Clinton New Era, 1910-03-31, Page 1Formaldehyde
Merck's Formaldehyde
the best.German make.
1 - Quality Guaranteed
5o cts per pound
Dispensing Chemist, I
VOL 45O. 41
W. H. Kerr 44c Son, Editors and Publishers
Royal Balk
Capital . . . $5,aoo,ono
Reserve . . • $5,700,000
Assets . . . $67,000,000
125 Branches, and Correspondents
throughout the world.
Every facility for the transaction of
Banking in all its branches,
nterest allowed on Savings accounts
at highest current rates.
Courteous treatment aocorded to all
Open all year. Enter any time.
An exciting and somewhat danger-
ous incident occurred while a bull was
being dehorned by Dr. Brown, of
Staffason the farm of MrRobert Hodg-
-son, in Hibbert. The animal was
thought to be securely fastened. but
suddehly sprang to his feet, scattering
men and tackle in all directions. One
of the men clung to the lasso, how-
ever,and the animal was again thrown
while the operation was satisfactorily
Seaforth Horse and Cattle :Show is
to be held here on April 5, when liber-
al prizes will be offered,
The following is the standing of the
pupils or S. S, No. 2, West Wawanosha
as a result of the Promotion Examine -
thin. 5th -George Baxter. Sr. 4th -
Lizzie Flutter, Lawrence Baxter, Wal -
Begins en Sept. 1st. Our old -established end
reliable school offers toe best facilities for
isecuring a sound business and shorthand
training. Write for ca.talogue ; it pays to
British American Business College
Yonge and M.Gi11 ts.« Toronto.
.0,04 NA ra/..• ...... • • ..1.1.• 041
ter Washington, George Twarnley,
Violet Plunkett, Muriel Washington,
Lillie Plunkett, Charlie Mills. Jr. 4th
-Adeline Smith, Muriel Smith, Sr.
3rd Lavine, Hutchins, Ada Medd,
Cecil B txter. Jr 3rd- Hannah Fluker
Lillie Hutchins, Hazel Finnagan,glwin
Mose, Sr. 2nd -Mary Shackieton, Jr
2m1,- Frank Washington, Benson Fin.
negan, Edythe Scrimegeour. Part 2 -
Oliver Smith, Russel .Mills, Everet Ein
negara Burton Mills*P
ars 1 -Leslie
_Smutb, Stewart Plunkett, Mabel A.
Bailie, teacher,
0. Fingland is spending the Holidays
at home.
e Miss Mary Patterson is spending
the holidayat het home.
Miss Hess is spending the holidays
at her home in Zurich,
Mrs J. Fingland Miss Mary and.
Miss Margert Jackson is visiting in
in Toronto, •
the following is the report of the
Promotion examination held. on March
22nd, 23.rd and 24th. The names are
given as they will be classified after
.Eastet. Entrance Class -Eddie Milier,
Katie Govier, Etta McBrien, Lynn
Mair, S'pior 4th -Willie Townshend,
Edith Harvey, Harold I3iggin, Jim
Lovett. Jr. 4th - Jennie Miller, Alvin
Townwhend, Secord McBrien, Bert
Beacom, Effie Rath. Sr, 3rd -Florence
Lawson, Teenie Marquis, Farny Lov-
ett, Mabel Harvey. Jr. 3rd -Calvin
Lovett, May Saville, Olive Wright,
Jean Lindsay, Elda Mair. Sr 2nd -
Wilson Rath. Jr 2nd -Flossie Gib-
bing,Flora Miller, Fred. Johnston,Cora
Miller, Dorothy Marquis, Jite John-
ston. Sr. Pt. 2 -Cora Jervis. Jr. Pt,
2 -Bessie Lindsay, Mary Wright, Amy
McBrien. Pt 1 -Willie Miller. J. 0.
Porter's Hill
Peter MoDougall and. son.Murray re-
turned home Monday having spent a
few days in Port Stanley.
