Clinton New Era, 1910-03-10, Page 3'ho finest fabric Is not too delicate to IN "Oily washed with Sunlight Soap, When, other soaps hive injured • your linen; - and towed • the coloured. things, re member° the: word Sun "gilt' Fishing For Dollars Are you satisfied with the catch? Are you using the best bait? Classified Want Ads. in this paper bring results. ' onn-Yal 1101 y a t. K•0•414 w hi HOMES For Settlers IN. MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached LOW SETTLERS' RATES Settlers with Live Stock and Effects Special Trains leave Toronto 10.10 p.m. Tuesdays during MARCH and APRIL Settlers and Families without Live Stock should use Regular Trains 10.10 p.m. daily WINNIPEG FLYER r to Winnipeg 38 hours Through;Tourist Cars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS•• In which Berths are Free Apply to nearest Agent for coprof "Settlers' Guide," "Western Canada," 'Tourist Cars." or write R. L. Thompson, D.P.A.. C.R.R. Toronto. earl The Philo 6ystern' of Intensive Poultry Keeping. 'following Article is tat eu from The Reliable Poultry Journal, Engravings Supplied by lir. Philo. The Philo System of Intensive Poul- try Keeping consists of three methods, each of which is quite different from the ordinary methods employed by poultry raisers. First, is the plan of housing or cooping the breederti ; sec- ond, is the method of brooding and cooping the chicks ; third, is the sys- tem of feeding both the adult fowle and the young stock. This plan of intensive poultry keep- ing is designed for the`use of the mats, es --for tens of thousands of thrifty men and women who dwell in cities and villages and who, eo Mr. Philo be- lieves,should keepsmall flocks of fowls in door yards to convert table scraps, waste grain, vegetables, etc., into eggs worth three to five cents apiece and into poultry meat for the table, Said Mr, Philo recently: "With all kinds of meat, also poultry and eggs selling at the present high prices, I be- lieve there should be a thousand per- sons keeping small flocks of fowls in city door yiirds. ana on village lots, where one such flock is kept. By my system this can be done safely,conven- iently and profitably. It may sound optimistic, but my ambition is to see the day when a small Philo plant or something like it will be operated by every thrifty huueewife wet) therein can raise a couple of dozen ter a couple of hundred fowls each year, feeding them principally table scraps. waste esY We Want to Land your first order, because we know that the satisfaction• you will derive from that will open your eyes to the fact that you cannot do better anywhere else that you can with us. You will find that we are not "all at sea" in our business, but thoroughly "up, to - the minute" and watchful of the interests )f our customers, knowing that,, by so loing, we are really acting for our wn ultimate benefit. Q. A. DOWNS, Merchant Tailor, - Clinton; LOGS WANTED by a strip of Wood that has boles in it at different points so that the roof van be propped open a few inches, or as much as two feet, In the front of the coop facing south is a substantial frame holding six mod- erate-sized panes of alas,. Underneath the roof is a frame covered with can, 4.4 Single Comb Rhode Island Reds Tubeicriloss sleeping fresh air, Plenty of fresh cut -doors and a plain, nourishing diet are all good and helpful, but the most important of all is Scott's Emu'IsD It is the standard treat- ment prescribed by phy- sicians all. over the world for this dread. disease. It is the ideal food -medi- cine to heal the lungs and build up the wasting body. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Gond IOg., name of paper end this ad. for our beautiful Baring, Sank and Child', Skotoh-Book, Each bank contain. a Good Luck Penny., SCOTT .1 BOWNE 126 Wellington St., West, Toronto, Ont. y garden greens, vegetables and sweep- lugs from the barn or stable,thus sup. plying the home table with eggs and poultry at practically no cost in the form of cash outlay. By the use of a few coops -three or four -a breeding pen can be kept, the eggs eaten except a hundred or so for hatching, and by this'iiieletl -the"ordinary-•family-can- supply itself with two table delicacies that are second to none in food values.' It may readily be seen how this sys- tem, if worked •out to the extent. that Mr., Philo has in mind, will help the eggs-for.hatching trade, also how well it "fits in" with the day -old -chick bus- iness. Instead of having to own an expensive poultry house with a large yard or runway, the 3x6 foot . Philo coops furnish the laying and breeding houses, and brooder coops of the same size can he depended on to take care of the young stock, keeping both under control at all timesand requiring but a small investment for housing, yard r the methods in etc. as compared ad with e 13 , P • AT THE STAPLETON SALT WORKS 1. 