The Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-19, Page 22 -PURITY-,. ,--'lc.COURA 7y',.. r4S+11•44,41.1104h04404,4I114•4111 25. Per Cent t on 4-, I 1 Your Investment t t 1 Any farmer can add 25% t to the value of his stock •by feeding : DOUGLAS t • STOCK INVIGORATOR 1 The cheapesAaket and best prepare- tam ont io her r t. You can have a pail for 75 cents, 2' 's' It's best for Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry. Our guarantee stands behindi it. ! W. 'R. HOLMES 1�V Manf'g Chemist. j ;•••••••••••••••••••••.••; -RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE — OUR TRADE DOUBLED Our sale of Flour, Feeds, Seed Grain, Etc., has doubled this season over last What better evidence can there be that our stock and prices are right, FORD &MoL EOD W. H. Watts & Son. Opposite Postotiice. ' Store , opens . at 7.30 a. m. Closes at 8 p. fa. We are practical Boot and Shoe takers and repairers.-13oots road+ to order in from 1 to 3 days ilbtice and repairing done while you wait. FARMERS ATTENTION We have several parrs of cur own make of Boots which ere. just lee thing for spring wear. Come in and see them. • 'All repairing left at the Postoillce ea at Mr. Adams' store will havo our hest attention. One of the • firrn • will be at our Londesboro store nn Fri- days. Kind}y give us a trial. W. H. Watts . Son i i L, h�TNIN x.71 G RODS* Lightning Rods are a sure protec- tion to your building during Elec- tric Storms. Barns ended from $15,00 upwards with a COPPER ROD through and. through. A written guarantee given. Also Galvanized Reds much cheap- er. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For particulars apply to W. H. Stogdlll VARNA MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL JAMES DOM OPPOSITE. POST OFFICE. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario. Three departments : ' • Commercial Shorthand Telegraphy. We assist gra•duatcs to posi- tions. The demand upon • us for trained help greatly ex- ceeds the supply. The three most recently placed arc re- ceiving $40.00, $50.00 and $100.00 per month respective- ly. Business men state our graduates are the hest. Enter our classes now. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, PRINCIPAL Tie Best Coal IF YOU WANT 'Tim Brs'r COAL AND PROMV(PT DELIV- ERY SECUREYOUR .SUP= PLY FROM US. ORDERS LT:t i AT *DAVIS. dr. ROWLAND'S HARDWARE SWORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO. W . Stevenson NEWFOUNDLAND PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE GRAND WORK 1)Olrl)'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE DOING. Fishermen Regard Them, as a Boon. to Mankind—Mr. Frank Bonfield Tells How they Cured His Back- ache. Garnish, Fortune Bay, Nfld,, May 10. (Special},—Among the fishermen here, who through exposure to wet end cold are subject to those pains and aches which come from diseased Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills are p looked upon ns a positive tiv t o bo an to mankind. They are never tired of telling how their Backaches and 'their Rheumatism vanish before the great Kidney remedy. Among a others Mr.Frank g m ny the F ink Ran- Seld, after years of suffering, has found relief in Dodd's. Kidney Pills, d r whati and he e is he ss telling his friends "I find Dodd's Kidney Pills the, best medicine for Backache I have ever us- ed. I only used two boxes and they cured me of Backache I 'had for five ycare. It started through a strain,. My father's back also bothered him, nhegot some r and relief o from. one pill I gave him. They were too precious to give him 'more. All persbtts suffer - log from Backache should use Dodd's Kidney Pills, " i* Why do Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Backache ? Simply because Backache is Kidney ache, and Dodd's Kidney Pills positively .cure all Kidney aches and ills. • This has been proved in thousands of cases in Canada. If you haven't used them yourself ask your neighbors, • Two I3elgians in love with one girl carried out a pact of death at Winni- peg .by leaping from a bridge into the Iced River. Prof. W. F. Osborne of Manitoba University has been nominated by the Liberals of Dufferin, Man., to run against Premier Roblin. A :Kingston man - has complained to a Magistrate that his sister has, been decoyed into a .house at Yarker • and held tie be sent to the United States for infamous purposes. COURT OF REVISION OF THE Township of I•itillett.