The Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-19, Page 60
Between all stations in Canada, al-
so to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.
Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich.
Tickets good going May 23 and 24,
Return limit May 2Gth.
Sailings from Sarnia at 3.30
p.m. for Soo, and Port Arthur,
May 11, 14, 18. For Duluth,
May 11, 20. Sailings from
CoLlingwood 1.30 p.m., and Ow-
en Sound 11.15 p.m. Wednesdays
and Saturdays for Soo and
Georgian Bay Ports. °
Secure tickets and full information
A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent,
Bear in mind that the Grand Trunk
is the "mutat tourist route" to
Muskoka, Lake of Bays., Teniagami,
Algonquin Park, Creorgian Bay, Ka-
wartha Lakes, Magnetewan 'lyver,
etc. A vauiety of fresh water voy-
ages are also offered at attractive
Full information from Grand Trunk
Agents, or address J. D. McDonald,
Dist. Pass. Agent, Toronto, Ont.
Through the metropolis .of Chic»; -
ago, thence via Duluth and Fort
Frances, or through Chicago, and
the twin cities of .Minneapolis and
St. Paul.
MAY 3, 17, 31
Via Sarnia and Northern Navi-
gation Company. Steamerleaves
Sarnia 3.30 p.m., May 4 and 30.
Winnipeg and return $32.00
Edmonton and return $42.50
Proportionate rates to other West-
ern points.
Tickets good for 60 days.
Secure tickets and full information.
from: -
A. 0. PATTISON. Depot Agent.
Filil 1909-10
much good reading
for littie money.
News -Record and:Mail and
Empire $1.50 •
News -Record and Globe 1.75
News-Reeord and Fancily a a
Herald and Star with
Premium 1.75.
News -Record and Witness 1.75 •
News -Record and Sun. • 1.75
News -Record and Free
Press 1.75
News -Record and Adver-
News-Reeord and Toronto
Saturday Night 2.30
News -Record and Farmer's
Advocate 2.25
News -Record and Farin
and Dairy" 1.75
News -Record and Cana-
dian Farm 1.75
News -Record and Mail and
News -Record and Globe
News -Record and News
News -Record and Star
News -Record and World .
News -Record and Morning
Free Press
News -Record and Evening
Free Press
News -Record and .Adver-
Moe rnxx •
News -Record and Lippin-
cott's tfagizine........ 8.25
1f what you want is not in
this list let us know about it.
We can impiety you at less than
it would cost you to send. direct.
In remitting please do so by
Post-offlee (leder, Postal Note,
Express Order or Registered
Letter and address. .
W. J. Mitchell
News -Record u CLINTON
A Perfect Chairs of Co
The 'Canadian consumers aro appar-
ently .about to find themselves m the
grip of a connected list of combines
more far-reaching than anything ever
before conteinplated. The list is to'.be-
gin with the manufacturer, to rextrcad
troth hien to" the wholesaler, and from
the wholesaler to the retailer.
The first step in pgrfecting the new
organization took place in Toronto
last week when the Wholesale Grocers'
firuild, which has been :n s zcl•i ;l an,
pending the decision of itscase by.
Judge Falconbridge, met for reorgan-r
ization. Representatives of the Re-
tail Merchants' Association of Can-
ada met with the wholesale grocers,
and the result of the conference, held
in secret, as announced afterwards to
The Globe,was a. perfect understand-
ing between wholesalers and retailers
so far as the grocery trade is cone
rerned. In accordance- with this un-
derstanding wholesalers are to ask all
manufacturers in a given line to set-
tle on a fixed schedule of prices and to
sell only through wholesalers ; whole-,
sayers are to agree among themselves
to maintain the schedule so fixed in
selling to retailers, and retailers are
apparently to agree as to the prices
to be charged consumers.
And alt this fixing of prices can, so
the counsel who represented the
wholesale grocers' combine in the late
criminal prosecution says, be legally
done under the law as it stands now,
The wholesale combine can exclude
from, its organization any :wholesaler
who will not. subscribe tothe condi-
onditions laid down, including abstention
from competition in prices ; it can
refuse to handle the goods of any
manufacturer who will not promise
to sell, only through the combine ;• it
can "do all things necessary to pro-
tect its own business, even if it wip-
es a man out of business, so long as
it is, defile in good faith."
