Clinton New Era, 1910-04-21, Page 3t►
April 215t 1910
The Progratnme of
London Conference
'Sessions Begin at Chatham May 3oth.,
and Continue for a Week.
The programme for the 27th annual of the conference. The love feast at
session of the London Methodist Con- 9 o'clock will be led by RevThos.Jack
Terence meets this year in Park Street son. The ordination sermon will be
Church, Chatham. of which Rev. Geo. preached by • the retiring president.
Daniel, forweily of London, ie tie e Rev A K Birks, after which the new
pastor, and, beginning on Monday, president will conduct the ordination
May 30, will continue till Tuesday, service for the candidates for the
June 7. The ministerial session will ministry. Special Sunday School ser -
begin on Wednesday June 2, at 2 p. m vices will be held in the afternoon,and
Considerable interest centres, of Rev J W Graham, secretary of edu-
course, in the choice of the new press. cation will preach in the evening, The
dent, who will succeed Rev A K Birks pulpits of the other Chathamchurches
The names most prominently mention Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist
ed are Rev. Rueben Millyard, of Gode- will be occupied by members of the
rich; Rev R D Hamilton, of Listpwel; conference,
Rev. Principal Warner, of Aima Col- On Monday, June 0, the Historical
lege, and Rev J 'Ji' Ford, of Lucknow. Society will hear a paper by Rev W H
As in past years the music of the Barraclough, on "Pioneer Methodism
conference will be furnished by the in British Columbia" an21 in the even-
-Conference Choral Society ing the missionary anniversary will
under Rev W E Millson and the de- be held, at which the speakers will be
votional exercises of the first ,four Mr A B Oarscallen, Mrs. J $ McMech-
days will be in charge of Rey F D an, of London, representing the W
Leete, pastor of the Central Methodist M S and Rev 0 E. Manning, field sec
Episcopal Church, of Detroit. retary of home missions.
Locatingthe Ministers At $ 45 on the, evening of Tuesday,
June 7. a very interesting service will
The stationing committee will meet be held when those ministers of the
on the afternoon of May 30, and begin conference who have completed . 50
the duty of locating,the ministers for years in the active ministry will cele
next year. On that evening the first brate their jubilee,
draft is likely to be made public. This
is subject to change during the session
The statistical committee will also be -
The Lay -mens Meetings,
A very important part of the confer -
gin their work on Monday. ence is the Laymen's Association,which
Tuesday evening will be the first of will hold its meetings on Wednesday,
the public meetings, when the Sunday
school and Epworth League work will Thnrsday and Saturday, June 1, 2 and
be dealt with by Revs. Byron Snell 4. Among the speakers announced for
f• and F L Farewell. The other special the sessions are E. S. Hunt, Scotts -
meetings and speakers of the Confer- ville ; W. He Kerr,. Brussels ; T. B.
ence are as follows:- Shillington, Blenheim ; A. T. Cooner,
Wednesday, June 1- Temperance Clinton ; J. J. Mason, Stratford ; Wm.
and moral reform meeting, addressed Ward. Dresden ; W. S. Dingman,
by Revs. A E Jones and Ben Spence. Stratford ; J. M kaiser, Howlett; A.
Thursday, June 2 -Educational anni M' Hunt, London ; F. Bushanan;Win 4;
versarv. addressed by Rev A McKib- ham ;;Thos. Bates, Ldndon ; J. W.
bin and W J Jolliffe, Humphrey, Chatham, and W. F. Law -
Friday, June3-Reception service of aence, Sarnia.
candidates for the ministry. The reso
lution will be.,moved by Rev T W
Blatcbford and seconded by Rev W L^
,Rutledge. On the afternoon of the
same day the memorial service ler
ministers who have died during the
year will be held.
Saturday, June 4- Pastoral confer-
ence at 2 p. in. "The Education Idea
of the Ministry,' byRev E W Edwards
and "The Cost of Confidence," by Rev
R F Irwin. In the evening the annual
meeting of the Theological Union will
be held, at which Rev J F Knight
will deliver a lecture on "Criticism
and Faith."
