The Clinton New Era, 1910-10-27, Page 8Pop L
)OO:$tock of Tapestry,
Brusse.Is and Wool Carpet:
At 14 off Until Nov. ist
We are making a clean up sale of our `Carpet Department lasting until
the lst November,
This will be a rare chance to. brighten up your home
before the snow flies, No patterns reserved, we simply give you your choice
of our complete stock at 25 per cent, off.
Remnants of Linoleum, I #4 off
Fifteen ends of Scotch. Linoleums, running -from 5 yards up to TO, yards in each piece,
two, three and four yards wide, all good patterns, Regular 5oc and 60c square yard.
Choice while they last at 25 per cent off.
,o Carpet Squares (Floor Rugs)' at: i q off
Until the 1st of November we will give you your choice of any Floor Rug in our stock
at 25 per cent. off regular prices. They comprise the very newest designs and colorings
from the largest manufacturers in Tapestry, Brussels, Wiltons and Axminster Carpets.
The prices range from $6.50 to $35.00., Come early and get first choice
Jap Mattings and Jai) Rugs at 1=4. off
Ten good patterns of Jap Matting,, regular I2ic, 15c, 20C and 25c at 25 per cent, off
until the 1st Nov. Jap. Rugs in' 3x3, 3x3J., and 3x4 in a great variety of patterns at 25
per cent. off regular prices,
Wool Carpets at t =4 off
Twenty pieces All Wool Carpets in two and three ply,. in reds, greens, fawns, etc. All
good patterns. Your choice until Nov., 1st at 25 per .cent.. off;regular prices.
.r n.eha•'•,s w..ws1 r..u.:.'+FIb:...'•l:= ..<i . v .
CLINTON NEW WHAT OFR .ROADS COAST, . :Inspector of Insurance, which ha
ERA been a
DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, .Ocu.
list, Specialist, will be at W. S. R.
Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Nov
8th• Glasses property fitted, deafness.
catarrh and fouling eyesight treated.
All day.
The linen in the swain store, who
thinks his business is necessarily
small, too, does not realize the ad-
vantage of advertising. It is abili-
ty to turn over goods that. makes
success, and: not the capacity for
"carrying stock" In order to get
rid of his stock the small merchant
should really advertise more than
his contemporary with the Iarger
store, for he has not the same cap -
',amity for displaying his stock nor
of accommodating 'verylarge
crows of customers. Newspaper
space is the ,Most valuable remedy
in the world for the Mack of door
space. •
Froin 'Ehe ,last annual report,. .onMr. . Made vacant by the death o
.J. dlowili d Hunter.. We un
Highway Improvement, issued 'by derstand that'•'Mr, Diner has no
the Ontario Government, we learn yet accepted, and possible may no
tlifit the actual ' • eixpeliditure on :accept,. but ,Is now consideringth
roads in �the`'G''ounty of Huron, ex ,natter.. The position is a..o
one, with Plenty of work and a fair
salary, . and we 'believe the . work
could • no't fall into better. hands
there were.48 768 days statute Talo than those of South °Huron's !nem -
r• 'ber.:. He has had a long:experience
These "were 'divided as follows,-- in insurance natters. and
Ashfield $2,995;.3;41-0—days ; Col- + . ,• would:
borne, $2,233, ] 790. days ; Goderich make ;an eicceilent inspector...•.
Tp. $2,233, 2;000 days; Grey, •$2,460, TRAIN -LATE. '
' The L. H. & 113.' train at 6.30 ,was
nearly two hours late last Satur-
day evening.. An engine on , the.
Stanley, $7,193, 2,080 'clays • Stephen, main line broke 'down and the even
$3,690, 5,387. days; Tuc'kkersmith, ing train had to wast at . Lucan
$11,104, 3,108 +dayya,'Turn+berry, $1,- Crossing till it arrived.
