Clinton New Era, 1910-03-31, Page 7ti
Arlh e x oxtian of an cases of impaixedh hearing and
els a.xg op
deafness is due -to disease of the middle ear and Eustachian
tubes, caused .either by acute inflammation or chronic ca-
Nearly all these casee can he cured,or the progress of
the disease arrested, by inflation of the ears through the
pose and Eustachian. tubes with medicated air. .
A very safe and etfcieut means .of accomplishing this
end can be had by the use of Catarrhozone, a positive cure
ifor catarrh in the most chronic form.
It is sure death to the microbic life which. maintains.
the inflamed " condition, and also through its healing pro-
perties restores the diseased organs to a healthy, normal.
It is not mere theory. The result of actual experience proves that
llllaiety-nine cases in one hundred can be Cured, and stay cured, of impaired
hearing by the use of Catarrhozone.,
Catarrhozone ares
Catarrhozone is a new scientific remedy for all diseases of the nasal
and respiratory passages caused by microbic life, and if you are affected
with catarrh, asthma, or bronchitis, it is well deserving of your attention,
It never fails to cure any of these affections, •because it is sure to reach
the seat of the disease. That is why Catarrhozone is so: far in advance of
treatment by snuffs, washes, douches, etc., which .are absolutely useless, bes
cause they cannot reach the root of the trouble.
"• You simply breathe the medicated air, it does the rest -^-nothing could
be simpler. Complete outfit, sufficient for two months' treatment, price
$L00, at all dealers, or by mail from the Catarrhozone Company, Kings-
ton, Ont
Jack Horner Pie For !iridal Luncnecn.
[tone in white crape paper is this
sods laoruer ple in the form of a shoe.
It Is designed for a bridal luncheon. as
Food Does You No Good
Half the time you're afraid to eat;
your tongue is coated, mouth tastes
bad, stomach is bloated. If you want
to get well, stop using dyspepsia tab-
lets, and go to the source of the trou-•
ble before it 1st too late. Strengthen
your stomach, cast out the bile, regu-
late the bowels—do this, and dyspep-
sia will be no more.
For your condition the best prescrip-
tion is Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which acre
wade specially for the stomach!, kid-
neys and diver. No better remedy will
be devised, for Dn Hamilton's Pills are
"No one could realize my sufferings
from stomach trouble and indigestion.
For five years I have not been well.
My food did me no good, because I
couldn't digest or assimilate. My doc-
tor .maid constipation. was..at_thw oat n
my trouble, so I got Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. My appetite improved, pain after
eating ceased, and my food digested
quickly. I am delighted with the thor-
ough cure I derived from Dr. Handl-
ton's Pilis.
"(S'ig'ned) MARTIN E. BriAL KER,
Qu;:.k results atte'n'd' the use or Dr.
Hamilton's Pills: thin medicine cures
all trouble in the stomach and diges-
tive organs by removing the cause,
the orange hin'sow decoration sbo'ws.
The girls ore attached to the. ribbons
cud rutty be us costly as the bride can.
UTurd. Clever bride and groom. place
;•nrds are Seen dawn by the heel:
Wily Talleyrand..
Louis XVIII., compliihenting Tel -
ley rand
al•le'yrand one day upon his abilities,
asked him how he had contrived first
to overturn the directory and tinsel)
Bonaparte. .
The wily diplomatreplied, with
charming . simplicity: "Really,sire. I
have had nothing to do .with'• this
There is something inexplicable about
me which brings ill -luck on . the gots
ernments that neglect me."
A Shivery Jest.
"What does chivalry , mean, Tom
my?" .
"Please, ma'am, it's when you feel
rw. 41111meom Plow Bre
so -cent battle of
Scofl's •Emolsioo
Splendid Young Couple .Now Occupy
Leopold'e Throne.
Prince Albert, of Flanders, who has
ascended the throne of Belgium as
successor to his nuclei the late King
Leopold U., is a man of strong per.
sonality and few characters have been
so: scrupulously formed. He has a
passion for work, a mind always •siert
a hunger for knowledge got at first
hand. Like Leopold IL his mind is
of the positive order, directed toward
the practical side el life. But where
the two natures differ is in the appli-
cation of these qualities. Leopold II,
had what one might call a"combina-
tive" genius; he possessed a rare,
swift faculty for developing the most
subtle financial combinations, and he
saw in a, flash the practical results
that were to be expected front any
situation. King Albert, on the con-
trary, has no gift for speculation, and
great economic questions interest him,
not on account of the direct or in.
direct" advantages to be secured by
this or that solution of a problem, but
because he regards thern as factore to
be reckoned with in promotingthe
general welfare.
