The Clinton News-Record, 1910-04-14, Page 88
After Ten
Clinton Nem -Record
April 14th, 1910
Spriug is Roro..
Years' Trial -
We have proved
., Shoe to be the
` " best for fit ,
style, comfort
and wear.
u 7..
ibeill. eleib
R. J.
1 I el I Ilfrill IVIIP'giii, W•II& 1111,1111,414
d More
d Business.
sessec•o.ties.9vie emelt
11) •See
Small d
Profits 1'lulnsteel
No 1—About 25 pair white Flette Blankets, good size and.
quality, pink and blue borders. to clear at .95 a
Special No 2—About 2000 yards good quality Linen Towelling, -good. .d
value at 9 cts yd, to clear at per yd .06 a
Special No 3—About 100 pairs Ladies Boots. Pumps and Oxfords, A:
all new goods and good value at $1.65—$1.85. Special to clear a
at 1.25.
Special No 4—About 25 pairs Misses Patent Oxfords sizes 11-2.
value to clear at .98 a
These lines are all of exceptional value and cannot be replaced h
at these prices, so he on time to secure your share of these bargains. i
our men's new Hats. All the new ones are here, Special
prices this week.
Don't fail to get our prices on Men's and Boy's ready-to-wear 11
clotbiug as we can save you dollars on each and every purchase in . -a
this department.
See our $9.00 Men's Suite we are clearing this' week at $5.95.
It's an Eye Opener.
Also Boy's $3.75 Suits to clear at $2.69. r a
Buy your shoes here and save money.
4'The Home of Low Prices.'*
Rit.., AUFAINOS. a
•meq tr•�ia.o•.s•� 1i1 w•a.le..e�s•v�o�4)Q w �r.1qw m.
Millinery. Store
is for
, .
Class Millinery,
This store noted
Also we guarantee
Good Satisfaction
very moderate
• J.B Hoover•
It's the
That gives .charac-
ter to -the home.
The stateliest man- 2
sion will not attract
r, if improperly . fur
u tr W. niched.•
�►NO with it cotnes the
decoration of some
room in your home.
If it's New Wall pap•
er--we have it in
la r' g e assortment,
pretty and practical
designs and colorings
most appropriate,.
they also have the
charm of fair value
for the price. We ask
your inspection.
W. 11 FAIR, GO.
Often Cheapest Always the Best
IIn your house we have furniture that'will,add to its I
beauty and in addition to its attractiveness every piece =
of our furniture is built solidly and honestly: Long :
service is as much of a requisite -as beauty with most
PP provide le. We both.
• The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture.
Hoover & Ball
FIT R.1.7 iTURF3 .A.1•1 -3D 'ty MRA..Z, IDIRECT'ORS
2 .
•••♦♦•♦1.4••••♦♦♦•••♦•••.i •••••♦N• NN•••••••• ••••
Miss Bessie Davis -visited with God-
crich"friends last week.
Mr. Huber Archibald, barrister, of
Ri:inipeg, is at present visiting his
sister, Mrs. Ferran.
Miss Logan has returned to Toronto,
after an extended visit with her
sister, Mrs. J, Rattenbury.
Mr. tBert Potts, who has been assist-
_,i�-Mr. John Scruton has returned
to Goderich.
Mr. Albert Mitchell, whohas been
engaged as presser by the Jackson
Mfg. Co. for some time, has been
transfered to the Exeter branch.
Miss Campbell of-Moosejaw; Sask.,
and Miss McLaughlin of Cromarty
are guests of Mrs.- J. Mahafty. Miss
• Campbell is a nice of Mrs. Ma-
Miss Edna Balkwell, after a couple ..
of month's visit with her cousins,
Mrs.. A. A. Hill and. Miss Deverell,
left for her home in Burford . on
Mr Ben Cole returned on Tuesday
from a pleasant visit to Toronto
and Qrillia and with Mrs. Cole ex-
. peas to leave on Saturday for Yp-
silanti, Mich., to make their *home
there.. •
Mi.. Alex Armstrong cameup . from.
Toronto on Friday and will .remain
a• week or so settling things finally
with regard to the sale of his prop-
erty here, and the removal of his
family to the city.
