The Clinton New Era, 1910-10-06, Page 4What We drill Ise we Sell, What we sell, iivertises us, Ladies' Ready.to-wear finrmnents, AnillnerY and Xlress•Making. Tho °mat OreatSuOject M LL R We have been receiying congratulations all week. ,Everybody seems to ap prone .ef our Millinery. Our Hate strike tasteful people as true examples of the 'tyles for Fall, chosen with an eye to ladplike ap. pearance• and dignity. That reputation we, have worked bard to create, and • harder still to deserve. We cordially invite you, 'We'll be delighted to -have, • •you, whether you wish to select your bat Hat now•pr not; eo please consider yourself at"perfect liberty to visit our Show Room as often as you please.. 1 Northwa Coats.'. There is something distinctive about these "Northway Coats. Not iottIy are they natty, smart, and stylish, but they possess an individuality that instantly ap- deals "oto the average dressed woman. Thele is another• point a strong one, too; it is, about the fit. Watch " Northway1" -Coats of the same style tried on women of different figures, You will be surprised how, well they fit, at the ease with which they adapt themselves.. Just now is an excellent time for choosing your boat. A com- plete showing of the newest models await you. Remember- ---••'n't"p ="live"'s•Ly'les""•i:o`"'"dhiiose"""°"-`- from. r,• S.( 3•• C2unty Dsiugs As Told by County Papers Mrs. Ernst Gies, Zurich 'had'th misfortune to break her ankle, o 'Friday last, while carrying so 'woody into the house. P. Bender of Zurich and Mr Posner whose home was in Ne York state.. were 'married las Frank Marshal's o 1 little iso Johnny and Will, of Hensall, left 'for Beilville Institute, last wee They each have tn'ade good pro 'grecs during their stay there. J. W. Ortwein, of Hensel!, wa , very successful in prize winning with his . poultry at Seaforth. H took 19 'bird's and won 14 first and 3 second's. He intends to exhibi at Guelph next winter. Joe Brown, a Bayfield fisherman was tried before G. C. Petty, on Friday, at Hensel!, +charged with shooting, with the intent to do in - at Schaffer's Hotel, Kippen, on Thursday evening. Hy. Schaffer the first witness, swore that the prisoner came to his place' the pre- vious night, and that when he was showing him to his zoom, Brown struck him. Brown had left a gun 'there, and on Thursday night took it out, and shortly after shots Were fired through the windows and doors. Everyone in the hotel got into The hall for safety. Mr. Cuss - an, merchant, Kippen, swore' that the prisoner had stood' on his steps and fired shots direct at the 'window and door of the hotel. That he had ordered hirni away and that Br own had gone.around op- posite D. Hays' and 'fired More -shots from; that side. ;He then came in to purchase more cart- ridges but witness refused' to sell and was then threatened' with strong language. Mr. McClymont also swore to hearing ;five shots and In other respects corrobrated the Other evidence. The prisoner 'who was prosecuted on informat- ion of Pt ovincial Constable White- side, was eominitted to Goderich Sail to stand his trial. Brown is said to -be a harmless fellow, but apparently was crazed with drink. The Exeter Canning Fadtory are abqut't'hrough this year's trap and in the course of 'a few days will close down for the winter. • • S. Jackson,' Toronto. The marri- age will take place: quietly.' in the middle of October -Wolk rs being pushed. ahead on: the Blyth Bur al Telephone Iine,and" a Iarge number of tete . poles . are securely planted. Cross arms are e z eady at the Hill factory and the. n , wire gang will soon - be at. work. me ! Ther e are . already about 150 sub- ' and many more to follow I no doubt.. When the •. price 'end s. ' •convenience are taken'into . the se count no one. should be :'wi'thout °a: t--zphone. _ 1•:.A. second -land _boilex' �? .irecen y`pur+e"Tiased= by rthi eter Council In Hanover, is k week being installed In' the electric - Iight power house. . x�'hen Bart of the bank caved in and walled one of hie legs against the oneworkf fore a couple of daya laid aecoirnt of the briery,. While practising high Jumping other d'e ayim*niter jo�eDickfel,l and broke come of thecords in his left arm,. Blyth Fair . List Continued from page 1. MANUFACTURES i AU 'Wool flannel, 10 •yard's, Jae. Alton, J. H. Wise; pair all `woof blankets, Jas. Alton; 'blankets un- ion, J. K. rWise;. pair horse blankets Jas. Alton; coverlet, R. G. M cGow- an; rag mat, Miss Symington,Mrs. ;M-Sydigamat, mnto, Johnston; cks atk mg yarn, W. H. McCracken.. Mrs,J. Cummings, 'andMiss McClelland, 'judges, ,. LAII}'ES WORK. • Lace handkerchiefs, Mies Living- ston, Mrs. H. W. Talnblyn; ribbon work, Mrs, Andrew 'Johnston, Miss Livingeton; shadow embroidery. Mrs. Andrew Johnston, 'Mrs, Tam- blyn; gents' salts, Miss. Livingston, Miss Symington. pillow shams, Mrs. $owrie, Mrs. Alex McCarroll; patch quilt In cotton, 2VIrs.Tamblyn Miss Steinhoff ; Patch quilt in cloth, W, �$• McCracken, 'Mrs. Tam- blyn ; silk quilt, crazy; 'Miss Sym- ington crockelt .quil't,Miss S ing ton, Mist 'Mulvey ; knitted quilt, Mrs, A. Johnston, Miss Symington; 'home-made, . stroke M. McCracstockings, en ; eye let centre piece or 5 o'clock, Miss Livingston, Miss Mulvey ; embz•oid- ery en bolting sloth, Miss Livings ston, Miss 48ybning!ton; embroidery. 'on silk or satin, Miss 7,iivings'ton, Miss Syynington ; Rensing!ton, em- broidery, Mrs, rRowrie, Mrs, Ts' roman em•'broidery, Mrs Tam byhn, Mies Livingston ;. cushion top in coronation lace, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. A. Johnston • sofa pillow, Miss: Livingston, Miss iulveyu; Piano or table scarf, Mise Livingston,' Mrs. 'Howrie; drawn work, Miss Mulvey, 'Miss Livingston; Honiton or point lace Miss Mulvey, Miss Livingston; novelty in fancy work, Mise Byhn- ington, Mrs. A. J'ohns'ton; 'crochet Iwork in silk,- Mrs. A. McCarroll, Miss Symington; 'Hon`i'ton or point suit, Mrs. Howrie Miss Mulvey ; bed room slippers" home-made, 'Mrs. Tamblyn, Miss Agnew; fancy toilet set, 'Miss` Symington,' Mfrs.. Rev. Dunbar; footstool, Miss Symington 'applique work, • Miss Livingston, 'Mrs. Tambiyn ; fancy .pin cushion, lilies Livingston, Miss Symington; Taney handkerchief case, Miss Syn ington, Mrs. Tainblen; photo frame any kind .,'Mrs. Rev, Dunbar, Mrs Tamblyn; knitted' lace cotton, Miss 'Livingston, 'Miss Symington ; knitt- eed or crochet fancy wool shawl,. Mrs. A, Johnston. Mrs. Tambl n; one set table"mats, Mrs. A. Senn- ston, Mrs. Tamblyn ; one set of doy- lies, not more'than six pieees,::Miss Livingston, Mrs.'Tamblyn ; Battens burg lace, Mrs.'A. Johnston, Mrs, I'o wriest oats se,:M .5 _ 'v- ingston, Miss .Symington ; tatting, Miss. Livixigston, :Mrs. Tamblyn; fancy netting, Miss . Livingston, Miss .Symington ; waifachain work, Mrs. A. Johnnston, Miss Symington; table centre pieces,.Miss Living.- ston, Miss Mulvey; stable cover, b ,o'clock, Miss Livingston, Mrs. How- rie; tray cloth, Mrs. TaiTnblyn, Miss Symington ; 'tea• eo sey,. Mr s. Howrie Miss 'Livingston; cushion :'top em • •bro'idered, 'Miss Symington, Mise Livingston la ` Symington, , . mp teen, Miss Sym in ton y ington, Mrs. A. Johnson ; :laundry bag, Mrs. Alex McCarroll, Mrs. Rev, Dunbar ; sideboard Cover,: Mrs. }Tamblyn, Miss Mulvey ; etching on any material; .'fine , or course, Miss Symington, John Parrott:; •`,mantle drape,. Miss Syniington; slumber 'robe,'. ' Mrs. Howrie, Alex. 