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Clinton New Era, 1910-03-03, Page 2
It The 011 tom Now Zra r, . _ ` .10i I. I '' .iI Troubled With, TH SUNDAY SCHOOLI �tr�� Backache For r►■ : art axed :pje,, o � I tai S• ,x w' om i Lesson X.�-First Quarter, For 6 : Ipletely Cured '. M1l. . . .�'hq Ciel of -,,.�� ;' arch 6, 01.>Jie and the world. lies with you ; DOAN'i3 � KIDNEY PITrLS. speak the truth .and you do it alone, ' Mrs. V. C. Doerr, 13 Brighton St,, THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. iGondan, Out., wriiea;- ' It ]s vvrth ellIC11 adache.and'rclie11 venil tiYe tr4naleslncl. A'vlrtuolis. profession has been vied- pleasure- that I thank you for the good -" Alt to bill ouR state oY the System, encu as icated. The l7:noiUna ti Inj,uirer has our Doan's Kodne Pils have done me, 'text of theLesson, Matt, viii 2-17. DizsincN Nausea, D6 "a, esa ll" reel atter discovered Lhat"there are fewer news. FaEln , Pain to the Side hC, ' t K Viiltiletheirinopt Have been troul,leil with backache for (Vlemor Verses, 2, 3 -Golden Text, iCpnatlEa410auccees;xndbeci{ ahpwttincarinp RZt#lermen In flys penitentiary thag gears. Notb4ng helped me until a friend y an ,other class. brought me a box of your Kidney Pills, Matt, viii, 17 -Commentary Prepared y 81 -OK At least on the farm veli can steal I began to take them'and took four boxes, 6y Rey, [. M. $learns, an egg occasionally when the hen is and am glad to say that I sin cured en D , Scofield save !n 1s 'n to n lleadacbe, yet' Carter's 11ttlo Liver Plil� are not looking. tirely and can do all my own work and r. Sc d li notes o egaslly valnablein.Constippationt,,curingannapro. Some people are horn house -hunt tr, feel: as good as I used to before taken sick, these chapters that the King, having in cometlldiaordner ofih© tl tu%e 7htimthey'd Borne achieve house-hyntin and ore I am ositive poan's Kidne Pills are chapters, v-vil declared the Anel lea s a, a n atotha g, s 1? y P P p Ilverandregulatethebowvels. Nvenifthey.1V have high rents thrust upon them, all you elrrim.them to be, and I advise of the kingdom. makes proof 1n Cha tCtiral all kidney sufferers to give them a fair p' Wild oats and grass widpyt!s-are trial!' ters vill and ix .of his power to banish H E D often afl}nitiea. Let Doan's Kidneyfills do for you from the earth the consequences of Aebotheywoulclbealplostpricipleestothosewho A man may conscientiously boycott what the have done for thousands of tin and to control the elements of loa- .neer from thisilistresetngcomplaint; butfortu. beef, but why should he doom his un- others. They curl all forms of kidney lure. •8e also says that t word mately their goodnessdoesnoteadhere,andthose fortunate dog to. fried pine combs or trouble and the cure to stay cured: o ys t he w r who once try themviilfindtheselittlepillsvila- Y )' ,� able in eo many wa •s that Chop Will not be = stewed prunes ? Price, 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for Lord in verse 2 Is used 662 times la ung todriwtthonttrhem, Bntafteralleicl[held The°modern way is to marry at leis $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on 'the New Testament as the divine title ure and divorce in haste,; • receipt of price by The T, Milburn Co., of Jesus the Christ and is equivalent - Limited; Toronto, Ont. When you begin to take things Phil ° „ , „ to the title "`4dgnal" in the Old '1'esta- When ordering specify Doan B, 7a the bane of so Ynany liven that here is where osophieally you. are settling down. inept (Matt. Ili, 3; iv, 7, IQ; xsil, 43,45). we mak eourgreatboast, ourpillscurottwine In the social swim the water ;is In future when quoting from these Otheredo not. never as fine as it looks. pole$ from tits new edition Of the Bi, Carlota aLittle Liver ort are very small and The Plumber bre I will give his initials, Q, 1, S, . veto easy t take. Oneor two pie make a dose. A woman will tell you she dresses to They era etby vegetable and de not gri or. lease•her husband even thpti h he ' In speaking of a kiligdora the Spirit pnr og ,but by their gentle action pilease•al�W48 :+ R (After Longfellow) g Q nee them, wears ,every time she'"buys a new .