4,1 t.' •w e 1' the coop. The nest box isup high enough so that the fowls can pats un- derneath it. i The Philo system calls for the keep- Iing of six hens and a male bird in one of these 3x6, twenty -four -inch high I coops for use as breeders. The roost pole willaccommodate just this num-- Jeer um=Jeer and_ .no'.tnore._ ;The..:, center.-bo€arde that divides the coop through the mid. dle, is six inches high and prevents the litter on the board floor from working over into the earth floor end of the coop. 'The litter is - changed twice -a week -the earth in the opposite end• of the coop once only in six months. The oats fed to the fowls are spaded into the earth to a depth of three or four inches:. The fowls have to dig up these oats, thus obtaining exercise. - More on this subject later,except to say that the fresh loam appears to absorb all moisture from the droppings and the loose earth does not appear to become dangerously foul. Users of the system are unanimous on this point, so far as our investigation has gone. • These coops. are 3x6 feet in size. and twelve inches high. They are the same in all particulars as the 'laying and breeding,coor s except„thatthey are 12 inches; lower. This brooder coop is converted into a breeding coop by put, ting a twelve -inch, four-sided section. underneath it,ebe.twe:en.•thie„.eoap_at:1de the base section of the breeding coop. In this twelve inch coop a fireless brooder or hover is located in one cor- ner - of the floored section -the back corner farthest from the middle of the coop. -and there is a center board nine or ten inches high that has a 4x5 inch opening'through which the chicks pass from the board floor section to the inch floor section, thus ' confining the heat of the chicks to the brooding section when. desired, In. some . of thecoops this centerboard is dispensed with and a muslin curtain used, the curtain be- ing Witted in the middle, from the bot- tom upward, thus allowing. the chicks to pass back and forth. -' The fireless hover used by Mr. Philo is round like a cheese box and has an adjustable cushion three inches thick that is designed to rest snugly onthe backs of the chicks when they creep underneath it to get warm. Cut clover or some other soft,, warm litter is used to a depth of two inches or more for the chicks to nestle in. The exit to this cheese -box hover is small and there is a slide for use in closing it at night and during severe cold 'weather, Small holes are located in the hover to allow ventilation, .The plan is like the old fashioned habit practised by Ger- mans -that of sleeping between ,two Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds • me is cov- I ours the fro Bred one half with canvass .and the other half with two-inch mesh poultry netting. This • frame. slides from end to end, enabling the attendant to care for the fowls without touching the se ns cases va inpoultry . usually employed raising, where the' fowls must be confined in yards. . But let us explain or describe -'the system, as it is now in use by the or- iginator and by many of -his followers. The plan is intensive, to:a degree. The measure of success .obtainable by it should be a matter of interest arid study to thousands of persons, because it is designed to benefit a large percent- age of the population of citiesand vil- lages. These laying or breeding coops are 3x6 feet in .size and 21 inches high.' The sides and ends, -are made of boards twelve inches wide and seven -eights of an inch in thickness. Around the bottom is a three-inch base. The roof consists of a substantial frame to which is attached two-ply water -proof roofing paper. It is hinged at the back and is held in position, either open