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The Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-19, Page 8
The undersigned 'hag just received a car of fresh "National" Portland Cement aawl will sell the same at a fair living profit. The undersigned has'albca2 the ugeney for' the Iuclependant Companies and will On orders for, a carload from any of the said, companies fur a small rniwgin of prat. • S. J. ANDREWS, .= CLINTON • 1 Gentlemen DO YOU EVER THINK There might be a better and more comfortable shoe than the one you are now wearing ? Wo have sold the Hagar Shoe for men since our boyhood days, and we know it is the best, most comfortable shoe we can buy. The lines we carry are the newest designs, the lasts are snappy and up-to-date, that, considered with the pleasure you have in wearing a pair of Hagar Shoes Is Worth consideration. REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT FRED. JACKSON Our Quick Service is a Winner. ® SOntisiffuni6immurccezt oili.•<i•tamesC+' ©•®.o•cs.o•o.Qw.©®..e,,m•oa•ss. sgeses-eigw..00 rn-v.e e tList Eto d a A t OfY ShortPrices • Await you at this store during the corning week. Space'will. '; permit of mention of a very few, but 'e trim that each sale mad shall be a sale to advertise this store as the store of big values T A Table Linen Special A.... About 200 yards of beautiful pure }ilealtted Table Linen,. 0? in-. p cher wide and extra good value at 05e, pi iced to clear at .42 oTwo Specials in Lace Curtains a 25 pairs extra fine Lace Curtains, 00 inches wide;, 3 yards long e and a regular $1.50 curtain, special this week .98 A Also about 20 pairs good Targe Lace Curtains and extra value at . 0 . • 90c a pair, special this week .69. e $1 Corsets for 69c •0 •Another shipment ot these corsets has just arrived and are a. g superior lot to the last shipment, which •everyone pronounced ,, 0 "wonderful value" but rather than put these with our regular stock, out they go this week at 69 to Don't fail to see our 49c Corsets. They .are wonders, made in A- long autil Direct orie style of nice quality white with 4 hose support- ers and big value at a very s.nall price. • Special values in Prints, Ginghams, Wagb Linens, etc.. all w•eek, ;• Some big snaps in the Clothing and Shoe.Departmentso Don't e .buy without seeing them. - . . - 4,•�®�.iDt�••0•v�q.A•C�O.3o•�9•c.•akOQ.•0oC..D�m, � •!seams o small a �E'lA��nsteel Bros. o More p ProfitsBusiness. '-� tecsi (r�•ace••,°ar•�el,�a•�84be�•e•ae4EN•e•o•era•®.fir•tt7,•6.4ii 1 1 Millinery Store 1 Look Here If you want a Stylish . Summer Hat we handle them., We are selling at the lowest- prices, MISS CANTELON & CO. i N•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• **II* •••••••• J. B Hoover Nelson Ball When Selecting Furniture • = You need be concerned only about its • appearance. The quality we guarantee. So when you come to choose the new. library table, the new rocker or Morris chair, the new suite for theparloro. don't worry about the quality. • • • • • • • • IIIiIiIlitlIiliIIDIIIIIIIiBI' ,gra r�lI 11WI oiuo �•- _7.. r," sv,ii chi �n y You Can Leave That to us. 1111. II Rest assured we will sell you on- ly furniture that will wear as well as it looks. • The cheapestspot 1 Huron pn County to buy all kinds of fttrnitttre. • 4 Hoover t ZIv 1.r.L'Iet:Mal A tsTViC7v=:L ATa Zixtatcmoxts ••••••••••••••••••••••••••N••o••••••••••••••••••••• 'ND with it comes the decoration of some 'room in your borne If it's. New Wall pap- er -.we have it in la r g e• assortment, pretty and practical designs and colorings most appropriate,. they also have the charm of fair value for the price. We ask your inspection, W. 0. FAIR C01 Often Cheapest Always the gest 1 ( nuriMIt111a111aatUllq, Miss Ida Boles is spending