The Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-18, Page 88 1111111Insampossipaisms samomminammas MON DIENTS Our Specialties Stock Guaranteed not to Fade Workmanship of the. Best Prices Reasonable Prompt Delivery missmimilmolissININI.0111101-4111111* T_ IDOIC+ Opposite Post Office - Clinton IMMEMSOMMIEMMII PORTUNIJ OE WENT The undersigned has just received a ear of fresh sIsTationar Portland Cement and will sell the same at a fair living profit, The undersigned has also the agency for the Independant Companies and will fill orders for a ear load from any of the said companies for a small margin of profit, S. J. ANDREWS, . CLINTON semensase: JACKSON'S • CLEARING SALE We are still busy clearing out the balance of our summer stock. For the past three weeks we have had good success in clearing.up odd lines, but there's more to go yet .in Men's, \Wine/lib and Children's Oxford's, Pumps and. Slippers which will be closed out at wholesale prices for CASH. Black and Colored Oxfords, Patent Leather, Kid and Gun Metal Calf Pumps and Slippers Repairing Neatly Done and Promptly Attended to FRED. JACKSON ego..e.ak.sral.e-za.e.ab.seau.sPga.egb.mbe-vapeme.4elakfregra(a•tbe4arerak. SAVE DIONEY to, • By spending'it here Friday and Saturday — • Big Price Reductions in, all Depts. About 25 Ladies White Lawn Waists. made of nire quality laser) and trimmed with tucks and lace or embroidery insertion, good %alne at 65e, to clear Friday and Saturday .39 ; Men's Odd Pants at 79c 0 0 40)900000 A Big Waist Special Only a few dozen of these Odd Pants $1.00 and $1.25, choice of la this lot Friday and Saturday ' .79 0 Children's Patent Oxfords 8.5c These Oxfords are made of good quality patent and will give , good .atisfaction, sizes 11 to 2. reg price $1.85, Friday and Sat .85 Special prices on Women's and Children's Oxfords. Corsets 49c and .69c • *- Be sure and get a pair of our 69c and 49c Corsets, They are . A hummers. • e Men's and Boys' Clothing at Lowest Prices SMALL PROFITS AND MORE BUSINESS. PWMSTEEL BROS. a ibeit.eireAbe-5-abeitt.e-eme•gbey.or-e ibeibe-t›e^ez.er .-.••• *toss* so**. • ••• .• •• •.•• ,ossass 4444 .444 •••••••••4144N -11W.- ._ . __ .. ..... 1 Nelson Ball J. B Mover The Roughest hind, Of •Moving may scratch our furniture, but can hardly injure it otherwise. For it is built to stand hard service as well as to look attractive. Our Summer Furniture is no exceptinn, Light as it is there is a strength about it that is surpri ur 4ing, Oporch (hairs, rockers, etc., will stand the weather, no matter what it may he. The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy ell kinds of furniture. Hoover ,A.1111) V't11\11t1=Lii..X., 4kee. *444 .444 4444 44,44044.4 44•444144 *444 .441. .14. N.. We have over 100 Subscribers for the Stan- dard Designer, the woman's practical fashion 'magazine 10c per copy, August number now on sale. The patterns it illustrates are equally popular, they are seam -allowing, reliable and cheap -103 and 15c. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best sat 1=1 ••,s- ituttpumiiiimisIttflit, •- • . • ..... Mr. Fred. Ford has taken a poSition in Gaderich as baker. Miss Moffatt of St. Catharines is the guest of 'Miss Irwin for a couple of. weeks. • Mr. D.. Mills of St. Catharines has been in town for a few days .this week. Miss R. Hanna ot Milverton .visited her sister, Mrs. S. S. Cooper, over the week end. Misses Mary Smith and Stella Wig- gington went to Toronto on Mon- day to attend the fall millinery- op- enings. - 'Mrs.Wm. Hyalop, Detroit, who with her little daughter Edna has been a guest at the parental home, Mr. • and Mrs, I; Jackson's, visited' in " Goderieh 'WS .week, • Mr. Bob. Irwtn returned from Port Stanley on. Saturday after having • spent a very enjoyable holiday 'with London and Ingersoll friends at. Shilalie Shack, Erie Rest. Mr. J. Knox - Mats; after a vory pleasant holiday at his home in town and elaswhere, has returned. to Kimball .to resume his duties -as principal of the school there. Miss Edythe Torrance. of the eiteula- tion department of Saturday Night, Toronto, is home for .a f ear' weeks'. holidays:' She 'spent a few - dais • last Week the guests of -Miss Spack- man at. Bayfield Rev: S. R. Conch and family .of Dear - ham Centre 'spent a ftiv days with Mrs. Couch of town • and -went, out to Bayfield Monday, where. theY have taken a cottage for the • bal- ance, of the. season. . Mr, J. B. Miller returned to '• the parental home, Mr. -mid Mrs. .Jacob