To Leopold IL the individual was
nothing. The individual was merely
,a force he could employ in carrying
out his great plans. King Albert has
a profound respect for the individual,
for hiscapacity as a producer, and:
forthat reason he has cultivated' a
spirit of rigorous, absolute justice. He
is not haughty; he is lot overbear-
ing; he even allows himself some-
times to be influenced rather too far
by sentimental arguments, A Yuan.
whoknows him well said: "His is'
the most loyal and the most deeply
human" spirit I have ever had the
plrivilege of acquaintance with." '
Some have been saying of late that
Albert I. would be a "socializing"
king, and at Brussels there are those
who declare that, but for his •royal
birth, he would become s Socialist
and a follower of, Vandervelde. This
idea of a Socialist king is amusing
but purely fanciful. If the brevet of
socialism were for those who sincere-
ly seek the solution of the gTave. prob-
lems that to -day present themselves
to every mind. attentive .to the new
conditions of - social existence, one
might' accept it. But only gross error
comes :offextending the signification.
of the tern. It would be nearer .the
truth to say that King Albert amass
broadly liberal tendencies thin with.
out using the word in its narrow,
party meaning=and . that his very
conception of the life of modern
peoples must allow him to-accom•
modate himself quite .readily to a sane
democracy. From this paint of view,
one may' assume that the model whom
the new .king of the Belgians will
logically set before himself will be
7eopold I. rather than Leopold II.
and that, like his grandfather, he will
be a scrupulously constitutional king,.
but without neglecting to insist upon
his kingly prerogatives and make,
them a means toward carrying: his
ideas into -execution.
The new king is 35 years of age and
his gpieen, whom. he married in 1900
Is the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of
Duke Charles Theodore, of Bavaria.
They -have. we. sons an a :daughter. ---
'Woo 's Pho phedine,
The Great English .Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new
Mod in old Veins. Cures Nerv-
ous Debility1/, Mental and 'Brain Worry, Des-
pondency, ,Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Spee
matornceea, ane. Effects of 4buse or Excesses.
Price 11 per bort
sister $5. One will
will cure.Sold by"all drngeisor mailed in
plain kg.onrere1 t of price. New pamphlet
This WoodM9gicino CO.po.
(formerly 'Windsor) Toronto, .Oust.
It's easy to get what you don't
want in this world—coughs, colds,
sore throat, asthma, for instance.
It's easier still t� get the remedy
you don't want unless you remem-
berto say' 'Shiloh's Cure"
—then you're safe, then
you have the genuine.
For 40 years Shiloh's Cure
has been the most suc-
cessful throat, bronchial
and lung remedy in the
market Scores of itnitatioii4have
arisen, are arising, will : arise—
trading on our reputation- Shiloh's
Cure outvalues its, imitators
—as the . genuine always • does
the sham—but the delay,
the risk the harm of a
substitute may be
obviated now. and
always, if you'll just
remember the name,
and, see that you get ---
"TheBest Editorial Page In Canada"
The Toronto Daily Star publishes every day six columns of
editorials and editorial features -and there's not a dry line' in the.
six columns. -
John Lewis, author of "The Life of john Brown" (114orang's
Series) has few equals in Canada. He is by many considered to be
second only to Goldwin Smith as a master of English.
Joseph T. Clark, known as "Mack" when he was editor
of 'Saturday Night", is known throughout Canada as a keen, clever
and witty writer. His cables and letters on the British elections
from England, where •he was sent by the Star, have attracted
wide attention.
Two things to be specially noted about all the Star's editorials
are first that they are always fair—no bitterness or biased.partieafiship •
—and second that they are never dull, but deal in a bright way with
the subjects in which you and your neighbors a re ed .
In a lighter vein . are the "Chronicles bf the Khan" ._..
delightfully humorous -pathetic studies from real life, particularly rural
life—"Uncle Walt's Corner" of clever poetry in prose — and
"A Little of Everything"—that you can always count on for a
pleasant ten minutes. •
A regular reading of the Star's Editorial page will keep a man
informed on every topic of live interest to Canadians. Why not
subscribe now ?
