The Clinton News-Record, 1907-02-14, Page 6.o no5tove.Enoug ,If you are just starting housekeeping,just settling 011 ROW fartile or are contentedly settled in a %mu esamel • one stove will be enough if it in 0," Iiappy Thought." You - can use, it for cooking and for beating the ilouse. In eunatner time the fire can be immediately checked after you • are through with your cooking,thus keeping your rooms , delightfully cool—while in winter it Will beat several. rooms .or Warm the whole ut u-sm01 house. 130,000 people in Canada use the Happy Tbougbt Range • and au zity that " one stove's enough" for them, Every Rainey Thought bttrilS e0a1 Qr wood. Write for illustrated catalogue—Free aae WM. BUCK STOVE Braratorn Montreal Wingless , , Harland -Bros . Clinton. 1 4; 41t 4a • 11 MEN WHO Lem) ORM Marquis Of Lensilowne Said te Els Subtle WarrIor—Lord OrOvas His,, Chief Opponent. The striking parliarnentary picture of recent days has been the duel in the Howe of Lords between an aris- tocratic 'Unionist and an equally orb- tocratio Radical. There are teem thinkers and br4- liant. speakers on both sidee 4g the Rouee of Lords, men who would give distinotion to any legmlative gather - ng, bit in the recent debates there , have atood out two personalitiee, Olean cut and dominant. They -are the generals commanding the tomes- on each aide ; pen who have not only to fight the Opposition, but to.guide and, in some eases, repressathenasnyz lithe jelowererTheystravir &she/welled theme 1 selves in strildng fashion. Their un- moneyin e prociuemg trune for the 1 ceasing patience with platitudes, their IllOck in which there is a "morO' or skill in the verbal flanking of oppon. less assured inarket ents, their unshakable courtesy, and Some of the devices which the pro. their sudden deadly swiftness of at. motets of these wild -cats use to ene tacit, have eeized the attention of the trap the unwary are old, but still apparently effective. One of the most effective devicee. is that the promoter who mita a cer- tain number of shares on the market at a low price, usually 25 centa a entre, with the announcement that the supply to be sold at this figure is limited. He advertises largely, and the amateur speculator, generally a person of Most modest eircumstances, makes haste to buy, aacl the promot- er rakes in considerable cash. When U1 silver etream shows signs of ,d1rY- Cilittent tivtur$400,411 swiews4.Seiorle Tfit GREEN mortN IN STOOKS Why the ilentateur Who' Would GOV Rich -Quick Would Better Recon•. sidor H.4 Determination, Greenhorn Turchaeere tef Mining iitocke often find out that the game is not tio simple as it looks, and that it is not all a mere matter of buy- • ing anything the promoter reeome Mends, and Wee Oiling it out at profit • The term "greenhu o " this else is used advisedly, as itcthe allate .easrNim, • teur speeulator alto etas landed by the wikheat promoter In nineeeasea out a ten. The oicl hand doesn't by wild -cats, says The Toronto, Star. Vats tbein a mile away, se to speak, and pretty generally plagee bia Mos cairn or . The -two men are the illarquie of Lansdowne, leader of the Unioniat peers, and the Earl of Crewe, the pre- sent virtual leader ok• the Liberal peers. Rather Etald. The Marquis of Lansdowne is a famous leader, a tried and subtle war- rior, who never flinches, who always goes out to win He is a, slim little man, with a statesman's head. He is rather bald, with iron -grey mous- tache, curved, powerful nose, and , nen-comraittal eves, and gives the im-, ing up, the promoter has recourse to pression of a delicately made ariste. his advertising campaign., and an- crat, with a reserve of iron strength. mamma in large type, the *ger the his distinguishing mark is a peat date, usually not far away, the price He is always perfectly dressed, and better, that on and after a certain dark tie, fastened th a bow. He of shares in the particular mine he walks with quick, nervous etepe, and is booming will be advanced, -Bala