The Clinton New Era, 1910-10-13, Page 8.t, L TO CIMS RAM J.ngiish Friday and Saturday' we place ont sale so pieces English Prints in light and dark colors, regular 102, i ?i c and 15c per yard, at one price 8c yard, Come early as possible for these, All Pare Wool Dress .C1oods Saturday soc Yard Saturday we will Show the finest range of all pure wool. Dress Coeds in Venetians, ,Panamas, Box Cloths, Cashmeres, plain and striped Serges, Tweeds and Wale Worsted effects, in black, blue, red, brown, grey, westeria, old rose and'reseda, that it has ever been our pleasure to display. You cant judge the values of these lines Gill ,ou, see them. Come in and look them over and pass .your opinion on them whether you: buy or not. Saturday all one price sec Yard. Millinery Notes Have you aid a visit to our Millinery Department ?a � . y p, X p If not you hay., missed a treat Come to-rnorroiv and see the many new styles we are showing for fall wear. Tastes differ.-- vie know it; and have bought our styles this season to suit all tastes.. This Saturday we will show a splendid range of black beaver in large and small rims, very daintily trimmed, Any.. special orders "left with Miss Baker will have careful attention. New Fall and Winter Coats for Ladies ... Our new Fall .and i VP nter range of Fall and Winter Coats, Capes,. and Rain Coats are 'now • in stock, in all their glory. Never iir, qu.r. history have we shown a •larger or more exclusive range, at popular prices, in Z weeds, Beavers, Sealettes and Pony Cloths, in • blacks, blues, browns, and greys. Ask to see our special lines ,at $14.04, Boy's and Men's Over AT 'THE ANNEX We are showing a sdlendid range of Mens and Boy's Overcoats, Tweeds, in browns and resplainand checks, Y' vercoats, for Winter- wear, in heavy from greys, , h cks, double-breasted, with storm or college collars, • $5.00 up to $'20:oo When buying a Coat, you should see our range, Ask' o see r special in Men's at $1O.O0, 'and Boys'at $3.75. our Boys' School Suits -and. Odd Knickers. No mother should pass this store when buyin,g`clothes for her boys. . We, have the right• cuts and values. Give us a trial order: Come inand see them -.we will be pleased to show you our lines t CLINTON NEW ERA DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ocu- list, Specialist. will be at W. S. R. Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Nov, 8th Glasses property fitted, deafness, catarrh and faufing eyesight treated, All day. • NEW POSTAL MAGAZINE. :The Postal World, a brand new little magazine, devoted as its name would indicate to the .inter - este of the post -master, his clerks, and the railway postmaster, is the latest publication to snake its bow' to the Canadian world of'books.and Mr. A. D. Sutherland of Seaforth its editor is to be congratulated on a bright and breezy li't'tle book- let. The editorial page of Mr. Suth erland's magazine evidences a spir- it that is too 'often lacking, when he says : "We shall 'be 'glad at all times to r eceive suggestions from postmasters and clerks for the Im- provement of the service, but Wish plIIIIMOVIRIE1111010111111111111111111110=11I it distinctly understood that pro• miscuous •a'buae of officials has never yet resulted' in' any good be- ing done either party, consequent- ly our eolumns are not open to articles of this kind.. The : editor follows this up with'some 'telling. continent on the writ easonable Can- adian parcel postage rates,. a sub.-. lett which is interesting .at any:. Aline; ibil't double so. when 'treated by a postal official` The booklet," while 'designed •prlinarily 'For the postal service, contains Rniteh 'that is readable 'to.a layman'.' The 'sec- and 'issue has on its cover a coat of ; the Clinton post' -office, one of:the ;; est -kepi in 'the province, 1 BIBLE SOCIETY..: The 'annual Meeting was held;' In the Town Sall on `Wednesday even ing last.. The'Rall was. nicely filled` and the address of the agent much appreciated. Els clear and dis- tine t utterances,. and the viewspre- se nted Were interesting land in struetive. Envelopes . Were t ere. ' 'distributed,;• with 'the .request that those re-' I 6 eeiwifag them would putt their offer- c ing therein,,and place'the:saxlie 't reason why cennectfons •sholilcl' not the plates in their respective ehur l fic .made; . On adjournment circuits convened e ches at their . earlist convenience. with the retsult two that Barrister Sin - Those who were not present will re 1 c result ep rre a Sint ceive:.envelopes through their re- claim was asked to prepare a draft presentativea, and we are hoping agreement and arrangements were Much made to make !tile xn h iner xe connections a n ed amount n actio n s h i a t ie n fora. year for the a incre *, d work o .. t'.. e -r"" lines. Barristers, S oft -n f the : p i . , Oran o' one' - Society r•f-.Hai riston and Killoran f G The o£ficers.for the cuxlcen't year rich,. were here as were.. a goodly. are as follows;; . number of lritexestecl officers of President -Rev.' J. Greene; local xurai lines and Bell Co. offs- cfals. We are •glad an adjustment was arrived d a e is 0 � agreeably cab . 1 a sAtisfa cto Y nd z ids and we ho e the • :the x. P, plan,: Aid . conduce to .the' convenience and service of all concerned., Understand 'that a•fr We has been arranged'between connection els and McKillop:'rural telephone lints. -Brussels Post. • Secretary -A. Hooper.;: Tr. eas r. ._ u e n P J. HiII--- 'churches ' re presenta'tii'esk 'churches are'as follows';-- • Wil1iis--James.Scott. • St; Paul's -John Hartley. Ont, St.;• Church -D. Tiplady. Baptist -Wan; Robb: Wesley --J .!MeMath, • envelopes as then Com NEW IREPAIR SHOP. e in and hand. over to the treasurer, Mr. A, Wilken has rented the zooms J. Greene, next, to G .encthe Pres Express > ss p office P.9. -Any who may not reee2 he official envelope. 'can enclos These 'brethren will : receive the .�. i in the Murray Block on' Batten- 's bury. St. and will open a boot and e shoe repairing; shop on the 17th. re RAS'GONE TO DRUMBO,, Mr: M. C. Kaufman left last week to take over the Druinbo. Express. The' New Era wishes him even* success in his new ;field' of. Iabor. Mr. E. Bali hras taken his place'as `ferenl a ' ni nthe. New Era office, WERE • ."TAKING A HOLIDAY. The staff of 'th'e, Jackson Manu - teetering Co. at Godericil, has.been having an enforced holiday on ac- count of no electric power being available to The recent firee e fact- ory i st the cause ' eo ft heinconveni- ence, but--i't Is expected pented that the Y power will. be provided in a' few days. their offering' in an ordinary one. ign 'the name and church' they ar with.-•J,G. . 'LARGE POTATO. Mr. Jas. Webster, of'Londesboro, sent Into. the New Era a potato: weighing 2lbs., 2 oz. .and has .more like i .I t. Ile says the potatoe is good in most places where proper- ly cared for, .: MINOR 'LOCALS. -• Our Specials now Are RANGES -Happy. Thought, Pandora, The Canada Steel, Marvel, and they are certainlysa marvel when you consider quality and price. For a medium sized Range they are certainly good . value, COAL HEATERS -Radiant Home McClary's Famous Belle Oak, Royal Oak, Dandy, ° Acme Famous g Grand Jewell: All of the above are hi l -grad e stoves and all guaranteed, Get. The Best: A number of Second-hand Coal Heaters at good -value, Furnaces C a��1�,� Plu.is .. s peei�alt y Harlan STOVES -AND HARDWARE, The Salvation • Army in England has received 100,000 applications for immigration ,to Canada this. .Near.. . -Monday October 31st,is Thanks- giving Day. The merchant who was sure- tha't, there was something about his store that you ought to know this Week advertised. Lack means rising at six o look, in the morning, living on half you earn; .minding Your own business, and not meddling with other peop- le's. •Luck, means appointments you have never failed to keep, the trains you have never failed Ito catch. Luck -means trusting in Providence and in your own ren sources. , . Clean up the Diehards burn - all the rubbish and you Will nosy only destroy many insect pests, but Will remove lurking places for mice who would do . injury tie the' trees during the Winter