The Clinton New Era, 1910-12-15, Page 18I: 6
Advance Shopping-A1L people know the
benefits of early shopping. You know, you miss
the crowds and all that sort of inconvenience. You
know how much easier it is to exactly -suit your-
selves when all lines are almost untouched. .Then
why not take advantage%f these advantages. You.
can make your selectjons now at your leiture, and
by paying a small deposit may have them laid aside
for you until the 'eventful' day. nth is a List
that May Help You with Your Dechions :
Gid NVatches $18.00 to $40^00
Gold Ville " MOO I o 22.00
Gold Watches .. $25 uo to $50.00
Gold Filled " 10.00 to 22 00
Signet Rings .... 2.50 to 12.00.
Watch Chains.. .25 to 8.00
Watch Charms.. .25 to 7 OD
Cuff Links .25 to 0,00
Umbrellas 1.75 to 10.00
Shaving Sets 4.00 to 0 50
Rings 1.00 to 40.00
Brooches .25 to 25 00
Necklets 1.01) to 18.00
Bracelets 1.00 to 7.00
Shirtwaist Sets .75 to 1.50
Hat P .15 to .150
Umbrellas 1.75 to 800
Cut Glass, Hand -painted China, Silverware, Opera Glasses,
Sterling Silver Comb and Brush Sets in cases, Manicure Sets in
cases. Rat and Cloth Brushes in cases, also odd pieces in Sterling
Silver. Don't forget that Jewelry's the Gift of Gifts, and
don't forget that 'we are able to match the values of ,
larger cities. WE INVITE YOU.
Merry Christmas tt) All
To our customers we extent the compliments of the season. We
also remind yoa and others who are not, but should be, for their good
customers to that we are well supplied with suitable articles fpr Xmas
Gifts. We have splendid articles from 5o. up to $50 00 and we cordi..
ally invite you to inspect and you will be pleased that you did so.
We are also well supplied with Christmas Fruits and confectionary
etc. We wish to secure some Poultry for the Christmas trade:
Highest price will be paid for produce. A handsome Oalender for
1911 ready Emporium.
Highest Price for Produce.
R. Adams, Londesboro.
The New. Fra
is published every Thursday at
the NEW ERA Printing House,
Te insure publication in current
sue copy of advertisements should be
ent in early.
Contract rates - The tollowingtable
bows our rates for specified periods
and space.
1 yr. 6mo. 8roo. • lmo
1 Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $10 00
it Column 40 00 25 00 15 00 600
Column 25 00 15 00 800 300
k Column 18 00 10 00 550 200
1 Inch 600 350 200 00
Contract display advertising 10c per
inch, per issue.
Thursday, December 22nd, 1910.
11- Pert and Impert
Figures( May not lie, but they
won't convince a boy that summer
vacation days. are longer than win-
ter days at school.
r.einota BriiT1411 ,A.T GUELP11.
The proposal outlined some•
weeks age to appoint a !Govern -
%Dental parole board having having
jurisdiction . to officially recom-
mod clemency to the Minister of
Justice in eases of inmates at the
Provincial prison farm at Guelph
has been approved by both Federal
, and Trial, incial Governments. As a
result' Hon. W. J. Hanna, the 'Pro-
vincial Secretary, will revommend
to Bon. A. B. Aylesw.orth, Minister
of Justice, the appointment of sev-
en Men to compose the board. The
'board 'will be made up• of represen-
tative men of high standing, most
of !whom have Made a special study
of penology and advanced methods
of reclaiming miscre.ants. The na-
ture of Mr. Hanna's recommenda-
tions liar not been disclosed.
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never tails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. 'Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at
55 a box, or three for 510. Mailed to any address.
thirtileobell Drug Co.. St, Catharines, Ont.
--I:17-- •
• Most 'wives are advqcates of,
home( rule.
The stationer keeps a diary all
th,e year -di he, can't sell it. .
Children- Cry
If a man insists that he is just as
good as any other, he isn't.
