The Clinton New Era, 1910-10-06, Page 7—0—
Not Due to Cold. Wet Weather -
The Trouble is Rooted in
the Blood.
Many people believe that 'the
twinges and tortures of rheumat-
ism, are due to t old, damp or wet
'weather, and treat themselves by
rubbing with liniments and lotions.
This is a serious mistake, and one
which allows the disease to pro-
gress to such an extent that it is
often impossible to get it out of the
system. Rheumatism comes from
poisionous acid in the blood, and it
must be cured through the blood.
All the liniments, and rubbings,
• and so-called electrical treatment
tisra. This is h medical truth
which every sufferer from this ex-
cruciating trouble should know.
Rheumatism can only be cured by
driving the poisonous' acid out of
the blood, and enriching and puri-
fying it. There is no medicine will
do this so speedily and surely as
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They act
ually make the new rich, red blood
which drives out the poisonousacid
upbuilds the system, and makes
Value of Oiinseal and Cottonseed Meal
For Horses.
The Iowa esneriment station three
years ago undertook to test various
possible irabetitutes for oats .for work
horses. ' The treeectIons viaree' booed on
the composttion, palm/ainty and cot*
of the feeds with the object 01 furnish
Ing a cheep ration similar in Putrid,*
materials to a retion eontalning eon
siderable oats. Corn eras made the
basis of the feed infatuate became at
Wood Block Printing For Your
Home Dec -orations.
Printing Is Placed or, Right Side oe the
Fabric -As to the Paint, Any of the
Dyes on the Market May Be Used.
Artiets' Tube Paint Preferred.
Wood block Writing te exactly what
its narne-iihnlieesearinting from a block
of wood. The block may be square or
Rectangular. lax a rouad block a
aPool may be attlined. Some blocks
are earned by band into attractive de-
signs. A etind's set or ordinary build
trig blocks will give any nomber, of
',tames whirls can be combined into
good patterns. writes a contribtrter in
the Womenle Home Cernipanion. There
are only two things to pear an mind
about the block. For Weeks three
inches in brogtb or orer the thickness
should be at beast one tech, while
smaller bloctesneed be no thicker than
fiere-eighths ot an inch. That is one
thing to yemember. The other is that
the lake* must be ce clam grained
bawl wood. Gum wood is especially
good for general work. bo pine must
be avoided air too eat.
The printing side a rue block must
be thoroughiy sandpapered to Meuse
a smooth surface and then painted
thoroughly with while shellac to pre-
vent the wood from absoetting too
much paint.
As to the prrints, veinal'y boom
paint thinned with turpentine to the
consistency ce cream gives good Are -
suns. Any of tbe dyes an the mate
HAMMES souse. •prazu win= Nit ToOti•
firffora Dreedeea Gavotte:41 .,
its ch.eappess, and Aimed, .cottonee.ed
meal and gluten feed were eacb tried
as the additional eosnponent.
Draft horses weighing around 1i600
pounds, working mostly in pairs and
fours at the experiment station, were
used for the testa. One horse of each
pair was fed corn and oats and the
other the ration of core with the sup-
plementary feed to be tested.. In the
various tests the basal ration consisted
of fifty to sixty-five per cent oats and
the remainder corn. When .eilmeei
10 per 'cent onthe \ration with the re-
mainder corn or corn and oats. When
cottonseed meal with tested it was fed
'to the extent of 6 to 8 per cent of
the grain feed...and gluten feed was
tested as 11 per cent of the grain re -
tion. In all casesthe protein balance
was the same In both rations used at
one time.
• TWo years' work has been .dorie and
it is- • maw- -repotted in bulletin No -1Q
the sufferer Well and strong.
