Clinton New Era, 1910-03-31, Page 4IF
aroh 3xth 1910
With hall the labor, and et
half the cost .of other. soap.
Sunlight does the whole
washing in halt the time,
yet without injuring the
moat delicate fabric.
Use it the Sunlight way.
Follow the directions,
listen County Team in harness (See Specials) 0 4
Stock and Seed Brood mare,° years and over 5 3 2
hilly or gelding, 3 years and
over ................ 4 3 2
Filly or gelding,under3 years 4 3 2
Yearling,1 year and under 2..3 2
Clinton, Thursday, April 7. brmaremionmssiom
' Painter and Paper Hanger.
All work guaranteed.
Prices reasonable.
Residence nearly opposite the
Collegiate Institute.
Highest cash prices paid for Bass-
wood, Elm, Maple or Birch logs, de-
livered at our mill.
The W, Doherty Piano & Organ
Co., L't'd.
Choice Designs
Best Materials.
Jas. Doig,
,Opposite the Post Office Clinton,
at $4.
We have placed in stock a few pat-
terns of Imported Trouserings.
including light, medium and dark
grey Worsteds. which we can make to
your measure fcr
Four Dollars
This is exceptional value, and worthy
of yotlr inspection, if you are needing
a pair. We also have a full range of
Spring Suitin s
P �
in the new browns and greys.
ING, guaranteed Indigo dye is a win-
ner at $22.00, the Suit usually sold
at $25.00.
G, W. Barge &Co.
Agents for British American Dyeing
and Cleaning Co., Montreal.
• • •
i W. •R Counter
2 How Many
• Twelve r and you count
• •them to see if y9.0 get
• them, to. When you buy
• a Wedding Ring and pay
• for 18K, you can't count
them, you take the deal-
er's word, and often get
17K or less; We sell
• Wedding Rings, and there
• is exactly 18K in every
s 18K Ring. Test them
iany way you like.
in a Dozen?
Jeweler and Optician.
Issuer of
Marriage Licenses.•
Eggs for Hatching
Rose Comb and Single Comb
Rhode Island Reds
Good wing, tall and hackle: correct shape and
color, and No sMoT.
Eggs $1.50 per 15. $2 if shipped, ex•
press prepaid,
Agent tor Boston Dry Feed Hoppers,
Clidtax Drinking Fountains and Grit
Hoppers, Esso Charcoal, Pearl Grit.
M C ii i OF U i.N, ;Clinton
j,i rJ lilm l k,, tui if
1st •2nd 3rd
Stallion, 3 years and over, $10 $7
Stallion,undei 3 year's 6 4
• Shires
Stallion, 3 years and overIO 6 2
Stallion, under three years 6 4
Best i'erchernn Stallion 8 4-
$4 32
Hackney '
Stallion. 3 years and over.: ..6 4 2
Stallion, under 3 years...,..6 4 2
-Heavy Draught
Brood mare, 3 years and over (See
- Specials) 3 .2
Filly. or Gelding, 3 years and
over 5 3 2
Filly or Gelding,under 3 years 5 _3 2
Team in harness(See Specials) 6 4
Family of three coif of 69,progeny
of same sire .. 6 4
Yearling,1 year and under 2.. 3 2
General Purpose
Team in harness 6 4 •
Canadian Hair Restorer
/ _ T
Will restore gray hair to its natural color..
'Stops falling hair oauees to grow on bald
heads. Curesdandrnf,itching, scalp diseases.
By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly.'•
Contains no oily or greasy ingrediente.
Ie entirely pnrike any other hair prepare.
tier: ever offered for sale.
A good, reliable Canadian preparation. ' •
IInsonclted Testimonials.
Edith A. Burke, Missionary H. M. Church,
Akhimim, Egypt, and friends; greatlypleased
with results after two years'!using )
L. A. Hopes, Wilner. Montana. My hair
and whiskers restored to natural color, dark
brown, by using CanadianHair Restorer. •
M. Crum, Burgessvilld, Ont. Canadianfair .
Restorer is the best I have ever used.
John G. Hall, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton.
Canadian noir Restorer has worked wonders.
My head is nearly . all covered with thick
growth blaok hair, original color.
*Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists.
Mailed to any address in the civilized world
on receipt of price, 50c. Manufactured by,
*HE MEIKWIN CO., Windsor. Ont,, Canada.
S .rid in Clinton by W. S. , R.
aolmes J. E. Hovey, W. A.
[cCornell druggists.
Thai e M Now Era
The Sunday..thool Lesson
Lesson L --Second Quarter, For
April 3, 1910.
Text of the Lesson, Matt. Ix, 18.34.
Memory Verses, 28, 29 --Golden Text,
Mark ix, 23 --Commentary Prepared
by .Rev. i . M. Stearns.
This lesson gives an account of four
different acts of healing upon five dif-
ferent people—the ruler's, daughter.
twelve years of age; the woman twelve
years sick, the two blind sten and the
demon possessed dumb rnau. Jlattliew,
Mark and Luke record the first two.
but Matthew alone tells of the others.
411 are equally easy to Ilam to whom
nothing is difficult when there is confi-
dence in Him. The principle of verse
29 holds alt through, "According to
your faith be it unto you," ,But we
must always remember that these
were samples of the kingdom which
was then at hand, but because of Elis
rejection postponed till He shall cotyle
again. As 1 understand it, we cannot
expect kingdom manifestations in this
age of His rejection except as He may
in great grace see fit to grant them.
But as the age draws to a close, which.
it Is rapidly doing,we may look for
greater signs as the kingdom of
heaven again draweth nigh.. May we,
like Stephen, be full of faith and of
the Holy Ghost, full of faith and
The other accounts of the first two
bealings are found In Mark v and
Luke viii. There we are told that the
man's name was Jairus; that he was a
ruler of the synagogue; that hefell
down at Jesus' feet and besought Him
greatly, for bis little daughter was
vying at the point of •death, and she
was his only daughter. .Jesus arose
and followed Salmi, and so did His
disciples, and match people also fol
lowed Him and thronged Him. Con-
sider the anxiety of the father's heart
and his expectation, for, although he
had not heard• the words "I will come
and heal her" (viii, 7), was not the
Lord Jesus Christ with whim, and
was not that assurance enough for
But in the throng that pressed upon
Him there was one desolate heart—a
woman who had been ailing for twelve
years and, having spent all that she
had upon physicians, was nothing bet-
tered. but rather grew worse. She,
having heard of Jesus, had such,confi-
dence in Himthat she said within her-
self, "If 1 may touch but His clothes.
1 shall be whole."' She accordingly
pressed through the crowd 'behind
Him. touched the border of His gar-
ment and :was instantly healedof heli
Illness of many years.
Most gratefully and gladly would
-she have sliuned 'away without troll -
Staliion,151/ hands and over 6 4
Stallion,under I51� hands,, 6 4
Carriage horse in harness,equip.
ment considered. 5 3
Roadster horse in harness,
equipment considered.. 5 3
Carriage team -in harness 5 d
Roadster team in harness., 5 3
Saddle horse... 3 2
(Age in all classes to be considered.
Age to date from. January 1st).
(Brood mares must be in foal, or
have raised a.foal,)
list 2nd 3rd
Short horns
i Bull, 3 years and over.. $8 $5 33
Bull, 2 years 5 3 2
Bull, 1 year 5 3 , 2
Cow. 3 years and over5 3 2
Heifer, 2 years....... . 5 ' 3. 2
Heifer, l,year 4 2 1
Bull, '2 years or over 5 3
Bull, under 2 years 5 3
Cow, 3 years and, over.. 5 3
Heifer, under 3 pears , .. 5 3
Polled Angus
Bull, 2 years or over.... 5 3
Bull, •1 year:: ....-....r:: 5 3....
' Cow, 3 years, and over .. 5 . 3
Heifer, under 2 years ... 5 3
`White Wyandots, SS C.B. y Minor-'
cas, W.C.B. Polands.
One choice pen of each.
Eggs 750 per setting.
'Clarence Paisley, Clinton.