it requires but little imagination to to fifty centa share. This hurries understand that behind an impassive up a lot oi reluctant nibblers, who face his brain is working continuous- • 'ly and rapidly. At he sits among his colleagues his baok is erect with the , rigidity of the crenacher, and he • stands to address the House with the tention is •drawn to the promise, stiffunbending poseOne is which is now fulfilled, and the stock aware that in apite a his smooth , sen-i-ir , • . it is now. announ.ced, has advanced haste to get in before the . price gets 111). The day comes, and the advertise- ments are changed accordingly, • At - words nothing oii earth would turn him from his purpose. . Illuminating Argument • A hush always falls on the Lords to 50 cents a share. This, however, does not mean that the promoter will now pay 50 cents •a share for any stock his clients who • bought at 25 cents might wish to sell when. Lord Lansdowne' rises from' hite place in the exact middle of the front hack to him, and so doable their . . , ----.7-.--•- Opposition bench, and, step; forward Money. 04, no, That would be too and lays his hand on the despatch- easy. It only means that • purchasers box on the table.: For the Rouse feeen the promoter most pay 50 cents e knows it is have real: giiidatiee ater ""ie share.'unless they den get a Titivate illummatteigargument, Lord Lansdowne does. not speak• very frequently, even though ha lead his side. But .the peers know that when there have been hours of ar- gumentative tangle, When the de-. sires of Government and Opposition alike have been obscured by amend- ments; and counter-amendments,aud 'they cart tae their profite. • ' • amendments to amendinents, it ',will Probably their lettere arent an - • Manufacturers, Importers:and lOtallers Largest Stock in Western Ontario and • Every Article Guaranteed as Represented. Our principle is honest value to every purchiser for their money. .All Should know that Sweeping Re- ductions in Fur Goads now deemed -extortionate. prices in the beginning of the ell &Sint,.• We •welennee comparison of our values—Now and at all times, and contend that our tromufactuling facilities enable us to meet all competition.- But Misrepresentation, Deceive tien and Fraud we strictly avoid. Highest Price Paid foritaw Purse• • 196 DUNDAS ST., 'LONDON! **--441-4-3-4-4*-~-4,-mi-#-~v~-4-me-orwoomirosinq# Victorious Thro' Merit I , • OXYOONOR trinmplas through merit -- for years it has boon the life award .of • more than a million persons. It is, the embodiment of the highest law ktiewn to human scienee. In it is coneentritematbe experience of the greatest scientist of . the '^"TrAga WPC116111.1 age, aft labor of love for humanity. ' No other agency for heattb has so rums,- faithful friends—nape. Other. deserves so neany. OXVDONOR new into the system; rewner- ates, reinvigorates and vitalizes every organ into the proper discharge of the function for whieh Nature intended' therit. Its use bring's. vigorous healfh with all the physical activity that makes lite Woetn No matter what disease you have this ieth,eenly. tiatat.41 fo.r 11. There is no danger, no pain, no doctor norneediethe in using OXYDOatOlt, „It will last a lifetitne and serve the Whole. fatnil y. Send today tee book No. 53, mailed free. WI ite us a description of of your ease, . • NERVOUS PROSTRATION,. _ TROUBLE. , Mr. E. Graham, 62 Robinson Sta•Toi.Mo ent...eas Oet•••-•tt, Intees-e -I hereby certify that I have used.Oxydonor No: 2 for more than a year for nervous prostration and heart trouble. E feet now folly re4trneti health, and from careful obsete;atton 1 have no hesitation in sa ying that; my complete recovery is entirely dile to the aptslication of Oxytionoe." RtIBIUMATt5Mt. Mr. John Martini Ariqprior, Ont., Can.. wr4es Fetritary lttli, 1001 -After seven months' .11se Oxydonor, "have: neon .g.reatle relieved • and almost entirely cured of vbethrfatiten frour which 1 have suffered. for foil* years, gained