The Clinton New Era, 1910-10-06, Page 30"
bad bivith--0mse sure. oomQ of the eLftocts of c a.
Wp2tlgn, °Toe .fulfil, aewhble, ,
itottzaw rmlwy is t
I They contain tho 1alest
disooyered sail best evacuant known, which;
empties the bowel; wtthqut the slightest discomfort and without dis-r
turbtnp the,rest of the system. Constantly incressxi dales are not necessary,
. a Iry:. if your dCtst l,Pr twt YQt stocic«l'them, send 450, We arlII trait them. 26
Na e.! flans fwd Memksl Company of Canad.. United. . M"t wkl.
r TALE'nr
'Crables- of w Flat bier and
herr Landla4
It Launders the Heir and Clganap Njdid-
en�+'a $'. s interior
Decoration Now Bkwnod For Do-
sr«Woo infelicity -pose of Su"xner
Dear Elsa -Such a mess as we'Ve
''been in for the last week or so from
baring -some of the wails, woodwork
:Marl floors of the apartment freshened
atp•a bit. Everything smells and tastes
•of paint, Wby, even the boiled .eggs
at breakfast this morning bad a flavor .
=of arsenic � kitchen walls are paint -
,ed a poisons sfin& of greens. But I
must tell you about these same walls.
for thereby bangs a tale. You know
what an old "curmudgeon," Dick's pet
tame for the landlady we've got, is,
end you also know that we have been
tenants of hers in good standing for
,three years. Well, when it • carne to
painting the kitchen this old miser
gave the painters orders to do only the
space over the range and the boiler, all
though the rest of the wall was equally
soiled. But it mattered not. The
walls were done, according to instruo- .
tions, in "spots." Did you ever hear
•,o_ such outrageous treatment? And
there was nothing to do but to pay a
"'Accorditii3' D ttv 01-TWM m a nragn-
slue of rermt dirte it uwd to be the
fission who' could not "mat, who was
all- it , >soe NOW
for 1, of dery
tldanaed . I the
It is. tbe• woman who docs not under-
stand hKerior•dec•mrion. It seems
that batt the domentk lnlPtlrtty of the
times is caused by inb.trmonlous color
ar 1�e+mdw tp the houw. rlm:u,-ince.. if
you can." says this wrtteo, the con-
ditou of 'mind confined in a roof!.
where discords are continually being
struck on the N&no-oot one discord.
mind yqu, but eoodnuous. day. after
day, and month utter month. The te-
salt world be irritabliity and distrao-
don.. to say the least. 'probably insan-
ity, Why? Because the mind is of-
feetied through the ear by the dis-
cordant sounds. Just so with inhar-
mouious odors, They sifect the mind
through the eye as forcefully as sound
through the ear and clause irritability,
fretfulness •and bad temper with its
evil results.'"
flew i'i►�o9d'BPh Fad.
The higher the mercury mounts the
more prone we seem to fads. It is the
summer girt who has gone listless. It
Is the summer,girl who has reveled
in coats,. of tau so Successfully that,
judged. by her complexion alone, she
might be an Indian or. one of the dark
races. In thinking over the pet fads
of silly seasons the. peekaboo waist and
immense hat crazes rasb into one's
mind. One year every girt will sport
a neck curt. it, la Janice A0vedith, and
prettier It was than the more reegnl
craze of the swirl coiffure. Then the
merry summer maiden of 1910 hat
lately gone in for huge bows on bet
low shoes and Iater stilt for pumper
which, in addition to being little moss
than sandals, are quite bowiess, Novi
the fad for being ltbotogrxphed wttb
modest, downcast eyes has the lead
Just wild ata it tbene's no finding
The Whtton Now.. Bra
fill V All olds neo le suffer aCram� st..
ta�l�a of sudden exhnuaklon, wjak
It M Potter #a Cook With Qas Than ,
lwaxt action And prafttratlon, .Tho
best aid' in such easels to Ferrovim,
With Coal.
the invigorating' tonin which is
The housekeeper who wants to pre-
prepared from fresh lean''be f, Cl -
'trate Iron old SOanish
serve her vitality through the Summer
season should go carefully about her
of and pure
Sherry Wine, It soon brings color
business, 'there is much she can elim-
to the cheeks and strengthens the ,
inate it she will only study out the
whole 'system, $1,40 per bbo'ttle.
problem -of Setting the most do". with
---� - ---*� ---�-- �-
the least effort.
