The Clinton New Era, 1910-10-13, Page 2The New rro. ' IN published:every Thursday at the NelweEnee. Printlogl goose, isieeee Erriererer . . . eleterroti. Terms of bebscription-$l per year o advance ; $L50 may be charged if lent so paid. No Paper discontinued 'until as arrears axe paid, unless at the aption of the publisher, The date to Which every eubecription le pai4 is de. voted on the Advertising r atee, -Transient adver• teleemente, 10 cents per nonpagel. line ter fitst insertion and 3 cents per line tor each subsequent insertion. Brasil elvertisements not to exceed one inch uch as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," to, inserted once for 85 cents, or one aionth for $1. Couununications intended for publication must, as a guarantee of socel faith, be accompanied by the same of the writer. To insure publication in current esue copy of advertisements should be sent in early. Contract rates - The tollowing table shows our rates for specified periods and space. 1 yr. 6mo. 3mo. Imo 1 Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $10 00 A Column 40 00 2500 15 00 600 I Column 25 00 15 00 800 300 tColumn 18 00 10 00 550 200 Inch 600. 350 200 00 Oontract display advertising 100 per inch, per issue. W. H. Keret & Sox weeerm'emeeeelleer. Woulan's Health When Forty -Ave. A (*Meal Period When Or. Wtl name Pink Pills are a Real Messing, INTON NEW ERA 01,INTLV ONT., QCT. 13, 1910. 000d ROtafIS fol4 Ontario.. ••••••••••••=. Dr. WilliaM's Pink Pills are abso- lutely the Meat Medicine that ever a woman took. At special periods a wonelan needs a Medicene to reg- ulate her blood supply or her life Continued froga page 1. Take theproper levels and see that you have the Proper directions before you commence the work of construcion and then arrange •to have the outlets made so as to dis- . Stand By Your Town. The wide awake 13,an, Merchant and capitalist and' all vrho are in- tereated in the towns welfare should put forth every effort to improve the town and make It a Place for homes, to encourage new enterprises that already have a foothold in our Midst. One of the best means of encouraging a home cSscern is to give it horde pat- will Ve a round of pain and suffer- xemage, but there are many In our ing. It is at such tires that Dr, town who do not do this. ..Let it William's Pink Pills are worththeir be xernembered that every eloltar weight in gold, for they make new, spent in patronizing a home en- rich blood, that banish the secret terprize adds to the prosperity of symptons of diettress that only our town, and with the growth of women and growing girls knoVe, our town's prosperity comes the in Tlaey strengthen every vital organ crease in value of real estate for its special task, and bring rosy cheeks and shapely fortes that tell botlding. ---o--- of iveraanly health, and happiness. Every man engaged in business Mrs. Riehard Lobb Bed Deer, Alta., or in any way interested in the says: "At that critical period in 'material prosperity of his town reiy life known as 'the change IBut; and Vicinity or in the educational fere' so nrac13 that 1 hardly 11°Pe' affairs of his community or in the to pull 'through. 1 doetored for moral puriter of society in his months, but did zot 'get any eellet neighborhood is under great obli- and I grew so weak that I could hardly walk about, tired et was irae possible for me to do ray houeework Ouly women who have suffered sinallarlY can tell how much I en - dined -the constant misery, the dragged out feeling and the terr- ible backaches that beset me, No woman could have been Ina more wretched:condition than 7Z WB at this time, and It was then that eay • attention Was directed to DreW111- lam's Pink Pills. I got a half doz- en boxes and before they were ell gone there was a good traproVe- ment in my condition, Then I goE six more boxes and before I had lieed them: all / felt Itke a new. - Arid 'tun. kon it)%rirt •-c • WOrnal: - health than 1 had one for years. Not only have Dr. William's Pink Pills proved a blessing to me, but they also worked a great change in the case of nay. daughter, Who was in a very Miserable condition after childbirth. I knoiv also of 'pose of the water in the two young girls whom, I 'believe quantities, neVer leading it along distance along the side of the road would