or. closed, CO Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis & Rowland's Hardware store, or with W. J. Stevenson, at Electric Light Plant. CRO roof when the latter is •propped up, also without handling the birds. This frame can be pushed either. way; one, two or three feet, and the fowlswill move into the covered end while the attendant isworking in the exposed end. • IThere is a partition across the middle dividingcoop the in two sections, 3x3 feet each, one of which has a board floor -raised about three inches above the ground, the other consisting ,of 1 spaded soil -usually the ground on which the coop is located: In some of the Philo crops this roost is located l across the end of the coop. Litter is ' kept on the board door of this half of A NEW DISCOVERY, FIC IN A PILL FORM. stopped in 20 ininntes sero with Dr. Shoop', Croup Remedy, On,,, test will surely prove. No vomiting,madig• Gress. A safe and pleasing 83111p -50e, ruggists, Figs were placed on earth 'for the healing of the nations, . A chemist has placed a Fig Pills on the market and its value has, been phenominal. They are sold and guaranteed to; cure indigestion, liver trouble, ' backache; Saramaaliirmanair rheumatism and constipation ; a blood purifier and tonic. They have no rival. A 23c tin of Fig Pills . will do more than a dollar bottle of . liquid. Try them to -night. • At all leading chemists. A Peculiarity Dreams. As to dreams, there was a discussion at the club lunch. and one man re- marked that noman dreamed of him- self as braver than he is. When the dream name the dreamer was always the underdog. Be' was -in horrible danger andne"er did anything pic- turesque to face it. There may be men who are brave in their sleep, but 'it would be interesting to find' one man outside of the dozen sleeping cowards who is a hero in a dream. -London Chronicle. A Little Sarcastic.. • Maid (to lady at door) -Mrs. Spencer is not at home. Caller (who knows differently) -Oh, i'in so sorry! But uevel' mind, Tell Mrs. Spencer when she comes in that I called to say that I'm att+fully glad she goes out more titan she did. I've always wondered why she kept herself cooped up in the house ail the time.•-lloston Transcript. 'Might Mob Him. "The audience is calling you," the playwright was informed. "I hear them," he answered. "Show me the quiekest way to get 'out of herr,"--leiriningham Age'Berald. 40 hey dome wrong who say Looms nu more When once I knock and fall to- and you in; For every day I stand outside your door And bid you wake, and rise to fight win. "Wail not for precious chances passed away, Weep not for goldenages on the wane! Each night burn the records of the da - At sunrise every soul is born again! "Lauth like a boy at splenders that hays sped; To vanished Joys be blind and deaf and dumb; My judgements seal the dead past with its dead, But never bind a momept yet to come. "Though deep in mire,wring not your hands and weep; I lend my hand to all who say 'I can'; No shamefaced outcast ever sank so deep But yet might rise and be again a man l" "Dost thou behold thy lost youth all aghast? Dost reel from righteous retribu- tion's blow? ,Then turn from; blotted archives -of the past And find the future's pages white as snow.” "Art ourner, � Rouse the thou a. m ?�� e, from thy spell; Art thou a sinner? Sins may be forgiven; Each morning, gives thee wings to flee from hell, Each night a star to guide shy feet to heaven. BPI) STOMACH Many in Clinton are Being Thorough- ly Purified by Mift p-na,the'Guaran- teed Cure folr Indigestion People of Clinton who suffer 'from dyspepsia and other stomach troubles are getting tired of taking prepara- tions containing pepsin, because pep- sin simply digests the food artificially. Pepsin aelieves, it never cures. And remember, pepsin only digests, animal food;it has no effect on starchy' food, such -as potatoes, rice,• bread, etc Mi-o-na cleanses and purifies the stomach and bowels, and tones up and puts energy into the stomach Wails, so that they properly mix the food with the natural digestive juices ofthe stomach. Mi-o-na tablets quickly arouse the stomach from its inaction, and in a few days it is able to do its work easily and'without exertion. There will' be no more sour stomach, fermentation of food, dizziness, sick headache, belch ing of gas, or foul breath. Mi -o na only costs 50 cents. a . large box andis guaranteed by W, S R Holmes to cure dyspepsia, sea or car sickness, vomiting of pregnancy, -and stomach sickness. resulting from over- indulgence of the night ,before, or money back, •• Invest 25 cents ,in a box of Davis'.