ten pounds while using 0 xyrionor. . *1 „a ni •st,Visknbv:eiglib years of a------------------------------------------------------------ oe." discount, while all the 20 -cent crowd can do is console themselves by, he. • lieving that their stock is worth dou- ble what they paid for it, even if they can't sell it. This game goeile on for a while, and finally the advertising. campaign languishes. Clients 'write and want to. know when. or where be Lord Lansdowne• wh o vtill rise and th sweied. If they Meow: in person; ay in tviio minutes' pull the heart out of the argument, and hold it lip for may betold a dozen ti_jj_ms. The mine the House to See.,_ But that- is- only- - mod" have- ETtidaiffk Petered out. The' demand far the stock has fallen off, captured in One part Of his 'Power as leader. Re: lies a modest, penetrating voice, p9s- b.ut will likere revive' aggradibortlazdY, 21,797 Difieuf Snake Bite.• spiring 'cOnfi ence. rt la almest line which .w111 sound p must e. ., dirt in 1905 by wild •beifsts was 2,054. - possible for .e man with any sym- The real! eaplaratitton. is that. the as against 2,107/in the previous year. pathy with Lord Lansdowne to hear promoter has sold all of that,partittu- him speak and believe him - wrong. ler kind of paper that he can, that he and the number of deaths reported, kill ileethe management of men. • he doesn't propose to keep, on advertis77 ., doesn't PrOpose to, buy 927 hack neat from .snakeLbite-(21-0974--is-alao-a-little.: Smaller than that: of 1904, -. And he unites to this' a. masterly - . Is Sarcatitib, ., . ' dbesn't propose to. keep on advertise k feature of the 1005 returns is the . . reate a market for other increase.in the :number of deaths, both ' people's stock and that he probaniy“ of. human 'beings:. mid eittle,..attribut- Ile .revels in grave sarcasm. Lord lag so ft,g, to C . Creviie Made a speech on a subject p , . ed to leopards. • :ft is suggeste&by it for open voting. ainong his fcillowete suit is that thousands. of people hold writer in Saily'az Magazine that these which. he .desired to leave a matter has a new mine to float, and the re - Lord • Lansdowne 'congratulated his -on, with the hope adman that mak,, beasts seek theiti- prey more readily friend on his eloquent speech. "I eth the heart sick, -t0,- The worthless . than they used to the neighbor- .. ha -re followed it," he -said, "With paper which theyhavebought, ,but hood of -villages. The fact that more earnest attention, not 'onlY•on-account vihich they have never been and lei. licenses to possess firearms. were:held Of the importance of the subject,. but ars. m an hamar!, areasanesaa wile be in 1905 than in the.preirions year ntal• :also on account of the , noble lcird's able to sell: • . .. , : be notiped; but it has long been re - that it ii, impossible to .dis- judicial attitude. I admired his earn- Another successful device is for the oc'grtiZed estness mid eloquence, but what 1:1- Promoter; alter he has. sold all the cover any relation between the nom - •pressed Me Mose was hiS '.' l'inPartil ' stock he Can; to announce that the ber of firearms ill native hands and • ity..',,,', A pause. "Yes, until the lest heist:ice of the ' stock and control , of the number:of deaths from wild beasts. minute Ldid not know on which; side. the property haslipen bought. by an During 1905 more dangerous wild of the fence his lordship was. coming . Arnericoi orjacilettf43i. who- will *wok, beasts Were killed' than in 1904, The the. propettys. • • • Crewe, the present great op. Februery 14th, 1940 tafffN'a Ofrfeett Method 1mployoti- Alone the Coast Winds of Enitlande 111 vserioue parte of the comitre flight note are used on certain Part* of the toast for taking birds during the uighttime, hilt those at FriekneYe QU the Wash, in Lincolnshire, have become fantouti on aecount of their eizet and the quantity of birds thali are taken in them. On this particular portion ot the. coast, says The London Daily Gra- Age, the