01 the lentra experbrient '. station at
is because they do tills that '-Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills have cured • Ames. A tenantable uniformity .oc-
thousands of cases of rheumatism carred in the results, showing that at
after all other treatment had fail- Leese for worn horses the eomposteloo
ed. As proof we give the case of of these feeds-ia'a safe guide in their
Mrs. F. x. Boisseau, St. Jerome, use. The health, spirit and ender-
Que., who says: "Almost tw,o years
go I was a terrible sufferer from ance of: thehorses were the sense when
rheumatism. The trouble first lo- feu ePrr WW1, ,the moderate
t atedin,my-right legsrendering•all s,..0”IneansOnen.ila;na. sfeed „Ur ...cottonseed,
'work impossible, and walking ex- , meal as. when 'feel the corn and oats'
eessively' difficult. I tried to cure . ration Supplying the same nutritive
myself by means of all sorts of lini- rano. _Tee radon 0 corn and °them'
ments and lotions, but without maintained the welgbt, flesh attfl.sto..
arail. The trouble was constantly pearance ot tbe herses folly as well
growing worse, and. the Pain more •
and with kers expense than the one of
'and more unbearable, Finally the.
disease spread to myother leg,and similar Llut-rftiv13• vahlo cominuseei of
I was all but helpless, and I. was corn and oats.
tompletely discouraged, thinking I • Cottonseed meal gave somewhat bete;
would be a sufferer for the rest of ter results on .the 'Whole than °Unseal.
my life. At this time I read an ad- me ration ,containing. it was ravz7 as
nertisement in our home paper, of palatable and as efficient in inaintrdn.
this 'trouble being curedby Dr. . ing the beam •aad weight of The
Williams' Pink Pills and I decided
to try them. I first got four boxes h°raes- It
meatN Paa' tittle cheaper with
of the pills and after using them. cottonseedatPO per ton,
'for several weeks I could see that Was less laxative.
the painful rheumatism was grad-
ually disappearing. I continued
taking the pills however, until I
bad used about a dozen boxes,
when every symptom of the trous
/Isle had disappeared, and I could
'walk as freely as ever I did, and
do my housework without the least
trouble. I have no hesitation in
recommending Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills to every rheumatic sufferer."
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box, six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. 'Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A brief trial of ninety-one days eclat
gluternfeed indicated that. while tt-was
caPahlreot giv10g good refrains, items
not as paiatable as • oihneal and the
ration corstatning it cost a trine more
per poundwbenginten feed was worth
28 pee too. • • s I
Let --
Fr ank 'Horsey, arrested near
Hyde Park for robbing Mr. Patrick.
J. P., may /be able to throw some
light on 'the murder of Lizzie Antlf-
erson at Goderich, if the suspicion
of the London police proves cor-
rect .
The Agricultural Hall at Dungan-
non, has received a couple of coats
of fresh paint which greatly im-
snroves its appearance.
Good progress has been made in
'the laying of tracks along the Lake
Shot e Road Tor the Ontario West
Shore Railway. Port Albert was
reached some ` time ago, andelthe.4
work of track laying is necessarily I
suspended until the bridge there
is built. The bridge gang started
to 'work ion Monday and will 'take
three 'or /four Weeks to span the
1111111411 1111111111-11,11111111'lli'll
Tha Clinton New Urn
Was Troubled With alis
Liver For Four Years.
Doctors Gave Hit,' Up,
Mr, Harry Graves, Junking, Alta,
.writerle....a can not say enough in regard
to your wonderful asilburn's°Lena-Liver
Pills. For four years I was troubled
with my Liver, and times it Would get
ao bad I could not move around. At
last the doctors gave me up saying it was
impossible for me to get cured.
My father got me four vials of your
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, but I told
him there Was no use trying them and
>that it was only a waste of money,
however I took them and to -day, six
months later, I am a well man and
weigh twenty-four pounds more than I
did. I would advise all Liver sufferers to
use them."
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents
vial, or 5 vials for $1.00,,at all dealers,
or will be mailed direct on receipt of price
by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
Dnurto xxxlm,ounTAINS MAPS or WIIrrn
blot may be used, but probably the
most satisfactory colors are made
from artists' tube Paints, .mixed with
two-thirds turpentine and one-third
japan drier to form a creamy liquid.