The Automatic Vacuum
ceded, the world over, to be the only
efficient and sanitary method for ex-
tracting dust and dirt from Carpets,
Rugs, NloorsiUpholstered ed Furnft
Draperies, Pillows,
Mattresses, and in
fact everything that contains this
enemy of the home—because, particu
bythe "Automatic" wayit gets
larly g
ALL the dirt without moving any
thing from its place, without injuring
most delicate fabrics arid
stirting,up a particle of dust
It replaces the broirm, the Carpet
.Sweeper and the dreaded o d•fashion.
ed days.
For Sale or to Bent by
For . Settlers
How Made and How Reached
Settlers with Live
Stock and Effects
Special Trains
leave Toronto
10.10 p,m. Tuesdays
iSettlers and Families
without Live Stock
should use .-
Re¢ular Trains
10,10 p,m. daily
38hours to Winnipeg
In which Berths are Free
Apply to nearest Agent for copy of "Settlers'
Guide,' "Western Gamin,' Tourist Cars,"
or write
R. L. Thompson, D,P:A., G.P,R., Toronto.
ming Him i'urtuer, 19nt tie uuu wure
for her than she bad dared to expect.
Ile had a personal word for her heart
full of peace and assurance, Before
she could get away Jesus, knowing all
things, :laked who touched Hine, for he
knew that virtue bad gone out of Him.
The disciples were surprised at His
questiou, seeing so many touching Flim,
but the woman came with fear and
trembling,fell down before Him and be-
fore all the people declared why she
had touched Him and bow she had beep
immediately healed. Then came to her
the edded, unexpected blessing in His
precious: words to her heart: "Daugh-
ter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath
made thee whole. Go in peace and be
whole of thy plague." instead et the
unrest she mi,?bt have had because
she bed, as it were. stolen a blessing,
she had His own word of "peace,"
Then she might have bad some sywp•
tonis of a recurrence of her trouble,
and the devil would be sure to be on
hand with some unrestfui suggestions,
but now she had not only an experi-
ence, but His infallible word that she
was healed, and had He not called her
"daughter." and wasn't that worth
while? Let all secret believers confess
Jesus Christ publicly' and see what ad.-
ditional blessing will surely come to
But all this delay has seemingly
made Flim too late to help the little
girl, for before He reaches the house
messengers come, saying that she le
dead. As soon as Jesus heard It He
said to Jairus, "Fear not, believe only,
and she shall bemade whole" (Luke
vili, 50). And quickly it is even so, and
she is alive and well and eating like.
any well child. Only the father and the.
mother and Peter,James and John were.
present at the raising to life—just seven,
including Jesus and the little girl, the
unbelieving scorners all without. Let
us be "most surely believers, kuowing
the certainty" of, all I31s words (Luke
i, 1-4). He is never too late, and noth-
in;; is too hard for Him who created
all things.
Two blind men follow Him into the
heat house, into which He enters, beg-
ging Him to have mercy on them. His
one question was, "Believe ye that 1
am able to. do this?" .Their affirmative
reply brings His "According to your
faith be. it unto you;" then His touch,
and they see like other men; yet, un-
like many, they see Jesus, their healer,
and start forth to spread abroad Ells
fame. ,
The next case is a dumb demon pos.
sessed man, and by a word he. Is heal..
ed. No wonder that themultitudes
said,. "It was never so seen in Israel,"
for one, like this bqd never been seen.
before. Whether Yid touch; Ellen dr He
touches its' or speaks the word, His
power is manifest. May we all touch
Him in the consciousness of our help-
lessness and need; as the long suffer
ing woman dld; and not indifferently,
like the crowd.
Loose Te. Loses Fiavour
It not only loses flavour, but worse than this, loose
tea takes on new odors, such as coal oil, molasses,
onions, coffee, soap, etc.,—to say nothing of•
its exposure to the sun, dust, dirt and
air. Therefore, for your protecttont
is sold only in sealed lead packets—never in bulk.
This is the question of importance with the Ladies just"now, our
Spring Opening the 25th and 26th of March. Ladies come and see
the fine display of High Class Millinery. Paints—This is the time to
trim up your homes and here is where you can find the Best and cheap-
est Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, etc. Seeds.-Farnf'ers now
is the time to procure your Clover and Timothy seeds. We oar supply
you. Produce wanted for either trade or cash.