'rain•; • whish holder,' Miss Syinin ttln, Mrs. Tambly?a; .coIlectlon:o.f, la�'es'. : whish .Was ', �r work ey,,; e" Wrox- 43116 ee'es•,sn r- dors-• t-'s-°I�rrtviz is still; As' a result of the Wroxeter s Board of Trade's communication with the Government 300. small -- e mouthed black.�bass were last week place in. the pond' here; The same number will be added each year for the next. two years, during which time fishing in the pond will , 1 be strictly prohibited. S The four - iron 'bridges that re- quire painting, in Grey township, are to receiVe'their new dreas -from Fred. McCracken's staff, Brussels, $100 'being the 'figure, Henry Alcock was the.successful f tenderer for the Kreuter drain, in Grey township, his "figure being $586.00. B. C. Armstrong gets the Lociking drain at 1398.00. Mr. Cook of Goderich. has been engaged to.lead the singing in St. ' Andrew's Church, Blyth, at a sa1- ary of $150 per year. An Indian lister ,eontributed'820 to the finances of Brussels last week. •This was the *second offence Case came 'befoz e Reeve Leckie. On, October -0th the Railway Com - Mission' will meet in Brusseis 'to hear evidence concerning the ques tion of Connections 'between the Bell and Rural 'Telephone Com- panies, owing to inability, to ar-s range rate's .heretofore. • Few people stay 'with their job like . Whaley, of Belgrave. He has run the:.peddling wagon 'for 16 years and the people would be sure to�'thfnk£ something Was decidedly wrong if. he missed a trip. Some thirsty individual or indi- viduals purloined au case of im- perial cellar.. t Brussels, onus re- cent night and is still uzipunished. there's trouble ahead for same- 'body, • . Mise Fanny Mason, who has rend- ered such splendid service as Dep- uty in BIy'th postoffice, has resign- ed to accept a similar position in Paz is. On 'Friday ay while playing in the loft of the barn, Willie, the•young- est son of Mrs. Ortwein, Andrews street Exeter, had the misfortune to fall through a hole to the floor below his teeth going through his lip. The little fellow Is better again. g The Toronto 'Mail and Empire' of Friday last Contained the follow- ing :—Dr. and Mrs. Roland' B. Orr announce the engagement Of their youngest daughter, Meta Meredith, oto Dr. Gordon Park Jaekson, Wrox. eter, Onit., only son 0114r, and Mrs. n "Darkey 'Ital," owned by J.' E. Swarth of Wingham, won fourth place in the free•.for-all horse race at Detroit. The Mare Went lame and Was unable to make a 'good' showing and Wilt not be able' to race again this season: Mr. Swans has brought Darkey Hal to Wing* ham for the fall and Winter. months. last week ceat the Cb rt House, God. er ldh: Sir 'Wil t l aa, r Mui ' ock w :. re s p i d ing. Seven cases being dealt with by the jury, The Court adjourned, Wednesday evening after a three days' sesalon. a Abram Crich met 'wi'th Atrite n M ainftil accident on +Mornday after+ con. ne was working in a gravel Mr 'Miss Livingston; 'collee'tion.' of ladies' work, Miss Livingston, Mrs." Tamblyn; quilt, any other kind, Mrs. Rev. Dunbar ; Alex Yuill; kit - then apron, Mrs. 'A. Johnston,. Mrs,. ,Ifowrie;• crochet :work: in'novel'ty braid, 'Miss Livingston,' Mrs. ,Tam-. blyn ; 'Har danger or Norwegian work, Mrs.'Tatn'blyn, Mrs. A. John- ston. 