Here, then, so far as the grocery
trade is concerned, we are about to
find : (1) A eombination of domestic
manufacturers fixing prices at a
level as high as the tariff against
foreign competition will allow (2)
a combination of wholesalers distri-
buting the goods at a uniform price
(3) a retail combine charging a fixed
price tothe consumer far the goods
which, after passing through two corn -
bines, finally reach its shelves. All
competition, - all•iinitiative, all enter-
prise is to be excluded from the do-
mestic field, and Mackenzie. King an-
nounces in advance that his anti -conn -
bine bill will not grant relief, in this
case, at all events, by lowering . the
tariff and allowing foreign competit-
ors to come in. And as it is in gro-
ceries to -day it vi.11 .be in all other.
lines in the near future. It is truly
a pleasant prospect that opens out
before the Canadian consumer, --Week-
ly Sun. .
Can't even sleep -restless •day, and
'nights -brooding over imagined trouble
all the time. The disease isn't : in
the brain, but in. the. blood which is
thin and innutritious, . Do the right
thing now and you'll be cured quick-
ly. Just take Ferrozone ; , it turns
everything you eat into nourishrneat;
consequently, blood .containing lots of
iron and •oxygen is ,fdxtned. Ferro -
exile makes flesh, muscle, nerve -
strengthens in a week. You'll live
longer,. fcel brighter, htox
be free from
melancholy if you use Ferrozono,
Fifty cents buys a bort of this good
tonic (fifty ohoc 1
ate coat
eel. 'tablets
in every box) at .all dealers,
Repeat it Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways.cure my coughs and colds."
• Repeat it :•-Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds.".
Repeat it--Shiloh's Qure will al
ways cure my coughs: and colds."
C t News Reeord
First -».Don't Delay. Second Don't
If you suffer from backache, head-
ache or dizzy spells', if you rest poor-
ly, and. aro languid in the morning :
0 the the kidney necrefdons are irreg-
ular and unatural in appearance, do
not delay. The kidneys are calling
for help. Slight symptoms of kid-
ney troubles are but fore -runners of
more serious complaints. They
should be given attention before it
is too late.
Booth's Kidney Pills cure kidney
trouble. They are recommended . by
thousands. Can Clinton residents
desire more convincing proof than
the statement of a Wingham citizen ?
James Watson of Minnie St., Wing -
ham, Ont,, says :-"Booth's Kidney
Pill have done me more good than
all the other remedies I have taken
for the last two years, combined.
The kidney secretions that have been
so frequent and irregular, and caused
me to lose so much of lily night's
rest, have been reduced to normal,
and '1 am now able to enjoy my resat,
without being disturbed. They have
also, cleared the urine and strength-
ened my back, relieving me entirely
of a dull pain that had settled in
the region of the kidneys for over
two, years, weakening me and causing
me ' such suffering. I shall speak
highly, of Booth's Kidney Pills.
For sale in Clinton by W. S. R.
How a Wise Woman Keeps
She doesn't nag.
System is her strong. point.
She has regular duties and sticks
to them.
She knows her own xnind and doee
not distract with changing orders.
She never Ioses ;her temper or per-
mits 0 to be bet by her subordinat-
She expects to be obeyed in her
own home, but does not give impos-
sible commands.
She keeps • the children within.
bounds and does not permit them
to impose upon the workers in the
household. She makes her. ' maids
comfortable, their bedrooms, bath-
rooms and kitchen are as attractive
as she can make them. She provides
if possible, a epecial sitting room,
with • a writingdesk,work table,.
easy chair and a shelf of interesting
books. Slits"does, not refuse. permis-
sion to have callers outside of work-
ing hours and io willing to give extra
days off when occasion warrants. She
takes a friendly. interest in the affairs
of her maids but never degenerates
into a regulator or pryer into these
affairs. In return elle expects good
work faithfully. done, and a willing -
Miss Mary Polley of Goderieh, vise•
ited. frienda here recently.
Miss Ruby Robinson of 'Nile spent
Sunday, week with Miss Olive Craw-
Earl Rivers has resumed hia posi-
tion in the Sterling Bank.
Jack Roberts of the Sterling Bank,
Auburn, spent Sunday week at his
horn here.
Miss Ada Sproul of Goderieh agent
a Sunday at her home here recently.