$1.50 A 'Year
This paper and the "Toretto Gaily Star''' together for
one year, $2.20. Guaranteed Pountain Pen given for 50c.
added to above subscription prices.
Toronto Daily Star
given in half -teaspoon.
doses four times a day,
mixed in. its bottle, will
last a year-old baby near-
ly a month, and four bot-
tles over three months,
and will make the baby
strong and well and will
lay the foundation for a
healthy, robust boy or
girl. '
Logical 11'zt•nia Cure Eli-
dorsed By Physicians
Dr R A.Folkerts, of Duluth,. Minn
ells of Ms success in treating patient
vith Prescription: •
D Pt
"There was a man here suffer , g
'corn .eczima for the last fours, en
ears, and. I applied the D•D D tre t-
ment. I also applied it to a new of
West Duluth, Minn., who has been
offering with Eez- ma in his feet. and
'.he second: treatment in both cases
leered the skin almost ahsolutely,
rhe first application is a balm and its
+ otbing effect is beyond, .expresainn
shall never be without it; and sh 11
age it among my patients altogether
No matter how terribly you, cuff. r
vom "eczema, salt • rheum, rinwor' ',
+tc.; youwill feel, linstallely sooth d
bad the itch allayed at once' ;when
rew. raps ofthis compound . of ni
vfn•rgre'en, thymol. ,glycerine, etc •
s applied The cures all seem : to'1,
aermanent' `
For free trial bottle of P D D Pa
+cription'write to' the _D D D Conor
Ory, Department N E., 23 Jordan St
For sale by all druggists.
lend 10c., name of paper and this ,ad. for
our beautiful $aviagsBank and Child's Sketch.
Book. Bach bank contains adood, Ludt,.
1126 Wellington Street, we.t Toronto, Ont.
out it you write In seen arta sueu rt.
place and ddd' "Russell equiire" tbat
mattes it all right. 1tuseefl square. Is
recognized. but west central Is nut.
On sleeting Dew people the first
thing tbey invariably ask is your ad•
dress. It you are wearnig a rove frock
and say, you live W. they immediately .
ask you to dinner, but ix you say west
central the niee frock Carnes no
wetgbt. .They simply says "How very
ails,!" and tail; a!Mut the weather.,
l:e:ndon Letter In New York Sun. •
A Modern Medicine
For. Young Children.
• No sane another would wish herself
treated under thecondition of medi-
cine or surgery of half a century .a o,
Why then should she give her tender
little'child the old sashioned medi-
cines that have not changed in half
a century, and which more likely than
not containpoisonous opiates that
will not cure the child, but merely
drug it into temporary insensibility.
Baby's Own Tablets lea modern med-
iate prepared with all the care .• and
skill of •modern medical science. This
medicine cures all stomach, bowel.
teething and other ailments of child-
hood and babyhood. And the mother
has the . uarantee of 'a government
analyst that it contains no opiate or
poisonous drug. Sold by 'medicine
_dealeresor hy-maiLat B rente a box.
from The D. Williams' Iedicine Co,
Brockville. Ont..
Forgotten Military Structure Is Laid
Bare byWo
The ruins of an .old. French fort or
outpost have been discovered near the
corner of St. Catherine and Mountain
streets, Montreal. The fort, or rather
outpost, was built of heavy cedar tim-
bers. Originally it had a frontage of
about twelve feet, a depth of about
ten feet, and a height of ten feet.
The flooring of the building was .found
i.n good condition, the side walls were
somewhat shattered; :and the greater
part of 0% roof was missing.
It is thought that this was the west-
ern entrance to the settlement, and
that here a party was always station-
ed to be an the lookout for possible
enemies. The building was construct-
ed of heavy timbers,, part cif the bark
being hewn away and the remainder
left as a covering. In the centre .of
each of the timbers on the side walls
were large woodin pins. No nails
were used in the construction of the
building. The land surrounding the
fort is yet filled with springs, and it
is thought that a canoe route as well .
as a path passed this block house.
The foundation of the fort bad- been
laid ort the thick clay about two feet
below the surface, After the fort was
deserted earth piled over it by land-
slides and washouts from the moun-
tain to such a height that, it is now
five feet below the surface.