Mies Spackrnan, of Stanley, returned
home on Wednesday last after spend-
ing a week at John Torrance's.
MM. Stewart McDougall Is b pending
Easter in Detroit..
Annie Rutledge, of Toronto, is visit.
ing under the parental roof.
Mrs. 0. W. Potter and daughters,
Pearl and Lillian spent Easter as Cur-
DanRoberts,. Harriston, called on
friends in the neighlibilacia;thidweek.
Charles Whiteman, of Detroit, ai d
Mrs. Holdsworth, of Holmesville visi -
ed at Charles McPhail's and 0. W.
Potter's last week.
• Mrs. Vanderlurgh ; Walter and Mrs.
Weston attended the ,funeral of their
gousin in Lucknow on Sunday.
Miss Frank Roberts, of Stratford,
visited at Clem Newton's this week. ,
Herb Cox is wearing a broad smile;
a baby girl ,came to gladden their
home on Wednesday last..
Mr and Mrs Beetles gave a party one
evening last 'week, About seventy
.gnests werepresena some from Dako-
ta, Detroit acid
Bros., furnished the music with Miss
Gardneeat 'the piano, All" enjoyed
themselves till the early morning,
Tnekeramith .
Mrs. Bliss, of. London, is visiting
The. Morrish Clothing Co. . i
- • •
• 6 • •
: *••• 4**,4... ***Gee*** •••••••••,•••••i•••••e•••••
• ,
el e
se elintollt .2
• •
• ' s •
• •
• °
4, , •
• Show ‘ i.
. .
, • April 7th
40 r, •
• There is hardly a man in the County who has not
I heard of the BIG SECCESS in the past ot the BIG I
: Spring, and who will not likely miss the one to be -held
• this year, and there is hardly a man in the- COUNTY :
• who har not heard about our BIG STORE and the I
• BIG STOCK of Spring Goods which we show . in I
• .
• everything a man wears. And to make It so attrac- • :
44• tive for a eall from every' man who attends the BIG :
.40 SHOW IN CLIN.TON next Shursday, we will have I
• prices for that day that will make the day one to be
• remembered, . •
• --
• :
• Every farmer wears a pair of Overalls during the week, 6 •
and usually pays $1.00 a pair. Stock Show clay we will tiC z
• - •
; sell a Special $1.00 Overalls for
lg. •••-
Stock •I
Men's $8 50 Suits for-. ...S6.90 Men's 52.00 Hats for, ...$1.55 •
Men's 10.00 Suits for,... 8.45 ' Men's 2.50 Hats for... 1.95
Men's 12,00 Suits for.... 9.95 Men's :350 Ties for .... 25e •
Men's 15.00 Suits for....12.90 Men's 50c Caps for ..., 39c •
Men's Suits, reg. $10, and 812, mostly small sizes, •
Stock nhow price $4,90
Pay us a visit, and if possible in the morning, or before
the judging takes place in the afternoon. We are deal.
ers to the MEN and BOYS, and ALWAYS GIVE A
• /464•••••*0••*••••••***••••••••••'••••••••••••e••••• •
The Morrish Clothing Co. .
• •
• , . •
• •
.• " A Square Deal For Every Han" - •
4 •
, •
• . •
*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
Clinton, spertt the, Easter holidalli
Seeley children. of
A fire early this morning
wiped out several buildings on
friends in this neighborhood. • Fire at
Mrs. A. and
under the parental roof,
Mm. 11. Carter is visiting her sister
in Toronto.
Henry O'Brien has commenced work
with a Mr. Buchanan near Hensall.
Fletcher Townsend has been laid up
for a few days with la grippe.
A, F. Johns, of Rockwood, is spend-
ing the Easter holidays at his home,
Miss Tillie McCartney, of Detroit, is
renewing old acquaintances izi and
around the village.
Mise Roberts. of Stratford, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Jno, Yeo.
Miss Aggie Stirling, of Clinton, is
visiting her sister Mrs, Joe, Jervis.