-+Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Iiuilettwill be • held in the Town- ship Hall on Saturday the 28th day of May .at the flour of 10 o'clock a.m.. for the, purpose of hearingand settling complaint's against the said Assessment Roll. Persons having business at the Court will please attend at the said time and place. without . further notice.=- James Campbell, . Clerk. Mullett; • May 10th 1910. • • BAYFII LD COURT .OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that • the Court of Revision of the Assessment • Roll of the Village • of Bayfield will beheld in the. Town Hall, . Bayfield, :on 'the. 26th day of May, 1910, at 11 o'clock' a. m. for the purpose of hearing . and settling :complaints • against the said Assessment Roll, Persons having business at the Court will please attend at the said time and place without no furth- er c t.Ce.—Ii; W. Erwin, Clerk, 29 STANLEY COURT OF Rir.VIaei )N - Notice is. hereby given that the Court of Revision of the 'Assess- ment Roll 'of the Township of • Stanley will be held in the Town- aide- Hall, Varna,. on the 2$ th day ' of May, at 11 a.m., for the 'pur- pose of bearin-g and settling com- plaints against the said Assess- , anent' RoIl..'• Persons having, busi- ness at ' the. court will •please at- tend at ,the said. time and place without . • further . notice,— J. E. Harnwell, Clerk.—Varna, May 5th, 1910. WEST WAWA:'NOSH FIRE INSUR- ance Company.—Having been elect• ed director and agent for the above Company, .I will insure farm build- ings and. Isolated town property. Will any person wishing to insure drop • me a card • or call me by phone and they will be attended to at once."—John, ' Cox; Porters Hill P,O; 25-3m 1 HAVE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT of stock a thorobred Durham' bull, at lot 11, Bayfield Road, Stanley.— Jos. Richardson. • . 23 I+', W. CUTLER, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work done guar- anteed to gine satisfaetion. Prices moderate,. Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute. Clinton, 83 SHORTHORN' BULLS FOR SALE. 2 good red calves, 9 and 12 months old, sired by the Cruickshank Bea - with Bud bull "Merry 13ud"--467395 —sire and dam imported and from of up-to-date Scotch breeding. Wo also have a few good heifers for sale, Apply to W. J. Biggins Box 263, Elmhurst Farm, Clinton P. 0. 22 FOR ;SALE. ---4 YOUNG SHORT - horn Bulls, got by imported Scot- tish Volunteer 55044, by folder Prince (83609) all fit for service and from good milli -strains, ,•the kind the people are after. ---lo. Snell. 11 FARIVf FOB. SALE.—ON TILE LON- don Road, one mile South of i'1linten« 132 Acres, fine shape for ."ropptng, no better land anywhere, fair build- ings. Must bo seld as owner cannot work it. Will be sold cheap. or Will rent to a good tenant.. IL PIM - Steel. 1. Clinton NewsMRecord May l9tb,1910 uron County News Gathered for News-Reeord Readers 18 Years Ap From The News -Record of May 18th, 1892 Clinton, May 18th, 1892. Miss Murray is now about recover- ed from her recent illness, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Jackson ot Seaforth spent the first of the week in town. Mr. and Mrs. McMurchie are visit- ing friends in Woodstock. Miss Nellie Fair, who has been health recruiting and merry -making for a moon past in the City of -the Straits, returned on Saturday last. Mrs. J. T. Lee was able to take a drive last ve out l st week afte, arotract- P , ed illness ot some months. Mr. Sheeler has renewed his lease, for a term of years, of the eon,mer- tial hotel and has had the license renewed and the premise4 will be Ot- te(' ted up in good shape. Ex -Reeve Castles of Bayfield, was in town on Saturday. We were much pleased 'to see the veteran parliamen- tarian of our county legislature quite improved froma somewhat severe illness. Mr. Thos. Sturdy of Emerson, Man, and formerly chief of police there and at•Goderich, has accepted the .position of chief of police of Portage la Prairie, his duties to commence about 'the first of June, Mr. Thomas Jackson Jr., has de- cided to 'take a short and his second trip to the old country. He expects to commit his personal safety and the achievement of his purpose to the Doni'inion Line 8: S. "Sarnia" which loaves port on June est. Mr. George