The Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-18, Page 5Mtgust. 18th, 1914 *+ r ►+ ••••• ••.4 q .,►.+ ..t s..4r,r,1 The News From Gimlet** I at.olsa A. $Kli'1MiNos Correspoedest 4 r"t►•'N.N••44114 4040 N.•"1►+r...1110.N.pNA..•4Hel to Hon. Dr. Pugsley and party wee fli Goderich last week. The Misses Haberlack of I3uffaie are xegetered at the British Exchange. Captain Gundry underwent a st thee operation last month. Dr. Gunn w tip trona Clinton. Mr. Alexander K. Gage of Delete visited his family one eventing las week at their summer residence r"f'li Cottage," and left next day for Col orado where he will spend sem weeks. We regret very much to learn that Miss Lewis has had a relapse of her old illness. We trust that it may, poor, pass over. Miss Attie Lewis, sister of E. N. Lewis, M. P., will spend this seas- on at her brother's residence. She has just returned from Paris where she spent several years. Mr. Harry Vigars of Port Arthur joined his wife, Mrs. Vigars, here and both are guests of the latter's par- ents, Captain and Mrs. Tretheway. Don M. Diclainson and Mrs. Diekin- son were the guests last week of 'their daughter, Mrs. Barber, who with her husband is spending the meson at the summer residence of Dr. Jukes Johnston. At Knox church on Sunday even- ing Rev. Dr. Meldrum electrified the congregation with his eloquence. For itis text he chose St. Paul's epistle to the Hebrews 9-27 "And as it es appointed unto men once to die, but after this the•judgment." He spoke so earr-estly about people building man- sions costly and compared them with the poor men, who built mansions for the soul, which he said were incom- parably ncozn- ora lgreater,f rthetai p byo wealthy man, a , niay not set a good example to his family, and his great wealth might prove a curse to them, while the poor man would look after his fam- ily and bring then up in the fear of the Lord, teaching them to be kind and d to all. P fess 0r Egc-ner sand "Abide with Me." The choir wore their new uniform, black mortans, and surplices. There were about 15 ladies in the choir. At the offertory the anthem was exceedingly well rendered. We had the pleasure of meet- ing Miss R. M. Hill of Toronto last week. She intends making the European tour, and will spend some time here before leaving. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly have returned franc a several ••era 1 weeks tour, visiting Quebec, before returning. They also spent some timeinM Mr. Kell y s old home at Piston. Mrs. Simonds and hir neice, Miss Falconer, took trip a t ip to I:gmondville• the past week and were the guests of Recand Mrs. Neil ell Sha s1' Miss Coutts of Hodgens' establish- ment is visiting at her old home in Nebraska. Dr. Archie Dickson has returned to New York. - Miss Atkinson has returned front New York. Rev. Dr. Meldrum and family of Cleveland are the guests of the for- nter's mother, Mrs. •Captain Gibson, "Afton Lodge." Captain Featherstonehaugdi of Mid- land, superintendent of the Inland Navigation Co. is here to superintend the' repairs to the steamer Dundee, which will enter the dry dock. Piper and Mrs. Craigie reside for this seauon at the residence of Man- ager John Bain. Mr. B. II. Clement was the guest this week of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Clement.' Judge and Mrs. Carpenter and family, accompanied a party who came through from Lansing in their autotnobi•lo. Miss Mary Doran, Superintendent of the Ladies.' Corsage Co., Detroit, is spending her vacation with her moth- er, Mrs, Doran, Britannia Road. Dr. Percy Tye of Newton spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mail ('lcrk and Mrs. Tye. • Don M. Dickson, ex -Postmaster - General of the U.S., returned to his home at Detroit on Saturday. Mns. Dickson is spending this week with tier daughter, Mrs, Barbour. Donald McGillivray, who at five years of age accompanied his father, Engineer James McGillivray en the Government tug Deltsle, some years ago, has just received his papers as mate and is now on the M.T. Cors steamer "Advance." e 11lrs. Thom' ol: Montreal is the guest •of her mother, Mrs. M. Hutchinson, "Glengowan." ' The bowling tournament passed off very successfully. Mr. W. Lane's ,rink, $ consisting of J. Proudfoot, E. R. Wigle, T. McDermott and Mr. Lane t won the trophy. Mr. Fred. basis' t, rink wore the Association with Mr. G. W. B x Clinton, ff a ge s rink, C.Itttton,. second, e We are to lose Mr. and Mrs. Dore (nee Dietrich) but we hope for their own advancement. Mr, Dore, day operator at the G.T.R. station, has been promoted to the position of s ta- tton agent at Lucan and W. Craig of Lucan, is promoted to Mr. Dore's position here. We regret very much to end that Mrs. McKee Morrison,.daughter of Mrs. Hawley, is ver ill with nerve trouble at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Naftel. Miss Rose Ifargitt it, her nurse. Contractor Hector McFadyen of Portland, Oregon, has joined his wife (formerly Gracie K. Polly.> Auburn DIr :orward will give a special address to young men in the Baptist church next Sunday afternoon. Klppen Our visitore to the west are : Mrs. R. 13. McLean to Fillmore, Sask. ; 'Mrs. Walter Mclleath to Kenton., and Mrs. Logan to Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. Isaac Jarrott who was out to Moose ,Taw has returned, The Misses Moore of Letfdon are enjoying a pleasant visit with old friends here. Huliett Township. Mr. James Snell this week strips nine of his famous Leceister sheep to New York State, eight to Robert Robinson of Bath andthe ninth to Fenton Wager of Naples. Both pur- chasers intended exhibiting at the State Fairs, but there has been con- siderable delay in getting the sheep over the line owing to the vast amount of red taperoutine which must be gone threughh, with. Not on- ly has there to he dipping but a special officer is sent up from Lon- don to see that it is dont*. However, it is expected the sheep will be gat away this week.•. While Mr. Snell exports Leeeisters, he also imports so as to keep the quality of his flock up to the blue blood mark, The past week he added a ram lamb whieb he bought in Scot- land and which be expects will devel- op into one of the best of his bunch, While assorting Mr. Joseph McIn- tosh to haul in on. Wednesday and pitching from the load cantoa stack, Mr. P. Quigley washit on the top of the head by a scantling which made so big a gash that 1VIr, Quigley had to go to a surgeon to 'sti•tch,i-t up. It was a bad smash and with many men would have served as anexcuse for laying up for a few da"s but not so Mr. Quigley gley who pitched into work agesin as noon as he got back from the doctor's-, Tuckersmith Township. The sad intelligence of the death of Ella J. Johns, wife• of .Mr. Norman Peer, and daughter of Mrs, - Jane Johns of the 2nd eon,,,reached • here on Thursday last, The sad event oc- curred at Yorkton, ;Sask., where only eleven en month s ago she. had gone 25: a. bride. Deceased was born and reared in 7'ckr _' u c smith and . after graduating from Clinton Collegiate Institute she entered the teaching • profession , and for three years successfully tante) school near Ilepworth, where site met her nowhereaved husband. Later she attended- .Normal and afterwards tub" a g t on the 9th con..' of Goueni rh township... • Mrs. Peer was a faithful. 'member et c the tMpth odist church and che4t,:ly took pant in the Week of, the young people's societies, •the choir and the Sunday school. in that ehu•rch or .in any other where she found she round be of service and. where. she happened to be situated. The remains Were. brought home for burials the funeral taking place from her motlfee's residence on the and, con. on Tuesday • -afternoon to Turner's cemetery. The services were conducte ed by Rev. '1'.. W.. Casens and Rev. W. H. Dunbar.' The pallbearersi were old neighbors and friends of tie decease ed ; Messrs. J. S. C tech, F. Pepper, F. Townsend, J. E. Ball, F. Plewes and S. W. Nott. • Beside' her -sorrowing husband, de- ceased 'leaves to mourn her early tak- ing off her .mother, -'three brothers i Ira W. of the 3rd con,, Harvey R. on the homestead,, Addison .F, teacher :at' Rockwood, and three -sisters.: Mrs. • R. Lawson, Mullett ; Mrs. A:.Seeley, - Clinton, and• Mrs. (Rev,) A. E. Milli- e liisof Quill Lake, Sask., :to all of whom goes out. •the sincere• sympathy of•the community in their sadden bereave- ment. Mis. J. Johns and family desire through the niediunt of The. News• Recordeto express their sincere thanks to their friends for their kindness to them in their time of store bereave- ment. - - St.'He1th& - Mr. and Mrs. Chas.