The Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-28, Page 8• • • • JuIy ZStIi, 1910 We have over 100 •••• •••• . . Papazt.AR otemomegnimemeeespesemeimegemeefeei 'The undersigned, has just received a car of fresh o.National" - WAWA Cement and Will Bell the same at a fair living profile The underaigned hen also, the agency for the Independent Companies atid wU1U ordere for a cal: load from any of the said Companies fOr a small margin of profit. ,..1.;',.A.INDREWS,.. • CpNTON •• • JACKSON'S CLEARING SALE We are still busy clearing,out the balance of our surnmei stock, For the. past three weeks we have had good success in clearing up odd lines, but there's more to go yet in Men's, Women? a and Children's Oxford', Pumps and Slippers which 'will be closed out at wholesale prices for CABFf. Black and Colored Oxfords, Patent Leather, Kid and Gun Metal Calf Pumps and Slippers mopeommeimiromimesuvo Repairing Neatly Done and Promptly Attended to. FRED. JACKSON ilorm4rmw • emee.ewigeeeermeeo4eeeermeeoew Subscribers for the Sta dard Designer, the WOInaillS practical fashion ,znaga'zine 100 per copy, August number /IOW 01), sale. The patterns it illustrates are equally pitipular, they are searn-;allowing,reliable and cheap -40a and 15c. W.D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest AlyaWthe.Best eeageiree age wee.fietrece.seik..egesea.weee•ee.epeaelaweee-eree4sefirtiewlite sle-ort 101, SAVE MONEY t By spending it here Friday and Saturday — • Big Price Reductions in all Depts. * • 0 A Big Waist Special ak traAbout 25 Ladies White Lawn Waists, made of nice quality levet] gand trimmed with tacks and lace or embroidery einsertion, good ealneat.65e, to clear Friday apd Saturday . 0 Men's Odd Pants at 79c . , • . 1hisCayFraifdeawy adnoaegaotfutleyse Odd Pants $L00 and $1.25, choice of .7iie t Children's Patent Oxfords 85c . . These Oxfords are made of good, quality patent and,will give 1 good satisfaction, sizes 11 to 2. reg price $1.35, Friday and Sat .88 s # Special prices on Women's and -Children's Oxfords: . - . # al 0 Corsets 49c and 69c e RT 0 Be slim and get a pair of our 69e and 49e Corset& They are 13 hummers. " 9 Men's and Boys' Clothing at Lowest Prices ; • ' e • SMALL PROFITS AND MORE BUSINESS. PLUMSTEEL BROS eitre4lbtlibe4bellbe'llb•elbeee•efiteele.e-Resele•-emeibe,ebe-ebe • • • • In The News -Record BringsResult •••• •••• 44*. •••••••••4••••44••••• **44 **** •••••••••••• B Mover INelson Ball • The Roughest Kind Of Moving • may scratch our furniture, but can hardly. injure It otherwise, rot it is built to stand hard service as well as to look attractive. Our Surnmer Furniture no exception. Light es it is there le a strength about it that is stirptiaing. Our path chairs, rockers, etee Will stand the weather, no matter what it may be. The cheapest spot la fitirOttCoUnty to buy all itInde of heel are* ,c) ver Ott141,4'4."rtjtztati a1L,114? 341:11‘.71ditt.ii.X.• Zrellitia14:::)140 I Mr. J. A,Irwin was in -London last week. Miss E. Oh-idley was. in Londesboro over Sunday. Anse Margaret Davis is with Detroit friends for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1'. Gundry and little son left this week for Strathroy, Mrs. G. E. Henderson of Seaforth is the guest of Mrs. W. R. Counter. Miss Belle Taylor is spending a cou- ple of weeks. With London friends, Mrs: 'Carlton of • Goderich has been visiting her son, Mr, Wm, Rutledge. Mr. Jack Irwin. of London is visiting his parents, Mr and MM. J. A. Ir- win. . • Mist Hattie Baker of Fullerton is in town the guest of Miss Sybil Coue- eiee. Miss Jean Scott .returns this week from a visit of some weeks in In- nerkip. • Mrs. McQueen of Windsor is in town visiting her daughter, Mrs. James McRae, Miss Viola .Cook hasreturned after a very pleasant visit with relatives. in Seefortit. • 4 Mite. WM. Glen and Mrs. W. McBeath, Stanley, left on Tuesday to visit friends at , different points in the west. _ . • • Mise Rena Pickett has resumed ' her place behind the wicket,' in the post - office after • a pleasant three weeks' holiday. • Mrs. Hoover and family leave on Fri- day for hayfield where they pur- pose spending. the remainder of the summer. Mr. andMrs, Harry Glazier and tam- ily and Mrs. Glazier Sr. spent Sun- day at "Bide -a -wee" cottage above Bayfield. efre. Frank •O'Neil and family have taken: a cottage in Weetmineter • Grove, Bayeeld, for the remainder Of the summer. Miss •Rhetta Cook spent a day this week with her gent, Mrs. Jos. Cook, at "Bide -a -wee" Cottage on the lake shore., Mese Richardson, who has been the, guest of Mrs.. A. P. Gundry for several week.s, has returned to hen home in Ingersoll. Mts. J. E. Ilovey and "Master Billie left on Friday for a *few weeks visit at Matkdale, where is -the parental home of Mrs, Hovey. Miss Margaret Carling of