Glasgow Alas disposed at his gents furnishing stock to Messrs. Pluimsteei acid Gibbings and we ue- derstand' expects, soon to leave, in the permit. of •bueincss and fortune, for •Dalcota. , May .success attend you George. Mr. D. Cantelon, who so: over -top's all other handlers of apples • that he has recently been, crowned Emperor instead .of King; will •leave next week on his proposed: visit to the ol`d' country • to i' -make arrangements for the trade of the.coniing season. "Died while readinga newspaper," is the ,tragic heading" of . a paragraph describing a •tragic event. ' It was afterwards found that"the,.person implied was behind in elle payments to the paper. Itis dangerous' to leave so very important a matter and bo unprepared for death. Mr. Whitehead's proposed niantmoth block will soon show signs of the brick superstructure:; the substantial stone foundation ' approaching comple= tion. It would add much to the ap- pearance of this central part of the town if Mr, Sheppard could see his way to • put up a brick building. on the burned prernises adjoining ' Mr. eehitehcad, Mr. Whitehead has made Mr. Sheppard an offer for the ground' but: their, views as' to its value 'seem to be too' far apart. • Stanley township, May 18th,' 1892. • "The Stanley District Scarlet. Cha P ter' met in the Orange hall, Goshen Line, May 14th, when the following officers were duly elected : Sir. Kt. ' Com., Robt., Nicholson, Com, in• Command. Sir Kt, Com.: Joseph. Foster, Ex- cellent Com. Sir Kt. Jame CaIwelt S , Chaplain: Robert Pollock, treasurer. 3. R, Balfour, Scribe. Wm. Pollock, Herald at Arms. R. McKinley, Inner Herald. John Parks, Outer Herald. Londesboro, May 18th, 1A92: Quite a nunxber of the Good Tem - piers will attend /the District : meet- ing in Blyth on Friday, ; . ; Tho. Sons of England Lodge will meet tonight instead • of Friday..'This lodge will attend service .in Ontario street church, Clinton, next Sunday morning. Rev; T, I. "Higley of Blyth visited his parishioners in this vicinity on Thursday last. A number of . our young folks will drive to Point Farm on the 24th. Rev. J, A..Hamiiten preached his fr t sermon as pator in the Presby- terian church to a very large congre- gation. The rev. gentleman took for his text Exodus 14-15. His sermon wag an able and appropriate one and was listened to with close attention by the large congregation present. ,Summerhill,. May 18th, 1892 Mr, R. P. Draper lost a valuable cow last Saturday. She apparently was frightened 'at something and came ,sliding headlong down a stoep bank about forty fret high. Her back was r *Merely injured and she had to he killed, Mr. Storey of Clinton, was out on Thursday evening, and the band took an . open air parade. 'Tete• music could be heard a eonsiderabio distance. Mrs, Goo. Glasgow of Clinton is visiting, her brother, Mr. Nelson Bing - hath and other friends in this vicin- ity. Atli': ADDS TO ITS POPULARITY. Fifty years ago Putuam,'s Corn Extractor was introduced. It sale has been enormous. The reason is that "Putnam',s" is the only painless and sure cure for corns, warts and bunions. Doubting you have proved this yourself. Henna' Me wascalled Mrs. Phensan ca d ta Stratford last week owing. to the death of a relative. Noah Shaffer, who has been visiting relatives here, has returned to Tor-. onto. N. Warriner has put a eetnent floor in the front portion of the building which he is transforming into a liv- ery barn. Miss EttaDavis arrived home trent Toronto on Monday .week accompan- ied an - led by her two little coue+ins, daugh- ters of the late T. Higgins. We understand that Mr. S. S. Coop- er of Clinton has secured tee con- tract for the ereetion of J. Cox - worth's new hotel. Sam, has eeniodel- ed the plan and says that he will to thebuilding e ins' 1 ve e l g reefed six weeks, As Sam is noted for his tremendous energy a fulfilment of his intention; may be looked for. Seaforth Miss Maud Laidlaw has gone on a holiday, trip to Boston. Mrs, Eagleson, who has been resid- ing in town for some time, has gone to Syracuse, New York,. Mr. John Alexander of Tuckersnlith has purchased the old McTavish farm near the Red Tavern. Dr. William Gillespie of Lansing, 'Michigan, has been visiting his .par- ents, Me. and Mrs, John Gillespie of John street. Mr. John McQuaid of St. Columban left last week for