Clinton New Era, 1910-05-05, Page 6I!
Suggestions For Charming Pres-,
ents of the Useful. Sort,
The Hanging Pin Holder an'Aeceptable
Addition to the Dressing Bureau ----A
French Hatbrush Very Novel and
Nowadas presents are 'being given
at Eastertide almost as pniversaliy
as at Christmas. And as the religious
festival is nut far distant it is high
tint- to get busy on these, little gifts.
the suggest itwa offered are for remem-
brnuces of the useful sort that are
easily- made mid not expensive as to
materials. 1'imu..hious are acceptable
to most women. and the models de-
s,•ribed are hath novel anal attructive.
Blue fureettocnut:; are painted upuu
n heavy white satin surface on tbe
French doll eushiou. The heart has
been sewed together and filled with
white Iamb's wool. no bard cushion
befog necessary. After the doll's
puffed cup of white satin was made
and sewed on an opening at the top of
the cusbiun was fastened round dolly's
neck. and blue ribbon rosettes were
added as n finish.
The Japanese doll as a pin holder
'does exc•elieut duty. He is willing
and able ns %yell as easy to construct,
Itis separate head, cruel as it may
sound, may be bought and fastened
to the oblong square of ribbon. which
.has beep stuffed with wool. Ribbon
sleeves, sash and bow ut the back
complete Ills Japanese outfit, after
which he uutlinchiugly receives what-
ever pins you give hint.
When the small. cotplete doll is
used as a cushion its legs are removed.
which is eveu wore° treatment, and
Little Livor Pills.
%llust Boar Signature of
See Fac -Simile Wrapper Below.
Ton .man .ad as efaay
441,011U3 as segue
211 cant.
Purely Vegetable. o sevG
You can painlessly remove any corn, either
hard, soft or bleeding, by applying Putnam's
Corn Extractor. It never burns, eaves no sear,
contains no acids ; is harmless because composed
only of healing gums and balms. Fifty years in
use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists.
25C.b ottles. Refuse substitutes. s
Matte /lark.)
pr. Burgess, bred, Supt of the
Prot. lIoSpiital for Insane, Montreal,
prescribes it constantly and siva us
permission to use his name, .
50e. and $1.00 Sooltie,
pAVIs & I.AWRgeten eP•I Monireei.
Food Does You No Good
Half the time you're afraid to eat;
your tongil,• is coated, mouth tastes
bad, stomach is bloated. If you want
to get well stop using dyspepsia
Asia tab-
]ets, and go to tho sourcerce of the trou-
ble before it is too late. Strengthen
.your stomach, cast ant the' bile, regu-
aete the bowls—do this, and de -steep -
will be no more.
• For your condition the best prescrip
tion is Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which ate
made specially for the stomach. kid-
neys and liver. No better remedy wdil
be devised, for Dr, Hamilton's Pills are.
"No one could realize my sufferings
from stomach trouble and indigestion.
For five years I have not been well.
My food did me no good, because I
couldn't digest or assimilate. My doc-
tor said constipation was at the root of
•my trouble. so I got Dr. IHamilton's
fills. 1lty appetite improved, pain after
▪ ;sting ceased. and my food digested
weekly. I am delighted with the th•or-
. ish our° 1 derived from Dr. Ha,rn11-
ton's 1i11s.
"(Signed) MARTIN 1'. WALKER.
"Bridge water."
Que,k remits attend the usK' of Dr.
ITamilteri•s i'iI1": the, medicine cures
011 trouble in th•• stomach and diges-
tive or7aus ly ruuiovii:,; the cause.
WO wool dilect 'qa a added es• a lower
section. The ribbon by which the lit-
tle creature is hung is 'first fastened
round his neck by evey ufet stock col-
lar, •
'I'he heart shapetl cushion bas been
boxed and corded. • The lice cover; re-
i'ettttr i
C and
quires a box cushion. 1 oet
for the benefit of those w•bo . do not
know let us soy that Bolin; means in-
serting a strip, wide Or narrow. nlong
the edges instead of •si'wiug,the hark
and front immediately together.. The,
process results in tt thinker cushion—a'.
more shapely.. the cords are merely
a decoration.. In color the heart .cits h -
ton is crimson and white, with erimsofi •
cord and white ribbous,
A French Hatbrush. •
For one of the daintiest hatbrushes
you can tivaghie, select at plaiu hack
The Hat Question Less of 4
Bugbear This :Season.