Miss Riley of London is visiting
her sister, Mrs. ,Bradford.
Miss Fraser visited her aunt, Mrs.
Lawrence at Lueknow.
The :zany friends of Miss Lily Mc-
bean will be glad to hear that she
has improved very much in health.
Some of our merchants have their
windows suitably draped, since re-
ceiving the news of the King's death.
The school flag has been at half-
Geo. Stothers met with a painful
accident on Monday of last week.
While driving dear, Donnybrook his
horse took fright and kicked him just
below the knee,. bplintering the bone.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will clear the sour stomach,
sweeten the breath and create a heal-
thy appetite. They promote the flow
of gastric juice, thereby inducing good
digestion,. Sold try all dealers.
More Butter and. Less Fodder
Less Fodder cheese and more butter
is the order of the day in Western
Ontario this year. Many .of the fac-
tories in the western part of the
Province are on the combination bas-
is, 'and because of the high price of
butter most of these will apparently
keep on making butter until the first
of gay at least, and tits will mean
a reduction in the output of fodder
Writing on this point John 11. Scott
proprietor of the. Exeter . Creamery
says he, finder most of the factories
that have. butter as ' well as cheese
plants, are, owing to the high pric
of butter, running on the latter lin
longer than usualthis year. Beeaus
of this there will be less fodder chee
than usual made. Still, Mr, Scot
says, cheese '.makers in all the ehee
sections are looking for increase
production, owing to°the existence o
better tter cows, better 'management o
herds, and in a great many cases, t
the fact that more . cows are bein
kept. Taking Western Ontario as
whole, Mr. Scott looks for a produc
tion of cheese that will be well up t
the average, notwithstanding the fac
that ,the creamery business is gainin
nesson the part .ofher maid gtemaci ih the sections where dair
in an emergency. • Above all she knows farms aremore scattered. It is, Mr.
the value of judicious praise and kind -1 Scott says, never safe to make defin-
ly encouragement: rte . statements in regard to prices,
but he thinks it reasonable to expect
that cheese prices will .have to . keep
up about • on a par with other food
Less Fodder Cheese Here, Too..
9th, 1 910
The Grand Jury at Whitby returned
a ,trate bill in the case of Ara. Mac-
Lachlan of Uxbridge, charged with the
murder of his wife and two children.
This Dominion. 'Government has or-
dered every public building in Can-
ada to be draped in mourning, and
will proclaim a public holiday, On the
day of the King's, funeral.
Colonel Roosevelt and the Emper-
or of Germany 'net at Potsdam yes.
It has been decided to hold a mot-
or boat race from New York to Par-
is next year.
King George is personally superin-
tending .all the arrangements for the
funeral of his father.
Prof, Jenks of Trinity University
has been elected professor of eceles-
iasticat history at the General Sem-
inary at New York.
Rufus Weedmark was committed for
trial at Smith's Falls for the murder
of his wife.
Rev. C. B. Guille.nv,tt of Landon
Ont., died. while visiting his son at
Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Mr. Isaac Brock lick"e wait ran
over by a. wagon on his farm in
Brantford townshie un.l Wien.
Over a thousand liquor dealers will
meet at Quebec to protest against
the early -closing movement.
Albert Chilcott of Hamilton acci-
dentally stabbed himself while cutt-
ing a piece' of leather, He niay die,
Mr, France's two-year-old son
wandered away from his home near
Elkhorn, Man., and it is feared he
has died from exposure orbeen kill-
ed by a wolf.
Never hesitate about giving Cham-
berlain's cough Remedy to children.
It anteing' no opium or other nar-
coties°.and can be given with implicit
confidence. As a quick cure for coughs
and colds to which children are sus-
ceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by
all dealers.
Mr. Malcolm G. Bremmer, editor of
The London Free Press, was found
dead in bed.
Constable O'Connell died at Mon-
treal from his wound, and Timothy
Canby has been arrested on
suspicion of murdering O'Connell and
e' Constable Fortin.
e Gen. Sir John French sailed ''from
e England forCanada last Thursday.
se Col. Roosevelt was presented to
t King 'George. in London on Monday.
se An international aviation meet
d will be held on Long Island in Octob-
. Twelve persons were drowned by
o the sinking of a steamer in the Mis-
g sissippi River, below St. Louis.
a The common people of France blame.
