The Clinton New Era, 1910-12-08, Page 6l: as ' poi's . Royal Pude, 11er Maje-ty Queen Mary possesses some very lovely 'Scotch pearls, which are of ;a pinkish hue, and aro very round in shape.. Queen Victoria had a great lova for them, and possessed some beautiful specimens elf them. Among other beautiful pearl neck- laces the Duchess of Portland pos- sesses, she has a string of well -match- ed &coteh pearls. There is a pathetic storyo attached to one of her neck- laces, which is of most beautiful pearls. .William Bentincit, the first Earl of Portland, showed his devotion to William of Orange (afterwarclat • King William III.) by incurring the risk of almost certain death from ma- lignant smallpox in order to save the life of hisMetter, to 'whom he was page of honor, Deeply touched by the self --abnegation of her husband's faith- ful servant, Princess Mary (as she then was) took a string of finest _pearls. from her own neck and handed them to William Bentinck in token of her gratitude. These pearls are a price- less heirloom in the Portland family, and the present duchess has just the stately throat and neck which shows there off to best advantage. . Queen Alexandrahas' some Scotch pearls, and also an Irish pearl of great size and fine color, which was given to her by the Countess of Dud- ley. Fresh water pearls are obtained from the pearl mussel, and consist of calcareous concretions formed by cer- tain molluscs, both marine and .fresh water. River pearls are sometimes discovered in the Esk and the Con- way, but the best home-grown yarie• ties aro to be found int• Scotland;' Here is one of the many cases fn which several members of one family have benefited from the household box of Zama: Buk. Col. -Sgt. L ours Elliott, 3rd Co., 40th Battalion, Petorboro, Ont., says : "The lower part of my face, cheek and chin. broke out in small red p mples, which later festered and broke, forming nasty sores and dry scabs. The itching set up by these eruptions and sores was terrible, and seemed far worse during the night. All kinds of soaps, washes and ointments were tried in the vain attempt to get relief, even to bathing with carbolic acid and water. Finally I thought of Zam-Buk and straightway procured a box at the drug store. One night's application brought great relief from the intense itching, and as •I kept on applying this balm daily, the inflammation was soon drawn out, and in less than a week's time the sores were thoroughly healed and every scab banished.'.' Mrs. Elliott, 139 Sherbrooke St., Peterborb, telling of Zam-Buk's effect on her younger son Walter, says : " He slipped and caused a wound on his right hip, which developed into a running sore. From this smaller sores spread until his lower limbs were covered with ulcers. These proved v. ry alarming and I feared blood -poisoning ! I began the Zl,m-Buk treatment, and it really seemed to aid like magic! In a remarkably short space of time the raw running sores were all healed. I am very grateful indeed for his cure, and I strongly recommend all mothers to keep Zam•Buk always handy." WIIAT ZA3 .BIIla WILL CURE. Zam-Bttk will be found acure fo4 cold sores, chapped hands, trust bite, ulcers, blood -poison vamoose sores, piles, scalp Toro rittgsorm, inflamed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped place ants, burns, bruises, and skin iniuries gener- ally. All dreugkts and stores sell at 50o. box or post free from Zorn -Bu k Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. Yon are warned against harmful butt ttionsand substitutes. See the registered name " Zam-Buk" on every package before buying. FREE BOX Send thin Qoapon and leStamp to Zam-Buk. Oo., Tor. onto, and you will receive free trial box, 12 Z8 vector's Thrilling txperlence. Doctor Boyd of Fort i1'illiant and a party of pin.' friends •had an ex- • p•rience on Sunday night they will not soon forget. They loft with a launch on Sunday for a little tour of some of the Hands. Everything "Ms j-leasont until the st•,rnt sprang up in the afternoon. When they reached the more open -water the little launch wan at the mercy of the waves. Tito pa-ty was forced to hind and finding the ,oft side of rack, lay clown and tri -d to woo Mor- uhou,. Needless to ser their si ep was not peat*coli summers. morning was a welcome relief as the storm had gone down and 1At them home nono the worse.