And whatsoever . a man seweth
that will he also find it easy to
176 5IIS re
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
the tn7oot and lunns. - - 25 Cents,
The Man who is unable to hold
his own during courtship deserves
Children Cry
C A -S 7. 0 R A
No,Cordelia,". a raan doesn't nec-
essarily use cuss words 'when he
take a the oath of office.
Just an outline
of the
4 -strong
-sweet as a nut
-white as snow
made' at a model
The.Centpbell Milling Co. 1444
C,lificilllOS Neckwear
For the Christmas trade we
have placed in stock a limited
quantity of natty but
Serviceable Neckwear
Here you can depend on get-
fresh up-to•date good
just when. you want something
niece and not much to pay. •
G. W. Barge &
Merchant Tailors
Agents for BLUM American Dyeing
• and Cleaning 0o.. Montreal..
County Business.
December Session of
Commit Last Week.
A communication from W. Bry-
done, barrister, of Clinton, stated
that Mr. Pluminer lOoked after the
business of Mrs. Seott, previous to
the time she was conimitted to the
housetof refilWand that he is en-
title& to be paid for such services.
The Matter was referred to/ , the
house ef refuge committee. •
A letter from! the Attorney -Gen-
eral's Department called attention
to, the appointment and dutiee Of a
county high constable. It was sent
to the special committee. '
C. Seager, county Crown 'Attor-
ney, sent (a request that 'certain
improVements be made in the etinip.
ment of his office, The matter
referred to the crihrity property
committee. •
The report of D. Patterson,. Colinty engineer, stated that heliad ex-
amined • the bridge ,on the north
boundry, of Grey township and the
south boundary of Wallace town -
Ship, between the counties of Hur-
on and Perth. At the present tine
there; is about fifteen feet of water
space. Before ;the new • timbers
were put in the space was •about
nineteen or twenty feet. He did
not consider it necessary that a-
nother bridge should be built this
year. The letter was sent to the
road and bridge "committee.
Three clauses of the 'executive
cOmmittee's report were read and
considered in committee • With Mr.
Watson lin the chair. The claudee
as passed were.;
That the tender of F. B. Holmes
for 'hard. snail a.$7perton ^-be'ae-
cepted. owing to the fact that W.
Lee's tender 'tit a slightlylawer
late: was not receiVed within the
sliecified time.
That ^the' county pay to .the God-
erich Marine Hospital the 'sum of
$4-40..per week until the June naebt-.
ing of the council if necessary /to-
wards the maintenance of 'Miss
Haines. ' • .•
That $1,50 per week be paid the
Children's Aid Society.. until such
time as a permanent home is found
for Alex. McLeod.
It was moved by MessrsHill,
Hullett, and Kernigham that the
council ask the Ontario Govern-
ment" to amend the .Municipal Act
so as to provide that all 'represent-
atives of .municipal eouncils be
elected' '1 or two years instead of
one., The Motion was sent to the
special committee • •
It Was moved by IVfessts. Sheerer
and Powell that the words • in the
present Commitment' forth for the
Rouse of Refuge beginning atr-'he
has been a redident of this county
for at least one year," be changed
to read, • 'he has been a resident of
this county for at least one year
imreediately prior to the tine of
commitment!' The motion was re-
ferred to. the,.1Teuse Of Refuge com-
imittele. •
T,E. Durnin was heard respecting
a certain charge Made against E.
Torii; I.P.S., and read letters re-
ce_i'ved from the Education Depart -
Merit' relating to the granting of
temporary certificates to teOehers.
The letters were sent to theeduea-
ton; ommittee.
Considerable time was taken up
discussing matters relatiVe to the
management of the House of Re -
'rhe eports or the. Inspector,
keeper and physician of the gouge
of !Refuge 'were presented and sent
House of Eefuge. committee.
The report 'of the finance teen-
Imittee was read, Mr. Leckie oceik,
pying the chair in comMittee. The
report paned,
'Moved by Messrs. Leckie and
Greiger that the 'crown attorney,
Mr.. Seeger, be allowed a telephone
in his offieet the expense of the
Moved In amendment by Merssrs.
