Clinton New Era, 1910-03-17, Page 5siggimPW Ws s . ST TH Will anis' Pink New limns - Oman. nese•- ie a tori - to women and tittle 9/re pale i --the least ex - thein and they 'headaches and tL Nothing Will cure qulokiyy Or se surely as Dr. Pink. Pilin -they have mired of Piece, glut only.' in Canada bout the whole world. They they Make gond broad. Wrest by these Pills is mer Hartley, East Flor- B., who clays;: "At the q`'1 fell away to a mere had scarcely any blood and ,truing all the distressing sym- ,anaelmiai. Doctors did not tIt ti the least, and acting on the Itrfrieltd 1. began• taking Dr. `Pitlk'Iilc. They effected a bile change in my condition ; 'really believe they saved my I have been well and strong seg•1 Look them. I also rec- ide+l c'the Pills to a neighbor's ,er;who;•was similiarly run down eyalsp completely restored her yrwoman and growing girl kite Dr. Williams' Pink Pills rally, It you are ailing from the, many troubles which afflict sic they will cure you ; if you a31ing.they will protect your and keep you sell and strong. Mame' pink Pills are sold by lers•in medicine' or direct at 50 r laox or six boxes for $2 50 from elVilliaiats' Medicine Vo.,13rock- Lint. `-- i GIFTS. — . are and Old v Silver h Boxes. wedding present niature Turniture e`hippendale pe - were, arm- , just big require- earched ended Eng- sitely per - and all nd ck- er Id w es. 1. a- eauti- f• the for very , or the price e thousands. makes a handsome should be bought with re many spurious imi- nt most prized by dain- hice, the price of which each year. There are ties and organizations act- ributing agents for modern an, very beautiful many of laces, reproductions of the old rns, are, but old lace conies rarely :he market. Few dealers. indeed, itize in it, and the old lace sales rear can almost be counted on 'the 's of one hand. Iuaint little present, also from the ne shop, is a little silver or en - patch box. The Way It Is. d to riy friend, "Tell me my I will know you are my he told me my faults, him, for 1 thought him cond friend, "Tell me ly." And he said T I spurned him, for fool. rl friend, .`.T(i11'm " e hand me my And he new I was a GOWNS AT THE OPERA Mrs. Clarence Maokay's Gorgeous Italian Costume.. VOGUE OF THINGS RUSSIAN. The Song of a Hatt Sung tq an Old" Maid by Her Too, Too Honest Milli- ner—The Very Beat of New Year Resolutions. Dear Elsa—Dick gave me for one of my Christmas presents a season ticket for matinee performances at the Met- ropolitan Opera House. Clever of him. wasn't it? You know, he is bored to death at anything, heavier than the airiest kind of filmy musical shows, and 1—well, 1 simply can't get tbrotpgh the year without my grand opera dis- sipation. So wt• split the difference— he goes to one of his pet shows or plays golf on these Saturday after- noons, atnd 1 "invite wy soul" to mu- sical numbers of a higher order. Last Saturday was a field afternoon, and. society turned out in its best frocks to hear Geraldine Farrar in "Tosca." YE POLISH lack knight" Stove Was made for women de to Sztve• them work, and wariness. • ' is the 'olish. bs,'ledth brings d fish that A BMIART ROSSIAN BLOUSE SUIT. Slelelleaifache and relic pani the _ties incl• dent to a'billous state Of the system, such Is pizaineae, Nauees, Drowsiness, Distress atter eating, Pain��in the >3ldoo,, ac bile their most ltetaarrraele ancoese bee 'emit shown la curing' SICK 'Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable inConatipation,curingandpres venting this annoyingcomplaint whiletheyaleo eorrec alldisorderro the sttomach,atimulatethe. liver andregulate the bowels. Evenittheyouli cared HE Acbethey would be almostpriceleestothosewho suffer from this distressing complaint; butfortu irately their goodnessdoes notendhere,and those who once try them will find these little pills vain: able in so many wa •s that they will not be w'1-. Jing to do without them. Butafter all rack head 1FURNITURE OF CANE, ACHE. Ie the bane of go many lives that here Is where we make onr great boast. Carpals cureit while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Tills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not, gripeor purge, but by their gentle action please alt