—Marlitotllin 'Ex. pueitor. Bullet Well ,Guarded. The hu1le which kills 1 Nelson, which .was n Edward to- tho Japan -British Ex :1 'tion, . has been safely returned to he King's Armourer. It was guarder by watch- men and policemen night_ and day and the case was secure- • with four- uutllucks. • Christmas Ornaments, To make little dangles for Christmas. .trees fashion popcorn 'into little balls, thread with dark green sUkateen, dip Into gum arabic and cover with any of the colored dye powders. This makes a pretty ornament: Silver or gold dust- may also be used. A quar- ter's worth of dye in: blue, yellow, reel and the like will snake. a great',quan- tity of balls. If threads are suspend 'ed in a glass jar containing water and 10 cents' worth of alum ..it will .ad- here ad -here to• atm threads and make little icicles . for the tree, • Continue to add alum until the strings are tbe desired thickness. Place in a window or warm place. Why Not Make a Hatstands' Both serviceable and dainty is the hatstadll of blue flowered taffeta, with a blue satin bow by way of decoration. The wooden stands ready for covering are to be bought in the shops. 'When silk is not desired chintz or ti f ' cretonne is. a ,' good, substitute., ,k • ;Saw the small ',, "'girl . a bonbon f• .w%/?I t1 j cracker inure - of aaa ler white ._- 'L'z` silk' t r 1 ui in e d with bands of stvansdowii and a little necklet to snatchwill be•, a -delight, while the time and expense involved ire not great conanared• }villi the charm. • MADE AT A MODEL MILL Good morning ! "CREAM OF THE T" FLOUR Like the sunrise—full of life The CAMPBELL MILLING CO. LTD., TORONTO FOR SALE By B. A. MCEWEN, •i':..,-,... 4'/i,�illl� al f1i' /t f llft/l�t / /! / l / ' .il"il1'l�lrfnitl/ :f, i i1(l7(�d„iIl 00, ?-2 No ,.M•,., .•. ...v t.,f. M , f. ail., , , , I t I .r , ill , 'Ilk ,,/ , .. � �.t �lfJ�l., I r lI , ,!/•fi�i l t l�i�rl ;i,. its � •, y, i C . ;. i ,I � Rini �,� ! Iff . �ii�fli l � �r ill •tri ����� ���.' ��f�� 1 i�,l {f,� �A�1 �I 1 / f�i'r/� I �F OP NV . i � r. s etw Concrete Fence Posts Like These are sightly, strong, permanent. Concrete is, in many localities, cheaper than wood, for fence posts, and more durable than stone, brick or iron. Our book, "What The Farmer Can Do With Concrete" is sent FREE: It tells how to make, not only fence posts, but walks, curbs, horse blocks, barn foundations, feeding floors, well curbs, ,drinking troughs, silos, dairies, and many other farm utilities where cleanliness, strength and durability are required. Many of these things are simple and inexpen- sive to make, and may easily be put together in your spare time. The book carefully and simply s' tells all. The regular price of the book is $dc. We are distributjt,tg free, a limited number, how- a ever, and charging up the cost to advertising. That's why you get yourr copy free, if you sign the coupon and send it to -day, Do it lzow. 5 ie 0 You may sends me a copy of "What .the Farmer Can Do With Concrete." D Name Address CANADA CE1ViENT CO., Limited 51-60 National Bank Building MONTR AL 0 1091111111111111111r MEV SIWitte of :Raffia. UTEA pretty Christmas gift which 4Iocai artist bus wade for a friend this season has a marmalade jar for faun- datR+tlonoven. Arounn>;dood the jatternr gfila is tightly . E is pa. Above the neck of the Jur the shape flares' out ," somewhat: and interwoven Ip, the teem iNme!van. t raffia ie a slight pattern of red. '.Ebe �ti8llfvl�il� jar is filled with earth • in wbfehnan ivy plant is growing. �y Another woven gift in a bolder for ' j � . an inkwell on the pyramid order. The bottom of the raffia .receptacle Is woven sercrately, and the well is • the LIivur • slipped into this and the tint, rounded. piece securely tied to the ether sec- tion.: A woven top fits,,over the well