have been in their graves that will fill in and. obstruct its now but for the use of Dr. flow, iblure I.b.b fall and ruin the Lams' Pink Pills. Considering what the Y have done for Me and what I have seen them do for others, I am iustified in my entlaisiasea for this medicine and Inever lose. an op - pot tunity to reconaMend It," ' Sold by all medicine dealers or by Mail at 50 cents a box or aim boxes for $2.50 from! The Dr. Will- iams' Medicine CO., Bxockyille, Ont. oad, Drainage is of the greatest im- uortance, and if I should only at- tempt to emphasize this one ques- tion to -day, I would leave you to consider the question of how brok- en stone should be prepared and how it should be applied. I would emphasize drainage as being what, I 'believe to be an exceedingly im- portant matter In connection with oadmaking. We can make ordin- ary clay roads by proper drainage end proper grading and shaping and attention. First-class serviceable roads for the ordinary requirements of cer- tain districts throughout the pro- vince can be made in this way, and only the more important roads really demand the application of vaveleancLbroken stone.. The fleet thing in this road prolleUritrto gel. the council to look upon it as an important matter, and after they have decided upon their plans;they should place the work in the hands of a man who has sufficient scien- tific knowledge and training to un- dertake the work and see to it that whatever expenditure is made each year, wh.ether of Labor or money that it should be directed along lines of these particular plans and that every year's work, every day of labour, and every dollar of money should be made to show its plans which we follow generally in .desinging for the 'township is to 'classify the roads under 'three heads: 1. The leading roads, upon which most -of the traffic passes; 2. The neighbourhood roads leading on to 'these and subject to the tra- ffic of the particular neighbour- - -.--:.F6-61/Vrterfde37.---Ttececoneke.,,e,*4 lines - The most important rodSrlfreenrdle".6 •- graded to the width of twenty- four feet, the seeond class twanty eet, and the third class eighteen feet. Experiments have taught us that 'these are about the proper widths to be used in connection with town ship work. After the foundation has been drained carefully, the road should be crowned so as to shed the water from the centre in- to the ditches. That croWn should he about one inch to the foot from the centre to the edge of the ditch should be twelve inches. TliE LAST WORD. Creep into thy narrow bed, Ci eep and let no more be said! Vain thy onset! All stand fast. Thou thyself must break ettlast. Let the long contention cease"! • Geese are swans andswarie are geese Let 'them have it how, they will! Thou are tired; best be still. . They outtalked thee, hies'd thee, tore 1 industriee; helP your Merchants so they can aell cheaper; always get your work done in your own 'town U possible; subscribe and pay for the home papers; don't steal or borrow the reading of them. If you 'follow these sugestions on and erour town does not improve and build up it will net be your 'fault« Try it. building an: attractiVe show Wine ...--o.--- • Show me the merchant who will spend several hundred dollars in chew for the front of his atore and then it it up with a sheet of frost- ed glass to prevent the public from seeing what is inside, and we will show you a man who ought to be in a sanitarium, undergoing •treat - melt for wheels in his head? de- clares the Philadelphia Record, yet .wherein does a Palan differ from hem Who puts 'thousands of doliats' Worth of attractivt stock on the countms and shelves and then makes the .fact that he , pos- gallon •to his local paper, and sesses such goods as ebScure as should give it a libepl support, possible by neglecting to tell any - not as charity, but as duty to him- ' body aboot it? The store that self, to his family, and to his wants to do business, with the. neighbors and as a wise invest- great areal of newspaper readers, Inept of leis money, but dosen't aclvevtise in the news- papers in order to let people know can be done to beautifee, or build glass°show windows. It would pay . If you can think of anything that !how it eau serveathCra, has frosted UP our town, go Ito it, Keep your