Miller's, last week after an absence of four years. J. 13. is pretty much • of a roamer and since last here has seen a great deal of. this-Dorninion and the • . . • Mastea Charlie Thompson. svlile. on ayisit at St. Mary's was :taken. ill . god bad to spend a few day S in bed. is now holm, and all right again, and his brother; Master Freda' has gone- to St. 111ary's,, for. his share . of holidays' put of town. • . Mr.. K. G. Beaton of St. • Cattlarfnes spent a few days i71 town last week),with his brother, Citizen A. . Beaton. it is many- years sines he visited this part of the Province and while' he was. free to admit that Huron is certainly a healthy and productive county.,he yet e?aims that St, Catharines -is the centre of the garden of . Canada. Canada.- Fruitland these is worth as high as $4000 an acre and the owner. s of five acres.can make a good: living. i‘llity have ten acre plots • and others as 'Much au. twenty , acres which require. considerable labor look after properly. The fruit srowess. work scientifically, and get much bet tea resultand have a- better liyiing 'than, those who burden thentselves. with .land in other parts • of the Province. Mr. and - Mrs, Thos. Enunerton of BloonierS State of Wisconsin, have been spending the past week as guests of Mr. awl Mrs. John nim: mertan- of town. The gentlemen are brothers, They came here from Huron township; which butts into Kiaeardine, where -they were visit - fog on the • old hoinestead, The Ems mert on family came from London 1;,: , ngland, in 1849 and that same year settled in Huron township. El- --(even years later the -subject of this personal paragraph married and moved to the State of Wisconsin' which has ever since continued to be. thrill home. They have come back frequently for Huron township still continues to be the "old home" and • ihey .bear it in affectionate remem-* bnanee. Mr. Emmerton has done well in Wisconsin where he owns a whole section of land, butthough he has lived a busy life he has found time to devote to higher politics and is State President of the Am- erican Society of Equity and one of tfit Vice -Presidents for the whole The membership of the So- siety is confined to farmers from growers of wheat to growers of cotton, sugar, tobacco, ete., and its object is to bring them eloser to- gether and by tombination to corn - wand a fair ptiee for what they have to sell. Mr. Panmerton says they have already been able to bring about good results and that still greater good will be ae- 'complished as the opetratfons of the Society of Equity ' con- tinue to expand. •...."•••• • Clintont New4.Recor4 Iimalls.allisislasimmissmesamparossamasis issamiusimmosisammanamislimissisaissiaN August 18th, 1910 While- Lawn Waists at Quarter :off Saturday: Je/ Out go the balance of our White Lawn Waists, All new this sea on. Several very dainty styles in the lot in embroidery, lace and tailored effects, We want the room for the new fall goods which are arriving daily. Saturday they will be all out at 1.4 off. •••••-••••-•••( SPECIAL— Lawn Waists Less Than Cost 3 dozen white Lawn Waists, embroidery fronts, tucked backs, long sleeves, very dainty styles, all sizes, regular $1,25 while they last 89c. SPECIAL— Ladies' Vests Less Than Cost 10 dozen ladies' fine Egyptian yarn Summer Vests, short sleeves, size 4 oily, regular Hie, while they last on Saturday 3 fpr 25c. Shop at this store Saturday and save money. Read the following list, over carefully and see how you can 3 cards Yarn :5c Three big cards of Mending Wool, shades, black, brown, tan, white and .fawn, reg 2 for 5e, Saturday 3 for 0 5. 2 Boxes Hair. Pint -5c .Dorothy Hair Pius, 100 in each bac, .assorted sizes, reg. 150- each, .Satorday .2 -for ▪ 05. 15c Silk RibbonlOe -Pure Silk Hair Ribbon, .extra heavy ' quality. four inches wide. shades idaek, . white, navy, sky; sesida, rose, pink, westerhagveen, etc., reg 15c Saturday . I0 3 pairs Cotton Hose 25e 10 dozen only, Ladies' Blaek Cotton Hose, seamless and fast color, si4 zes . 8, 2 8. 9, OS, 10, special Saturdayfi pairs. foa . 15c to 25c C011ars,80 We have laid out all: the odd lines , • and broken sizes of our children and ladle's' Linen Collars, reg 15e to 2,5e, Saturday to clear each..., .. . ........ • 25c Wash Belting -15e White Wasn Beltiog with red, black, and blue edge, guaranteed fast colors, - reg 25c belt length Saturday 25c .ChIldren's Sox 190 Children's lisle thread amS cotton sox in white with mimed checked -border and 'plain tan, sky olid white, all sizes, reg 25e Satueday. , $1.25 Sateen Petticoats Black Sateen Pettieoats, high glossy finish, three frills; all sizes, reg $1:25, Satarday 1.4 -off Bogs Wash Suits Boys Wash Suits, Buster Brown and • I E sailor style, in several styles and eolors s i) all Saturday -Quarter off reg price • . off Bout.Wash Hats - Boys White TaiMi. Washable with silk. • • • 19 lauds of assorted eolors. reg 25e, 40c, . 50e, Saturday Quarter off reg 'wive $5 Wash Suits $3.98 Ladies, Wash Suits all ready to weni', several styles to ehoiise from in black '. gge (Lad white, blue and white, and plain d's no blae, all sizes, tea.. $5:00 Saturday: .. U .98 -$7 Wash Stilts $5.75 -25c Children's Hats 15c " Children's mushroon and sailor Straw. • Hats with fancy bands, good quality s straw,' reg 25e, Saturday price........... 1 U, • • 50c Children's Hats'. 39c • Children'S mushroom and sailor 8 Straw Hats, silk ribbon bands, three styles, reg 50c Saturday . . .... .... Recubsto-Wear Ladies Linen Suits in . Saturday. several styles.,, and eolorings, reg FMK) 5 75 _ 40 inch Factory 'Cotton 10c 500 yds 40 inch Factory 'Cotton. good • • weight and even weave, worth to -day . In . 15c per yard Saturday price , .... . 1 U 10e Pactorg Cotton 8e . 500 yards good choice Factory Cotton 36 inches reg 10c Saturday • . . . . . • • 0 tassessereaws . ' About People You Know. Mr. L. E. Doherty, ".Gocierich, -was in town ye•sterday. • ' ' Miss May Smith left .on Saturday to. . resume her school .near Berlin. Miss Edna Copp- left .on Saturday to . resume her school • duties near Guelph.. Misses Fanny- and Amy Hellyar are it Toronto this' week visiting friends. . • Mrs. T. Kyle and son of K,ippen hate been guests. of • the former's mother, Mrs, Mitchell, . Mrs. • W.. D. Fair is spending a couple of weeks. with Mrs. Watson at her cottage in Westminster grove, .Bay- field. . , - Mrs., Jas, A.. Irwin. returned home last week after having spent a very enjoyable holiday With London friends. • • Mr. Robt. SteWart �f Toronto is . spending a brief holiday with his parents, Rev. Dr.,.and Mrs, Stew - at at the manse. - Mr. J. Hanna, Milverton, was the guest of his siker, Mrs. • • S.. S. Cooper, and of Goderieh township . friends Saturday and Sunday. Mr..Hanvey Jackson of Rainy River, New Ontario, visited the parental home, , Mr.. and- .Mrs, 1. Jacksons, for a few days of the past week. Miss Beryl Cooper returned home Saturday •evening after spending; several weeks with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanna at Mil- Verton. Miss Lila Ford, datighter of Mr: Jas. A. Isord, and a graduate of the tendon Normal, has taken charge of the school at Fairfield, near London. Mr. and Ws. Harry Falconer of Con- neaut, Ohio, and Mr. Frank Burris of Santa Rosa, California, . visit- ed Clinton and hayfield friends on Monday. Mr. Frank O'Neil and his daughter, Miss 'Pearl O'Neil, returned last week from Moosejaw, Sask., and the latter is now -enjoying lake breezes at the fanily's summer cot- tage, Hayfield. M. O'Neilys long , experience in the west and his bus- iness relations at many points en- ables him to make a math more; as - curate crop forecast than so-called experts who base their estimate 'from what they see froth a car win- dow. Postmaster Scott left this week, for •Wooastoek where lie- Will spend a part of his holidays.. .• • Mr. Geo. LaVis intends • moving stext- -week into the: house Which, he lately purchased on Isaac -street. • Mr. Einerson Mitchell left oh Sets ..Orday for Regina, Sask. He ex- pected to be joined by. his brother; John, in Dettbit. 11.1rs. Cuninghame and 'alias Mor - nee and Mrs. II. E. 413.prke and family have gone out to Burk's • AO camp for a few weeks. Mr, Grant Beaton went to Zurich on 'Saturday, to be ready- on • Monday morning for the re -opening of the Public sehool: of which lie, is princi- pal. . :. Misses Theresa and Myrtle Kyle, who have been visiting- friends in town and - vicinity (luting the past week, . left. yesterday aiterOdon• for their , home in Srandon, Man, Mo. Bert Sherriff, ledger keeper on the staff of the Molsons. Bank, has been removed to the branch' at -St. Mary's. Mr. Sheriff was a general ;favorite amongst the young .people of the. town and his departure is much regretted. Pr. Tennant, London, of the staff of 'the Dominion Daltment of Agri - vulture, was in town and the vicin- ity last Week. If you sell a thorn - bred sheep for export the Pr. will appear to