'Mrs. Cumniing and Miss Mc- Clelland, judges. CHILDREN'S COMPETITION Hemmed handkerchiefs, Jos.. Cummings, 'Mrs. Howrie.. Mrs Cumming and Miss McClelland, 'jud'ges. . .. • • FINE 'Alms. Oxnain�ent or vase, ,Miss 'Mulvey, Miss 'Livingston ; hand painted placque in oil, Miss Agnew, Miss Livingston; piece of burnt work on leather, Miss Livingston;pieces of burnt workt!n Wood,.Menno' Jackson, Miss Agnew; . picture of Huron County scenery,, Miss Living store Mrs. Howrie:; painting on bolt ing 'cloth, Miss L'ivings'ton, Miss Symington ; cups' and saucers, half dozen, hand' painted, Miss Living- ston; plates, •'half dozen, hand paint ed, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; collection . of oil paintings, Miss Agnew, Mrs. Rev. Dunbar; collect- ions of^water 'color paintings, Miss Livingston, Mrs. A. Taylor; figure Debating in oil, Miss Livid s'ton, Mrs, Howrie; figure painting in water color, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Livingston; 'animals grouped or in single, in oil, Mrs, Rev. Dunbar, Miss Agnew; animals grouped or single, in . water Color, Mrs. How- rie, Miss 'Livingston ; landscape, in oil, Miss Agnew, Miss Livingston ; landscape In water color, Mrs. A. fraylor,'Mita Agnew; Crayon draws tng, :Miss Mulvey, Miss Livingston ; penefl drawing, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Livingston; 'collection of pen and ink sketches, Miss Livingston; specimenethine palating, Miss Mul- Vey, Mies Livingston; hand paint- ing on silk, satin or plush, Mrs. Livingston, Miss Symington; painting on glass in oil, Mies Ag- new, Mrs. 'Howrie; toliectfon of photographs, A. H. Jacobs, Mrs. Tam'blyn; 'collection pierced 'brass. Miss Livingston. " Miss L. Brigham judge. PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Collection of foliage, 8 'verities, W. 'Mason, 'Mr s. h'enWi .. etc A i 's: , g ern In lJiatl u� m, two Mrs,. �enwlek, W. Mason ; hanging 'basket," Ml's. •Fenwick; display of plants in flow- •er,- >n potn, six plants, 'distinct from 'al }entries, Mrs. i+'enwieh W. aeon; collection Terns in pots, not less than .4 `Verities, named, s. Penwick. 0. Powell, judge. int New IBxM 0 ich Organ Factory Damaged. Loss by Pero Will Exceed Fifty. Thousand Dollar, Fox the 'third time In the twenty confined to a smallsee't'ion taut as 'years of its ,history the factory of the 'flame$ 'Worked amonghe fin - the {loderich Organ Company has !shing oilsand varnishes they gains been seriously damaged byfire. i ed 'fresh vigor, and the indefat'ig- The fire broke out In the finishing able 'work of the brigadeand vol- department early Saturday even- ' unteer 'fireinen alone. saved the lac ing, and although not considered i' tory. For nearly aMile the !flying dangeroust first, tor*a stubborn 1 embers were carried! by the +gale, hold: on theSquantity of cambusts land as quickly as they fell resis ible varnishes and f ed, by the large .dents 'hurried to tiuench 'theta., stock of packing Material used ',n ' Many roofs of adjoining building* the ehipping rooms; soon ;gained were .scorched, and seyeraF f aid,.. headway 'witch threatened' 'total r Iles moved their furniture to th destruation to the entire plant. truCti o toadjacente fire threatened' 'Fanned' by a strong Xior'thwest gale factories a Area rthrizwe the and' houses a hurried esll was sent h to the fire brigades of neighboring towns, and The prompt response of the: Clinton Brigade by a special train and the Stratford'. Brigade on the Midnight train, with their hose and equipment, gave valuable asals taxzee to the local She -fighters, I,o'ss Over $50,000. The eonzpany's lumber yards were 'fortunately located ..to the 'West, and all of