The Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-12, Page 22 Clinton News.Recoril *-PURITY ..-CUis,ACX•� 25P..ep Cent I Iou 1 2 Your 1 • 1 1 1 1 Our guarantee stands behind it. • W. S. R. HOLMES Manf'g Chemist. NN••tw••N►•••N ••Hr —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE -- Investment Any farmer can add 25% to the value of, his stock by feeding DOUGLAS STOCK INVIGORATOR I The re cheapest and best prepare,- arc,- • time on the market. You can have a pail for 75 cents. It's best for Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry. 0 t Lay f o ' Weeks at Death's Door. SEED GRAIN But Dood's Kidney Pills Cured Mrs. Thompson's Dropsy. It started with backache and :grew worse till the doctor said alae must die. Holt, Ont., May 9th. (Special).— All the country side here is ringing with the wonderful cure of Mrs. Sam- uel Thompson, fro lay at the point of death for 'weeks, swollen with dropsy so that the doctor five differ- ent times decided to tap her but de- sisted because, as her husband said, "It might be better to let her die in e P•a oe," After • the doctor had given her up Dodd's Kidney Fills cur- ed ured her. Mrs. Thompson's terrible trouble started with pain in the back. She grew worse and the doctor treated her for jaundice for eight weeks. Then her feet and legs began to swell, and it was realized that dropsy was. the trouble. For seven months she suf- fered. The \doctor said there was no hope ; she must die. As a last resort Dodd's Kidney Pills were tried. The improvement was slow, but' gradually her strength came back. To -day Mrs. Thompson is a She a sa sand the well woman. says, coun- try -side knows, she owes her life to Dodd's Kidney Pills. If the .disease is of the Kidneys, or from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it. Our sale of Seed and Grain has more than doubled this season evidence that it is of the best quality and that our price is lower than that of other dealers. QnWM FDcLEOD W. H. Watts & Son. Opposite Postoffice. Store opens at 7.30 a. m. Closes at 8 p. m. . We are practical Boot and Shoe Makers and repairers. 'loots roadie t.o order in from 1 to 3 days notice and repairing done while you wait. FARMERS ATTENTION We have several pat•:x of lar own make of Boots which i.re just ibe thing for spring wear. r'ome in end see them. All repairing left at the Postoliice ear at Mr. Adams' store will have our hest attention. One of the firm will be at our Londesboro store on Fri- days. Kindly give us a trial. W. H. Watts & Son LIGHTNING RODS Lightning Rods ate a sure protec- tion to your building during Elec- tric Storms. Barns roiled from $15 00 upwards with a COPPER ROD through and through. A written guarantee gi ven. Also Galvanized Rods much cheap- er. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For particulars apply to W. H. Stogdill NARNA MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL JAMES DOIG OPPOSITE•' POST OFFICE. CENTRA STRATFORD. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario. Three departments : Commercial Shorthand Telegraphy. sig graduates t �ti a assist g o posi- tions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly ex- ceeds the supply. The three roost recently placed are re- ceiving $40.00, $50.00 and $100.00 per month respective- ly. Business men state our graduates are the best. Enter our classes now. Get our free catalogue. D, A. McLachlan, The C.P.R. glans to connect the Cetal t . ,ion at Ottawa with the r Station n Union Station ; by a tunnel and to make other improvements to cost about a million dollars. The Coroner's jury at Stony Creek returned a verdict in the Tinton in- quest. that Elijah Finton was killed with a heavy instrument in the hands of some person unknown. The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gray and their two children, victims of. the Cornwall