�___ says through the prophet, `"The iuhab- J OOHT>481imi0Il1T>d co., ItiA TA1ri. dress. Beside the leaking bathroom tap. pant shall not say I am sick; the pea hd��,��yy �1,,,,,�� * (1�,�� The bions rnoon is over when a man The local plumber stands : ple that dwell therein shall be forgiven f18ii ba Y�, Ji�I . UN and his wife cease to be lovers and be+ The plumber, lazy man is he, their iniquity;' "They shall obtain joy ' come candid friends. With large. and rim hands ; gladness, „ g B y and and sorrow and sigh. The falsehood of today is often the And the puzzle is, the toga he does, Ing shall See away (Isa. axxiii 24 - The New Ira truth of to -morrow.. The more his bill expands. xsxv. 10). The kingdom of heaven, no - to published;everyThursday at When a woman makes a show of Week in, week out, all day to eve, herself it isn't alwayr4 a comedy. I can hear each hammer -blow, cording 'to Dan, it, 49,. being at hand the NEw ERA Printing House, I can hear him flip his tools about in the person and presence of the king, When Desire calla upon a pretty 8 as dbciared b John the Baptist, Jesus leeec i3TIi>3liiT CLINTON. young matron, his card always bears a From my sitting -.room below,, y Terms of subscription -$1 pei' year flctitioui name, And he "eps on ringing the bedroom I;<imself and the apostles (Chapters Ili, belie, 2; tv, 17; r, '7, the King declares His n advance; $1.50 may be charged if The man who is liberal in 'his views 8o the floor is up, I know, power by a manifestation of . several not so paid. No paper discontinued seldom lets it affect hie pocketbook. until all. arrears are paid, unless at the He comes each morning to the house features of the kingdom. As "wo con option of the publisher. The, date to A popular Lenten diversion is play- With one --or two small boys ; template the righteousness of the kin which ever subscription is idia de- ing diabolo with the; commandments ; y y p pa the rest of the year the world -forgets A,nd when iiia tools are ant of reach dem as set forth in chapters v to vii voted on the label. all but the eleventh one. One hears his raucous voice and then the actual condition of things Advertising rates, -Transient adver- Shouting for what he may require, i tisements 10 cents - "' -'~--- as they are about us in the world it 1s per nonparel. line h And it makes one s heart rejoice.. `or first insertion and 3 cents per line �er�t Q pp certainly a coming down to a much .11 for each subsequent insertion. Small A tluttVl er Spoiling, rejoicing; soldering •- lower level, but it Is to lift people up F. advertisements not to exceed one Inch Not where the leakage slows; , by the power of the King and ills uch as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," W TIi1'CC YCOM Each morning sees•the;job begun, - k'ingdom, and the• multitudes are ready te, inserted once for 35 cents, or one East h evening,goodness knows, . monthfor$1.Communications intended Something attempted, nothing's donel to hear of such a kingdom. Every But Realth Wilda Completely Be. At six o'clock he goes form of physical sufferfli is' suggestive for publication tiaust, as a guarantee of stored by Dr. Williams' Pink g g good faith, be ace6mpanied by the _ mills► , Thanks to thee, unworthy friend„ ' of some disease of the soul, but noth� same of the writer. And the mesa that thou hast ing is quite so strikingly suggestive'of To insure publication in current Extreme anguish ; pains in the wrought, yin as leprosy, which Is so fully describ• 11 .ld agate copy of advertisements should be joints that all but drive one :crazy- They're ruined, oup.hot water pipes, ed in Lev, xill and xiv, Sin is at the sent in early. thus may inflammatory rheumatism And new ones must be bought, root of all our troubles, Can this rudit 11 Contract rates - The tollowingtable be described. The victims are to be Bather! Confound! 1-I cannot shape shows our rates for specified periods pitied -to them life is. one long tor- Each burning word and thought. who in SIs teaching claims to be (rod Slid space.do anything with leprosy? This leper 1 r. 6mo. 3mo, lmo � ture ; they suffer by day and cannot .,----.- y sleep by night. Such was the condi• .. „ V believes that He can, but is not Certain 1 Column $7500 $4000 $2500$1000 A Now TO Tragedy. � - that He will. 