The Clinton New Era, 1910-10-20, Page 37
°99'f-1** s'tote. •
The Hind Yeti. Have. Always Bought, and. which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
..r and has been made under his per-
sonal Supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Ail C,ountcrfoit:s, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with, and endanger the health of
Infants and Children -F perience. against Experiment.
What is GASTO R IA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its buarantco. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures. Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and. natural bleep.,
The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The find Yoe �aYe Always Bougftt
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tit*. of 'Paiarkee of 'Wild•s
Pince its eieation in 1041.
At the time or his aeceselon,King
EdrWard resigned his Membership
of *II clu s to 'which he belong-
ed, 'bu=t x etained 'his right of veto-'
, ing any election to the Max ibor
ough club. -
Another Nonth Will See Things
Parliament will assemble on
Thursday, Nov. 17. The date was
decided upon at a meeting of the
Cabinet Council Oct. 13th.
"'The coming session is ex
to be of more than ordinary inter-
est, in that there is the pose,ibility
that it will be the last before an-
other The Op-
general election.
position, there 'fore,. May be expect
ed to Make the most of the chances'
they will have to embarass the ad-
'ministration. The Government is I
weaker numerically thee • it has
been since 1896, its majority occas-
ionally falling below 20.
What will lend especial 'sterest
to the 'coming conflict of parties is
the situation in Quebec. Whereas jyIany 'girls have great trouble to
a year ago. there was a small out keep their lowcut shoes andpumps
break on the part of F. Col. on - from slipping off at the heel. A.
the 'Conservative side andnd Col. 'Mc- remedyfor 'this can be found by
Lean on the Liberal aid's over the havinvery narrow waxed tape
f ttheir several par- ,
ties, the outbreak has gr w t of the shoe and tied under the
larger .proportions in the Govern- rosette or buckle at the 'front. •
menu party. The Bourassa cam-
paign in Quebec .is now of a more
serious character, while other in- It is'predicted that brown and
cidents which occured lately have black furs 'will bet the favorities for
-, caused' the English-speaking sup- . the winter. These rich dark color -
porters of the Government to look legs are much more generally 'be -
with suspicion upon its actions. coming 'than the cold greys of the
The government legislation will silver 'fox, squirrel or astrakhan.
not involve much discussion, the The 'white furs are always pretty,
most.important being the revision but are often trying in the ex-
Of the 'bank act, which was sent 'tsetse,
over from last session. 'The ' min- --
is'try hopes to have a short session,
in view of the imperial conference The 'touch of 'black which has
in May and the coronation in'June, 'been. so popular "all 'summer will,
both of which Sir Wilfrid Laurier continue to 'be a 'feature of the fall.
willa'ttend'.. The flatt pump boW, with often a
already announced, Hon. Mr. jabot of lace. beneath, is a becom-
Templeman will introduce a bill ing 'fiuish for the Dutch collar or
providing for more adequate Gov- the 'standing 'collar. A black'tie
--- ernment supervision of the mann awes a smart touch• 'to colored
facture and •sale of explosives, frocks and a crisp little black tie
The outlines of this. bill were an- with dangling .jet earrings and a
nounced at the recent conference big black hat makes a most fetch -
of provincial representatives" here ing picture. •
'to consider the matter. - .---
Whether or not the long-deferr
ed question of the extension of the Skin Suffet'er. Says
boundaries of 'Manitoba, Ontario
and Quebec will come up 'for final
action this session will depend
largely on the attitude of 'Mani-
Zzm-I3uk is the. I1nest form Of "in
Waage" for all 'workers. Its aOti-
selitic power is so great that no
'unease germ' can live in ft; and if
immed�ietely applied to a wore or in
levy, or diseased patch, all danger
of 'blood-poieaning is averted.
Being :composed of pure vegetab-
le essences, Zam-Buk is an ideal
balm for babies and Young 'child-
ren and mothers Will find it far
superior 'to the ordinary salves,
eomle'of which contain harmful min
era* poisons, rancid animal fats,etc.