hotel fire, will be. held to -morrow, the remains being brought to Toronto for interment. PRINCIPAL TVc BcsC Coal IF YOU WANT TIM BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP - FIN FROM US. ORDERS LEFT A'i' T)AVIS in ROWLAND'S 'HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO. %. J Stevnesor1 WEARING AWAY YOUR LUNGS. Yes, and your strength too.. Stop coughing and get rid of that catarrh. d "Catarrhozone" The only remedy 's. whit'' goes to .the diseased tissues a- long with the air you breathe; it can't fail to reach the source. of the troub- le it's bound to kill the germs, and as for .healing up the sore places, nothing can . surpass Catarrhozone. If you don't get instant; relief and ulti- mate cure you will at least get backyour money for. Catarrhozone is guaranteed to• tura catarrh in any part of the syntem You run no risk—therefore.. 'use.. Catarrhozone—at our expense if not satisfied. uron County News Gathered for News -Record Readers 18 Years.Ago From. The News -Record of May lX th 1 892 Clinton, May 11th, 1892. Evangelist Grigg wwas in town. the early part of last week-. He has some relatives and,many friends here. Mr. Jacob Miller was the contras- I for for the windmill for. Mr. John Mesdames J. W. Irwin,, Thos. Fair and Rich, Irwin, were in Toronto n- 'teenth last week •attending the six an- nual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyter- ian. ter- ian. church, which was held in West- minster church, Bloor street. About Western Ontario. Otji Jateklia Brant Sero, a f ull- blooded Mohawk, lectured to a Royal Semen Geographical Society on the history and character of his tribe. Miss Elizabeth D. Dean, Superrnten- dent of ' the, Francis Willard Hospital of Chicago, died after a short illness, caused, it is. believed, byptomaine poisoning. Wingham The Misses Fields of Cobourg are visiting her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Tam- blyn. Thos. Hughes of Tiverton basre- stumed his studies at the Wingham.. Business College. Rutledge Miss E. utled a returned home last week after a pleasant visit with friends in London and Hamilton. Miss Laura Kerr returned from Lon- don last week. after spending sever- al everal weeks i ves there. with wh xelati Mrs. Chas. Taylor has mov'ed into town from, East Wawanosh, and will occupy Mr, Ford's cottage on Water street. Mrs. J. Stephenson was called to her parent's teems near Wyoming last week on account of the illness of hor mmother. The Pipers Band of Lucknow has been engaged to assist Wingbann Band to meet the Lodges at the celebration of July 12th in Wingham. The Light and Water Commis- sioners have decided to sink the test artesian well near the Electric 'Light plant. Dr. Margaret C. Calder returned this week from Chicago, where she has been pursuing a post -graduate course at the Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospiadt Mr. and Mrs.. F. J. IIind of Chat- ham arrived in town last week. Mr. Hind is a qualified druggist and , will be manager of Walley's drug store during Mr. Whalley's absence from town. Miss Pearl Awde, who has been stenographer in the offioe of the Bell factory for some time, left for her home, in Toronto last week. Miss Awde will be much .missed in the choir, Sunday school and League of the Methodist church, where she was an' active worker. Mr. George Gregory has been pro- moted to the position of accountant in the Bank of Hamilton,made va- cant by the removal of 'Mr. J. E. McGuire. Mr. F. S. Sturt will . act as teller and Mr. Robinson of ,Blyth takes the position of ledger keeper. Mr. and Mrs. F. Paterson left last week for their new home in Toronto They ham been for many years much respected residents of 'Wingham.. three Hundred delegate.' atteoded from Court Maple elect ofM l The officers,.p Leaf, No. 16, '0.O.F., for the ensuing term are ,ar follows : Thos. Fortune, C.R. R. Osler, V.C.R. H. Stanbury, R.S. W. Jones, F.S. W, Young, n a rc o Treasurer. i; • W. H. Cook, S.W. N. Fair, J. W. J. Ferguson. S.B. Willson, n, J.B. The officers were installed by Oliv- ver Johnston, P.C.R., and John Smith, P.C.R. Bro. Smith •was again e'ected delegate, being the seventh time, to the Fligh Court which : will be held in Stratford the second week in June, A fire on 'Monday morning about three o'clock destroyed the small frame buildings occupied; by "Doc," Blackall 'and Mr, Evans,. barber. What a great blaze a little fire kindleth: From a distance the appearance of the lurid flames, as they shot up athwart , the sky *gave the appear- ance of an extensive gontiagration. building adjoin- ing, old Royal hotel The yb g l ing, ocdupied by Mr. Thos. Sheppard, received 'quite a scorching involving considerable damage. There is strong suspicion that the fire was of tincend- iarj' origin. But for the strenuous offor ee of the • fire brigade, and that. the wind• was blowing from the east 'and away from contiguous infiammr- able .buildings, the fire might have been. very disastrous. . A BAD BRUISE, Often causes a good. deal of trouble: The best cure ' is a,prompt applaCa-- tion . of Nerviline whtoh instantly. stops the pain, prevents, swelling, re- moves all blackness . and . disool'ora- tion. Nerviline is antiseptic—pre- vents blood poisoning. • No liniment so penetrating; so swift to destroy pain. You miss, a lot of comfort by not using ri ilson's Nerviline. For nearly fifty •Years it has been the standard family liniment of Canada. WEST WAWANOSII FIRE. • INSUR- ancc Company.—Having been elect- ed director and agent for the above Company, I will insure farm build- ings and Isolated town property. 'Will any person wishing to insure drop me a card or call me 'by phone and they will be attended to at once.—John Cos, Porters Hill P.cl. 25-3m• NOTICE.—ANYONE. FOUND CUT - ting timber, digging or ' otherwise trespassing on lots 12 and 13, .con- cession 9; Hullett, will be prosecut ed. 20-7 I HAVE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT of stock a tliorobred Durham bull, at lot .11, Bayfield Road, Stanley.— Jos. Richardson. 23 F. W. CUTLER, PAINTER ANI) Piper, hanger. All -w ork done guar- anteed to give satisfaction. Prices moderate. :Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 SI-IORTFIORN BULLS 'FOR SALE. 2 good red calves, 9 and 12 months old, sired by the Cruickshank Bea - with Bud bull "Merry 13ud"-67395 —sire and dam imported and from of up-to-date Scotch breeding, We also have a few:. good heifers for sale, Apply to W. ' J. Biggins Box 263, Elmhurst Farm, Clinton P. 0. 22 FOR SALE. -4 YOUNG SHORT- ]earn Bulls, got by imported Scot- tish Volunteer 55044, by Golders Prince (88609)• all fit for r.erviee and from good milk -strains, the Bind• the people are after.—Jas. Snell. . 11 FARM FOR SALE.—ON THE I.ON- don Road, one mile south of Clinton, 132 acres, 'fine shape for cropping. no better land anywhere, fair build- rngs. Must be sold .as owner cannot work .it. Will be sold cheap, rye will rent to a good tenant. PIutn- 'steel. Bayfield, May lith, .1892. 14Irs Crooks of Detroit,,, who has been visiting with her. brother, Mr. Hearn of Goderich township, died suddenly last . week. Her remains. were placed in -Bayfield cmeter•y. ' It is with sadness that we ,record the 'stealth :of Mr: and Mrs. Hastings of the 3rd 'concession of Goderich township, who have been ill for some time back. They were among . the first settlers of .than part and res- pected by all . who knew them. • Mrs. Hastings died on Tuesday, last week,: and .Mr. Iias rags on Friday.. They were both interred in Bayfield ceme- tery r: . The ,Rev, :J. • Stringer, who iswell known to us all, preached his fare- well sermon ' in Trinity church on Sun- day, before leaving as a missionary to the icy