The Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-17, Page 20 n 3 vul. 1. - - 11. l - 1 -PURITY. - _AceURAaT_ I25 I 1 Per 'Ced, f I I On I I Your I 0111011111111101" . . o Any farmer can add 25% to the value of his 004 I by feeding i)pUGL„AS I STOCK INVIGORATOR The cheapest. and best prellara- tion on the market, I You can have a pail. for 75 cents,. It's best for Horses, Cattle, Hoge I and Poultry. I I Our Guarantee stands behind it. i We S. R. HOLMEP. Z Maaf'g Chemist. .+.. w RHEUMATISM WEATHER THM' UUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Ai,- WARS CURE RHEUMATISM. What They Did for W. H, Oraine, and Why They Always Cure Rhcuma- Usnit_They Remove the Cause. Li)1iAtoa, iN1tw&,Rmor1 Huron County News Gathe­-'------- red for Ne sowRecord wRer%d"t ers ok 1104 19l:0 The 0.4 fever,* moment of Your lit'., wheat Yost are at home or abroad, wisea You are awake or when You aro atlrrp-^ ;i Between the pgisan sreris that sue fn :air„ Not$ and water,--everrwblera in I Awt,--444 the billtoKo of your in. 'vinible ttrie044, the little sioldiev-cad• P*acToronto, pit., Alarch 14. (Special). It i these s In Y I'M* our o*o• lit these Be� r>JVe swuiie+s are, kepi teranperatura known d so many Suffer- g G ,strong and heattth�r 1 kairl�sg Hnod'a Y y flee Townehllp, Mvisteries 'Qin the Narsaparilla, yea need isavo no fear Ing People as Rheumatism weatherA et d%eeaw- It e�afeats► itis W,Mdercul - I QDr. Kirby attended the .gelded wed. ,Tar. Davidson has returned to his �i in Ax'+ a era, r� siva irr' it oenta InIF the experience of W. FI. Cxai.ne, of 103- din: of his parents:, AIr, and Mrs. ]tome in, the 'west. „ � Gladstone Ave., this city, is of wide- Pre. Kirby . . A I., at Walton last week. The kitchen of a .dialog -car is a parsavarlila but beoeieafe A oonmbiaeis Miss Beatrice Armstrong. was xis- most exaggerated example of the ec- sire utmost reosbdssl vaisnaw .ar more spiced interest. Mr. Cxaine sufferedr0 8 Mz. 'Geo It:irbjr was for sereril pears ,sting friends in Huilett Township, onom of aPaca," says F. M. Graves t0 diiXeceslt ir�'esisaats, each. from Rheumatism, He is cured and m h News -Record of in Morrie Council. y he knows the cure. It was Dodd's Luke and Flart ll SPerian were, at in the Woman's Home Companion for s it stieae!tkoue4 . owtche4 b* KidneyPills. MetrGh Iflaleom, Welsh delivered a load .of I Goderich as jurymen on Monday of .x,$92. March, Every inch is used. Water- pes�ot.a orsritta stli, . hogs to John Armstrong last week, last week. tanks are suspended from the ceiling, Get it today -et rwo t06 "Yes, I know Dodd's Kidney Pills for which he realized $222, Hugh fats. $Grt. Glen of Fort William jlosesi owe DWar. prepree4 og4r #Y cured my Rheumatism, " Mr. Grains Clinton, Riser. 10th, 1882, McBurney received 4190 far ae loath was visiting tela $esti in wingliau�, nd beating lined with the big range C, L BES04 Ce„ I,.weu, >altwsi,,,. tri',, A. A. j states,. For after I started taking of hogs and Iienxy Johnston $103 this week. (a- h i g ovens, while; on the oth- them I used no other medicine. I Ahiss Lizzie Malcolm of. Ingersoll, is i er are storage -borer, .receptacles for for v ho r hn 'r strong. W' visiting Mrs. Kilty of town and oth- , r fie hogs from ori Jo . A m _ r g. I ill, •se=4 son of William Mann, never cease recommending Dodd'o g lOth con. Parrs, pots sand other utensils, and a Kidney Pill's to. my friends." er friends in, the vicinity, . I There died in a Toronto hospital, , is attending, Central Susi row of cupboards up under the ceil- g ' It. is reported that Roy. Mr. Me- David Geddes only son of. the late nese Collage at Stratford. Dodd s. Kidney Pills• cure ttheuma- p ' Y Chester Armstrong, 1 ing, At one end, between the kitchen _. rd. g, 0th con., ex, and the dnan i tis'm bar putting the Kidneys in con- ` Cosh of Petrolia at one time of John Geddes formed 01 the 3 g -car proper, is a little I4 p AS >E S E. E K E R. S 1 dtioa to strain the uric acid out of Bayfield, has been offered the incum. line of Morris, aged 55 years, Air, pects to take trip to the West and ailtr �vhrch Serres as a sort bencY of Chatham, made vacant b Geddes had been a teat suttexer from, it a satisfactory opportunity presents pantry of ver- i T': 1C C U R S i O N S the blood. It is uric apid in •the 1 g tibule. That is where the waiters ----to• 1 blood that causes Rheumatism. Cold the departure of the erring Air: Mar- some rheumatic trouble for .the last itself or a mer remain for. a few iiion- place. tinea orders and receive, dish- WESTERN CANADA ox dam causes. it tq crystallize at tin.. g ten years. His ;remains were brought Perhaps longer. la {tiTia Chicago) i P Y gh Miss es. isAddle,d � g .