'Za'm-Buk is a inure tote 'for ulcers
abscesses, eczema, ringworm,' blood
poison, scalp sores, chapped hands
cold sores, inflamed' patches, • . bad
leg, varicose veins and ulcers, piles
cuts,' burns, bruises, and all skin dis
ease and injuries. Sold by all dru-
ggists and storekeepers at 50e. a
box; 3 for $1.25. Poet free from
Zana-Buk 'Co., Toronto, for price.
Avoid 'harmful'Irni'tations and su b-
Often the unbecomingness Of
dead 'white to. the woman with a
sallow complexion is offset by a
small bow of black Velvet or satin
at the throat
naval policies o run through the binding at the top
o n o
Olt. *
iMtlretlt olrearttee
Me. G.
yW..ire and 11 Its, MND 1x4,
M. . �•M Lakeally 40.
/So. g.. The Talents, ilia acnr, lis I
G T, Matt, xzv, 21.
1+10. L Jwkccoeat or Natleos,. Matt.
xxi, $1,46. G. T., Matt. axe, 40.
We must keep before er 6s ell' these
studies in Matthew that we ere cora!-
aidering issue as the Hug ce t s
Jews. As each. He wes born. and as
such He was crucified me: xxvn, sm.
He !a mentioned b chapter i. i. as *13011
of David, Leon of Abrabam," and we •
need to .remember the unconditional:
promisee to both, all of which shallbe'
fulfilled In due time. There are many
who see In Jeans only a Saviour by
wbom they may reset heaven when
they have to die. but such is not the
reveiatioq or Him in the Scriptures.
13e is the King of kings' and Ford of
lords, the prince of the king of the
earth, before whom all lidera shalt fan
down and whom all nations' shall serve
(I Tim. vi, 15; Rev.,•xvli, 14; wiz. 143;
1, b; Ps. *axil. 11).. The kingdom. which
is to include alt nations. with Israel •
as a righteous nation at the center:
was plainly and roily revealed in the'
Old Testament and wes preached by
Jobs and Jesus and the twelve and
the seventy as at hand. That the Mes-
siah of lsreei should suffer before He'
should• reign was also pltdaly. stated
and typified In the lives of Joeepb.
Moses. David and others, but that a'
long period,' an age, should intervene
between the sufferings and the glory
was not revealed is the Old Testa-.
merit. This is the mystery kept secret
since the world began which was spe-
cially revealed to Paul (Rom. xvi, 23,
26; Epb. iii. 1-11: Clot i. 26, 27). .
When Peter, by the Spirit of God,
confessed Jesus as the Christ, the Boa
of God, thee Jesus for the first time
spoke of Hua church which Be would '
''build on that foundation truth. But
Peter. not understanding the Scrip-
tures not the purpose of God. rebelled
at the tbooght of Jesus' sufferings.
Then our Lord taught that all disciples
must be willing to suffer with Him,
but that there would surety be a re-
ward and tbat, though 13e and His
fenowers were for a time to be con-
tent `o suffer, the kingdom would sure-
ly come as shadowed forth in the
great event of the transfiguration.
With such. a kingdom before us, made
sure to no by a risen and glorified
Chri an_d: having been, made partak-
ers of it by His great sufferings for
us, by Which we base the focglveness
of • sins, we' s�ouid walk Worthy. o ,
such a kingdom. freely forgiving every-
one and by fasting and prayer over-
coming the devil. As He steadfastly
set His face toward Jerusalem.. know-
ing all that awaited Him tbere. eo•we.
His followers. must be' steadfast. un-
movable, always abounding in the
work. of the Lord (I Cor. xv, 58t. We
must let His love constrain ns to ac-
cept any • manner of service gladly. not
for reward, but in res! gratitude to
Him. ,quite certain. that the Judge of
all • the earth will : always 'do right:
We -Should-beeinsplred byetbe-tissue
once that as truly • es all the Scrip-
tures coneeraing 1319 bamiriatian were
�"-- h• niers**, fnt8l3ed, evon, to Sls. riding.
Will Never Know. «�,, .P ate� se literally. will, all
moor-lt 1a better to be rlgM co�•1"" n8 His glory
Bristle brushes if Merely dusty
tan be cleaned in cornmeal.