'Things email In • Themselves, but
Large In '.Effect 'Upon Comfort—A
Unique Booth For Fair --Modish Col-
lar Made From Scrape.
Dear Elisa- elltrguret. you remember,
started a year ago to, girdle the earth.
pot, though, in forty minutes. like our
friend Ariel, for she has just arrived
in little old New York. Yesterday 1
was one of a large luueheon party.. at
vrhieb. Margaret was the gttest of hon-
or, and she showed her appreciation
of the compliment paid her by wear-
ing her very best spring costume, over
which all the others at the party rived,
I mode mental notes .of the creation
to aid we to copying it, a safe and
legitimate .procedure, for Margaret
lives in Chicago. Probably you would
like to bear about this flue de la ettls
comp -olden? The material Wits a de-
licious shade of gray ottttueal cloth,
This. you must know, Is ane of the
loosely woven fabrice on the hopsack-
ing order that are to be popular this
season. The skirt was. plaited In front
and at the back had gathered breadths.
From the back seam a wide strap of
cloth was brought around halfway up
the skirt to the front. where it hue -
S3Eane. suaene CUSIIf0N, .
of irreproachable drape' and no. ornn-:
na'ntatiotl Whatever and . with - goof)
• ‘V kite grist Ice. , • ;
Before eovering the wooden, back at••
may be very slightly rubbed with ,a.
kine sandpaper to rougheu the surface,
eo that the glue will hold.
NOW for thefrench' Lout's. corer.
This is made of corded de d silk of,. 8 deep
cream. embroidered slightly -with rib-
Iron work: in an oblong medallion de-
;i•:n. The sill: is so cut as to entirely
rover the wooden hack except Oh' rbc.
bristle side. and when the paste iefap-
plietl to the silk. care should be takers
art bee
cis not tune t the
that it does l
tt .n
Heath the rihhnn medallion or tbe toe
of the brash. but only along the -edge
t:P ih- gill. - Du Lot turn In the edge.
htn after the glue is dry paste over 11
• ••••, .., gold lege galloon.
For Infants and Children,
Tile Nod You Have Always Bought
Bears. the •
Signature of
Cau ht Cold •
By Woihing
In Water.
d Distrea51ng., Tickling Sensa-
tion In The Throat.
Mr. Albert Mae1'hee, Cbignecto Mines,
N.S., writes:—"In Oct., 1908, I caught
Bold by working in water, and had , a
very bad cough and that distressing,
tickling sensation. in my throat so I
could, not 'sleep at night, and my lungs
were so very sore I bad to give up work.
Our doctor gave me medicine but it did
me no good so I got a bottle of Dr, Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, and by the time I
had used two bottles I was entirely
cured. I am always redotnmending it to
my friends." ,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. cent -
bines the potent healing virtues of the.
Norway pine tree with other absorbent,
expectorant arid soothing medicines of
recog uized worth, and is absolutely harm-
less, prompt and safe for the cure of
Coughs, . Collo,, • Bronchitis, Croup, . Sore
Throat , Pain or Tightness in the Chest,
and all Throat and Lung Troubles.
Beware of imitations of Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. Ask for ' it and
insist on getting what you ask for. It is
put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine
trees the trade mark, and the price 25
cents. -
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co:, ).ignited, Toronto, Ont.
tiled ever the left knee, confining the
front glottis and full back -in• such a
way as to give an extremely slim ap-
peArarice to the•wealee The coat n'ae.
shorter than usual, 'eudiug"just below
the -hips,- and: was : heavily embroidered
in silk that. esuctly- .uia'tehed .the pe-
e -culler •10.-v1t-•grfiy-of the ri,:tteriui . The •
buttons, were ••ef lava set in silver, and.
the hat had n tucb:tn brtnt;;of rough
gray straw with tt'titrll„Ig, crown et
tulle to match the ,utui.y gray plunges
at the side. iA 'velvet bitg, embroider-.
ed like the 'coat,. hung on •oxidized sil-
ver chains frene herr arm. "
Ester (liming se early'this year, we; •
.aiee thinking. ofslicing awl, summer •
clothes- rather sooner than nswnl,` gate)
some women who like to he in the
vanguard , of fashion are •a'tunlly
wearing straw hats, but this. of course. .
is exceptional..; - Still. the shops fire
showing: all their new. inilliinery. and
lovely i.t is.:. '
If these-advancta1 styles in; niiilinery"
tell a true story, tire sea'SOtu- will prove
a Messed relief to tiie women to, whom
of 'lata the, hart -question has 'been a
•geripine bugbear: While extremes may
always . be 'found—the airship ..and
French cook chapeaux 'head the list,
this 'spring—the reign of the freakish
and•spectacuiar'is no longer supreme.-.