Smith, 'Bayfield, and Kerhigham
that the telephone at present In
Mr. McDonald' e office be taken out
and placed in a cabinet in a place
which would be convenient and
that a proper mill bell system be es-
tablished in each office. This was
Ihe ell then adjourned until
Friday Morning,
The report of the education tom•
enittee was presented and consider-
ed in committee withMr. Medd in
the) chair. The report as passed is
at follows;
It W0.0 recommended that the
treasurer pay the account of Lie..
towel High School for 141.60 when
it SA found to be correct.
In respect to the opportunity
grantedir.E. Durnin by the council
to vindicate his potion in the con-
troversy between himself and J.
Bleb). Tom, MS., the noraluittee
found that Mr. Durnin had might-
terpretedi the regulations of the
Education Department in that re-
apect and consequently recom-
mended, no action.
In regard to the communication
from( Carleton. connty, requesting
the to -operation of the county of
Huron in niemoraliaing the Ontario
Legislature, it was recommended
that all the clauses Of the draft me-
morial except clause five receive
the endorsement of the clerk and
the warden.
The report of the special commit-
tee was read, Mr. McFadrean occu-
pying' the chair in committee. The
following is the report as adopted.
The report of the road and bridge
committee was taken up and con -
s'olered. in committee with Mr.lVlun-
rilansgsUn the hair,. The report
'Thei report of the House of Re -
fuze committee was read and taken
up % committee with Mr. Munn-
ings in the chair. The report as
.passed was as follows.
Moved by Messrs. Watson and
Moir that the salaries of Mr. ,and
Mrs. 'Nitta., who are in charge of
the Howie of Refuge, be increased'
by $200 per annum, the said in -
Breese to date from. Jan. lst, 1911,
and to be divided in this manner,
Mr. Mutch, $125 ; Mrs. Mutch, $75.
Moved by Messrs. Xernigham and
1VIeFadzean that this being the
last session, of this council, the by-
law dealing with salaries of county
officials be not interfered 'With,
earr°a1Vendeda Moir that the engineers be
by, Messrs. Taylor, 'Exe-
ter,instr)1cterl to examine the bridge
at lExeter and report at the council
at the January session as to . the,
necessary changes to prepare it to
receive a cement floor. Carried. •
Moved by Messrs., Smith, Bay-
field, and Monroe that the motion
carried in the Thursday session re-
specting.telephonee in county offi-
ces 'be rescinded, as, on inquiry, it is
found that the proposed change
would be unsatisfactory to the
users and would 'cost more than
expected. Careied.
Moved by. Messrs. Livingston and
Munnings that deviation roads for
county bridges be paid by the
county when, in thesopinion.• of the
engineer and -the reeves of the
adjoining municipalities, it is con-
sidered advisable to construct such
roads. •
Moved in admendment by Messrs.
Munroe and Smith, Dayfield, that
the Matter of the county paying
the expense of providing deviation
roads' be left over tilf the January
session of the council.. Carried.'
PresentatiOn to Warden Irwin.
At the final session of the Huron
county. Connell for 1910 Warden
Irwin was. presented by his fellow
councillors with ahandsome gold -
headed cane, accompanied by the
following adalress ;-
Dr -A J. Irwin, Warden of .
the County of 'Huron.
Dear Sir ;71Ve, the members of
this Council of the County of Hur-
on Cannot let this opportunity, the
final meeting- of this year, pass
without expressing our unqualified
approval of the ability, unfailing
kindness_ courtesy and impartiality
with which you have dischargedthe
duties of your position as Warden
of this County, and we ask you to
accept this cane as Weinall tribute
of our appreciation and respect and
our best wishes for your future pro
sperity. Signed on behalf of the
Council. •
. •
• • •
Who lave never
Headaches effect ' all ages and both
sexes alike, but the female sex is natur-
ally the more•elleeted through the higher
nervous development and more delicate
organizatiou of Lie system..
Burdock Blood 'Bitters ha's, for years,.
been curing all kinds of headaches, and if
you. will only giveit a trial we feel sure
it will do for you What it has done for
thousands of others during the past
thirty-five years.