Now, this is the mretbod of tbe work:'
Prepare the paint according to the di-
rectione given above and apply to the
sandpaPered and shellacked block,
the paint On. the 114OeY With a
brush, evenly and thidk enough so
that tbe wood does not stxrar. through,
bot not Sp thick that it will ooze over
tlse edges.: Tbe printing is done on
the right side of the fabrie. Place
the goods on a well padded board -an
ironing board is fine -and directly un-
der the part which is to receive the de -
Sign .putsaslarre-whito.blatters
. taking the blOck in your left hand
, -
apply it, painted side down. to the'
proper .ptace on the geods' and hold place with your fingers to pre-
vent It from ,slipping wbile you hit the
upper side several sbarp blows with
a wooden. mallet. An old fashioned
wooden potato masher will serve in
place or the mallet. Distribute. the
blows over the surface of the block so
that all parts will recetve. the siane
amount of pressure. A very little ex-
perimenting of various odds' and ends
01 cloth and three will soon tellyou
ust how much force you need to ap-
ply. Alter hammering the block as
described lift it up .and there will be
tbadesign printed on tbe material. .,
The horn eof Richard Johns sr., of
Elirnville. near Exeter, 'was the
scene during the afternoon and
evening pf 'Monday, 'Sept. 19th of a
Most enjoyable event, 'it being the
occasion of a tinnily reunion arrang
ed because of the approaching de
parture for seven years in China of
is grandseon. Re,. A. E. John/I/end
his 'bride. Over thirty children.
grand rehildren and great grand
childeen assembled. 'Mr. Johns let
in his 87th year' but he took libitum
in base lball with the others. The
hot 'fowl 'supper served' was enjoy
ed to the 'full and the evening was
spent in igames an dmusic.
On SaturdaY, $enternber _10th,
Warren Patterson, of Grand Bend,
-was bitten by a mad dog and is now
undergoing treatinent at the Past-
eur Institute‘Toronto. After the
boy was !bitten the dog was killed
and head was sent 'to Toronto,
Word was received that the dog
was 'affected with rabies and last
Week TfIrs. Patterson and Mrs, M.
Gill accompanied the lad to Tor-
onto for treatment.
His Excellency Is In Search of Orig.
inel Material About Canada,
Earl Grey will he the first Governor.
General of Canada who ever saw Mad -
son Ilay-if he succeeds in carrying
(nit the expedition which has been
planned for this summer's diversion
of Ms Excellency. He will see the,
last north in middle Canada at first
hand-wheris he starts from Norway
House above Lake Winnipeg on his
canoe journey down the historic
Hayes River to the Bay; following
the route of the old York boats but
exploring the land which at present
is very much alive with activities con-
nected with the Hudson Bay Railway.
This is to be a cloee trip; no prase
correspondents permtted; in which re.
sr'eet it much differs from the weetern
trip of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The Gov-
ernor-General is determined to see es
much as poesible of the hinterland of
Canada at first hand. Last summer he
visited the Yukon, where he succeed-
ed in getting lost. The journey to
Hudson Bay will give him Materiel
for a large number of good speeches
concerning the deeelopment and des-
tiny of Caneda. He ie to receive much
the same feudal greetings from I a -
dime and halfbreeds as Lord Lorne
got in 1%1 when he toured the un-
railrotteled west in a buckboard. Nor-
way House will have a pow -wow. At
Fort Churchill and York Factory the
lonesome natives will turn out in all
the splendor of historic regalia to
receive His Excellency.
The trip will oornroonect Aud'ruat;'
about which time a party of maga-
zine writers and Dome newspaper men
will go on a journey of re-diecovery
up to the Peace River. This outing
is being eornewhat arranged by Mr.
J. K. Cornwall. who has a line of
steamboat& plying on the northern
• On Monday afternoon a serious
accident happened to Mrs. Johnand
Mrs. James McGee of East Wawa -
nosh. They had cohle to Wingham
'to accompany to the station some
relatives 'who ha been visiting
there!, a.nd' was tt returning
liome. When r Mr. Tennant's
on John St' , something caused
the 'horses to give a jerk to the
vehicle, and +the hind seat of, the
democrat on twhich the ladies were',
sitting, was thrown backwards, and
the ladies If ell on to the hard road
with great force. Mrs. James Mc-
Gee was found to have her collar
'bone 'broken, and 'Mrs. Jno McGee
was rendered unconscious, haVing
fallen on her head. -She remained
unconscious unttil the next morn-
-ings----Before. lea-v-ing--horne-,--the
clamps holding the seat in its place
were fond secure; their loosening
by sone means is responsible for
the accident.
Brood Marro or Gelderige.
