Bavarian nerse c;ill };tiled six.
babies by driving hi" ,pins +;,to their
Cardinal Merry . ;tel Val has. asked
the Pope for peretia,fon to retire ate
join the Jesuits.
A bill has.beeo filed in the-eaf-eri:or
Court at Chicago asking for tbe t,p-
potntment of a receiver for clic Stan-
dard Oil Company. .
Clubbing Offers •
The and Weekly Mail and Elrnpire, one. year.. • . , ;
Weekly Globe ,dl.65
SA 64
es x Faintlq Herald and Weekly Star , . 1.05
Weekly Witness..:.....,., 1,800
/ „gun
.'.}! .l...,i;. 1.75'
04 61
;1 " • Free `Press • . .. 1.75
"" Advertiser• - -
{" " " FarmingWorld. 1.60
4 ec "" ° ..Former - and:; ,.... ..1.50
advocate and:; - .
., Rome Magazine 2;25
Daily News; Toronto. 2,30
Star . ., , ,
Globe "" 2,30
•Miff ."" .,. '.4:25
World x#.25
/, ""
44 "f
14 44 o
Saturday Night
Free Press, London •.. . 3,25
Free Press, Evening Edition,.. 2.75
In remitting, please do so by Express Order. or.
Postal Note, and address
Clif ton't,..Ot11t
The Imperial Chinese troops have
driven the Boxer rebels' to the moun-
tains of Kwangtung, killing senate
E. T. Bethel, a British subject, and
editor of a paper at Seoul, has been
censured for ,criticising the actions of
Prince Ito in Corea.
To points in,Temagami, points Mat -
Uwe to Port Arthur, to Sault Ste.
Marie and Port Arthur via Northern
Navigation Co, to Georgieneleay and
Lake Superior points. via N, N. Co.
(to points on N. N. Co extra charge
will be inade for "meals and bertha re-
turning) to certain points in Quebec
N, B. N. S. Nfld.• • •
Going Oct,, 24th . to• Nov. 5th:
To Penetang, Midland, Lakefield, all
points Severn to North Bay, Argyle
to Coboconk, Lindsay to fialiburton,
and points Madawaska to DepQt.ttiar-
bor, all points on Muskoka Lakes,
Lake of Bays and Maganewan River.
All tickets gond -returning 'mem be-
fore, Dec. 7th 1907 or until close of
Navigation if earlier, to points reach-
ed by steamer lines.
town or depot agents in :Olinton• or'
from the district passenger agent at
Homeseekers • Excursions• to Manitoba
and `.Canadian Northwest, Sept.,. 24th.
Oct. 8th, Oct.. 22nd :—Tickets goo"i
ler sixty days.
Tickets and '.full information, may
be obtained from. •
F. Re Hodgens, Town 'Agent
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent
Toronto, Ont,
Are situated' on the direct Iine of.
the Grand Trunk Railway on Tueee
*day Oct. ath to . Tuesday Nov 5th, ;.
tickets will be sold at single fare
fog round trip to all points in• Tem-
agami where .fishing is good and big
game al ouiid.' Full information and .:
tickets maybe. obtained . from the
HE Weekly ]email and Emipe and The. News -
Record will be sent to any address in . •
. � Canada
for the remainder of 1907 for the small sum of one
quarter of a dollar.
The sooner you siibseribe the more you
get for your wove,
News -Records