Thee° area gratifying number of quid-,
els' Which arepretty and becoming.
Malines is a floe choice for the trim-
ming of ' one's first spring hat. and
cleverly arranged loops and twists' of
pralines often take the place of feath
ers• and aigrets. invisible wire being ••
used to keep then in place.
Some of, headgear- looks like
a. flower -garden and recallsto o[
mind those•ftriious lines from• the "Mi-
kado" with this varieties.; •s.;
, The flowers that bloom on her hate tee. la,
Have nothing to .de with the earth. .
' The big hats of the seaeon •are all
turned up somewhere to give a glimpse
of the face. This is an excellent plan;
as it Is ,rather• disconcerting to talk. to
a hat, even though assured that there
is a listener'. underneath, Some .of the
Letts have the -cavalier swoop en the
left side, • others. the 'Napoleonic . up-
turned brim at the Very front, while
the very newest are. tipped up -in the
back. where all the trimming is piled
high. •- .•
18 ribbons, shot effrets are to be
touch used..and the seine vogue ex-
tends to feathers and satin crowds.
Blue-green • and green -brown • are ell,
dently favorite 'combinations, and with
them are worn twO shaded' quills or•.
feathers. For,renl dressy hate 1 saw
some stunning things in gold and sil•
ver, the gold creation having a white
straw brim and the silver a black
One. But 1 reckon you have liver('
enough about hats for, nwhile, and 1
do hope you'll like the sketch of the
model 1 am inclosing.
The Moral of the Brown Blotter.
For the last few, weeks 1 have been
driven almost crazy by hiring to en•
counter a glaring white blotter every
time. I sat down to my desk, "111(
hideousness of the tiling seetned tc
leave my mind the instant I got nwar
prom the offending object. • Today
when I began: writing te you l found
that some one had repldeed the soiled
White affair with au artistic brown
blotter. The blotter '!s a ricilenlously
ran:ill matter, hot it is typical of a
great Many other things, smell hl
themselves, but large in their effect
tipoti 'comfort.
'.'here are the doors that 111(1885 the
nerves with their squeaking when a
drop of oil would tight them and spate
the ears, and there is the reading
• light placed too high or too low. it
WO. been So for mouths, perhaps .z ent:h,a
cnildren should be prevehteu from
drinking very cold water after partak
lug of a warm meal: Very often after
drinking hot cOffee or tea a large
quantity of cold water is drunk. This
mixture of the -warm and cold le very
injurious not only to the stomach, but
nisa to the teeth;' The habit should be
broken in childhood, because when
once formed it itti difcult to Overcome.
Then - It's
The Stomach is Sick
The Liver Sluggish
The Bowels Clogged
The Blood Impure '
The Skin Sallow `
Time to Take
That grand, old, time -tested remedy •••
Prepared only by `fhornas Iteachema, St. Yelena, Lancashire, Wieland.
Sold by all Druggists lit Canada 'find U. 8. America. In ghees 28 cents.
1 IIa11 14484 of W4,1•%I N „8,14 eig.,111 It
and in place of u little eggrllratttg
clisruutfort.wuilad be the setIsrnctiun
ut a .light that • was right. Yet who.
troves the ueceseeey hnif lu,nr?
There is the dune oItI hunt'for a
postage stamp' when a. stamp box in .
• fixed p18''0 wnla1i1 11e SO easy to ur-
range But
It [mut Mtthe
A .Unique '.Becth.
We nre going to -Wive a fair during
Lent for, a lueol °runny. and one of
the •booths is rattier Unique. 1 think.
is a Sign that
Outside of the* 114,00 ;,
reads Stoel[ings darned. 5 -cents n
hole. el t tt, t families,
came to the
fair, and; ailing ' your -denting hags."