a few days in Toronto 'ergs week. Mrs. Campbell of Cromarty is visit- ing'this week (with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Mahaffy. • Mr. A. W. Beacons of Ilarlock visited his father, Mr. David Beacom', town, on Saturday and Monday. Dr. W. Gunn was called to Sarnia the first of the week owing to the. death of a eousen, Mrs. Geddes. Arr. Chas. Thin -hill left on. Friday last for Tu swatcr to take a nosh tion-in•Mr. R. Donaldson's-,grocery store. Reg. T W. Cosens and Rev, W. • J. Joiliife attended the District meet- ing in Seaforth Tuesday and Wed- ne Nedigar returned on Sat- '. urday front `Ilanover where he at-. tended the funeral of his father the day previous. - - Mrs, . J. E. Brooks. of Mitchell, ac- companied- by two children, is visit- ing with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Cantelon. • Mrs, and 'Miss' 'Taylor of 'Kirk' street left on Friday , for a few week's visit in London witli Mr. and Ms: Wilbur. Manning. Mr. Arthur Tyndall is able to be about again after. some weeks con- finement to hospital, . consequent 'up- - on an operation for appendicitis, Mrs. T. A. ,Greig bas returned from Kincardine, where she. has' been rot Some weeks on account of the ser- ious illness of nee f her. 9 hough riot entirely recovered,. the latter is now considered out of danger. • Messrs. -Fred. Jackson, C. E. Dow- ding and -T. Jackson. Jr. and Mas- ter Tom visited Exeter bn Tuesday,, Maki* the trip' in 'Arr. Langford's auto with Bert himself as chauffeur. Bert has a fast ear -but he strictly observes the limit. Messrs.' Jas. 'Pair, R Graham .. and - - N. Fitzsimmons enjoyed a ride to Goderich .in ATr, Seeley's auto •on Saturday last.•' The owner was 7 the • • chauffeur and for expertness he can . pelt to• fbr fear .driveis,oltbig tour- ing ears which piss this way. The following timbers o'1' Court Maple Leaf attended the funeral' of the late William Young at•Goderich 7 on .'Thursday last : Jas. Fair, J.•I'. -Sheppard; Josh. Cook, IL Glazier, Dodds,' J. MuIholland. Gook, • N. • Fitzsimons and R. G.' Warner." Dr.1''nwlcr of Toronto' and his �olden- haircdlittle daughter:, Freda,• were guestts• ' .from Friday until .Monday afternoon -of his . brother, -: Dr. Fowler L. L. D, of town. During his absence from the- city the Dr, -went clown to , ITensall where he slid some special operating 'work, The following people were booked through to the west -this week by - Mr. W. Jackson : Mrs. Jas.. Fair Sr.. to C'arnduff; Sask., Mr, J. Me Naughton to Edmonton, Alta., Mr,•W. A. Ker to. lToosejaw, ,Sask., Mrs. McBrien to Edmonton, Alta,, ATr. Johti Thompson to Wil'iie, Sask., Mr. Jas. Norris to Ilartney, Man • iyirs. G. W. Pinner expects to • -leave on Friday for Vancouver, .B.C:, there to join .her husband who has. been .in that city for some tithe • and purposes engaging in business. She will be accompanied on the long trip across thecontinent• by Mrs, W. -XI. Newcombe, f innerly of 'Cliton Mr. Newcombe also -having nb o become a citizen of Vancouver. tiT •: Mitchell - r t e 1 of The'News Record went to Toronto yesterday morning to attend the Press •Association and was one of the party of newspaper men who left the city last night to visit various- points ot inter-- est nter-est in the Cobalt country, They will go to tho end of the Ontario - Government Line at' its junction with 'the National Transcontinental. Mr, and Mrs. John -Johnston- and their little daughter, Isabel, visited Mr, and 'Mrs. Gordon Johnstone of Wawartoslrram Monday to Thurs- day o day of last week, Mr. Draper of town, Mr. C. Lovett of rho Base Lino and Mr. Lear of I3Iyth were also the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone oil Monday and . the whole party report some good fish- ing