Mrs. C. Meadows, . Clarksburg, Ont.,
writes:-" For years 1 NMS troubled with
sick headache and dizziness, and was.:
also constipated. I was advised to try
Burdock. Blood Bitters. I only took
three bottles of the medicine; now I
,feel like a nevi' woman. I find I am
completely cured, and I can truthfully
testdi fyu sethat is the best medicine I have
Burdock Flood 'Bitters is reanufac-
tured only by The T. Maberu Co., Limit.
ed, Toronto, Ont. •
Father • kills Boy
Continued freina page one.
years that George was not_fit to be
Iisict that last summer, when
working in gravel pit loading wat-
gons, he had to be placet1 in a dif-
ferent part of thelpit, away from
the other Men, on account of his MI,
controllable temper. Vanstone.wall
confined to jail last winter for in-
sanity, haying severely beaten his
wife, He Was, only kept in jail one
week, asihe Was prOnouneed sane
by the doctors, notwithstanding
that the erown attorney wanted to
have him sent to the asylum,
The little boy.Freddieoeits buried
Sunday afternoon, and a large
crowd lined the streets foesome
distance as thetfuneral moved a-
way to Colborne eemetery. The
inquest 'continued on Monday of t-
The coroner's jury which enquir-
intol the death of little rrederiek
Vanstene, brought in the following
Verdict at abut four &dock mon-
day, afternoon; That said Prod -
crick Vanstone came to his death
by beating itt the hands of his fath-
er, George Vansfone, in the town Of
Goderich, bn the night of Decem-
ber 15, before ten o'cloek."
Vanstone will have a final hearing
Children Cry
0 A S :11' 0 R IA
tea is the result of
care and experience
in blending -must be
the ,combination of fine
ftavor, smooth strength
and richness. Because
all tb.ese elementsare
so Onerously included
in Red Rose Tea. it
well merits the terra
"goocE tea."
.traveu 801.0 IN BULK
Tour, Grocer Will
Recommend It
on Thursday before P, M. Butler, •
and if committed will have his trial
at the Spring, assizes. .
Plumbing and Tinsmith* gAgRigna tuna
Furnace Installing a rusu
would respectfollv solicit the petronage
of the Town of Clinton and vicinity.
Repairing of all kinds promptly
attended to
All kinds of Stove Repairs Got On
Short Notice
Pipes, Elbows_, ete., always on
. hand.
%gent for Berlin Fuel Saver
saves from 1 to Pails Coal a day
• •
• •
• •
• '• .
1 : 6TAPLET01 SALT WORKS a Highest Aprices paid 6:
1 custom Work Solicited.
*, •
Pump for Sale .
Public School offers iron pump, 90
feet long, suitable . for windmill or
yard pump. Apply to T:. COTTLE, •
' Chairman of Property Committee
Roomers Wanted
Roomert wanted on Huron street,
only those that attend school or •ba,l-
ness c011ege.
Apply at NEW ERA office
. Private Sale • •• •
. .
" •
Of furniture composing oftwo side.
boards, 2 ta,bles, one. woad coolotoee,
1 sewing machine, bed and springs
elock,-sugar kettle. beating drums etc.
belonging to the Estate of Mrs Plait
and can be seen at the residence
of Eli Houltzhauer from the 2od of
December, on Spence -street.
Leave orders re4leence, 76 171otoria St.
'Phone No. 139,
W. 'ix. Nivilliv.lEg
tog Wanted
EEO:teat price pa d for LogO, Base-
w:od, Soft Elm,- Rock -Elm laid Rork'
Maple especially wanted, but all kinds
will he ourchased: . .
ORGAN CO., Limited
. • ' . . • • •
• i.00mers Wanted
Junor's have got a new furance in -
Stalled in their home cin Ontario Street
and Mrs Juhor has now got a few
more rooms suitable tor either lady
or gentleman, with or ' Without'boaird.
• •
Don't Forget
The Clinton Chopping Mill will be in
daily operation on and after today,
Having just installed a new Grinder
and 80 horse power boiler, we arenow
prepared to do a first-class job.
Besides Chopping Feed, we Roll
Oats. make Graham Flour, Corn
Meal and Flaked. Wheat.
We cater to the. wants of our cus.
tomers. Mistakes cheerfully rectified.
