The Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-16, Page 2Juno loth, 1910 Vftnra of StaAferina The prospects of He4sall baving . a now station to be very slight 11 urvil L VL Huy 1) W6 VaU rict A 0""Mto on" of 004W4* to the A number of the childrOA of Bovine!H" it-rinette, are down with . diphtheria. "My fatbor hadva tbo 4Dne ebjl4 died before the 4!iMW Was for a long time. It 7V=1X4 At* cw"--tut h* dwwlt Imow 1:04xrt to do, but one at 10 welid Mrs. Geo. Brown attended the tuAr HOQd1X 1`1111r;= 'Pr4i of her neice, U15s Thompson, W Im soon com. wt.1,14 11tW1910 oltb*10'r lZtotlToronto last week. ow*Re:co--qrftd Readers *4110 aftor the use of W40 con, well I be- b" ovor lx^ cured McKillop Township Mond HOQWN 00ars., r 114111 Zurieh ryrey Towashl Alina win *V , P. Q. 1pf food' 1 1:04ay, 8014 idson, who has been iss, Maggie Dav Mr. and Mrs. 'Roht. Geddes,: who Mr. Henry Gallmau and sister Miss Miss McArthur is home for A, holi- by ruxoot# tvorvwbe 111, has , very I recovered. have. been 'very 911 -aro recovering nice- Mary, visited recently At Exeter. . day Visit. Mrs. Good and, lie; two, children of ly. Dr. Wilson has disposed of his Miss Sadie McKinnon, Stu con., Toronto 'are visiting friends bere. Miss MagXie Hulley has -gone to Mrs. Clark has r0turncd to her home practice and property to Dr. Me- arrived home from Buffalo this week It is expected that a round table �Xoricrlel to wait on b who From The News -Record of at Guelph, After nursing' her father, Ninnoa of Toronto. - accompanied by her sister, Mrs. E. W. conference on the- veto que$t1ow will is ill• or sister Geo. Valgartio, for the last month. Miss Amanda Durst of Boamiller is McIntyre and son, be hold by the British Political lead - build JUue 15th, 1892 Rev. R. Thynne, Of Palmerston sup- the guest Of Rev. and Mrs. A. D. John Dundas, is prepairfug to The township council hag Appointed ers shortly. A new residence this summer. Clinton, June 15th, im.. plied in the absence of Rev. Fergus- Gischler. Wilson Evans, 1201 C0,11., to take on, who has bad a couple of weeks, Mr. Alphou Poster moved last week charge of the road grader. William Haeliwell is putting, an ad- to dition to his barn 0,114 planing a Messrs. D. Cantelon and P. Cook holidays. , tba dwelling vacated by Dr. 1%. McNair and Robt.Hoover were Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is Wilson, P Mended Re Get obw ^A 4 10 y In A wall under arrived in England 0. K. Armstrong, Co. shipped i car- at Goderich laoit week interviewing sold on a guamutee that it you aril underneath the building. Xr. J. 11. Sdbuettler was married the County Council relative to, the two-thirds of . , I Thomas b.ceratug is, putting metal, Mrs. David Welsh of Michigan is vis- V load of hogs on Tuesday, and John- last 'week to a young lady., from proposed new school section 'not satisfied after using tW lie siding And 'Other I repairs on'. his iting relatives in Clinton • and Stanley stop & Co. a carload on Wednesday 04 the a -bottle according to (W m1tious, your Cleveland. They have taken up their 9th con. The council granted- an money will be to house on the Rea., farm. township. of last week at $8.90, per cwt. refunded. It Is UP residence in town. arbitration on the question, o try., gold by all deniers. A number Of residents have pax- A drainage demonstration h S, J. Bell � spent -the Victoria Day Mr. and MPs. John Johnston, Rat- Mrs, GOO. Porterfield and children you t te Held at holidays visiting in Urolito., . nbuiT street, will shortly take a of Brandon, Man., jore visitors at the chased lots on Rissonnette Avenue, A. D. Grant's, Sth con., last week pleasure trip to the Canadian Nort- home of Mr, and MTs. Porterfield and St. Joseph, from -Mr. P. L41111011tWhO was the magnet that drew hall a