�Stewart left for their home in llooSemin; Sask.; this week. Mr. Thos, Woods visited` old friends around St; Helen's for a.few days last -week;• Mr. • .Jas, Wilson returned to his home in 'Toronto :atter taking in' the Old Boys' and CTtrls' re -union in Lucknew and tit. Helen's. Mrs. Leash and daughter, Marjorie, spent a few days visiting old friends around St. llelens, t 1 Rev. S. M. Whaley of -Stratford Presbytery called on a few of his cid friends last week, Mrs. Richard Milder of McCauley, Man.,leaves thzs week f r Toronto where she will visit friends for a few days h-efore returning to her home in the west. The St. Helens re -union held on Wednesday everrng' - was a great ' sue- cess. People same • from far and near and were entertained by a good sup- per and a fine program, The Misses Tema Gordon and An- nie nnie Clark, aero Hugh McDonald left for their respeetive homes in the west after having attended the tuck- now and St. Helens re -union. y y colnnes'Vlyle. • .. A pictie. t> nic under the aus i ' s f ll the Woman'p v ,Institettt' will be held on For'ster's flats nett Thursday, when everybody will be welcome. Cottle, bring a basket and have a good time, Clinton News -Record a1Ifleld Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- ter, Olive Daisy, to. Malcolm Fraser, a grocery merchant of Fort William, on Wednesday, August 31st. Annivers:*l.ry services will be field in the Presbyterian church xtext Sun- day and will be conducted by Rev. D. C. Stephens of West i ttvrencex- town, Nova Scotia. Special anisic will be provided and a hearty a,istta- tion is extended- to ail 'who vans teethe it convenient to attend. 11Iessrs, Smith and Wilken came down froanr Goderich on Friday even- ing and spent a few hours very pleasantly with friends. Misses Lapine and Brang and Messrs. Murphy, Ilueston, 51CLure, Holloway and Ieafitenbury came over from Clinton for the dance on Friday evening. Porter's Hill. Mrs, D. A. Marshall is .spending a few days at Munro with her sister, Mrs. Moore. Mr, and Mrs. 0-. W. Potter and two children spent Sunday at`Colborue. Mr. and Mrs. Doty- of Goderich, spent a few days recently at. Mr. John Torrance's, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cassels- and daughter of Crederich• and Mrs. McIn- tyre and daughter of London spent Wednesday at Mr. Geo. Vanderburg's, Mr, and. Mrs. Charles McGregor spent. Sunday at Mrs. Sam'. Eznmer- son'•s,. Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Elliott of Win- nipeg were in our vicinity Monday calling on friends, - Miss Queenie Martin of hayfield spent a few days at Mrs. . Charles McPhail's. Varna Misses I hen. Logan - and Elia Cam- eron visited at Holmesville on Mon- day. , Miss Amelia -McLean was the guest of her aunt, 1VIrs. C, Logan, Parr Line, on Wednesday, • Mrs. W. Penfound was the guest of Mrs, C, Weekes on Friday last. Mr. M. Keyes preached in the Varna chureh on - Sunday last, Mr. Taylor' being. R 2 Seaforth, Miss Bertha Thompson, • who has been visiting her sister, .Mrs, L. Beatty, has returned to her 'horde at Clinton. - Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McAsh have gone on a trip to the west. , Their many friends wish them a pleasant journey and a Safe return. ` Mrs. S. barber, . after a pleasant visitat the home Of tier'fattier, .'Mr.... T. •Keyes, has returned to her home - at. Orillia. • Mrs. - T. Johnson is visiting 'at her 'old.home • with Tier patients, Mr-. and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Morrison has gone on a visit: i:0 in M friends leMcKillop.' -Mess Irene .Douglas is .:the guest of, her.aunt ,. Mrs...J. J. 