The Big Day of Conference
Sunday. June 5. This is the big day
Every Meal Brought Agony
.Sat Since Taking "Little Digesters"
He Can Eat Heartily
From Osgoode Station, Ont., comes a
story of five years of suffering from,
Indigestion and Dyspepsia -five years
of doctoring in vain -then "Little
Digesters" and a complete cure. Mr.
R. H. Ralph tells the story -his own
story -thus:
"I have been .a sufferer from. Indi-
gestion and Stomach Trouble for five
years. I had treatment from several
doctors. I did not find a cure until I
began using "Little Digesters.'.'-. - -
"I can hardly describe how much I
suffered at times. Every meal brought
with it more or less agony and I seemed
to have a complete distaste for food.
I had almost begun to think my case
incurable when I came across an ad-
vertisement in the papers about "Little
Digesters." 1 decided to give them a
trial. I am very thankful that I did
so for I had not been taking them long
when I found them helping me. I Can
now eat heartily and no longer feel pain
and discomfort after eating."
Docs Indigestion Ar Dyspepsia make
your life miyerahle$ Take "Little .
Digesters cure you "-the will or your
stoney will be refunded.
25e. a little red, box at your drug-
gist 's
rug-gist's or by mail from Coleman Medi-
cine Co., Toronto. 31
111 the Spring Kest People Need a
Tonle i edielne.
If you want new health and new
strength in the spring you must
buildup your blood with a tonic medi-
cine. Following the long winter
mouthe most people feel depressed
and easily tired. This means that the
blood is impure and watery. It is this
state of the blood that causes pimples
and unsightlyeruptions. To this
same condition is due attacks of then -
madam and lumbago; the sharp stabb-
ing pains of sciatica and neuralgia
poor appetite, frequent headaches and
a desire to avoid exertion. You can't
cure these troubles by the use of pur-
gatives ; you need a tonic and a tonic
only, and among all medicines there is
none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for their tonic, life-giving, nerve
restoring powers. Every dose of this
medicine makes new, rich red blood,
which drive out impurities, stimu-
lates every organ, and brings a feeling
of new health and energy to weak,
tired out, ailing men, women and
children. If you are feeling out of
sorts glee this medicine a trial, it
will not disappoint you. Mr. Paul
Charbonneau,a youngman well known
in the town of St. Jerome, Que,, is
one of the host who bear testimony
to the, value of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. He says :-"When I left school
I became a book-keeper in an imppor-
tant office. Probably due to confine-
ment I began' to suffer from indiges-
tionand loss of strength. I became
pale said seemingly bloodless and was
often seized with palpitation of the
heart and violent headaches. I tried
several remedies, but they did not do
me a bit of good. I was advised to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and did so,
and the use of eight boxes brought me
batik to perfect health and strength:
I have since enjoyed the test of health
and cannot say too much in praise of
this valuable medicine."
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2 50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
the'State;of Wisconsin, scores of mills
i he•New;England States ',andlevery
U. Se
Paper ,„Mills
Must 'Come to Canada
Forty -seven -pulp land paper;mills,",in-approachment has -aroused a deeper
interest in Canadian affairs, and the
economic consequences of the actions
of the Ontario and Quebec Govern-
ments will soon become apparent -
that is, the paper-makingindustry of
the North American continent will
gravitate to Canada, its logical place,
close to the materials:and the water -
powers. The .shipping of Canaiian
pulp wood from Quebec to Green Bay,
Wis.some'fourteen hundred miles,
then to be transferred by rail to the
mills of the interior, is an absurdity
that cannot lastmuch longer. The
policy of these two Provincial Govern
ments is national. in sentiment, and
will hasten the' broader deyelo merit
important ;n� ewspaper.esouth of the
international boundary boundary line :will re-
gard with genuine concern the an-
nouncement of Prime Minister Gouin,
of Quebec, that his Government will
prohibit the export of pulpwood from
the Crown lands of that Province be-
fore being manufactured in. Canada.