Iialley's comet for the wretched .wea-
'ther.the country is experiencing.
Three girls were fatally injured in.
g' their home in Buffalo in a fire caused
Y by _theexplpsion of n gasoline stove.
An Italian professional swordsman
and a Frenclf' journalist fought a duel
in Pans, in which the journalist
wounded his adversary. '
C. As Holden, a keeper of a ,gamb-
.ling '•house at Winnipeg; was fined
Seven Chatham, 'N.B., hotelkeepers
have gone on strike and closed their
houses. .
Often causes a good deal: of trouble.
The best cure is a prompt applica-
tion of Nerviline which instantly
stops the pain, prevents swelling, re-
moves all blackness - and discolora-
tion. Nerviline is antiseptic -pre-
vents blood 'poisonings No liniment
so penetrating, so swift to destroy
p, n.
a lot of comfort by
not using . Poison's Nerviline. For
nearly fifty .years it has been • the
standard nand
family y liniment of Canada;
Eddie Fisher is the new.. apprentice
at J. J. Mernex's store.
Mr. J J; Merner intends building
a handsome dwel;i:ng at' the north
nd. ,
The poles are up, for.: therural tele-
hone RV to Dashwood.. Thin branch
will star. with about 20 subscribers.
Mr. C. Fritz has purchased the.
rotting stallion Nordine, from Mr.
Stewart of :Ailsa Craig, .
Mr. and Mrs Reinhold 'Heidl an:of
Minnesota, are visiting ;relatives •.in
The baseball boys have started to
Misses Katie and Ida Stoskopf and
Miss Carrie Arbogast of. Sebringvil?e
Ns:sited at. thehome of. E. W. Stoskopf
last week.
Mrs. Fred. Howald and two daugh-
ters of Crediton visited relatives
and friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Brown of Cred-
iton and Mr. and Mrs. Siebert of
Dashwood visited at Mr: J. • Preet-
or's recently.
Messrs. H. Yungbiut and Jacob
Deichert left last week for a visit
with relatives in Detroit and New
Haven, Mich.
Lord Carrington .has been appointed
Lord High Chamberlain to the ' new P
King. .•
ing a bill to provide for a Govern-
:lent test and ,examination of exp10- i
King George V. was proclaimed
King in the principal cities of the
kingdom yesterday.
Prof. Lyon of Harvard University
claims' to have proof that the pres-
ent year is 1914 and not 1910.
Itis reported in London that : the
Duke of Connaught,will probably be
the next' Governor-General/of Canada.
John Monroe, formerly' of 'London,
Ont., has been, sent to Jackson Pris-
on, Michigan, for from one to five
yearsfor larceny,
Apply tam -Bess' to all
wounds and totes and you
will he surprised how quickly
it stops the smarting and
brings case. It covers the
wound with a layer of pro•
tectlye balm, lulls all poison
germs already to the *owidi and
prevent, other' entering. Its rich
heeling ramal eueases then build
up irein the bottom fresh Bunter
and in a wonderfully chem tints
the wound fa hated!.
Zink 2uk', popularity is hoed on wuht.
2mH[tiooe never week craw. Bs aur. and
get the teal thing. "Zata.Buk"b printed
on every paeket of the g.nuina.nefuss
anothers,GOot,11dturgist' and atone or
Lawt.Buk Co:. Toronto.
A. touch of rheumatism, or a twinge
of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is,
chamberlain's Liniment drives away
the pain ,at once and cures the com-
plaint quickly. First application, giv-
es relief., SoId by all dealers. •
Through the metropolis of Chicago,.
thence via Duluth and Fort Frances,
or through Chicago and the twin
cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul.
May 17 and 31. Via Sarnia and
Northern Navigation Company.
Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.30 ,,.
May 30th. Secure tickets and ' full
information from Grand Trunk
But nevertheless you feel pretty
"seedy." Hest prescription is Dr.
Hatnflton's Pills ; they tone up the
entire system, strengthen the stom-
ach, elevate your s iritb and make
you feel better in ono day. It's by
cleaning the body of waotes, by pur-
ifying and enriching the blood that
Dr. 'Hamilton's Pills accomplish so
much. Very mild, exceedingly prompt
and guaranteed in every case. Your
druggist sells Dr. Hamilton's Pills of
Mandrake and Butternut in yellow
boxes, 25e. each,or five for $1.00.