every such store to do a r e - capital at home; Patreenize honle reedellioa. "vaiiitaiegm—israiiiiissocostaumose-71 Mary Carter 77, Willie FuIford) Ettle Ax gent 76, Asa DeeVes 75. Coliatice, Teacher, .... enior Class -B. loman 82,8, R. vet McDonald 81.4, A. Lawrence 80.7,11,1 • Livermore 78.5, A. Graelis 70,4, M. 1. SSo Kaufman 70.7, E. Johnson 10.7. juniox Class -W. Cooper 90.9, B, Cooper 80.9, M. Veil 75.3, M, Liver - Tame 66.9, G, W. Barge 63.8, C. Cole 60. . EVelyn C. Tiplady, Teaehee • Senior Class -Marks olotalimble 256. -Agnes Walker 229, Pharnie 'erne 203, Gerald leathWell 200, Doug las Fah -184, B.ussel Britton 181, He- leneer awford 168, Fred Pugh 108, Et ta Memael 151, George Levy. 142, 'Junior Class.-Miirks ebtainabie 200. -Jabez Rands 179, Delbert Hig- gins 178, Pearl Carrick 169, Sam Mc- Creary, 167, Harry Ball 163, Marga- ret DoWns 152, Iltlaricirie Beaton.151, Kathleen Ladd 146, Bessie Mur- phy' 143. Fir st lass.- Marks obtainable 150.-Aray Hellyar 140; Lottee Judd 135, iFergus Reynolds 135, Harry IVItmeoe 134, Willie Mutch 134, Jack Bawden 130, Fred Elloitt 130, Dixie Fair 128, Hugh Maguire 125, Amos Osbakleston 123. • M. iViltse, Teacher. Division 8. . Third Class.- Jean Erskine 101, George•Hersley 9.5, George Carter 93 Clinton Kaufman 89, Agnes Rey-' noideen-lemener-Mtlirellood-8•1%-Heiee Better men fared thus before thee;1 zySloraan 76, Nellie Cooper 75, Jes- Fit ed their riugingshotandPaSB'd.I Ole McCrearY 74, Douglas Erskine 73 Hotly charged -arid sank at last, • .Bditli Fisk 70, Kenneth Carter 66. . ' Second Class. --Audrey Collyer 70, Charge once More,, ,then, andbe Malcolm MeTaggart ee, Margaret dumb! • Cree 60, Switzer Grealis 63, Jean Let the victors, when they come, Miller 60, Leona Tay/err 58,' Roy When the forts of folly fall, Find thy body by the wal11-- -Matthew Arnoldl, . ' Sufferers from rheumatism find. instant relief In "D. & L." Men- thol Plaster. Be sure and get the genuine. Made by Davis iSee Law- rence Co. • *, CLINTON scHooi REPORT * After the road has been graded, it is advisable 'to pass )aeavy rolless over it so as 'to coral -fact it thor- oughly before the traffic is allowed to go on. If the traffic is allowed to go on the.loose 'earth, the -first teamwill rut it and after that the traffic is pretty well directed into that rut. Water is held there and. the injury commences. 11 18 an ex- cellent practic to roll with • a twelve to fifteen ton steam roller'. Horse rollers weighing from six to .eight tons ar ebein.g 'used with a areat deal of success. A steam rol- ler should be in the possession of every township, municipality in. Ontario where roadmaking is being done. You cannot do this work proper- ly without proper implements. If township councils would defer their eight tons are being used with a plete outfit of machinery for the 'first year, they would be further ahead than by going on in the us- ual way without implements to do the work properly. Do not make the great mistake that many coun- cils have made in flying away at once to purchase machinery with- out making provision for its opera- tion and maintenance without studying who is 'to look after it. In Many instances these machines are placed in the hands of inexper- ienced men. A standard should be established that should be followed 'to advantage and then the money that is being appropriated will be appropriated to useful purposes.° In conclusion let ine urge that in our modern road -making of to -day we seek to find and employ exper- ienced Men in this work; that we 'used modern road -making machine ery ; that we select our )naterial 'with eare, that we drain thorough- ly, that we grade in a workmanlike land permanent '• way, and that !throughout all we seek eeonoray in efficient management of Met and team's in this work. Davis' Menthol Salve la a bandy -pleasant and entomb:Ms hOusehold xeMedy tor tweet 'Rad • Motteallto %tea and etingil, Akin diaeatieal • Vitt* !eta, Try ft, 211e. per tin. , • Finch 58. Ruth Evans 57, Gladys Wikse 5&' Laurence Wheatley 50, Percy. Livermore 49, Russell Bailey 47, Douglas Ball 44.-Lucy.LevY 43. First Class.