184, 2,323 days ;; Usborne, 53,917, 3,-
552 'clays ; . 'Wawanosh, 52,356, . 2, MITCHELL WILLY-LSUBMIT ITY-
069 days ; ' . Wawanosh, $900, 1,900 10R0 -ELECTRIC BY-LAW.
days. i' At a meeting of the 'conned, on
Monday . evening it was: decided 'to
OFFERED 'POSITION. W subm'i't a bylaw to the electors. for
Mr. H. Ef1'ber of Crediton ,nem- the purpose of •bringingg the hy'dro-
'ber of the Ontario Legislative As- elec tic power to Mitchell. The
sembly 'for South 'Huron, has been
offered the position of Provincial
elusive 'of the .• amounts spent •by:
the County .Council' and the • town
and village 'councils, for the .: year
1908, amounted' to $68,940, ` while
a of the village. --Dungannon News.
t On looking over our subscription
e list we find a number of subscrsb,-
d ere, .good' Men a'tthat, who owe us
•from:one to live dollars. Now they
could all pay if they .took the &no-
Jion. Let an insatiable -•desire ;.to
pay up seise every one of them.'
3,980 days , 'Hay, $4,082, 3,798 days ;
Howick, $7,349,. 408 'days;' Hullett,;
$7,054, 2,792 days ; 'McKillop, $3,399,
3,400 days ,,'Morris., $6 949, 3,181 days
Our Specia.-.
For Cash—next Saturday and following week
Will be Coal Heaters
No. i 14 Famous Royal base burners, reg $40 for 36.50
reg 33 for 29.5o
" • reg 40 for 3,.50
with oven• 'reg 45 for 42,50
" reg 2 1. foal'', 1.9 00
2 No. 113 •`
1 No. 5 Radiant Home
No. 5
1 Fairy
• We have a number ofSeeond-Hand Heaters
at a big redaction"
Furnaces & Plumbing a Specialty--
Harland Bros.
STOVES AND Witt li7til'AH .
• voting will take place early in No-
` irember. Sebringville -wants 100
power and 'Mitchell. will be .asked
to take 200 horse power. Under
'€he: new system our town • would
save hundreds of dollars a year.
It is a 'boon that the • ratepayers.
should not allow to; pass. -Mitchell
Advociate, .
Spine a one says -that : th er can
ger Of rabies in the bite of a skunk ;
but then a 7 aan who gets ,uear en-
ough .A to 'a skunk for, the animal to
bite"him isntt likely to care much
what happens afterward.
' .'More and More of the dogs about
town are seen. every: week tnuzzle-
The teen you see these clays with
the inverted smile are either blind
pool victims or coal dealers fearing
the non -arrival of winter.
If the street committee were to
repair some of• the gulleys in the
cement 'walks there would be .less
profanity from those who stub
• their toes, and more favorable com
went on he part of visitora•to our,
Next Monday is a holiday. .It be.
ing Thanksgiving Day. . '
.A. running: _account' •is hard to
.catch.' .
When angry write a letter --and
mail it tomorrow.
Many new subscribers have been
added to our fist during the past
mnon'th. This week We are offering
a still 'bigger cut in the price.
which should increase it still more
$1.00 when paid in advance, will se-
cure this 'family paper to Jan. lst,
1912. Now is the time to become a
subscriber. •
G.A., Dungannon, -Qu, --A neigh=
bor 'borrowed a blcycle"fromi ane,
promising to pay(for the use of It,
wadi to'bringAt back in as good eon-
di'tion as 'it was. When he brought
it back 1 found that the tires had
been punctured. The repairer said
the old tires were nogood and that
I would have to buy. nett' ones,
which will cost ;roe 55. Can I .com.1.
pel him to pay this bill?