.rhe adult class of thy' Bible school is
to. hare charge ttf• the beet h. and the
..ipcice inside is to lie tilled with "[with-
ers r
ers in Israel." all of-whom'•Ire o. wear
-Specs" :tad bre to drum the• family
stockings; A pretty 1'1I'ver idea. isn't
.It?• At another toroth 111e girls are to
untaceeweish rllhbits serviug•with the'
rabbits bitii-uits.picllles and olives.
• A Dutch Collar.
• 1 • saw ,a bemitiful Dutch ecIlnr:: re-
'fatly that wits macre front the veriest
scraps of .insertion end' lace• and line.
embroidery. i'irsl the cellar 'Was cut
br: nlrper and. then covered with :ther-
eute 'strips of the lace-i}nd embroidery,
eo 1hut not .ale ISO) was• wasted. as
arorilfl •tin ye been had:. the pieces- been
101110d bttfore the- collar. was cut. lie=
aides, by tie hater t11ale,'eatftinly.dau
hie the t,gilaatit,r• to the inn -eerier would
neve lieeu lc glliret) The collar n'a:i
tiibis(144(1 With n1flv''ttt•e frill all round
-:he, atter Ledge. ;1s loW..ut'ek. frot'ks,
-_- ire 'lo We -its Pallfirt •tl)iA Su1a1
fienvie the hint is Wert e" Willie ()asking'
Honig. • Your very:devcfted •• •
.• 'Nem Tor):.'•
Lesson VI.—Second Quarter,,
For May 8, 1910.
Text of the :Lesson, 'Prey, xxiii, 29-35.
Memory Verse, 31 Golden Text,
Prov. xxiii, 32—Commentary Pre•
pared by Rev, D. M. Stearns,
It is refresbing'to come to this: book
of God's wisdom for man's ignorance
1•ven once a year. More frequeut vis-
its worth) be better, but we are thank-
ful that a temperance lesson brings
us here occasionally, even though it
brings us to the satire .portion evet'y
time. Those who study the •lessons
with us regularly will remember that
we see here by contrast the Man of
Sorrows, who suffered in our stead,
wounded for our transgressions, with-
out any cause an Ills part. us the only
one who can save a drunkard or any
other kind of • sinner. Looking upon
lien as the bitten Israelite in the Wil-
derness looked upon the brazen ser•
pent, the helpless, dying one receives
life, and, continuing to behold Him at
the right baud of, God for us, we be.
come changed into His image until,.
when we see I311n• face to face, we
shah be like Him.
Contiuually beholding Him and con-.
side -ring .His love, which Is better than
wine. we are constrglned by I3islove
to live no logger unto ourselves, but.
• unto Biro who died for us and rose
. again (1l Cor, v,.14, 15). As the eye
atYecteth •the heart ancl'the heart w aik-
i'th. after the eyes (Lam, iii, 51; Job
xexl. 7).. so as we consider Hitn we
will be found walking in. His steps to"
[lis glory.
Contrast Noah and his wine and
druukenness. and • shame, David and.
• his idleness and his looking upon what
was -not his with his consequent sin,
Athan and'.his confession, "I saw. 1
coveted, I
took, and away back to
Eve and her confession, 'or, rather, to
that which is Written g•E her, "the wo-
man say;' that the tree was goof). for
food and that it was pleasant to the
eyes and a tree to be desired- to make
one wise and she took of the fruit
1hereof. and did eat," Hod she been
occupied with HIM whotegave tier all
things richly to enjoy. she would not
have been ensnared by the enemy. So-.
it :has been ever since. As one bas
"He has made
us for FI
and our souls are restless till they'rest
in filth" Where He is not known it
must be a greater or less reanifeste-
tiou, of the world, the flesh and the
devil. in • one - form - or another—the
Lard table, the theater'; the horse race.
gambling.' drunkenness - and all the
lesser fotms of idolatry, forWhatever
takes the place. of God in the, heart is
.an idol, Ilowever. much of suffering:
these. things may bring, the cry of tbe
ttnsntistietletearr let -'cieehen-eshall•- t --i
awoke? I will see it yet again." It
is tie Wondered at that the peg-
'pie of this World' who • have no knowl-
-edge.of God• should so heartily enter
Itrt-o the service of their Mester, the
clev(1. and• enjoy to 11)0 utmost the
'ileasures of stn for n season, but what
tette be said of those who .bt'ar .the
agree of Christ Ind -even stand in .111e,
pulpit :is Ills messengers , and ,yet...
bink it not wring to gratify. their. -.