'How.the reply of Jesus tion of Miss Alida Mercier of Ottawa, } Column 4000 25 UO 1500 600 Ont, For three years alis was a vier t 'r must have filled him with an Inde- } Column 25 OOi 15 00 800 3.00 rim of this trouble and found no relief smith liked to study 'how to' booka,to scribable o it �" I} Column 1800 1000 550 200 till she began using ori Williams' add unto his knowledge- joy, I will; be thou clean, Inch 600 350 200 00 g g Put these words came with the touch Pink Pills. She says :- "For three On how to shat a on railroadltrains,and of Jesus, and with the touch fwd the Contract display advertising °lOc .per years I was a sufferer from inflanlma how to sidestep college, inch, Per issue. . tory rheumatism., During. that tune And how to make the hen game pay, words-eatnei the ' elearising and the i.I consulted and was treated' b some and howU-writeshnrt stories; - --health immediately,- anti- the :outcast W. H. KERB &SON y And how to raise rhze cabby es , ' of the best doctors in our city, ,but i it B ,ana ebuld, return to' his home and friends -_ found no relief in their treatment. I also morning-glories its a well man. That he may not CLINTON �% began to despair of ever tieing well The latest of tbese,wondrous works on NEW ERA g p g which poor Smith has blundered think tbat bis healer is in any. sense again, when one day a friend advised „ Costtlytil v _ CQ ills _ �;iIR 03 Idoses h4'_ Is me to try Pr. VV illiams' Pink Pills. I Is now to Build a Bunp;alocv-for-Less THUR9DAY. MARCH 3, 1810, procured three boxes 'and by the time Than Seven Hundred." ., told to show himself to the prlest, and these were used there was enough ' offer the gift commanded. 1'Vell may improvement in• my condition to en, It asoma Jas a pent the book to Sfn. we slpg, "Unto Him that loveth_ us Liberals In Session - just as a passing favor, courage me • to continue their use.. For Smith was just about to build,and and hath washed us from ,our sins in Refer Back The - Three more boxes completely cured' "sought a money saver;1. II!s own blood:' • Quf stion Of A me and today I am as well as ever S I NowSmith has'sppent three thousand' His fame is spreading (are we helping Convention I was. I always keep a supply of Dr. flat andseeksstillmore toborrow to ma6e Him' known?), and now it is a - 'Williams Pink i Pills in the house nd: The. white the roofl a. bungalow 1 es0w;,looks centurion from Capernaum who- has a A Hearty Reception to Hon. bit Mac- � would recommend Ertl who auf%er as I• dike a haunt of sorrow;. did to give them a trial, Aad so, ahisl it comes . servant 'sick of the palsy;'.. grievously Kay -Hie Leadership is. Unanim It was the new blood'that Dr. Wil pass afriend- �ormeuted. Luke, who was a pbyst- ously Endorsed- Matters Pertain liams' Fink Pills actually made ' that By."gflw to -,Build aerBungalow fox elan, say's tbat .the.tugn was ready to ing to Party Organization. restored Miss Mercier to health and Less Than Seven Hundred," die, so ^that . he must have been very _ _ strength. There is no medicine to sictc. He also tells us that this sere= e al thein in making new Blood .and All the Liberal members from the � . ant was deal' unto him and- also that Legislature, representing ever int is way they cure anaemia,,rheu- g p g y part matism. heart palpitation, indiges- Sieh licadaelle first of all the;eldersbf the Jews came of the Province of Ontario, were pres- tion, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and _ to Jesus on his behalf, saying that the ent last Thursday afternoon at the man other troubles. -Sold b all Sour Stomach Heartburn Canker Sore centurion. w w meeting of the Provincial Liberal Con- y y 1 , , ce o as worthy, thin he loved dealers vention Committee, in the natters of in medicine or direct 50cents Mouth Cured by Mi-na the. Sews and had built them it syna- q a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Sick headaches are caused by indi gogue (Luke. vil. 1-5). Jesus knew the the General Reform A s o:lation. Mr D.r. Williams' Medicine, Oo., Brock- H M Mowat, K C., President of the gestion and a general diettirbed ,coni centurion, as. He knows :All men. * Reform Association, occupied the Ville, Ont, w • clition of. the stomitch.: need, no testi mon test moray from any one .on - chair and speeches were made by Utfre.thelindige tion,and.the head. . g 2 , ceruln anybody (John it. 2l, .5), rind b hems Mes Messrs O N 'mith P c sea r s b ex•M a a P.. Sault' A. Sensible Query. a + . he. ,burn, sour;etomach ' Q Y : a'. _, ,, He knew him to be: a _mala with °no Ste. Marie; J A Auld, ex -NI P P. 1 , and that all in feelin will vanish:. + i�tr, Aslinle,hr.-l,aot3utt Wince tald� a'. g thought•of bigownworthiness (verse'8 South Essex; A McNee, Windsor; J J oud story about his Mi-a-na tablets will' cure indigestion g going t� Irelan�, and Luke vil, 6, 7). IIB said, "I will Hunter, Kincardine; G G Miles 10- w any other stomach trouble. They' - ionto; R J McCormick, ex-.lI P Y., 11.,1 til`' hist time. 