Lethbridge, going via the Canadian Soo, where he will visit his brothers, Dr. Thomas and Michael McQuaid. Mr. Andrew Scott has sold l:i,s fine team of greys to: Mr. McGtath; Ribbert. The price paid was in the neighborhood of $500. They go to Winnipeg and. will be used on an ex- ptess .. van there. i Mr. J. Alexander of Tuckersmith was called to Listowel • last week . to attend the funeralof a cousin, Mr. David Cleland of Elma. Mr. Cleland was one of the pioneer settlers.. of that township and: teok a prominent part. in its public affairs, having been reeve of the township and warden of the county of Perth, - Rheumatism Curou .by Fig Pills. Not often do you hear el a 25c preparation being sold ' with a guar- antee to cure you.. ' An absolute gua- rantee goes . with every bee of ' FI'G PILLS. They will cure Rheumatism,. Backache, Bladder Trouble, Fre- quent Urinating, Burning Sensation, Painful Stitches, Sluggish Liver and i all Stomach Trouble. If not, your inoney back. Wingham The Methodist S. S. .held • very .sue- cessfulanniversarY services on Sun- day last, , folloevcd by an entertain- ment on Monday evening, Rev,' E. W. Halpenny, . Secretary of the Ontario S.,S, Association had charge of the Sunday services, preaching morning and .evening;'and addressing the S.S. in . the afternoon. The program . on Monday evening consisted of: drills,' motion songs, recrtatiens, mua:c and short addresses. The, reports showed the school to be in a very prosperous condition under the able superinten- dance- .of Mr. Buchanan. Mr. Samuel Irwin left last, `eveek on a visit to Winnipeg and the west, Miss Annie McLean left en Tuesday week for the west where she letende remaining for the summer. Mr. and Mrs.• Cook and two chil- dren of Regina were visiting for a few days with leer. and Mrs. Edward• Bosman. Mrs. Leslie Young and children left recently. for Winnipeg to join Mr. Ybung who has been living in ' the western city 'for some •.tints+, Repeat it :—Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughe and colds." , Morris Township. f tuitc a number of people • complain of la •grippe. • This has been a good season with many: for Iambs. James • Davie, . 5th line, from •7 Leicester elves had 16 lamb's. Flags •have been flyingat halt mast • at several of the school houses coin•- memorative of the death of the late King Edward, The death of Eliza Hart, reliet of the late John Bosman, which occurr- ed at her home on Leopold street, Wingham, on May 2nd, removes an- other, respected resident of Wingham and one•of the early settlers of the township of Morris. The deceased lady was in her 81st year, Nearly 40 years ago they calm' to Mortis and resided on a farm on the Blue - vale Road for 18 years, then retir- ing to B1uevale. About ten years ago they went to Wingham. Mr. Bosman died in August, 1006. The late Mrs. Bosnian was a member, • of the Methodist church and wan held in high esterm by a large circle of friends and acquaintanee.a. She leaves pno son and three daughters ; L. H. Bosman, Wingham ; Mrs. f."ohoo, Aus- tralia ; Mr:t, Jas, Burgess, \tancouv- et, tl.rt., who reeently returned home froth 'a visit to her mother here, and Mrs. h r nkof Morden, rn , fi 'tan Repeat it :—Shilolt's Cure will ways euro my coughs and colds." Repeat it :—Shfloh'1; Care will al.., Mr. A. T. Neill, • assistant, tae co Ways Cure my '•oughs rind colds." lector in Ilianttlton, died suddenly, :i. Belgrave I. Miss Mina 'Bengough it having her house re -shingled. Mrs. Pattersor. of W ngham visited her cousin, Miss Owens -Pi Belgrave recently. Fred. Scandrett of the School of Science, Toronto, is at the home of his parents. Mrs. Fleming of Toronto is nursing her sister, Mrs. Carlisle, who is im- proving nicely. • Robert Owens received. word of the death of his cousin, Thomas Owens of Elmira, last week._ + Mns. Wile Proctor is. visiting friends at Wingham, also her mother, Mrs. Naylor, who is sick. Mrs. Walsh of Wingham. spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Stewart: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart . of Myth visited the formers parents at. Y Belgrave one Sunday recently. Mr. Stapleton of Stratford visited with. Rev, J. E. Cook ; they, were old schoolmates. Mr, Ernest Wray of Winnipeg vis- ited his uncles, Win.