Clinton New Era, 1910-03-03, Page 6jThese articles and illustrations must not be reprinted without special permis- i Afon.l A STUDY IN CACKLER CHARAC- TERISTICS. "'Coo bad! Too bad!" cries the cook ls she opens a chicken and finds her Mull of eggs. Yes. what a sacrifice when fresh eggs are so "awful, awful high." but that's the way it goes when you don't test your hens with trap nests or study ,egg type" and select accordingly. The trap nest Is a sure thing, but owners of small Hocks don't care to bother with them, but every ope may learn cackler characteristics, and, though this isn't quite so certain, ft's far better than to select hens bapbaz- ard for the cook pot or to pick out '.� nonlayers to keep. Now, you must remember in judging hens that there must be plenty of room Inside for a full sized egg factory and Por 'the organs of circulation, respira- tion, digestion, urination and repro- ductiou to properly perform their functions. ° Narrow chested, long necked, nar- row backed, very short backed. crook- ed backed, long legged, knockkneed. gawky hens aren't built for business A ben's egg capacity is born with her. Six hundred embryo eggs have ' been counted in one hen, and to lay these a hen must breathe well, eat, di- gest and assimilate well, be well and exercise well. Reject fowls with rattling breath. that are light at time of full develop - went, those that eat little and those that are dwarfs or giants or hoboes. rthe prime layer scratches early and late and eats the most because ber food must be sufficient in quantity to :. support both her body and her egg machinery. She is not angular, but reasonably fat, plump, muscular. Her cavities are covered with meat; she Is a good singer and a special favorite of the male.], The rooster ostracizes the drone as you should ostracize her. This hen bobo generally has a p;ob of tat a$ the rear° and her few spring eggs hatch drone pullets _...... __.._. Follow this table of points for selec- tion; Head, medium.size; eye,. bright, 5- i Tho 0111fto Now o Uach 31d, i9to is a •” -"_._,� '--� cures for all. time, and no relapse „), ,... is trot an egg if It ,is t bad egg•,. food plan to dip them just after shear- - ,-•' - - need ever be feared. Ing: Dip a11, awns and lambs alike._ Ind a grucerycnan cannot collect a bill Sere the stieep is freed from a great CAT.2RIiFIOZ01\'I'✓ ,A. SURE CIIR�. or such eggs, '.Pilus. it'4 u good plan RAISING SHEEP ' enemy, , the belt, .'J.'he skin" is•. kept w No matter holong y9u have, suF- o buy eggs on ticic y HO • Take NO fared from diseas " Cif. -any portion of., for etiatutuatlttn: clean and the Reece nicely started, It � p When the chicken census' Luker .:ails. ON -THE FARM the „breathing organs, it matters not ,beep .are well kept they will respond how many disappointments you have to April lie- will ask the numberl;nd ° sustained from the hundred and oils +abbot your fowls. Bette -0 -.sell o>p'tha;�e to.. good treatment- its well as any For -Settlers . _ • .-.chances remedies you may Have tried; an old stagers to the "botit•diu' tni:isis:' The first farm untmttl, both in. wool, which will , . thing a wise man will iia itlk•tease, and In tuutton qualities and IN for it, you tell . liim• their Ytt;: age b.E before iuvest)ug' pts ntauep• in a'nittrt* flour's use of Catarrhozone-will-afford � � t , .:.When yot2 are ready for. . , �+ill thfu6 yo>t:re )citig and arrest you. ufticfurtn.b ,pfaut or Stitrtfug ur rl liwu- -, • og'eny. 1VIANtTQBA •-. ..: better results that you could obtain , + in the value of the pt• Prom months use of other remedies. - � $good Hoek/ of - ewes ' should produce ' ` y4urGnew St,I1t..00 taVt'CCO$t, You can readily understand why $+uta of+our friends wbp have tried ufueturiuf, busiureis to to h;,zut•e out' i. � , , SASKATCHEWAN • :and :STICK - this is possible—it is because you .:• ++ • 1».