The decision of the Prime Minister of
Quebec was known last year, and fol-
lowed closely upon similar action by
the Prime Minister of Ontario, Sir
James Whitney. For tactical reasons
the announcement was delayed until _p
after the tariff adjustment. The tariff .of, the country. • • .
New Telegraph Rates:
System Of "Night Letters"
Inaugurated by the G. N. W. Tele-
graph Company.
The Great•North Western Telegraph
Company, in conjunction with the
W estern Union Telegraph. Company,'
have inaugurated in Canada the eye.
Lem of "Night .Letters" for which'the
charge will to the same as the rate for
a daymessage of ten words. These
"Night Letters" may contain up to
fifty words in body ofmessage, and
for each additionalten words in a rate.
• doesn't co,ue by cnance; neither does
it grow on trees. To be presentable,
you must
Be Well Dressed.
Look over our fine line of Suitings
pick out what you like, and we'll do
the rest.
Clothes made here dress you well, a
small charges. Gat measured.
We also have a large range o
samples you may select your sui
from. Only one suit will be sold o
each pattern in the town.
G. W. Barge &Co
of •one-fifth of the ten word day
message rate.. Mes'sages may be .sent
prepaid or collect,but no cipher 'words I '
can be used. This willbe a great con-
venience . to commercial people . and year, Feoinvestigation,. in southern
the general public. ,The.messages�will ( m _fruit, -growing ,States, it. was found
be delivered first thing.,iext niorninsellt
hat a system . of coutity . inspectors.
d hoar
it was to
e ins y
v d an the nt
ecan be saved at
and much time e a m ,
was tL
strict r
e ulations over the;
n of orderedgoods. I+or in- force' stuc
shipment i en g
stance, between Sarnia and Montreal, i fruit growers.' The travelling instruc-
a day would be saved over the ordi-,
nary mail order. The system hag been
wonderfully successful in the United
Builds up Strength ; brings back the
ruddy glow of health by creating a
natural appetite for nourishing food.
Get only the D. & L., the original.
50c. and $1.00, at all druggists.
Davis & Lawrence Co., Montreal,
The Sunday School Lesson
Lesson iV.--Second Quarter,
For April 24, 1910.
Text of the Leeson, Matt. xl, 20.30.'
Memory Verses, 28.30 -Golden Text,
Matt. xi, 28 -Commentary Prepared f
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
Two of the foundations in the Scrip-
tures in connection with the great
truth that "other foundation can no
Man lay than that Is laid, which is
Jesus Christ," are that "God is love"
and He is not willing that any should
perish (1 Cor. ill, 11; John 111. 16; I1
;Yet. 111. 9). Along with this we need
Acts xvii, 30, 31, "God now command-
eth all men everywhere to repent, be-
cause He hath appointed a day In the
which He will judge the world in
righteousness by that man whom He
bath ordained, whereof He hath'given
assurance unto all men in that He
bath raised Him from the dead." We
have seen John and Jesus and the
twelve preaching repentance, and when
we turn to _Rev, ix, 20, 21; xvi, 9, 11,
and read of the fearful judgments that
will come upon the earth in the time
of the great tribulation, after the
church shall have been taken away,
we learn that the object of all will be
that men may repent. In this connec-
tion see Job xxxiii, 29, 30.
He had chosen Chorazin, Bethsaida
and Capernaum as centers wbere He
wrought many mighty works, but they
h result
seemed to be without , and He
tells them of jtidgmeatt to come, when
it will be more •tolerable for other
cities which never saw His mighty'
works. There are three future judg-
ments spoken of -the judgment seat
of Christ for believers only, the judg-
ment of nations at the beginning of
the millennial reign and the judgment
at the great white throne at the end
'of the thousand years. Our Lord must
be speaking here of the •second or
third of these. Note His "1say unto
you" of verses 22, 24. Remember that
it is the Judge Himself who is speak-
ing, and He certainly knows whereof'
He affirms. The words "more toler-
able" suggest different degrees of pun-
lshment and suffering, as there will be
also different degrees of glory and of
rewards for believers. First it is a
'question of saved or lost; then for the
.saved there will be reward according
to works and for the lost punishment.
according to desert, and the Judge of
all the earth will not fail to do right.