R. Adams, . Loudes'boro,
-Dairy Cows and Fat Cattle
Dairy cow, any age or
• •breed 4 3
Fat heifer age consider-
ed .
onsider-ed, ...... ...,,•. .3,
Fat steer, age considered 3
Two stack steers,2 years,
and under3
Two stock heifers, 2 yrs'
and under . ... 3
Best 3 of any breed,3 yrs
and under, with hull 5
Best male any age Diploma
Best female any age ..:: Diploma'
Cattle date from Sept. 20th
lst' 2nd 3rd
Fall Wheat,.any variety.. $3 $2 .50
Oats, black, named 3 2 .50
Oats, wbite, named 3 2 .50
Barley, two -rowed, named 3.' 2 .50
Barley, six -rowed, named 3 2 .50 -
Peas, named 3 2 .59
Timothy seed 3 2 .50
Clover seed 3 2 .50
Potatoes, late, named 3 2 .50
Potatoes, early, named 3 2 .50
For best three horses. agricultura;
or draft, mares or geldings,age con
sidered, open to each Township of the
County of Huron. The animals must
be owned 6th April, 1910,' by residents
of the named Townships. Any num-
ber of entries will be received from
each township. Prize $25 as follows:
Should only 1 Township.compete $5.00
Should Two Townships compete 10.00
Should 3'1'ownships compete 15.00
Should 4'1'ownships compete 20.00
Should 5Townships or. mora com-
pete .25,00
For best 'Heavy Draught team in
harness,prize of$10 in gold and diploma
given by Mr. Wm, Proudtoot, S. C.,
M. P. P., Gnderich.
Jos best Agricultural team in. har-
ness, prize of $10 in gold arid. diploma
is given by the Vice -President, Mr Geo
For best Brood mare. . Heayy
Draught, The Molsons Bank Trophy,
valued at$15,
The Royal BankClinton offer a spec
idprize of $5 in gold and Diploma
for the best herd of cattle three o
any breed, three years and under with
JAS. SNELL, C. E. Dowding
President Secretary
Ang. 9,23
Jane 14,
May 3, 17, 31 lily 12, 20 Sept. 6, 20
Leave Toronto 2.00 n.m.
on above 'days
l tlecsClan Celebes,
Colonist and ToursSep.
Apply to nearest 0.1).11. Agent or write
R. L. Thompson, D.1',A , Toraato.
How to Get :New. Health and New
Strength in the Spring '
Even the mast robust find the win-
ter months trying to their health.
Confinement indoors in often over-
heated and nearly always badly pen
ated rooms—in the home, the of -
ice the shops and : the school—taxes.
the 'vitality of even the strongest.
The blood becomes thin and watery,
or clogged with impurities. Sometimes
Yeti get up in the morning just•as tired
as when you went' to bed. Some
people have headaches and a feeling.
of languor; . others are low ,spirited . der from one to three clays notice and
and nervous; still others have pimples,, repairing done while you wait.
andskin eruptions. ..Chese' are all
spring symptoms that the blood is out
of order. . Many people rush to purga-•
tive medicines in the spring. This is
a mistake. You can't cure 'these
troubles with a medicine which gal-
lops through your system, and is sure
to leave you weaker still. What you
need to give you health and strength
in the spring is a tonic medicine and
the one always reliable tonicand blood
builder is Dr 'Williams' Pink Pills.
These pills not only banish spring ills
but guard you against the more seri-
ous ailments that follow, 'spch as
anaemia, • nervous debility, indiges-
tion, rheumatism and . other diseases
due to bad blood. .Dr Williams' Pink
Pills actually make new. richblood
which strengthens every nerve, every
organ and every part of the body. Try
this'medieine this spring and you will
have strength and energy to resist the
torrid heat of the coming summer.
Mr Geo W Johnson, Hemford, N.
S., says:—"A couple of years ago
when I came home from a lumbering
camp where I had been employed my
Drde Van's French !Female: Fills
th eWife's Friend
A ".'reliable regulator; , never fails
Yhile these pills rre exceedingly
p werful in regulating the generative
portion of the female system, they are
strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap
imitations. Dr de Van's are sold at $5
abox,or three for $10 Mailed to any
address. ` The Scobell Drug Co, St.
