Clinton New Era, 1910-03-24, Page 6memeememesamessasitemsecimmemmememars AST RESORT When ali else failed, the Doctors said, "fry Fruitwa-iives" • And" FruiI-a-Iives" cured .Mrs Cadieux F ANTAGEN$T, ONT., JANIa-kV 31001910. "About March lst 1909, I was taken deathly sick with Stomach Trouble, Backache and General Breakdown. I failed from 125 pounds down to 80 pounds,. was confined to bed for eight weeks, and was unable to eat or keep anything on my stomach, vomiting nearly all the tune, I expected to die, and took many remedies as well as employing different physicians. The doctors said they could do nothing for me and, as a last resort, one of the .doctors told me "to try Fruit-a-tives- _ if they would not cure me, nothing would". My husband bought "Fruit -a -lives" from Mr. Arthur Roleau, merchant of Plantagenet, and I started taking them at once, and inside of ten days, I was able to leave my bed. My stomach got strong and 1 could eat and retain my food. I gained rapidly and soon had my usual good health back again, and today I weigh as much as ever, 125 pounds." .. t MDE. LAURENT CADIEUX, Even the doctors are recommending' "Fruit-a-tives" They realize now that these wonderful fruit juice tablets will positively cure all Stomach. Troubles, Indigestion and Dyspepsia - 'and they are using "Fruit-a-tives" in their practice. Few people realize the vital impor., tanteof keeping their blood' . pure. Moe LAURENT CADIEUX Impure Mood is the chief cause of Stomach Trouble, because it is from the blood that the stomach obtain': the fluid which digests food. When the blood is laden with impurities, the disolving fluid (or Gastric juice) will be. impure. These impurities may come from a congested liver, from Constipation, from weak kidneys, from an inactive skin, or from all four, Naturally, the ordinary "digestive powders" and "pepsin tablets" will not cure the trouble, because they only help to dissolve the food -they do not go to the seat of the trouble. "Fruit- a-tives" is the greatest remedy ever discovered for all forms of Indigestion, Dyspepsia and other Stomach Disorders, because "Fruit -a -fives" is unequalled as a blood -purifying medicine. "Fruit-a-tives" acts directly on the liver, regulates the bowels, strengthens the kidneys, stimulates the skin, and thus rids the whole system of all impurities. "Fruit -a -fives" will positively cure you of any kind of Indigestion. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50 or trial size, 25c. If you are unable to obtain "Fruit-a-tives" conveniently,do not accept substitutes but send to "Fruit-a-tives" Limited, Ottawa'alid the regular size packages will be mailed you, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Vinton New Era March elle, 1910 tnusiastie about toe, Uriueveropeu iia. WESTERN OIL PIONEER. turd) resouces of the 'region which' is the scene of his activities, tind re- • marked to the writer of these notes that while, in justice to himself and ' his associates, he cannot divulge the exact results of experimental borings 'which have cost a large fortune, he is delighted with results. He prediets that the Athabasca region before many years will be the most produc- tive oil field in the world. "The . re- sults of our work this year," he re- marked, "have been more ;gratifying: than ever, before,"'Mr. von Hammer - `f' s eii�" ri stat'us tiirTt""t'heexeris- no-•-d�oubt ,about , there being plenty of gold in the Peace: River,"for he bus worked clanks at several points with good re- sults. He expects to return to Ed- monton soon, so that he. will be able to make the trip to McMurray before ,, the _snow and ice `go. • Drdt Vaa's French Female Pill's theWife's Friend 1 A. reliable '.regatabor; :never fails CV tile loess tit s :e-• exceedingly JO terfu in re roll esti .t ; he generative . t i ' :ion of the farual ' iy-tem, they are tri:t'y safe to use. •'Lefuse all cheap •+;tions. Dr de V . t' -t are seld.at' .$5 ir,ur three for $10 Miifled. to any 11'N -as, The 5tebe11 Ding Cu.' St,. Catherine -4 On Alfred Von Hammerstein Has Had Adventurous Career. In 1897 there proceeded Erten Ed- monton, with a party of three bound_ for the Klondike, a young German of good family, named Alfred von Hammerstein. He reached Fort Liard, and even proceeded a short distance beyond, but then decided to retrace .