'As . suon as .f will relieve almost instantly.. W S R' come and heal .Aim,' ^and IIs ';vent East Lambton; Wm ick, e -M K O., 1 rnrled ill Ireland I attempted to, -loot Holmes has so touch faith in them wifh. them. AspHe neared the house. for traces of u.ne of my . ancestors,. M P P., Centra Huron; G E Gibbard, who ct,rnc trop, the extreme north �,) that he will giye you your money back the centurion �sgpt friendx to say that Toronto; 3 M Godfrey, Port Credit if they don t, y' ' irr•1und. lbleatfng an intclligalit look. Mi„o•na cores b he did not consider• him»elf worthy to J McDonald Mowat, Kingston; G M y making the atom• have Jesus enter under his roof; but, Bowman, M P P., North Bruce. ing lrishnlan, I inforiiied hint of my . 'ash strong enough to produce enough mission, saying that ply' ancestors inasmuch as he knew what it meant On motion of Mr O N .9mith of Sault gastric to digest all thefood you. Ste Marie and Mr J A Auld the follow r'lnlgr c,(1 lronl shunt th it spot. a want to eat. It promptly. puts now to obey and be obeyed, if Jesus would Ing resolution was carried. "That the hulutreryears ago and 1 -,vas tliere life and, energy into the.. overworked only say the word he was sure that trying to look then,• u,. He onswt•er• question of calling a Provincial cop- 1 and played•outwalls of the stomach. his servant would be Geared. Jesus vention be respectively o eferred back ed: ': Ye say your. ince.tors en„grat6d Use Mi o•na for a week, and you can marveled at the inan and said to those from a n our taY+ir about 11lut a hun(lica ve to the General Reform Association of d , ar, eat what you want any time you who followed, "Verily I say unto you, Ontario for further consideration." ago', i hip wwhy are .ya loakilig foI want it, and take.pleasure in doing it, I have not found 'so This resolution will r e taken up at the tiu•Ix, 'here?" Your blood witi be. richer, redder, 'not in Israel" (verse 10). el3iswoat rd for annual meeting of the General Associ- purer after taking Ml-o-ua, and . it floe centurion was, "`As thou Gast bete ation, which meets in September. Holland Customs. • . only costs 50 cents a large box, Matters pertaining to party organ;• Hoiland has some pnduliar customs; �� Frank- Oke, St Thomas, Ont., says: lieved, so be it done unto thee," and nation were also discussed, and 1►1r F In many town:; bulletins are affi-;tYc My wife was troubled with indiges• those who had been.sent, returning to G Inwood. General Secretary of the to the doors of houses in which her, tion fora number of years: We tried the house, found the servant whole. Reform Association was instructed to sor,s arc sick in order. that their a number of preparations to. no effect. Such faith -on the part of a gentile led report the proceedings of the come' trlends may be 1 Finally she began to use Mi -o -no and the' Lord Jesus to speak of the king - y apprised of the slate mottee meeting to the various riding of their, health without knocking or 'has been entirely relieved of all these nt, h` 111 many n 'it associations dom x r w is a e t es from ou thr Gout t y g the roubles i'rovi c I can confidentially1. g n e, on denti ' I all roc m• rY child and in 1'nced cni the birth of mend Ali-o:na."., y all the world will enter, while many ' The meeting, which. was a most en- a child i:: announcer] by nie"ms 'ai a who thin!: .they ,are' entitled to the thusiastic one, brought out an attend• small placard adorned whir red silk ` : ante of about sixty persons. The and lace. I . • kingdom will be shut out'by their un - 0 eeches were especially optimistic. - ' - .belief. . Hon. AG•MacKay received a most '��� hearty reception, and his leadership was strongly and unanimously en. u dorsed, D.1 eS e T a,te Coughs Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need it regu- lar medicine, a doctor's medi- cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about Ayers Cherry Pectoral. We pnbneh our rorffiniia PWe banish alooltel ibom our medicines w . ur • oq t r to eonra2 Auer t o` ar Any good doctor will tell you that a medl. bine like Ayers Cherry Pectoral cannot do its best work If the bowels ttre con. stipated. Ask your doctor if he for anything better than Ayers Pills for cor• recting this aluggislttless of the liver. «-lt d• ty tea r.0. 