tide goes out for. a Very long way. Next to the big ees, bank, whielt prevents the surrounding Coon - try from being flooded, there is a large marah iutereected with. dykeit. ad eoveted with glues wort, whit is locally known. ea eamplihret ne to is la a• big etretelz of sand, and folio 'ng this a stet mud flat, r oacklee. There are ewe - end men there who work flight nets •---George 14 the old wildfowler, has longest, consisting of each length at net be- g. and about six feet e•., strong' black opt-. mash six inches aquaree Along fh, top and bottom of the net runs a t strong cord, to 'attach it to a s which is placed at e distance. The lower ru four of th eleven leugth ing 3r, yards 1 deep„ made of ton twine, with ong ash polo, ery 37 yards ing *sad is attached to the pole abo t two feet frotn ,the ground; so the there is plenty of sleek. if it we • placed at ite etretcli the birds Strik- ing wonid often be thrown ba and escape, instead of being curled in a hopeless. tangle. The best time catch the wildfowl is on what ar known as the "darks," that is, dark, stormy nights with high tides, and the wind blowing north and northeast. Quiet'moonlight nights are bad, as the birds flying low, see the net and avoid the entire, by 'rising over the top of; it. Of course with so large a mesh many small birds pass through without' being caught, and, being. of thin twThe, often -when a large bunch of ducks Or geeee strike it; they go clean through, it, leaviag, nothing blit a big rent in the net and a few lea,. them to tell the tale. The writer haw seen •variOus chicks 'and. gulls, wood - cook. cock, snipe; plover. Oiels, and many different' species, both large and small, . 'catiglit'lit the toils. One has to visit the net at daybreak to take out the spoil; Otherwise the . and. the grearbacked- crows 'Make 'verys•thoet, work of the .poor captives. ' . Di netting the Ubiquitous and de- structive sparrow all that is needed is a special sparrow net, peeketed on two long, thin poles. The ivy on the house sidee and walls and the stacks in the farmyards are Werked all over by rats- ing the netus high as possible, clap- ping it on to the wail or stack; and then drawing it gradually downward. The birds, as they are .disturbed, 'fiv out may be an evening. sessing. the xeculiar property. of. in. or. any other teason may a van • ' ' 1 The mniaber of persons killed in In - Western Can' ada If you have friends in -Western Canada, if yell are seeking informa- • tion ceneerning the West, this of- fer will appeal to you. OIFIPIMR. NO. I . • , Manlielut Daily Free Press • Winnipeg 3 Months News Record* Clinton, Ont. • ••3 Months • rostaso iirenaki to 8.211 address in the Dominion• ; oFFER No. 2 Winnipeg Weekly Free Press* arid Prairie Farmer .3 Months New s Record. Clinton, Ont. ' 3•Menths restage prepaid to' any address in the Dominion, • If you want information in. re- gard to Winnipeg and Western cities -and tO*ns, information about the weatheiconditions, the chances for a situation, the cost of. board,' - business opportunities, take -offer No. 1. If you are more interested in the apiculture' situation, and in \ quest of %formation yegarcl to fanning and farm lands,. take offer No. 2'. Youcmay, if you,wish,. with- out extra expense,. have the,,Ftee. Press sent. to your. address and. the. News-Record'fbrwarded to a friend d in Western- Canada. $1 50c TO itHE.' NEWS;RECORD; •Enclosed find ,, for which send neeameni- • teba Free Press and llewss-iteeord, aa per offer No; Address • ." effieial. figures aee : Tigers, 1356; leo- Lordponent of Lord Lansdowne, late added: ime PasaeS>• aFt ... -- X .4 2,016; And hy.enns, 054. • Well -Uneven Pr ails 1". man-eating tigers. were killed. in sev'' 'daily to his reputation in liia ..condUct shows no signs. or me. r n never existed. Ask the proatoter 8bOUt of the :hill, and daily impressed his eral districts; A regular crusade personality more,deeply on the House it, and hell tell you that be has ' no against