-.steps-..-and--.locate....in,_the_ "ILLon: round Lake Athabasca, which 'appear- ed to him to offer exceptional-advan- tages xceptional-advan- tages to the prospector: Reaching Athabasca Landing, he opened a store there as an inilnediate means of live- lihood, and; incidentally, with a view to acquainting himself with the habits of the country and its latent natural wealth. After a few months he dg. cid'ed to devote his attention especial- ly to prospecting for petroleum in the vicinity of Port McMurray, and. for years he has been carrying on bor ings there at gt•eat • expense, the ne- cessary capital Issteg provided by him- self and friends in ope and Can-. Ltda. Besides superintending the •bor-.. ing operations he has been prospect ing for gull and other minerals, 'and. with the exception of. a few weeks each winter .:pent�in Ottawa his time has been °devoted. in 1)is own words, to"travelling, [ratting, mining noel stunting. ' Mr. von Hammerstein (he denloc•r-alieally resents tht' .use of tile: title "('aunt- to which he is entitled) 'r once nlort' bi t'k 111 Ottawa, corre- 'puntlin with his principals An Eu - :,pe and at the same timeeonsult}lig r.ith officials of the -Geological Sutvey 'wgarding the showings tlittde ou saute of his recent prospecting work. He is a most interesting,. and in many -respects, picturesque, personage, this ;ICED -Ian pioneer of the Athabasca oil fields, and during his stay at the cavi- tal he is always quite a social lion. - it is at first a little difficult to iden- I tify the .well-groomed gentlemen in "vening.dress n one meets in Ottawa drawing -rooms with the roughly -clad and unkempt prospector, miner, me- chanic and hunter who figures in. many of the wilderness photographs he shows to his friends in his rooms. Mr. von Hammerstein's life in the distant Northwest has been full..of adventure and peril. A couple 01 years ago, while hunting he was dan- gerously, in fact it was feared at first fatally, wounded. He had only one companion with him, and to save the life of the wounded man the eom- patliotl had to leave von Hammer- stein alone for two days while he went in search of messengers to de- spatch for a surgeon at 1';dntonton, nearly four hundred miles away by trail and stream. While on his way to Ott k ,c this autumn his .hotel up- set set in the rnpidk of the Athabasca River and his two companions were drowned. Iia' himself, was saved as if; by a miracle the rapids throwing him ashore in a half -stunned and bruised condition. Mr. von Hammerstein is most en- .1 The. �lork Card ' Perttmtps the latest tiling •in tbe `wlty • of cord's is the stork card. ' used • by 'hap•. pv.,parents to announce to relative/4 i • and friends a'visit from the stink. It. is engraved in blankform like this: Arrived at ' This clay ot,. 19.,.. (Official Weight.. ...... Seal.) Within. the seal in the lower left hand cdrnci' of the .curd Is a tiny' en- graved raved figure ul °E a s tock . The time of the stork's taming', is written in the first line and. the day, Inotttli and year in the -next. while in the full blank third line'may be writ- ten the name, of the visitor that the . stork brought.' Under, this, hi the space • provided for it, is written t)ile vis- itor's weight, and the - last .line of •the Card is, of. course, , for the •signature of the parents. • -• btage might. "The husband has y tell 1 me your b d be. come one of the easiest: and Most graceful after dinner speakers in the city. 1.understand he has no end of engagements." "Yes, andv si ere 1 have to t up and give him a good Wilber after every one of diem." "After every banquet?" "Yes. When be knows they are goo ing to call on him to speak he's always too scowl to eat." -New Welt Journal. MyLady�eautilul Health is true beauty. The thane of bright eyea, rosy cheeks, rotinded figure, buoyant and elastic step is within the reach of every woman. Reasonable care in diet, regular exercise and due amount of sleep with an occasional dose of insemiesienswereme will keep most w'ortlfp'n in health. The timely Used these pills witt strengthen the system, renew theaupply of blood and relieve