- Bessie Morrish 98, Melvin Livermore 95, Alex McRae 95, Daisy- Nediger 91, Walter Cabal- deston 90, Nisbit Cook 90, Helen Roberton 88, Gordon Lawson $5, Roy Livermore 83, Harold Lawson 81, Jessie Maguire 81, Edgar 'Wiltse 80, e Minnie Ker, Teacher. _ The following is the repOrt 'for September. Average attendance 317 :-e• • Division 1. Seniors. -Carman Hoare 61 per cent., Wilfrid Dickenson 58,'• Helen Rodaway, 54. , Junior s. -Lulu Connell, 51; ' By. Shaw 50..- DiVision 2. Senior Class. -Austin Nediger, 74; Harriet Cantelon 773; Charlie Cante- lon 71; Frank Pennebaker 70; Al- bert Sheir 65; Carman 'Turner 63; Gertie Wallis 61;' Gifford Beaton 60. Junior Class.- Norval MacLean 13, Addle Little 71, Clara 'Twitehell 71, Eleanor 'MaeKenzie 70, Arnold Glazier 70, 01;tver Johnson 70, Eva Carter 67. Bernie Hall 66, Mervyn El liott 66, Clinton Cook. 66, Hartley Monaghan 64, Willie Gould 62eFran ces Reynolds 62, Nora Kennedy -60. M. E. Chidley, Teacher. Division 3. Senior Class. -E. Judd. 89, T. Cole 2.4, P. 'Lead 84, H. Hifi '84; T. Mor- rish 8o, B. Deeves 71, W. Draper 70, M. Walker 68, G. McCartney 64, S. Steep 62, Junior Class. -T. Holmes 93, T. Bailey 86, M. Chidley 79,K. Dowzer 79, E. Evans 78, T. Nediger 77, M. Cook, 76, E. Kem.p 74, J. Baines 73, H. Greig 72, B. Chowen 71, M. Baines. 70, N. Watkins 70. .1. Wilson, Teacher. DiVision 4. Junior 3rd. -Ina Trowhill 90, Ail- een Armour 90, Claude Higgins 90, Leota Harland 89, Marion Gibbinga 85, Hannah Mont 83, Hope Brown Mable Marshall 81,Eugene Sheel ey 79, Leona Hearn 79, FriedeNallia 79, Charlotte Sheeley 782 Elsie Holtzhauer 77, Earl Cooper 7.6, Bil- da Bailee 74, WM. Slorean 74, Beat- rice Britton 70, Clarence Finch 68, George tVans 68, Clifford Greens 87 Jim Reid 65, Russell Crieh 63, Fred GI Imes 63, Sadie Yesbec 63, 'Willie Nixon 62, Eddie IVIctorialci 62, Jim lVfeCreary 62, Harold Manning 62, Ernie Little 36. ee, Senior Second -Helen. Fotrester90 Agnes Fair 90, Mettle Shipley 87, Mariorie Earge 87, Murray McNeil 86, Mary Bothwell 81, Rath IVIclelath 81, Nettie Glazier 73, Sadie Walsh 73, Elsie Greens 69, Orville •Murphy 60, Cecil Peckit 51. Luey Stevens, Teaeher, Division 5. Senior Class -Wilfrid 'Seeley 85, Edna McCaughey.81, Alec Eagleson 81 'Harr' /4awrence 78,Erne8t Liver mete 78, Ernest' Hall 76, Earle Lis- ermere 76, Wilbur Welah 75, Attlee CUM -Bessie Harland 91, Madelon Shaw 80, Whet Wastnann 87, littarY Rance 85, Ettlalie 11111 84, Lida Livermore 88, sMarionAndrews es, Carl Warman, 80, Fred WallbI78 0111e.• 0 . , Achiivaffiefit 'couple then lett the church to the trans Of the "W.edding March? and thee!' and their guests were Immediately conveyed In carriages to the xesidence of the bride's par- ents, Were a sutaptuoue luncheon. was ser'sred, The church waamost artistically and effectively decor- ated vifth White roses and white asters, hrterwineei With Vine e and :erne; the same style of decorate. lone being lavishly carried' out at the home of the bride. The bridal gown was certainly a work of art, being Made of white satin trimmed with pearls, and having over all a bertotiful bridal Veil caught up into a wreath effect With sweetlY Pretty May -bell flowers. Mrs. john Bell; mother to the bride was gowned in black silk; Nies. R, Bell, sister-ine law,. ln a gown of beautiful White satin; Miss Dunke, in mauve silk; Miss Barker, cousin of bride, in grey silk. Other guests present at the luncheon were besides the fath et and .brother of fthe bride, Mr. H. Haines, manager of local bank of Commerce, and Mrs, Haines, who was gowned in a Very pretty white, Ia ch ess; Mr. J.R. Scott, and MI e Scott in. a vely Parisian costume of .pink silk; Rev. Carruthers, and Mrs. Carruthers, ill a gbwre • 0,f Ponge .silk. But two toasts were' given at the luncheon that "to the biide and groom" and "to the par- ents of the bride." In proposing the 'toast to the happy couple, the Rector of St. John's. referred in felicitious terms to the eplendid character of 4116 bride, to her thoughtfultees .b5 her parents, her kindness to others, ancther 'great. • help 'in all the chin eh 'work. 