The bowling green 'is being hoed
She should' be as conalderpte of her
up and will be seeded down, Cre-
"'epok as of herself, and it she must pre-
diton. will 'have '.the 'nicest bowling
pare the meals withoui the aid of a
green in %Iuron next summer..'
cook she wants to spend as little time
•vaevam cleaner. it makes be* wnah-
as possible in the kitchen and to use
.lag easy and moes ebampoo billet
You knew thm the baatdoet part •ot
more gas than- coal.
Ever one in the house will be bet-
$loo Reward, $lloo.
ter for eatlug a small amount or -food,
teed fruit, a cereal with cream, hot
coffee and cold bread with an egg In
some fashion is all the breakfast that
family s h
thehealthiestm 1 n if a e
h needs, Y
prepares lunch only for the children
and herself she can have orangeade.
more fruit, cold bread and a salad.
For,dinner she can avoid heavy meats.
have only two vegetables, a salad of
lettuce or cold vegetables,, with fruit,
cheese and cracicers as a dessert.
Hot tea and coffee should not be
served except for the morning meal,
and all hot bread should be Avoided,
Roasts of any kind are unnecessary,
and salads of every kind, are healthy
and palatable,
Che wants to "keep the screens and.
the awnings down from 7 a, m. until,-
ntil,-7 p, m. to save dusting. The sleeping
room should be arranged early in the
morning, the marketing done before
9 o'clock, and the daily 'tasks, what.
ever they are, should be finished in
the coolest room in the house.
No matter how busy she is, she
should give herself an boor's rest dur
Int; the_day and spend it In reading,
sleeping or merely lying down with
eyes closed.
If she does thesee things in a sane
way she Comes out of the hot weather
season with her health and temper un-
impaired.. Not only does she save wor-
ry for herself, but much for her fam-
New Dishes For Summer.
Egg plant is less enjoyed than It
should .tie on the family table because
to the average homemaker the ways of
preparing it are limited to one or two
recipes. '
Try this. French formula the next`
time there is a gap in the vegetable
course and see if the critics of the
household do not pronounce it a treat:
Slice the plant; press out the water.
and fr as usual Make half a pint of
The readers of this paper wilt be
pleased to learn that there is At least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
Catarrh. Hal CaC rr Cure
that Later h, 1 s Catarrh C
the i r
is the only,positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional trdatment. Hairs Cat-
arrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the systew, therebv des
troying' the -foundation of the disease,
and .giving the, patient strength by
building up the constitution and assist-
ing nature in doing. its work. - The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers that they offer One
1 Hundred Dollars for any case that it
falls to cure. Send for list of testi*
Address. p', J. OHENEY' & CO„Toledo
Sold by Druggists, 75c. ”
Take Hall's Family Pills for const:
A ''fall shipment of ashes ways
made from Brussels last . week. J.
Jbynt, of Lucknow, was the pur-
chaser and theU.'S. its destination.
For Rheumatism it is not necess-
ary to go 'to Hot Springs. Just
use "The D. & 'L: � Menthol Plaster
and results will be satisfactory,
25 cents at druggists. Davis
Lawrence Co., manufacturers.
Emlxroidered Bags.
It seems at first sight' a very bard
thing to embroider a bag already sup
plied with a stiff and unyielding frame,
but it really becomes gt)lte a simple
matter to the woman who is not de-
pendent on the embroidery ring, wbeo
the bag is opened to its fullest capacity
and the stitches . are carefully made.
The bag can, in fact, be turned entire•
ly inside out and the fining sewed in
�ted Y Besides, these stamped linen bags are
out. It.bloss� simultaneously peri rich cream sauce. 'Place a slice (or so pretty that they 'are irresistibly
and abroad. One of the first girls bD TN. several of them)to form a layer In a
so pietured'was Miss Bigelow-Dodgdn " ljakfng dish; cover it with the sauce,
the granddaughter of the famous his sprinkle with grated cheese, -salt `and
tortan. This young;lady has the dis, pepper. Repent this "until ttie dish Is
tinction of -being the best bred girt -it full, the cheese coming last. Put in a
America:, . Mrs. Clarence Mackay far hot oven and brown It nicely.
a very good photograph is seen vPrtb orange cream Is a good dessert that �}
Ing, at her desk, looking down at tb4 will be new to many kitchens and teas &
°-paper_-No.d3oabt:_thismsegz hand i- be_useful� toW_ek 513?t�the reclnired wuuy m4
Lesson il.--Fourth Quarter, For
Oct. % 1910.