• Wray and George Daley, last week. Mrs, Douglas of Stratford visited her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Corbett, and her sister, Mrs. Wm. Bates. Rev. J. E. Cook of Belgrave ex- changed puepits with Rev. Mr. Thomp- son of Whitechurch Sunday week. John Armstrong shipped a car ot hogs on Tuesday of last week and Chas.Johnston a car on Wednesday; price paid was $8.90 per 100. Mr, Frank . Wheeler and his son Roy have arrived from Vancouver age. will visit friends around Belgrave tet a few. weeks. ' About 150 head of ' ��,�t,le changed 'hands in .Belgrave a weekago .Satur- day, to be put out on grass, by the buyers. 0. McLelland placed 40 head on his farm. • There are quite a number of young Englishmen being installed among the farmers of this locality, and if they take to farming, they arejust what is. wanted, and will in course of time command good wages. • On. Arbor 'day, a number of rate- payers with the trustees of the Bele grave school, gathered at the school grounds and planted a fine row of. maples_ around the lot, which will in time very much improve the appear ante of the grounds. Mrs. .MoKenzie, mother • of Mrs. Wm. Geddes, . is very ill . and not 'ex- pected to recover. Iter' sortand grandson of Owen Sound have visited her and last week her: son Philip of Casselton, North Dakota,came to see her ; it is 25 years since.lie was here last. Mr. and Mrs. .John, Scandrett. 'at- tended the funeral of the latter's sister; Mrs. Graham of Saginaw; who was brought to London for interment. Mrs.. Scandrett •wae,iealle'd to •the bed side of her sister three weeks ago, pending an operation which, when per- formed, proved unsuccessful. Mr. Simon Van Norman . is leaving .Ilelgrave for the' west. He intends spending his time among his sons and daughters: for a while, this being . his first trip to tea ';west. Mr, eeanNor- man remarked teat, he has helped • to take off 55 harvests in, the vicinity of Beeerave, but thought he, might assist. in Manitoba this season. Mr. Win. Robertson of 1•.ast Wawa - nosh was (married recently to Miss Abraham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Abraham of the list con. of Mor- ris. The young couple 'will reside en the old homestead on, the lath con. -of East Wawanosii, about one and a half ,miles west of Belgrave. They are *loth well and favorably ' known,. and we wish diem success: and pleasant journey `through dile. • • . `Grey •Township. Next township council. meeting will be on the 26tH inst, Ed, Jacklin purposes' ra.isiiig 'an im- plement . house and driving shed, • on his farm. Ben • •tackson hitends. ' leaving . for the west in the near future on a.pros- pecting tour. ' Mrs. John Engle and daughter of Paw Paw, Mich.,. are welcome, visit- ors at the home of the former's peke. en'ts, Chas. and• Mrs. ;Bozell, 9th con. Mrs., McLauchlin, who visited Mrs, D. Livingstone and friends for a few weeks,. left last , week for Palmerston. and I•Iainilton where she will visit friends • berme..returning home to De- troit, •Saturday week Mrs. A. 1). Hoover, dnionton, arrived here on a visit at the home of her son, R. J. Iloover' .of 91h con, It is nine years 'since Mrs. Hoover went West and her nom- ing is a verypleasant surprise. She is 78 years of age but active and stood the long •journey well.. The dog muzzling problem in •'Grey evidently doesn't amount to much. One Sunday night recently Oliver Turnbull had ah early lamb "itilleil and about half eaten by a' dog. The can- ine returned to the flock the follow- ing night and was in the act of -re- peating the dose. when Mr, Turnbull gave chase. The dog made his es- cape, WI',AitING AWAY YOUR LUNGS. Yes, and your strength too. Stop coughing attd get rid of that catarrh. The only remedy is "Catarrho/one" which goes to the diseased tissues: a- long with the air you breathe; it can't fail to reach the source of the troub- le it's rims hound 11 the germs, and ,ou to kill as for ➢Healing up the sorra places, nothing, can surpass (Yaterrhozone. If you don't get instant relief and ulti- mate euro you will at least get back your money for. Catarrhozone is guaranteed to cure catarrh in any part of the system. You run rP: risk—therefore use 'Catarrhozone—at) our expense if not satisfied. Grey Township Ix-Recve Turnbull has been bother- ed with rheumatism this spring but is getting fairly well free from it now, we are pleased to state. Miss Sarah McKinnon