'The gt091e1 Was eoraplimented on his good elipsinee, such a hand- some bride, awe' •3•te was also prais- ed for his .sterling .charaeter and his. gx at success en businees, being yet only 25; but IS already.Manager of a flourishing branch of 'the se- eond largest bank in Canada, Mr. Haines aupported the toasts, and • were responded to by' 'the groom and the brother of the 'oeide, Lack of Space forbids Ira Mentioning 411 the beautiful presents received, Amongsterrec•hers a checiim from the bride'a lather, a •most complete eabitiet efivee war e •from-herneeele er, cut glass 'water Set from her Sister, cat glass pitcher from 'Mr, R. Bell and wife, and eut glae cruet and illtainated address from the. junior W. A. of the. Chu rchto1 w hi ch Miss Bell wqs Director, and many otherS. The happy couple left by the evening express for a extend, ed 'honeymoon" trip • to the coast, the bride's going -away dress being tailor-made drese o'f blue broad.- eloth. with a White hat, ;trimmed with violets, black velvet anti ospreys. • A Discovery of"lerult-a-tives" has Meant health feneell Canada's faille does not rest Solely on her furs and wheat fields. Her rise in the esteem of the world is not due to her colfalt mines. It is the weirkef her great Men that has made her great. A. graduate of laeCeill University has *on lasting renown for his original researches in the realms of Physics. ,. Everyone Jurors that fruit is whole; some, when eaten . 5 diciously. Physicians generally recognize the fact that fruit 5teices have a beneficial .effect on the various organs of the Nide': • It remained for a Canadian physi- 'clan to discover a irocess whereby the medicinal action of fruit couldbe so increased .as to make the intensified . juices a wonderful cure. . " rt-a-tives" is this combinatioii. of fruit juices. and •tonics. Since its.. 'introduction to the public, " Fruit -a - 'fives " has met with a succesa'accorded • to no other inediciiie in. the World. The reason ig plain. " Prilit-a-tives" is the nn enkely that is actually made of, fruit; and is the only 'tem • naturally cures Constipation, Bilious' nese, Indigestion, .11eaclaelies, Rheu; 'Pietism; Neuralgia:, 13adkache, Kideey • -and Skin Troubles. At all dealers. at , 50c. a box; 6 for $2:50, oftrial size, zse:,- or from Fruit-a-tives•Limited, Ottawa. c‘rand Trnnitleallway Systeme Railway Time Tb), c, London:Aaron and Brum North Passenger laonclon. depart"... We a 111 4SOpzu Centralia 9.40 5.43 Exeter 0.53 5.54 1H email 10.080.05 Kipper 10,10 0.11 10.30 0.19 . . ... 11,05 0.85 Londesboro,.. 11,18 0.52 Blyth.. .. . ... 11.27 7,00 Belgrave; 11.40 '1.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35 South Winglaam, depart.., BejgraVe400•1•111.•••• Blyth Londesboro .. . .. Clinton rucefleld Eappen.,. . Hensel' Exeter Centralia. London, arrive. 13ufealo West Faseenger 0.43 re ra 3.33 p m A54 3,44 7.08 3,60 7.10 4.04. 7.60 423 8.12 4,39 8,28 4,47 8,32 4,52 8.48 5.05 9.00 5,15 • ,.. 10 00 6,10 and Goderich" Passenger am pm pm p rn Stratford .. . 12.2a 5 2.5 10.20 Mitchell 10,22 12.45 5.65 10,47 Seaforth .... . "10.45 1,10 0.18 11.12 Clinton 11,07 1.25 0.40 11,28 Holing/3411e 11.10 1.33 0 40 11.38 Goderich .... 1,50 7.05 11,55 East ' Passenger . am pm . p in, Ciodericla 7 10 2..4(1 1,50 Holnapsville ..........7,2(1 2.57 5,06 Clinton 7.35 • 301515 Seatorth .. '7.52 85.0 5 eo, .... . . Mitchell - Stratford PROFESSIONAL W, BRYOONR4 BARmErrza soriromoa ligyr4gr- STO, or.nriON NIIHRLES H. HALE REAL ESTATE 1NSUR4110E. Huron St, Clinton. T, RANCE, Notary Fable; Conveyancer. Financial and Real Eetatee. INEUR411014 ACENT-Representing itJllre mance companies. Vourt Offlee• • DR 1. W. THOMPSON Acton, Surgeon. Ete erecter ettentioa oven to dimities ottbe Eve. Ear. Tinos& and NO30, Eves carefully examined, and suitable glasses prescribed. . Office and Residency. Two doors west of the Commercial MO'S' Illoron St. Dr. W. Gunn. • Dr. W. Came L. It. C,-11*.• L. et. E. S.. relive Ortioe-ontario etreet,011.ntoa. Night oldie at front door or efelee or reek:Uwe. Ratterainref Street, oinee hours anital-1 to S then:, 7 to 0 pox? ' da W0 '.tstiAvv. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, . reoncbtar, ete, office and residence oti lienbury se, opposite W. Earran'e residence, .• 8.16 • 13 48 5.54, 8,40 4,15 6,2) pj F. R. ANON amaterocc.rer.vvammirer="...-artzer. For Sale or Rent Fuxin to Rent The °strain farm, Lot ee,eth Con. of •Goderich •To:. SO items is offered to rent. 