4$80 Oa.. lawan. Atfisj -** 'ii 11,Iaf n"t totes votou at We have to thank the Japanese for Menthol which .when applied in Davis' Menthol Salve is unequalled to soothe and heal insect bites and stings and sunburn, etc, 25c, a tin at drugg- ists. . Poorly Paid Toymakers. The toymakers of Sonnebilrg are among the worst paid work people in Germany. It often happens y pp s tba t the earnings of a Sonneberg workman and his family, working sixteen hours a day, do not exceed $2.40 a week.. About three years ago there was an. exhibition of home industries in Per- lin where nalcles from Sonneberg were displayed, the making of which was paid for at. the .rate of 4 cents an hour. IN'timerous instances are on record of children after school hours working six hours at a stretch color. In; and polishing the heads of dolls for a pittance of 1?'+ cents an hour. The told Major. It was the custom 300 year;: ago to n .c }lase British sh arnl y calrltnTti;:iolts for newly -born babica, their raill: pr,'/. t.r rsing as opportuniiy WTUrred. One of tlrl,se fortunate infants 1vvs till, ,son of :lir William' TJrineynlan, f)rle (laly a callor lward' Larly ITono.villgll shout from her bpdrootn,door : "Jopil, yvllat's the matter? What's all that e1'yinc; in thr1, t,uI'sery?" And Scan rtr;";U ,r("f: "Oh, Inv lady, tloerc's naetllirl r tla„ ftlatter. It, only the moist (stili I infaxlt} cryi le lot llii> parriteh," The Oldest, Game of*Ball: Court tennis is the oldest game of ball that we have -that is to say, it goes back further in.its present form than any .other. . Gaines of ball of some kind go back so far that there is no truce of their beginning.innIn g. In theirsimplestt form the ball w hr i as thrown from oneman to an- other. If we carry process . rocess .one step further and imagine the ball, or whatever stood in its place, to be hit bac t t hand stead of help caught with he h nd Int and thrown we have at once handball, theoriginal of all games like tennis, racket, etc. Indeed, the trench name • for . tennis remains paume to this day, because the ball was struck with the palm of the hand. Superstitions 'About Sneezing. Xenophon, Prometheus, Thelmisto. cles and Cicero regarded a sneeze as a favorable omen., among the Hindus and Persians, however, sneezing and yawning were asevibmt to demoniacal possession. `Cllr• Hindu snaps his thumbl huger repeats and fin 1 incl r cats tht, t. p name of one of lihi gods, The Mos- Inns bolieve that tho devil may Ieap into a gaping mouth, and hence when he, yawns lia .(li,atw•;, the back: of his hand "over his mouth and mutters this prayer: "I seek rolugo with Allalt from Satan, thr acauNvd." "')Che D. Sk L-" tm ultdott is tak n with the�ggreatest benefit by those guff- ering wi„ h Lung troubles with tend• eney to hemorrhages. 'A few bottles taken rbgulal ly makes a 9%onde>rful Improvement, , n ,,w A,.,,oa,;;;i,!,",,a ti .,..a.:fwr''1 The next instance of His po iver -ls iu the house --of Simon Peter, whose wife's mother is sick of a fever, but iust the touch of. His, hand dispels the *Most casesof•ialn ass are due solely to neglect, The hair ' often becomes dry and dandruff forms because u the hair glands do not supply enough • uat- ural oil. Nothing overcomes this deficiency so effectively as that delicately perfilmed, re- freshing hair pomade, Bearine. ,,.void baldness; appl�_ Bearine to your hair occasionally. All. druggists 50 cts. a jar. . 1. s� y"E� DAM . N A thick adhesive oiniment, combined with Japauesc Menthol and vaseline, two of the most wonderful healing•dt=8 known. It soother,; healsancl tends to t•estoa•e those who suffer front Plies, Cordehe, IRhett-• t11ratIstn. Chfafir,g. irritated and other Skin troubles. t The Werd "Salve" Hternlly tht4ns be welt n geed Il ,altll. Try Davis' Menthol StIve and you will be relieved, 0 Att 1`leaters. DAVIS do LAWir1♦NC1t co,,. hiontrcal. DYSPEPTIC Food. hoes You No good' iia f the tingle you're afrald to set; yrour tan'guc 1s coated, mouth tasters bad, stomach is bloated, Xf 3,ou vuant to get well, stop using dystpepsla tab- lets, and go to the source of t210 trou- ble before it is too late•. Btrerrgthen your stomach, cast out the bile, "911 - late the bowels -do thSs, and daywel)- sfa will be no more. For your condition the best preserlp- tion Is; lir: HamiltoWs Pills, which aro made specially for the stomaehl kid- neys and liver. No better Tem'edy wdll; bi: devised,`far 1DIt Hamiltons Pills arra Perfect. DR. HAMILTON'S FILLS A SURE CURB "No one could realize my sufferiue from