+ to 1.r0 pe f cent of lambs --that Is, •' with one' Otl• the (,Itg lot'' poultry, iuteuxire+'pluu what sort of denarnd be,<•lut rely `v4 loll? ewes will raise`12Si to 150 !+nibs• � '' - breathe it right to the parts' that are -'love tbuttd it.Faf, esprusfr•e. i\•lien• to c:gpsutise his gvuuti auU tt'tielhar tui ALBERTA . know to be reliable.diseased; immediately the droppings - •1[. is easy to Sgtlre. profits. of you 'almost, the throat will lessen, ixrit+tion and seer these poultry secret get -quick tiric•e willc•vutluue guclu,euuu>;u on tba !lave rosin for a few sheep, • p orbitp s. We are offering a Slack or Blue - • �ieached sae a Suit,. of uaranteod • ploth,' soreness grow less, the stuffiness and • schemes -are turned .host? on .you look i rrodu{ t aY his trictory fu lu•ute a res- tliiinr, why not start at euro?; Im- How Made and How $ 13 g difficulty of breathing will disappear fora "nigger in the wood Idle," souutile pi'utlS on urs uuaturss. 1•`irat , watts to your measure for $L0.00. This , prove yatti• farmthereby. Put on more LOW SETTLERS- RATES iority of cases a very as if by magic, and in the ma- short time is bIi 1 1 a;,$qC a- " i there is the curt ort file fat tory thentis wxpant,�naity. dnnA val„w_ Alan a sufficient to eifect a radical cure. Druggists sell Catarrhozone. Two months' treatment (guaranteed), price $1.00; smaller size, 50e; by mafl.from the Catarrhozone Company, KingstQ' i2, Ont. Beauty, on whom. he was willing to the Yorls er a tlou fiOtidUCted. a aUCGPasPnl (rU3ade itgaiust turkey raffles during the hoil ,-- ltlys, - its cotrtentioA was based on two points -the raffia is a Porto of, gam htiiig prohibited by taw, and the whole- sale purchase of turkeys for these Uouts so adyir i�ees a price that :tSiey are almost nrohib tive, there is the r'ltpitut In Ilre uu lines., to cuusider. Now, lase• tntni is roulfy it Pactpry,. The steer!: kt+lit.ou rue trlriu is. capital. A goto raruri y H rt h a very stilatt `ettptt!!t is Ylitttftit•71t7itNU" lit the :!tar[. tiU,tllti. J8 . ;.;trt,tf"•titt'lil- \vitil eery little rtiidtul.l�torli{ to thh acre. ,tock your Cartit with .illi. rue s1uaS it ea.pital to the acre and increase ,your surplus In that best and safest flank df.all, a Well kept farm. - Potatoes For- Hogs.. The heaviest potato crop ever grown ,on. Carnes, prairie was harvested, but awing to tit,gh freight .rates few will fin unnh th iltu• ,T,7TI[Pr'#_ - `PCPT11t him. :Iud your hen just finishedright may satisf4etl6n that" here at last .is the you should realize on, thetas the same as owner of a few Cows. _ '" } ' All work guaranteed: witrra DQTrE six. .,eta slight, for there you sometimes cure for -your torture. or more than cost price. l C� 1" @ Yl ry + Prices reasonable, ' see the. perfect shape beaten by -a foul ^ Write for a trial bottle twila , . While milk may be. measured. it Is Cry ' LLaying record thirty-five pounds of egg:• rb y, The other way is to pick outa.lot,o! so inconvenient that it is rarely dope.. c in twelve months.] formed cackler -fowls in egg ; condi•, IFor sale by'all druggists, ,� t"CR • FZETCHER S Residence nearly opposite the ion not in -it, red combs laggitl•* far good breeditih .awes o4 the best blood A scale enables. one to quickly aseer- i full, open; comb and wattles, medium. behind; the pale and fat..mammie-s bne Gan salt Any snip, of the brepd.you sel'eet, buy the .best clear color; neck, medium length. ram of the host mutton and�woo) breed Iain the quantity; so that every mill.