Table napkins and 'tablecloths
'should' never be starched.
A small broom made of stiff wire
4s convenient 'in' cleaningaskillets.
Before •'chopping parsley wash it
•'sell, and, then squeeze dry glade
1(f a. curry is ['nude
of cooked'mea't
:nll �_
A weak alum) baith is 'go'o'd 'for -'ten
•der 'feet which suffer'in sum'mer-
The beet scrubbing brush 'tor por
'rhes is Made by elahnping a scrub-
bing brush in a ramp beadle.
- °--0-- r
A 'few drops of am) nonte fie; a cup
ful of warm. water applied to paint
lugs will remove spats.
o -o--
Baked 'beets' served 'with a little
Melted butter sauce, salt and' pep-
per 'make • a delicious vege'tab'le
- -o--
When making soup, allow one
quart of cold water to every pound
of meat.
One housekeeper utilizes ` . her
`ho'twatex bag for bread raising.
Set the pan on the filled 'bag and
ea vet ligl•.tly.
If you have a sauce of cauliflow-
ex left over, 'boil two or three provinces can come to an agree -
large onions cut es cauliflower m1en't with each other on the quest -
fobs and Ontario. If these two
"If I Had Only Known,"
"fI'I had only known how quick-
ly Eczema can be cured, what *long
years of awful suffering 'ft would
onions 'together.. an serve 'with a ion of 'the territory to 'be annex-' have saved me," writes F. A. Will,
cream 'gravey.. ed, and if the Roblin GoVernmerit of.2506 Washington St.,San Frau-
--o--' will meet the federal Government clew. . • '
Bananas put through ' a sieve, in any reasonable compromise on • This after 40 years of suffering
swee't'ened with a little confection the question of'financial terms as and after using less than one bot-
er's sugar and flavored' vertu, a tea- intimated by Sir Wilfrid Laurier tie of the Oil of Wintergreen -Thy -
spoon of lemon juice, make a good last July in' Winnipeg, there will; be tmol D. D. D. 'Prescri'p'tion.
accompaniment to cream of 'wheat. nothing to prevent the boundary 'Try at least a trial 'bottle. Write
--o-- extensions from. going through for 'it to -day to the D. D.D. Lab -
Soap clothes in 'warm* water the this session. • oratories, Dept. N. E. 49 Colborne,
night previous to washing, for it Questions of transportation will street, • Toronto. To our certain
facilitates the operation, and' gess- 1 bulk large on the sessional 'knowledge D D. D. P£escription
ens 'flue rub -be g required. " b
ail%- 'T iF"e, wi1T`�includte�tlie��.aiay s gives instant-relle-a - sol --
--0-- uestion of the government's sol- lite relief of ten :seconds
Apple 'bu'ttei' •made 'from • apple icy in regard to the ' construction ' For sale by all druggists. '
pulp. -Run .'the apple pulp through and' operation of the Hudson Bay
a 'sieve .and add sugar and spices to • Railway, the deepening of the Wel •
taste. Boil thirty ;minutes slowly. land Canal, the carrying out of the
Government's policy of. construct -
TO protect your stationer parasols ing a thirty-five foot channel in
place 'there in a bag of unbleached the St. Lawrence up to."Montreal,
muslin 'Which has adrawing-string and provision for the proposed in -
at the top ; hang up till spring. • 'ternational tribunal for control 01
--0-r railway rates on international trat
When there is any difficulty a- fie,
bout threading the machine needle,
lay a piece of 'white paper; against I
the eye and it velli be plainly seen. HE PEAKED
Hiccough, however bad', Is .cured.=
by an'in'fusionof spearm'intt In boil-
ing a. dose
ing 'water, ,ef this also
relieves flatulence and the giddi-
ness Of indiges4 ion
-_o_- '• •
Pesten'l erily at the' centre of
back, (tape or ribbon, 'which is run
through ; beading. 'in' • underwear.
This keep§ It flora' being pulled out
or lost entirely. 'in laundering. -
'•Some Curious Facts About Present
and 'Paa't Monarchs.