Mrs. Jacob. Miller and Miss Delle 're-
turned on . Tuesday forth. ,Chesley.
where- they spent the winter. They
were accompanied by Mrs, Geo. H.
Watson; who will spend a ,few
weeks in the home town.
Rev.. W. H.' Dunbar, the popular in-
cumbent of the IIolmesville-i�Iiddle-
ton-Summerhill parish, leaves next
,Thursday for Belfast, Ireland. Ad-
ditional interest is taken in his. .trip
froth the 'fact that 'on his retun he
will' be accompanied by Mrs. Dun-
M. A. G.', Beaton, town, who iom
erly taught in S. .S. No: 8, Hul-
• lettt, and who has just completed
the Normal school course at Strat-
ford, entered upon bis duties as
Principal of the Public school at• .
Zurich last week. Ile is, the son of
• our, esteemed citizen, Mr. A. D.
Beaton. -
The - old friends of Mrs. James. Mc-
Nair of Toronto (lett of Grey
township„). formerly .Miss Flora
Duncan of Clinton, will sympathize
with her in the loss of her eldest.
son, James Leslie, who died
-Sunday evening, after a five weeks'
illness, from- heart failure. He was
a bright little fellow about sexen
years of age. The -remains were
taken to Grey for interment.
The following railroad men. 'visi_ted
the Horse- Show Tri Clinton last
Thursday: Geo. C. Wilson, Soo Line,
Buffalo ; - W. M. Hood, Pere, Mar-
quette, R.R., London ; , G. T. Petti-
grew, G.T.R.. 'Stratford ; Geo,
' Barnes, Northern Pacific, Detroit ;
F. II. 'Terry, C. & N. W., Toronto ;
H. E. Watkins, G.N.R., Toronto ;
Geo. Bunting, Allen. Line, Torontor
W. 13ethune, C.P.R., S.S. Line, Ow-
en Sound. Most of these gentlemen
attended the Show last year and
evidently thought it "worth. while"
• coming again.
Mr. D. H, McLean of Dauphin, Man.,
was in town on Tuesday calling on
• friends of bygone years who were
much pleased • to• again meet and
• greet him. Mr. McLean was born
at Wilkinson's . Corners near Por-
1859and was t
i n
youngest of a family of eleven
children. After leaving home he
lived for a time in Goderich, Wing -
ham and Lucknow, respectively, and
eleven years ago left• the Latter
place for Dauphin where he has
done well and in addition t
real estate is the sheriff of
the county. This is a Roblin Gov-
ernment, appointment to which, al-
most necd1ees to say, Mr. McLean
was entitled by virtue of ability to
satisfactorily perform the duties
pertaining thereto and because
of services willingly rendered.
Mr. McLean says 0 Dauphin is
a railway -centre and sur-
rounded by a good :arming country
and is increasing in poput;itiol t d
importance. His trip east oil; tit',r
- was ow'ing to the death of his fet.i-
er-in-law, the late At•,thur Cal ielon
of Goderich, with wliont two of his
children have trade their Borne fr,r
several years. Mr. McLean is, by
the way, the youngest brother .of
Mr. Hobert McLean of Goderich,
who is so well and favorably known
throughout this county.
Advertising in The
News -
Record brings - good
Rugs, Curtains
OUR stock of House Furnishings is now complete in every detail inLace Curtains, Tapestry
Curtains, Brussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpets, Rugs, Mitts, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Jap
Mattings, Door ,Matts, Carpet Sweepers, etc. The range is large and you are not confined to a
few designs, and anything you may want, we do not stock, we can easily get it for you. -
We solicit your inspection and will be pleased to show you our range.
• Lace Curtains
You will find the patterns we have assem-
bled have been chosen tastefully and care-
fully. •Every new feature is .represented,
though of course the conventional designs
are amply represented. Our purchases
were made direct and involve Nottingham,
Brussels, Nets, Tamboured Nets and others
Prices run from .25 up to 6.00
.Tapestrg Curtains
In plain colors and two tone effects, in red,
green and brown, several new designs,
from 2.75 up to 6.00
Carpets .