when it is. not In use. 111must Bear Signature et ' See Fac.Slmlie Wrapper Below,. '1!rry omial and as *sir totuke aa repro CARTERS ITTLE AVER PILL$, FOR IIAADACHE, FOR own NESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS, FOR. TORPID LIVER,. TOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIU. FOR HIE COMPLEXION i G1ciirs.t soros NA7nnee "Cerybarest yeget1th1o. • OL$RE SICK HEADACH!;. Or tine gift. Gift For Afternoon Tea Hostess. The woman who serves afternooa tea might appreciate the gift of a new Puritan tee cozy, This .is, in the conventional shape, but instead of the embroidered or fan- cy cover a doll's body is'used. The doll is clothed in a gray dress of the Priscilla type. A white apron - and flchu are added. and with a white Dutch cap{ the costume is oomplete. Butter in Slices. From time immemorial in Cam- ' bridge, • England, the dairymen roll the butter so as to form it long stick weighing a pound, which they sell in slices, '4s if it were. sausage. In the' market the butter merchants do not care to use either weights or •radar. A simple glance is sufficient for these people accustomed to the time honored practice. ' A very neat cut with the knife divides the -yard into halves, quarters • or eighths very exactly; and it appears that the cus- tomer Is never given short measure. Plenty 'df Money Now. .� New York, Dec. 5. --Three short weeks ago Jelin iWI, 1IcCIuskey, a farm hand; was loading a wagon with tun nips on a little farm, as Busby; just back of Glasgow. Scotland, and, won. dering how he would get through .the Week on two shillings and •si-xpence, Yesterday, McCluskey, accompanied. by . Andrew W'ilson,'"a New York law. Yer, was• a passenger on the steamer toCittake ltitle to ania frola fortEnglandune estimated al a million dollars, left him by his bro. ther, a paper . box manufacturer in this city. The brothers 'lost track at each other for eighteen years, and the lawyer had a hard time :locating McCluskey. tc1 tellhim of his fortune. It Is Miserable To �a Dyspeptic. • Dyspepsia is one of the most prevalent troubles of civilized" life,-and'"thousands suffer untold agony after every meal. Nearly everything that enters'a wealc dyspeptic 'stomach, acts as- an irritant; hence the great difficulty' of effecting a cure. . The long train of distressing symptoms, which render life a burden to the victim -of dyspepsia, may be promptly relieved by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs. John Sherrett, Fortier, Man.,. writesc—"I was troubled with clyspepsaa for years: A :friend of mine told me about- Burdock Bleed. Bitters, ;so I got a bottle to try, and before I was half fihished. I could cat anything without suffering, and when I `had used' two' bottles I was sound and well, Now I feel just fine; indeed I can't. say too much' in favor of your medicine." Bu ' rdoe kto B od' I'3ltters is ni anufa c tured'only by The T.'•Milburn Co., Limit. ed, Toronto, Ont. We Want to Land your first order, because we know that the satisfaction you will derive from that will open your eyes to the fact that you cannot do better anywhere else that you can with us. You will find that we aro not "alt'at sea" in our business, thoroughlybut ' "up- to - the minute" and watchfuof the interests y2 our customers, knowing that, by so Wing, We are really acting' for our own ultimate benefit. Q. A. DOWNS f Merchant 'Taiioi•, : Clinton Every Woman as interested and. -timid know about the wocderfnl MARVEL Whirling Spray 'rho now Vaginal Syringe 1:.. d ....Most convenient, It cleanses instantly. Ask your dragrist roe 40, of ho cannot sootily th. MARVIi t.wept noother, btu send stamp for Illattrated honk se,le.t. 1t gives fell dude. am and directions Inv:nitbUle to bullet. Wtt4bt3olt 6UPFi'.?' CO,, Windsor. OM. Gf neral' &tents for Catty 1 It A Linen Shopping Sag. It is not at all out of the way to embroider a white linen shopping bag as a Christmas gift. even though the time for the white linea suit will have passed. Wilke linen will come back to us, as it always does, and tbe grateful re- cipient of the bag for next year will be in partial readiness for a coming season, This Is never objectionable and is to the provident far more corn-' Portable than the fleeting joy of the momentary gift. - *More Honors For Sir Henry, Toronto; Dec. 5.