'Apply ,to JOSH COOK, or to MRS. J. HALSTEAD . Clinton • iif Goderich. • • Young girls frequently require a good invigorating and blood mak=- ing tonic: For this ,inirpose noth- ing equals Ferrovire, which is pre.;. pared from. fresh lean beef, Citrate of. Ironand pure old Spanish Sher.: ry Wine. It soon 'brings color to the cheeks and strengthens the Whole system, $1,00 a. bottle. • If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killingthe germs. If your hair is falling out stop it. There .is one sure remedy that will cure these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. • ' Parisian Sage, the great hair re- storer, is guaranteed to perman- ently rernoVe dandruff in -two weeks, er Mr. Holmes will give you Your money back. Paxisian Sage stops failing hair - it prevents the hair from fading. It Is the beat beautifier for ladies hair, asit makes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beaotiful. Parisian, Sage is sold, and rigidly, guaranteed by W. S. R. Holmes, Price, 50 cents a 'bottle. • It can also he 13/ ()cured at 50 cents a large bottle, from the Canadian makers, • aV charges prepaid, Address Gir- oux Mfg. Co., Poet Erie, Ont. 0400+4440+•44+•+414004.80144•10+4144 +I. • • TALKS ON • • ADVERTISING I .1. 41444444.•+•444.44 Don't you want to do a little stay, and new ones to become con - better business to -day than. you did yesterday? Don't you want old eustoraers to vinced? HAD LANE BACK Was Almost 'Unable To MOM . Two Boxes of Dean's Kidney Pills • Cured Her. Mra. M. 13. Cairns, llama, N.B., writes: "I feelit my duty to drop you a few lilies to let you know what Doan's Kidney Pills did for me, I had such a Lame Back that I was almost unable to move; and my kidneys were in an awful OM* dition. "After taking two boxes of Doan's Pills I wascomplete13,rTired and feel sa well as I ever did." . • Dose's Kidney Pills are a specipe for all Kidney Troubles. They begin by expelling all the poisonous matter from the kidneys, end then heal the delicate membranes and make their 'action regular and natmal. ' Doan's Kidney Pills am entirely vege* table, and xnay'be safely taken by young and okl. Friee 60o per box, or 5 boxes foir $1.25,at all dealers, or mailed direot on roeipt of priee by The T. Milburn Co.Umited, Ot Wheu'Ordetinng Ciireei, specify "Do.). We ought to woik together -you and The .New Era. ' There are hundreds Of readers of our paper, and it would be good ar guraent to say that there are near- ly as many reasons why The New •Era. can best say your weekly 'say to the multitude that edo- shopping here. • ' - But one moment -every copy of The New Era is read by frera three - to five persons ; because it alWayS gets under 'the evening lanai) at e,,. are_n_Oeagefiziefamily., . • '•eee'Sereeinete'kdetefe°tltereetrelng.nundee ' x eds ofreasons: there are thoride 'ands of .reasons Why advertising. The New Era is your surest chan- nel for customer-tvinning. Beset...f. ell; M. 'Advertiser, the 'rate/is as low to you as to any' liv- ing soul -precisely the same 'to all. And inasmuch as The New Eta 'Oinaki to help the local merchant, by ux ging Clintoniane to.buy at 'home, It is 'up to the Clinton tam chant to let Clintonians knotv the bargains he has to offer. Electrie.lestorer for Men os phonolto tige; reovit7 tigvsfoilligesitOrdeYs vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. rhosphonol will make yoir a new man. • Price 53 a box. orhvofor $5. Mailed to any address. The SeobeuDrug Co.. at. Catharines, Ont. . ..• . • • WEDDINC! BELLS. One Of the Most interesting social events of the Autueure season was the marriage •of Silas. Robinsoe, Tuffley, son of Mr, and Mrs. S.Tuf 2 - ley, of felzhnsby, Linconshive, Eng- land, to Miss Margret May Behl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pell, of jeloydnainister, ott Wednesday evening, September 14. The ceremony took place in St. Jonhs' Church the Bev. 0. Currut- hexs, Bector, officiating. Long be- fore the hour Set for the serviee the church was filled 'with the friends of the interested' partiee. andthe ushers had eoneiderable difficulty in keeping the aisles 'clear. Sharp on Appointed hour the groom appeared with the moth er of the bride, and escorted her to the reserVed petv in .front.'They wete quickly foliowed by the bride, escorted by her father, who con- ducted her up the aisle to the ehancel to the strains of Mendell- shon's "Wedding March," ably play ed be. ler. 11. Haines, organist of St. John', The town is rightly proud of the number of very beautiful young ladies Who have.lbeen um. xied here, but one tan safely say that feW haVe looked More beauti- ful 'and queenly than did Miss Bell on this the day xif all days upon whieh a young lady 'wishes -to look her best. 