Teat of the, 1.. t on, Matt. xxv,. 14.40,
Memory Verse. 29--CGoW*n Text,
Rtatt, xzv,.21-Commentary, Prepared
by Rev.0Q W. Stearns.
This lesson, like the last one, to
found only in Matthew, hot a little
earlier in these last days of His earth-
ly ministry, about the time that He
brought salvation to the :house of
3e aPak
a Parable
He urs nigh fo Jerusalem and be-
cause they thought that the kingdom
of -God should immediately. appear
(Luke xis, 11). -These two parables
covet the same period of time and
teach virtually the same truths; they
cover the time of the nobleman's ab- .
sence in a far country to receive for
himself a kingdom and to rebAm, and
during,bls absence• the servants are.
expected to make diligent use of the
pounds or talents with which they
have been intrusted that they may
give aceaont of their stewardship at
his return, '"Occupy .till I come" is the
word to • servant (Luke six, 14).
As both John and Jesus, and the
twelve and the seventy. had: all preach-
ed that the kingdom was at hand they
,,were • all expecting it, not understand;
ing that, Messiah, being rejected by the,
nation, and the rulers having dieter.
milted to !till Him, the kingdom mast
wait till .His return and the ago of
"the mystery of the kingdom" run its
course, These parables tell of Service
in thin present age and bring before,!
us another phase of the readiness to
meet Him at Elis coming. The re-
demption clothing, His''righteousness,
snakes us f and ready to meet Him
at any time (Col. 1, 12-14), but we are
redeemed in order to serve Him, and
for this service there will •Tae rewards,
and it is His desire that we should. re-
ceice a full reward and not be asham-
ed before Him at His coming (II John
viii; I John 1i, 23; Rev. xxii, 12).
In the one parable each. servant re-
ceives it pound;,in the other. each re-
ceives talents. according to, his ability.
Every believer without exception re-
ceives the Holy Spirit in some measure,
but the "special gifts of the Spirit are
given to -every --one severally as 'He will
(I Cor. x11,'4-1.1, 13). This passage helps"
in eomemeasure-to.understand both the
pounds and the- talents. There is some-
thing for every believer to. do and bear,
and It has long been a comfort to rue
,to know that everything has • been; ap-
pointed for each, indfvidnal before-
hand (Eph, ii, 10). and we have only, to
walk with Him in that which Lie ap-
polnts for us. I am also comforted by
'Not I Man
is Normal
4 WNDON, ONTARIO Just about every naafi that we ever
make clothes for, has to have little
• 1 toucheh of the tailor's art here and
i1Sltie S : there on the garments to make him,
aDaJECTif look, JUST RIORT. By fitting him,
snugly at one point, and building hint
Resident alad Mair Couleses up at another. we can improve a man's
!Fra. appearance wonderfully.
Caullogues These things cannot be had, unless
V. Wadwvely J. W. Wen-vah. Jr., GA., pour elothiug is 11 ADE -TO• MEAs-
Pdnciwl. vice -pr 4civ+►i. •l R& We sort of pride ourselves on
this particular branch of Tailoring,
and are waitipg to extend tbis advent-
age to you. Talk the clothing question
over with us a me day,. jou will idnd.•
It decide w
y th while.
changes from day today.. This is the
formula: Make a boiled custard, using..
Vs•if e.,7► Co
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
Agents for Br'tiAmerican D e in
A e i
gY g
our prices. The very best goods
and Cleaning Co.. Montreal,
carried in stock and sold at the
very- rich 'milk or thin cream, just a .
lowest possible price.
with the-.m#ssing String bee", het
Orders may be left at Davis
llc'Rowland's Hardware Store, or'
The u dersianed bas a quantity of
W, J. Stet haSOh11
Choice Cedar Posts for sale.