stomach trouble and indigestion For five years I have not beerr Well. . My food did me no good, because covAdn't digest or assimilate. My doe•• tvr said constipation was, ar'the root o may trouble, so I got Dr. Hamilton' Pills. Aly appetite Improved,pain alae eating ceased, and my food, digesste rluickly. I am delighted with the thor•+ oug+h cure I d'erlvetd from lir. Iiamid- ton's Pi11s. "(Signed') I%IAR'T'IN I✓. WAT.Ii:ER, "Bridgewater:" ,Quick results attem-d the use of Dr. Il'anlil�ton's fills; this medicine cure all trouble in the stomach and diges• live organs by rean'ovin�g the cau.w-, rover, and she is seen ministering untd them. .Sin paralyzes our bodies or con• sumes them with burning, destroying desire, but He who takes away the re- sult of sin by being, made sin for us can also deliver from every manifesta. tion of sin to the Intent that we play minister unto HIM. At even He cast out evil spirits from many with H word and healed all tbai were sick and thus fulfilled a word,in• Isaiah, "Him.' self took our infirmities and bare out sicknesses" (16. 1,i. . It is often asked, Is the health of the body included to the atonement? We reply 'that; the same great sacrifice which takes away' our sins makes ua sure of a perfect body just like Hie 11 risen body, which shall never again' be weak- or sick or old or die, but that will be in :the kingdom. All of Hie power Which is seen in bixlles now is lnrr n foretaste of that which will bt fully spf�n when He comes.. Have a Cough, If YOU Have Lung Troubles, Havg�Lost Flesh, Ate'Threatcned with Con. sumptlon. Tay •r el ��M-4 ff . • I art) - trradoN, I. Miss Clark, Supt. Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, writes they Lave used it with the - est results. + 50c. and $11.00 Bottles; - DAV1s & LAWIZ414CJr CO.,'Montteal. vn. per marriage the Batlan' pUSt'r .office pays -every airl in, its e111ploy a .dowry amounting to one month'.s stip ary. for every year of service on ;her record.`, Though the dowry, may Ila'• exceed he 5 f • e t um a s full current �. y e 111 . rein ineratioii, it foequeIntly. amount: tca some $2Gp ar $.'250, tYlJ(I liv case ha: roclentiy Occurred in which the. gift • figured at no lc,'•s th-in 1,405: . You needn't lose y our;; hair. ' )Hear. We (the genuinobear's grease.pomade, in time and save'.it.. 56c. a jai. �. A Counts -irritant. •'rltho ughmyftta• is a1i :nvaii d,' !;rid 111,iss flowoll he takes li deer nteltat.in iuy mu�,.cal educl;tion. iii ulw .3" (111C0111"Mr.'s lllt' to j)nlczicu 111, songhig at honk, evoll k'hln hC'b• lr gl;tat7 It Bain. ."Well," ell, ' t fpiied'. N17iss Cutting, ""t?'lei. 'do say that nrir; I'11111 be zneds' to •fol• 'get, a great pail, 1),V -ii, greatnr'. one." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S . •. . CAS,TCJlA Noxa 10, d sol�,..-.� - none day. 25c, a• bottle at a1lsDtV' g Stores. . Shorthorns for Sale. Three young bulls. frow 9 t 20 mo1)tb9, old, 2 reds and 1 roan.. A few good helfers, all slzos. by Duke of Rfemond also fouroun York. Y g shire Bows; dub in April, and some'small pigs, Call and see them before you buy. tf E H WISE, Clinton House and hot for Sale. r"-. The convenfently-located house, next to T. Murphp's, Rattenbury street, containing nine rooms. The house, is a recently re -built one, altaa in excellent repair, A good, new stable on the premises; Apply to A, SEELEY. house for Sale, � T good two frame boa" A g d tot w story Y se, contain Ing eight rooms also summer kitchen lar. tvoodehed and cod cel One'quarter g . O carter q bore of land. Apply to Miss Stirling, Mill Street. . Notieer All persons delirous of beooming bub- soribers to the Goderich Township Tele phone System must send in ,their applies tions in writing to the Secretary, W, Jen king, Holmesvilia, on or before the first day of April 1010, G Hollbnd, Pres. . `V Jenkins, Secy rl Dissolution of Partnership p Notice iwhereby given that tho part= nersbrp heretofore existing betwveon Silas Dads and Raglan Rowland, tin- der the name and style of .Davis & Rowland, Hardware Dealom, at the town of Clinton, Ontario, is by mutual 'consent dissolved. The business will be continued at the same place by It. Rowland, who is responsible fol all li&4 bilities and to whom all accounts must be paid. • S. DA.