The nation . being about to reject
Him. He seems to turn to individuals,
to such as in the time of His rejec-
tion will let Himself be their rest;
their all. He first talks to His Father
as -the Lord of heaven and earth and
therefore as having a perfect: right to
for has been chosen for Ontario as the
hest all 'round scheme. " It is expected
hat great benefits will follow this
-date informa•
States, so much so that the Western 1 plan of supplying g p t
Union has had to double their night 1 tion, .
staff. The new rates no doubt will y
be greatly appreciated by the public.
facilitated. iseware of Ointments for Catarrh
and commercial transactions greatly That Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely; destroy :the'
Department of Agriculture is sense of smell, and completely derange
Sending Out Five Instructorsthe whole system,when entering it
To Teach Fruit. Growing • I throughthe mucous surfaces. Such;
articles should never be used except on
prescriptionsfrom reputable physi-
Five travelling "schoolmasters',.' mclans, as the damage they will do is.
the art of growing' fruit,: I tenfold to` the good you can possibly
The five start out in a day or two derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
under instructions. from Mr Percy 'W Cure. manufactured by F J Cheney &
Hodgetts, Director of: the Fruit Co ,Toledo, Ohio, contains no mercury
Branch of the Ontaria Department of end is taken internally, acting directly
Agriculture, and will . hold "school" upon the blood and mucous surfaces of.
in an orchard every five miles, gather- the system. In buying. Hall's Catarrh
ing the farmers about them from all •Cure be sure you get the genuine. It•
directiot s to take notice of the best is. taken internaily,and.made in Toledo.
ways'of planting, caring for and prim- Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & 0o,,,"hTesti-
free. •
most econom-o sal
ing fruit trees and them n
ical general methods of any or all Sold by druggists,price '75c per bottle
branches of fruit growing. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa
They will be supplied with a horse ion.
e and carriage and in every part of the
Province a route will be marked out
Agents for British American Dyeing for them. The Department has never
and Cleaning Co., Montreal. attempted any such scheme until this
I When You Feel Played. Out
There comes a time when your grip on things weakens.
Your nerves unstrung, the vital. forces low, the stomach
is weak and (Pie 'blood impoverished. You feel old age
creeping-.--aver--you.--= De careful of ._yourself',_:__ Take
at once; there is need to renew the life forces. Weak
nerves, wearied brains, sick stomach, feeble blood, torpid
liver, sluggish bowels—all feel the quickening effects of
Beecham's Pills. Their use makes all the difference. The
tonic action of these pills upon the vital,organs is imme-
diate, thorough and lasting. They are Nature's own remedy
For Run-down Conclitions
Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, tingland,
Sold by alt Druggists in Canada and U..$. America. in boxes 25 cents.
do as He Pleases with ,His own (Ps.
cxxxv, 0). He talks to Him as nat-
urally, aa to people about Idlm, for He
is in constant and eonselous touch
with heaven: and does always these
things that please thq Father. Although
despised: and rejected, He tbauks His
Father, reminding us that we are In all
tblpgs tover thanks- (1 '.Chess. v. 18).