Ans.-Yours is a Very simple
question. You can cue your neigh-
bor for the damage g to your Wheel.
iing'tet hejordinary sway n be
Tuesday Nov 1—Fern; stock im-
plemen'ts, grain, roots,'etc, lot 12,
con 12, gulled, at 12.30 o'eloek, sale
without reserve.-- Nath. Sunder.
cock, proprietor, .Thos. Gundry,
Tuesday, Noir, 8th-•-. Parm stock,
implements, etc., lot 36, eon, 8, Base
Line, /lulled, sale without reserve,'
r r
o tie
'o to
p r 'Til
Gundry, auctioneer. . Oman
Priday, Oct,.28th—At O. Holland's
farm, Ilolmesvilie, auction sale of
horses, colts, cows, and young cat-
tle, 12 Irnonths credit .at 5 per
cent. interest. G. Holland and W,
Connell, proprietors, Thos. Gundry
Messrs. Ed. Johnson, Murray Mc -
Ewan, ' Harry Holden and J. Hales
of Clinton, and C. Elliott and X.
Johnson, has
o an oft s
i iformed
hunting. party this
onpceFriday and hied
themsellves to Jake Reids. '<swamp.
After spending a very enjoyable
day in search of rabbits they reach-
ed 'the village in the evening with
a few of. 'them, According to re-
ports circulated• one of the Clinton
party, +who, •apparently' has had
more experience checker playing
than rabbit hunting, had a 'very
adventurous day of it. Sometime
during the afternoon, it seems,
this roan after he was initiated in
all the tricks of rabbit hunting that
'morning seperated himself from
his companions and ' disappeared
probably. on the trail of a rabbit
Brushing' aside' the branches, jumpp-
ing over logs,liatening to the
drumining of he the and the
yelping of the hounds, rejoicing in
the thought of returning to his
mates with a bag of game and
still burying 'himself` deeper in the
Woods this 'fellow trudged onward
until 'fatignedfrom; his recent ex-
ertions. He tried to retrace his
steps but couldin't; He was lost, He
then yeld out;
at the top of his voice, which star, -
tied his hearers as it resembled an
Indian war whoop or the howl of
the Gorilla In darkest Africa. His
friends, however, answered him
and stillp
n keeping k in u shouts h
allo d'p g
f we in'the direction of their
sounds and finally he rejoined
them and thereby hangs a hunting
in 'the evening Mr. Ed. Johnson,
who is a brother of our harness -
maker, tried conelusions With Dr.
Bice, the veteran checker player
Having bought out the stock
of B, Hill, I have added a,
' large stock of groceries, etc.,
and am prepared to sell as
cheap as in town'
Will take any quantify of Suttee
and Eggs, at highest market
price, cash or trade,
A Cali is Solicited.
croons delive .red to any part . oY
W.� Smyth
The Provincial Board of `Health
will give a7 free exhibition of Tub-
erculosis apparatus for its treat-
ment, prevention and cure begin-
ning en Tuesday the lst of Novena-
ber and lasting the remainder of
the week in the Council. Chamber.
'Lec'ture 'will be given each evening
in the Town Hall accompanied by
lantern slides.
You can't `build up abusiness with
out the confidezice o f the public,.
You can't get that confidence if
your advertising misrepresents.
Don't be backward in handing in
Items of news and personals.
There's a letter pocket in the New
Era office door so that those who
may be bashful about corning in, or
atter hours when the door is lock-
ed can, drop the slip of paper in
with the. news item. Don't over-
look adding your signature, So that
we !nay( know it is genuine,
In looking for a,separate item we
overlooked . the • following item,
which has been sent us .frons the
Signal. We publish it to show.that
no hard 'feelings exist. It'was our
'"The Clinton ,Brigade arrived
about 11.30, having 'commandeer
ed" a freight train that was on the
way, and the Stratford brigade
came up on ' the midnight train.
The Clinton Men Maid 'their hose
and •' the Stratford men relieved the
local 'fighters for a while.. Their
loyal- response to the call for as-
sistance is much appreciated by the
people of Goderich,'but itis hoped
that their 'will never be any _oc-
casion to reciprocate."
How :does the new lighting sys-
tem suit you. ? It suits us fine.
thank you.'