•'V'I%, R. ROWLAND, AiiATe""rCC elinton, Feb, Otho 1910, jr,A 114IT � Ord, hill ' LuDDIng Isargains s X Hamilton's r d PRO t ION - ---• '. Below will be found d list of ilapers W. ,I3JRyJ>o14 b. n` T Which will be clubbed with 13.A6RISM SOT.rTpITOii VOTAR The Clinton NEW ERA rUS14101 ETC. " Blyth y ` . ar,INTON For the year 19`1910, These prices are lrix:stooa tales ## specir+ls�. "..'ers at &I N'rcw Fatty office; aUnton, r -hten .w«�- for cash with order. OURR.LES D, itliRLE The NEw BILA and Weekly Mail and Empire, one year ...>$i.i55 itli'AL h;ST'ATE ANl l 1N8UItAN(lB. ' NEW L''11A and Weekly Olobe Huron St,. Clinton. for ................... ......ffi1.1515 ' "' '• Family H. & W. Star ..1.80 " `" Weekly Witness . . _ ......1.80 .. „ .. Sun..............I.80 - N. T, R. -,I-'1 N C E. " " " Advertiser , 1.80 Nota Public, Notary b ' , Conveyancer, " " " Free Press . .x,175 Financial and Ileal Estate,. . " " Farmers Advocate and home Magazine ..2.30 INSURANCE AGENT -,•Representing l4Eire ra. surance Companies. "' " and Canadian Farm (the new farming journal.•... 1.50 Division Court office. NEW BnA andDadvpNe+ws,Torouto 2.251 it if „ it Star •" 4.25 ,« " Globe 4.50 Mn �t�� Medit.-al 6$ .f ,. „ Mail " 4.50 World „ 3.25 DR 1-, W. Tl41OXV SOIK. «, ,. ,a t« Free Press Lpn• ' , don.. Ilcian. Burgeon." Ete eoecisl attention given to diseases of the ..........3.25 Eye. Ear. Throat. and Noss. ' Seed Orders to Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glaaselt The Clinton New Era, . proscribed. Office and.- Residence. ° ClilltOn, Ontario Two doers west of the Coii,llaereial metal 6.10 .. $oron at. ,; ' ' For •Headaches ' Dr. W. Q; nn; " Dr. W. �lwy Z, it. C, P.. >4. >Z C. 8., 1Ldl*• . Caused by sick stomach, ill- Of loo -Ontario street, Clinton.. Night a" at. front,40q st offtce or reeldenoe. Auttenour regulated bile, sluggish bowels, nervous strain or overwork, cries hems as spiral -1 to s p.=1, 7 to 9 u.ta the safest and surest remedy is 0""J. W. SHAW: ' BesidPHYSICIAN, ECHA, SURGEON. Ceotfebeur, etc., office and residence on tenbnry st ,,ounoeite w. Farr an's. r ence, FILL - DEL F, , AXON -AXONDBNTIST . . Sold Everywhere., In Boxes sS cents. Clown and Bridge Work a Specialty:.! Graduate of C.C.lj,S.. Chicago, and R.O,D:S.. ' Toronto. , Baytteld on Mondays, May Ist to Decev0er Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table. • DD• g• FOWLEXt . London, Hiiron and Bruce, iIDENT11ST. . N��°°rth Passenger pfilaes over O'NEIL'8 sore. Special care.taken to inane dental treat. Londbn. depart..... 8.30 a m 4.50 p .m^ mens as painless an posdible. • Centralia , . ... 9.40 5.43 . ' Exeter .............. 953 5.54 - =- . laenaali............. loos. 6,05 Kippen . ... . 10.16 6.11 ^ THOMAS. GUNDRY Bruoefield .. ,.. , ,. 10.30 6.19 Live stock and general Auction tem ,-- Londesbton ,.11.05 Londesboro «. 11;1>4 6.35 6.52 �GODERICH ONT Blyth y ` . ,1,1.27 7,00 lrix:stooa tales ## specir+ls�. "..'ers at &I N'rcw Fatty office; aUnton, r -hten Belgrave ....... , „ 11.40 1.13 WVVY, d • to. Terms reasonable. Fern Wingham, arrive... '11.50.. 7.35 sat. air n .discounted South Passenger _ . Wingliam, depart., 6.43 a m 3.33 p m G. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggas Bergs. ............ Blyth 7.08 7.08 3.44 3.56 N crag ar ............... Londesboro... :..... Clinton ............. 7:16 750 4.04 423. ' ]BA11iICLRS ' Bracefield .......... 8.12 4.39 AT.BERT ST CLINTON Kippen .. . Hensall.. . ., Exeter..:.... 8.23 _ 8.32' •4.47 .. 452 : Grentf•ral •Banking Buninetls ' . transneted . Centralia ....... .. 8.48. 9.00 5.05 '5.15 . London; arrive..:., .' 1000 6.10 NOTES D113COUNTED _.., y�Bl7ffat]'o and taoderich - --_ .._ . Drafts iesn-.._.,.lntex. Wallowed._on: West . Passenger . deposits.___.1_1.-1 a in p m pin pin . Stratford... ,:...10.00 12.20 v 25 10.20 The.. McKillop 1Kutua�f Mitchell. ..10.22 12,45 5.55 10.47 �IP� �lriSLtrdP. Seaforth......... 10.45 1.10.' 6.18 11.12 Insurance Co. Clinton ......... 11,07 • 1.25 6.40 11.23 Farm and isolated Town Profen Holmesville ...11.16 1.8.3 6 46 'I1,38 erty Only Insured, . •Goderich.......,11':3a 1.50 7:05 1L55 East Passen er . .. OFFICERS. 1 am ni m J. B, McLean, President, Seaforth- ' Goderich . .... 7.10 240 p4•.50 _Jas. Connolly, . Vine Pres., Goder ch Holmesville.. 7.26 2,57 5,06 Thos. E. _Nays, •Sea..Treasa, Seaforth Clinton.............. 7.35 3 M 5.15 DlkECTORS. Seatorth .......... 7,.52 3.23 5.32 res. Connell I3oim sv'lle Mitchell . .... 8.16 348 5.55 y+ e 1 , John Stratfora............ 