Some onihas said: that he who has
learned to say always "Thank (God"
has the key to constant victory. •The
"Even so. Father," indicates perfect
submission with the most absolute
eonfideuce In and satisfactiou with. the
Father's management. Compare 1
Sam. ill, 18; Job 1, 21. Our Lord's
gratitude at this time was in connec-
tion with His Father's hiding certain
things from the wise In their own
conceit and revealing them to those
who are teachable as babes or very lit-
tle children. The mete natural man,
however wise, cannot know the,thhngs
of God, for they are foolishness to
him (1 Core', ill, "Tbey 4ave.rejected
the word, of the Lord, add what wis-
dom is In them?" (Jer. vii, 9.l As
Abraham gave to his only son all that
he had. so "the lather loveth the
and bath given athings Into
handSonu" (Gen. axis, 3t;; Johnll iii. 35 . His As
all the Egyptians and all other coun-
tries had to go to Joseph in order to
obtain corn by which they might live
'(Gen. xli, 55-57). so there is uo real
life. no lite eternal. no knowledge of
God the Father, except thrbugb Jesus
Christ (verse 27),
In this sinful, Christ rejecting age
would you find rest? It can be found
only 10 flim who knew what it was to
rest in His Father. Would you 'find
the yoke of the daily life easy and the
burden of the daily toil light? It can
only he by yoking up with Him wbo
here so lovingly invites'us. This is an
'tnc'ient message, for iu isa. xxviii, 12,
we read, "Phis is the rest wherewith
ye may cause the weary to rest. and.
this is the refreshing." But there the
prophet had to add, "Yet they would
not hear." . Again, in Ise. xsx, 13. we
read, "In returning and rest shall • ye
be saved; In quietness and in confi-
dence shall be yourstrength " But
again it is added, "Anil ye would not."
Compare with these Matt. xxili, 37;
Johu••v, 40, and see bow all the difficul-
ty Is always on our side. while God is
ever saying: "Come! Return! Who-
soever will! Him that cometh!" 'There
seems to he two "rests" here, one, that
He gives when we come to Hint and
the other that we find when we take
His yoke upon, us. but only the •meek
and lowly can obtain either. The first
Is suggestive of salvation and the sec-
ond of 'service. if we would be saved
we must be. poor enough In spirit to'
plead guilty' and accept justification
. freely by grace. If we would .find
rest In service it must be by the con
sciousness of being yoked with One
who knows best: to whom-we:al'ways,
• nly..n glad "Even so,' Fether."
Loss of Appetite and General
Debility are quickly overcome by
the use of a few bottles of "The D. &
L." Emulsion.
Japanese Menthol is unequal-
led as 'a pain relieving.agent.
Conservative caucus at Ottawa, Applied in the " D. & L."
The coMenthol Plaster it is the most
sustained Mr Borden as leader.
Coughs and Colds.—If everything effective remedy known` for
has failed, try Allen's Lung.Balsam Lumbago, Sciatica, R.heuinatic
and be cured. Aches and Pains. Try a "D.
Mr Mackenzie King.' introduced a
bill in the. Commons dealing with & L." Menthol Plaster the
trusts and canibines. next time you are suffering
Barns, Bites,. Br rises and Boils
Davis' Menthol Salve will soothe and
head shaman. 25e, a • tin at druggists.
The command of the Bisley team has
been offered t� Lieut. -Col. Edwards of
St, John; N. Hes' ,.. .
1ra n
"0a In
�nhaiC d aiGn
v atlac
and scalp. Use
h -
which burn a
Bearine, a bear's grease pomade,
which feediethe roots and makes hair
grow. .t .s .
.' One Cold Saved,
retic is logic, whether it touches the
atr'tirs of nations or a cold in. the
head. The conviction. says London
l'it-lilts, was forced upon a Liverpool
woman whose coachman, although lie
had been ill for several days, appeared
ue morning with his hair closely crop
"Why, Dennis," sitld the mistress.
'whatever. possessed you to have four
tiatr out while yen had such a, had
raid .
\S'elt, mum," replied the u nom' bashe(1
to l r
(�e this t
1 takin'b
t+ ,'` •'l cotc
11(t,tt 1
W 1110 111i11 wlliuiver-1 'hove me,item
rut I take a bad cow -Id; 80 1 thong'hi
to inesoltthat new, while 1 hnd the
•nu'!(I on to me. it would be the time
1' 1111 utht'r$ to ;;o and get the hUfr cannt-
'in ,lune. for be that course 1 weeel
-:1(•1' teteeIf JUIt, one eoa•I(1 Do %till
...e ;he power of 1110 Nilson 111', Maui:',.