has gone to Buffalo to visit her sister, Mrs: E. W. McIntyre, 1 In the Essay Competition by the 'Farmers Advocate on Gardening,. John Cusic, son of Jas. Cusic, 15th can. was awarded 1 t prize. ,. s On a former occasion he secured the 3rd award: • We are glad to have back with us once more an old and worthy resi- dent of the 10th con., in the person of Thomas Stevenson who spent the past winter in California with rola, fives and friends. Ile got back last week after a most enjoyable visit, Word was received here last week of the death in Wentachll, Wash., sof Oscar Percy Baker, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Baker of the 9th con. He had been Ill only a couple of weeks. of typhoid fever. Deceased, who was in his 25th year and was a young man of exemplary character, had on- ly been in the west a few weeks, har- ing gone tliere with the intention of taking a position, when the fatal fev- er attacked him. It is the first break in the family and much sympathy is expressed for the' bereaved ones. • The remains were brought home for . bur- ial, . the funeral taking place on Mon- day afternoon to Brussels cemetery, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. The manufacturer s of SATJVIA, the new American 1-Iai.r Grower, of- fer one hundred dollars' reward to any, One who . can prove that • SAL- VIA 'contains any injurious" ingredi= (nt SALVIA at once stops the itching of the scalp ; will positively grow hair or money 'back. • .Is • guar- anteed to kill. the Dandruff germ. Ladies of taste • "prefer SALVIA to any other hair dressing, as it • is 'a nee -sticky, daintily perfumed hair tonic"and dressing, • . •.Hair is made beautifully soft and wavy. SALVIA has an enormous sale. We' know of no other hair dressing and grower,. that is sold with a guarantee, i SALVIA contains HIenna - n a d Sago. Restores dead hair to"life. • Short, harsh, ,.brittld :hair es made long, soft . and sparkling with life, which adds." beauty to the appearance of every. lady. W. A. McConnell will re- fund you your money if it fails: • A, large bottle for 50c. , The Sao. "hell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Cana- dian distributors. " Spring Medicine ne There is no ,other treason when, inedi- eine is so much needed aft in tine spring. The blood 10 impure and in,» poverished—a condition indicated by pimples, boils and other eruptions on. the face and body, by deficient vitality, loss o1 appetite, lack of strength. The best spring medicine, according to the experience and testimony or thousands annually', is I•Iood's Sarsa- parilla, et purifies and enriches the blood, eures eruptions, builds up the system. Any'preparation said to be "lust as • good" is inferior, costs less to make, and Yields: the dea ler a larger Profit. Insist on having • Hood's Sarsaparilla Get it today. Sold by all druggists every where, i00 doses Si William. n11in Ogg, who was injuredd ur edin a barn-raisingpear Thamesford, died from hit' injuries. Miitchell Campbell was killed at Al- lendale by the caving in of a drain in. which he was working, old •cl ai can be r. finish and e t Anr red made to match other furniture by ape plying one coat of Campbell's Var- nish Stain. Anyone can use it and do good work. Harland Bros sell it. • The Crown case against Arch, Mc- Laughlin of Uxbridge on the change of wife murder was closed at Whitby. Rev. W. J. Winfield brought over fifty English farmers on the Cartha- genian to settle in Prince Edward Island. ASK W. S. R. HOLMES. Parisian Sage, the Haim Grower, is Now Sold in Canada ea Money Back Plan. It's a mighty good thing for the women of Canada that Parisian Sage can now be obtained in evory town of conscquenoe. No preparation for the hair . has done so much to stop falling hair and eradicate dandruff and make women's hair beautiful • as Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage is the only certain destroyer of the dandruff microbe which is the cause. of 97. percent of hair 'troubles. These pernicious, , persistent . and de- structive little devils thrive on the ordinary hair tonics. Parisian Sage is such an extraordie nary and quick acting rejuvenator. that W. S. Holmes, who is the agent in Clinton, guarantees it to cure dan- druff, an druff, stop falling hair and ,it•ching scalp in two weeks or money /back. It is a magnificent dressing :