It Ifs- now coating the termer allout
$90 a yearto•eupport a horse In htinne.
seta; accortfteg to the statistics care-
fully kept at the experiment station.
The necessity is apparent for Os
farmer to -gee Into metbods.ot bandraig
his boreeselgo-they will rebus:ill piroOt,
in addition to the work they do, "to
psi for the board." It has beerosug•
gested bthe-eeeretary of the Mune.
sots stallion. registration board that
the Warn* average farm horses beat
once coareated into high eines brood
mores, eocia-tn9abie of retsina a eott
annually. The geldings should be. eoold
to people whoee business will keep
them buy throughout the year and
pay their awnentaprodt. Conant high
dam- breed mares vidil mil at the end
of thedreeond.orthird year fora sum
sufficiert to give the tomer a fair
profit on Ns -snare, while her laborwM
have paid him port of the cost of
keeping thsough the idle Kama. The
farmer needs a home that will par,
him a prod*, everts. day In the year.
•CO. 6th 1910
(mpue OAF MIEL)
If cocoa is your favorite beverage
13Y all means enjoy it at its best—
as made with Cowan's Perfection
The acme of purity, richness
and flavor.
TEE COWAN CO. Limited,
Pastor of St. Mathew's Chureh
London, Tenders llis
Rev. WilliamLowe, rector of St.
Matthew's Church, East London,
for the past five yearEeSunclay an-
nounced that he had' accepted the
parish of Itucan, tendered him by
Bishop Williams. He presented
his resignation as rector of the lo -
tat chur ch, and will leave for his
new charge in November.
Mr. Lowe tame to London from
Wingharn. Since going to the city
he has taken a deep interest in his
parish, and was also one of the
leading figures In 'the Orange
Society of the city.
He reduced the church debt near-
ly $2,800, and assisted in building
the`taission in London Junction at
a cost of $3,000. The debt on this
church is but $1,000.
During his five years as rector
Mr. Lowe has baptized 127 persons.
There Were 75 confirmed, and 75
Marriages, and 67 deaths.
It Ss'not knoWn as yet who twill
succeed -Mr. LoWe In $t. Matthews.
Rheumatic Pains
Not Coughing Today?
Yet you may cough tomorrow! Better be prepared for it
when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold
or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at
hand. Your doctor's approval of its use will certainty
set all doubt at. rest: 1Do as he says. He knows.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. 14Ayareo.,Lotolidliass,
Robust health is great safeguard against &mem of throat and twig troubles, but
taastipalioa will destroy the best of With: Mk your doctor About Ayres Pills.
Showering a Bride.
Instead of the telltale rice or *lieu
confetti, friends of the summer bride
should shower her with real rose pet-
als. Then) should be gathered in
quantitiete the day of the wedding.
They army be passed on large trays,
or if the party that remains tooeo the
bride go off is Small supply a tituriber
of oniall,beskets, each one tied witti,a
bow et whfte ribbon and iilledPwilth
pink and vrhitecose. petals,.
Wtiero tt is hard to get moue/Area
resew the. euppl7 can bo Increased bq
making petals of tissoe popes. Cut
them. kite shape and curl with.. dull knife. if baskets aro me used
the petaki can be tied bale square
packages with white tissue papetwand
white ribbon.
By Lydia 13. PinkliaiifsVeg-
etabk Compound
Chicago. "I want to tell you
what Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable
Compound did for me. I was so sick
that two of the best doctors in Chicago'
• saidIwouldcl, ie if I did not have an
operation. I had
already had two
operations; a n d
go through a third
they wanted me to
one. I suffered day
and night from in-
flammation and a
small 'tumor, and
never thought of
seeing a well day
again. A friend
told me how Lydia
E. Pinkhara's Veg-
etable Compound had helped her, and
I tried it, and after the third bottle
was cured."--IIrsstanvarte SPERLING,
11 Langdon Street, Chicago; 111.
If you are 411 do not drag along at
home or in your place of employment
Until an operation is necessary, but
build up the feminine system, and re-
move the cause of those distressing
aches and pains by taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compoimd, made
from roots and herbs.
For thirty years it has been the stan-
dard remedy for female ills, and has
positively restored the health of thou-
sandsof womenwho have been troubled
with displacements, inflammation, ilk
eeration, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, bearing -down
feeling, flatulency, indigestion, dizzi-
ness, or nervous prostration. Why
don't you tryit?