nausea and depression. The beneficial effects of Beeeltatn's lilts oft, the bowels, liver, stomach, blood and coPlexion+ make them women's greatest aid to healthIlland in a true sensee Nalure's Cosmeic Prepared only. by Theme 13eecltant, St. Helens, Lancashire, Seg and. Sold by sit Druggists in Canada and U. 5. Aruerica. in boxes 25 cents, SILOS ARE NECESSARY,, They, • Are a Valuable Asset In ..the. Dairy Poring Winter Season, Those interested in shoe will lind a valuable tessnn tit the following erode by an expert ilalrymite: The hest dairyman In my netghbor- hood built a silo hist fall Stud now he says he does iota see how he got along s0. long without one. There had been. shoe le the Cottlinunity, but to him they still seemedsomething of au expert - Inept. The cost ot building loomed up before him. Ile had been too busy to give .ouch attention to the success ot Itis neighbors, and [De prospect ot los- ing his feed kept pito iu dread. But one season's ex.pertenre Allowed Klin 1 lbttt a Silo 1i :t net•eSHity. NO dail•y- loan eau afford to do without silage for winter feeds 111 tate first plane. one can get more feet[ stuff (rout a gtveu inec'e of mud 10 corn than 10 nuythitrg else. on good Ittnti in a favorable 'season .eine may get at very little expense from len to twenty tons of the best feed per acre plauted ; iu corn and peas or sorghum and peas. ' Now. the.silo- Is the means .for"sav• Ing every pound Rt this vast hulount of feed 1u the best manner, A good hotnetnade small stave silo may be made by any tanner who can use toils dr by a common carpenter, But If a farmer, Whines to matte the silo a permanent improvement ou hes farm he simple get one ot the • ready tirade - small situs with patent .doorway. The first silo 1 bilitt 1 put up myself with i stxteee-j:eer-old 'boy in one day, it Wits a :vital( oues to be sure. ouly seven l'ef't int diameter and twelve feet high. *Mould not again build one so small, tits that was something of au experi- ment. By elevatiug the Cutter to a let•ei with , the mow of the barn .this silo toes tilled by means of a two horse, tetter power without a carrier, The silo wile made of undressed boards three mopes wide. They were simply i set up edge to edge _without eltber matching or needing. list the exited- , MONEY .IN WINTER PORK, large Profits Await Farmer' Who Elio ter This Field - well kuown authority ou tbe :refs- lug of hogs rasa that the winter pork productlou is Got carried ee as exten- steely as It ought to be on tbe average ,farnt. Many farmers think that the only economic way to products ports at a. profit is to grow the stock On green forage crops during the (summer mouths and fatten ou rye, barley or the soft grata: et the corn crop, '.Vbis is a .mistaken impression, and the sooner farmers in general Bet aside this erroneous idea `tbe better It will be for their pocketbooks. There le money in whiter pork pro- duction If judiciously managed. 1 have been following winter pork making for the past ten or twelve years, and 1 find that it is one of tbe best paying adjunctsto the farm.. The farmer who follows winter dairying is to a particularly good posi- tion to make winter pork production a very profitable business. On most dairy farms the •Intik is separated be- fore leaving the premises, tberefere rurulshing a large amouut or economic feed for pork making. During late Years 1 have been separating my milk et the farm and matting butter, and 1„ leave !Gond that hogs are one ot the best, mediums through which to dis- pose of separated Intik at the greatest net profit. Many dairynett self their wills direct to the creamery and, not considering the skimmilk .product or sufficient value to pother with, give it away to any one who will take care of it, This practice is one of the most common and greatest leaks oo the farm wbere dairying is made a business.. It is vitally Important in handling , winter hogs for pork production to give adequate protection froth cold weather. The portable system of ban - dung hogs during the summer months is nbt sufficient protection to insure the most profit from winter pork produc- tion. The hogs should be given the best of -care, and to this end f find that a basement barn is the best place. A • large yard should be at tbe disposal of • The Firm Belihid Ea't'v A efL LthC05tPLETCD: tilent. was h•' stleress. 