west• other relatives bought them At a tax sale somehundred farmers and other& together CALLINGi PEIRFORMF-Rs- 9'r. and Uri. P. W. Haywood left Mrs. Elston ol, Detroit h9,4 returned time ago. to bear and see the practical , work Promptly at 8 o'clopk.,the bell 'Will Clinton Saturday tq, be Absent a few, to her home,, after spending a month Miss Florence Laporte of Provid- done by E. A. Weir of the Q. A. C;, sound again. It is then calling the. The Congregation of St. Oeorge's days in St. Louis, Mo., whither they with her niotber, Mrs, Morrison, and ence Hospital, Detroit and Miss Guelph, He knows his work well performers, in were ,,called by the death of a. rein- musicians And other Peo- church, Walton, intend celebrating tive, other relatives. Blanche Laporte, who has been ' at and elucidated many a kqptty pro- ple, to breakfast in a sepora.te' Mr. Duncan McCallum will attend Ursuline Academy,, Chatham, for blen their soth anniversary on Juno 12th, Mo, John. Ransford is laid up on ac- i concerning the very important Ing terit. At 9 o'clock Mr. 114AM X!hOl London he grand lodge of the Canadian Or- s are visiting their matter of drainage. owner of the tented city,. will b Archdeacon Richardson of count. of neuralgia. Onic months, t expected to conduct the .9--rY-W4. J A - (".A has completed ms der of Foresters at Montreal this parents,. Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte, found breakfastirig with his latnily in -RELIABILITY EXPZR19NC3P1' Mr. M., A. TyleGavin intends.build- I- ae his week, as a delegate. 4 Sauble Line. a separate tent, especially made for four �'�ars course. and will have Mr. W. A. Leech of Toronto, Mis Ing 4 red brick house this s About seveatyAve attended the that purpose. The city now is taking, 0 0eason' B.A. conferred on i f Blyth liars the con- him immediately. Moms Township Mr. Lux Hill o n on activity, and here and there can Mx. 'G. D. MeTa&ejart and wife have Code of the Deaconess Horne, Toronto niunicipal telephoaO meeting on'Tu s - tract. arrived at their home in. Clinton from Mr. and Mrs, Code and Miss Code of day evening of last week and it v. as Mrs, McKenzie of Belgrave, Who be seen men leading horses and an Miss Cluff visited her home in their wedding tour. Trowbridge, were visitors at the decided to make a canvas for sub- has been for some time,, is not im- imaN, others shining harness, and OU R T'D IL DE Clinton on Sunday week, home of Dr. and Mrs, Stewart re- scribets and-h4ve the matter pushed s, -I all r - Su 11 o w' lau_1har On .Monday evening Clinton Orange proving. She is. part eighty yearcs. till others washing wagon., 11 p C Mrs.. Jos, Rin t 13 d was Lodge took initiatory steps. to have ceTatly, tbxouih at an early date. Robert Young has! been appointed paring for the street parade, which tho'guest of her 'taster, Mrs. W.. H. a sick benefit added to the Order., Mr.. Abe Proctor had the misfortune Postmaster at Sunshine and mail takes place on thepublio streets., at ����� MeGavin on ThdrWaY. The Victory Crfekot Club will -go to,lose one of his valuable t�eamhqr- carrier to and from Belgrave as sue- 11 0 1 clock a. m.• Mr, F, McCully had 'a valuable to Exeter on F10day and :contest with ses. I The animal ran against a plow. YOU ARE AILING, censor to Milton Watson, who recently Oil the parade returning to. the Flo horse get entangled in a wire fence the. cricket club '.of that place. handle which injured it so badly Not quite sick, -but robbed of am� removed to Cochrane, New Ontario. 