A Hertertrineg Party. • '
A bride to be is going to gtve a hem-
ming party eoon. She called ber best
girl friends over the telephone and in-
vited tbein to pass an afternoon on
her porch and incidentally remarked:
"Everybody Is to bring' her thimbee.
Tbe hostess wilt provide needles,
thread and bereming." And in the
Meantime she has bought material for
her kitchen tovrels, and the girls will
hare the privilege of beaming them,
and each girl may pet her own initials
In the corner 11 she chooses. This is
a clever idea and ode which the guests
Will doubtless enjoy.
Happy are the iniseriefi thaii-eastts
'mt.-Gans= Pnwerb6
Japanese Menthol is unequal4
led as a pain relieving agent.
Applied in the " D. & L."
Menthol Plaster it is the most
effective remedy known for
Lumbago, Sci atica, Rheumatic
Aches and Pains. Try a "D.
& L." Menthol Plaster the
next time you are suffering
froth any one of these com-
plaints and be convinced. 25c.
each at druggists.
1. USE
8 tir•e
Vegetable Boiling Time
The, following valuable table of
time for the 'boiling of vegetables
wiil be of use to raany 'cooks.
Asparagus, 15 to 20 Minutes.
Beans (shell), one to two hours.
Beans (string). tWo hours.
Young beets, .45 to 60 Minutes.
Carrots 40 minutes .
Cabbages 30 to 45 Minutes.
Onions 30 to 45 Minutes •
Peas 15 to20 Minutes.
Spinach 20 to 80 minutes.
Tomatoes 15 to N Minutes.
Turnips two or three hours.
• t
RIT°11mmil PdK
A. Splendid Tonic
Builds up the System
Strengthens the
elves New Life
Sold by all medicine dealers: 1
Davis& Lawrence co., Montreal.
More bread
,. Better bread
14. •
Ford & McLeod
Having secured a commodious Grain
Storehouse, we are now buying all
kinds of grain, for which the highest
pricea will be paid.
Bran. Shorts, Coen and all kinds of
grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on
hand at the storehouse.
Ford & McLeod
We IL WATTS &SON store opens at 7.30 a m. closes at 8 p M.
We are Practical Boot and Shoe mak-
ers and repairers. Boots made to or-
der from one to three days notice and
repairing done while you wait.
Farmers Attention
We have on. hand several pairs of
our own make boots,just the thing for
the Spring .wear., Come in and see
Opposite Post Office
We Want to Land
your first order. because we.know that
the satisfaction you will derive from
that will open your eyes to the fact
that you cannot do better anywhere
else that you can with us. You will
find that we are not "all at sea" in our
business, but thoroughly "up- to- the
minute" and watchful of the interests
if our customers, knowing that, by so
loing, we are really actingsfot cur
wn ultimate benefit.
Mon u ments 1
Merchant Tailor, - Clinton
Choicer Designs
I3est Materials.
Jas. Doig,
Dr. de Van's-Pernale-Pills
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's. are sold at
85a box or three for $10. Mailed to any address.
Opposite the Post Office lin ton The SoObell Drug Co.,.St, Cathanes, Ont.
Cook's Cotton Root QmpountE
Tho great 'Media Tont n and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulatoron which women eon
depend. swain three degrece
of strength --N0. 0. 2,
10 degrees stronger i3t, NO.
for special easesitif. 6 per box.
sou:113y all dim ats, or Pent
. Pro piadmpohnletre. °Ildtre°Sts P:
COMMOMIN100.,TORONTO.010. (formerly Win/leen
A Chance Moor the Boys
and Girls.
The Clinton New Era wants a clever boy
or girl in every town and village, and throughout
the county, to take subscriptions at a special rate
of ouly 25 cents for baance of 1010.
. Any boy or girl securing five or more orders at the
above rate, may keep Ten Cents on each order.
Write at once for order 'forms,
Our Job Department
Before you are entirely out of printed stationery,
get us to replenish your supply, giving us time
do you the very best work obtainable. Call and
let us figure with you on your job work and adver-
Color Work a Specialty Here
elinton New Era