'Keyes..- Superintendent- Mr. J. J. Keys, Super}ntendetut . • of City .Schools; Nashv.}lie, Tennessee, arrived on -Saturday last to.: join in his family .who -have been summering here. - As their old .home they are all anitous to get-. back -here fo_rthe good old .summer trine, A pretty, wedding took place at •the name of the bride's parents, - :Parr Line, on Wednesday of thls week when Miss Mabel Reid,' daughter • of Mr. and Mrs,: Andrew Reid, became the bride of Mr. William - Cudmore of' Centore where the -happy couple -Will reside. Rev. Mr. Taylor . was the of- ficiating clergyman. Congratulations. The garden party given under - the auspicts of 'St. John's. church in Mr: 'IMeAs-'s, grounds ort Thursday even= ing .last was an' - unqualified success. In. spite. of the , fact that it was a very busy time. for farm•er,', ; .a ,. good. ercwd •assembled, there 'being • many from Clinton, - •Seafonth and- other nearby places,. and all thoroughly en- joyed the excellent :supper provided by the ladies.• Varna ladies : have a reputation to maintain in this re- spect and they seem to find- no diffi- culty, ,in doing so. The music fur- nished by the Citizens' band of Ma - ton and the Blackstone orchestra, of Goderieh . was also very 'much appre- ciated and it was a.good-natured and happy crowd that finally wended their' way homeward from one•of the most successful gatherings of the kind this season, Proceeds. amounted to sortie - where about $150, - • • Stanleg Township. Miss Beacom, who has been visiting' fa:ends in Goderich towhship, return- ed to the home of Mr, R. McClincitey on Sunday.- • Misses. • , Annie and Emma : Steplien- son and.Mr, Wni. Stephenson spent Sundayth at a home of Mr. Arthur 'Stephenson neacelinton, Miss Clara Richardson and her bro- ther, Rev, W. Richardson of Arthur,. are spending their vacation with their father, Mr. Joseph' Richardson. • Mie; Kennel' of Blake, wito has been spending a few weeks with Mrs. Wm. Reid, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. rs. Jate am„ s Monteith and her daughter, Miss Isabelle of Stratford, have been visiting friends in Stan- ley this week. Mr, and Mils. Herbert Sherritt of (lreen•way, Stephen and Miss Myrtle Sherriti of London visited at the home of Mr. W. leathwell., Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Peck and child of Seafoith are spending a few weeks with Mr. henry Peck. 1M1:6 Pearl Dryndale of Ilc+nsall spent the past week tis a guest• of her cousin, Miss Anna Mae . Arm- strong. Mr. Will, Seotehmett and his sister, Miss daisy Scotchmer, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs, - Ale bent Townslitntl of near Summerhill. To k. ep in touch with what's hap-, penile; in :Stanley township it's nee, esi"xr+y to be a • reader of The News• Record•if not a subscriber. , AQDIT1IJNA[ 1UCAI NEWS, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday next at the home -of Mrs, Dayment when 'Mrs, A. Beaeoin will give a demonstration on "Deserts," and Mrs. Dodd ohe on "Canning and Pickling." LITTLE LOCALS. A -number of people picnicked at Burk's on Tuesday, last. The T.R.T's came in from hayfield on Monday after a jolly fortnight by the Huron. A number of new book's have been added to the public library this. week. The Woman's Association picnicked at Bayfield on Thursday last. A BOTTLE FROM ST. IGNAC•E, Mr: Gordon Cunieghame picked: up one day hest week on the. beech a couple of miles above Bayfield, a bottle containing a note which had been thrown from. the Str. St. IgM nate on, July 2nd. The bottle had been, simply corked without sealing but the note was perfectly dry and legible. ANNUAL VISIT.• - Mr. George Buskin, egent and mis- sionary of the Evangelical and Col - portage Mieaion for the dissemuination of Biblical literature,, is paying his annual visit to Clinton. The past year the contribteSees here entoueted to $9.15. Mr. Buskin says. that" in the past twelve months tie eats dis- tributed 815 copies of ip.'