"CiooseWalking" the Latest.
"Goo::e walking" develops the. mus-
cles of the legs and exercises those of
the abdomen. liaise one knee as high
as possible, 'stretch out the lowerleg
straight in front with toe pointed"find
place it on the ground. This is done
with each foot alternately to three •
counts For n vigorous. exercise to
stimulate the whole body extend the
arms out to the.side in a straight line
from the shoulder. Keeping the arm
stiff, move it around in a small circle
rapidly and put as , touch strength
into the exercise as'possibfe.Simple
ab it may sound, it is really very stren-
uous -and should not be continued too
long. Exercising should be taken only
where there is an abundance of fresh
"throw all the
air. If done at home, row
windows up, though -the themotneter
be at zero."
C77 New tiscovenesbyanoldellysician
, N. C. N,'rablets for internal use. C. N. A
AND local nourisher for external use.
M The two -both used in conjunct -
CN F1 ion nt the sante time produces more
■ . invigorating vitalizing and rchivenat-
int:effects then has ever before been offered. r Suff-
or, that
front vital wenktt .s5 and lost
wits tits pleasures of life, will feud one of each
produces wonderful invigorating, enlarging and
lasting results. Free Trial . Sample luailad in
ulain package on receipt of this advertisinen tand
oix cents postage. Address --THE NERVINE CO.
90VICTORIA Ave., „eWMeet:at, Oar., CADtanli
froln, any one of these :com-
plaints and be convinced. 25c.
each tt druggists.
A Splendid Tonic
Builds up the System
Strengthens the
Cives New Life
Sold by all medicine dealers.
Davis &Lawrence Co., Montreal.
Guaranteed Full Weight
d'SALADA" Tea is weighed by electric weighing
Machines. The net weight is printed on every,
package. We absolutely guarantee it to contain
full weight without the lead covering. Have your
grocer empty a package and weigh it for you.
Sealed " SALADA" Packets guaranteefull weight and tea
unequalled for goodness, freshness and fine flavour.
E; W. CUTLER, Monument s
Painter and Paper Hanger.
All work guaranteed.
Prices reasonable.
Residence 'nearly opposite the
Collegiate Institute.
How Many ••
Choice Designs
Best Materials.
Jas. Doig,
Opposite the Post Office Clinton,
store opens at 7.30 a m, closes at 8 p m.
We are Practical Boot and Shoe mak-
ers and repairers. Boots made to or.
der from one to three days notice and
repairing done while you wait.
Farmers Attention
We have on hand" several pairs of
our own make boots,just the thing for
the Spring wear, Come in and see
To our Londesboro Customors
I -All repairing left at the post •office
or at Mr R. Adams store will have my
best attention. Lwill be at pay store
ta trial. -
t on Fridays, Give me
• • Dozen?• •
• Twel•
ve ! and you count •
• them -to see if youget' i
• them•, to., When you buy
• a Wedding Ring and pay
: for OK, you can't ' count
them, you take the deal-
: er's word, and often get
17K or less: We sell
• Wedding Rings, and there
Z •is exactly 18K_ -n every •
• 18K. Ring. eft them •.
• g •
: any ..way you like. •
• •
• •
W.R Counter
• Jeweler and Optician. •
• •
Z •
.Issuer of •_
:' Marriage Licenses.
• •
Opposite Post Office
We Want to Land
your first order, because we know that
the satisfaction you will derive from
that will open your eyes to 'the fact
that you cannot. -do better anywhere -
else that you can with .us. You will
fled that we are not "all at sea" in our
business, but thoroughly "up- to - the
minute" and watchful of the interests
sf our customers, knowing that, by, 80
loing, we are really actingi.for -our
wn ultimate benefit.
4e A. DOWNS,
Merchant, Tailor, Clinton,
- The Toad.
He has the power to drinkwith his
Even if emaciated his skin will take_
up enough water to make him appear.