this material was saved , ,The loss, however, 'will a- mount'to $50,000 or $75,000, to say nothing of the lois of business at a season when their products are in great demand. The factory and contents were in sured for 'about eighty per eeri't. of their value., but the loss of•office re cord's. is irreparable. While the manager, 'Mr, Alex Saunders, is ab- sent with the Canadian Manufaet- urere' Asaociation, It is learned' from, local officials that innnediate steps Will be taken to rebuild' the plant, possibly. on a larger scale, 'to cope with the increasing demand. the 'times spread: ' north section, with little ope-o'f sa'vixgg the south. section or wood- working .departments, The pre- vious experiences of this company with fixe led 'themm, in the last re- building, to divide the ifactory in«• to parts, one section to contain all mechanical appliances, and the other to tontain -the 'finishing de - pertinent and offices, both build - Inge separated by a' ten -foot arch- way, with- divisional fire walls 'be- tween, the whole structure being of solid brick. - Cause of the Fire. The outbreak. Is attributed, as in former instances, • to combustion among 'the 'finishing material, as the night-watchman had been through the 'building a short time before and found everything' in order. At thel first alarm the fire- mer were promptly ion the scene, and atter a 'half hour's work it was thought that little 'damage•wo}1td• result,. the fire being ' practically CVT'PLOW'ERS.. Table 'boquet, Mrs. A. McCarroll, Mrs. Fenwick; hand boquet, Mrs. Rowrfe; collection of dahlias, Mrs, Fenwiek, Miss Livingston; collect- ion of : pansies, Mrs. Fenwick, Mrs. Howrie; collection, of Asters, Mrs. Fenwick, Geo. Powell, judge. PENMANSHIP. For children under 10 years. Stanley Match, .Jas. Alton; for children under 13 years, Flora Kfllough, Dolly Cowan; for any scholar attending publie school, Albert Austin, J. Parrott. ' .1. H. Joynt, Peter 'Gardiner, judges. All Hy Pimples Gone. Girl Tells How A. Blotchy Skin Was Cleansed by xx Simple: Wash • "I was ashamed of my ,face,". writes Miss Minnie Pickard of Al ah..e ."lt was all full of pimpleg••a scars,. u:t after, using D. D. D. Prescription I can ' . say that now there is no sign ,of that Eczema, and that waa 'three. years ,ago. .. . D, D. D, has 'becoxn;e . so 'famous as a cure arid instant relief in eczema and all other 'serious skin diseases, that its value is sometimes • over looked in clearing up rash, pimple blackheads, and all- other . nano formis of skin 'impurities. The fact is, that 'while D. D. D. is so Penetra'ting that it strikes to the very rpo't of eczema or any other serious trouble, the soothing Oil of ,Wintergreen, - Thymroi 'and' other :ingre,dien'ts:are so carefully Mr and Mrs Joe Cook of Colborne spent Sunday at 0 W Potter's. Miss Mona Johnston returned home last week, having spent a couple of wesks at Mitchell. Mr Jnbu Cox and daughter Maggie spent Tuesday in Dungannon. Look After The Orchard—Mr. R. R. Sloan, ()Utile firm Sloan Bros, who own a large 'fruit farm in.God- exich township, on the lake shore, and who was 'a judge of fruit at the Seaforth Fair, says that where last year a quarter of a million barrels of apples were shipped otu- of this 'country, not a thousand will go out this year. ..ale attri- eutes the failure to the frosts in June followed' by the told wet weather; Mr. Sloan 3s a Tina be, Haver in the orchard as a money-- maker for the farmer and be says the day is not' far distant.. when apple 'buyers will not look at an orchard .that has not been pruned and the' 'trees sprayed.