Miss D. A. Holmes spent a few days
in Brantford this week.
Wm, Stanley received word on Sat-
urday of the death of his brother,
Thomas Stanley in Michigan.
Miss Leila Ford spent Easter at
Miss Alice Cook, Colborne is visiting
her cousin Fronde Potter.
Mrs, Geo. Tebbutt spent the Easter
holidays with relatives at London.
W. _Maud Mrs. Forster spent Easter
with Hamilton friends.
Rev. Greene,,of Clinton, occupied
the pulpit here on Sunday evening.
Mr and Mrs Finlay spent Easter
holidays with the former's grandfather
at fialdimand.
Mrs, Dan Callick, Hamilton and Mrs
Howell, Michigan are lionte owing to
the serious illness of their father, Mr,
Robert Acheson.
Mrs. (ir e o . Swallow, of Fullerton, is
spending Easter with her sister, Mrs.
R. Anderson.
John Varcoe is visiting friends in
Hamilton for Easter.
Mrs, R.. B. Stephenson entertained
the members of her Sunday School
ctass on Friday afternoon.
G. Stephenson had his house re.
shingled on Saturday last.
We understand Thos. McMillian
started seeding on Saturday, March
20th. Pretty early for seeding around
Miss Hazel Lindsay is visiting her
aunt, Mrs Thos Hill; of Bluevale.
Mrs. John Bayley and daughter, of
Clinton spent Good Friday, the guest
Mrs. John Britton and is still visiting
other friends.
holidays the guest of her sister, Mrs.
John McGreggor, at Walkerton.
Miss Rogers of Toronto spent Sun-
day the guest of her nephew, Mr Chas.
Mr Thomas Baird and Mr. G. Baird
spent the Easter holidays visiting
friends in Detroit, '
Miss Kate Thomson was visiting in
Hensall last week.
Mr E Carriere of Goderich called at
the home of Mrs P Campbell on Mon-
day. • •
Mr -Hugh McKenzie whcr spenethe
winter with friends left on Mouday
for his home in the West.
Miss Nettie Fraser visited her aunt
near Sarnia during Easter.
Miss Daisy Copp, of Clinton is the
guest of Miss Cara McGregor.
Goderich •
The repairs to St. Peter's (R C.
Church, made necessary by the recent
lire, are estimated to cost about $4,5(X).
The contract for the building of a new
alter has been let to Mr. Rosenblatte,
of St. Catharines, who built the two
side alters a few years ago,- and con.
tracts are being awarded for the rest
of the work, including the repairs to
the raof, tee replastering and refinish-
ing.of the wood -work. The °rams 'was
found to have been totally destroyed
by the heat, many of the pipes being
so.softened by the heat and
bent ,
as to ' be uselesa. • Anew
orgah have • to be purchas-
ed. The congregation have been wor-
shipping in the church since the fire
and for Easter Sunday an organ will
be secured and.placed in, the choir loft
• The sawmill will start cutting on
Monday morning; Apr. 4th.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held on
Thursday April 7th at the home of
Mrs M Maines. -Subject- The culture -
of different kinds of flowers, -taken
by Mrs Robert Young.
Easter visitors came as of yore -
from Windsor, Brantford, Toronto,
London, Dringanrion, Paris and other
p I acee:
A lot of fine cattle were shipped
om here last Saturday.
John Bowcock and Mrs. Bowcock
have moved to Toronto. .
Elisha McViitie rued barkain and
.keeps his farm and will not have auc-
tion sale,
James Hill is improving slowly.
Seeding is in full swing this week,
Mr Pearcy will occupy the Pulpit
next Sunday.
Our merchants put eggs up to 19
cents trade on Wednesday of this
week so as to meet the wagons on the
A Government seed inspector paid
our village a visit this week for the
first time.