who) we mem, a8,TL8r is =Ofl * co..11LW TO= L.boll Doge, . PT1C� It Is. Decorative and Easy to Keep In Order. CANE PANELED' BEDSTEADS. Nearly Ail the Best .Models Are In Line With the Fad For Period Ef- facts--A Charles 11. Example That Is Good Style, Caning, even. In chairs,has been Out in the background of late years,:ile solid wood and leather being replaced,. for summer cottages and similar used where heavy effectswould be in bad taste, by the splint and wicker work. But within the last year or so some people have begun to realize the artis• tic possibilities In this •il ;lit hut strong furniture, and ,manufacturers -have turned out some excellent examples. The cane when treated by certain pros• esses Is made to assume, an attractive mellow tone, which harmonizes wet.) with dark' woods. Walnut is a favorite and seems. on account of its, slightly old fashioned appearance, a particular ly appropriate wood for combinatiott with the new cane work. As a matter root down. and hinted. In her sweet fashion that it was too young looking. The Honest Milliner. - Fortunate iudeet is the ♦tatnan whose milliner is brave enough. to be frank with bei•s if you have •sueb- a genius, dear, iu your town don't become angry - with her- for teliiug you the . truth about what you should and should not wear. She will be. disagreeable at times, her honesty may not .tickle your ear, but it is.. more than. likely that It will have a salutary effect upon your appearance. These brutally frank people aren't great discoveries las friends, but- yen.. have a wonderful asset when you find one for a hufiliuec. _Marjorie S. tells a funny story about herself and a williia'rof t1ii- G5itest type. You know thatllnrjothe al. • though past her tirst youth, is ten yet dependent upon specteelet.orad it shuns der. shawl. .1 C - It seems that she burst. lu one day upon her milliner and lefornhed her that she had a tine lth'n; "I'm going to have a hat. to wear in the evenings," she said. "for times when I'm just .we:u•iirt my snit- end uot.,.really dressed itp- 'a hat that Wil: glee an air to a plain blue hroadclotb suit and sort of top -it; off with a bit of dash. - "It's to be of white beaver," she an -7 nounced, "big, round.. and it's going to have on- it something • very ;simple=a hat of a single idea. ytiti knew. Let,• me see—a grent big bow of 'black ..vel. ret!" "Fine'" said the milliner. "Or perhaps." eontinued liarjoltie, "a • great big bow, of light blue." . Thereupon the nhili•int I -looked her • All the leading Metropolita• n sopranos square in the eyes and Bald,.' �iuythiug are fighting for a chauce to sing the but light blue oil an old maid. And the milliner was. just right, title role, but the plum went to Geral- wasn't she? i don't know why it is, dine this time. 1 won't bate you about but the average old maid turuaas rat- the music. You know the score touch ( orally to the wearing of light blue as a flower toes to the 'sun Perhaps she ted ' reflected ie re catch s ofb oma hopes to cat loveiiness. But the fact is -that light blurs is a color to be avoided by •the woman whose cheeks, ,have. lost.thele t'lll'P(:S. i am getting nwrIlly critical, a de- fect in. toy character which i' resolved the new year shall comnletely-upPoet , so I'm not going to take any. Chances rigiit now of breaking my promise to myself. Write and tell me about your good resolves, which Ste every case Seem only to be made to break. ' De- votedly yours. MABEL. New York. better than1 do, and really I must "'fess up" and say that the gowns in- terested me as much as the opera. Ars. Clarence Mackay's Italian cos- tume was a stunner. The overdress was of copper beech satin . bordered with copper embroidery powdered with jewels. The uuderdress was wade .of bloom of apricot satin, and over all was a heavy stolelike effect of dull copper embroidery fringed with small balls of bronze. Iler big picture hat was of copper velvet with bronze plumes. These picturesque daytime frocks are charming, and another gown that was much remarked on the same oc- casion, worn by a debutante. was made of satin the color of ripe corn, with a tunic of an opalescent greenish shade pf iced absinth. The front consisted Oir'a panel of