Ile is most useful in the garden,
catching the insects.
His skin secretes an acrid humor, so.
a dog seldom bites one thesecond
Like the frog, . he begins his little life
as a tadpole.
Authorities unite in saying that he
has been .known to live thirty-five to,
forty years.
ervouS sired' Itcim-
',tl��ll � beddeisd not -true in stone unlessthathe therean beexist a
Th!n IIe has no use for' the "secondhand
man" or the pawnbroker, as he inva-
riably swallows his castoff coat.
W hat causes nervous collapse? Most
people say worry, anxiety, brooding,
but these are simply the outcomes of
't lowered physical condition. When
strong We throw them off, but when
run down they hold as if by chains.
Thetrue e c
nervous collapse
is in the blood. When thin and watery
it contains no nourishment for the
nerves, no Support for the muscles--
rer,;ttit is collapse.
The truest food for the nerves Is
the nourishing blood that Ferrozone
forms. 1eerrozone builds up the ner-
vous and 'depressed. not by stimula-
tion, but by the surer way of adding
flesh, blood, and sinew. The whole sys-
tem Is vitalized; the nerves are forts-
flail ---you can sleep, work hard, and
be 'free from brooding anxiety.
Makes Health
11/41ro health winner sn certain zs Ferrw
nzene, no nerve :•trengfhenet more pet-
• , 1• rted
tonic o- well i
tent tut.system
to tic wants of the rundown, nervous,
or .;le c Ale ss, ri'e�rromont. in certain to
t'Ure if you give It a citaneo. 50a per
box or six boxes for $2.60 at all deals
h rs.
After the Honeymoon,
"Pa, what's the dilferetiice between
d`idc'ltlisnt and realism?"
"aloe lism. my son, Is the centetnpin-
Y 't + .-
to 11
• M + e i
t b
realism e
Tion of murriane,
Tied." -Boston Transcript.
Greatly Overestimated.
1ewitt--Half the world doesn't knew
how the other half lives. • Jewitt --•s
This is the questionof importance with theLadies just now, our
Spring Opening the 25th and 20th of March. Ladies come and see
the fine display,of..Hikh .Class Millinery. Paints -This is the time to
h Be stY nd cheep-
find the s a
trim upyour. Names and here is where you ca p
est Paints Varnishes, Oils,
- etc.
is the time to procure your Clover and Timothy seeds. Wecan an
you. Produce wanted for either trade or'cssh.. -
R. Ada>rns, Londesboro,"
Is a General Nuisance, and. Causes 'Sickness,
but it Can be Avoided by Using
think you overestimate the number of
people wile mind their own business.--
ilrouklyn Life.
no not think that years leave us anti
ere) tho anme-Maredit .
Cook's Cotton Root Compound:
The great uterine Tonle, and
'- eese'only safeeirectual Monthly
Regulator en which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of E;trength--No. 1, $1; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger 43; No. 3,
for E; terittl cases, 15 per box+
Sold by all druf:•g• etc, or scut
repaid on rem tIt of price.
Nreo pamphlet, Aetdrea:a; THE
C,1OeliEOIOINIICO.,TOR0HT0,O1IT, (formeriyl1znclso!)
on sweeping daay. "Dustbane," tuoreover, dis-
infects the room and restores Rugs to their
original freshness. The women swear by "Dust -
bane: " when once they have used it.
Don't have another dusty sweeping day, but
get a 35c package of Dustbane ".
We are authorized by the manufacturers of
" Dustbane " to send you a 35c can of their
Sweeping' Compound. We want you to use this
n trial for one week. At the end of this period,
if • t found satisfactory, we will take it back,
an here will be no charge for quantity used,
It D i ' s Away with Dust on Sweeping Day.
You.want it.,
Sold in bbls, half bbls, and quarter bbls, _ for stores,
schools, churches, hospitals, banks,
and public buildings,
Harland rp,, • Distributorss
Bros. for Clinton
Canadian l?acterles St. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Man.