+Menthol Salve (Vile D. & L.") and be prepared for a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are very annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, earache, sprains, burns, bruises, insect stings, cuts, piles, etc. It is a household. remedy always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the family medicine closet. Wilt.. MAKE HAIR GROW I BEARINE <D Prepared from the grease of the Canadian Bear. Delicately perfumed. The Standard Pomade for 40 'Years, SOC. per Ar. ealeYS � ..i All b p Davis & Z,uwrduee ea., leonireat. Lady Eileen Butler. ._._Lords and Lady Lanesborongh ' and their family, the new occupants -pt Rideau. Cottage, Ottawa, are already making themselves very popular, and the . beauty of their young daughter, Lady Eileen Butler, has already won Much praise, both in the- capital and in Montreal, where she accompanied the Vice -Regal. party to the Charity Ball at the Windsor. Lady Eileen is very young, being in fact ,litele more than a debutapte. Her father,, Lord eGovernor-Gen- eral's is th . G . oral's , new military secretary, suc- ceeding Col.' Sir. John ,Hanbury Wil- liams. feather beds: (Continued on page 5) • is a delicious and fragrant blend of the finest Ceylon TeL Get a package from your grocer andenjoy its excellent qualities. alleellaneenetni Interesting Items We handle Can. Oil at 10c. American at 20c, and National Light at 25c, Machine Oil, Separator Oil, Raw Oil, Boiled Oil, Turpentine and Paints. We have about 20 kinds of tloap,also Lye, Washing Soda and Ammonia, We have 13 kinds of Tobacco and 3 kinds of Cigars, also Chewing Gum. We have Herbageum, Columbian Stock Food and Hess Stock Food, Flax Meal, Oil Cake, Libby's Calf Food, also Flour, Bran, etc. 'We have Crushed Oyster Shell -Poultry Food,- Panacea, also Zenoleum and Instant Louse Killer, We have Salt in barrels and sacks. We have Patent Medicines, Groceries, Hardware, Boots,Shoes, Rubbers and Dry Goops, also school supplies. We aim to supply your wants. Our prices are as low as possible and we pay the highest pea- , eible for produce, trusting to have your custom, R. Adams, Londesboro, IF; W. CUTLER, Painter and Paper Hanger. All work guaranteed, Prices reasonable. Residence nearly opposite the Collegiate Institute. LOGS WANTED'.. Highest cash prices paid for Bass- wood, ,Elm, Maple or Birch logs, de- livered at our mill. The W, Doherty Piano & Organ Co., L't'd. lion •u merit s Choice Designs Best' Materials. Jas. Doig, Opposite the' Post Office . • Clinton. BEFORE ANt) AFTER TREATMENT: Totters n e. • is an absaiute, r-c-tain cure for Tic'ema, acne Rosea, Fetter, Pimples,b •el,begls, Ringworm,. Barbers' .Itch ScalHead, It ;_ling Piles, !]leers, Bores, and en cutaneous ana .acas! blemishes, Ilas been thoroughly and successf"lly tested hi hundreds of so called incurable cases. It is entirely unlike any other preparation. mixture ci ointment that has-been sold or pr.:, scribed. A few applications will convince that is has Wonderful medical virt ie and intrinsic merit. It is made in Canada. A good honest •Cana= Bias; preparation. Price one box Fifty Cents, or live boxes Zino , Dollars. -1 Mailed to any address on receipt of price, Sold and recommended by all leading Drug. gists iu Canada pamphlet free to any address: v Manufactured and sold by the sole proprue. The Tetterine Chemical Col. Windsor. Ontario - Sold in Clinton by W. S. R, Holmes J E. Hovey, W. A. McConnell, druggists. Children Cry FOR ' O fLETCNER S 'Ford. 8� McLe d a Haying secured a commodious Grain CASTOR t A _Storelesu e,_we are neve buy ng_ 114__ ___ _ _ �.m_ � _ kinds of grain, for which the highest.