embroidery in which gold, silver colored beads and pearls were worked into fanlike . designs, these in turn being embroidered with dainty roses In white silk floss. Even the ancient tabard, which dates back to Chaucer's day. Is being made to serve as a model. The tabard original- ly was a loose, shot sleeved garment worn by knights over their armor. and the fact that it was usually emblazon- ed won the)coat of arms of the wearer brings it right up to dote in the pees - drat demand for embroideries, As my seat is away out of the box holders' class. I had arrayed myself on this afternoon in my best new street frock, the good looking Russian cos- tume I've sketched for you. Every- thing in the dress line is of the Cos - seek variety this year—that Is, every- thing that isn't middle ages or Louis something or other. My coats is a Russian affair of dull mauve velvet bordered with skunk and so fashioued that considerable width is given to the shoulders, while my waist appears especially small. The dress is of mauve cloth exactly matching the velvet cont, and my hat is a beauty, h marked down French model, one of Georgette's creations, the, smart Paris milliner of the Rue Scribe. My dear, i got that dear thin;; for $20. and its price nt the beginning of the season was $50. Ev- ery year about this time M. & X. sell off their model hats, and 1 captured a prize this year. a smart little turban of mauve velvet bordered, like the coat, with skunk., and at the side a natty cockade of dull gold. What 1 really wanted was a love of n hat of black pressed beaver, a slashing big affair., but madame simply put her Cook's Cotton Root Compound: The great Utetlne Tonic, and Only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three de reel of strength --No. 1, Mt NO. 2, 10 degrees Stronger E3; .No. A,• for special cases, f,6 '4or box. Sold by all. drngg stn, r tont Prepaid on receipts prh a. Free pamphlet. Addre cq ,l Cil(1ttME0161Nte0.1T0IIONT0,pit'f. (/or,-wrZiil PEBIOD OF CHARLES IL ' • of fact, however, almost any wood wile be found to look well with the tinted cane. Perhaps the most attractive use to which the cane bas been put in this re; viral, and the most suitable, is the making of . bedroom furniture. The cane paneled bedstead has 'very dis- tinct charms of its own, It Is decora. tine, light and• easy to keep in ordel and adapts itself readily to both Eng• fish and French styles of furnishing. ' - A bedstead of the Charles I1. style is fashioned' with pairs of straight pan- els at the head and foot, the posts ant. stretcher rails being in the "barley sug- ar turning" which is so often seen in the high backed chairs of the period. Nearly all the good models are ius line with the fad for period furniture. One of the best of the French designe.. is fashioned from mahogany or waxed walnueseel cane after -the manner of Louis XV. The carved . ornaments and the gracefully curved moldings are extremely delicate. Indeed, the design C77 U IJewDiseoveriesbyan old physician /• n. C. N. Tablets for internat.use. C. 1st. A. AND local nourisher for external use.. The two -both used in conjunct - C• N. ■ N A .ion atrathe sari)vitae litizme •produces more 1nvigoting, ing and reiuvenat- iugeffects then has ever before been offered. Suff- erers front vital weakness and lost vigor,that saps the' pleasures of life, will find one oeach produces wonderful invigoratin, enlarging and lasting results. Free Trial Sarple mailed in. Plain package on receipt of thisadvertismen t and six cents postage. Address -THE NERVINE CO. 90 VICTORIA AVE., WINDSoa, ONT., CANADA Cheertulness at Meals. A thousand little Windows are open- ed by the cursory conversation at the breakfast table through which to look into the deeps and shallows of •the • home. - Sometimes the only meeting place of a family of growing boys; and girls :is at the table. Vet, as a rule. how much Is left to be desired in the way of cheerfulness and conversation during the mealtimes of most large families! There is only one way to create a revolution in the family conscious of having dull, silent and uninteresting meals. It is for each member of it to turn over a new leaf. Each One must come to the table prepared to show