• Bit le in twelve languages. .The '1' .iron to depot of . the Society has been remoi ed . to 63 O'Hara Ave., Toronto. - Personals - Mr. and Mrs, John Entm-erton and their guests spent Tueo:iay at Bay- -field. • • Mrs. II. Plumsteel and 'Miss •1'iu,rt- steel visited Caoderich !Vends er the week end. - t Miss Annie Doe and Miss Tila- Doc •of London are guests- of Mr. - and Mrs. - T, Mason. • Mass •Lottie Webster, oil -xi town- ship, left 'eon Tuesday to tislt friends at Souris,' Mare - Mra. ' N. Bat: anti `family are visiting this week with Mr. 'and -errs. W. -H. Ball of •Goderich township, • - IVIr. John Cook of New York city is visiting his • uncle,• Mr 11, • i.'ot.k Sr:, and other friends. HIe a. a ea- tive 'or: the 9th- con. c f Gide to h township: -. - • :YIr. Harry • Twitchell,, who has been suffering from a rather' severe at- tack of appendicitis, is now able to bean around again. g tn. kle'is not doing any baseball stunts this week, how- , tt J41:. Bert •Johnson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D` Johnson, . has gone to Staples and taken •charge of the school there. 'During -the, bolt- .days oli .days-he_took'a course in the Mili- tary Sebool at London.. HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY,, Miss M. Manning had a fewfriends in on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall -entertained a number of their friends; tq tea on Thursday evening. . Mrs, J. T, Harland gave a pleasant little tea fora number of lady friends on Saturday evening. Mrs.. Win, Cook :entertained to . tea oat Friday evening in -honor of her neices, , the MVIisses •• Kyle. Mrs. S. J. Andrews e:i t ei twined a - nutnber of ladies on Nednes"fav even- ing last in honor of her f-iisads, itfret Ar .ot•t and Mrs-.. Mclewan, One of the Pioneers of Can- adian Methodism, Continued from ..page 1. same pony to an appointment one ,Sunday morning through •a bush road he had a peculiar accident. He was driving a new high built cutter, nd on -account of the high winds' was ' ct1stomary to have - the robe fastened to the Butter and then strapped tie d around o d the waist. On this particular morning a light fall of snow hida snag from view and the runner. striking it the cutter waes sud- denly upturned, and the horse taking fright ran, dragging Mr.. Newcombe, who was fast in the robe, over logs and stumps until the strap broke and, freed hitn. The horse ran on a little way but missing her driver's - voice she turned t back and met him amtn g, picking up portions of his brand new cutter as he came. He managed to find enough of it to ride on the reinain- der. of the way, arriving at his ap- pointment with clothing tattered and torn but without a scratch. "I've had many a narrow escape in my time," said Mr, Newcombe, "but the Nord has delivered inc Wonderfully." ' Mr. Newcotnbe's family, most of whotn are also well known in town, consists of three daughters: Mrs. Woodman, Boston, Mess. ; Mrs. r J. 5. Evans, town ; Mrs. Miller, In- dian Head, Sask., and two . sons: W. y Il., Vancouver, D,G., and W. J., Fort William. New Advertisemeffltts. Coat Sweaters—Morrish-1 Correct Clothes—Irwin's--4 School Supplies—Cooper's-4 in Toronto --.S. L. Taubee-5 White Lawn Waists—Tozer-8 Fall Suitingo—Barge Si Co. -4 House Wanted—News-Record•-5 Hoose to Rent --Mrs. G. I)oiterty-5 More rain than in needed for the crops has fallen in norttta ester+n Mee - Robe. Marriages. 1't7DMQRE•k-REIT -, At the home of the bride's parents on the Farr Line, Stanley, on August 17th by Rev. Mr. Taylor, Mabel,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reid, to William Cudinore of Clinton. Births. "IRSKINE--In Clinton, Aug. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Er- skine, rskine, a son. ELLIOTT—In Clanton on August 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. El- liott, a son. CleDMORE--In Clinton on August '16th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Alex. Cud - more, a daughter. MARTIN—At Oklahoma City, Okla,, on August ist, to Mr, and Mrs, H. C. Martin, (nee Doan of Zurich) a son. JACOBS—In Whitechurch on August 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacobs, a son. Deaths PEER—At Yorkton, Sask., on Aug- ust 11th,' Ella J. Johns, wife of Mr, Norman Peer and daughter of Mrs. Jane Johns, Tuckerssxtith Township, Ont., in her 27th year. JOHNSTON-•In Whitechurch, cn Aug, 5th, John R. Johnston, in his 83rd year.. - McCL'iJRE—In McKillop on August 5th, Sarah Jane Torrance, relict of the late George McClure, aged 70 years. . Live Stock Market. Toronto, • Aug, 15th,•-4Tnion. Mot Yards. — Receipts were 143 cars with 2,959 • head of eatt.te, 55 misses 66 hogs and 560 sheep. Trade was very- slow, parti,'ularly for 'export cattle. Cables- i'•,iii - the Old Country indicated ea :ie pities there and local buyers aver( stn:.(eIng out and locking fon n tit ii i -i:il break r�, in prices. t p. to Itooa tiznrt. were t e very few. transactions, but sucl• as Were made indicated a- tl Blinn of 2 c to 30c from last week's pri;ys. 'The easier tone to the export market, had its effect on the rest of the market, the butcher r tradewas •i little thoughtt t• bt 1-e sv e the more active, pieces were oar to about the same extent on butcher cattle as on export. Butcher ':ows and hough mixed Cattle 'mire espec i•.il- ly were affected by the decline. Choice export cattle quoted at $6.- 25 to $6.50. Butcher cattle, choices $5.25 to $5,- r o •• �d•tt t , ':2 ; common; 5 me t m to � 0 $ $ mixed- and cows, $3.50 to $4.50: can- ners, $1,50 to $2. - - Sheep—Heavy ewesare on25r to., 50e lower, . light ewes and -Iambs steady' to firm. • :Heavy are v - e • • ewes es quoted from $3.50 to $4.; and light, $4 to $4.50. .Lambs are slightly :11r - mer at $6 to $600. • Hogs. --Market- easier and 15c lower. .25 and. $8.60 fed and Selects, $ watered at .Torohto. •• HOUSE TO RENT ON VICTORIA street.--Mu>s. George •Dohertp 42 S. L. TAUBE, EYESIGTIT SPECI- alist of Toronto, •will be at Tris - of. free at 126 lluron street,: Toronto, during Exhibition. Hours; 10 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. nt.--S. L. Taube. 42--•2 HOUSE' WANTED. •- -TO RENT, tnedi un • sized house, with modern conveniences.. .Small family, Apple at News -Record Office. .. . 42 DRAIN TILE FOR SALE.—WE NOW have a stock of Tile on Band rang- ing in sires from 2e up to 8 inches. 10 and 12 -inch Tile- early Made. to ceder. Works half -mile east . of Egmon-deille.- Phone No. 9 on 145: —Kruse Bros'. ' Igmondville P. 0. - .• 39-6 FOR .SALE. --17 ACRES OF -G00D • garden land, Nice brick Itouse, hard. and soft water, • bank barn, drive • house, hog pen; • Good orchard, al1 kinds fruit. Situated oft Baee 'Line outside corporation of the town of Clinton.. Apply on the premises or to Isaac Baur. Clinton P. 0. • 34 • FARM FOR SALE,—EAST, HALF of Lot 21, Con, 4, L.R.S., Tucker - smith, containing 50 acres. The land is all cleared, well fenced and underdrained. 'There are on the premises : a good bank barn ' .and good stabling, a good house and plenty of water—one well at the house and one at the stable. For further particulars apply on the premises, or address George Brown- lee, Seaforth P. 0, 40-8 TO RENT ROOMS SUIT - able for light 1ousekeepbg. Cen- trally located, --Apply at News - Record Office. 41 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY BY-I�AW No. 8 for 1910--A By-law to levy on the Collectors' Roll the amount of unperforated statute labor at the rate of $1.00 per day. It is here- by enaeted by the municipal coun- cil of the Township of Stanley, act- ing under authority of Chapter 223, .Section 581 R.S.O.�1857, that the rate of $1,00 per day be levied on the Collector's Roll of any person's statute labor left unperformed by � September lst, 1910, and same to he collected with the other taxes. i Pathmasters ntutjt leave their lists in by September lst, 1910, Dated this 30th day, of July, 1910.. Wm. t31en, Reeve, J. E. Ilarn well, Clerk. 40-2 FOR SALE.