• bast .Friday and . 'Saturday was
a 'decided change in . the weather
from 'which we.have been enjoying,,
Thanksgiving 'Day next Monday,
Post office wicket will be open the
usual holiday hours, . ,
Read the advertisements in this
The school ma'ams have come'
and gone. A few of the ladies had
our little poem, off by' heart, at the
At' home, .' :r
Once again the Clinton Collegiate
•Institute is represented'by a foot-
ball in.a contest for the Hough
Cup, which for the past two sea-
sons has been and:'is still held,+by
the brawny .pigskin chasers ..of
'Listowel. During the past couple.
of weeks the teams.. of'Seaforth, and •
Winghare made a •desperate effort.
'to capture the Trophy, but in vain,
and on either 'Thanksgivjng• Day
'October 31st, or Saturday,. Novem
ber 5th; `locals go to the Northern
town and in a: sudden death game,
,clash in. final .combat.. The Clinton'
boy's were never in abetter 'shape,
' each. and everyone is eager • for
the tattle, they are Also confident
of lifting the Cup, and we are sure
that tile 'good wishes of each and
every loyal citizen of this . . place
goes +w'ilth the 'boys for success.
S. S. Association
of the Diocese of
Important Meeting. Will be Held.
in •London.on Thanksgiving Hay
Thanksgiving .Day :will be anim'
Portant date in the history of Sun-.
day .School work in the. Diocese of
Huron. .On that day, Oct. 31, when
will have the ad
_vantage f cheap fares on the rail-
roads, the
ail-roads,the first. annual meeting of
the new Sunday School Association
of the Diocese, of Huron Will be
held in the Cronyn Hall, London, at
11.30 a.m. This association will
have charge of the Sunday School
work of the 'diocese. Its member-
ship is composed of 'the bishop, ex-
officio president,- the clergy; and
the Sunday School teachers and of-
ficers of the various parishes, Each
parish is expected to send a dele-
gation to the annual meeting, at
which the association will be duly
organized. Branch assoeia'tions
throughout the 'diocese will be
formed, and the work of the atilt,-
ssodation and its branches reaped out.
The programme.
Papers and addresses will be giv-
en at the afternoon session,, of chief
interest being .an address by Rev.
R,. A.' Hiltz, M.A., general secretary
for Sunday Schools in the Domin-
ion; a paper on the irnportant sub -
tea of "Nornini Training for Sun-'
day School Teachers," will; be giv-
en by Dr, Silcox principal . of the
Stratford Normal School. •Canon
Hague will .speak. on "The Prayer
Book bathe Sunday School," "Con-
ditions of Success in Sunday
Schools" will be treated by Bev.
Rural Dean Gnnne, and "'Phe Boy
Scouts and Sunday Schools" wilt
form the subjeet'•01 u'n interesting
paper 'bre Itev. Rural Dean Wallace
of Woodstock. A billet discussion
will follow each subject.
Promptly at. 4.30 pin., the meet-
ing will close to enable all die?e-.
gates to rettdrn the same ,day.
()Moho te'ltl , IAtO«'
If Marion Crawford
is Right !
WE are truly making "Business," The
famous author says: "Business is
the Art of Creating Values," tersely said,
is it not? We have for our customers
not only "value' but exceptional value in
a box of Writing Paper. Ten styles of
beautifully covered boxes, each contain. -
'Mg zo sheets of paper and 20 envelopes,
The quality is linen finish and the shape
modern, People who . have seen them
judge theprice t0 be 25c. We are ask -
mg you 15c,
THE WeD. Fair eo.
Of the Central Business College
of Toronto contains some special •
guarantees of very great inter- •
est to students who desire to at- •
tend a first•clars reliable school. •
You are' invited to write for it. •
Address •
W. ilii+. SHAW, President ,•
295 Ynnge St., Tiiron o
Win. Johnston, and family have.
moved to Goderieh, where he ..has
been enployedi for 'the past weeks.
Last Monday evening'xn • Willis
Church, 'Rev. W. 'G. Hanna, B. A.,
associate secretary• of the Lord's
Pay Alliance, of Canada addressed
a large audience on the Lord's'Day
Act etc. His, address was enjoyed
.by: all, Rev. Mr. 'Hanna is another
Huron Old Boy 'tbat has made a
mark in.'the World.