The timbers are in nearly perfect
condition," being preserved in. the
moist soil. The marks of the axe 'ore,
still plain on those which, have been
hewn. Many, opinions prevail as to
the age of the fort,. but it• is certain
that the building is. one of the first
put upon the island.
in the soil directly above the fort
stood, . until recently, a giant elm. tree
over a century old. Some, of safe roots
of this tree had spread around the
side walls of the fort so that the
building was well over the century
mark. The workmen who made the
discovery were not aware of the prob-
able historical value of the building.
They tore down the side walla so that
now only the flooring remains ;ie its
original position. The other timbers
have been saved, however, and?'after
further •investigation regarding the
fort, it is •probable that it will be re-
constructed. A number of authorities
on the history of 'old Montreal have-
been consulted, and the concensus of
opinion is that this was the' roost -
western point of the settlement. It
expected that further researels will
bring forth some relics Which may:;de-
termine more accurately the lige" of
the little building. Near at hand •a
number of sea shells have been .found
in the soil, and some distance away a
huge boulder of "blue stone," weigh-
ing about twelee tons, was found em-
bedded .in. the clay. The discovery
was m,ade • by workmen excavating for
the new. Ogilvy building.
'House of Keys.
'As 'an illustration •of *the variety of
experience the public service of Can-
oda. represents it is interesting to
know that the
of the Legislative Assembly of Alber-
ta, Mr. John. Robert Cowell, J P ,, it
a veteran official of the Government
of the Ise of Maxi; of whose unique
•Parliament try institutions re ens of
"The-.Deeteiator" and •kanrlre7 books
have sone' isles. Besides tieing a Mem,
ber of various Government: • depart-
meats; in, the IA1e of Mona,. Mr,. Co-
, well was ,for'
•- over -twenty yearn a -
member of the picturesque. "House of
Keys,' the. popular•. branch of .the
Legislxtture. or Tyntval'd. There is no
Legislature under the i3ritish flag
where the work of legislation is •hedg
ed -.about' with snore: 'safeguards in the.
• shape of formalities than that of the
'Isle, of Mrii. :For 'instance; hills, at -
ter having . passed .both Houses are
signed by the members, and then seut
for the Royal . Assent. The signatures'
must iriclude those of a clear major-
ity of both branches—in• the case of
the house of Keys,'• thirteen out of
the complete membership 'of twenty
four'. After. receiving .the Rdya1 As-
sent, bills do not become law until
they --have been promulgated . in the
English and Manx languages on the
Tynwald dill and a certificate there-
of .has •been signed by the Governor
and Speaker • of the - House of Keys..
After his lor.g public service in Ir
country' Where such exceptional . re-
spect. for formality is enforced, Mr..
Cowell, as the chief officer of the Al:
berta Legislative .• Assembly, is not
likely,. without a vigorous protest, to
•allow any of. the supposed free and-
easy tendencies in the far :west '.te
.interfere . with the • . maintenance . of
Parliamentary: decorum in •Alberta's
infant Parliament. .
Good Clothes Count For Nothing • if
• One Lives .In.•W. C.' `
"I'd know .yon -were ail 1.+]nglishnian
if I'd ugly seen you addressing ut, en•
velope," said the American. "English-
ineu always seetu to put all they pos-
libly can Tutu ati address.'
Well; the aficieests of an iCta>;lisbtnan
Is a very inieorutnt thing, .atmos. as .
lntpoltlaut as his pedigree. A gond nd
dress, espeeicily In Loudon; is more
highly regarded than square meals.
the :tatter often being saaeritict'd tor''
CIIt4 foruier. .
There are, as has been explained,
only eertaln parts of London in.'whie b
One 5 -511 -One 'Oa tis flee and be recognized. • It is
divtdad hito districts; the niuet tnipne.
trust of wbleh bears the address Loti-
don. W. .•
The next distr'ic't in ImportnneeW. tsoruttlwest,. Phis mottoes Chet•
ruga, where the artists rnngreg;tti'. and
Solitb isensitirtnn•, whets, trpf)er laid
the ctiasH taaiihinnabie folks live. e
N. .w. tntartbwesti inclntiey Hump-
stend, St. 'John's Wood, •Lielsize frock
tone or the prettiest and nenithiest
parts of Lo rid on t, i- he re wealthy city
men 'reside, itis the malty nrrge resi.
dances there con honist beautiful gar
Setts and lawns, such as are uitobtaina-
hle in any other pat's of Landon.