'l'he• dnntpness autislesitot the silage closed the joints so that they been 100 air tight, and as t had but one dour there was only a srnttl! quantity of spoiled feed around it and the nect'ssary lust' on toil:. .late rest of It. Wits as good silage as I now MVO in a patent She !(nide with staves that are, tongued and griiovetl 'gait(• he vet :edged` Eveu :a silo Of that Size will.hold• enough, itled stir three cows', .for four• ltiontlts, •tl3 • ilreseet one is• night feet. ih dinmetei' �u.ud *eight Pelf feet high atiU for rbe•last two winners Inas fed tine t•ows -four months: ft 1 • were in the teguinr d.l:iry business should provide silagefor alt my Milk-. ing ' (awe for six 01(111ths Iti'ttie veer. Children � en C r3r FOR "FLETCHER'S CASTORt•A' THE MICROSCOPE. ' It Has Its Prototype in Every Spher- ical Drop of Water. ' Nature offers ..a free - microscope Whenever one is wanted.. She has been dealing in free optical instru- ments and optical phenomena ever. since the first dewdrop toruled or the first raindrop fell earthward. Every dewdrop and raindrop • and spherical crater drop has all the powers and principles of a microscope. To get one of nature's microscopes iu opera- tion i n take up a drop of water between • the two poftits of tw'o sharpened sticks, � Say matches,and hold the drop over the minute object to be examined. The result will be that the object will be ing:llfied about tbreedlaneters. The supposed invention •e)f,the microscope was nothing mot'e than shapiifg a piece of grass into an Imitation of- a Witter drop so as. to be easily handled. Spiders hove made suspension bridges fey ages, The rough edge of sword grass gave the ltiventor the idea of the reaper' blade for the harvester. Tie buzzard has been using the aero- _11i,'Uz0_$or, flying a good many centuries. By tapping g on ao end -of a1ofi b eain• the .man at • farther can hear the fotor en d c'1 telegraphing, • uthe sound traveling. �o g throughthe timber. 1`lshes have been using bladders . of wind for balloons, lifting them hi water 'for countless years. Water has been a camera ever sine° the 'world had sunshine. Help yourself to nature's store of all n, never sayatty. a tte but v thin,: inn ods, thfnf; about the invention. Nature in- vented; you Can only arrange and Com- bine filets. gook's Cotton Root Compound Tho great rterine Tonle, Mid )1 Gills safe effectual Monthly Itcgnlator on which wemon Can dopond, Sold 18 three de rtes of strength -No. 1, $1; No. 2, �: 10 cit „ret y 'stronger� ,' 3; No. 3. fort. special eatsei, ,•s, 5 per aux LI I' all druggists. or sent t lilt receipt of 'ekes. alnplliet. Andress: THC tial, (fornlcrlulWiedaors Medicinal and Toilet- Preparations When your doctor giv_.es you a prescription and your druggist fills it,you have confidence in that ed c ne You have good reason for that confidence,for behind the medicine is the professional skill as well as the honor of two =en whom you know and respect. • When you buy what are ordinarily known as patent medicines at your drug. gist's, what guarantee have you of either the formulae or the compounding ? Your druggzzst can give you none, for the makers do not take him into their confidence, Take for instance headache cures. Many people hesitate to buy them because they don't know what may be in them. . Not so with NA -DRU -CO Headache Wafers, Your druggist can get the list -of ingredients from us for the asking. Can you think of any article you buy with which it is more important that you should have a definite guarantee, made by responsible men, than medicinal and, toilet preparations? (Nt.p OUR PROD( AR BE•AR - - Whenyou buy preparations bearing.the A`WAYR LOOK ARems MMARK TRADE MK. � 1.1 NA -DRU -CO Trade Mark you have this guarantee, nxade by the National Drug •& Chemical Company. . GOOD simonise OP OMG. the hogs to afford them plenty aroma for exercise. , The quarters should be , kept clean and well littered. Plenty of charcoal and salt should be kept be- fore the hogs at all times. It is not a good plan to urge the growing stock along too -rapidly: at first, if confined to