- OAS S T Q' �+ i rt► t • Collegiate, e -Institute. • end s uawkin skinflints wore in the Mrs. Agnes J, Connell id the on1• Ing can be recorded :if desired, and it EWA stocky well arched; back, medium `,•c>fer a to decide ivirich .beat tiYe rest tivoizian' in America. alio has papa .. combined Mid in. future purchases of - - -- irri continua using the: best you can psys: to do it. There is no other way length, broad at shoniders, nice cusb- permitting her to navigate a steamer to find a cow's butter capacity than j ton; tail, medium, augular, fluff, good rust.. y y (Ind' of the sirtne breed, Trap nesting will often -show that the, - of an class , iii an ocean, •p8he is with a Babcock tester,;:gxcept to churn I size; body, medium length and depth. first pullet to la is not often the con-. known all over the world, for. a steam. The demand .for registered sires and ber `product separately, which is• too with medium underline and gond kee); y er. is her only home, and she has sail• breeding ett'.es for improving mutton _ — r Inuous performer and that Fiend with ea everywhere ':'ivrtb.- her husband. flocks and for starting'new .flocks is much of a task to 8e attempted. breast, broad, rcund, full; lops, stout. ' short between feet and thigh; feet, set i Capt. William J. Connell.: When the productiveness of tw@ cow = h Site was born ' in -the 'Thousand .Is. is known the older processes of gath square and wide apart. — .,►+e,r^"^Imp lands, and grew up wrth• the youtl!---------.•• erfug the cream, as pans and surface - s: o whom she later married. For a while sklmming, dilution separators titid the slip, stayed of home while Beade _ - get your worth when ; UON TS. Nature makes the cures tike, are wastefrri, j r Don't wait till spring to bus an ;n Fly `"� voyages, but she soon tired of that. . yeti buy P i is because. ! and for the past twenty-two. year: after all... - = h pure a cubntor. In slack times you save dol Calf Notes• right - T .- y Is a remedy capable Oi . a� she has sailed with him. � . they better protect•.. the surface lars and dimes. The calf: mu, t • be fed g -If youAs a"result of her knowledge and' and then -She els Don't drop a good job and take u.p, fording immediate relief.to, p" g want to' get the'most out of it when _ they cover, $nil fife cover m011't ear• ue' ,.. ex prience o n seamanship 1VxrS.y :Con;,. they �. t O chickens, thinking to get r;eh uie1: the , hiindred and one- ail- neil reserved her sailing masters ear-. gr!»vrl up• _ The do protect trite► a tight lace slid 1 -ace, to the gallalil. Hot air castles have no fire esca•rr:v, tiixcato from the port of San Francisco g p 'Peach Cllr Calf to drink its milk from ments that constantly arise, in 1901. 'She is an accredited pilot the first day. -it can never learn -this - better, because the contain a special Don't blow before the show. and it it may b0 a cold, perhaps -for the Great bakes and the St, Law• needs helping out. -_� y. art " t asfly :rfterward, you do win the boys will all know. P + , rence River, and also Bolds a Govern• Cr Whole milk may be .fed to the earl ��T ingredient that nearly doubles'th'e life of toothache neuralgia, pain ill ment license, entitling her to navy Things et started III until iia mother's milk is [it to save. _ these aliltsaSGOm tired with Don't swear a". the express agent it > ! l g b g rates are high. Go to your congress . the back --Else Polson ,s Ner, gate :any kind of. a craft in any waterd rr = the wron direction.. Afttrr