wolves hits been carried on in Ife' is a' delightfully romanticefigure, control over the syndicate, that per- parts of the Central Provinces • where slim, extrentely tall, with a' very : hape they are short of Money, Or have these brutes are most numerous and . winning Manner. •He is comparative- decided', after all, that it would 'coat ....,„tt.monbiesomt., . . , Ty Young, but has the wisd'ora of too much to develop, In any event, ""' seventy. Pieture to yourself this elm the promoter skirts are Clear, and ' To the suedes?, of the campaign no. s man., standing 11P -from among the : the- dupes—Welk. they are, lust dupes, doubt may he attributed the great dee crease in the. of persons killed• gues;. and with smiling eyed and' soft; There are dozens pf other. dev"ices. by. wolves—in /904 244, in 1905 only , handful of his grasebearded mike.- ebeve an.. • , beattlig ar'' ',There is the: device of riblishing fie- 153. Before dismissing this subject persuaeive. voice, gently it is worth noting that the Bengal ". guments into the other side With his titious bids. for a stock; where nobody Governmentein September last offered' . silver pencil -case. He looks the type, ever can _locate the hinder. It is e.n. a, Special reward of Rs. 200 for a man- ' eal debonair aristocrat, and goes to his old' device of Promoters toequote a eating tiger which • killed seven per. work with . a certain serious: - gayety, . high, priee'as ben:1g hid for their stock last . . , wiude they are on. the quiet. and sons year in Goillieta Forest, deligbtiul to behold.‘ , • Singbhuna district. The ordinary re- - Full of Facts. througlt other brokers, dutaping all ward for a tiger is. Its. .40, • But for all this, Lord Crewe is it lmeatesr coat adteiebiaetde. tiMi eoirnet;riciTeniestobtata, .prlicheisti ale. ganie the stock they can" get rid of at lower ,•, is profitable. for the , ' : : Story el Dr. Glithrie. . The keennesa of the Scotsman's grip. T.. . tbo, iidioato pardiit„ 4,811; bars, 2,266.;. wolves, • • Too Busy Ea. X very busy man is the Atneer of start. ftereetimes-he.-evers fev, gets to have his, meals and is obliged to ansk his couytiers "shadier' he has eaten his dinner or not. Hie goes to bed at 5 or 6 in the morning ancl'gets to 41,4 ir em 0 ...40411,.•;..:4.4 60,0 .0" . "At'Leiiit VFO,Seinge, ieruprior, San. 26.—LEuit eVeribm Tlios. Doolan, who lives a few mileilf from • town,- and hither of A.; Doane', groeer, was driving a team of hornet& attached tO a cutter, and, in °mobil :if at abbot' 2 in the afternoon and the G.T.R. tracks; was struck at.Jam door, fresh bread in the pockets ofclothes' arid .revorrers and ewords close at hant4 in case•he ie. empelled;todeeon..a.sudde*.iournay&! Ways has his horse read$t saddled' cdProso •frola Ottawa' '• were also both homes: He had t " in town attending the ice races. was aomewhatt hard of hearing. • • Hired to Barked; According to the Benham* there's a new occupation in that Its title is "discharges." As .ed by an .employe, when an -makes 8, complaint at a big este -7ye.rnept!itoli7ead:di_ se.har.gee" de called 'hitt bolero the complainant and vigorounel: "My didn't you deliver that cel to Mr. Sones?_" asks the boas. "dischaigae" makes some lame' or • cotes cateeull,y reheafsed befotthanda. sad, frets in return.. a torrent of die' .onfnuncecia. tiaitond and 31.% ehriaderpatoy:,,ffslhot.,torvithet ' chargee" getli his: ramiey, and ,d'hauatieasne000snalegtro.ries ttaanwli.3..htibp,ylibeitian aait ' later the "dischatgee" goes hack, hile : be disraiesed or some. Otharastiffien ' • • are, amt, • na.tne of "Dr. It Sauche & (lo„" plainly 'stamped in it'. metal 1, NYOUld do eredit to the proles- Pr°44 rs 11° works ineary to the News—% seldom used as. a text upon on siller—says the Glasgow ;Evening ou , an . sional ehlef of a departtnent. Despite it IlithriatelY Beware of Dangerotis and Fradulent imitatiotes, The tlannilie t,he ( compt. lex subleot with a. thoroughness . ote hod d d that DO. H. SANGRE & CO. 364 ST. CATHARINE ST WEST. MONTREAL to the finger -tins with facts end bet his elegance and suavity. he is laden, sharee of :reputable prope 4 doubts either while the misery rt -es n•ohodI which t6 base a few remarks, as was and clone itz an exceedingly pawky man- . • A- toretratry ring. 1 'T.14E. CHILD'S MIND, If ever there' was anything in the ' ' the Chinese •fiag. It will be recalled •erve it a Chance to Develop& by Its, 'war s 0 honeyed sweetness, 'world that event by contrarlee, it it ,. ea . national i a:anima Prove/men.. • f. And SO Lord Crewe contioues Nvith • the "greenhorn do? tbat it is one of the gayest of i 'The littler they are .the better, be. 1 Iiis hopeless tesk, trenchant, witty,. Let him not spectitAe. Let him cease farther removed' from the world I. sometime,e.and. alWfLyS :tniclisrnItr, net harbor the "get -rich -quick" ' standards. The body of the banner if; i . of a pale yellow. In the upper left ! that Is oars and deeper oacea le theta 0 SOmetur_lep.: takitng. hare: ,leneelna. aeobe, willeh Will only itnpec hand corner is 5 small red sun, and ven world ..1%. pod baby radiates. ' 1 but never. failing o return , them, * , jam, pettee, Every one evil? is tiehtly con- , . • • ...--- • i• Scotsman,. and the juke hake him if fooking at it is a fierce Chinese dragon. °. • • - • 1. gallant fightelaand ii., clover. man. About 1,000 years ago, ha theastory coons nein 'keen Taste. • _math •ltie coortesy there is tin u11. fl movable firmness, • Ile will set forth ...technical details with an enlivening -wit, and will expreee his uncornprom. tsing hostility to a suggestion in. the heartache that is caused ni tbotis.- ner by Mr, Guthrie at the opening o ands of homes where the few dollers I the Springbank IT, F. Church bazaar. that the wild -cat, promoter has gob. Tiiis well-known banker possesses bled • could be ill spared cannot be mach of•the, charming humor that was estimated. • ' characteristie of his father, • the' late What- is the remedy? What shall Rev. Dr.. Guthrie. On one occasion, he related, he was sitting at a dorm? er'a .thquest at Liverpool., where an engtilry was taking place into the cir- cumstances attending. the death by drowning. of a man in the Mersey. The body lied been recovered' by a stituted miles at dire sight Of it a no-oi.- season things up to toy ewn he did nothing to resuscitate the body nins, the Chinese made war upon the They aro busy, they are clieerfuL • • • t Sohn 1,ee, ex.M. P. P., of Highgate, taste,"•said man 'trinities cooked In 13 8 t Giants in the • Land.4 fvinetT;) :a:nee Mr. Guthri'8:1(1?. Japanese. They prepared for a great. I Af3 vule, they Seem to be kind to on 1 asnlIphincla whiaciccurred a restaurant for mime' years, "Very torian -VAP,11." The. question Walt: erne - Invasion. As a prophecy of victory I auother. 'They are not bored, and one.: whiio e, i Merlin recently, stir& few cooks do. They have palates tbat pelted, awl then its purport seemed ' d 1 r of the present timeTheytook the &aye high seasoning. louger they to dawn on the exile, as he indent- "' r. 1 his they adopted a standard which le that .1 . ' ' lees the weather is insufferable Or they 1 e i ge ,, . ni are siek they are not depreseed. Mr. Lee was slipping for the ght snn of Japan and made it very small., • What• philosophers! Witat heroesi at the Yare111113 otel, a temperance This they put In front of the dragon's honse After registering, Mr. Lee mutt) to express the idea that the Chinese dragon would devour the Jay - mese. It happened, however, that deb Chinese fleet, conveying an array of 100,000 men, was wrecked on iht way b Sepal' by a great storm, and all but tbree of the 100,000 perished. The re- sult of recent events has hot been any Inert, -ffiTVIlirillirtilliti the first affair_ 'that the Chinese dog has been cota redly concel yea. I i namor In the Par Zest. . ill the compati3 1 Abdur Rahman, the late arneer of Af- relief ,in considering Nell:swill pay. I were the mettle frho