61i9w, grounds, after traversing the Our sale of ur, And it may riot , Jive. Mim Lina, Floody of Blyth, s`,cter that it died almost instantly. The bition to w6rk-find it hard to th�-, to-wn, there Mrs. Sheppard took charge of the horse was valued at $250, think Two trips alle made eachwe I week for principal streets of ere is of our former townsman Mr. R. clearly. Not ill enough to think of the mail by Mr.. Young. a free -outside exhibition, and while Feeds, Seed CTiain, League At, Bethel last' Sunday'llight. The people of Bel -grave. Methodist dying, but bad enough for life to be visiting this is going on the performers are Floody, was yesterday married to Allan Cochrane. has been Etc., has - doubled Mr. Geo. Sherlock of Winnipeg. church are sorry to learn that Rev. pretty dull. There is, a reniedy-Fer- here. ftorr Waterloo. He was on a having dinner, -and Promptly It I A. E. Evans. has purchased the J. E. Cook is about to sever his con- rozonL-that quickly lifts, that halt driving tour in connection with 'his a'clodc the, doors are thrown open this season oVer last to the public, and at.2.15 p.m. the 5eafcirth barbering business and shop fixtures vection with the circuit, Owiri�00 ill dead feeling, -Gra6t6us, but Ferro- -holiday of two .weeks, I Mr, Emmerton Smith's nlock and besltb. The London Conference have zone makes you feel good;' it shay- Rev, Mr. Cook, Methodist minister• performance of the Haag shows be - are tbe,dOOrrL Pickard. &, Son sold out 0 given him a year's absence in order pens; the dullest appetite, makes it at Belgrave, has asked for a. year's gin. Again at. 7 o'clock What better evidence is now located in the new premise.,j. a here. and wil?'enter btAsinesg'�At Cal-' that he may recuperatekeen as 'a razor rest from his ministerial duties as big thrown open to the public, the night's can there be that our Bary. Blood '? Perr�7,one makes Jots of health is not the best.. H6 will' be performance beginning Promptly at S' stock and prices The youngipeople of the PresbyTer- Summerhil?, June 15, 389Z. it, the rich riourlshing'li:1nd that vit-. succeeded by Rev. Mr. Durrant. 0'00611- CeS are han church held a social iatbe�chool Bill Huissel's Speech. alizes. the whole body. You'lli ' be Tig]Xt, room, one evening last week in, faro. Master Caryl, Draper sowed Ashes in wonderfully quickened, . immensely well to Mr. J. L. Yule, organist, who his eyes one -day last -week and is There have'lately been several re, strengthened, . feel hearty and,vigor- THROW MEDICINES TO -NIGHT .is leaving. A program of'speeelies under medical attendance. His 0.ves ferences in, the press to the address ous after usWi Ferrozone. Buoyant TO* THE DOGS FORP&MdEOD and), song: *was gone -through and - be- Will be.all right.in a shoirt time, of Bill Huissel, the shanty boss of health, surplus Vigor Anil reserve en- just before retiring, if your liver Is At best they are unpleasant,, Often fore the evening closed Miss Cardo The. I,O.G,T. entertalurnient promis- Ohaudiere, to the Duke of . Cornwall Orgy all come from great restor- sluggish, out Of tune, and you feel useless, You - have some -disease of and Mr..-. G. Israel, onl..bebalf of the es being 'a grand success, and York (now'Ki'mg Geb;ge V. It ative, Fifty' cents buyaa box of fifty dull, bilious, constipated, take a the noge,.- throat or -lungs, Doctors ch oir and -young people presented Mr. Mrs. Walters Of Gbderich is the was to the latter tli.-most enjoyable tablets, at all dealers, dose of would.call it bronchitis, asthma ' or Yule with a bav,14omely fittedit club guest, of, her daughter, 'Mrs. Benjam- episode of the Royal tour of 1901. FIG PILLS catarrh. The camnion root of these W. H. Watts Son, bag.. in Grainger., Bill started to speak in, French, but is germ or microbic irrita- and morning .!.diseases, Mr. James L. BroAdfoot io. here -on. - Messns. Beacom have erected a the cry ."En Anglais," "En Anglian," you'll feel fine in the . tion,-Catirrihozone not only destroys 1. . Auburn 25c. a hot, or five boxes for $1,�oo. Op os-toffice'. Store Opens cat, Opposite P . a, visit to his mother, Mrs. J. * H.. w odslied for Mr. Frank M'Ilveen, made him change off. . He said disease germs, it does:moie, it heals 7.30 a. in. Closes at 8'p.. in. 0. 