The king has officially no sur-
The sovereign pays no rates or
King George 'has never been in
itiated. as a Freemason.
No one proposes for a hand of _
-royal princess in mnarriage. King George was the twelfth • good as ever, A' balm which can
Royal warrant holders have to holder o'f the title of Duke of York' do this should, be in every 'working
-pay no tax for the use of the roy-, and'the eighteenth holder of the man's home."
al semis.
The queen. never.
her 'husband. to the
of a'bachelor.
The king pays, 'front his privy
purse, for 'both his special trains
and 'his theatre tickets.
Finger -glasses • are never placed melted a,little Zam-Buk, and ran
But Zam-Buk saved his thumb.
Once. again. 'a 'case '1isrepor'ted in
which'the popular - Zam-Buk has
saved a worker- from 'the terrible 1
effects of 'blood -poisoning. Mr.
Alfred Hy. Orth, ` of Shipley, Ont.,
Says; -"While at work I had the
misfo:'tune to run a rusty nail un-
der my thum'b nail to the depth of
about one and a half inches. The,
pain was it:rrible and what I fear-
ed was that the nail being so dirty
and rusty would set up 'festering
and blood -poison. I knew from
previous experience how .good Z m
Buk was, soI cleaned the thumb,
on 'the 'dinner table when members 1 it into th ewound..,The result was
of the •royal family, are present., • wonderful! It soothed' the pain
The king's 'motor 'cars carry no
number and his chauffeurs are not
amenable for exceeding the speed
an dthe thumb actually did not
swell. Zam-Buk kepi away all in-
i<lamma'tion. I was able to 'go.
on with nn'y Work all the time, and
ina few 'days tt'he• tht*nb 'was as
All we ask is' for you to let us buy a . 50 -cent bottle of
-Psychine (p ronounced Si -keen) from your druggist
and give it to you free to try.
Business & Shorthand,
Resident and Man Courses
Cat l.sw nes
I. W. War t, W. W h
Faineant Vies-Priathei.
Before placing your orders for
supply of Coal, get
your season a PP y ,
our prices. The very best goods
carried in atohk and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Orders. may be left at Davis
& •Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,.
1!t Ei.etrlc Light Vicat.
An Extra Pair of
Most men can find good use for an•
other set of Troinfel i..
1 They fit ip fine with that eclat and
vest that are still about as good as new
LET VS show you some of the
newest things itq Trouserings...
Have aa_ppl__endid selection of exactly
Correct FANCIES that will appeal to
any man's good tate.
We are selling these at $4.150 up
'They vein give good service, last
long, and look right all the time.
IF YOU can use a pair, take a look
6. W. Bare. & Co
Merchant Tailors
Agents for British American Dyeing
and Gleaning Co.. Montreal.
The undersigned. has a quantity of
choice Cedar Posts for sale.
teat fe verities
than president Ashley -How do you be fulfilled. Therefore we ebould
rely, upon Bim to. keep .these temples
ofour bodies 'wholly for Himself.
cleansed by Hie word and Spirit. that ,
He may beer through as the fruit Re..
desires lo .His glory,,
All that we m=iry have to bear for
> ,•will from un$rabetul, nnreasen-
able an ems' `cif cruel people should be
accepted as• the necessary pruning of
•rhe branches in order to the bearing of
.more and better fruit unto Him: The
flesh to tobe reckoned dead. andwe.
are to five in the Spirit, walk in . the
Spirit satid be led by .the Spirit, and
thus 'show forth' Hie praises. Being
made ready for His call either to be
absent from the body or to be caught
npin the body et His coming for His
saints by His righteousness freely
given to no, may •the Spirit so 011 us.
tbat onr ltght may so shine' before
men that they may glorify, our. Father.
know? You've never been either and
sever will bee-C.hkago News.
the fight, begins within hinted*
e van's wcirth somethug;e
$1001Reward, $10o.