—Mr. Willoughby Bulloch, secretary of the Society oI Knights Bachelor of England, an. pounces that at the recent meeting of the cot}ncft $ir Henry Pellatt was 'elected president of the society for the year 1911. - Sir Henry has had a cordial'recep- tion in Great Britain. He and his wife were given a large dinner at Lam. beth Palace by the Archbishop of Can- terbury, and they have alsobeen the guests of Lord Aberdeen at the vice- regal . lodge, Dublin. They were also dined by the ladies and gentlemen of tha Corinthian Club• CONSTIPATION CURED BY THE OSE OF IYIILBURN'S LAXA.LIVER PILLS Constipation is oneof the most fre- quent, and at the sane time, one of the most serious of the minor ailments to which mankind is subject, and should never be allowed to continue. A •free motion of the bowelsdaily should be.: the rule with every one who aspires to perfect health. Mrs. Fred. Hall, 299 Hibernia Road, Montreal, Que., 'writes:---" Having been troubled for years with constipation and trying everything I' knew of, a friend advised me to use Milburn's Lana -Liver Pills. . I used four and a, half vials and I am completely cured. I. can gladly ret ommenfl tltenl tatrll h.ho-suffcr-fro n constipation, Milburn's Lasa -Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial, or 5 vials for,f$1.00, at all dealers, or mailed direct on, receipt of ,price by The '1'. Milburn Co.,. Lindted, Toronto, Ont. George Keys afi"cl -J..W, Palmer, both of town have traded farms the formergiving his 100 acres on eon, 5, Grey for Mr. Palmer's" 100 acresknown-as the Sharpe farm. 5th line' Morris. • , Messrs. Brown & Lowry, who bought. and sold lout .a; bankrupt stock at Kincadine, are 'back to towns once ore, lire are sormry to State 'the t Dr, C. A:. -Toole and family purpose re- moving from. Brussels, aftera re- sidence here for the .past 10'years,. to Selkirk, llaldirilarld Co,, where the Dr. has purchased a practice: W. Henry,. formerly -G, T. R.agent at Brussels, is now running aspass anger"conductor on the -route Sou- thamptonto Toronto: He was 'in- troduced to this work during the railway strike' and has continued instead o fgoing back tothe de - pet. . • The Democrat, of I,angd^n,.North Dakota, of November 2•rth says of a former Brusselite 1 -Adam Reid .of the Co. Auditor's office, 'is ex- pected to leave next week ona Boli day. vacation trip during -which he will visit a son at Detroit. Hewill also receive ' sanitarium treatment., for his • rheumatic lc tr oubl e while elle there. Thin•: ad: A Liberal Offer When the hair thins out on the top of the head and; the bald. spot is' getting ready to appear in pub - lie, don't get discouraged or irrita- ble. Just go to your Druggist and ask for Parisian Sage Hair Tonle. He will eharge you: 50e, Or a large bottle but if it does not cause hair to grow where the hair is thinning out nothing On this earth Will, And we want:to saw to everybody roan.; woman and child, . that -o1 Can have your money back if .Parisian Sage.isn't the best hair grower.hair saver, hair beautifer and dandruff cure on tl>,c market to -day., It stops itching scalp and falling hair arid snakes hair Grow thick and abundantly. All druggists ev'ery- Where sell Parisian Sage or post- paid from.The Giroux Mfg. 