regions. Londesboro, May lith, 1892. • Rev. Mr. Irvine of Kippen preached educational sermons on the =Methodist circuit last Sunday. • Mr: A. Woodman and Mr. A. Wilk - en attended the meetingof the For- ester's Court in Hensall last ' week. Mr.. Woodman installedthe officers for the currentterm. Mr; and' Mrs, Newton were in Clin- ton on Friday attending the funeral of Mr. Newton's aunt, who died in 'Sioux City, Iowa. . • Her remains were 'brought to Clinton for burial. The induction of Rev. J, A. Hamilton into the Presbyterian churches 'of Hullett and Londesboro took place yesterday. Rev, A, • Ste - evert presided. Rev. J. A. McDon- ald preached the sermon, Rev. J. Simpson addressed the minister and Rev. Mr. Needham the people. The Presbyterians are fortunate in secur- ing so able a man as their pastor: Summerhill, May llth, 1892. Mr. W. G. Gauley, who taught school here about seven years ago, returned to his home in Clinton :last week. Mr. Bi • fill is again in Butt's s sawmill g working order after being shutdown for a few days for repairs,. Mrs. Jas. Manning moved all her furniture ' from here on Saturday. She left for Boissevain, Man., on Tuesday the 3rd inst., where her hus- band is at present located. We wish the lady a safe journey and prosper- ity in her new 'home. Mr. Rapson received a painful. wound in the palm of his hand caused by shaking bands weth a bar- bed wire. The wire slipped through the stretcher while Mr. Rapson was placing it in position. L.O.L. No. 928 had two initi.rt;ons on Monday evening. The standing of the pupils in the public sehoo'l here for the month of April is' as follows 5th Class—S. Nesbitt, Sr. 4th—Wm. E. Miller, Clar ice Laithwaite, Emily Jordan. Jr. 4th --Winnie Thompson, Ethel - bort Mellveen, Rosie Wright. Sr. 3rd—Eve, Johnston, Mabel Sheppard, Annie Wright. Sr. 2nd—rraneew Oakes, Meddle Murphy, Win. J. Butt. • t Jr. 2nd—Wm. Jordan, Blanch 1VfcI1- veen, 011ie *Hymn 1 2nd Part—Annie Lawson. lst Part -Thos. hill, Irntst Grain- ger, Jane Wright, Dungannon. Hensall R. Cousins has been improtiling his property by erecting a wire fence. Harry Fowler has moved into his new house. We are sorry to bear :that Miss. Elsie Bradford is on. hire sick list. Me. McClure' of .Goderich visited his son, Well., here, last week. Mists Bina Kilpatrick of Goderich visited friends here last week. Clit:. Rivers has gone to Lucknow position i to take s 0 o tion in Murdock Co.'s store. V11 The • River 1ci 11 Cr a Her st • e a ey e i y ..t work last week. W The monthly meeting of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held on Tuesday of last week. W. W. Picket . al, and G. Powell of Blyth lyth were here on busi- ness in connection with the cream- ery, Tho many friends of Donald McNev in, who went west ',a few weeks ago, willlee glad to hear that he has. se- cured a good position at Weyburn. Rheumatism Cured by 'Fig Pills. Not.. often do you hear of . a 25e preparation being sold with a guar- antee to cure You. ' An absolute gua- rantee. goes . with every 'box of ' FIG PILx..S.' ' They will euro;Rheufnatism, Backache,- Bladder Trouble, Fre- quent Urinating,' Burning Sensation, Painful Stitches,Sluggish Liver and. all. Stomach Trouble. If not, your money back.' Seaforth . Mr. ' Scott, who has been on ;the staff of the Dominion Bank here for the past couple of .years, has been trans`erred to one of the Toronto branches. ' Mrs. T. B. Sullivan • and two child- ren, of `Moose• Jaw, Sack., and _ Miss Nellie . Tracey of;. Q•ranbrookg British. Columbia,are visiting Mrs. Wm. Trac- ey, High street, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe, who . have been guests at the manse, returned to their home in Boston, Mrs. For- sythe . having sufficiently recovered. from her illness to travel. Dr. Chas. Campbell' and Mrs. Camp.