'at all drug stores. 0 Broadfo Grainger leas tit "I half worked in do all t of the For sale We are practical Boot And Shoe W. Broadf6ot is' eugag- ' Mr. Gralne, 6 drains in. Ina : The !allowing is the r�p6r diseased and inflaimed tissue. The dis- ed in'tbe lumber business int Elkins, his garden iii:�lace of, the lumber on- life. Mesoyer Edouard •-he's. give Sr. Department of the'Aiiburn: School ease is not only cured, �ut its ' re= Makers and repairers.. 13oots madft. lo West Vi ia. 1791% M, Which bqd' -filled in and. kiecome, me * job wen young man. Barn. by. ' I for the month of May Y turn is forever prevented by , using order in from 1 to 3' days notice.and . Xr. and Mrs. John Kennedyi Mr. useless. see Missyer EdouarA mak I a . heap of - 5t-fi.•_Exaniinea in Arithmetic, Co our. eyes will appreciate the ease •Catarrhozone which is isplendild also repairing done while you wait,. T. G. Kennedy I and Miss . Dorothy -And comfort derived- from propir for colds,, coughs and irritabilp throat: FARMERS Mr. J. H. Lowery has purchased a merle, an' I -think maself 1 mak position,. Algebra and Grammar- FAitMERS ATTENTION K&Aedy of Guelph called on. Sea- now bi fitting glasses, so * if you h, cycle'insfead of the wheel re- movie also, but I mak lilg' mistake Ruth Jackson,; Allister Mann, Graw - s Ave eye, Remember you inhhle Catarrhozone We have several pai%s of �iur own, forth friftdsl on Saturday �.They gently:' accidently broken. The " ... he instead, I tak'de.job o . on bush, an' flunkett. troub.?a don't , fail, fa consult S. L. Nature's own cu Q , y Ono cure -use, no other but make of Boots which �.m just' ' ibe weri6_on aA automobile trip. to Godbr- now has is firpt class, iii.evmy' r o,- Pretty soori I mak start in business Sr. 4th--�-Exami . ned inG arhThar'Lit. Taube.at Counter's Jewelry, store on Catarrhozone-it's the best, catarrb thing for spring wear. Vome in &�ud icb, sect and suit . s J. H. com pletely, for maself, After r . while I found out r Thursday, June 23rd, cure made'., erature, Arithmetic and Geograpby�-- see them. Dr. J. McGinnis and: J: Dorseyl, of �I had mak $17,0020'debt, An' -wors Fromildit Pfeffer,. Lila Howatt, Laura All repairing left at th-I Postoffice Seatorth 'and -Frank*McConnell of nor dat, I loos mashantie, and , bav Jackson, .. May Denstedt, Elma ow at Mr. Adams' store will have our Dublin were -in'Hamilton last. week Bayfield, June 115th, 1892. nothing. * left. You know wen I w was Yunghlut, Winnie Howson;.:Verila, As-; best attention. One of. the firm will, as delegates- atAbe annual . meeting i stivail .iha modder oho say it I don • quith, Fern .Symington. be at our Londesboro store on Fri- of the Cabbolle . Foresters' 'Asgoela�- Miss Mary. Walwin. of Goiltrich is pay ma debts here -a will hav,.to pay Intermodiatb 4th_E,.,gLmtned in Com-: days. Kindly give us a trial. tion. Visiting at her. home here, some place* else. 96 1 go to MesAyer positiori,, History, Arith . mei4c and g S Blyth' Edouard, and lit say, 'William, In 0 ay Miss S. L Mictean, who.is a kinder- Rev., Mr. Henderson was in collie . Pea I garteg' graduate of the Toronto Nor- over Sunday. nday. : Grarnmar-Rena.Barr, Jennie Stalker, - work, for me. again,' to Earl Raithby, Alfred,Lerrip, Russel a V. H. Wattsh Son Mal School, has been' 'appointed kin- , Mr. Scott of Brucefield, was intownwork for him ; but how arn go.in to King. For the Coming Saturday and all Next Week and I go dergarten. beacher, in the SOAforth. this, week. pay dat $t7;000 ? X4 modder say, Jr. 4th -Examined in Composition, public. school. Mr. Ilan. McDonald and. Mr., 5arvy 'William you be good man an' pay 'I I listory, Aritbmetic And Granimar- s has disposed of. Elliott, returned Ircim th6 Ducks last rd An' mak in Mr. J. 4. Robert your debt.' So . I a Reggie• Manh, Effie Stoltz,, Ellen confess,. And the pries 4-hall'sa LIGHTNING his stock of dru&'A6 Mr. dharles wee Y, Phillips. A .10c Bargain Sale. berbardt and -*171 leave* in : two Our .:.photographer, -Mr. Cook, has. 