At 134fietrlc Light Dlaat.'
,rtll!lllllllllliHllltll {lulilt+itfi1t11) F q,
•vaevam cleaner. it makes be* wnah-
the service they are rendering and aim
Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping,
liutter--the best sheet on the market, in packages,
not printed
000 Sheets for 50c. 200 Sheets far 25C
Bette- St 111
Have your name, farm, andpost-office neatly printed
and; make a reputation for you.• product. We use
only special butter paper ink, guaranteed not to run.
or to injure the butter
i000 for $1.75 '2000, for $3.00 5000 for $7,00
Wrap your butter,` and,, get two. cents per pound
more than if unwrapped.
We also would be pleased to supply you with printed
Envelopes, Wedding Invitations, or Announcements,
Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Calling Cards,, in
fact anything in the printing line you.,may require:
The 01nton New Era
and sold with a lunch bore. Young.mel While reveling in. the lusciousness of of the middle ages with its convention-
were the rs. purchaseTbey v ould then grace, _ t wipe the living and true
cherry pie this cherry season io:'t ns not, allzed flower design of • .the Tudor, em... God. (.A.cts 1_8; II .Cor. 14v, lU) and our ,
i In t the gkrla wearing strings bl 1t 1 d' i fi t tic with
sufirage.leader is pictured getter 0121
Hterature for the cause. Young Knolls
changes from day today.. This is the
formula: Make a boiled custard, using..
7 am �l
anrpfaithfulness h re 11
rememlie`iing Ytiitt H *espeets no -serve
ice for which has not given the
dy cdeilonona.
velt's bride was snapped in hpmenes
very- rich 'milk or thin cream, just a .
signs ot. thickening. Then fold to the
with the-.m#ssing String bee", het
ability (I Pet.- iv, 10, 11). :1t. Is. the
stitch. The Inner design of the back-
° sats. -teetiffed "Lord, . thy pound bath
array. with her eyes becomingly down
pinch of salt and ff" egg's. When it.
tered, and. the bottom covered with a.ground
pattern. is in seed stitch. This
greatest folly to conslder 'others and
And in conneetlon with cleaning. '%
cast," well, .there have been 'w'orM
has partly thickened. add, the juice of
,rtll!lllllllllliHllltll {lulilt+itfi1t11) F q,
•vaevam cleaner. it makes be* wnah-
the service they are rendering and aim
.lag easy and moes ebampoo billet
You knew thm the baatdoet part •ot
inside of any preserving hettle and'.
fads. This one is as irarmlese as pas•
three sweet oranges (straining' care-
Iive'd 4n Wingham' last week - and
wtei'ghing hip tat six ton, lit
"Three why. so •metv9 women pin to the
to do las they are doing, for the Lord'
hakdcesser to be" their heads lean-
o khto'b
�cahr 'Eo 'Rt+he factbrsr on rollers. '
sable, but a few dozen portraits of pen
fully) and the grated. rind of one.
ym may weds year own befit it :you .
Serve hot, with sweet cream or nun's'
appoints "to .every. .man his work"-
pile with their • eyes downeast WOU14
Serve either in a- large dish individual-
(Mark xiii, 84). And "every one of Us
ready for use aild always where at to
artier over many things.' Enter thou
certainly bemongtonous:
ly oc in cups. Let the accompaniment
shall 'give accoupt of himself to God'
23). Noteagaifrl beat it is faithfulness,
temper, "ndrvv oa" and general SrrItabil.
Some one told .me recpsidy of a bon
be whipped cream ' Split lady fingers
tempting tb the woman wbo loves
(Rom. - ziv, L^): We are hero as His
pare x ih, 4& Theta is hilae also the
. broom she -stands arrayed It' tree
net clinrcb social. At the function. eacL
laid under the cream make it specially
dainty fancy worn and ttie<Yreas ad�ces
witnesses to• manifest His life,,to show
kh d.- It will make the
girl wore a bonnet minus ane string
good, but it is sufficiently so alone to
sories that result from It. -
forth. His praises, to prove ourselves
Monet thought,R waw be 1JJ9 etd6ed-
The other string was put up at auction
dispense with this finish.