Toronto, who has been with Exeter friends for several weeks, is visiting, the Misses Levis of • town. Mr. B. Pollard of Detroit and Mr. A. Pollard of Kincardine spent a few days last week at the home of their -uncle, Mr. J. F. Wasmame. `Miss E. S, Johnston of Toronto ie spending .her vacation here with her Cousin, Mrs, M. A. Brown, and othe er relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke and fam- ily and Me. Gordon Cunninghame Intend going outiPto their camp at 13urkes the end of this Week. Mr. and Mrs.10, A. Cantelon. and Master Ferris were the gueets. of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William, Cantelon, on Sunday. Messrs. Donald Roes, Morley Counter and IL Twitchell . left for Bayfield this week, where they will spend a few days boatlng, bathing and fish- ing. T. Carling, who. bath been visit- eng fn town the guestef Mr. and Mrs. 0. Johnson and other friends, returned to her home in Toronto this week. Mrs. Gibson and her little son left for thein home in Toronto on Mon- dayafter a couple of week e spent at the home of Mrs. Gibson's par- ents, . and Mr. Arthur Cook. Mr, Bobob Irwin leaves this week to join a party of London young men with whom he has camped for sev- eral years, and will spend a couple of weeks a.t Killalot Co.ttage, Port Stanley. Mts. Brock, who has been renewing old friendships in town for tho past few weeks, leaves today for l'etrolia whore she will visit friends for a lime before returning to her home in Ottawa. Mr. Clarence Copp has returned from the Raley Itiver district where he has been teaching for the past eouPle of years. Notwithstanding the severe illness he underwent up there, which neeessitated him be - Coming a patient in the hospital at M. flotifaec, she gained in height and aNeitthipois and its be- coming more than ever like a "chip of the old block." • ENTH Aw Aw • ANNUAL: SA14E-. • tatted July 15th nds August ht. • • 44 smommemeist 1:7 V Cr00 AD4S-"parsaim xr.ivrpAr About People You Know. •• • • Miss Effie Pickett has taken •a posi- tion on the office staff .of the Jack- son Mig. Co. •- - Mr: Howard Jackson of Chicago is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Isaac Jackson. Miss Luella Ditzler of Leua, is at present the guest of Miss Dor- othy, Cantelon. Mrs. J. A. Irwin leav,es on Satur- day to spend a week or so with London friends. Miss Cora -Bartlett, Toronto, ha's been engaged as Commercial Speeialist at the Collegiat•ee - Mr. G. A. Thoinpson of Elk La1e is visiting in town the guest of his brother, Dr. Thempson. Miss ieseie Wiseman was the guest of Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Adams in Lon- desboro a few days last week. Mr. G. D. Chidley returzied . to Owen Sound VAS week after a fortnight's visit with his 'mother in town. Miss Elva Brown has returned after spending a couple of weeks with friends in Stratford and Dublin. Miss Margaret Torrance rendered th solo part of the anthem in Willis church with good effect/ on Sunday evening. Mr. Clausin O'Neil returned on Fri- day last from Moosejaw, Sask., and has joined his motherand sister at *their summer cottage at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs, George Brownlee of. Tackersmith were in town ye,ster- day, the guests of the lady's sis tere, Mrs. Vbitehead and the Misses Mr. Eddie Sheppard cams tip from Toronto to attend his sister's wed- ding, whieh took place yesterday, and is spending a couple of weeks? holidays at home. Mrs. Nell of Seaforth visited at Mr, T. Jackson's this week, having come up to see Mrs. J. S. Jackson of Winnipeg, who has been staying iu town for some time. Mr, and Mrs. R. Brunedon of Hart- ney, Man., returned to Imidesboro loot evening after a few 4eieee" visit to friends in and adjacent to Clin- ton, Next week they will visit in the Weetfield district and ten days later they, leave for their Western home. They will go via the Mich. Soo where they -will speed a few days with a"rother of Mr. Brune - don'. • Miss Hattie Baker of Pullareon is visiting her friend, Miss Sybil Cour- - tire. • Roy W. Grigg ie spending his holi- days with hie friend, •Clenein at hayfield. • Winnie O'Neil spent from, Sa.t7 urday until • Tuesday at the family. cottage, Bayieeld. ' Mrs. H. W. Cook and Mrs. Ben Cole returned on Monday from a pleas- ant visit in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Emmerton were in Bayfield on Tuesday spending the day with friends .there. MISS May Rance accompanied Dr. Robinson home to Stratford in his auto one day, last week, Mrs. Campbell of Aylmer is spending a few weeks et. the home of her son, Prof.. Glenn Campbell. Me, Vane Macpherson of ' Stratford Was the guest over Sunday of Mr. and lefts, H. B. Chant. Miss, Annie Cook left for Tpeonto on Friday after e -fortnight's bon- dage at her home in