Piet the genuine.
Robt. Johnston says he thinks that
less fodder'eheese will be made in the
Woodstock district this year than was
ni'ade' last. The high price of butter
is, he says, keeping combination fac-
on that line, and thus reducing
the output of early cheese. Still,
from present prospects, Mr. Johnston
e netts the make of cheese to be full
as large ae last year, but ,this will
of course, depend on latercondition
in the : season. There are a, few mor
factories ` in Western• Ontario the
there were last year, but the increas
in the number of factories is offset
by the high price of butter and fee
which is having a tendency to tur
some of the large patrons of cheer
factories to creameries in order tha
theymay have.skim milk for feed.
Cured in' Ten Days,.
re or.
Your Money Back.
The moment you suspect any • Kid-
ney or Urinary disorder;), or feel
Rheumatic pains, begin.•taking
• FIG PILLS are sold With a • guaran-
tee to. cure all Kidney, Bladder. or
LI .Liver troubles, Indigestion and all
n . Stoniae'li Disorders. '
e FIG PILLS aro sold at all lead -
t ing drug .~Mores at 25e. a. box, : or
five for $1.00.
Always give your customers
what they ask for. "Just as good"
or "the same thing" may make
one sale at a large profit, and at
the same time lose the confidence.
and trade of adissatisfied patron
By Arrangementlwe are able
to offer
The Weekly ,tV Tali a d Empire
-the two together -from now to Jan. 1, 1911, for
Sent to any address in Canada (except Toronto)
England or United States.
The regular rate for each paper is OM a"'year.
Just calculate the money advantage the above
bargain 'combination means.
Send in your ordeis to the office of
''nein' foot comfort: It lamas loath'', 'net and pliable.:rinse.
Oho** lost tohgSr. Doses not cantata r1,ny'rurpontinaj,
Acid% or °thew tinjurlgw intrrrrllrntr. tirttliaant
and I*$tlag, gnat rt+tr dor/ the trtoty
• ALL 14144114111", nom,
:Ns 1r. P. SPALLItY e-0., MMtrlgi, al u+iH*sn, dint., 44m1 Iytyni,.'M.Y..
India Pale Ale.
Preludtced anti nsaerupulont vendors ntay su[¢est others, bet cotipare it sap
way you will -purity. freedom front acidity, palstabieeeaa-r.abatt's /lie i. �,nrpys
ed by nose, equalled by few-st shout halt the price of beat imported brands.
spr Is a general1.
and cau*es
but itcanb! nuisance
by using , •
on sweeping day. Dustbano,ropreover, disinfects the room
and restores Rugs to their original freshness. The women
swear by Dtistbane when once they have used it.
Don't have another. dustysweeping day,
but get•a 35c package of'ustb ne
• Weare rtuthorized hy,the manufacturers of Deatbane to
send you a 35c can of their Sweeping 0onipound. Ws want
you to use .this on trial Inc one week. At the end of this
period, 0 not found satisfactory; ,ewe will take it back, and
there will be no charge for quantity. used..
It does away with Dust on Sweeping Day
Sold in 'barrels, half barrels and quarter barrels,' for
stores, schools, churches, hospitals, banks, and public'
Canadian Factories -St, John, N. B., Winnipeg, -Man.
100. Strange and Curious Animal Actors=100
The Only Big Show Coming to this. Section this Season.
A grand colossal aggregation of wonderful performing Eiephants, Horses;.
Ponies, Pigs, Goats, Dogs and Monkeys, beautiful Tropical Birds,
renowned and daring acts, aerial exploits, long distance leapt.
wonderful Bicyclists, high wire dives.
New Glorious Free Street Parade at 12.30 Noon.
l b4
PROP, bL GOSHEN, the World's Greatest Flying Machine expert,.
will give a demonstration of this wonderful machine at every performance.
Remember the day and date --Z perfdrnnances daily, rain or shine. Doorst
opeli at 1 and x p. nn., under our colossal scope of water -proof emirs.
en Wanted, sober "Reliable Menlo Drive Team and Work on 'legit. Goo Lir
and steady work guaranteed. Apply at the grounds oft day of shOW.
Clinton, Wednesday, , May 25th