,•,u•pa1 Minds with cards and the theft-
heater,. and the novel and suchlike? :The
least thet-cain be :saki 'is that they nei-
ther talk not' •act like him who sitiilf
"'what. liave 1 to do tiny noire. with.
Weis? .1 ha re beard il.itu 'itid obsere
ad Him. .1 -ala Iii t..a .green%fi tree"
{Hog. civ'. 8): They cannot .sing: "Thau.
i).('lirist, nrt all 1 want.. Mare •than
111 iii``1'Iee, 1..liud.''` .'Ilin.;1here .are.
those wood() not ifidette in opeEly sin-
inti things; Int are simply wise in their
own • conceit. cultured, refined,'intel-
lectual, religious, but' unbelieving. Of
such it is -written, "They are drunk eq.:
bet not with Wine; they stagger. but
' i 1154x111• . 9f.
not with �..hng drink"
The strange thing is that itis •possifee
to be an earnest worker along certain
lines in the .rause of terlrpe.rance and
yet be drunken after' this fashion.
'rhe atonement of the Lord • Jesus
Ci>.rist, tis' precious. blood. His, great
o, for
le- my hope • . 1n i, the o
�.°u•rific• for S n
the .drunkard, and those who know
not' this'_remedy know nothing el'lectue
al, but are • trying to patch up an old
garment that cannot • be Mended,
There are those who are seeking to
Put down the drink traffic.. to close the
saloons, to stop all eyi1, to -purify 'the
earth by their efforts, but. there is oetly
One Nt'ho can•do this, and itshall be
come a reality in. Ills time a.:41 way
"What is His name linew'hnt rs Elie,
Son's name, if thou enlist tell?" (Prov
xxx. 4). He says, "Whose hearheneth
Onto. me shall dwell safely and shall
he eiiiiet from fear: of evil." "When
thbu liest down - thorn shalt not be
agraid--yea, thou. shalt lie down, and
thy sleep shall be sweet." '"For .fha
Lord. shall be thy coufideneeand shall
keep thy foot from being taken." "Let'
Thine eyes look right on. and let: thine
eyelids look straight before thee. Pon-
der the path of thy feet and let all thy
ways be established." "The lips of a
strange woman drOtt as YID honeycomb.
and her mouth is smoother than oil
but. flet' • end is bitter as wormwood,
sharp Rs a two edged sword. Her
feet go clown 'to death: her steps take
bold .on hell." "tler house is the way
to hell, going down to the chambers
of death."' "'Tie way of.a fool is .right
'n his own eyes, tiut he that hearlten-
eth unto counsel is wise" (Prov. 1. 88;.
flit 24, 26; iv, ;'S, 20; v, 3-5; via. 27;
x11, 10). Stick are a few of the words
et wisdom In this wonderfSl book.
\Ve must see and hear Him only
who Is "the newer et God and the
wisdom of God" LI Cor. I, 24) and apart
from whom alt Is folly.
In thousands of homes throughout
Canada there are bright thriving child,-
hildren who have been mach) well andare
kept well by the use of . Baby's . Oven
Tablets; This _medicine curesall
stomach arid . bowel troubles, makes
teethingeasy and destroys "worms.
It is guaranteed absolutely safeand
free from poisonous opiates.. Mrs.
John Laplante, Bon-Oounseil, Que,,
says :-"I consider Baby's Own Tablets
Worth their .weight inold and 'advise,
all mothers of young children to: keep
them always on hand." Sold by medi-
cine dealers or by main. at 25 cents ' a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont, ••
Don't wait till your hailis gone.
Use Bearine (the genuine bear's
grease pomade) in time and save it.
500, a jar. .
Morning Tiredness makes
you wish it were night.
When night comes refresh-
ing sleep is hard to obtain,
You're run down..- Your
blood is thin and watery. The
very thought ofeffort wear
ies you. .
It's Perrozone you need.
It makes blood—the strong
red kind.
An appetite ? You'll eat
everything, and digest it,
? Plenty of di-
gested dd and restful ;,leep
ibrings that. Try Perrozone
and watch results.It never
fails to cure.