ih:it skimmilk,. fresh and warm — p , man and cuss the octopus. t At any time she can relieve her � Vlline,•it s penetrating, pain- husband, it necessary, handling the e+ from the se)iitrator, is all right. ale : J ADVANTAGES OF TRAP NESTINc3 big 5,300 -ton steamer wish east. tit Something is deeded to 1t ivill not pity to feed a calf wh == � FOWLS. subduing, and po�ci er£ul. g . —=" �" CxZn is . one occasion" they ran into a,spell o. • 111111, ]fix or eight weeks and tin>n Bel. • When :r poultry raiser can point to a ", � rough weather, accompanied by an 'check .disease' am St�tt It fur talo, That costs t>}ore,thati it � �- ��d` ®r w�rxarM code .fetter htg Hoek of hens and any. "Every Bid- almost impenetrable fog. After the rami•; fo: ' /I dT in that hooch is a built' layer anis is at least five tinges Str6ngoi'l captain had spent three; days and tw( the system in t46 right Pili the cfilf, ii# one week old ii — - ... payer the ear around," lavk-•fol trap rirglita on file badge without sleet -- should be fed from three to live -- " J' than ordinary reinedies tinct she forced him' to go below, dna direction toward health. --- y nest �, for, however high In henolop;y it day. With its Mother it would nar• The Cover more because the are made Its Worth in any household brought the ship into port herself. y Y +lee gets, he vannot be sure of the in- Scott's ly'l llyltilsion of orally feed little'at a time and oftpnr• __-- of pure materials of best quality, int -J f dividnai rpeord of tits encklers unless can't be -overestimated.. For Pearls 'in Oysters. • Never food cold milts tb a calf, Thai �_ p � Y. lie he Err+ ry thea+ when they lay and + ` `While eating oysters at the .rest. 1 =— proportions taught by seventeen years 1 man or beast, Nervlliitr; is a tr Wilcox, Cod ]"Ver Ciil. with hypo- toll! cilli! its stomach and injure the >�- keep,s their r•eeord day by day de ce of Stephen. Wi cq , 438 Shan . dige.stlon, causing serious trouble, troll'__-..__ ._ •. + + � anacea for all pain. phosphites 4aiy d0 dust n liit•h it to hard to eaover. -- paint malttnd for practical painters, and 1'ps, and when a fellow traps and l0 street, Toronto Miss . M. P estoia knows his hens Individually he often "Not if it Cost Tea ibolIntm found five pearls. All were in on" Tho cliff should have grass or hilA they are ground richt and mixed per. finds the hirds he advertised as 250 A bottle, would I tie -without 'Pas)• oyster, , bey were about the size di this. to nil lie tit when 'three or fonr wpe)t<• _. Mai,, �, sons Norvillne,• write 3. A. Ruth, a buckslrat, A jeweler will be askew fectly with the riglit i1 ai ,, of oily r P. egi- ohenotnerta are hast mutts. y,na old. 7 bas l tttt bun er can be appease a former living near Trenton, (3eit, to pass opinion on: them. All seemcc' ' It st,t`G'1tc�rtheni; tile' s •'NervUlne is the best household 100 by perfect, t5 ttfvi ttw fanr7 uiven leas often, ° liniment I know• We use it for r�' t>'rtty Colors for Zintorlor and "ter2lor - stomach troubles, lndigestlon, hew!- nerves, feeds famished tis - ache, _ - ache, ar.d Sumn-,er complaint, ] teJOriC Of ever' sort. '' M(i61fiJ 11/)tpe1'>tQl 1. Qok'B Cflttoe Root CompoutiM knots of nothing L.Ater to talcs in sues and makes rich � � �� N S CUREt) Tho groat tJterine'rorllo, 'arid hot Writer to break lit) u, Coli!, or to ] f ,, IN 24 FItlURS 1�Q1�'/i ahf 6 Color eo.o Limited, Toronto onl rtI•Ir on for rheumatism or near= `�' I� °oar "rrir htood� Ytiu can tlitilnlessly remove ate Corn, either .ar y y ante effectual Month7n algia." 