town. Mrs. Wallace Wheatley and ehildren returned on 1Vionda.y, from a visit to her parental home at Woodstock. Mr. Will. Wasmann, who has been at- tending college 8 London, ,is spend- ing bee holidays at his home M town, Mre. Oliver Johnson and her sons, Masters Oliver and Earl, are visite. ing her •old•est son, Mr, Harold Johneon, Toronto. Mr. Wm, L. Wade of Fort William is visiting his parents , Rev, and Mrs. Wade, and his sistees, Wire. J. Tip - lady and elm E. G. Courtice. Mrs. W. F. Canteion and two thil- deen left for thein home in Toronto, yesterday after a couple of weeks' visit with Mr. and. Mrs. Wrn. Can- telon. M. J. j, Mitchell "of DIadworth, Seek., who with his wife and fam- ily have been visiting at his moth- er's on 1 Queen street, paid a visit to friends at Westileed this week, aeeompanied by two of his Sons. Mee. John Johnstole and her daugh- ter, little Miss sabet, left yester- day for Witigham and theme to Owen Sound where they will spend two ter tante weeks. Owen Sound was formerly Mrs. Johnetone'e borne and she has a number of re- latives and friends still residing there. . • . 1 1.1 . • V. , • • . • . •••••••.;••••••••sam.i•••••••••••=••••••••••••••=•.•_,____. The News From LemdestoortC%'--* . • .• • ."•'" 0, • ' - A • ` A icive•re hail • storm paisee thie village and section on Wednesday afternoon and destroyed a great num- bee of panes of glass on the west, side., Of houses and placeof busineseee:Th‘ Methodist church stiffeyed.ehW. moat severely. We heat that.th -- Crept west of here and on intee Colborne have been hazier cut - The regular monthly meeting of the. Womb's Institute will be held on Thursday next' at 2.80 p. in. at the home of Ms. F Johnson. Subject : "Music, its influence in the home," to be taken by Mrs. J. O. Lou'rebury. Je All ladies are cordially vited to at- tend. •-e Miss Berle Kirk left Tuesday rimm- ing for Calgary and British Ooluinbia points where she will Spend the seas- on with her brother and parents., Dr. A, McAllister, a formir teacher. at S 8 No 8 was a caller in the • S. • village last week. Mrs. J. M 'Ttiley left Tuesday ot thisweek for .Gowginda where she will vitit ,her sister, Mrs. rt, catper. Louis Pingle left Monday for Etiel where he has taken a position with a G.T.P., bridge gang. Leslie Woodman has tenured a posi- tion with the C.P.R. at Appin. Miss Coombs of Listowel and Mrs. Merrill of London spent a few days with their sister, Mrs. W. O. Arm- strong. The G.T.R. trackmen here patrol the track day and night as a pro- teetion against interference with the company!e property. Miss- R. Young is spending a few days with Auburn Mende. The Misses Watkins of Clinton are visiting at the home of Mr. P. Gibbs. Owirg46 metchants are having theie freight brought,te Blyth 0,P.R. lViikattizean Snell of eVi'istftehl spent: 141 pelt•fziendsein this Vieille • ere, As the storm whith raged over this section on • Wednesday afternoon. subsided the' • spirit of -Mn. George Johnston passed into eternal rest. He had, been in poor health. since March and the agitation caused by the storm was too much for a weak- ened heart and the silver cord wan suddenly broken, Mn. Johriston was born in the ?tale village of Garrison, . County Fermanagh,' Ireland, on the 31st of 42.Autry 1826 eso when the end eame he had passed fan 'beyond the allotted span of life. In 1847 he came to Canada, and ree sided at ,Brampton, this province, un- --twenty-eight years ago when he came to this %renege of which he tee ever since been a resident. While living at Brampton he joined 1he....0eeange Order of which he was a consistent member and in which. he always took iiiir61i-Ktetaq even as! the weight of advancing yea.'"faleeeeeseee., upon hint. religion 18 was a. Methodist. Mts. Johnston survives IZer life partner together with five daughters and three sons as follows : Mrs. Alex. lyindridt, Mrs. Andrew Lepper, and Mrs. Wm. Adams of London ; Mrs, Herbert Mackeuxie, Cleveland ; William, Toronto; Thomas', Brant- ford, and Peed, at home. The funeral will take place on Vri- day afternoon to. Lotalesboro -cemet- ery, Constance Concerns. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson at- tended the funera of the late M. It Kirk of Mitchell on Saturday. 1 Mr. awl Mrs. John Prriee ot bury spent Sunday the guests of Iter father, Mr. Geo. Clark, Mr. Grant Cook of Collingwood is spending ,sit week with his wet% Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cook. 1 Mr, Wm. Stanley of Ilolmesvillo called on his daughter one day last week, Miss Annie Pollard of }Myth le spending her holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Taylor, and also bet cousins. The funeral of the late Mrs. Twinsa was held on Tuesday to -the Con - Owe temetery from the residenee of her daughter, Mrs, tg. Dexter,