time. RURAL TELEPHONE CONNECT-, IONS. , Last Monday afternoon the pro'' vincial Commission, presided over b M, . z Y In lu' I r a In g e tat 13russels in dealing with question -Of a settler nient of confections 'between the Brussels goortbetltexwo aed ythe 13e11• Co. Both sides of :the ease^ we e i briefly stated,,.ft fetv:of the flrinelpal Witnesses tailed and 'ex - a :tiftelr Whiehnth inattet Was briefly discussed. This coin/11188ton 'adjudged. the question should be aspics ly solved but if par ties could not agree an order would,be made. a$ there appeared to' 'e no good ::a GOING TO EUROPE. Mr. Ernest MacMillan of Toronto 'the brilliant young musician, .who has Won an enviable position am- ongst Canadian organists and choir leaders, expecte to Ieave in the course of a month in orderto pro- secute his studies in the old world. Some time ago Mr. MacMillan inti- mated to the session of Knox church there, e desires completions of two years of service, and' their con dent given reluctantly, permits a further development of his 'Work, The original composition work re- quired by the University of Oxford as the second professional 'test for the degree of Bachelor .ot Music was submitted by Mr. 'MacMillan this summer and has 'been sua'tain= d. e b ' 'th e Board' 'of Examiners. a't Oxford, Mr. MacMillan's conned 1 'tion With Knox church has len- messed' .choir, congregation and' session as of the highest value in • musical pony nnabfh tho serVieea PaxtI e users y .was emphasis placed en. simplicity and purity as the pre- vaiiing.nnte, reaming it tlOvot• ionaI intensity noticeable in all that was done by -the choir. Mr; lIahesn to he llWisM feeeihiestudies. Ile is a nephew of Dr. and WS, Gunn. T H r Store... Having bought out the stock of B. Hill, t have added a large stock of groceries, etc., and amprepared to sell as cheap as any store in town. Will take any quantity or Rutter and Eggs, 1 1,tigbest market ' price, cask or trade. A Call is So;iritetl. - Goods delivered to any Port of town W G. Smyth WERE THEY APPRECIATED? '? Goderieh returned their hearty thankstito the Clinton Firemen. (What' the council said: -- The SIGNAL :--. 'The STAR Probably they said so much be- cause Godexieh so nobly came to the rescue of Clinton when. they' had 'their big fire. -Not yet but soon,-- NEW' STORY, Our new story is well named "The Lure of 'the Mask." Begins 'this. week. You will like it. Te11 your friends about it. The New Era groes to anyhome in Canada for 25 cbnts 'till Jan. 1st. 1911; or for stop frothUM tills Dee. 31st 1911. PP MORE PRAISE. Mx.. T. R. Shera rather likes jury duty, He wasup to •Goderieh last week en that ,mission and we guess was a little • sox rry when. court was over, While away he called upon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muteh ,at the House of Refuge, in Clinton. To say Mr: Shera was pleased with what he saw at Clinton is putting it, mildly. Re thinks M. and Mrs. Mutch are in their proper spheres, He is not the first to express that 'opinion. -Every ane from these parts tvho goes to Clinton have the same good *Words to say.- Gorrie Vide.tte, • - DISINFECT THE TELEPHONE, If you have a telephone in your house the mouth• -piece of the tele-' °phone should be cleaned every day, just as We clean the dishes :weuse on the table) and should be thoro- ughly di•3infeeted'•at least twice a week.. Germs of pneumonia, bron- chitis; `tuberculosis, and other things may be caught front a tele- phone :A good formula . for a dis- infectant is a few .drops of form- aldehyde in a two ounbe bottle of. water, adding enough ex'tact of Pave der; ox'-seina-other•pleasan,•t-•- smelling extract, so that the odor rexnaining after the mouthpiece is: cleaned will be agreeable. •. Any druggist.could Mix such a disinfect ant for you very easily and'ines- pensively,' • BENGOUGH. ON TAX REFORM, J. W. Bengough, the famous light ring sketch artist; cartoonist and entertainer, Will give • an . enter- tainment at the. town 3ja11 on Fri- day evening, • October 21st, Mr, Ben au hs g g program will be as fol lows: --.Pari I. -Fun • and. .Fancy, with the Crayons, Something . to laugh at, PartIL. wily' 'people. •Ough:tnot'to be taxed for being in- dustrious. Something . to. think. 