and real jolly .tim e Mr. Wm. Dixon' of the firm ot Calder, Dixon & Co., Timber Merchants of Middlesborough, is just now visiting leis cousin, ;lir. W. J. Biggins of Elmhurst ,F'arnt, Huron Road, who is one of Tuckersmith's most . suc- cessful tartness. The firm of whirls Mr. Dix member, besides oti is a n en t , having lar interests in Middles - boroughs go borough,, also operate Creosoting Works and Sawmills atNewcastle and at Flouess, N.B. This is - Air, Dixon's first visit to Hurons acrd ire expresses himself as having re- ceived a good impression of the old county. Clinton News*Record 1084811111811011118111.8081 May 19th, 1910 TN.L0/ PORMAIR STJA___; AT THE .MEN'S STORE Boy's and Men's Ready- - Made Clothing. Odd Pants & Wash Suits Our stock of ,M. n'.a and Boys'' Clothing is row complete in every detail, and they comply the best values from several of the largest manufacturers. . Boys'' Two and Three Piece Worsted and Tweed Suits from $3 up, Boys' Wash Suits from $1.25 up. Men's4Suits in Worsted and Tv»eed, all, prices., Men's Odd Pants in Tweed and. Worsted, all sizes and prices, We also carry a large range of •Working Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, Sweaters, Hats and Caps, Fancy Shirts, Cuffs, Co ars, Silk Ties. Fancy Vests, Sox, Cardigan Jackets, Handkerchiefs, - Braces and Underwear at all Prices. We invite your inspection at all times. Dry Goods; and House Furnishings Never in our history have we had a more complete range of Dry Goods, Carpets, • Curtains, Lnoleums, Oilcloths, RTattillgs, Rugs, Hosiery, Frillings, Collars, Underwear, Whitewear, Laces, Embroidery, Corsets; Gloves, 'Veilinigs, Cottons. Shirtings, theetings, Table Linen, ' Ginghams, Prints,Towelings, Cretonnes, Sateens, .'Silks, Muslins, Wash Goods, Ready-to-wear Coats, Suits and Skirts At Prices Than Defy Competition 1 That Has Refinement( There is class and money -saving distinction in our Millinery lnery that :has brought us a volume of business far ahead of •what we expected. It is worth your while to investigate.our statement, To those who intend purchasing. 24th. May Millinery we advise early ordering. All repair work promptly, done; The Store of Quality asenrammilissommormsesassisaro Personals.' Mr. Jas. R. Reid :of Bayfield teas in town on Tuesday. • Rev. Mr. Deihl of Paisley was in • town on Tuesday. Mr. George Spotton,•Wirigham,' was in town0 n Mondays i In Miss Helen Little visited with - I 1 lett friends last week. Mrs, George Potts left on Monday, for a few weeks visit in -Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett of Londesboro visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Con- nell, last week. Mr. Ed. Mole, manager of the . 'Sea: - forth electric light plant, teas in town on Friday Test: Mrs. Jas. Fair has been visiting: her sister,- Mrs. •(Dr.) .Campbell, 'De- troit, for some days past. Mr. and Mrs. Geo., D. MeTaggart and Miss Meaner are spending a' few days in , Toronto this week. - Miss Kate Ellison and Miss Burkhart of Seaforth were guests' over Sun- day of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cook. Mr. C. J. Wallis attended the Dis- -beet meeting in Seaforth this week as lay dolego,te from. Wesley church. Mr. Stewart Jackson carne up from Toronto on Wednesday evening '.re- t • turning by.. the. early train .his' Morning, - Mrs.. Jas. Mahaffy, Miss Mahaffy and their . guest, Mrs. Campbell, visited with Stanley friends ono day this week, Miss Margaret Livermore visited at her home on the London Road last wook, owing_to the illness ot her father, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph i',.vnsend have returned to their residence on Kirit street, after an extended visit in Buffalo- and other places. Mr.