The rose bag, lllestrated seems trot Y
.faithititt stewards of IIis manifold
Genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping,
liutter--the best sheet on the market, in packages,
not printed
000 Sheets for 50c. 200 Sheets far 25C
Bette- St 111
Have your name, farm, andpost-office neatly printed
and; make a reputation for you.• product. We use
only special butter paper ink, guaranteed not to run.
or to injure the butter
i000 for $1.75 '2000, for $3.00 5000 for $7,00
Wrap your butter,` and,, get two. cents per pound
more than if unwrapped.
We also would be pleased to supply you with printed
Envelopes, Wedding Invitations, or Announcements,
Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Calling Cards,, in
fact anything in the printing line you.,may require:
The 01nton New Era
and sold with a lunch bore. Young.mel While reveling in. the lusciousness of of the middle ages with its convention-
were the rs. purchaseTbey v ould then grace, _ t wipe the living and true
cherry pie this cherry season io:'t ns not, allzed flower design of • .the Tudor, em... God. (.A.cts 1_8; II .Cor. 14v, lU) and our ,
i In t the gkrla wearing strings bl 1t 1 d' i fi t tic with
• sent -the 'poptriar eot>g_."t"ni on Yt)t1>t`
Old Gray • Sonnet * '
Here -is the: recipe you, Wanted 'fot
coffee mousses A, cupful ofclear, strong
coffee, the ss me quantity of sugar; a
quart of cream and a fourth of,a bol
of gelatin dissolved in just enough wa•
ter to cover and soften it. Dissolve the
in the -M " -R4 !t is hot --A
tin ug
matching .those tbey `bad .Bought to
overlook another cherry deeeert quite,
as old, easy "to make and elmoek oqual-
em. s one n a wv , .
black-6utiine on the room themeelses• '
anrpfaithfulness h re 11
'rite-,r�w�as+rf-%rathei# •�a#ttu•pl .. _ .a -�2...... :.,
help them -eat the lunch; and the youth,
dy cdeilonona.
and with the stemlike flues in, the Same;In
the parable of the pounds the sere..
signs ot. thickening. Then fold to the
with the-.m#ssing String bee", het
An old•.fasbloned baiting dish, is but-
stitch. The Inner design of the back-
° sats. -teetiffed "Lord, . thy pound bath
worlds. Not the sight epiritl N" -KID
partner for the evening. IIiAny ilii the
partner f t __.eveni..� •,,,th
tered, and. the bottom covered with a.ground
pattern. is in seed stitch. This
gained tea posods," or "Lord, thy
• sent -the 'poptriar eot>g_."t"ni on Yt)t1>t`
Old Gray • Sonnet * '
Here -is the: recipe you, Wanted 'fot
coffee mousses A, cupful ofclear, strong
coffee, the ss me quantity of sugar; a
quart of cream and a fourth of,a bol
of gelatin dissolved in just enough wa•
ter to cover and soften it. Dissolve the
in the -M " -R4 !t is hot --A
of �laerries°tiCOlxf ,tV ich h_fhe-pito
a&pretty in all .red or. -In red.egalnst.
eager _ dee
allow it to cool. Meanwhile dissolve
the gekida and add it to the coffee..
'rite-,r�w�as+rf-%rathei# •�a#ttu•pl .. _ .a -�2...... :.,
f?Iaoe the hovel. ,containing the lily
A. ���, ooze*.
In a pan of ieeand stir until there, are
'Workman extra 40 •wasb the asst at the
signs ot. thickening. Then fold to the
Wahl apace for oil I wouldn`t have
stiffly beated- and dry creaw. -tam into'
•agosndered a bit at paint on it for
the tremor or a mold, cover closely ana
worlds. Not the sight epiritl N" -KID
pack in .icy and salt. Flour hours, and a .
stat-twuing the other cheek, but fk'e
I. hail should be -allowed for freezing -and 1
-aetiug up to-onets mental eonricdons.
And in conneetlon with cleaning. '%
Tuat you- may havo suoeesw with tI*
hervb discovered a new urw 'tor . my
formula ds 1bo 'wish, od MABRU
•vaevam cleaner. it makes be* wnah-
New York. o
.lag easy and moes ebampoo billet
You knew thm the baatdoet part •ot
inside of any preserving hettle and'.