Mr Jos Scott of Londesboro and
Master Wilmer spent Easter Monday
with Mr James Scott, Jr. '
Goderich Township
the main street. The build-
ings destroyed are ; W. J. An
drew's boot store, where the
fire broke out ; W Begley's
repair shop ; T. Code's con-
veyancing office ; a Chinese
laundry ; J. G. Emigh's Divi-
sion Court Clerk's office. Alex
McCreight's residence across
the river was destroyed while
the firemen were busy down
town, At 3 a, m. the fire was
under control.
very acceptably in the Preehyterlan
churches here and in Hill's Green.
On Thursday evening of last week a
large nurnber of the friends and neigh -
bore of Mr. liegh McConnellainet in
the home of Mr. Robort ihenssola,
where Mr, and Mrs. McConnell had
been invited to spend the evening.
After a pleasant hour's chat, Mr. Rob.
ert McArthur read the following ad-
dress and Mr. Alex. McAturtrie made
the presentation of a well -tilled purse
to Mr McConnell.
Dear Eriend:-On this the eve of
your departure from our • midst, we a,
few of your friends and neighbors
have gathered here to express to you
our abiding affection as well as our
high appreciation of your valued ser-
vices on many occasions during the
many years that you have gone in
out among us, neighbors and friends
during the years that are past. We
cannot but recognize the kindly spirit
that has always characterized you as
companion and your friendliness at
all times to do all in your power for
those needing your Your de-
parture from us is a cause of deep re.
gret and sorrow. We shall greatly
miss you and your companionship in
our social circles. We cannot let you
i depart however without expressing in
some way our high esteem for you.
Would you therefore please accept
this gift we present to you not for its
value but for the love of true honest
hearts embodied in the gift. Our un-
ited wiah for you is that happiness
and prosperity may Wendy, u in your
new home and while meet many new
friends may you sometimes think of
your friends of this vicinity. 'Signed
on behalf of the neighbors and friends
now assembled. Signed Robt. Mc-
Arthur and Alex. Murtrie.
After a pleasant evening all dispers-
ed at an early hour. M McConnell left
on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Furry
for Kindersley, Sask. Mrs. McConnell
goes later.
' S Appleby has engaged with Mr.
Wm. Mair for a few months.
The following are the Promotion
examinations in S. 8 . No. 9, Hullett.
Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th. To pass 115, Flora
Fingland :612. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd. To
pass. 415, )ora Mogridge 459, Gladys
Boberton 450, Janet Govier 412, Katie
Wagner 425. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd. To
Pass 315, Eddie Good 363, Leslie Ball
315. Test paper for Sr. 4th, Ella Wag.
ner 377, Ernest Paterson 359,•Roy Rob-
erton 351, Laverne Robinson 214, Av-
erage attendance for March, 80. F. C.
Hess, teacher.
'Miss Mabel Brown accompanied by
her grandmother Mrs. SteVens, of
Londesboro spent a day with relatives
at Harlock.
•Mi. Jos Wheatley intends to erect a
new barn shcrtly,
Miss Alda Dinsdale has returned
home atter a pleasant few weeks spent
in Exeter.
Miss Ida Dinsdale of London spent
her Easter vacation in her home here.
On Monday she returned to London,
-whereshe-has-a- good -position- as -sten-
Mr. Albert Alton, of Belfast and his
niece, Miss Leitha spent the past week
with friends here. • ••
Mr- W McQueen, a student of Tor-
onto University, spent his Easter bolt -
days with his parents and preached
• Mrs 3 Tucker, of Clinton, Miss S
Williamson of Detroit and Miss A
Williamson of Listowel were visiting
their parents Mrs Wni Williamson
on Good Friday,
Mr and Mrs Robert McBurney and
baby Erank left for the West last Sat-
urday. Mrs McBurney has spent, 3
months at her fathers, Samuel Cole
and other friends, •
Ilullett. •
Miss Mary A, Waymouth, of Bel -
grave spent the past week at home,
Miss V. Braithwaite spent her Eas-
ter vacation with her cousin' Miss
Flo,sie Moon.