7:very farmer should keep ,+ hardy soft or bleeding, b appl 1119 ruhr;tm'w Regitlatoronwhiohwomeno Vok Lifanu Ulla chilaren, y�r yy depend. Sold in threo de��oos a Priv 'bottles to Npror bil+, hatitiy, ppg fi27GL� i31edi.b iuivGltlisrs Corn Txtraa cid Itharmles harmless Ienveanosear e N 1. 1!0.2, and have stnallcr tto{,to.. l;il>a. �...r. contahtsnoacida;isharmlessbeanu9gcompegrci � Rowland, Clintonof trongth a.•>w, o.8 _ Tho Kind yell Have Always Bought tend 16'. nnrno of vlo,t:itti tttisod. for onir aniyofhealinggutnsan/lbaims, Fiftyy'yearslit �a R114' land, 1✓linton a 10 degrees stranger 3,.r y NprvSline is a +urate piton and safe» bout+tiri+t saviaan Iinrilt aud i:dutt't, stcotnit•sook, asp. ('tiro guaranteed. Sotd by all dtuggistt° for s axial �n1;es, l; per box. > e.;c. bottles, ilefuse s bstltutes, r sold, by till drug sts, or•sent guar4 srt;,tingt fire Irt+Ylns nd ttelre3 Bears th0 l nob bnnkcoutainrauau3 ittokioany. t,. ]t cz pptt3paid oa roco gpt of price. of the -entire fnrn y; and cures M ,..,. SCOTT at J10WX9 P1,1`i111rRM .S PAINL.IES.� ��f A � IireeP.amnhlet. Addfieaa: 7Y!p rheuma.ttsin, nottrall,la, toothacila,, lolg:1w.uroo4 * p�y�� �r.� /�r� �� Adams, � �' huge flf0-b. ,e RA Z.1. 1111 flu�M_ 1#.* SarlriWa,vtw„•l oto. „Cr &n'ts for a heir+ hnttlo- r 7fk8Woll16itensitoot,yi 4. 4 Tor0ou.0itt� (La�['Si11 •tx AV l OR v • u,ltt •racgCQB lit Xtet'e0144r, JanUitry $n4 "Bronchitis. ! *�t'txiug;ire�tNr, yrnr py ywtx'. Ireite 0-000-00V��`, TAKE �� February>«eldoxn ,ctttclt ap, Bronc+Ztis MIXED WIT AIRa lite trap u00 reveals yogr bell" lay - And yeti are ogle to breed Four... r ,ualea and ietuules from fixe pest, Thus ' ,.-•...�.,.,.�-..,... with tt pedigreed egg ptrala on bgtlr VIM 9T243MMMfi lilRX ,: � , ,'';.�, < �� •.,: A RowarfuM DeStroyep of �rpig,,.•sides. by ma,tii4>; .socia birds yep ere '1`igittuess atr{lelf the Chest, Sbrp. �1pto get• .+ 4iain ht brings great ease corms, With*�CUrQ$ • Podus e��en. Secretion ofThickkga, $�twbit,Every. Type fCaare - FEATHERS AND EGtiBH�LI.s. but later of a greenish or yellowish co -g BrOnahiti$ ak. Throat To cave time in feeding birds ata cgtr►iug from the bronchial tubes wit' , • -..-. _ London �zoo _electric lights are turned coughing, especially t1#e fret:thing inCha ' T'i���18�•�'$��1�1��..,.,.�,.�-....-r-, ori :btr4pi'ek daylia�t, ,8.ttd_tfie-�h�iPitS. -•---+�--r•• tbittkin;g it's aunrise, 'get busy. in • ld caused by expBronchitis is .generally the result of s \ew York this pian is Used to fatten Ever singe Adam, the air of the coosure to wet and {3!38gPs$tatR $ea#, pine woods has been known to possess ducks w1en in a rush to tinishAhem. inclement' weather and when neglected marvellous healing properties. In fiat, They are ted several meals at night. will become Chronic, ter you breed the higher, quality yo21 doctors cta,im• that people ,living in When a young ostrich 13 six months oder of re it3tered stock and the more the balss.mic atmosphere of the woods Chronic Bronchitis is one of the most g neve" contract consumption. or ca -"td It is generally six feet pigh. Some�gneral causes of !Consumption. Cure the. money it will bring, and the woCk tarrlt• fancier iledgelings burst -tide Shell .,and first .A symptoms of Bronchitis by .the use money it brags and the ,better it is the new remedy that embraces all the mature, into. isciegtlt3c poultry �radir;lea >o£ Ar. Wood's Norway fine Syrup easter 1t sells, It is bard to sell poor healing curative powers of the Pine- tp g seasgn.. breeding animals, 1t is pard. to keep woods has at last been realized, It +•�•�•}•+•+ Miss Martha $our contains the balsams, the ozone. and A• Wittier. egg, egnCuius 6:',0 grains of , + $roncltiti6 � due, Little wrrites: PL�� �qqd breeding uu[mals. They vvtli sets anaabs lute curet for antiseptics that catarrhal dist +)roe b0 grains o4 albumen,, tf grains of Gored. aprug I waa�"ve will to put a price qtr- theta, and they ♦ -} tempt yeti to sell. !Chore Is the eases, ;agar oust lq grains of asp, lVbeu all •�• •�}• poorly, had a bad. pitfall ,in this system. Having wade For years doctors have been looking obese are heated together ip a bay (�`�'�'^�'�•♦•' sou h, sick head, a selection of. your best twenty-five for just such a remedy, and claim the newly -discovered Catarzhozone is the iLgw and allowed to stand fpr siert- ac e, could not ewe lambs, you. roast refuse to out u most effectual, the most scientific pure .right they are epanged to t;! thousand ;sleep, and vitas tired all the time, Icon- price- on them. You moot not part For catarrh, bronchitis and winter ills salted twq doctors, and both told the I they have met. grains o4 dynamite.. with. #barn;. but adhere rigidly to your • +y. had bronchitis, and. advised me to give up „plug thiCty-tgrthirty-three#eaghing. I tried almost everything but P wild turkey rc•etermutated plan. , 9 IISHD IN E#L1il liiOS2?TT�1IlS. ;,ounds was : shot near Lewistown. Pa., Clone of the medieint:s' gave me any relief, The heist is pope too good. Aman So powerfully healing i:} Catarrh- end was Pound to be u Crass oY .1lronre One of my friends advised me to try llr, who follows this course ten years will ozone that simple colds in the head and coughs -can lie cured in less than ...tlzd wild, its, parent on ons side bad' 'Wood's Norway kine Syrup, I had. find his Sock. all tops. and the value of an hour. ('beanie catarrh 3s eradicated wandered from the, form back to tile setircel �' taken the first bottle when I it Immeasnt•abl 9 . .increased. , The man from the system In the'mgst thorough wild Sipe, begin' p get'better and when I had taken who sells his best And keeps what he manner. It doesn't matter whether„ v the fourth bottle I felt as welt as ever, m cannot Belt will at the aud o4 ten ears Tile Washington Poultry Protective coo h had left me and T couldsleep-well.” ' 9 the catarraffects the nose, throat g or stomach;- It can be completely association is fighting the Saw prohibit- • Dr; Wood's is the original Pine S ru driven from the system uy using Era- ;ng .rgosters to that city. Hope their y p" And his Sock worthless, Every farmer in this country has a It is put up -in a yellow wrapper; three place for Sheep, some perhaps only grant.,: healing' Catarrhozone, egal rooster ticks, pine trees the trach mark,. lt�n the price for liftothers for 1.000. The remotest parts of the lungs and t y, ' air- passages often contain germs of ]lave You ever -thought tigw quietly Lb cants, '!'here are many imitations of catarrh and consumption which can- =hr Poultry business Is conducted? "i?r,-tiVood's." so be sure you receive the Sheep need a change of pasture, not be reached by the ordinary treat- ,)up billion dollars` Worth of, products .genuine when you ask for it, Change thew often from one. place to meat, but the searching vapor of Ca- -urued out without the screech of it Manufactured •only by The -T, Milhtartl another; putting them where it needs. tarrhozone carries its antiseptic heat- �bSstla or Clang of hammer! Oh, you C°•• Limited, Toronto, Out., ciean)rig up. Ing power right to. these isolated spats:• toil -noise crusadg, aren't we It? A "!poll regulated floc So thoroughly does Catarrhozone: k should be - reach all diseased surfaces that i# £he Uhio supreme Court declares„ an dipped at least oats •+.,year. It a