sees' to it tba•t you fol.,' low certain regulations provided for such transactions. Mrs. Doherty, who bas been visit - in g her sister, Mrs. W. 11. Beesely, Moosejaw, Sask., for the. past (ample of months, returned home the past. week, Mrs. Doherty • pur- poses moving next week to reside in Stratford where her daughter, Miss Daisy Doherty, is eommereial spec- ialist in the Collegiate Institute. • Mr. Hugh ("Bub") Brewer, forinetely of Clinton and son of Mr. Brewer, local manager of Molsons, has been visiting in town and with some of his old chums who are camping at Bayfield. lie is a member of the advertising 'staff of the Montreal Star and is doing well. Two of Brewer's sons have given up banking for other pursuits, one hav- ing, taken:. up wholesale dry goods,* while the subjeet of this notice has Mitred newspaper work. The News. Frorn Lendesboro Miss. E. Jamieson ,has returned a - ter spending a month at yeterboto and other points in Eastern'. Ontario. Miss Elsie Lear of Blyth has,: been the. guest of Mrs. John Nott. The Londesboro .Syndicate thresh-. ing outfit is having a very busy „sea son and as their machine' ES 'one of the most up-to-date they put through a great quantity of grain each ws rk- ing day.. 'This week they, hate. ben - working dower the lies:" Line'.. and neighborhood. • Mr. • John Nott is • in • charge Of the .-outfit and is' assisted by John and Charlie .Jahnstones all • .. - three of this- village, sMisa Lemitix and Miss -Isabel Watt . of Detroit 'are guests at the home ot "- Mr. A. jamieson. Constance Concerns. Mrs, Wm. Stanbury • of :the London Road /load and her- sister;'• Miss Kellitigton of Brussels, visited their friend, Mrs. Wm Button. last Tuesday. 'Ma and Mrs. Jas. Mains and chil- dren of Stapleton .Vie:ted bet biother, Mr. D. • Tudor, 011 Thursday, Miss Nall Sutherland has taken a `poSition with Mr. Ms BrOadfoot , in Seaforth. , Mrs. McCully is visiting her • ditagils ter, Mrs. E. McGregor at Walker- ton. • • Mrs. 'Wilson idoWly improving from an attack of pneunropia. Mrs. Not t of Algoma -a -ad Mrs, Jennison of • London Road visited their friend, Mrs. Janet Campbell en. Friday. ' Mr. Fred. .1S, Stanley and children of Tonna() spent a few days the guest of la r sister, Mrs. D. Tudor. While unloading mune grain at D. NiillsongsS Mr, Ben, Snell was thrown off a. load, hurtiag his shoulders We hope to see him around .again sons Mr. Win. Stanley -of Hohnesville was a miller in our vil?dge last wit. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson hit for the west on Tuesday where they will spend some time the guest of her sister. Mrs. Geo. .1Svans Lt- 'Ion • ate -visiting her uncle, Mr. Wats' ter WilliSon. • . • ' • The telephones in .this section are - being installed which will mean great convenience. • Mrs. John Rinn of Manitou, Mas,-,: is visiting at .present with his hrs.- ther, Mr. Wm. Man. Mr, Rinn La.-. j. • been very successful ia farming in ft.., west, but this year suffered with ' many ethers' on account of drought . • which. very materially redueed yield in an three provinces. . Ben. Snell had .' a bad accident' rss eentlywhile loading grain in t`,..s • field. lie was standing co the bads end of the load when the horses sta.:- se ted quickly which overbalanced: hit:. III and he fel? ten or tw.elye feet to ths ground receiving a bad, shaking is. and was obliged to remaht bn (loc.. for a few days, but we are pleas,,i to sse him moviag about again. . Mr. and Mrs. jobb, Pepper, and chtd teturn to their home Ilet week Deloraine, Man. Miss Katie Jams - sots slater of Mrs. Pepper, gots wttit them to remain 'for a time. A and 'pleasant journey is the wish their many friends here and lista. about s. • • A lad of sixteen was sentenced to three years inthe penitentiary for ,stealing $6.75 at Hamilton. It is stated that an announcement regarding new (1.P.13., steamers for the Atlantic' will be made shortly. • Piekpockets reaped tt rich harvest : at the Irishmen's picnic at Port Stanley. The Winners of matrieulation schol- arships at Qtlieee8 rtiversity are an- nounced Mayor Gaynor of New York ceps tinuea to make. steady prop,ress, M. Lesnin fele, with his aeroplane LI licip,ium and was fatally injured. Franklin Larose, suspected of beins implicated in the alleged niining St-. frauds, has disappeared from Londea. Montreal will spend half- a million dollars on permanent .sidewalks, Appalling devastation hatA bese ;wrought by floods in Japan, 11411400.44*.0.1 +. ••