^'C Lloyd & -Sbn'a 1ne`W boiler nr-
warfhing "De"s hair fs the dT9$i@
Iive'd 4n Wingham' last week - and
wtei'ghing hip tat six ton, lit
"Three why. so •metv9 women pin to the
V* ' f
had moved' fzohn the railway
hakdcesser to be" their heads lean-
o khto'b
�cahr 'Eo 'Rt+he factbrsr on rollers. '
.,dered. But >wOtb a vacuum cieaner
-Will not rust. By using one yon 'die•
ym may weds year own befit it :you .
Serve hot, with sweet cream or nun's'
,:P'� the blower din t'tae rat►chl;se and
flown in front of., h' with afil the
the spoon. Rad the. spoon is ai'vsays
ready for use aild always where at to
artier over many things.' Enter thou
of a professional sbatnpoo.
into the joy of tby Lord" (verses 21,
Many a .woman 'ts blamed: for bad
this little article you would not part
23). Noteagaifrl beat it is faithfulness,
temper, "ndrvv oa" and general SrrItabil.
I heard, too, of a woman who cleanq
'.tier snits a Is fauna, instead of
is a wonderful food-medi-
laboriously brushing a suit with a
pare x ih, 4& Theta is hilae also the
. broom she -stands arrayed It' tree
cine all ages of man-
-gown before the vacuum e"ner and
,every particle of dust and dirt Is lift-
kh d.- It will make the
ed out in a 'few minuteo, Nothing re-
mains to do but to wash gretase spots
delicate,sickly baby strong
and press the Butt. So you see that
Monet thought,R waw be 1JJ9 etd6ed-
housekeepers who spend large euros Of,
and well --.-Will give the
murrey for vacuum cleaners and then
for years without the person realizing"WARNIMU
Jnut the costly machines- safety away
pale, anemic . girl rosy
in the storeroom to awatt sweeping
are not getting the worth of their
cheeks and rich, red blood.
tmone .
Thou bast ghee lis be with Me where
To return for a minute to the far-
It will put flesh on the
btstfing up question, my bedroom does
Study should have the eyes tested to
took very attractive. I did capture
bones of the tired, over-
some fresh wreak paint for the wood,
erfr who substitute with cheap and worth-
work of the room and a pretty in-
texp naive colonial striped paper in
;;worked, thin man, and
cream and white. By the way, a
charming contrast Is this'dream and
will keep the aged' man
wbite blending.. The frkee is a' cut
out, one of big pink roses. which I had
or woman. Condit on to
nut on where the former picture
molding went, the ceiling in 'white
resist colds or pneumonia
having been brought down to the bmr-
den. I didn't ha" -the picture mold-
in the Nvinter.
ing put ups' again because I've found
Prom sad experkmee that bvm in the
rn SAL1, BY ALL: I)ittrG=TA
of �laerries°tiCOlxf ,tV ich h_fhe-pito
a&pretty in all .red or. -In red.egalnst.
pound hath, gained flue pounds," and
bave been renao+ed. 13prinicle ..ivies
" "i3irft.. teem
a-g "�'�'1'f�i�' .:^., �
'rite-,r�w�as+rf-%rathei# •�a#ttu•pl .. _ .a -�2...... :.,
sugar generously or reservedly, accord•
The lower petals. of the roses we .be,
ettcees&. we.& aathorky -over ten cities .
fag to the sweetness or tartness of the
, slightly darker than tbe. upper; or all
'or tiro cities, copy eying at.tetast. a sum •
fruit, and just•a little. grated cocoanut;
'. the petals may lie'ebadad.
de ; of ourreigningigitb Him OTer
covering all with breadcrumba
the earth (Um v, 1%. 'In the parable
Add enough of the juice of fruit to
A Kitchen Novelty.
of the talents., the servants say: "I.
each layer to moisten the crumbe tbor-
One -of the latest kitchen novelties-
liar*• gained. five takuts, more," or "I
diughly and continue with alternated
is a spoon holder which hangs on the
hare. gal>ned two other . talents." To
layers until the dish Is filled; having
inside of any preserving hettle and'.