We Make and , Lay all Price Carpets Free
We are showing an exceptionally . good
range of designs and colorings in Tapestry,
'Brussels and Wool Carpets in the different
qualities, and invite your inspection whe-
ther you purchase or not• Prices r• un
from -
Jap Mattings
For bedrooms Jap Mattings are becoming.
quite popular for summer use. They are
pretty, clean and cool. We are showing a
splendid range at per yd 22
Japanese-"lrutake Rugs
We are -showing an exceptionally large
range of Jap Rugs, with border to match
running all round, in sizes -
1 pard by 21ards at • .50
2 yards by 3 yards at I. S 0
3 yards by 31.. yards at 3.00
Ask to see this range.
Linoleums -
Ten new spring patterns of Nairn's Scotch
Linoleums to choose from, two weights, at
per square yard .50 and .60
Floor Oilcloth
Floor Oilcloths in 1, 1/, 1i, 1i and 2 yards
wide at per yard. -Z5
Floor Matts
SPECIAL -25 Wilton Floor Matts, sizes 27
inches by 54 inches. No two alike in floral,
animal and maple leaf designs, splendid.
quality, fastcolors, worth $3.50 for 2.78
other Floor Matts from .50 up
We are showing the largest range of Floor
Rugs in town, Brussels, Tapestry, Wilton,
Velvet and Wool, at'prices that defy com-
petition, If you are in need of a rug come
when, the range is the largest .
Evidence of the Splendid Values can best be Learned by a Visit to the Store.
Constance Concerns.
Mrs. Adam Glazier and children of
Stapleton spent;. Sunday the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Thos. Pollard.
Mrs. Anderson and babe spent a few
days the guest of her. sister, Mrs..
Adam Michelson of 'this village.
Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Riley and child-
ren visited their daughter, Mrs. Char-
les Hugill last week. - • .
Mr. Wm. Stanley of. Holmesville
put up 100 rods of wire fence for
Mr. W. Ilugill last week
Mrs. S. Pollard and daughters of
ed' on her father ,one . day
The ball held 'in the Foresters' 'all
on • Thursday evening was a decided
success for which h credit is due the
committee -that had charge of the
•arrangements. The Chesney orchestra
of Seaforth furnished the music for
the. dance. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Trico of Leadbury
spent Sunday the guest of her father,
Mr. Geo. Clark. .
Mr. - and Mrs. Adam .Nichelson and'
Mr. Chas. Riley attended the funeral
Blythe of Mrs, McMann of Walton on .Tues -
last week. l day..
"Don't' KfOC ( ' BOOS"
the strife for business don't
knock, just .boost—your competitor
should by all means be included in
this, and the customer or buyer will
all the more appreciate you for your
manliness in speaking well of thein.
You remember the fellow who a
short time ago knocked, the work you
were having done, and in every way
tried -to snake you feel. mean regard-
ing fog that which you looked on as ood,
f Mei was not
Unselfishness—and the world appre-
ciates it to its fullest—means growth
and while you are thus growing there
is nothing- in creation to make sort
take a back seat, and the real watch-
word of it all is "Don't knack—
noL —boost."—The Master Printer.
Grand Trunk Looking up
During the past week the G.T.R.
station has been freshly decorated
and your measure o um has received a new coat of
any too broad or long either for that andainti which adds not little to
matter—but • had he, after getting p
your attention and showing his camp- its appearance; and makes it a
the judge, d you to 3 g >
les a
of antagonizing you could he
an order. not have'secured
would not stand for the knock to
your judgment.
'Tis said,' Every knock is a boost,'
and so it is, if the knock is properly
given. It serves to waken latent en -
orgy and the result is good, especial -
much pleasanter place at which to
wait for a train.
Tlic News -Record asks the assistance.
of its friends in making its Per-
sonal columns still more complete.
The News From Londesboro
The little daughter of Henry Moon Mr.' Wm. Bruntbley, , who has been
was operated on for 'appendicitis on in, the . employof the G.T.R. oa
Thursday of last week. • the section hero. for a number of
Mr.- Crawford, who purchased a years, left the service on. March 31st
and will now devote his time to far- •
hung. His position. is being , taken -by
Mr. R. Shaddick. • .
Mr. S. Woodman . commenced, his
season's work of gathering eggs- on
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. Robert Vodden, •son of Mr.
John •Vodden, • awl who has been
teaching school near Temagami, Ont.,
left last week for McLeod, Alta.