The nest. district and one 0t the tnost
emsely pop1lated Is. W. O. (west cen-
tral), it is a world Of boarding houses,
and, being the tnost coneetileht part of
l ondon for rail Way Stations. places of
amusement and etghtseetag generally',
with most cornu Iola -
it is peopled ills the o t 1
tart Set to be tumid anywhere its the
One of the puzzles of this address Is
that If you ,write W. U. atter it the re.
:•t>rient will i>robrlbis' not bother to eon,
Cook's Cotton Root compound:
The groat Uterine Tonle, and.
only 'sato effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three de_ i cee
of strength --No. 1, $1; NO. 2,
10 degreesstronger.� ; No. 3.
for special Cases, fs
per box.
Sold by all druggists, or cent
Mxrepaid on receippt, of price.
Free pam thlet: Address THE
C9pitill€DnoltII00.,Toll0MT0,QHT. (formrrlywindaorl
Sick Hendache and relieve all the troubles incl.
dent to a bilious etato of the system, ouch at
Dizziness, Nansen, Drowsiness Distreea after
eating, Pain in the Side &c. While their most
remarkable emcees has been Shown in curing
Meadacbe, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ere
equal .valnabie in constipation cnrin and re•
Venting this annoyingcomplainttwhile tbeyale0
Correct all disordersofthee em'ach,iStimulatethe
liver and regulate the bowels. Evenif theyonle
Ache they would be almostpricelcsstothoeawbe
eater froth this ttistresstngcomplaint; butfortu.
aately their goodness docs notend here,and those
who once tty there will endtheao little palls vale
able In so many ways that they will not be w!1.
ling to do withouttbem. But after all sick heed
Is 1 a onr great ninny
lives that cure itwhile
others de not. •
Carter's Little Liver P111s aro `very small and
'veryeneytotake, Oneor two pills make a dose,
They aro etrletlyy vegetable Ana de not gripe or
pnre, but by their gentle action, pleas)eU ho
ase them.
CAMS tlllDIClita CO..It1IW toss.
1201`114, 1241 Dov,, ., t11
This contractor got results.
He knew how to feed his men..
Some -years ago a contractor build -
ng a railroad in a warm :climate. was
roubled a great deal by sickness'.
among the laborers. •
He --turned his"attention"'ateance=tq
their food and found that they were
getting full rations of meat and were*,
drinking water from a stream near by..
He issued orders to cut down the
amount of meat and to increase greatly
the quantity of Quaker Oats fed to the
men. • .
He. also ..boiled : Quaker: Oats and '
mixed the thin oatmeal water with •
. their drinking water.
• Almost instantly all signs.of stomach
• ' disorders passed and his men showed
a ' decided` improvement in strength
and spirits.
This contractor had experience that
taught hire the great value of good •
March Cub, 910
onWsesxArun down condition of the
system, poisoned blood, and UricAcid. mind then Kills
The $dints- become clogged with irritating secretions and grow
BUM. Every movement tortures and racks the sufferer. Cure is
not possible until the blood is purified. The most potent blood
purifier is Ferrozone, It is a perfect solvent for Uric Acid and an
antidote for all other poisons liable to cause inflammation or Rheu-
matic Pains. But Perrozone doesn't stop
here. It provides the enfeebled sufferer SCIATICA
with an abundant supply of pure, invigoar
ating blood. This quickly results in more strength with which to
fight the disease, starts a rebuilding of the system, ends in a
permanent cure. Mr. Thos. Egan, of 92 Pearl Street, New York.•
suffered so intensely from
FERROZONE Rheumatism that his friends be.
lieved he could not recover..
"The Rheumatism," 'writes. Mr.
Egan, "crippled me for four
years. It seemed to run to the
joints, which swelled and caused dreadful pain. 1 wasn't able to
w,atk and my strength rapidly decreased. My heart became so
weak I had to be bolstered up'in bed. I was at my wits' end when
I heard -of the wonderful cures of Ferrozone. Twelve boxes cured
and I am now strong and perfectly well." There is no better rem-
edy. Severe tests have proved it superlative to all others. If you
want the' BEST and most- scientific treatment for Rheumatism,
Gout, Neuralgia,'or Sciatica, use Ferrozone.. No case too chronic.
Price 50. cents per box or six boxes far$ Sold by all druggists.
How to Get Free Seeds
We want to send everybody interested in
Catalogue. If you will write us to-day,w free -we
will include free, a package of our Aspara-
gus Beet. This Beet is most delicious. Tou
get two distinct dishes' from one. vegetable.