'Miss Mary Snell spent Easter with
,her friend Miss IS1, Crawford, of Nia-
Robert Crawford is visiting his cou-
sin Mrs Langley'.
Miss Elsie Adams spent the past
weak wit h friends at Clinton and vic-
To The Editor Of The New Era-
Very few, even of the church mem-
bers of our town seem to have any just
appreciation of the work of the Al-
lian ce,, else there would be a more
hearty response in attending the an-
nual meeting, and giying of their
means for its support.
Our Canada Lord's Day Act, which
is pronounced by high authority to be
the best in the „World, speak loudly in
•favor -of itsetdvocasay-and-supports ---
The expenses for the enforceme nt of
the Act are necessarily heavy. Our
three secretaries are doing wondrous
things throughtout the Dominion, in
securing to thodaands of workmen
their Sunday rest, and are entitled •to
our sincere sympathy and prapers.
• '1
• •,
aster Visitors
Mr. C; H. Pugh spent Sunday in
London, •
Miss Maude Osborne spent Good Fri
day at Zurich.
Mr, Webb McConnell is spending a
few days in town. 1
Mr. W.' H, Kerr, of Brussels, was in
town Good Friday.
Mr. and Mrs', J. Rice visited relatives
in Galt over Easter.
Mr. Harry Huston spent Sunday at
his home in Exeter,
Miss Ada McGuire. spent Sunday
with friends in Galt
Miss M. Cluff, teaoher Waltnn, is -
home for the holidays.
Mrs Pugh and children are spending
tlie" holidays in London.
Mr. J. Chidley, of Owen Sound, was
home for Good Friday.
• Mr. J. Runoball, of Toronto, spent
Sunday at his home here...,
- Mr. Will Morgan, o London, spent
Sunday with friends_in•town.
Mr, Will Taylor; of Toronte „Univers.
sity, is home for the vacation.
Mr. W. Baler, of the Exeter Mfg.
Co., spent Easter holidays in town,
Mrs, Rudolph, of Seaforth, spent
Easter Sunday with Mrs Worthington
Miss Lizzie Chidley. of Flesterton,
was a visitor in town over the holidays
Mr. Will King, of Hamilton, spent.
Easter. Sunday nnder the parental
roof. •
Mr. Clarence Sheppard, of Iroquois,
spent a few days at the parental honia
in towh.
Mr, A, F. Johns, teacher at Reck-
wood,sfient the holidays in and around
Mr. J. W. Treleaven and daughter,
spent Easter at the former's home in
Lucknow. •
Mr. Jack Irwin, of The McClary Mfg
Co , of London, spent Easter with his
parents here.
Miss Fanny Mason, of Blyth, spent a
few hours with Miss Clete Ford on
• Good Friday. ' ••
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinnon, of
ICineardine, are renewing old acquain-
tances in town.
Mr. Broder McTaggart, of Toronto,
spent the Easter holidays under the
parental roof.
Ed Steep and Bob Lawson, of Petro -
11a, were visitors at their homes in
town over Sunday.
Mr. Wilfrid Weir, a former 0, C. I.
pupil shook hands with old friends in
town on Good Friday,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, ,Brown, of Bens-
sels,spent a few days with their daugh-
ter, Mrs, 3, Leslie Kerr,
Mr, Victor Sweet and Mr. Chester
Harvey were visiting friends in town
'during the Easter holidays.
Misses Sadie East and Alfie Worth-
ington of Stratford Normal, were
home for the Easter holidays.
Miss Doherty, Commercial teacher
of the btratford C. 1. is spending the
Easter vacation at her home here.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Weston, of Bay-
field, spent Good Friday with the lat-
ter's •parents, Mr. arid Mrs. W. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Stevenson
and son Abbott, of Stratford, spent
the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, W • J.
St evenson.
Ed Castles, of Goderich, was in town
over Sunday.
Mr. Gifford Crichs of London, was in
town over Easter.
Miss Lillie Rands spent Sunday with
friends in Henson.