. each of these the c*ainiend,ation was
the top layer one of crumbs, of course.
holds the stirring ,i Poon . when. not in
just the same, for each had- `been
Cover and cook in the oven bee hour.'
use. :It Is made of aluminium rind
equnfly talthfui according to the',abil-
Now uncover and brown very quickly
-Will not rust. By using one yon 'die•
it.* lives them. "'Well' done, good and
Serve hot, with sweet cream or nun's'
pense with•'saucer, cup or plate to'hotil
faititfnl' serv'enU thou bast been faith-.. .'
butter sauce.",
the spoon. Rad the. spoon is ai'vsays
fill overs few things;1 will :make thee
ready for use aild always where at to
artier over many things.' Enter thou
Eye Strain and Irritability%
to be used. After you have once u.•1ed
into the joy of tby Lord" (verses 21,
Many a .woman 'ts blamed: for bad
this little article you would not part
23). Noteagaifrl beat it is faithfulness,
temper, "ndrvv oa" and general SrrItabil.
with it for ,ilve tunes its oodtt.
not ettoeegs, that to commended: Coati- :
y who is simply Suffering from un-.
pare x ih, 4& Theta is hilae also the
suspected eye strain.
thought of ruling, :but what the joY
It 'Is difficult for- a person with eye .
of the Lord can d"aRa *bo can tell?
irritation to keep always equable andwe..cennot
•even,.Iaato te.' thtich aboat
elthm It win- all be 'faf bepbnd our
sunny and glasses should be
w0 n t0' MtlnteraCt, rite strain.
Monet thought,R waw be 1JJ9 etd6ed-
Sometimes an.error in':vislon exists
Ing Abundantly above sit the kelt, task
for years without the person realizing"WARNIMU
or think, Li ten to His Pfii)ftr,
that. anything is the- matter, because
"irathers I wiCthat they also wbcdfrll
she can sett perfeedy well.,
Thou bast ghee lis be with Me where
Headache Is one sign of lye strAbLI
Any student who is irritable after
We wleh to, wrttr, th! PwAs .scand,
am, that they may behold Day glory
which Tbou bast girte+n ane" (.dohu xvii,
Study should have the eyes tested to
being Iml� on. by uneetupulous d"'-24).
And .not only behold but -'share
see if they are at fault. Suitable
erfr who substitute with cheap and worth-
IIis ,glory, for He said. (verse 22), "The
may make'' all the difference Terence
leas preparations designed to be imitr tlostrl
glory, which Thou gayest Me 1 have
and add greatly to the comfort and
of Dr. Fowler's ExuwA of Wild StmAr-1
given there, that they •may tie one even
bappiuess of life.
berry, the wonderful Bowel Cbmvialnt
as we are one." .
Many ailments can be traced to eye
Note that it was the pound that
mischief. and no person can be really
pharmaceutical conoeraa ale goodft
gained the pounds. while the other
happy who Suffers from any form of
market with these cheap and virotfJ-
,,said "I have gained other talents."
eye strain, because it continually acts
A6 an Irritant to the nervous system,
Jew preparation, some of which ace evbo
Both are correct. for while we work
itis God working in us' tVe bave both
labelled Extract of Wild Str'awbemp
in I C1or, xv, 10, "1 labored more abun-
Snappy Sandwiches.
"Wild Strawberry Compound,"eio., bttf
dantly than they all, yet not Ibut the
Nasturtium sandwiches are snappy
they dare not use the name"DtC $dnvl1r
grace of " which was with me."
and appetizing for a bot day's picnic
In the hoper that the public may be do.
It As evident that the unfaithful sery
or home meal, I'Ick fresh flowers,
delved and led to purchase them, thinking
ant was a mere professor and knew not
take oft their stems and crush them
they are getting the genuine "NNS
his %ort:• Imagine a Christian say -
between thin, slices of bread that have
`if'owler'p" _
ing •to the Lord, k I novv t thou t. lea
been Spread with cream cheese. A fit•Are
you walling to task your health -
art an hard man" (24), or. "I feared
tie salt and paprlka May be added.pbrhaps
'Phe salt will needed nails;,.
even your life; to these no risme,
thee because thou art an austere man"
Luke xlx, 211, His doom shows that
n used
batter has been ass welt as cheese.
no reputation, likely danger'btts, go'
he was never a true servant, for no
The nasturtium stems minced very
ealled Strawberry ExtraeM?