'over. Part 'IIL--Original recitals and gniek sketches -some of them playfully 1 1 Y per sones.,. The. cartoons, sketches and caricatures .`of :local' people will he Sold at auction at.the. close of the pregram.'.. Admission' 25e ; reserved seats 35c. Tickets on sale at Fair's Bpok Store. 'Twill. be a 'treat for the old and ;young, BATH OF MRS. PLEATZER D One by one the first settlers of,' the province are passing' to their. reward, •one more is gone in the. noble person of 'Mrs .Pieatzer the 'wife of John Pleatzer:-Mrs. Pleat- zer came to this country ' in the year 1818. In the year 1850 she Was married to her now bereaved hus- band. In 1851 -they moved. to lot 31. 13th Corr:,'' of 2iullett a Year later they Moved e Y to lot 36. There was given unto theme a family of seven children,. Adam in Cheboygan, 'Mrs, 'Zuelsdorf in GrandForks, Mrs. S. Livermore. orRoad, London Mrs, E; Holtzhauer.: Clinton, Samuel hi 'Pet- oskey, George of Toronto, and John who 'died 'at the age of six. 'Mrs. Pleatzer was always kind, a1=. ways ready day or night to: do. What was in her•powerto heal the sick or suffering neighbors or Wends and any that were in trouble found friend in her. On the 23rd September etu ber she passedaway to o theehome which .her Saviour had gone. t� •prepare, from her girl: hood she had loved and trusted Rim and found His grace was sufficient to sustain her when passing; away, Mrs, Pleatzer was laid to rest on the'.27th. in the hope of a gloriogs' resurection, All her children hilt two Were present they being un- able to attend. One of her favor- ite ,hymns was "Nearer My God To Thee" which was sung at the fun- eral and Which she Is nolo singing in a Better,Land, MINOR LOCALS. Tenth month-•-Oetober. The 'all. Fairs are over for this 'year. - Good• morning" Rave you re- newed, your New Era subscription? will be held 1 erechnextst Huron 'Teaer's'CThursdaonvdritioy and Friday, , • It isa° "coincidence tide nce that Thanks- giving Day and , , y Haliowe en 'Como On the same day.' The .Iniperiai Quartette and Ed;" die night,, (Thursday',tt i Town Heli tc�+l, The Pastime 'C1db held a da'11 on Friday evening. The erehestra was: in attendattet. fi; + z• .'T'his is the time of the year, teat cattle Wander off. If you lose any . :,or f f.any wander onto. your . ,pre* salines, ailvei'tfae tlaeni lis The t eW Eats and get quick returns. Over ytoekedtueilndsjsa bthcas'bi Books.... Worth Reading .Sola Formerly atSt,o _, offered today d t da3' ut hoc Land of the Leal • • ..............Lyall Beside the Bonny Brier Bush...:,Maclaren Days of Auld Lang Syne . St. Cuthberts Isabel Carnaby Knowles . Fowler Barrie, and others by Hokiirg, Oxenham, Pemberton, Gerard, flnnw. Swarf �--- THE 'oto D. Fair co. OFTa N. THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST •••••••• .e0••••••e•••••••: is considered 'tbat'it is Only a little •. - b over a rear ago that worn eomxnen 0• • sed on the Water Works department. CENTRAL • and that is now being •successfully, • operated ' to the delight of nearly • two hundred homes; to say nothing •, of 'the splendidprotection we • ' fire' e • have, our .citizens may well feel •COLLEGE • proud of the results secured, Itis • • also encouraging to know that the • new mains have been laid this year • located iU 7'oronGq, offers best in- +�" under the 'direction Of Mr. George • • • duenu�ents oro young mon and J 'Txowhill at a 'cost siigiztly . .less • �vonlon. wi o wi6n to llualiry a than was aid to contractor C • promptly for, assured position, iu it pp Olsen, • Uusiuess otn'cos, at. fain salaries, iq Mx Trolvhili has also had charge • tWrlLofor,nt,tie eatalotuc,, , ° e of. the service installation and the is • work has been well done; ' W. n bFiAW Principal. • METEOROLOGICAL REPORT, 7ionge & Gerrard Sts:, Toronto ' ••• e, Meteorological • The highest maxi - for. the month a of September 1010. The Leeeoeseetne0002 .44000••ro• mum