'Better pay your Ot.' But a can't -Sr. 3rd-Eximined'in History, Ar- A and an RODIS weeks for, Prank., AlbertA;;':*here he taken some views 'of the harbor pay dat:$17,000*.. it a� go to God 1-thmetic,. Litdk&re and Grammar--- Ourspecial feature. for next week will be�&-10c'Bargaiu Sale.Ever7 has -a good'POSItiou as, manager �.of- -a iiver With sa4l'boats . and V,3wboatg. an say; *You mak. me good man an -Agnes Cxeighton,' Willie. Car -ter, Lena article ibown in our big window:.::will he your choice for. 10c. 'Don C, Lightning Rods are a sure protec- drug store. Miss Sheppard of Toronto is the give me chance for mak little home.. there will be a hig'assorttu4nt of useful articles 'ab:eiception. j�oii 'show me h Pb�ukeit, Arthur Lenip, Henry"Tam- it " .. I . . . .. 1. . tion to your building during Eleo- guest of Dr:. 'Sheppard. Now 0 Ow to mak $17,- Ally good. value.. tris Storms. an. b '4r. John McLeod of. Peterbaro is 000, I -don can -pay that nionie, -so I Barris roded from $15,00 upwards Jr.,i 3rd -Examined in History., Gee with a COPPER ROD through and Fire visited give yoi de $117,00.0, and you do what rah Literature Literature and'Arithmetic- OW WEEK MORE - sited �he'. Ontario Malleable home on a vis An lee cream party was _hold at you like with it..' I build 'shantee for Elwin Raithby*, Berdie Ferguson, through. A written guarantee 'Works at Oshawa, given, the residence of -Mil. John. Whiddon a king- ; and queen, and�,maybe when -Ethel Stalker,-. Olive. T4man. As we think one week more -.it]) close out our Coiled Spring Wire Also Galvanized Rodi much cheap- one evening last week. The s . elect of Willianj he's got job; he. go over 'to -Pearl MacPherson, Teacher. wo have decided to give the ',lte the. h6upfit, and for all next weit-k it er. Bayheld's .fair were present, Chills. the hot coritree, and the King he'll 'Will beS225.per hundred. wowisyour, lAst-chance as it cannot be - . WEST WA:WANOSF1 FIRE • INSUR- . Report'of the Junior Department., replaced this season for the same money. ney says he never tasted such. dellsious ice give him job." Jr.:1 pv� Satisfaction guarri-inteed otwo 1st -Edda Raithby 405� Ar - refunded. .ance Company.-HAvifig been elect. s For particulars apolyto. ed director and agent for the above cream. thus Yungblut 450, Sidney McCli Rev. Mr. McUafi 61 Blyth -occupied -Company, I will insure farm, build- 'the pulpit of St, Andrews' church on chey 441, -Eniil Lemp. 425, Hazel A Good -Supply of ings And .Isolated, property. ScrirriiRwur i360', Bertle Earle 340, Domestic- Service' For Men.. �Sunday, preaching -to a large and Clayton - Ladd 825. We H. st0gdill ATill any. person wishing to insure H-WilliAms P` ats, Screen Door rtqd by . , Sher ai Cr drop mea card, - or call me ppreclative congregation. There are to-do occupations a i Sr. Pt. Ist-Eldvii Stoltz 640. Window-, Auto Sprayers, Gasoline and'Oil Phone and they will be Attended to Mr. Chas. Dowat of Sauble Line ile- young man Can take up without fear Jr 'Pt. 2nd�Frank Rafthby 569, UAB" turned last week ii;omatrlp throlftgh of, awoman.'s taking the bread out GTa� Raithby 5.15, Prank, Scrilnigeour "Stoves'. Daisy"Chu'rnj3, - Washing Maohinee, parts, of Manitoba. .01 his mouth. -These are 475, Mary Barr 408, Mddie Earle'365. Clothes, Wringors, Scythes and Broths ..Baths, ,tXiZo­fi hting,­ laqieW tailoring, and-- Sr'. Pt. 2nd ---Ethel Nurdbok 703, -UND)ERSIGNED� HAS AT 9 n 607, Harvey Dawson 600, Basins Sin6, Lavato Q. of 26,' "d: " 6, Hilllett,' for 'the do not sneer, young man !