Use" the ribs as Asparagus—the leaves as
Spinach or greens. Our new Catalogue Is
one of the most complete published this year.
' If you prefer, wewill send free, package of.,
our Burbank's Giant Crimson California.
Poppy, or D. •& H.'s Excelsior Swede, in-
stead• of the Asparagus Beet. Let us know
to=day:which you want. •
Kindly mention this paper. It Is Import-
ant to us.
• London, Ont.. 4 •
On this solid D foundation we
build the the Mason and Risch
NO house is ' stronger
than its foundation,
nor is a piano.
The foundation •- of a
,piano is theback frame.
" This forms a base of opera-
tion for all the working
parts, and must therefore
be very solid.
-The ba . °frame--of"hc
Mason . and Risch .piano
Consists of several hardwood uprights securely braced.
together. The design is onewhich secures the great
est degree of strength.
as.on and
Blasted Away Fali's.
Quite unexpectedly Father •Paradis•
has ,afforded an early solution; td the:
'drainage problem in ' the Porcupine
country by blasting.a channel at 'Iiigb
Falls on ' the. Frederickhouse ' River
and drawing the water away, from
a considerable area of country. As
his :.action was an unauthorized inter.
ference • with •. the waterways the
Federal Government has sent a man
to report on the results and more may
be heard of the matter in a few; days.
The result, has been apparently an
injury to the canoe routes, while, it
has to some extent removed appre
hension as to practical difficulties
that 'were' believed to :threaten - the
gold mining industry .in: this locality.
By blasting out the falls Frederick,
house Lake has been reduced to an
unimportant little stream, and : Night
Hawk Lake has dropped until' miles.
of its , beach has been .left dry and
exposed. The High Falls are 42 feet
above the lake level, and banked back
the water, preventing it from running
freely away 'from 'the height of .land.
The blasting away of ten, feet at the
falls has released the waters of; Fred,.
erickhoese Lake until it went ' dry,.
and the waters of Night Hawk reced-
ed a utile and a quarter from the
shore. It is said to be possible to
walkalong the bottom of . Wilson
Creek from the railway to Frederick.
house . Lake. Whether the'.: act of
Father Paradis has had a serious or
beneficial effect will bedecided. by'
tlhe Government inspector,, ,
The French do not, as a rule, employ°'
inverted Commas to indicate a dialogue,
but they, .employ,. the• dash to indicate
a change of speakers, which is just as
bad. Certainly many punctuation marks
are sadly misueed or overused. Dick-
ens flung unnecessary commas all over
his pages—whole battalions of them.
Walter Pater also employed them with
extraordinary prodigality,
before tho word "and" where the con.
junction rendered them superfluous.
Pater was also overfond of the mark
of exclaniatioll, so that when he drops
a "Yes" into bis measured style it must
needs appear as ,
fut though
the flible does without inverted com-
mas, there is real art in its punetua.
tion. flow admirably it marks the cit•
dente and helps the drama in that
great story of the prodigal sonl—Eich-
don Chronicle.
1'or �61��9YInfants and Children.
.1•to11HW - Have Aiwa s Hou iii
, the
° •s Of
The piano with a soul.
In the • top of this frame the pin -block is set and
firmly held by a series of wood- interlocks." This
system -of y • - - f oust uction:is exclusive to theMason.
c r
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OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will 'cure you and make a man of
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You feel yourself a man and know marriage canuot be a failure. Don't let -quacks
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Peter E. Summers relates his experience:
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and excesses in youth. I became very
despondent and didn't caro whether I
worked or not. I imagined everybody
who looked at me guessed my secret,
Imaginative dreams at nights weakened'
me -my basic ached, had pains in the
back of my head, hands and feet were
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loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in
the Singers set in and the doctor told mo
he feared paralysis. T took all kinds of
medicines and tried many first-class
physicians, sicians, wore an electric belt for three
months; but received little benefit. I
BEFORE TREATMENT was induced to consult Ins. Kennedy d: .,A ER TteEATMENT
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CONSULTATION IME. BOOKS FREE. If unable to tan write fora audition
Blank for Home Treatment.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich,
�pp All letters from Canada must be addressed
. V to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
rusammossimeell ment in. Windsor, Ont. I1 you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters its .follows t
Write ter our rrlvate address.