- bell ampbell of Brooklyn, New 'York, were here last week on a Visit torelat- ives and friends. Dr. Campbell, who is an old Seaforth boy, and •a son of the late Dr. Campbell, is now one of the leading physicians • of Brooklyn. Bluevale- SALVIA. In Paris, SALVIA is the best known Hair Preparation. Every wo- man man of taste and refinement uses' SALVIA, the Perfect' Hair Dressing. Being free from any injurious sub- stance andgrease makes it the Bair Dressing to be admired. The' hair at once becomes soft and fluffy, and fairly sparkles, If your hair is falling out, SALVIA stops it. If you are troubled with .Dandruff, SA.I,VIA is guaranteed to cure ib in ten days. SALVIA will make the hair grew abundantly. W. A. Mc- Connell will sell you a large bottle for 50c. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Canadian distributors.' . The cream wagons made their inis tial 'trips on Monday of last week. Mrs. Masters and family have gone to Calgary. f Gordon Newton , of :North'. Bay vis- ited his aunt,. Mrs. (Rev.) West. Miss Annie Stewart has been ap- pointed organist in ' the Methodist church, • Mr. Jas, Cleghorn is relieving . the section foreman at 'Holstein for a few months. Rev. W. J. West, M.A., attended the synod of Hamilton and London at Stratford recently. Mrs.. Diment and daughter, INfrs. McKnight of Toronto, visited •'lwith • friends here recently:. ' Little Jessie Grey, who •has been suffering from inflammatory rheuma- tism, is re v eo ering . The teleP-hone linemen have bee�at work in this vicinity, . extending the Bell line to Fordwich and Harris - ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Diinent were in the village attending the funeral of the former's mother on April 23rd. One evening prior to their departure for the wast, a large number of the friends of Wrs., Masters gathered in the schoolroom 'of the Methodist church and spent a very enjoyable evening 'together. Lunch was served, and Mrs, Masters was presented with a set of silver knives and forks, and Miss .Olive with a mahogany music cabinet accompanied by address. YOU'RE ONLY HALF SICIK. But nevertheless you feel pretty "seedy." Best prescription is Di. Hamilton's Pills ; they tone up the entire system, strengthen the stom- ach, elevate your .•ntirite and melee you feel better in one day. It's by cleaning the body of wastes, by pur- ifying and enriching the blood that Dr. Hamilton's Pills aeecmplish so much. Very mild, exceedingly prompt and guaranteed in every case. Your druggist sells Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and 'Butternut in yellow bojtes, 25c. each, or foe for $1.00. Get the geinane, Repeat it ;—Shilolr's Cure will '.al- ways cure niy cough,- and colds,",. Hensall is under license again aid resents are being almost as carefully noted as the 'weather. •' A gang of telephone linemen have been at work in town putting in cablesles and bracing poles. Sam Coulter returned to 'London to take his Ontario Council Exams. Be passed the second year medical course at the Western University with hon- ors. The Quarterly Board of Ilr•'rssels Methodist church extended a unanini- ous invitation to ,Rev. J. Millyaid, to become their pastor for the com- ing conference year. Although they offer a larger salary than Hensall is giving, the Rev. gentleman has , de- cided to remain here. Although ugh Mrs. Geo Moir hadd not enjoyed the best of health for some time prior to going out West with her r Mrs. Dal a Gaughte , s Dalrymple, yet news of her sudden death at Moose Jaw, on April 28th came as a great shock to her relatives and friends, They had just received word that she had stood the fatigues of the journey out there, which, at her age, was a great undertaking. Mrs, Moir had been a resident of lien - sell for fully fifteen yearsand d was held in the highest esteem by a large circle . •of ,riends. Her husband. predeceased her nearly 'twenty yearsl. remain., were