his or her best side, the side too often withheld from family life, be et' be- stowed ever so abundantly elsewhere. Every member of the Penally must realize as evening closes in and the varicolored threads of the busy day nre gathered together that there must be a little unselfish effort made by each one if the unityle to be preserved and the family life kept harmonious.. The cheerfulness that tells most at gamily meals finds expression in light, pleasant, 'happy tack. bo not bring your troubles to the table, but inter- eating stories, anecdotes and the hap, ,,enings of the corner' of the world in •which yotti' Wore, is situated. If the father brhlgs home pleasant things to talk .about. his business life will be reel and glowing to those who love and believe in him and can see life only through his eyes. To be cheerful is not to be artificial: neither is it fore- : Ing insineet'ity•upou those around you. Cheerfnlne'ws is a term. of unselfish- ness, n diflieult, noble form, which is too seldom given the appreciation it ' -serves. PLAYTHI "a FOR BABY. The "Drownie" Doll Reigns King In tee Small World. Melte 0 pattern by cutting a piece of paper 10 by ale Inches, . At one end cut out a V shaped piece 1' by 2% incites. This, will forth legs in pattern of bady of doll: Place pattern on sock and cut double so leg portion cornea out of ribbed toll of sock. ''file cal, is, a four lucbtriangle cut double and sewed up to form :pointed caps and is cut from foot of sock,. as are the arms, which are 8 by 1hiWe inches, rounded at one end to form band and sewed up. Sew up legs of body portion and stuff guild with cotton. _ From a white hose cut a piece See by 7, inches, sew up short end. 'Tilts forme the bead, width .must be whipped to body por- tious. Seam in Intek, stuff, sew up head at top and tie a string tightly around the body where the head is sewed on. which will form necl. 01 doll. Sew up arras, stuff and siety to shoulders, Stull' cap rind sew to head seam in back. The "browtlle," is now rendy to dee- orate: by fanny stitches in yarns of CANE PANELED COT is absolutely faithful to . the favorite old style, 'and the bedstead' betrays std Modern origin only in the comfort of its •.sittings. The price of the cane furtfture va. - ries, nater;tlty, with the grade of wood 'used and the coarseness or fineness of tbe Cane: but, •considering the novelty and beauty of the article's. it is In no case exorbitant Perhaps the most practical: feature is the light weight of these :furnish- ings. The most massive designsof old days may be reproduced, in this form without the disadvantage . of their movability. • 7 hla.""l$Rl,w NI1" DULL.. bright 1.114srs on legs and arms'ttnd around the ,rap whore it joins do lived.. Mali' tassels or rosettes of yarn and ' se* to ankles and wrists. and ,op of • t tip. (;it l'+t' u hall' yard of No. 2 rib- bon ibbun to. much Ara and place around Tiede.. Paint flet. :I p . water colors or t,i,tw v.ith • luk .prottucitlg brownie fes.• tures. and you tiave 'a doff that every ehild will be :delighted with.. The aright 'fancy hose Make themost at- kra etive ilolis,' . - • A Remarkable Trade Mark • Proposition. One of the most unpleasant or ire Sheriff's numerous responsibilities is that of seeing that orimi;ials sen. !tensed to .death are properly executed. And if the hangman should fail hiss and no one be willing to act as deputy the sheriff must enforce the capital penalty himself: Not many . years ago.. one of the sheriffs of Middlesex, to well-known haxonet, on taking office ' banged a priroiv r withhis own hands on the principle, he said, that he did not care to ask another man to per- form a duty he would shrink from ful- filling himself.. ' • • The big IINA DRII4kr". advertise- ment, which appeare on another page of this issue, announces probably the most extensive Asada ,marked line which has yet been.. brought out 'in Canada. - The proposition, as outlined in the advertisement, is a truly "National" one, and one which is of the greatest practical importance to every . Canad- Ian. Scores of Canadian manufactures have already proved the busines-build• ing value of a well-known—and that means well-advertised—trade, mark, the rr idea