- John Wiseman was called to New York on Saturday to attend the funeral of• his brother, Mr. Thos. Vtsisoman Who was formerly a resi- dent of Clinton. had Sl1 00d -who a Mr. Nodi ar of D w a , g been in IZanover attending the fun- erallate Wil- liam the oral' his brother; of b , guest of his s ria N. f r as the r t m w ed a g g W Mr. W. .L Nedigar, nephew, g r on Monday while on his way horse. the ahs ;retr- ial ry rt Detroit, Mr. E. II. Ayer of Z „ ial Agent of the White Star L Fir, was in town rYcstrrda.He rays that owing to the th stria enforce- ment of the dog by-laws it was thoughtlt that.tr popular GreY hound Excursion would have to be called off this season, but that . the Matter haat been adjusted, a muzzle having been secured, and that it goes as usual. LOCK :AT THE- PRICES. Mr. C. J. Wallis'( Tuesday strip- ped .a czar of horse the west which is said to be best .bunch of horses leaving o c ear this for • g o sumo time. There were nineteen in the lot and, comprised s•. r amongst others, , .. a stat team from 14I ITaruilton of town, price $550, r from Mr, Wesley Stevens, Ba , for $490, on s' to the vicinity ninete am n 0 Mr: Jas a team Base Line one horse from.: Mr. Wm. Fear. for $250, a ,very choice delivery.13i0• se .from Mr. H. Fotheringhani, Tucks -. smith, $217.50; one from Mr. Wm. I.. Keyes, Stanley, $240, one 'froth Mrs. S. II. Smith, town, $305, one horse ,from Mr. Abe.: Fisher, - Col- borne, $225, one frons Mr. Thomas Churchill, $237.50, sand a Seven -sear - old from Mr. G.' W. Elgie of Staaley that was a beauty: These are only some ,of the lot. Mr. Wallis said, "better not say anything about the prices, people will laugh at me ter.. paying them." The shipment wont to Winnipeg. LITTLE LOCALS, Thc•applications for connection with the waterworks system ars steadily increasing in number. Though he has an auto Mr. C. II: Pugh h 1st: his of Pt aS t g not o d love for a. horse and bought a driver and outfit the past week. - • Mr. John Govctt has bought Mr: Jas. Twitchell's cottage on Wiliam street which has been occupied by Arr. Il Marshall for some tuiie. The iltst prize in the time compe- tition at the Morrish Clothing store was won last ,Saturday by Major McTaggart ; Miss hell Draper won second, 'i'lte Woman's Institute will inert next Thursday ,afternoon t. .1. 300 at the home of Mrs., T. Kearns. Papers will be given en t,, "Ihr.I'rosgirrity ot Canada," and "Memories of our late Queen." - Friday, the day of the funeral of King Edward VIZ, has' been pro- elainecl tin ub`:c holiday Y in Clintai and all plat ss of business will be closed. Union Ir . al ;t t s i•s••; be' hold in St. Paul's chat h ,at. 11 a.m. A gang of men have been at work the last few days scraping Albert street and teams have been engaged drawing away the surplus dirt.' The result willn' bra a much h lrs5e ing: of dust on our principal business street. An match exhibition etch brtw t n 1 r the baseball teams of Blyth and Clinton was played in the park yesterday. The result was 8-4 in favor of the home team, Clinton also having an innings to spare. AZEIMUKKIESMICEEMSEIEW The News From Londesboro Arr. lC. •_1. Grant of Tceswater has .il•r engaged g.cd with Milton tton antr c � Mr. McKenzie of Brussels watt a cal1cx Fri the. Tuesla . ISIHss Pipe of London Sundaycd• wi h her siste •, Mrs. Robt. toting. • t Rev. 11. E. Carrie., attended. the • District meeting in Seaforth .on Tues- day and Wednesday. Mr. Will. .P airmrvice, wile and family who, -have been . visitint; at the , home Mr. Thomas Fairservicc, left 'Tuesday 'morn- ing for Petersburg where • they will visit for a ,few days prior to their return to the west. - Mr.. J. R.' Govenloek of Seaforth is pressing .:hay in this vicinity and loaded a ear this week. 