brought east, g the funeral taking place from the resid- ence of her son in Usborne to Hen' salt cemetery. Leadbury. A serious. accident occured to ; Mr. C. Barrows . and wile and daughter on, Sunday, morning . on their way ; to church, whentheir horse hied and threw the occupants., on the road. Mr,': and Mrs.. Barrows escaped ' with only .a severe: shaking up, but Miss Jennie was more seriously injured. A doctor was called' and pronounced her injuries .concussion of the brain. We, hope to hear of her speedy recovery.. The Union: S.S. Will , commence :next Sunday. We hope to see it well, ate tended as has been in the past. Mr. Wm: McGavin is not improving as quickly as his many friends would wish to see; Miss Cleft of :Walton and- Miss Kitty of Newry spent Saturday'and .Sunday at Mr. Scarlett's. Mrs. Thos. Archibald is .attending her mother, Mrs. Ireland of Egmond- ville, .who is 'very ill. The: continued wet weather has been' keeping the farmers oft:the land, but we Will .look for fairer weather this month.. Repeat it :—Shiloh's 'Cure' will al- ways cure niy .coughs .and—.colds.." Resolution of Sympathy. The following resolution was un- animously carried by, a standing vote of the Quarterly .Board of Ont. St. church; Clinton : • "As it has pleased Almighty God in whose hands are life and death, .ou to remove from our midst, r be- loved brother, 'John Brickenden, v, ho was formany years' a faithful num- ber of this Quarterly OfCietal Board, we desire . to plane on record our high appreciation of his manly spirit, ster- ling integrity, solid piety, Chris- tian activity and untiring devotion to the church of his choice. We also extend to: the members .cf the be- reaved lamely, our deep sympathy 'tied earnestly pray that 'the. •God of . • all consolation 'may. sustain. thom and that when the voyage of, life is ever, we May all meet on the shore, where every song is :victory, and where no. shadow ever falls," TRY TEE MONEY -BACK CURE • FOR INDIGESTION. Nine times ,:n ten stomach derange- meets are responsible for; sallow com- 'pinion, dull eyes and thin body. tamacli, that su PP fifes nou- It is the N to the muscles thenerv- es ;blood, rv- es • and skin. If the stomach is healthy, plenty of nrrtrious matter wall bet ab- sorbed( by the blood.. If it 'Is not healthy, the food will 'ferment, and undigested, wilt pass along through the bowels, furnishing so little nut- ritious matter that the blood becom- es. impoverished, and the glow of health vanishes. If you suffer from' nervousness, sick headache, belching of gas, sour • tog's in the mouth, heaviness after eating, or any other iniu rable stomach dis- turbance, you need Mi-o-na, and the sooner you get it the quicker you will be healthier and happier. It will relieve any .distressed stomach condition almost iinmediate- ly. It will cure if raised aoeordtng 'to directions. W. S. R. Holmes sells it for 50 cents a large box, and he thinks enough of it to guarantee it to cure indigestion. 001100,02) s+L,fp x:'10 -o -ME ) CURES .CATARRH, ASTHMA, In -Judith, Char+p, Coughs and Cn14 ct J menzy bac:: Sold and guaranteed 11y Repeat it:—Shiloh's. Cure will al ways cure my •.roughs and colds." May 1*t1h,1910. aisuppm Hood's Sarsapariija Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your appetite, relieve your tired feel. ing, build you up.' More than 4o,000 testimo- nials received in twoyears are the broad and solid foundation for this claim. Be sure to take Hood's Sar. saparilia this spring. Get It today. Sold by all drugglsts everywhere, 100 Doses $1. The Canadian Northern is, reported ' to have secured an exeellent,routefor the new line from Port Arthur to Sudbury.' William. Jones, electrical engineer, was killed ' at Cobalt, being . thrown from a runaway car. A contract has been let at Cleve- land for a new ferry to: take the place of. Bessemer No. 2, wrecked .in Lake Erie. Tho militia camp at 'Niagara will begin June '9instead of June 14 as originally announced:. TO -NIGHT just beforeretiring, if your liver is sluggish, . out of tune; ' and you feel. dull, . bilious, constipated,take a dose of • FIG PILLS , and you'll feel fine in` the morning. 