Rev. W. H. Cooper, of Blyth, was in
town Good Friday, •
Mr. Jack Wiseman, of Guelph, spent
a few days in town,
Mrs. Arthur Twitchell was in Sea -
forth over Sunday.
Mr. J. E. Murphy was a visitor at
London over Sunday,
Miss Ida Naegele spent Sunday at
her home in Goderich.
Mr Charlie Hall, of Forest, Ont., was
home for the holidays.
Mr. Geo Walker spent Sunday with
his parents in Wingloam.
Mr, Arthur Twitchell, of Stratford,
w'as house.for the holidays. •
. Mr, Bert Reid, of town, has taken a
position in Jackson Mfg. Co.
Miss Della O'Neil is home for the va-
cation from her sehool in Toronto.
Mr: J. Moore, of Hensall, was the
guest of relatives in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Taylor, of London,
were visitors in town over the holiday.
• Mr. Bert Johnson, of the Stratford
Normal, is home for the Easter vara-
Miss Eileen Hoover was the guest of
Miss Agnes Irwin, of London, over
Johnston, of :Canning,
spent Easter Sunday under the paren-
Rtaobl yirrao.loRt.B. Manning, Manager of the
• was an Raster visitor in
Toronto. •
Misses Clara and Maggie Parker
spent Easter under the parental roof
at Hayfield.
• Mr. Richard Lee, of London,
the holiday in town, the guestof Mr.
Robert Irwin.
Mr. K. Wilken and Mr. R. Lanxon,
of ate Goderich Mfg. Co., spent Good
Friday in town:
Mr. James Sims and daughter oarrie
of Blyth, spent Good Friday with Mr.
Wm. Graham. •
Miss May Rance, of Toronto, was the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rance, last week,
Mr. Wilfred Stevenson, of London,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr and
Mrs. D. Stevenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Doherty and chil•
of Goderich, spent the holidays
with relatives in town.
Miss Edna Copp, of Ariss, Ont., was
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Jos, Copp, over Sunday.
Mrs. James Walker and daughter, of
Winghana, spent Good Friday at the
home of Mr. George Walker.
Last year we gave but a trifle aver
$20.00, and what was contributed came
from about forty persons. Now there'
are. 1 presume, at lease 1200 members
of the churches, bordering on Say 130
families, and it would not be thought
extravagant to expect an average from
each family' of twenty five cente,
which would secure about $100.f0.
For over thirty years, the societies
in Europe and America have asked
God's people to observe one week in
April as Lord's Day week, and an
urgent request comes to us to make a
special effort along this line. In ac-
cordance with this, the executive have
arranged that, the aumisters be asked
to preach a sermon bearing upon the -
work on either the 8rd. or 10tb, of
April, and that a Union meeting of
all theahurches be held in the school
room of St.Paul's church on, Wednes-
day evening, April fith.
,Aprogram is being prepared for the
occasion, of which further notice will
be given, and we are looping to see a
full house. .J. GREENE, Sec.
Old Resident Of Goderich Dies
One of the oldest residents. of Gode-
rich passed away Tuesday in the
eighty•second year of his age in the
person of Arthur Cantelon, a native of
Ireland, who had resided in thissection
of'the country from, early years, For
the past 33 years he had resided in the
Town of Goderich, having lived pre -
(To prevent grain mut)
We sell the strongest and
best at soc per pint bot-
Garden and Flower •
Sweet Peas (bulk)
(7 choice varieties)
Nasturtium (bulk)
W.A. McConnell
Phm. 13.
6.p.B. Telegraph Agency
yious to that in the Township of Gode-
rich, where he was united to his life
partner. Mrs. Cantelon predeceased
her husband by less than four months,
Mr. Cantelon had been about unroll the
same as usual until only a few days
before his death. Mr. Cantelon was
an uncle of the Cantelon Bros. of town.