temperature was 780 on the 8th. eisasegThe Iowesttninfinum temperature was . _..._ tain_a :35 0 on the �tlth Th h paralysis, and almost any citizen will be able to name a Frew :of the neighbors who will never'be likely to contract it. rt is earnestly requested that subscriders who have , changed. their ,addresses;' when . writing to notify.'Tha New Era. of the change, will mention both the oid address Tuesday of this and 'the new address, y week Mr. J oh ti Foster, received a new rubber tired At the `dedication of a new fire carriage from his son, Wxn. Foster, . of engine in a little.town on the Alas-, . Preston. ,By this means our old eiti. sachusetts coast, the following was zen will be able to call on his friends proposed "May she be lilre,the dear. n now. around town. old maids of: our village, always -rearl..•y,-.but-never--called.,foe. n,... was 20 0 on the 1st a highest range on the 20th. The sd for the he month were, maximum 66 93o, minimum 47.- 430 and range 10.500. The total rain. fall was 2 90 inches. Silo filling began on the 27th. Fall wheat is looking well. ei,.USEFUL PRESENT. -October` here already! the tenth month of; the year Well it's the Month of plenty, grainaries bursting full,, vines laden, while the woods ale aflame with gor- geous. autumn tints and colorings.. ,Hurrah for October. Thus far 325 free rural postal de- ' livery routes have been established 10 the Dominion. The Work is pro-: gressing on well-defined lines with the object of securing the best re- sult's at the smallest :Cost, and of ndt being compelled to halt and re- organize, Itis hoped •to make the system' one of steady growth andexpansidn. Ij WATERWORKS.. The -' Construction DeP a rt mentha e now completed • ple'ted the additional 4200: feet of inch maids and set :two' more hydrants;. they have al- so+installed 160 services, When it STRATF.ORD, ONT. IT you .purpbee attending our school this winter you should register. Nby, lst. Spend two months with us this teritt. Student,' are entering each weolc. We'' have- three de. partments • •. Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy 'Our cources are practical, teachers are experienced and our graduates succeed. The demand upm,a us for help .exceeds the.sUp, ply. Write for our free Catalogue. D. A. McLachlin:., 1•tIN P GI P y..., AIJ SP[ CIA LSi to the 1st : of Nov. only commencing Thursday, October z 3th.: • FOR CASH • 2 � lbs Soda Biscuits,250 2 1b -tin ", g regf..•200 7 bars Comfort Soap ;, .or•. c . '3 pkg 10c size Ammonia....... 2- 6pkg 5c size Ammonia .. ...250 5e Naptha Powder•. , 3c 10e pkg best corn starch 4 for 25c 29c lkf.'..1,.. ;Salmon...:........180 • 30c Gall • rin Apples 25c• . 4 bottles. pure Extracts 25c 3 cans Tomatoes .........•., ,25o 3 cans Corn . . 2 cans Peas . .. ... . , ,L5o 50e 13rooms for 35c 30c Black or Mixed Tea 25o - 30c Japan Tea................ , 25c- I lb Baking Powder'best'...,10a • Jar Baking Powder „reg 25c20C • 3 pkg Corn Flakes 25c Nutmegs per doz . 50 25c pkg Quaker Oatmeal 20c. 3 pkg-10c size Ouaker Oatmea125e 9 lb Oatmeal . ;.260 40c White Wine.Viuear gal 30c. 40c eider Vinegar, per gal g ..2,5e 20 lb pail pure Lard..., ..,$3.40 11- B. Produce at Highest Price A. McEwen Groceries and China t 4""i•"1.4.4 ++•D.•4•.3++4 -e• •1•+ •++•1••A•3 +f .H.+++•II•+•€ +"i"+++++++"t•+ ++++++3r+ . The Sho'e 1 •÷ •• A very moderate -priced Shoe for Ladies. 4. It isimade of a choice selection of Don-. gola Kid, with patent tip, Cuban heel, 4. medium sole, the very newest shapes, es and the price. is4. 4. p ' 4. Only S2.25 4. Call and have a look, evert if you don't buy. 4. t Our General 'Stock.. is .Lar e ili 4 and,c om•p'Iete.. 4. 40 " " Small shoes for the little chaps .14 . Strong Shoes for the. sturdy boys 4. . Stylish Shoes for their fathers 4. Dainty Shoes for the little girls and misses. . Elegant Shoes fox their mothers. .+ •• Good Shoes 'and Low Prices x• ver it++one. +iF . t� - � .z. 4. +l++t l+l +B+A+fr+�t+41•++.+A+iw+t++D++t+ 1 RED JACKSON+ +t++t+ ++++t++t+.t++t+.t+4+t+�r++t•4++t:++4c++++t• t++t+ ++t: ++:+t4 + ,l • ;,