Catherines, Ont.
EARLY every lady in Clinton
goes visiting, and • what
would ' be . more appropriate for
her than a nice .box of Visiting
Cards, .neatly printed in . the lat-
est styles.. of -type ? •
Wehavejust .opened' • up- a
shipment, of wthese, Cards, and
ould :be ', ..pleased to ha
ve . your
The Cost is Very gmall '
store, opens at 730 a m: closes at 8 p m.;
We are Practical Boot and Shoe mak-
,ers.and repairers. Boots made to or.
blood was in such a condition that
"Blood Will Tell"
Strength, stamina and vital-
ity depend upon the blood
supply. Keep it pure, fresh
and red with
Sold P.ierywhere,
In boxes 2$ teats.
my whole body broke out in boils --
some six and eight in a nest. These
were so painful that I was confined'
to the house and for three months
was treated by my family doctor. I
got no better in -fact the sores began
to eat into my flesh and as times were
offensive that 1 refused to sit at the
table with my family. A friend task-
ed me one day why I did not give Dr
Williams' Pink Pills a trial and I de-
cided to do so I got six boxes and be-
fore they were all gone the sores be-
gan tO disappear and my system was
much strengthened. 1 continued us-
ing the pills until 1 had taken twelve
boxes when every boil and sore had
disappeared, and 1 have since enjoyed
the very best of health."
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for 32.50
from the Dr. Williams' Medicine 00,,
Brockville, Ont.
Farmers Attention
We have en hand several pairs of
our own make boots,just the thing for
the Spring wear. Come in and see
them, ,
To our Londesboro Customors
—All repairing left et the post office
or at Mr R. Adams store' will have my
best attention. .I will be at mystore
on Fridays, Give mea trial
Opposite Post Office
Try us once.
You willIcotpe 'again..
The Clinton New Era
"Quality Printing" our:' motto.
If you cannot come yourself, 'phone 3o..
- We Want to . Land
your first order,' because we know that
'the satisfaction you will derive from
that will open your eyes to the fact
that you cannot do better anywhere
else that you can with us. You will
find that we 'aro not "all at sea" in oar
business, but thoroughly "up- to the
minute" and watchful of the interests
A our customers, knowing that, by so
loing, we are really acting for our
wn ultimate benefit.
Dew Water.
The ancient "dew ponds" of England
have their modern counterparts on the
rock of Gibraltar, where drinking wa-
ter Is obtained by the condensation of
the abundant dew in specially prepare
ed basins. The primitive process con-
hollow in the ground
sists in making a h
and filling the bottom with dry straw,
over which is placed a layer of clay.
night the clay (1 a clear g y cools very
rapidly, and the dew'ls condensed into
water in the basin. The pond is im-
proved•by putting a layer of asphalt
or Portland cement under the straw.
At Gibraltar the present practice is to
use wood instead of straw' and sheet
iron instead of clay.
Merchant Tailor, - Clinton,
Lung Balsam
Contains no Opium.
Is the ane Safe and Effective
Cough Remedy for general
family use
X>AV'IS i LAWItiillGl; CO., itfoatrral.
S. C. 'Rathwell C. Hoare
Shoe Parlor Music Store
IAre yougoing travel -
this Springb? We have
just placed in stock a nice
line of travelling goods,
consisting of
Trunks, Suit Cases
and Telescopes.
Come in and get our
prices, before purchasing
elsewhere. We can , in-
terest you,
A lull stock of Boots,
Shoes and Rubbers
at Special prices
S. C, Rathwell
If you want any of the
popular, songs, try our
Sheet Music Department
A Full Stock. of Vio-
lins and Violin Sup-
plies always on hand
Try us for sweer;Ntoned
C. Hoare.
Ford & McLe�d
Baying secured a commodious Grain
Storehouse, we are now buying all
kinds of grain, for which the highest
prices will be paid.
Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds "of
hanin Seeds and other feeds kept On
d at the storehouse.
fiord & IV1cLeo�<°
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Col, get
our prroos. The.very best goods;
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price.
Orders may be left at Davis
& Rowland's Hardware store, or
with .
W. J. Stevenson,
At Electric Light Plant.