—A SECOND HAND square piano. Will be sold cheap for cash. Apply at News -Record of- fice. ' 40 SEED. WHEAT 1 -The undersigned offers for sale at his farm, the var- iety known as Dawson's Golden Chaff at $1.05 per bushel. This wheat Is clean, plump grain, and yielded this year, as estimated, 20 bushel's to the acre. A sample can be sceu at my town otlitce.—John Ransford. 2-42 Notice to Public Your Patronage Solicited Having purchased a set of tools and machinery necessary for PLUMBiNC AND TiNSMITHINC; I would respectfully solicit the patron- age of the Town of Clinton and. vicinity, REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended to Leave orders at residence, 76 Victoria Street. Phone No. 139. W. H. WEBB 26 cents Wilt pay a 'sub- scription to The News- • Record to end of 1910. WONDERLAND OP,h:IS ON SATUR ee day, August 13th, with a new stock of Pictures and. Songs, all up -tie date. We give away 500 packagea of guns every week Inc three months. Catch on to the nights we; give it assay. Admission ree --A. Hailes. 41 Your Patronage Solid. ted. HAVING PURCHASED iJH• BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS Ob' MR. JAMES FLYNN, WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE PATRONAGE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON •AND VICINITY• We ivake a specialty of Shoeing Lame and inter- fering Horses and: guar . antee satisfaction in that line, CARRIAGE MAKING AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. GIVE US A CALL. CHARGES - ,MODERATE. M'rv`e.4 J. SALINDERS. .......„,„,,,..........,..................................,................... 0 August Brides Our �, irti�; stock is complete with. �iA, v 7� articles suitable -for `�, vv 0 : ng Presents $ . which will be enduring i e u i g and carry your heartiest wishes for future happiness. •.1 High Grade Watches Fancy Clocks Pearl Brooches tt Diamond Rings to 18k Wedding Rings Sterling and Plated g ed Silverware which 1w� s . a y makes 'a useful gift. �Y CHINAWARE--A-discount of 25 per cent. will be - - givenon all • l China: Issuer • S O Mgacri& E A. J. GRIGG Licenses. � IVIGcenses.. urn niture�aat , �. House Furnishings at :Greatly Reduced SS Prices.. for the month of Aug. when the goods are most required. 10:p.c discount on Rugs, Mattings, Linoletints. Curtains, Etc. 10 p.c. off Iron Beds—Beds from $2 up to $25. Our special at $4 is a winner. 10•p.c. oft Mattresses and Bed Springs. - - Dressers and Stands for $8.50, Otik Rocke.ts, $1:90, Couches $5. Our leader at $8 -isnot equalled•at the: price in the•cotnty. - • 'Curtain Stretchers loaned to our•customers free. Our Dus-Kot Carpet Cleaner will be loaned free for .one .day only. Gerhard-Heintzman Plane for which I ant the only agent Ott this. - vicinity, need no introduction—"no bluff deeded to sell it.' • Picture Framing and Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. The Store of Quality. W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 28 Night of Day Farm Laborers' FOR waxy Wanted IN WESTERNCANADA $10-nA TO wINNIPE AND POINTS EAST OF MOOSE SAW GOING DA'f s. _.• Friday, August 12th, and Tuesday, August I6th From KINGSTON, SARBOT LAKE AND ALL STATIONS WEST IN ONTARIO Representative farmers, appointed by the Government, will meet and engage laborers' on are"ralat Winnipeg. Fitt* tran,portittion will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on C.P.R. where laborer* are needed, east of Maose Jars, including 'brandied, and at are ce,tt a matte each war+ West thereof in Saskatchewan and Alberta. A certificate is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate alien executed by farmer. showing that, laborer hat worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that point for a second elites ticket beck to atartina points in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Nov, 30th, 1910. Tick& are toot) thing tlniv on special Farm T.ahorers' 1rainy and will be issued to women air well as to men, but will not be issued at'haif fare to children. For full taitriltttle,rs see rweareat C.F.R. rt.at. or !Oho R. r,. TIIOMISON. 1D.l►.A., C.P.L. TORONTO W. JACKSON, TICKET GENT, CLINTON.