- ' .die also elaimis that a week or two of•syste .matte work on an, orchard every year .W111 make it t'he'biggest mon gy_p_±,9„4 on the farm. Sloan Bros. have. a'farin' bi"i 0`"'act'es; and- of this 60 acres is in orchard and they are .preparing to set out 20 acres more In the spring., .''They prune'' their orchards heavily in March, as the pruxiing gives the fruit a 'be't'ter color. They also spray liberally, and this prevents - wormy fruit. They manure the s I land heavily in the ` winter,' and r from spring till the end of Julyy cult iv to a the land n wit hw o . I • ar= p and har- rows. After sunnmerfallowing this way, they sowa cover crop, preferably clover, and plow 'this' own next aeason,'thus getting the benefit of the .fertilizing qualities in the ero had. their ' pr 'They have farm only three • years but: have` strong. hopes of reaping- a great -harvest in the future-- from their trees.=-Eispositor. Compounded there is no :wash ' for the with Made that„can''compare with ilia. great' household' remedy - for every kind 'of skin trouble: ' D. DAD. is pleasant to use, per- -Meetly harxn'tastvb-mds0 d$1i tate skin, and absolutely reliable. Write. the. D; DSD. - Laboratoilies, Dept. N. E.; • 49 Colborne St., Toro- nto, for a free trial, 'bottle; and. prove its 'wonderful effectiveness, For. Sale by all Druggists. Tuc![erstg lth The following is the report of 5. S. No. 4, Tuekersmith for 'the month of September:-- • `.Class IV. --P. emlea Ball.. Myrtle Crich, John .Turner, Wellington Crich, Nelson Crich, Herman Crich, Sheldon 'Townsend, Class IIL.—Ida Ball, Mary'Turner, Grace 'Walters, Viola Wise, Mel- ville :Walters, Myrtxe Rogerson. Grace Stephenson. • • - Class. 'sr. II:.—Elva Nott, Winnie Hunt. • Class Jr. II,-- Mabel Crieh, Edna. Erich,, Bert Walters, Phyllis Crich. Class sr. I.—Wilbur Nott. Class jr, I.— George Taleoner, Vera Stephenson, J. Grant teacher; Porter's Hill • Mr and Mrs Collins of Kincardine are visiting at George V anderIurg's, eBay#eld : r The Rev. Mr Allen preached in St. Andrews morning and evening of • last Sabbath, and will probably do so next Sabbath. The entertainment given by tike Apii literal Soo sery on Fair nights was successful, the hall being entirely, filled and the services of Mr Doughty and the London•"Harpers -were well appreciated • ,At the setting of the 7th Devision Court his. honor, Judge Holt decided to postpone the suit brought against Mr. Ratnwell as the plaintiff had hired Mr Blain and defendant, Mr. Proud - foot. These lawyers refusedto act because of their belonging to the same firm. . HolmesvilYe Miss Maude Livermore Clinton Was a visitor over Sunday at Harry Sweet's MiteSearlett, of Vancouver British Columbia is the guest of her cousins Mise Effie Snowdon; Misses Minnie and. Jennn i e Rudd Clinton spent Sunday at Will Pick. ard's. - Mrs Geo Teblutt spent a few days in Blyth, this week, theguest of Mrs ( Rev) E. A. Near. I The Next House of Commons I Taking as a basis an estimate of the population of ,Canada turkde by the 'census 'bureau, the Toronto Daily Star says that the next redia ttibu+tion will work out as follows; Quebec (fixed) ..: 65 Ontario, c 82 Maritime Provinces .• 32 Manitoba Saskatchewan 12 Alberta 4,1410 British Columbia ..................... 10 'Total . ................ 