'Mr. Jim Hutton shipped a esr load of wheat this\ week. Miss A.. I3e11 spent Sunday with. Seaferth friends. - - The G:.T.R, bridge gang, with' which Jos. Brown and F. Gibbs are em- nla rd are doingsmile repairing to culverts in the Londesboro district. 'Mr: Robt: Gibbs spent' Sunday un- der the parental roof: - Mr. R. Adams .was in - Clinton en 14Ionday. (!r,-, - Miss A. Lawson . is visiting IIarlock friends.' • -•• - On, Monday Jas. :4IaC ool; while helli,ng to load wheat at the ml','i, had ' the nrisforttine to fall in . front 01 the wheels of, the wagon which was loaded with over tory bushels of wheat. • The Iririd wheels passed over his legs above the knees, but an no bones were broken Jas. will not be laid oft 'veryY long. On Thursday night of last week a meeting of the members of Landes- iroro Sunday -School was held and the following teachers and offcers were elected t Superintendent, Wm. Lyon. 1s5istatt,, Thos. S andcrs cm. Teachers, Geo. Garrett, ;Miss F:, ( a ter+ Miss E. Lyon, Mrs. 1r Og- den Mist' 'M. Lyon, Miss r A. tb. .Bell , • Mi9s •'C v A.' Braithwaite, Miss 1•:, Lee, Mrs V. Vat r ()r anrst Miss A. Belt Organist, Assistant, Miss M. Brogden. The Bible 'Class was a also -organized r t"r , cr ed g with the following officers Teacher, Geo. Garrett. tr r,. s r 11tr President, 't . Lyon. 1st Vice, 1). Carter. - Secretary, M. Brogden. Treasurer, tastt • �' e ter � Webber, , it is requested that as many as can, should join this class. • _Miss Z. -Whitley accompanied • her brother, I)r I N. Whitley to Gorrie 1.st week, wherec shc speed. Cho- skimmer. I)•.. ti'hiiley has just : re - 'turned from atrip targ3 Egypt will again. resume 1•t_s . practice 'at Ger- rie. • Another of Ilullett's staancli old Oakes was called_`to his long home in the person of Mr, Robert Scott„ who passed away - on, Tuesday, after - only a few weeks illness, - at the great age of eighty-nino years and nine *months. Mr. Scott was a . na- tive of Lancashire, Scotland, ..and. • carie to this - country with his .young ' - wife about the year 1857. After a few •mrrnths . spent,`. in the frontier • townships, they moved to I3ullett. and settled open lot 22, con, 10, on. • which farm the family • have ever since resided and where deceased died. - - Mr. Scott was -a Presbyterian in re- ligion and had held the office( of elder for many years and was a loyal sup- porter of the church of his choice. In- polilt.cs he was a - liberal. In his " Scott days Mr.. Scott took an. ac- .. tive- interest in municipal politics and . served on the township council as councillor • and reeve, • Mrs. Scott predeceased her husband about fifteen,,, .r' years. Five children survive,tvco sons and three 'daughters, Five chit- - dretr are dead. The eldest daughter, who died in 1892, was the wife of the late* Prof. R. V. Thomson, of' Knox College, Toronto. The surviving,. • children arc' : Robert and John, • Hallett ; Isabella and Mary at home; and Wis.. Arthur Jamieson, also of Y Ilullt tl. • ?Jr. Scott has always en- joyed the best of health and has been extremely active for a ntan of his years until a tew weeks ago when be contracted. la grippe in a severe form. - Despite medical Bare and careful nurs- ing, his constitution tdas unequal to the task of throwing off the dist-.ase and he •irraduallY sank. Deceased was a manof ( sterling • rtliug charactci and enjoyed the respect cct Uf his neighbors and r'' 't tands. The funeral takes place this after- noon from his 'late residence. 10 ,• I3tnti�. cemetery. The Council of the Montreal Board Trade ofnass rdai s l tion .opposing 0 sm n g reeipocal trade arrangements with they 'Crotid States. The 4innrha s r wrte\ waswrecked on the,Scilly Islands, has been 'floated -and will be repaired. .