similarity of parentage, height gild weight will be nale.nistan, had a grim' sense of hinter The things that tbey do and prefer tO 4 ccaslon tt due, 1 doing of them. . , lbs., height 6 R. 4 1-4 inches, Dar - 10 It steange that the attitude of an I stepped into the sitting room and lit tuiperverted child should be the Chris- ma viiim for a smoke before retiring. tiatt ideal? • 'There were five other gentlemen ixt • T t merit of children as coin- the room till oil operators, iriterested coelt the. more salt and pepper and Y rests , Y 5 spices they require,. if 1 should . -send' pockete 1". • • a • - tip my dishes; as 1 like them, they tvotildlbe so hot and peppery tbat half tbe patrons in the restimrant weed' be he grea • unalfietp.eitt thein.1,!-,i<ew York lineeS. paulons lies In the' breadth xif their hi the Tilbury field, and all hale fel- tolerations, 'They are easy 'to please Towa. Mr, Lee also noticed that all agreeable to most propositions and no so, vrith avoirdupois, as himself. After very critical. fol - They do not "knotr better." That.* the. tnfortrial introductions which1 lowed Mr. Lee rentarked on the am - one of their delightteedsti•itraltis. Chili , Healey ee aeigeee lam weetbeepaablea r II meted that ettah The A.eciaeot. were as well blessed', and some more a Rizoueer You are charged with deen least you, an rat g one o I was apparent. e aug breaking a cliair over your wite'lhead. Prisoner—it ewes an accident yet* Lenora. Itizonner—Whet! Didn't you, luteud to Int hell Prisoner—Yea but will the Moet gratifYing cempliments pos- Man PVC. the hatit4iti of his rime 1 didn't Intend; to break the chair, sIble, exits hie age, 'his height and eitt3ight, a of chilli; you have and the follovnag names mid figures apparent to the tendert— :Which was sometimes exercised with- 1 do, do not pay, as a rides. except in the W 34 t 290 • C. ,Fulton, age , weig &nano Scotcheiriele R. R. Lewr, age 1 51, weight 282, height 0 ft.. 2 inehee, parehtege Stoteh.Iriah. W. M. Lowry, aged 52, weight 273, heigh parentage Scotch -Irish. Manee ifitatias, AO) 38, weight 258, height patene Seotch-Irish. Charles age 41, weight 254, height 5 IL 11 iachee, partake. likeettah-Trieh. Sohn. Lee, age at, weight 266, height 6 ft. 1 ineh, parentage irfelt Theee six 111011 weighed total a iso.Potcrock• ion scruple. On ono o i lisr he was holding was interrOPted la? i ,et man Who, 18 a state Of the greateat; tfaXe h d in deelaring that t the Ttussie;IS were edvancing to invade 1 Afghanistan. . Turning aside for a rati. . thilleatiltatfeettommeetrhein bt.huselntheioost Ilinnepohroegerrensesa, 1 tortes ordered his sbahgailast to conduet , *the ittan to the summit of a certain ! wretch tower. "Look you.olit Well for ; the Ituesletioe commanded Abdur Italie I WO, "for you do net alit Wall you, feat i tient arrive,"—Grand hiegitedee. WIse •eiders who are qualified to train the mind of a elfild ate pretty I etarce. The next best thlitg is the ` elder 'Who is wise enough to reaped the child'smind and give it it eltance to. develop In a s•yinpathetic Minos, phere by its own natuati E. S. Martin in queer's Magazine. . The reel:Beet and eurest way to get rid of eenettre Is to correct Otirhoirear.— Demoothedos. 1rlot • ly • You meat hear that which hurts that You May gain that which prefits.—Sia ' Meted. Atter At Ls All Over. When yarim are being spun one hettra a good deal concereing the ettrieus an. ibm 1 tl' h 11 bl, mo• cited, but.very little is: said about the man who. "gate scared after It is all ette." And tee latter, not being se , eortstItuted that be can taint, at a wo• --I-Pan often Clete aftrirliht-genere ally keeps his own counsel end often Is given the tredit -of :being eool and "nervy" When the hut le that lila ittlea are ready to hump together for mutual Ittipport,—Porest and Stream. on the Safe Side. 'TheY had 'been engaged foe hely thirtyminutes by the cuckoo elook. • • !`t have a surmise In store for you, . Alfred, dear," she said. "I eatt .eook as Well as.