} Miss Etta Routledge of Clilro s . up from Toronto on Monde of last diff, 7th. . has gone of Janies Car» " F g points on Grad the muscles and,joiuts and then cqm- dry goods store, has been unable to week and interred in the Monday c ,has gone an a holiday uEvery separate' article of food and including certain ai es those tortures every rheumaticequipment has its place. Every cox-- Trunk. Pacific Rail~ay. x si i i t w t her uncle h h h un a to t o es h • attend t her of f .cemetery h d o t am West. t,Se ten o e d r the s few b t side f his ts. a t t+s o past to e e kttaws only too .well. Dodd's Kidney p y Y P Her and nook in the car has a paxtic- da s, but in a da or two her polite will spend a. while in, Winnipeg before Aril tic 19 ; May 3, 17, 31 ; nae Pills cure Rheumatism by curing the Y y p word has been received, of the and- alar function, The silver is in one p iJ attention will again greet customers proceeding further to. visit. other re- lace 14, 28 ; July 12, 20 ; August 9, 23 ; Kidneys. T c n de dee b ea far failure the milk d o n s he cured Ki remove n th h rt l e or Airs i an nesse - Ye at the store. y ' latives, tther,.�the meat in another, and soa on September 0, 20. the cause of the Rheumatism, Chas, Harris of Sault Ste Marie, e Kidneys x ° . Mrs, Cullyford, who liar heels open-mr, and Mrs, Harris at one time lie- through the • list, �Exerything perish Winnipeg and return $32.00 -RELIABILITY FXPERIENCFr ding the winter with friends here, left ed and .owned a farm on the 4th able is kept in at refrigerator. Edmonton and return $42.50 on Monday. for her home in Hough line of Morris, and arQ well known Dorris TOwns1R1 , "While the car is 'in action' the It is reported that the C.P.R. will ton, Mich. Her visit Was somewhat among the old settlers. The deceea-- ; conductor, from his position, between Tickets good for O0 days, double -track -the line from, Smith's curtailed by the advice that her hus- ed lady was 56 years old and in the. Quite a number of ,people in Morris.. dining -room .and ,kitchen, keeps his Proportionate rates t to prinripaf . I Falls to Bathurst, and will • build a ' band Nadi injured himself by a fall: best o� health until her demise. yShe have, the Western fever and will hie eyes anon the ten tables and • endeav- points i Man't k 1. W. CUTTLER, PAINTER. AND ' them that ,direction this spring. P. n i .oba� t Sas atchewat new line for the grain trade,. from ' Miss aophta Iilty of the C. P. R was a daughter of Rev. Jefferies, a p g ars to see that none of the diners. and Alberta. Paper .hanger. All work done guar Bathurst to ,Victoria Hai'bor, telegraph office, Cooper's bock store 'Methodist Ininister on the Bodmin ' Lyon Findlater, who has been are neglected..For-ali the supplies on steed to give satisfaction. Prices is confined to the house from the too spending the winter with his patents the car be is held to strict -account. For am filets giving. list and anti - circuit (near Belgxave) about 35 P F g g P moderate,. liesidence nearly opposite -�-- . . I Perri tent attentions of Monsieur La on the 2nd line;, left recently for his 'on his 'tri sheet' :as it is called is put culars at "Free Homesteads" "hands years' ago, .. P P . t"ollegfato Institute. Clinton. 83 « .: Grippe. The young lady will likely home in 13roderick, Sask, a -list of everything taken on the car for purchase along the Grand Trunk Repeat it : •- Shllola s Cure will al. be out again ere long. Her mother el tis, McClelland Sr., is visiting .Harry Duncan, 4th line, will'resume when it starts out, A record . of all Pacifte Railway, apply to- wa s cure my coughs. and eol•i5, r a $vet; in Toronto. farming aerations • as the Davisram- JOHN RANSFORD Taws Agent. 7 g- and her brother, ,Smith, are just re- g P articles sold is entered upon the sheet' i g We J,� }1. covering from the same tashionab'g, Mrs• McKinnon of Grey, is a visi- � ily who had his farm leased, i are un- and when tbo. car comes "'home' again A. • 0• PATTISON, Depot • Agent. H. ahs Son ailment. for at Mrs: Wm: Clark s. able t0. attend to it under the ohan- all that has not been sold must be on 'oz c •A•. sadness J D, M Donald; D P Mr., James F. Churchill of , Cree- Dawson Gillagher.left for his home ged conditions •iii their home, hand, G,T, Ry. Toronto, • We are still ILe the shoe ford; Man., left Clinton station last at Moose Jaw, Sask., last week, Wednesday of last week C. E'. and "The .equipment of a dining -car con- e PEfl LL Pl # Friday afternoon for his north-west- John Armstrong 'shipped a carlgad Hrs. Bonet.lett Brussels for their home forms to standards just as do loco- repairing business and carry a ern 'home.` .' of hogs recently, at $9 per 100, at Scott, Sask„ where Mr. Bone has motives, trucks, rails and ties, Dish- ++++++++—+++ ... +++++++} a farm.. They went •by Detroit, Chic- es are made to established patterns,, good variety Of stock, thus W�' OHEAP • - '^" � Miss Cowan of Blyth was the guest ago and St. haul to Winnipeg- We P ♦ Summerhill, Mar. 16th, x892•: of the Misses Clark. g ip g each piece of ehina having the ♦ STATIONERY for FARMERS •+' are able to do all repairing wish them 'full granaries and big company's monogram upon it. The without delay and annoyance Mr. Wm, J, McBren sold a fine Miss "Granger of cAenfield was the prices. same, is true of the Yuen, silver, menu- ♦ As fibs ears o . b it is but not rhea ``a all young 'hor,se last week at a good. guest of Mr. and Mrs. J; L. Stewart wm. Anderson, ;