•••+•5 ,••••• 44$•$4••4•$•- 1 9 HEALTH FOR i A.BY , ' COMFORT FOT MOTHER' The mother who has'' once used Baby's Own Tablets for •her .children will .al ways. use, them, for • the Minces ailments' that conic to all little ones.. The Tablets give a guarantee of health to the child• -and• ease and-connfort•---to:.. the mother. They cure all stomach and bowel , troubles,. destroy w<rme, break up colds and make. •teething easy Mrs. H. Lavoie, St. Feligite, Que.,.Rays t -"I have used Baey's Own Tablets for indigestion, constipation and other troubles with perfect, re- sults. I think so much ' of the Tablets. that I use no other medicine for my children." • Sold by medicine dealeai e or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. • ' Eggs for Hatching Rose Comb and -Single Comb Rhode Island Reds Good wing, tali and hackle: correct shape and color, and xo ,hila, Eggs $1.60 per 15, $2 if shipped, ex- press prepaid if within 50 miles, C KAUFMAN, Clinton Made It Clear. Jim had never learned to read by tlia ordinary methods the face of the old eight-day clock. It pleased his long time employer, however to ask him the hour and hear hie anlwerre I "Jim, what time does the old clock say?" he asked one evening when. he had callers. Step in the hall and ' see." Jim was gone several minutes, but returned with 'a beaming face. "Ah -Ah waited jos' a minute to see whicli'd get ahead, de sho't one or de long one," ha said. "wenn I went out dcy was bole on he ler kala' winding place, soh. But de long one, 'she clip it up good an' libely ween she .see me watching out, an.' now she's bout a inch ahead, sah." Believe Girl Has Evil Spirit.. Word comes from New. Zealand, d• remote settlement . in Eastern Prince Edward Island. of a demand by . the simple" farmer - and 'fisher -folk that Father Walker of Rollo Bay dispos-. sees a young woman of an evil spirit. Her name is Chennec, and she is -20 years of age. Her. parenta are dead; and she has been keeping house for a brother. When he announced his in- tention of getting married, she declar- ed she's as soon have a devil in the house, and her subsequent demeanor has convinced her neighbors that she should be exorcised by the church. prices will be paid.' Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds of I How Many • • grain, Seeds and other feeds kept, on J • hand at the storehouse. • • . • in a Dozen?'.: lord & M-cLeod • Twelve l and you count G. IL R. STATION% CLINTON.' No Take ehances When you are ready for our.'new,. Suit or Overcoat,• and „5T I C K . with, one you know to be retralrle:. _--.•..• -.l We are' offering a Black or Blue ._ Serge Suit; of a -guaranteed cloth; made to your'measure for' $20.00, This is exceptionally good value. Also a special Black Melton Overcoat, made to your order, for $20,00. 1 GEO. W.. SA OE.: R Don'f let an unscrupulous dealer force on you an imita- tion'of the "D. & L." Menthol Plaster. Look for the "D. & L." trade -mark on the tin. It, guarantees the genuine and the most effective remedy for Rheumatic aches and: pains, Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, etc. 25c, each, Yard rolls equaling seven of the regular. size$1.00. i�ovimp,..:,....etio►o�MA THE BEST TONIC • for all sickly people., Makes nem/ blood; Gives strength; Restores vitality: Taken after any minese lE, 1 hastens a return to health.,, • bavtb & Lawrence Co., I entreat. Fine Merchant Tailoring. Fred Jackson's Old Stand.. , them to ' see if you get them, to. When you buy a Wedding Ring and pay for 18x, you can't count them, you take the ,deal- :, er s wordy and often: get Z 17K or less: , We sell • • • • • • • •• • • • Wedding Rings,'and there • is exactly 'i 8 K in every 1,8K Ring: •Test. ' them- •' Y any-..wayou- like:- ......:•_ • • • W � Counter er sT • • O O • A Jeweler and Optician.. . .. •. •. Issuer of •• • Marriage Licenses. • • Agent for British -American Cleaning;•r • &Dying Co. Montreal, . I •4•••••••••••i•••••••••••• ■■Oi�if iYi1<d"■�`i11H■f*f7sR■ SRii�iV�f`i'� 1�� S. C..Rathwell C. Hoare Shoe Parlor Music.Store Travelling Popular Goods Songs Are, you going travel- this ravel- this3S'pring ? ' We have If you want any of the just placed in stock a nice popular songs, try our line of travelling goods, Sheet Music Department consisting of ' Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes., Come in and get our prices, before purchasing elsewhere.. We can in- pliesalways terest you. - A roll stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at Special prices IS. 0, A .athwell ' C. Hoare.. • -fri !; i t .Y Y 1����9�G,if�iY'l��i iY.Y Y l� 111����� A ' Full Stock of. Vio- lins and Violin Sup- 1,. on hand Try us for sweet -toned Harmonicas. 4 • r. • •