8.10 4.15 6.20 Watt, -Harlock; G. bale, Clinton; M, Chesney, Seafoxth; J. Evansi Beech. woon,J. G, Grieve;'Winthrop, J,, Be d- For r'ntneweis, • Brodha en, M. llcEva Clinton. Each Director is inspector of losses to Fafm o DclIts • his own locality. • -- AGENTS. • ,.on the ond.ConeeS;Oon; H R S., Tuckersmitb, „ ' Io9 acies llossesatoa A aril � lst •191o. Win ro Rslht. ,5nuth •, .1larlo%l, .>;d; Hinchie ... for•one real only. ApP]Y to Lhv1-6R0i1G: rout Seafoilh; -fames• .Cummin ' E' . T' tf, Steelton, out. ville; r: W. yeo, Iiolmrrgville� gmonds F�irlli 110 !tent . Payments may' be made at Tozer & Brown s, Clinton, or to R,. 1J. Cutt, The O'stratim farm, Lot 28,9th Con. of Goderich Goderich. Tp., 80 act -es is offered'to rent. Apply to I - JOSH GOOX, or to • MRS, J. HALSTEAD ; - 011nton . . -tf - - Qodericll. JACO B . . V�JL7 .TAYLOR TO Ftenf... CiLINTON _ r � . . The Dra',er r l farm ots 53 4 a 1 6 6v nd 66 M i - at Fir Fire, Li fe an d land Con.. G AC a C odori'eh Tp,, consisting of 2G0 acres. � Cldent For partriCnlars. applY . to Vl', BRYDONE, Insuralice if. C1intDn. . For Sale. Real; estate bou>ilht aatl bald' I Money to loan .On RagJan St.: 'Clinton, near the Collegiate . Institute, the residence of Mr. J. Houston. Two. • storey brick house, 'with conservatory, largo Office Issac Street, nex door to New '� lawn, fruit trees, (apple, pear,, cherry: peaeb. Era plum, berry bushes', eto.).Houso pnYxay be soon by applying to' Difss Jennie .Holmes. For terms, ^- ° _� . write to J..HOUSTON, 34 f3arsravc l:t.,.Wfu- niveg. , . . ti I.I.I For Sale or' hent•r-.. a _;u-•-_-�. ' In Hoimesvills, -of-au-acre of 'land; witb .s ti good frame house of seven rooms, back kiteheu, �• wood -shed and stable, and a large frame build•' . Ing -having been used as a chopping mill. Plenty ` of good water. Possession any time after the , 10th of November. Apply to P. POTTOR, luCtion SRI ,� .. Huron Road Every SATURDAY at rthe 'AUCTION HOUSE. . GODERICH. Sales conducted anywhere, any ``� time. Merchandise. real estate, livestock, etc. For iJal r G. W. BE ORETT, Auetionoer, +. -%- Phone 308 Box 183, Goderich, Out The w lot 24, in the II 3 e Ba old Concession, Y ea o Tp, 1 r cf odeaio 100 a • G h Clea more Or les s, 8v acres ■ ``�T cleared and finder cultivation, the balance bush D N lf•T1�ry V1\ and pasture land ; good clay loam; log house D. • . ` and large e barn fram r on the premisoo. This is a fine stook faun. Apply to W. SCOTT, Bruce- Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. field, or JOHN MCCOY. 46 Icing St.,' E„'• Correspondence promptly answered. immed- Hamilton, fate arrangements for sale dates can be made- i by balling at the NEW ERA office, or with Fran* Watson, atMCEWWsgrocerY. Ohargw moiler-. Sale. aro and satisfaction guaranteed Farm for baler SUNNY BRAE 100 acre farur for sale, being ��J WATTS S Lot 14. Con. G Morris 1 it a U. Tf AT ■ R� O 3 Mo Ys township, 8v acres � lr, �V� Cleared, balance In bash. to the farm o a are still in the shoe re repairing 'business good two-storey Dement cottage, noariv now; p g cement bank barn WxW feet; 1„ acres -orchard:; and>earry a great variety of stock, thus good well: seri 9 Creek crossos corner of fatal. Spe are -able to do all repairing withoutPosaosfion 1faroh Ist. Fait plowing don,. miles from Brussels 7 to annoyancel t. sd Ir too dela and to Out' customers sobeol. Farm is in load state, of cuitivat'lon. ' A triol will convince y o u of our, For furthor partleulars apply on the premises, or tx F. S. SCOTT, Brussels. ALEX. NICHOL, promptness and the neatness pf Dur-, Prop., lirnesols P.0. work. Boots made y toorder. _A t, - - -Opposite Post Office Kidney and Liver Medicated Pads To our Lonflesboro C'tlsto11 brs -That all repairs left at Mr It. a s e Adams CureallI:idnevnudLTrinaty p p �weak,+ess, l :•Pins in back, Lunlba. store or at the est orrice will have m t ;•o,Rbeunu le,Neural;;i:t. n]iLi- best attention and can be left and call - 4, "ger and ltouracb colmplaints, All ed for at any tune. Give no a Call, 1.011:110 weasaess, 13aintul and i 11 irregular periuds.. 1Qen, Woiticu $ � and Childien ams hmefitted alike. W. r ♦ WATTS i T C SON e...+'.. ' � Vrice one pair ow, dollar, nut . toquicr.lyintrodueewill mall with • rat order r e '' v e ' order t)ne P8t pre tliatis two pairs u -ecelpt of this advertisnlen t and ono dollar. Ordfr For Sale . o•day tibia cheap and tellable treatutehht. 15 * _ ' Iddt'ess--T"E MEDICATED PAD COMPANY Two cottages, an aoto Mud r quurtor ot. o t'ICrOittA Avib" WIND403t, ON'r., CANADA lend, apply to Jno I30weook, 1slondesiloro,• '01