Mx. Jos. . Manning had the misfor-
tune to have 'a valuable horse hurt a
few weeks ago. It got out on•the-lce .
and in struggling to get to land io-
jured its stiffle .joint.
Miss Coombs of Listowel, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Arm-
strong, returned to her home on Fri-
day last..
Mr.' Geo. McVittie re.tu'hed from.
Schrieher last week.
Mr. Geo. Johnston had a very 'sev-
ere attack of heart trouble.
quantity of timber in this vicinity,
loaded it here last week. There was
over 3000 feet of timber; netting the
different farmers sums aggregating ov-
er $3,000. The timber is taken to
Kingston by rail - from which place
it is rafted to Quebec where it; is
Waded on boats and shipped to the
Mother- country, where most of it is
resawn and used for manufacturing
in various ways.
ly to a broad mind, and in the end Messrs. B. J. Gibhings and C. Ilawko
broadens intellect, and Mrs. Treleaven visited Wood-
stock and Stratford last Saturday
on matters connected with tite pur-
chase of a new organ for Ont. St.
This life of ours is all too short
and the sunshine we liberate makes
for all that is good. How much bet-
ter, then, it is to "boost" and how
easy to do it with a result that
pays and pays well.
The broader we grow towards our
fellow man, the more Help we olve
him the better we make bun
tel that life is worth the living,
that much more we brow, then what
a staunch growth it makes.
Capt. E. G. Stewart, who has been
in charge of the S.A. here for the
past six Months, left on Tuesday
for Ilalifax, being ticketed through
by Mr. J. Bamford. Capt. Stewart
has obtained leave of absence for
some weeks and will visit her own
people before taking another charge.
• Mr. Jas. Hill continues very poor-
ly also. Miss V. Phillips. Both have
severe attacks of inflammatory i lieu-
Mr..H. M. Snell wears a-. br3ad
smile this week over the- arrival of-
ftwin boys at his home.
Mr. A. Hants has commenced clean-
ing and mending harness.
Owing to the breaking of part rf
the machinery the. saw mill was shut
down Monday of this week.
Mr. John Hutton loaded a car - of
wheat this week.
Mrs. W. Sloan spent a few days
in Toronto this week.
Rev. J. L. Small of Blyth ' con-
ducted services at. Burns. and Knox
churches on Sunday.
Lizzie Mountain, ttafn
went an operation at Mitchell, has
sufficiently recovered to be able to be
brought home. - -
Death entered the home of 11Ir.
Harry Moon, claiming the eldest
daughter, Edith; aged 9 years and G
months. Deceased was taken ill only
a week previous to her cleatli and
was operated on Thursday night
from..which she rallied, but. Saturday
morning about three o'clock was tak-
en with a bad spell from which she
did not recover. During her short
illness she showed the patience and
thoughtfulness of one of older years.
'rite many friends of the parents
heartily sympathize with them in
their bereavement..
We shall sleep but not forever
There will be a glorious dawn.
1Ve shall meet to part no never,
On that resurreett'.on morn.
(Intended for bast week.)
Messrs. Taman. and White of I3lyth
loaded' the square timber at the sta-
tion Here on Thursday.
Hullett Township.
In :addition to beating all eomcrs
in the three yc Y
- Clyde
- arod
Seaforth with their magnificent .
"Glcnrac," Thos, McMichael & Son
won second and third in the two-
year-old class with "Black Band
Sensation" and "King Lorne." Tho
Messrs. McMichael are proud of their
( lydiYs and will they may be.
Mr. Win.
Morrison obtained tnet
a couplet
of prizes for his heavy draught team
at the Stock Showi
ton on 'Thursday. Mr. Jos. Blake al-
so got a prize for a yearling colt.
Mr. .Jos. Reynolds returned a few
'days ago from the west where he has
spent the past few weeks.
Mr. Jas. I3rown sold a valuable
horse to Jos. Reynolds last week,
which.Joe has since sold.
Mr. ,John Shanahan is having one
of itis barns moved on Thursday of
this week.
Prefilter 'Roblin has returned to
Winnipeg with his health partially re-
It is reported that Major Snelgro
has resigned his position as Governor
of Cobourg jail.