I' )ttn: own marveloue reap"
ety, it contains In concentrated foi:'in
curtain rare iuelitleis that especially`
it in cases of 'a,nttetnhta, poor color,
ithin blood, tiredness, and loss of
Sold in 50 cant boxes . by all deal"
The Best Ctongli illedieino we
know of is Allen's Lung I3alsana.
The Kind Y'clit 'lave Always Bought, and 'which has been:.
In 11Se for over 30 years, Iias' borne the signature of
.and bas been. macre under bis per.
A�,�.. soleal supervision since itsinfaney.
• «rl.>!C!:!/L* Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and as Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trill° with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTORIA .
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, fare-
f;'oric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is •Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other 144treotiO
Oubstauee. Its age is. its guarantee. It destroys Worms'
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea awl Wind.
Colic. It xelioveS Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and. Flatulency-. It assimilates the Food, regaltatesfthe
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The 1llother's Friend.
GENUINE ��� � , � .�1,�
Bears tho Signature of
The Kind You llae Always Bough
In .Use. For Over 30 Years.
Mon u wents
Choice Designs
Best Materials
Jas. Doi
the Post Office linton.
store opens at 7.30 a m; closes at 8 p m.
We are Practical Boot and Shoe mak-
ers and
ak-ers.and repairers. Boots made to or-
der from one to three days notice and
repairing done while you wait.
• Fanners Attention
We haveon hand several pairs of
our own make boots,just the thing for
the Spring .wear, ` Come in and see
To• our.Londesboro Customers
—All repairing left at •the -post office
-Or at ll O A.dari1s---store Willtave my
best. attention.. I will be at •my store
On Fridays, Give one a trial. • .
Coop's Cotton Root Com tint
Tho great 'Uterine Tonle, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Reguiatorenyhiettwomen can
depend. fioldin three deggt�eoa
of h --o. i, : rt. 2,
I0 dogrcesstrongtstroNngtor $13; Noo. 3,
for s1p�edal eases, e5 per box.
Bold all druggists, or sent
pprep pladmon recorpl of pric0..
k"ree pamphlet. Ac dreaa : 18*t�
CosIlkoICINtCO,,TONONTO,ONT. (for,nerlyWifrdtor)
• Opposite' Post Office
We. Want to Land
your first' order, because we ltnow that
the satisfaction you will derive from
that will open your eyes to the fact
chat you cannot do better anywhere
e1§e that you can with us. You will
find that • we are not "all at sea" in our
business, but thoroughly "up- to -• the
minute'' and watchful of the interests
if our customers, knowingthat. by so
loing, - we •are really acting for our
Our new stock of Bike Bug -
� seats,.
gi`Ps,withauto anda
piano -box Buggies, are now
open for inspection.
We have also a number of
re -built buggies,which are
good, servicable rigs, and w ill - be sold at reasonable. prices.
l amts also agent for the Jackson
•Farm Wagon, .built at St, George.
These Wagons are all up-to-date and
My long experience in the business
is a guarantee that all riga
sold by._me .
are First .Class, ani well built,
Repairing and Painting Prom pt
• ly Attended :to. .
John Leslie,
Cor. Huron and Oran e: .Sts.
F. W.... CUTL,IR>►
Painter and Paper Hanger,
All work'guaranteed,
Prices reasonable.
Residence nearly opposite the
Collegiate Institute.
g •
Ford & lflcLe
Raving secured a commodious Grain, _..
Storehouse, we are, now buying all
kinds of grain, for which theg•
prices will be paid. '
Bran; Shorts, Corn and all kinds .of
'grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on.
hand at the storehouse. •
wn :ultimata benefit.
Merchant Tailor. Clinton,
Are yon feeling tired, weary, miserable and run down ?
Is it hard for you to get up in the morning feeling : rested
and refreshed ? The winter months have tried you ' sorely
and robbed yon of more vitality. than"your system has' been
able to •replenish, Your, blood is :sluggish and must be
purified and revived, You are in need of PSYCHINE, the
Greatest of all Spring, Tonics, and Blood Purifier, It Clears
the System of all traces of winter colds, Banishes that tired,
weary feeling, Restores yourappetite and brings-youtllful-
nes's, victor and health to you again. • Take PSYCHINE
to -day. For sale by all druggists and dealers. 50e. and $1,
Dr, T. A. SLOCUM, Limited