'Co., Fort Erie, Ont. See that the girl: With the Auburnhair is' opt OM' bottle. Sold'and guiat'anteed by W, S. lt. Holmes, druggist. JUST ISO. When the grain has all been gath-. erect, • When the harvest is all through When the husbandman and family Have not a thing to do But 'sit around the fire - And read and talk about The the many things they have .to get That can't be done without; Ohs that's the time of all tbe near ,A- span should advertise— When the frost is on the pumpkin, And the pumpkin's in the pies. FIVE CHILD MOTHER DIED. OP CO AND ONE LITTLE GI AT URAVENHURST, A short tithe ago a woman vanced stages of tuberculosis di own home. By her death five little p left witho,it the care of their mother, was money enough in .the family t some provision for the care of the c bub'it was almost i:mpossible•to, secu one who would render this service, s are many people of this dread dis visitor to the home says that time a again she had found the baby slee her sick mother's bed, and near was stored from which the ohildr took. A sequel is revealed in the to -day one of these five childr patient in Gravenhurst, and the b the children's ward at the Toro Hospital for Consumptives. It is for the care of such sufferer that the. Muskoka Free Hospital sumptives has been built. The t accommodation is heavy, and the have only been able to make the tensions of the present year by heavily from the bank. An app made for .funds to help on this provide a place where children, s referred tohere, may find a Hoppe possibilities of cure, - Contributions inay be sent Gage, ?Esq., Chairman Executi mitten, 84 Spading avenue, or S National Sanitarium Association, St. W., Toronto. The Muskoka Free Hospital ac tients froth, any part of the Domi not a single patient hag ever bee because of poverty. P, UainW Cow. The old fabrication that "joke .wi' •deeficulty" is all t Some of • the- newspapers r north of 'the Tweed are so over with fun• that it actua .flows into the adverti;emen wh .. ire one wonted scarcely hop . it. To 'back up this.assertion- the following act., which app Tho Scotsman the ,other;. day . "Woman (active) to wash; d milk cow ;• also assist housew 9514, Scotsinan, Gft sgaw." -• ...Thero'.s .cleanliness• for -you: pose the' cows are mangled a are washed • and dressed a teeth carefullypolished up wi brusher.---Lbeelon Ariswers. • .as:. So Beira I it Heart and Nerves ''Could: Not Sleep 9,t Night. • Many men, and women toss night af night upon , sleepless bed.', SSomeet •stitutionaa l disturbance, worry or dise has so debilitate.l and irritated the -he and'. nervous system that they cani enjoy ..the refreshing sleep which con to those:whose heart and nerves are rig Mrs. John Gray, ,Lime.' Lake, . Oi writes:—"Last summer I. was so t with my heart and nerves that 1 could sleep at night. There:was such a p and heavy' :feeling in any chest tha could not stoop, and at at times I wo become dizzy and have to grasp so thing to keep from falling. I tried di ent things but never got anything to me any good until I tried Milbu Heart and Nerve -Pills and I can recommend them to all troubled was." - 'Milburn's .heart & Nerve Pills are cents per box, or three :boxes for 81.2 at all dealers, or maile:1 direct by The i Milburn Co., Limite.l, Toronto, Ont. London's Theatres, Some rather interesting statisti have beeni g von lately in The Lond Daily, News about the number ,of the tres in .that city, and the number people they can seat. It appears th. there are, in all, fifty-one btilldin where public' performances of sta plays takeplace regularly. When ful they will accommodate 60,901 peoph which would -represent, in money va ue,. over $50,000. Drury Lane head the list with $3,000, but it will asto ish many people — indeed most — t hear that Drury Lane is not the lar est theatre in London:: It seems th. dile Lyceum now seats morn; peep]. but it does not represent as muc money. Tho fifty-one buildings refe red to do not include music halls o variety theatres, of which there ar forty-eight,' these representing 70,48 seats. The' largest is the Coliseum which can seat nearly 3,000 people while the Hippodrome 'has accomm dation for b,602. . A Happy Suggestion. There never was a man who didn' enjoy having a mateh. scratcher hand 'when he wanted to light his pip Take a heavy card 7 by 0 inche either white or create, and gild th edge by• putting on gold palut hi ilttl rreguar splashes; also gild it clay pip to hold matches, tie diagonally acres lie center of. card 'by punching tw holes close to the .bowl; 'one each stet the fltenp a+i4 na' ihi• neap' ,ton rat, t "Lef good digestion wait They They aortae living again f t not stocked th • National D