limited quarters, as they are apt to. take. ea., flesh more rapidly than bode development and come to ma ar trW7 fore, reaching the desired weight. - I. find that the best manner to feed skim- milk Is by mixing it with bran,'mid- dlings and cornmeal, about equal parts. This gives plenty of radge to the ra- tion and will produce a very 'satfsfac- tory bone and flesh growth.. . Dried Beet Pulp For Feeding. Dried beet pulp is"ap excellentfeed for the 'stock, particularly for the.rea-- son that it contains so little water. You don't have to pay for water when. buying dried beet pulp. When mols- tened it becomes succulent and there- fore is, most excellent for' winter feed- ing. Beet pulp is a better ,and. cheaper feed than ('ornmeat for making beet',` Milk, butter. mutton or wool. THEVC +.T IERI.NARY' .: One Who has a mare -that is troubled with strained tebdous with •lied it -a n g good plan to se some' me stroug.linftnent about the fetlock. If this .does not give her reliefapply it good blister. • One Way to Make the Cow geed, . • Try ftieding.ner good oats for grain feed stud 'a tablespoonful of the fol- lowing powder mixed in: common salt, . two pounds;. powdered 'eharcoat one Potted; powdered d nu v mica eigbt ounces. Mir well together. (live twice a day. • For the Mule That Sweats. Feed- the urate good hay,,Wbeat bran, oats_ and core,, aril it will recover. it never pays to. feed other mall a bat anted ration to any stock, and '.the higher priced the feed tbe greater the need of such balanced ration to make • it brofitfiable. . .ABSOLUTE n SECURITYI Genuine - a r e r s ttI v r � 4Nuet Sear Signature of See Pac.SImIfe Wrapper Below. ' `tisy small and at) mart sifg Ma) airman a n CA..RT ..Eft. s ITTLE IVElt PN Lim. tog MUCH, FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS, FOR 1'ORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEX -.-e.. O . .,.. tOr 'V' otxtbl , +tt..�vr tits) >p bYT g r (wog VOX HEADAC1- 't A Guarantee that Carries Weight • The National Drug'and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, is one of the, largest wholesale drug ,firms in the world, having a Paid-up Capital of over Five Million Dollars, We have wholesale,( branches in Halifax, St. John, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, Loudon, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Nelson,- Vancouver and Victoria, and chemical works and laboratories. in; Montreal. and Toronto. We are the largest buyerg of drugs and do the greater part of the wholesale drug business. • in Canada. ' We employ a staff of about nine hundred 'peopleand distribute in salaries, dividends and otherexpenses over One Million Dollars annually,. We carry a stock distri- buted among ourbranches of about Two Million 73ollars,'aiid-itraddi#ion tothlese-and'other-large•- assets our real estate and buildings are today worth about rive Hundred. Thousand Dollars. All , this backs up our positive guarantee that goes with each package bearing. the NA -DRU -CO Trade Mark, A Comprehensive Guarantee Every formula used in compotindtiug NA - DRU -CO articles has been given years of careful study, and practical tests, proiring beyond question its value and its safety. 1 All .the ingredients in NA - DRU - CO preparations : are the best and purest • that • money can buy, Every NA - DRU CO . preparation is, compounded by expert chemists in our employ—men who . are thoroughly qualified -both by training and experience. Our confidence in NA -DRU -CO prepara- tions is best - expressed by the two following uneonditional.offers : '• We are prepared to furnish, on request, to your physician of druggist onto any'otherphy- sician or druggist in Canada, a full list of the - ingredients in any NA -DRU -CO preparation. It you• hare- not-entirely.sati d with ani NA-DRU-CQ,Preparation you buy, return. the unused portion to the druggist from whom you bought it and he has our authorization to . return you . the 'full' purchase price and • charge it to us. • If your druggist hasn't the particular . NA -DRU -CO Preparation' you want in stock he can get it for you within two days from our nearest wholesale branch. The following is a partial list of the.. NA -DRU -CO preparations: Aperient and Laxative: • Coughs. and Colds: Liniments and Plasters ; Tonics : • ' Kidney and I,iver Pills Baby's Cough Syrup Mosquito Oit (Contihued) • Beef Iron and wine, (a sizes) .