'The ehate and solemn service of the ehurch was immedi- ately begun, ori the young touple taking their place at the alter the 'choir W St. John's being Ore- , Bent and singing in ibetrutiful style ;their respective parts. The bride (was IgiVell away 'by her father. At the close of the service andoduring the service and bitting the sing - ''ng 'of the Register the thoir sun With rely effect The voice tha bred ed over Eden. The happY et -p - EXTRA FINE ESCALLOPED. Oir- STERS. • One quart oysters, , 2 cup thin cream or rich milk, 2 tablespoons flour, breaderembse better, salt, cayenne. Drain juice froin oysters and after letting it boil up skim it. Put 1 1-2 .cups cream or Milk in double boiler. Mix 'flour with re- maining cream, stir into hot Milk and cook in ten minutes, then add oyster juice, 1 tablespoon butter, salt and pinch cayenne. Into but. •tereel dish put layer ciannbs; layer oysters layer sauce, Finieh With layer of crumbs shattee with_butter. Baket1-2 hour in hot oVen.• 1 . BAKED EGGPLANT. • Bee& theeeee aaId'tie:tee-ern latent/6r elfOuglf topiece With Siper ferric.. Drain and 'Wash, adding butter, salt and pepper a.nd 2 tablespoons of 'bread crumbs and a tablespoon of scrap - 'ed onion. when cool, beat 1 egg into the mixture, put in baking Pan coVer the top with • bread ceumbs and bits of. butter, and bakeabout half an hour in even, hot enough to brown the crumbs. • • ifonse-and Lot to Sale. Deaner f Crown and Iltricly,e Work a Spectoltyc Graduate at C.C.D.S„. Chicago, and B.O,D.S. DaYtleld on'Itlendaya, May 1st to December Toronto. . Teo . converiently•loc.ntea home, nett to T. Murolin'e. Ruttonbury striet, containing hin0 rooms. Tito Immo i, at' recently re.built rine, and in ckeellent, rena..lIfood. slew !stable on UM premises. AtnilY to A. sERL,Err. !louse Wanted. • . _ • Wantul to rent, a mediltro-siZed house, With modern convenienres1. small family. Apply at NE W ERA. Field Stone Wanted. The Town of Clintonwill pay $3.75 per cord for field stone, ler road building. Apply to THOS. BEACOM, Chairman of Street Com. Farm For Sale: or to. Rent Being 36 acres, mostly in grass, and well watered, small orchard, frame house eon(' barn.. Two 'miles from Clinton, on Huron Road.' Apply to MRSTOTTR.7171te DELICIOUS CAKE. ' One-half cup sugar, 1-4 cup milk, 1 1-2 cups flour, 1-2 teaspoon cream of 'Meter, 1-4 teaspoon sodawhited of 4 eggs beaten stiff and' added last, Bake in two layers. Cream for filling- 1 cup &rigor, 1-4 cop hot eva4er. Let. the sugar and hot water Witmer until it will hair or -form A soft 'ball in water. Add the beaten' white of 1 egg, then/ Stir when cool 1-2 cup chopped.raiSens and 1-2 clip chop- ped English Walnut .• Meats, and 1 tea.sponnful of vanilla. FRICASSEED CANNED CHICKEN. Peri for 4 slices salt pork till fat is all out out nip into small pieces. Add boiling -Water endugh to make gravy, also salt, ,pepper and but - tel. Then put in the canned chick en, cut up pieces, let bell la min- ute or so, ankt thicken the gravy With flour and water mixed togeth er. Tastes like fresh chicken. DELICATE BABIES NEED BABIES' OWN TABLETS For the baby who is delicate,Who suffers frora constipation, stomach and bowel troubles, Worms or diffi- cult 'teething, nothing can etinal Raby's OWn Tablets. They are a positive 'cure for all 'the little ills of children and tan be 'given to the DOW born baby with perfect safety. They are sold Under an abeollite oiaratttee Of a Govern/tent analyst to tottain no harmful 'drug. They cannot possibly do hartneethey al- ways do good. Mrs. Geo. A. Wind - ever, Rockeroft• Ont., Writes; "I woUld not be Without Baby's OWn Tablete. My baby was small and delicate and neVer grew till I began (riving her the Tablets. She is nine months old now and thanks 'to the Tablets is Well, fat and rosy, 1 Will certainly recommend them when- ' ever 1 get the opportunity.)?