The readers of this paper will be
pleasedto learn that there' is at least
one dreaded disease -that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Jure
is the only positive cure now known to.
the medical. fraternity. Catarrh being
a .constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Oat
arrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the systeua, thereby. des-
troying the foundation of the disease,
and giving, the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assist-
ing nature in doing its _ work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any casethat 'it
fails to cure. Send for. list oftesti-
Address: F. J. CHENEY & OO.,Toledo.
Sold by. Druggists, 75c. •
Take Hall's Family Pills for coneti
It has only been within, recent we have received hnhdreda of manes of thew D0 -cent bottles .of Pay -
years that we have come to really thousands of unsolicited testimoolals. Week Voice chAnd we do that to show our entire
know about the white corpuscles. of All due to this marvellous power of confidence in this wonderful prepare,
the blood or the phagocytes and what strengthening and Increasing, the white tion
function is.
e are the diseases
scavengers of the body. ment'of which Psychine IS indicated.
Devouring every disease berm that , . Here are the thousand
of which Pay
enters the body when they are strong chine has cured many thousd cases:
enough or in sufficient numbers. r• . Bronchial Coughs being devoured in turn by these • 1* Orlppe
disease germs when inferlol; in Bronchitis weak Lungs • .
strength. - gore •
Throat iSpring Weakness
It has only been within the last fest Ansonia ,atony Deolino
years that aoientiste have found out Female weer/woe Cetatrha1Af1 Ctiem,
that certain herbs strengthen and 4n• Indigestion • catarrh 01 stomach
crease these white corpuscles, or bodily Poor Appetite Might Sweats
scavengers. Chills and Peters obstinate Coughs
Sleeplessness and laryngitis and
of the blood. A oonfldenoe tbat has been based on
rIhat they are the policemen or HetIn the treat- our 80 years' experience with this'
And these liertf#= , largely compose
Pr thirty; years Psychine has been
strengthening and Increasing the white
corpuscles of the blood.
For thirty years 'Psychine bat been
building up Tun -down vitality, Curing•
=any of apparently hopeletaa diseases.
We have sold ,nillinns of bottles of
,bate int s
>>Itatlds. • •
Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia
After-effects' of Pleurisy, Pneumonia
La Grippe.
splendid preparation, with a full n
ledge of the,hundred5 of thousands of
cures it has made.'
~- COUPON No. lot. !
To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Ltd.
193.195 Spadine Ave.. Toronto. •
1 accept your offer to try a Me bottle
of Peyohlno (pronounced Si -keen) ab
Yyour expense. I have not had a 600
beide of Psychine under thte ppl�an.
Kindly advise my druggist to deuver
this bottle to mt.
My Natno
'word• B reel, ails Nui>Xbei•..• ...:.:.....,...•
how, we don't ask. you to take our .
for • the tremendously 'beneficial My Druggist's Name
f P shine Fill out the coupon
n sy , • Streot and Number
bel mail it to us and We'll give i
forof Psychine if presented to t druggist
*etas order (tbr whish Ire ; rbisconponIsnotgoodtor hta bottle
pay h n the. regular retail price) a •-1t must be sent us-wo will then uy
50 -den bettle of Psychine to be given the aoe. bottto 0f PAyohino from your
you free of wilt. druggist and direct him to deliver it to
sy0hitte in that time.
..,• r, yon. This offer may bo withdrawn at
1 undoubtedly buy and distrl. any, time Without nytlee. Send coupon
of thou, 'We will
have • cured hundreds this nnarlf4
your drugtt
Casson i .--Fourth. Quarter, For
Oct. 23, 1910.
to. ay.
er 'hundreds b1 thou. ,•.----•--mow
isxt of tee .Leeson, Comprehensive .
Quartee4y Review - Golden . Text.
Lune tx, G1-CommetttsrY Prewired
by tiles. D. M. Stearns..
An the reviews thus far ,this year
have nal' coma at or near the end of
the quarter. 1 feel led to do with this.
as with the last retrieve and give the
lessons and Golden Texts and then, a
summary of . the teaching as probably
the most proittabte way to handle the
fourteen lessons.
Third quarter:
No. 3. Peter's t7onfesslonr Matt xvi. •
13-28. G. T., Matt. xvi, 16.