—. Plasters CodZeivcr Oil Compound, 3.tttlel.txrrRills-... _ .ilxS$YrHp. T Cascara Laxatives -(Tablets(` g lowed, ixariice and --"- - ^Woolf-Hazel,-Distilledq _ e . Tastriesa;(z sizes)•= Cascara Aromatic ageless ' Chlorodyne (z sizes) • Ointments and Salves: • Fig Syrup Throat Gargle Cod bider Oil $mutsion Fruit Saline " Pastilles Blood Purifiiere, . sa & !nil stomach( &Liver; . CharcoalDyspep'riable HerbTgblets . Dyspepsia Tablets Hrb'l'ea Btnoed, Puri Eel' • Eye Troubles: Sarsaparnla )33)6 Water Rheumatism:, Bowel Complaints: Safe:. Rhewmattsat cure Blaud's Pills Blackberry Cgrdtat •• Foot Remedies : Toilet : ' - Wild Strawberry Extract Cam ltorice- Toothache: $::once of Ginger Corn Cure Liquid p " It Salve Cold Cceam (s sizes) �. . For Children: ¶dieatrical, (3'stzes) Toothache.D'ropg . rt Powder . Gnat Baby's Cough Syrup • Complexion Cream Baby's Soothing Po*ders Headache Wafers. Cucumber and Witch M'soellaneous : Baby's Tablets •Hazel'Cream Soothing Syrup Kidneys: Witch Hazel Cream Antiseptic -Fluid Worm Syrup Bitch r Juniper Kidn� Pitts . Tatcum Powder, Violet Sanitary Tablets(Antiseptie) " Powders Kidney y " - " Rose '' �saaatal Perles• " I pz ogee, Chotolate y " " . Flesh Marking Ink u Q g -Liniments and Flusters: Tooth. Paste Extract of Beef, s sizes $tuck[H ( ) Sugarof i heating t, Powder Rennet Tablets Sugar of Milk I,iniknent, White hair Restorer Sabadilla (Dredge.Boxes) . -Chemical Co .' an of .Canada' hem m u Limited l Dr •. axle C Natrona ug . P Y - • Canada; • , - Halifax, :.St..John,• Montreal, Ottawa, . Kinnston, , Toronto, H,ttroilton,' London, Wholesale Brancbes at: Winnipeg, Regina, ', Calgary; '• Nelson,. Vancouver, , Victorria.' , 4 Carbolic Salve 'sizes) Eczema Ointment Cod Eiver Oil in flasks, : • Healing Salve , (3 sizes) 11/Scathe! Salve Qelaine Wine Resorcinol Ointment : Qginine Iron antiwitte Stainless Iodine Ointment syrup hypophos, (2 sizes) Pile Ointment (3 sizes) Celery Nerve Tonle Nervozone Iros Pills Air r E.ARLY BALLOONING,• Some Odd Ideas That Prevailed In the • • Eighteenth Century. • As far back 'as 1844 the American public were 'led to believe that the . Atlantic had b4en crossed do a bal- loon. On May 28in - , that year; the y New York Sun published- a detailed aceount of an aerial voyage front Liv erpooi to Charleston,, which purported to .liar a been accomplished by "the . steering balloon Victoria in a period• of seventy-five hours from. land to land," Five columns were devoted' to the de- scription of • the journey and t0 a .sei- entitle account of the balloon, of which a woodt:ut,was. given, and an :air of•'verlsimilitude was added 'by a list of . eight passengers, one of the unmee mentioned being that of Harri- son Ainsworth; who Avas thou . att ho • bbight of his fame.,• - At the end of the eightenth century balloons were all 'the rage; Then, as now, enthuslastapredictedntfm ' r at hand when war would either be an awful .matter •of the annihilation of arinlea and forts by bombs from above or would cease "altogether. througtl the abolition of frontiers and the fusion • of nations. Prophecy Rent .even fur- ther. Canals Sind roads were to valilsh and the spate occupied by them to be re• stored, to agriculture. And chips. (if any still existed) when catight in a storm would.. be-grapp.1eL1 Jly the mast from balloons b !loons n n bore n ctco f t a e v n- • s veyed .into port or even carried over mountain ranges. When You, Can't Steels. There is an -odd theory. which twiny' people believe and which Is certainly tnirmless, that sleeplessness may often he cured in the following odd tufty) Move your bed tlllt Into the 1n0111 SO that no part of bed or rovers will touch the wall, '1'hen place ander each Caster of the bed a piece of rubber or n rah- • iter overshoe 0r' set the easter in a thick glass dish Then go to bed, mak- sure the covers do not touch the . wall. 'lhns the bed and yourself will MakeEach. orth s Day e. Nobody ever hcard'of "stock food" curing the hats or colic, making. . 