„1 ean plea the Piano," "That being the case, (lading," he •replied, "it avill he well for us '61 beard,". tstii-blished i879 ' Whooping. Keogh, Croup;'. Bronchitis ; Cough, Grip .Asthma, Diphtheria crew:dine: Is a. boon:10, Aston:aka not seem more efreCtive to breathe in a „ ref:Jetty to Cure difta.4.0 of the breathing organs : tluni to take the remedk into the stoinach? ' I cures iitc-Anise the air rendered .strongly anti- sSeptic h carried oyer the dise.sseti surface with !every br,sath, glviag prolonged and corlst?mt treat- : mot.' It ta. in:Valuable to mothers with small pdrea. I Thoseof a consusuitive tendency .find ' immediate • relief fromdcottighs or in. flamed coculluons c4 the ithroar. • Sold•brdroggiAts, Send postalfot bnakitt. LaErouttu,,IVICes t Ageots,):do real; Caoada,“ 197 A mimber °free:Were; liave,recerda ly endeavored to, escape conviction in, London, Eng., b),!. promising to alnir. grate to Canada, which seems to•have. a fascituttion for the ordinary crim- inal. Two corporals of the Irish. Guarcla who stole regfinentall trolleys, had tickets . for Canada. when 'attest- ed!, and a burglar whenabiought bee fore the court taid : he Iiad comifdtted!' his crime with the best of in. :teons,. wanting the wherewithal:to go, tto, Pen- ior ilanuary. Month of 16.y. and Noe Year pledges, Promises no 111015' to fall! Also montli of opening wedges, Whereby we may. break them, all. —A Cheerful Year Book. • ilconomy in the use of maeltine 011 and axle grease means prodigality, int horseflesh. • • ear!the! 1. Veer Kidd ones are *meant cafe 'SCORED ANOTKR.'• , :WONDERFUL VICTOr. • One item* Aditdt3te the Long Llit 'efts Cures . ,etly Psychtneteaa , . 'This youngdady, who littee in Brovenae. mine near'Weedstock, Onte, tells her Own: dor; in a feeecffective words of hoW she. obtained deliverance frem. the terrible". grip of *teepees and dieing°. 1 have to thank rsfehine formy present -health, harardo lyreadtararmoiyawerts ageorioasng.ittcnt:geoordeclin. 4ec.o..ilLiecouulott sweep the carpet. .1.1 1 went for s drweibe.cIto lie eatudwoenwettrbf oor a wn, II re, :tweak to lift it hhioteulithI3 via at to set. Cateri itt Otar 6::04,0vint:yit W&7, 11.114 last titniii:oirantaiti4g170P, PIteld-y. • Utterly, nelpless fether:monld give niena peace Until, VSY" rwhaire lko lel IC iilal forik decline Or weal: - 1113i Old VIII "Atiel Feney4:0166prrtrtibity'reitkiekedndt, 101 too of %little, pale, hollow ehatked, Walesa, Anelancholy girl, 1 am te,tar full of WU. ready for a sleigh.rido, skatmg match, or. an even ogparty with Anyone, and a few months ago I could not struggle to church. • 40 roads from toy heine. I have never had the slightest crane to fear any letunt of the disea", t/.1,A 140R1E1. WOOD, BtoWnaville, Theusande of women are tieing PSY- (1111Sli.l. beeatme they know from exiier-i- ietate that in it they have a eafeiriend and deliverer. l'sychine is vronderful tonic, purifying. alma blood, driving out dative germs, gives a ravenoUs appetite, aids digestion and aesimilation of food, and is a praitive and absolute cure for dieeatet of throat, eheet, lunge, stomach idyl other organs, It quickly builds OP the entire eystem, iaking el& people • Well ittid. weak. peoplci Strong. AY.* .•, Comm. `on Cute, the Lung Took, and ; to he the only reliable remedy for all i Fall and Winter weather. They will 1 mach cold,' DO you know *Lout Shiloh% i whet it it done he to many? it u said (PRONOUNCED 611(4°0 ailtleais Itlabsofutethe 114aiton1Paes"at geati4dinchild. It toI for sale et all drogeste et 60c. and 61.00 take. hit guaranteed to euro or your money. j per bottle, or at tor. T. A. Sloeem, Limited, it returned. The price is 25o. per bottle, Laboratory, 179 Xing 5it• West, Toronto. and AU delkit°11° meditlin°*# 34 Dr, Root'it Kidney Pills are a mire end S111/ L 0 11 tr.tenilit.tortenttitietinniotabiturirltiv,r4/1114 C I, Xidney Trotibie. 25e pee box, tit ell Tide tentedealattlielitehat ele,41......tottleheld. (teeters,