No. 4. Tho TranB lgurntion. Matt.
xtrit, 14„ 14-20. G. T., Matt. xvii, 5.
No. 5. t tglvene s, Matt Sohl, 21-
35. G. T., Matt. v1,14.
No. 6. On to Jerusalem. Matt. xixel,
2, 13-28. G. T., Matt. Iia. 14.
No. 7. The Laborers; :Matt. xx, 1-16.
G. T., Matt. xis. 8O.
No: & Nearing Jerusalem, Matt xx,
17.34.. G. T., Matt. xi. 28.
No. 0. Entering Jerusalem, Matt xxl,
1-17. O. T.. Matt. sal, O.
No. 10. Wicked Servants. Moth aai.
83-46, G. T.. Matt ail. 43, •
NO. 31. Marriage *?`east. Matt axil,
l 1-14. G. T., Matt. xxii,;14.
No. 12. Three •f)ueetlons, Matt. 1,
! Gt. Mat .,' !!.Ii..., .,•-wwritarn
Carving Meat.
To successfully carve meat one
know how to control the knife. Whet
carving a slice of inert. after the first
incision hits been made the angle at
which the knife is .beldam nel be ver
altered or a jagged
result. .
. The cut ebon)i be direct, sharp and'
incisive. � sawlike motion should
not enter into the operation.
As a rifle the •knife . should be bell
firmly. but applied tightly. so tbat too
mucb juice will .not be squeezed outo
from the, meat By using the point
the knife llghdy as a wedge and the
fork as a lever even . a big fowl May
be easily jointed. provided the carver
1s swore of how the joint is exactly.
situated and held together.
Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping
butter -the bestsheet on the market, = in. packages,
not printed
500 Sheets for 50c. 200 Sheets for 250
Better Still
Have your name, farm and post -office neatly printed
and make a reputation for your product. We use.
only special butter paper ink, guaranteed not to run
or to injure the butter.
-1000 for $1.75. 2000 tor $3.00 -55000 for $7,00
Wrap your butter, and get two, cents per pound
more than if unwrapped..
We also would be. pleased to supply you with printed
Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements,
Envelopes W-edding-=Invitations-oto-Finnouncements „
Posters; Circulars, Catalogues, Calling Cards, in .
fact anything in the printing line you may require.
ire C limon New Ira
Invest 25 cents in a box of
Davis'oMenthol Salve (`, The
D. & L.") and be prepared for
a hundred ailments, which may
not be dangerous but axe very
annoying and painful, like neu-
ralgia, earache, sprains, burns,
bruiks,znsect stings, cuts, piles,
etc. -'It is a household remedy
always useful for some trouble,
and should be kept in the
family medicine closet.
Prepared from the grease
of the Canadian Bear.
Delicately perfumed.
r'v/� 'C'.
• Ali Dealers boa per 7•
Davit & ZAwrtnee Co., Montreal.
'The Standard Pomade
lor 40 Years.
S.. -C, Rathw.ell
•• Shoes
C. ' Hoare
Men's Shoes
for Fall
53, $3.50, $4, .$4.50
and $5.00
For style, comfort and due
' • •`
ability, the flew lineswe are
showing• for Fall, are won-
We are sole agents in
Clinton for the
Derby Shoe for Men
' : There is good shoemaking in
the ' Derby' that will suit the
require g ents of the most par-
ticular. See our window. .
Try us for . Repairin .
S. C. Rathwell
44 Reliable Footwear for
all the family.
Music! Music!
The Iong winter evenings
are coming, Nothing like
music to make them pass
quickly. In bur Sheet Music
Department, 'you will find
latest songsen
d instrument
ale. -
What about that
you were thinking of buying
this Fall? We are ogents for
Karn -Morris
Sherlock & Manning
Come in and look them over.
C.. Hoare
Your Dollar Does its Duty
+•4••444.1+•4'•+•+•+•4••+•+ •+•••4••4.444+•+• 44+44' •444•+A
Stook Guaranteed not to Fade
Workmanship of the Best
FriceS• Reasonable.
Prompt Delivery
J. D�IQ-