so but none ever cased far 'as has the firm behind the NA. DRU -CO Trade Mark. To put. 125 different preparations under the • one name and . trade .mark,' and advertise as they"are'doing,is bus, iness genius—though'it would be busi- ness suicide were they not .absolutely certain of : the quality of each and every article trade marked.' A careful reading of the advertise- went, however, leaves little doubt of, NA -DRU -CO quality, and impresses one with the business acumen and jud- icious daring of thefirm which has planned sixch a. project and announced it with such an advertisement. appear- ing to -day, we iinderstand,throughout the Dominion. An honest, sturdy and persistent desire to build the highest pos- sible grade of instrument, made this plant of ours grow to what it, is to -day, Sc�ti's Emulsion is the. original—has been the standard for thirty-five years. • "There are thousands of - so -called good""jJust as Emulsions, but they are not -they -are simply imi- tations which are never as good as the ori .ganal. ' They are like thin milk— SCOTT`S is thick like a heavy cream. If you want it thin, do it yourself—with . water— but dont buy it thin. 101 SALE BY•ALLlj auo01STOI Sone ter„ name.af ester and This ed. for onr beautiful tlavhuta hunk a, 1 t'hitd'a 9koteh-tlook. Each bank oontuins a Go letok Peaty. SCOTT de OWNS 116 Wellitiaton Street, i '1"otp,;te, Oal, A HINT HERE AND THERE. 'Decorated china plates should be put away with round pieces of canton flan- uel betweeh. thele. Serve crisp celery with cold meat. It is' always appreciated• and•. is a nerve tonic of considerable effectiveness • For washing coarse clothes soft soap is the best, and it has the advantage Ofgoing fnri:her than hard yellow soap. Enameled' baths may be cleaned of stains with a.•rag dipped in salt mixed witb paraffin. Afterward rinse well with hot water to remove oil and dry with a cloth. • japanned Ware should be washed with a sponge dampened in warm wa- ter and dried immediately with a. safe cloth. -Obstinate spots can, quietly be removed by rubbing them . with a woolen cloth dipped in a little sweet oil. .. 11 your corn does not pop well it may be because it is okl. Seek it in cold water for fifteen minutes, drain and try again. Better results will un'. doubtedly be obtained. .11 you cannot use a scgtlb brush to get late all parts of the refrigerator when cleaning it, try using a small stiff paint brush for the purpose. • It reaches' the corners. In washing silk waists, handker- chiefs, underwear, etc., use only .1uke• warm water, and cold Is better, for the hot water will yellow them as well as gi're the silk au unpleasant, stiff effect.. Do eat have thein damp when Ironed for the sane reason. If they are rolled up in a cloth so that they will dry evenly they may be safely irened when nearly dry. ammemui0 Woo&'s Tosphollino; The Great English .Rembdtr. Tones and invigorates thowhoio nervous system, makes hewn Blood in old Veins. Curet Herm• one Debility, Mental and Brain. Worry, Dee- pondeney, Sex,utl iVeaknres,.m'iseiorls, Spot. ,nator*rheca, and 'Teets .f.4 b pse or Breeettee. Pelee $1. per box, sixf0r$5. One willpleaso six Will euro. Sold b . all arugetate or mailed in VAIN pkg. On receipt of price. Nets pamphlet hfadi'ettfree, ,Thee WOoq MOdIcinO O0. oi'rnerly liriaxlsor) Tom" dot; Osi r 4 =jam Ja` ...� `_...•ice ..�� OUR plantdidn't grow big because we wanted to make the most pianos, but because we wanted~ to make the best. It takes more space to make one good piano_ than to make four of the .Wade -to -sell kind. Besides the regular machinery used .by piano makerswe. have many machines of our own invention. Each one of these machines does its part of the con- struction of a Mason and Risch piano in a: better way than it could be done without it. • M aw70n.aad Rischi The piano with a soul There are many features in this instrument which n o other piano contains and we, require special facilities to construct them. . We want to tell you the whole story of MAsol the building of a Mason and Risch piano. and RISCII, Send this coupon to us to -day and we'll PIANO co„ send you our booklet "Inside tnfor- ./' Limited, TORONTO mation " which tells the story of the / Send me your illus- ,. making of a Mason and . Risch piano and: why :you should ;'have it in your home in preference to -any -other make trated booklet explain-' ' ing, the reasons why ,1 should own a„Mason and. Risch piano. This la no way obligates me to purchase. • The Mason . and Risch, Piano Co., Limited,, 32 West King St., Toronto. • NamR. , Street City Province HOME -SEEKERS' EXCU RsmNS WESTERN .D.A. C� LOW • ROUND TRIP ;RATE'S GOING DATES Apr. 5, 19 • lune 14, 23 Aul. 9, 23, May 3, 17, 31, July 12, 26 • Sept. 6, 20 THROUGH sPICIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO, WINNIPEG. AND WEST Leave Toronto '2.00 p.m._ on above days 'Through First and Second Class Coaches, Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. ' Apply to nearest. C.P.R. Agent or write R. L. 'Thompson, D.P.A., Toronto. ASS FOR IIOMESEEHERS' PAMPHLET Canadian Hair. Restorer Before ,.�), After .as .r.o Will restore gray hair to its natural color. Stops • falling -hair -causes to grow on bald heads. Curesdandruff, itching, scalp diseases. By its use thin hair;grows luxuriantly. • Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. Ifs entirely unlike any other hair prepare,• tion ever offered for sale. A goo . reliable Canadian preparation. ' /Unsolicited Testimonials.' . Edith A. Burke, Missionary H. M. Church, Akhimim Egypt, and friends, greatlypleased with results after two years' using. • • L. A. Hopes,.Wilner, Montana. Myhair and whiskers restored to natural color, dark brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer. M.Orum,Burgessvilie,Ont. Canadian Hair liestorer is the best T have ever used. John G. Hall, New Aberdeen, Cape Breton. Canadian Hair Restorer has worked wonders. My head -is nearly all covered with thick growth black hair, original color. w 'Sold by all wholesale and retail druggists. Mailed' to any address in the civilized world on receipt of price, 60e. Manufactured by THE MEILWIN' ca. Windsor, Ont;, Canada. Sold in :Clinton by W. 8. R. Holmes j. E. Hovey, W. A. McConnell, druggists. YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS ifprip •1 ots i a a r' \ Xiu 2 Cured by the New Method Treatment NO NAMES OH PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT -Oa NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middlo•aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. If you have any of, the fel. lowing symptoms consult us before it is toy. lato. Are .you nervous and weak, despon- dent and gloomy,' specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, weak brick, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine. pPlnples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks careworn expression, poor memory,' ltfeless, distrustful, lacir energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights,. aha ablo.. moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, rhahr loose, sore throat, etc, YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can cure you anti stake a man of you. tinder its influ- ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des, pendency vanish, the eye ',teases bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body and the moral, physical and sexual systems are invigorated; all drains Cease--ne emorearned vitdoal llwars, aste Wfromewithell sycursteeyon orm. Donno't tet pas. quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFiDENTIA'L READER: leo matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Ci,arata. Book' Prot -"The Golden Monitor” (Illustrated) on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION LiST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Dns. KENNED1f deKENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. V1 01 1©E • All letters front Canada trust be addres' ed tt dt id • to our Canadian Correspondence Dep rt- isatmateimminura molt in Windsor, Ont. If you ddsir -to see us personal' ' call et our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see atid.t :eat he patient* in; our Windsor offices which are for, Correspondence 4nd Laboratory for Canadian business .only. Address alt- letters as follotvs: D S. 1CCNt4EDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. Wm it0 for 01191,riv. . addreos. 1,