�Domestic Victor Lem'. ries, And all Plumbing g9odf MONUMENTS,on.. improvement of stoik, a, Polled- If you are not -satisfied* after using , Sbrvice ! Even prize-figlitmig' may be Audrey Dawson 506, liarvek Arm - GRASTDESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL improv bull .-Thos. E. Mason 28 according to directions two-thirds o E Angus f closed to - men to -morrow, If some strong 396. abottle -of Chamberlain's, Stomach. stronl�-ormed Vassar griaduate shoulld Jr. 2nd -Maggie Taman ,921, Leslie B 0S.. JAMES DOIG •and Liver Tablets, you can have your decide to capture the championship- SchWtz 873, Ezera' Schultz .80, Ger-� HARLAND. R. OPPOSITE POST OPFICE. belt. Ladies' tailoring may entice lie Ladd. 711 STONE, WANTED. THE money. back. The tablets cleanse and FIELD tbAm at any time. But� it becomes Sr. infl-T&Y - Barr '.916, Lureatba .—STOVE -5: AND HARDWARE town of Clinton will Pay $3,76 per invigorate the stomach-, improve. the cord for field stone 'for koad - build. dige-,4on, regulate the towels. Give evident tbat one field will) iiever,p%aW McKnight 406, Iona MeClinchey 741, them a trial and get well. Sold by have a woman occupant -go into gen- Leonard Yukigblutr -740, draeme Sym - CENTRAL ingt -Apply , to Thos. B*aoom, eral hbumwork, solve* tho servant- i'agton 700, Georgina Beadle .674 • Chairman Street Committee. so all dealers. proliWin, and save* the Ameritan Fr4 Earle ko, Victor Yungblut 582: at 'once. -John Cox, Porters Hill Harry Beadle 15,43, Lewis Ruddy 408. 0_1 4- AAAOWPAA�p P.01 borne. 1 1 1 ------------ R STRATFbRD. ONT. There is no reason. why young Ami Average attendance 29. The great prtictipal training 41 A law suit arising out of the Dom- ericair , men should not make ideal -Corw B. Ferguson, Teacher. EYE aebool of Ontario. in4on election of .1904 ;was commenced servant-gIrlg,, and yet preserve in-. I HAVE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT at Lunenburg, X:S. dependence. The bookkeeper works Throe departments of stock wthorobred Durham bull, The, Manitoba: GovOrnmi froln eight till six, His meager wag. The Governinent of United SouthSIGHT ent has leo- Shorthand at lot .11 tYfield Road, Stanley.-' ornmended' the appollitment, of 'a es must.pay board and lodging and Africa;'is considering the question of Bi ...Telegraphy. Jos. Richardson. 23 leohriicaljedueatift corniiiission., clothe.. him. '-What a life ! But. the compulsory military service. WE HAVE. ARRANGED WITH We assist graduates to. posi. Prince, Pushiml of Japan reached general bousework-girl in a small tion& .-T-le -Atexand up6h us,' fame -*-what doer. she have to do. al S Now �York yesterday qu a sight-seeing L. TAUBB, Manufacturing, Optician and. ,R, PAINTER AND tour, few for trained help greatly. ex- F. W, .CUTLER but cook a few- meals, Olean A. - Paper hanger.. All work done guar- -after a fashion, Eve -sight Specialist of Toronto ceeds the supply. The three rooms, on, and collect month Not most recently placed are re- anteed. to give satisfaction. prieft thirty dollars A, a AU CRIPPLED Up TO 89 AT OUR STORE ON ceiving $40-,00, $60,00 and In0krata., V.491dobco -nearly apposito A, CANADIAN PRODUCT WV9 penny for expenses, a nice room, FROM - KIONEYTROUBLE $100-00 per hionth respective- Collegiat6 Institute, Clinton, 83 plenty of clothes given her, and evial THURSDAVt JUNE 23rd Iy. Business men state our OUT IN AtISTRALIA. Thfirsday and Sunday out 1 Yount, Curod by Gin Pill*. What graduates Are the best. ]Enter men, it is easy, preparation is Taube Sons are the oldest optical flrm in Canada, having _4 Montreal. -On' May 22nd, the' S. S. U •t� 10 44: r, *_1 been established since 103- and during the paeb ISA years 16--6 I -A our class now. Get our firea catalogue, PIkINCIPAL T IF YOU WANT THE nVIST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- PDRY SECURE YOUR, SUP, PLY rywm US.' oltmits tF.FT AT tAv1s; & ROWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROIAPTtY AT- "'MNOED TO. JWO '0 "Bakal" sailed from this port for needed Nothing.; anybody can learn to- cook in a Week. Capital 1 A pmy_,W8,., was'pract",cally helpless Iroin '. I ft - every Satisfaction to thousands of. customers. Owibg.tck the fact Auckland, New 'Zealand, this being the first sailing of the recently su�: - trunk And a written reference readily KidneyTrouble, '� Tiou '10 e could stoop, and her limbo that they grind all their own lensoy and nianufactute their own frames they are in a position to furnish OPtiCAl.S6PVlCL% that Cannot tidized C.P.R. line from .Montreal to Obtainable from any OmPlOYMOTIt Of- Bee. ached so that it was torture for her to be up And around the house. be excelled. If you have "Eye Troubles" don't fail to take advant- age of this opportunity to.have your eyes properly attended to. Australia and Now Zealand. 'Part of the "Rakails" cargo con- 142 And, think at the happy lives you rw Can make by your cha Ing little cul- Ai Urt, Pettigrew put it, 'It *As all crippled up, I saw Om Pills advertised OLUTELY ALL WORX IS ABS GUARANTEED., &1sted of .2 carloads of in Ill Shoe Polish, made! in Hamilton by irtary surprises. Then, when the fam- ily for the they and sent $or some, and. After takitig only two boxes am A different woman. Gin ARE YOU DEAF ? P. P. Dalley Co. This Is the third go, away summer, Pills are the only thing that helped mei shipment 61 112 in ill sent to Austra- lia by the Dalley people within the take you with them, or you have the whole fiat to yourself, * wd every- And I cannot say too much for them." If you have that dreadful pain irk the If go we cab make you heat with the "ACOUSTICON." The last year. The first, serit June 8th "consisted thing free I Young men, it is 4 via- !on of •happinegi 1 back -if you aro tortured with Rheuma- fism orStiatida,-ifyou havetrotible with Acousticon magnifies every sound, word, 4W per cent. That ineans _ 0 that lit) matter bow deaf you are nQr what the original cause of your last, of 1,000 gross, the 1_ second, sent Nov. 2nd containedI your Who knows, too, but that yo 'Bkddet and especially your eciAlly iti passing Water -if your Livet ittorpid, aud you deafness wAP; so loript its the auditary norve Is alive, vou will hear at - AKE once. ('ALL AND SHE IT. X APPOINTMENTS NOW 600 gross, while, thl� shipment just I employers daughter may fall in love with you ? Are Bilious -.get Gift Pills At once,. sent Amounted t10 1,540 &13ss, OT 221,740 boxes. It would bard'to find a. stronger . Young mm, domestic service I.,;, worth cobsidtiting-an- open held, And Perhaps you do tot care- to buys retie - air which is uliknowm, persona to yotL Very well, Will 7i'lls If we Ro Coulater ,be recommend-Ation; for I1 In Ill Shoe nigh can make his mart In it, Why send you a free sample? mple? Simply write s Polish il)an that it should thus not be a pioneer )-ProrA the Man's page of The Delineator. the National Drug & Cllemicgl CO, (DePL A), Toronto, Ont,, and you will reeeivd Jewoldrand nogniver. CUNTON 0 a force its way to the ends f tate earth,' past almost prohibitive tarilts, 'a free.$aui '* of Gin Pills by return mail. A After yat'i lave "oil for yourself that Gin Issuer of Marriarge Liceilses, against the strongest kind of Com- ills are all that we say, get the regular 'boxer petition from British and other Earl and Lady Grey left Ottawa for size at your dialij"*_,60c, or 6 firms. trigland. i boxes for 02.50. 4 0