Dr, Fowler's Extract of wild Straw-
true child of C•od can perish (John ill,
-to the of saying,
title are also tasiy used in the same
1G� 2g) An phrase
-ay. And the geed pals are jome.
bony has a reputation extending over
"From him that hath not sbail be takot
times employed while they are young
fd tty-five years, therefore when you buy
1 tib even that which he hath" (verse
and green.
it you are not experimenting frith a now
t$9). fd.,Lh explained syr Luke Viii, Is.
_� ..
and -untried remedy.
It cures Dtarthdxa, Dysentery, Coria,
Stomach Crampe, Seasickness, Cholora
'ioot4's �9aoshgdane!
li'JOrbus Cholera Infantum Summer
g rl+e andat r'raorate XtcWho .
( gonesandinvig°ratastladavrhoo
'Sion CaYi ossip remove ancorn, either
hard' soft bt°eding, b applYlnC Puhaither
Corn ti xtr'aetor. It neverlaurns,leaves no sear
Complaint, and all,,,.Lweenesa of the
nervous s stem, makes now
Tuned tt o il wins (Iure , e8.
D 1)ilit rtauL Brain ')TrorrU Des -
Jt114 __
Men's Shoes
Musics Mus cl
for. Fail
Music. -St.
$3►•$3.50a $li $4.5U
The long winter evenings
are coming.: Nothing like
rind WN
music to make • them pass
quickly. In our Sheet Music
For style, comfort and dur•
abilit,y,. the new lines we are
Department, you .will find
latest songs and instrument.
showing for Fall, are won.
what about that..
We -are iaole,agents in
Clinton for the
I A N ' O
Derby Shoe. for., Mels
you were thinking of buying
this F&II ? We are ogents for
There is goo&shoemakirig in
the ' Derby' that will suit the
require,g ents of the most par.
ticular., See our window,
Try ns for B,opairinb.
Sherlock & Manning
S. r�r. RdatilWeli
Come inand look them over.
r eliable Pootweatlr for
th'd &l'>I'iily.
C. Hoare
The Where Your
Dollfir D+o�ejs� its I;uty
"`lliliaf►IiIi V'l {{LyVI � {�f1TY1 W W
" -
Stock G ua�ranteed nok to Eade
Workmanship of the Best
♦ Prices Reasonable. JPrompt Delivery
conttitnsrioaclde"isharnrldasbecausocomposedi ,, , arra a se. km. aias>s'S ea+�
best regulated apattmeals it harbors . , ndi<atV, '&Vt at Lireak>rt p
n$ 1'1 ., nonan of rnpr nail thin n,r, fort bur only OP Itealiaift gums And balms. L Iftq yearA fn Ask for fir. I+owlet'S and insist Ot, oide6rrTcdt[a, katrz F.eeta OP dLttso br I xM8 , ♦ «
tenants that have nothing t0 do with ;,,w,,rif ,l :;.,oinFre rrnnlr nail <te,iLl'a°:;in f,•at.iiVolr,. 128°. CdtrC7 SU LratitL'Cd. Rodd by all clragglsts. gets ingwlaat you aslt for. Trace 3b tents. V
neat dav, i r.•%. L Wt c,.,ar..iha n dlnr,d Iuult Penna'. Ze.bottlos._ Itefuse substitutes. tvilleutto..° sold b1$rra21 �rdagglats of ni°auo°h° n OPPOSITE POST OI+FI CA CLINTON.
Manufactured only by The Ti IllilburO plain pkg. on rpee, t of nries. Neat paa>iphiet
;yam 8COTT& nOWtvl P.VTTNAM S PAINLESS madzcdrice. Thi�'vaotlIMlttctiom♦as ... I 1 11
•"i+ ^..,.., iii`: �,°a iAl.il9$du1T wk5 p'oC, %CAt TorGmb. drat Wr, Ili ted�I LV-WAita, �ji1f,
�....�► R NXTFt p1C9"�3 R tfi>r�mCf a1r wfPtddecr) `totoontw Os►ir+">'�����►"��i���at•�►"t•+���"M���►��♦�
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