• Satisfaction Guaranteed. •
Remember the stand, Mary St.,
Next be the Electric Light Plant,
where the undersigned will be glad to
meet all oldsustomers as well as many
new °nen. Thanking you for past
fa vors.
BrOWD Prop..
Cabin B011iiiRS
Below Win be found a list of papers
which will be clubbed with •
The Clinton NEW ERA
For the year 1910 U. These prices are
for cash with order.
The Nitw tan. and Weekly Mail
and Empire, one year ...
NEW 'ERA and Weekly Globe
for..........,. 6 • * 6 * • 431.55
,, 4, Fainii H. &VT. Star..1.80
t 44
Week[y Witness ....,.1.00
g4 Sun.... .. ... . . ..1.80
" Advertiser ....,.1.80
" Free Press 175
ll Farmers Advopate
and Horne Magazine 2,80
i: and Canadian Varna (the
new farming journal1.50
NEW ERA andbatly Xewa,Toronto 2,25
It it 4 , di star it 2 25
41 44 44 gg GIOIA 4‘ 4.50
It 14 " " Mail " 4,59
I. It 44 gi World " 8.25
It t't gg 44 Free Press,Lon.
don.. 641,41161043M
Send Orders to
The Clinton
HuroiSt„ Clinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Finanpial and Real Estate.
INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire In -
swarm) CompanieS,
Division Court Office.
Di4.s,. W. Titompsepi
Adam Surgeon. Etc
aueeiai attention given to diseases of:the
Eye, Ear. Throat, and Mee,
1 Eyes carefully entrained. and suitable gimes
0f5ce and iiesidence,
Two doors west of the-. Conuneretal Hotel
Buren St.
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
• Catalogues Frec.,,
W:lfWeetervelt, I. W. Westervelt. Jr.t CA..
Principal, Vice -Principal.
Ford 82,..MCLeod
Having secured a commodious Grain
Storehouse, we are now buying all
kinds of grain, for which the highest
prices will be paid.
Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds; of
grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on
hand at the storehouse. .
Ford& McLeod
W.11. WATTS & SON,
store opens at 7.30 a m. Closes at 8 p m.
We are Practical Boot and Shoe mak-
ers and repairers. Boots made to pr -
der from one to three days notice and
repairing done while you wait.
Farmers Attention
We have on hand several pairs of
our own make boots,just the thing for
the Spring wear. Come in and see
them, •
Opposite post Office
The undersigned has a quantity of
r choice Cedar Posts for sale.
.0C:3 A.I.1
Before placing your orders for
your.seeson's supplyof Ooal, get
our prices. Thayery best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest,possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
&-Rowland's Hardware store,.or
with ...
W. J. Ste.irenson,
• itt Eleetric IL,Ight Plant.
Dr. W. Gunn ,
Dr. w. mum, L. n. C, 15.C. 8.. Ms.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night oaths,
trout door of office or residence, Etattenhur7
Office hours at Inaltal-1 to 5 p.m,: 7 to 9 PMI •
ccouchenr, etc., office and residence on
tenbury SC, otmosite W. Farran'e residence.
DR. P. 11. AXON
Crown nail Bridge Work a Specialty.
Graduate of 0,0,D.9,. Chicago, and 11.0,D.S.
Baylleld on -Mondays, Slay 1st to December'
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special eare taken to make dental treat.
men* as painless as. Possible,
Live stook and general Auction ate-
1 96) X. a D3tX sales a speemrai °aegis 45
NEW ERA orMee, Clinton, pram's y abtencted
to. Terms reasonable. Fanners* sale Rote
G, D. McTaggart' M.D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bros.
General flanking Business
Drafts Waned. Interest allowed on
The McKillop. Mutual
.Fire Insurance eo.
Parm addIsolated Town Prop.
erty Only Insured. •
B. McLean, President, Seaforth
Jas, Connolly, vine Pres.,. Goderich
Thos. E. Hays, .Secoareas., Seaforth
Jas. Connelly, Holmesville; John
Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafoith; J. ,Evans, Beech-
woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, 1. Ben-.
newels, Brodhagen, . M. McEwa,n, •
Each. Director is inspector o,f losses In
his own locality.. :
Eobt..Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley
Seaforth; Jetties Cumming, Egmont'.
ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville
Payniehtsnatty be made 'at Tozer
Brown's, Clinton, or, to R. 11. Outt:
For Sale or Rent. JA00B TAYLOReurcroN
• • • . •
Fire, - Life and Accident
FarmAoRent . Insurance
The Ostrom farm, Lot 28,9thCon. of Goderich .
Tp.,•80 acres is -offered to rent. Apply to " • •
JOSH COOK. or to anis. J. HALSTEAD ' Heal estate bought and sold
Clinton 1 Goderich.
Money to. loan
House and Lot tor Sale.
The conveniently -located house. next to T.
Murnlap's Rattenbury street, contaihing nine
rooms. Tbo house is a recently re -built one,
and in excellent repair. A good, new stable on
the premises. Apply to 'A..SEELEY,
Farni for sale
Centre' "part Lot 35 eontaining 48
acres and North 50 acres on Lot 36;10
acres or more good hard wood bush
good Barn, stablingunderneath,
good Hog Pen and driving shed small
Orchard, Frame House cellar under
good well water at House and Spring
Creek running through Lot 35. For
price, apply to R. SCOTT. Box 88,
Blyth. or on Lot 35 Ccn.13 Hullett. 2m
Farm for Sale
110 acres, in good state of cultiv-
ation, being 10124 and 25, con. 5,
Goderich Tp., all fret& seeded
down, less ten acres, which Is plow-
ed. On the property is a concrete
house, a barn 55 by 80, good stab-
ling well watered. Apply, to
' JAS. HAMILTON, Clinton.
House for Sale
A Cottage and half acres of land,
good f?fzittrees, hard and soft water,
a atone cellar under whole house, will
sell on time or Cash, This is the pro-
perty of the late Mrs Thomas Apply
to 0. ORICH
Two Cutters' for Sale
Two Cutters, 1 Portland and 1 Piano
Box Cutter4 loth in good condition.
Must be sold before Christmas. Apply
at THE NEW ERA Office.
Girl Wanted1
or general housework,' duties to
'conce 8 Dee, 1910. Apply to
Office Issac Street, next door to New
Grand TrunkRailway System
Railway Time Table •
Lonclore:Hurott and Bruce. .
North • • Passenger
London, depart...-. 8.80a m 4.50 p m
Centralia.... . 5,43
Exeter 9,53 - 554
Hensel' .. 10.08 3.05
Kippen .10.16 6.11
13rucefield 10.30 6.19
Clinton 11.05 • 6.35
Londesboro11,18 • 6.52
Myth . 11.27 7.00
. . 11.40 7.13
Winghaut, arrive.- 11.50 7.35
South Passenger
Wihgham, depart.. 6.43 s,m 3.33 p itt
Belgrave„........... 0,54 3.44
Blyth,..‘ . ... ... 7.08 ' 8.56
Londesboro 7.16 4.04
Clinton 7.50 4,23
Brucefield . . . . . 8,12 4.89
.Kippen 8.23 4.47
... 8.32 4,52
Exeter. . . ... 8.48 5.05
Centralia 9,00 ' 5.15
London, arrive 10 00 6.10
Budalo and Goderich
.West Passenger
am pm TOM pm
Stratford.........10.00 12.20 5 25 10.20
Mitchell... .... -10.22 12.45 5.55 10,47
Seaforth... ... . . 10,45 1,10 6.18 11,12
Clinton .......11.07 1.25 6,40 11,28
Holmes 1,83 6 46 11.38
Goderich. 11-35 ixo 7.05 11,55
a inpm
Goderich 7,10 2.40 4.50
HoltnesVille 740 2.57 5.06
Clinton /. • • • 1 • • • 6 • 1"• 7.35 807 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 8.25 5.82
itactbfeolrl. .... 8.16 848 5.55
..... 8.40 4.15 6.20
Painter and Paper Hanger.
All work guaranteed,
Prices reasonable.
Resilience nearly opposite the
Collegiate. Institute.
• •.