226 • 15 This would Mean an Inez ease of 13 forte western provinces a loss of 4'for Ontario and lots of 4 forftho Maritime 'Provinces. There may be some surprise and disappoint• tnient in Ontario over the 'feet that the xespresen'tation is diminished although the population has M..crease by half a million. This is tine to the tact that there has been a still greater proportionate in-,. crease in Queb ee and that the unitx t tlfre resentanon; of Quebec.Into the population of that- rovince, If the unit of representation Were 25, 000, Ontario would+ have more then 11007 members, land' Quebec 87.' 'Pres bly Ontario and idle Maritime Pzovineee Wouldfeel better baths,• 1 0 men under such an arrangement, al though the relative strength of the province in parliainent 'would be 'the 'same. It would produce the toxreet impression, na'azely, that all are going 'forward, some a little glower; whereas the present . lir. rangement produces an unples!<a- ant, •though false, impression that aorne are going back. ' The Very rapid growth of Quebec nearly half a million 'in tte . yeara, also makes the increase in „the z'e- nr esentation of the Western pro v- inees somewhat smaller than Was expected from' the relnarkabie 3m- migration of the last 'decade. They will have 47 ekn e m b xs instead o a f3 While this increase isnot sensa't- ional, it Means that the west will have more than 20 per Cent. of the representation of the House. in- steadi of 15, Quality tenets 'even Mote than uan t tin 1 representation. 4, y o '1' e h s roV in essatisfied 'a c which are not satisfied with 'the results of the eensusought 'to !mfake a special effort to elect re. presentaiives of such a kind as to command attention at Ottawa,Thb nominating 'conv'en'tions of 'both parties shouid Make special efforts to select the beet and most forceful en for candidates.. ti 6th two. s • Good Walt Paper Looks Weil --� N i as�en The Fall is a good time to paper. We. have au assortment that you ax1.'.fud, contains the style you are looking for 1 Wall Paper Trimmed Free. t.I Co.,opper d • CLINTON. .o, ♦lN**N/N*NlNNN***** Mrs yutt sftsited nthrgundaSchoolclasoboys, e h ,me, one evening last week. Mr Geo Phipps left on Thursday for Pembroke where he . has secur e d a position. - Rev, T R and Mrs Co u r t i c a and children left for their home in the States on Tuesday after Saving spent a few weeks with the former's parents here. ' Mr. Nichol Jeffery has 'declined the Liberal nomination . in South Wellington. The 'ulsseieilthe Marriage, 1 'Michael Fraser Of Mid'lan'd and . Miss Robertson, will be concluded at the assizes in Toronto, Protestant.rate'pay'ers 01 Cane-- bridge township have brought ac't ion 'against the School Board to. prevent' teaching of the Bataan. Catholic eateeh1sa in the public -- schools. Many took in the. Blyth Fair this week. Terms Gash.. 'One Price' Only at urda lornin- • We will. put on sale' a line of Ladies' s Afore un- derskirts, all sizes, worth $r.75, Saturday forenoon _.. only the price will :be only $ z z g T'liree.Dozen Manufacturer's Samples bleached Table Damask worth per yard from Soc= to $i.00. There is. yard rd ineach piece,Saturdaymorning only for 25c each Tray Cloths Damask Linen, ' drawn 'borders size inches at. each 19c. I 7X24 'lease _,. note that, these prices . are given for : Saturday morning as an in.ducernent to our customers to trade in the.forenoon--and in for the forenoon only. • - We Are Not We are not hunting for the most sensational sentences to describe our millinery because you have been here and have seen it and shown your appre- ciation n by leaving your order with us, and we know there are many others comingwho will'do the same, me. We Would:.elm � i1id You however, that this week we have • added many new things in shapes and trimmings. See them, MEAT Ia. AT CIN'S Issamisiosiass The People's More