- The Tablets are sold by' Mee:lichee deal-' els or by Wail tit 25 teats a !box 'trot& The Dr. Willlanis Medicine Co Er oek vine, Ont, Property tor Sale House and lot on Huron Street' also lot on Rattenbury Street the property of the late Alex Mckenzie.. Two 'tory, ten roomed house. With vera, h, small stable 'Hard. and Soft watt, 1 so "a. number of fruit trees. For `her infor- mation, apply to Geo. D. MeTag- gart or Thos. Cottle. ' b toe igaway goad ameba, cum ewe& *lee woo end lungs. • • • XD Dela* DE. II. FOR/Mt, Diarchis.r. Officsa Over etorce Speeial care taken to make dent' fireat,‘ men t painlega as pOstlible, , THOMAS GUNDRY Live stook and general Auction etee GODERI011 ONT l'asenstty.f,r sales a specuat.t. Chews et Si NEw ERA office, canton, preen, sly adenoid to. Terme reasonable,. Farmera. sale note ' discounted • Choice •Pr.eperty tor Sale, . The undersigned otfers for sale' his garden property of three acres•siluat ed in goeden Survey, Clinten. There is a comfortable housestow:, .eellere.onetleeTleneeeevith stable, her eieleseft-WeleWall kiiirititeefraeic,ereee andlegoOd State of chltiyation be sold with entire.. (MUM.. on reason able terms. It Joyners . Farm for sale . D. MeTaggart M. D. MOTaggaz eTagort ftroc„ BitzwERs • • ALBERT ST, OLINTOD-7: fixeneraitrBan_ashakeltrtegd • Stialneam NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafte Masada, deposits, a.liowed ot The McKillop ire—insurance—e0; Parra and Isolated' Toxin Props arty Only Insured. OFFICERS, ...1; B. MeLean; President, Seaforth ,Jas. Oennolly. "Viee Pres., Goder ch. ' Theis. E. Hays, Sec;-Treas., •Seafortlek DIRE6TO1xS. , , Jos, Connelly, Holmesville; Johe Watt, Harlock; G. Dale,eClinton; M, Chesney, Seaforth; J. Evans, Beech.. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, T. • Be newels, 13rodhagen; M. • MeEeva 'Clinton. •• • , Each Director is inspector Of losses in, , his owe loealily.• * E Robe :}1AaGrEloNcr; ‘cri elinchlOyee. .Seiforth; James Cumming,..Egmontli*/ ' Ilao:Yrmefiitsoni;:nio;ni•-e;tinolr7tri Brown's,iAlatittl at."1:6' Tozer Centre: heart Let 35 containing 48. acresapd North 50.aores on Lot 30; 10, acres or more good bard wood brielik good Barn, stabling • underneath good Hog Pen and driving shed small Orchaed, Frame House cellar under good well water at House arid Spring Oree.k ronning through Lot 85. For price, apply to R. SCOTT. Box 88 Blyth,. or on Lot 85 Con. 18 Efullett. 2m • Farm tor Sale or Rent. For sale or to rent Lots 8 and 9 on the 3rd`. Concession of Biullett,con- taining 200 acres. The farm is situat- ed half way between 8 e a. f or 1 b and Clinton and convenient to school and post office. The farm is well fenced and underdreined and in a first class .state of cultivation. There are on the premises a comfortable house ..and good bank barn and other out build- ings. There are two good orehards. The property will be soid or related on reasonable term. For further parti- culars apply on the premises or ad dress WM. MORRISON; Seaforth Farm tor Sale —0- 120 acres, In good state ofeultiv- atiot,.beittg lot 24 and 25, con, 5, Goderrch Tp., all fresh seeded doWn, less ten aces, which is plow-, ed. On the property is a concrete , house, a barn 65 by 80, good, stab- ling Well watered.. Apply to. ,IAS. HAMILTON, ClintOn. Blouse to Let On 'Mill St., an eight TOOM how° With good suroaner kitchen and woddsfied, a good eellax and bar - Ing orchard all In good repair, oc- cupied by the Misses Sterling, Apply to MRS JANE CAMPBELL. Brueefield, or NEW ERA OFFICE. Contractor's Notice On Saturday the'15th of Ottober toroxitet for the erectioxi of a taloa, fence between Ilullett and Tackertimith, the place known as Banaford'a Bill at Stapleton' will "be let, Contract. tv111 be let at the aboVg_place at 8.00 o'clock. N.H. Hill Reeve Mullett. Bobtendray, Reeve TUeketenlIth _ *MA 00B TAYLOR eLlAtToN • Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold , Money tottoan Office Ism° Street, nex door to New, • Era Flow . Many: - • in a Dozen?. t ; Twelve ! and, you count ; them to see if you get ; them'to. When you buy ; Wedding Ring and pay 4. ; for x8 K, yOu can't count ; : them, you take the deal- ; ; er's -word, and often get ; .1 7K or less We sell ; ; Wedding Rings, and there ; ; is exactly ifiK in every ; ftxSK Ring. Test them ; ; arty way you like. • * - • • t‘ W.. R. Counter./ Jeweler and Optician. • • isitier Marriagp Licenses. .••••••••••4•••••••444•47' 1CASTOR IA • For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Eetixt the Signature of • 1