25c.' a.* box, or five boxes. for .$I.00. For saleat all drug stores. ACEI'; ADDS TO ITS POPULARITY. Fifty years ago Putnam,'s Corn Extractor was introduced. Its sale has been enormous. The reason is thit "Putnam's" is the only painless and sure cure for corns, warts and bunions. Doubtless you haws. prov this yourself. Great Britain and the 'Griited States have exchanged ratifications cf the waterways treaty. James Vincent, ince ti arrestsd at Fort a m William, will bedeported and take.,' to Appleton, . Wis., to answer a charge of abducting .girls for immoral purposes. "'I OWE MY LIFE TO OM PILLS" After Ten years of agony If you want to see a happy woman, kust call. on Mrs. Mollie Dixon, 59 Hos- in Ave., - West Toronto. And whet; she becomes enthusiastic over Gin Pills, just remember that they cured her of terrible Kidney Disease from which she suffered for 10 years. . "After ten years of suffering from Kid- ney Disease, i believe I owe my life to Gia Pills: Before I began using Gin Pills,myback ached somuch that I could not put on my own' shoes, but after taking three boxes of Gin Pills these troue bles are all gone. It is a pleasurefor me to add one more testimonial to the grand reputation of Gin Pills." ' MRS. M. DIXON.. If you are having trouble withyour Kidneys or Bladder, take _ the advice of those like Mrs. Dixon, who have tried Gin Pills, and use them.' 'They will cure you of every trace of these troubles, and also act on the Liver. 50c. a box, 6 box for. $2.5o, at all dealers. We let you try . them before you buy. Write for free sample. Na- tional Drug and Chemical Co: (Dept.A), Toronto, 0itt. 1 O.UR, SPECIAL SAVINGS FOR ALL NEXT WEEK Ton should take steps when house-cleaning and see our 05c and 75c Step Ladders, • Granite Ware • Dish Pans. reg 55e for ..... ..34.c Water Pails, reg 90r: for 60c •P,e Plates, reg 15c far 10c Pie Plates, reg tic for.... 8c Child's Piates. reg 10c for,6c ' ' • A saving in shovels. A few long handled round poipt.for 45c Long handled, round point, shovels. extraquality, solid steel. shank reg 85c for...... 05e Something neat and nohhv :in Brass Extension :Curtain. Rods alt sizes and' prices, from 5c up. Tinware 14 qt Tin ;Pails 15c 10 gt Tin'Yails`............:,12c XXX Dairy Pails, our . own • make, only 50c See our bunch of useful House- . bold Articles in our big window, ' your choice for 106.. • DUSTBANE=The great sweeping compound. It disinfects the room and kills moths. and germs. Once tried always. used. We have nowea large number of cnstorners nen.* Dusthane, and in order to increase the nuoiher the. Dusthane'Mfg Co; of Bolton have given us permission 'to sell all next week, the regular 356 can for .25 To parties making application for water from the Water Works System'—we can furnish and install anything 'in the line: If you want a Bath,'Sink. Basin, Lavatory oranything in the line, •call and let us figure with you. ' • • 'Every purchaser next week cen•have a cake cutter free for the asking,•either plain or scolloped: Agents Inc Sherwin. Williams Paints and Varnishes, and. Dustbane the great sweeping compound. HA - AN SOS. RLAND � S. sToVES AND : HARDWARE r ^V1/N1/1IVV hen ' ou Want Anythiiig In Jewelery or Japanese. Ware, let . us show you our goods and quoteprices. rces. We are sure we can please you. iir'Watches We guarantee to be good time- keepers, the kind you carp de pe.ad ou. WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL W. R. Oounter Jeweler and Engraver. ' - CLINTON Issuer of Marriage LiCeases. etAAAAAWAMAAAMetAWAMANViAetieVtAAMAMAN