7 t ., •$t hens lay in winter, increasit,g the yield of milk five pounds per cowa ciay, .Cost a or restoring run-down animals to plumpness and vigor.. ' Whert you feed "stock food" to your cow, horse, swine or poultry, „ a you are merely feeding them what you. are growing on your own farm, TI;E 'Your animals do need nc,t more feed, bat something to help their E1wL + bodies et of the +ood. ut of the Iced Vo give o t, 1 6 o Vett gt thein so they can get fat 2; 02W •of'. and stay tat an year. round: also to prevent dise Ise, cure disease and keep ' l a,•cesf Winner of them up to the best possible condition. No Mek food.' can do all these • any Pacer on things. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC. can and does, .Itis -Grand Circuit, •' Iota "StockFood" But a ``I��IDnditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPR,CIFIC contains no grain. nor farm Products. It increases yield of milkfrotn three to five pounds per eow p.a. day bcfor,i the Specific has been used two weeks• It makes the mills richer and adds f1. h fa ,cr t an a' y othrr•prepat'atton known. Young calves fed ' with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at si weeks old as.they would by when fed with ordinarymaterials mat r: fa. ten ve a at a ek ' .ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC hi Ito- run-down nc auni n m I Ps anti re stn res t h ens to • plumpness almost magically. Cures bots colic worms, skin diseases and, dehility_permanently. • Dan McEwen, the horseman; says: i have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC; persistently in the fee,ting of 'The ReI,' 2,0241, largest winner, of any pacer on Orand Circuit ip 1993, and 'Henry Winters,' 2.0111, brother of 'Allen Winters,' winner of $30,000 in trotting Stakes in 1908. These horses have never 'been off their feed since 1 commenced using t2pyal ITurpTc Specific almost atsar ago and I will always have it instables." . Y , • Y my ■ • 1 STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One 50c.•package'of ROYAL, PURPLE STOCK SISECIFIewiltiastone animal seventy days, which is a little over two thirds of a cent a clay Most stock foods in fifty cent packages last but fifty days and are given three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPCIFIC Li given but once a day, and lasts half again as iongA 51,50_pail containing four times the amount of the fiftyCent package wilt last 210 days, ROYAL PURPLE will, increase the valve of your stock 25* It IS an astonishingly quiet fattener, stimulating the appetite and the relish for' food, d assistingh� nature to digest and turn fecal fntnt3esh. Asa L7 fattener it is a leader. It will save many times its Cost in veterinary'•iilt. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPE C I-FIG- ouiotherSpecific for poultry,. not for One St) cent eactmge will iit Last twent• y -five ,,o" ka s.ora-Dwilcosting €1.50 will las "twenty•iive htns 28days. which four timesema4tnai for onty three times the cost• It makes a laying machine- out of your hens summer nod ,winter, reventsfowls -losin flesh at moulting time, andt.u,en poultrydisenuen• ' every package of LOYAL PURPLE TOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPCIFIC is guaranteed, [lust use RdYAL PURPjIt on one of ybur animals and anpether preparation on another animal in tat: same eonditiont niter Cnntpuring results ynu WIit ttayROYAL PURPLE bas them all Treat todeath, oretsebaefccomesyatt t-toncy. FRCP. -Alit .:.. your merchant or write us for our valuable a2 -page booklet ou cattle and poultry diseases, containing alno conking receives and fnit particulars about ROY C ICS,ST.00K and POUL- ff you Cannot get Rayat Purple Specifics front merchants or agents, we evin suroly teat dircet, express prepaid, on receipt of $f SO a tail for either Poultry or'Stola Specifics. Make money a line as ear agent in your district. Write for terms.. Per ::ills t tl y all up•to•date merchants. �N. A, Jenkins iyttg, Co.; London, Cant -be cutoff from ell electric Contact with , . floor or t'all, fau'h absence of electric r conttiet, it Is tlidnlyd,• will make ;l'°tl It '1:m a;1 I1 1 1 r1 i l t I dile £i'O a, •a' - t11)k' '(1's andi r'ee. !hooklets air sleep better. It is fetid to have cured' kept its >tt « 1, lit - lilies stubborn eases of iusolnnla. 1