Pumping Out The Cellars
Tuesday morning the tire•engine
was out, pumping the cellars dry un-
der the Jackson Mfg. Co., which had
been full of water. '
Doing His Spring Work
Mr Walkinshaw, was preparing his
flower beds on the Postoffice lawn on
Tuesday in preparation of the spring
Mr. and Mrs. John Dodsworth and
son Stewart, of Seaforth. were visitors.
at Mrs. McIntyre's over Easter.
Mrs. (Rey.) Peter Jones and daugh-
ter Pearl, of London, were the guests
of Mrs. Jas. A. Irwin over the holiday.
Mrs. (Rev.) Diehl and baby, of Pais-
ley, were visitors with the former's
mother, Mrs. McGatya, Ontario street.
Mr, Erne Lawson, ef Mich.,
who has been visiting in town for the
past week, returned to Flint on Mon-
day, Wellington , lioltzhauer going
with him.
Continued on Page 86
South Iluron Liberals 6
• -----
Annual Meeting Held In. Bruoefield
_--on_Monday- of this
The annual meetingof South Hu
Liberals was heldin Brucefi$1
Monday afternoon of this wee Ow-
ing to the day teing fine and the
farmers busy with their spring work
their was not a very large turnout of
Liberals. ;President H bmitb,occupied
the chair and called the meeting to
order and the election of officers took
place: • '
Hon. Presidents: -Fred Hess sr.,
Zurich; Dr •MoDiarmid, Hensall i A
Mustard. Brucefield. President- II
Smith, Hay P. 0. ; lst Vice, Hugh Mc-
Donald, Hensall; 2nd Vice J Keller.
man, Dashwood; 3rd Vice, Wm Mur-
dock, Bayfield; Secretary, J G Stan -
bury, Exeter; Treasurer, Jno Murdock
Brucefield. •
Chairman of the municipalities: a
Usborne, R Gardiner; Stephen, S
Switzer; Easter, S Martin; Hay,
Fritz; Stanley, Delgaty; Hensall, D
Wrybart; aTuckersmith, E Pepple;
Bayfield, M Ross; MoKillop, Mc-
Dowell; Seaforth J. Watson; Goderich
Tp., Jno forrance, Porter's Hill. •
Messrs A Mustard, W- McLean,- E
Zeller were appointed a•Comrnittee to
draft the reso,utions.
The chairrnan then called upon Mr
McLean,M P., the member for
South uron, who spoke fora short ,
time on his stand on the Naval Quest
tion the work in Parliament and the
tariff trouble. He thankscI those who
had worked for him in the last elec-
Mr Inwood, . General Setretary of
the Liberal Association of Ontario,
was also present and gave • a Short ad-
dress on the worksof the Liberals in
the Ontario House this session and
outlined a platform that would likely -
he submitted at the next big Conven-
tio,p at Toronto.
- The resolutions brought in were as
following: Moved by A Mustard and
seconded hy Geo. McEwen, ex -M. P.
That the Reform Association of South
Huron, hereby express our explicit
confidence in our leader. Sir Wilford
Laurier for the stand he has taken in
all national questions and we feel that
we have every confidence in following
the platform outlined for the great
Liberal party of Canada. We also
express the utmost confidence and ap-
preciation of the stand our represent-
ative, Mr M Y MsLean has .aken in
the recent debate on the naval policy
of the Government and on all other
matters brought up at the present
This resolution was carried unani-
Moved by J G Stahbury and second-
ed by P Lemont. That 'the Reform
Association of South Huron heartily
support the stand taken by the leader
of the Opposition Hon A G MacKay
in the Provincial Legislature and we
express our confidence in him and -his
followers in the House. We strongly
disapprove of the stand the Whitney
(sovernment has taken in preventing
the people from appealing to the
Courts in protection of their property
rights as citizens of Ontario, While
we express our regret at the recent
illness of our late candidate Mr Jacob
Kellernian; we are pleased to hear
that Mr Kellerman is on the road to
recdvery and that he will still be a
strength to the Liberal party of South
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This resolution was also carried.
A standing votewas taken, showing
that the work of those who helped in
the past elections were appreciated.
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