The Central.Saskatchewan
teachers convention. held; Indian
Head, on Oct; 13th and 14th, was
the most suecessfui'in point'of at-
tendance and entbusiand of any
yet held. Principal Perrett, of the
'Etegina Normal School gavea public
address in the evening in the opera
house on "Edneation System" Ad-
dresses and papers 'were given on
the various subject; of the currieu
lumrby Inspecttor .Branson, Presi-
dent Stevenson, and Misses Mc-
Kenzie, Etagls and Stewart: The
officers . elected' for the corning
year. were; 'President,. 3; Houston,
'M.: A., - Wolseley; vice-president;
Miss McKenzie,. Moffatt; Secret-
ary, Kr. ..E.'Jervis; of Sintaluta, It,
was 'decided to hold the next sono
al cOn rention in Qu'Appelle. —Mr.
Houston, mentioned above is well-
known to 'the readers of the New
rru and; Mr. Servis is a former Gode
If you purposeattending our echool,this
winter you should register .Noy. lst. . Spend
two months with us this term. Students are
entering each week. We .have; three de.
Commercial, Shorthand and
'Our Courses. are Practical. tenehers are
experienced and Our graduates succeed. The
demand upon ns for help exceeds the sup-
ply. Write for our free Catalogue.. ,
D. A. McLachlin
rich Township 'boy.
A number of renewal subscrip-
tions to The NeW Bra have been re-.
ceived of late, in which neither
name nor address was given. Such
-sibscriptions cannot be accounted
and When we go over our billings
list the next time; some of these
persons Will be bailed again for
their subscription. See the trouble.
Your name and address in every:
case Must be 'given in order to a-
void. such annoyances as this.
.l on't forget to send your
and address when renewing your;
subscription. , Renewal subscript •
ions are now in order and they,
Are you following the 'crowds to:
Wonderland, a good program on
every night.
Bengough 'tom'es' on Friday Nov.
4th, Besure and attend and hear
his lecture,
Purse-foixnd•, May be hadat the
New Era office by provingpropertyl
and paying for this local. -
• What about the work ori the road
up . "Vinegar Hill"? 'It should be
started before the bad Weather sets
to : the 1st of .Nov: only
commencing Thursday,
October. 13th:
2i lbs Soda Biscuits, reg 25o..20e
2i reg 30c. for..25c
7 bars CouifortSoap 25e
3 pkg 1Oc size Amntonia..•25c
6 pkg 5c size Ammonia 25a.
hie Naptha Powder . 3c:' .:
100 pkg best cornstarch 4 for 25c
2')e: M. L. :Salmon 18c
30c Gallon Apples 25c
4 bottles pure .Extracts 25e
3. cans'Tomatoee .. 25c
3 cans Corn ..... 25c
3 cans Peas 25e.
50c Brooms for ` ....... ...... .
30c 'Black or Mixed Tea 25c
300 Japan Tea ' ' 25c
I lb Baking Powder'best'lOc
Jar Baking Powder reg 25c20c
3 pkg Corn Flakes 25e
Nutmegs per dot . ,'50
25e pkg Quaker Oatmeal 20c
3 pkg I0c size Cooker Oatineal25o
9 Ib Oatmeal • 260
40e White Wine V•iuegar, gal 30c
40a Cider .Vinegar. per gal25c
20 Ib pail pure Lard , •.: $3.40
Produce at Highest Price
B. A. Mclwen
Groceries. and China
The Pee�1eSs �h..0
Avery moderate -priced Shoe for Ladies.
4. It is made of a. choke selection of Don-
gola Kid, with patent tip, Cuban heel,
+ medium sole, the ynewest shapes,
' , is
4. 4.
and the price is
: Only 2.25.
+ Call and have a took, even if you don't buy.
Our General Stock is Large
and Complete,
n. Small shoes for the little chaps
• Strong Shoes' for the sturdy' boys
Stylish Shoes for their fathers
. Dainty Shoes for the little girls and misses.
Elegant Shoes for their mothers.
• Gloed Shoes. and Low Pric�
for E'very'one,
Repairs While You -Wait.
. y )