Clinton New Era, 1910-02-03, Page 6,0 .. F6.3rd, 1914 .M.,., ..,..�.� AAN!♦. _ _ �'►AAAN �NN�taiNlAl!IN $ADUKE OF M01009AW OEAM, 1 as an THE BEST Mq • t Cured Hi --^—'.,• Weighod 12 5 Lbf - '. - _- I tl- , � - Noted Bowery Tou$h Was Ones Prow Dawns Now Welghe Isis. At One Time He Was Mora Uasfni p �+�r /� e�r,y r inept Canadian. Than OrnamenUL ►�+ 1r# a �I1%L�ll Wm. Binning:, known fn �t11e Bore• N.B.; Da Saw know bow "ilea bract mau," Come to This t0�'Or Your Mrs, M. McGann, Debec Junction, cry lodging hcusea as the Auks of writes -.---$,I wish to tell �yyou what Mil- who plays so Important a .part its 1 t. Qatharigee, seised to !ore b ackache,, indigestion, Montreal,,, a tall, handsome man of burn's Heart and Nerve 7'illp have done riagea that have an11 y prcteaae to be cliSee. 1 4 acid kidney and liver trouble. Juat yon try commanding presence, although show- for me. Three years ago I wap 0o run fashionable, once nine a time in $we- av,s mown one hoz and proud this,aseertlon. Pr:ce ins unmistakably the rnarka of yeah down. I could not do my own work- den occupied s poeigoii that was par ii . Jewelry rryy of dissipation, was found dead in his went to a doctor, and he told me I fpr as well :as ornamental? relief ; #iter . pElg 2s- •celits a box. $ve for one dollar.. For bed in the Vigilant hotel, a lodging heart trouble and that my nen'ea were all , In olden days the liwedidit �xlda` k'1 is exp 8p r.-,. sale at all leading,chemiste. house at 1'19 Bowery, New York, re- unstrung. I took his medicine, as be nom found it desirable, in tact. t* . Gently, His death was undouuttedlly ordered me to do, but it did we no gam- . ' - the result of hard drinking, j v I then started to take. Milbura's heart have several "best men" to defend H�N�AAANAMNAtr$ *to ills downfall from a gentleman's estate . and Nerve Pills, and had only taken one him from, the assanita of rivals and 1 came from the same cause. box before I started to feel better, so I prevent them from carrying away his • 7 tent#Cued life `tiara sappnire, rrosted From #rienda whc had known him continued their use until I bad taken bride, The Sgandinavian warrior or • ems 1111, iC;e a specialty of 01 T and Clouded like the ruby, for `scion- in better days, it was learned that he several boxes and I am now strong� _and —9 tifically the ruby is nothing but a , ancient times was far too lofty in h14 # • I sap bice, Sapphires of a still was born in Stirling, Scotland, 61 well, and able to do my'own work ' liVhen ideas to condescend to pleats for a mil �y • p years ago. His family was a good i commenced takkig your pills I weighed maiden's hand. So be p>ttieutlt! wait- _ Watch h nd Gloclt F D*t4TR1iCT more ordinary gnalEty are a pale blue, one, and he received a first class qdu- 125 pounds, and now wei h 18,5 and have Z ,�iA,"]KIP'd with a hoary appearance, Their price g given birth to a lovel y g g + ' " cation, finally bele graduated with y Dun dao hter, ed until some other man, w o was is insignificant, honors from Edinburgh University. which was a happy thing in the family. roots gallant had obtained the lair AN p%, S t'AR,TER "The hardness and density of the After leaving the university he went When I commenced taking Milburn's .ones consent. • . q { sapphire is the same as that of the to Canada and obtained a junior Heart and Nerve Pills, I could not go Then when an the details had been ' e of-Fcesidentof ruby, to which'fam y it belongs. It clerkship in the Bank of Montreal,, upstairs without resting before I got to nicely arranged the pibnd warrior, p the to I can now g P y with a body of well trained retainers, AA�AAAANNAAiNAAAMlAAAAAAAaNA*ANA****+***i"00006 W seal Qany of Sarnia-• is very easily imitated by synthetic Binnings rose rapidly and soon p o u without an sapphires or by doublets, which 0100 tCse Including Perth Naw exhibit the tone of the sapphire very commanded a large salary. But he trouble," . hashed. down on the wedding para* ' t .in Plait—Larger Scheme , closely, had formed drinking habits and at The p,•ice of Milburn', Heart a d Nerve enough, carried awa,T' • "As already stated, there ars many last lost his position. Then he re- pills it 50 Dente per box, or $ xes for and+ it strong Ro COUNTER9 d d ' d. He obtained a ood position 1 g at ail .dealers or mailed direct the bride. „ * .axil@ , r -n forme S i st• �o i �• est men (and it was otrY �' I varroties of both quality and colo i with the St. Paul and Manitoba Rail- C The b I the sapphire. Among the fanciful recapt of pace by The T. YtlEiurn , fpppoictaiit Ind@tip •o the head. road Trust through the influence of �„•4 Toronto, Ont sentiai that they should be the beet Jeweler and Optician. .. o'r. oT. a late astilhtes and colors are the rose red sapphire and relatives, who were large stockholders men to those days) therefore bet�tme 0 lrtoole of eytern Ontario was the deep yellow topaz -like sapphire, in the road, but after little he began necessary fixtures to marriage tete- which is much more sparkling than drinking again and lost his place tuck tlflr'"te'hal1G lnt:h, m�� montes,'and they were so well esteem- s ISSIIER art M�RRIAUE LILEN►SES. Strafford on Saturday after• the topaz and emits rays. which for- + . 6i.-,� 4u, *,ad molten some ten prim bid" its being confounded with the . once •more, proportion of olds port cement M. >tR0 ed and their popularity became .eo per• ' • „arraeapb>ed zo confer with Mr, J. He drifted to St. Louis and betaine p _ manent that when the reason for their•AA♦AAANAAAANAAAAAAAAAAAAA�AAAOAAAAAANNANNANA A tpk, .Tei ja roof the Empire Salt latter. Finally there - is the white a clerk in , a packing„ house, but lost aria stouts which mlakts them perfect-' . • Qs- pi,a, in Conneotion with the sapphire, which could very readily be th:t job also through drink.. Then ly airtight They are made 8 by S by existence was in comae of time 1'e• - mistaken for a crystal, from whi ch .it moved they were still retain ed.—Pear' ld ,,.'6.-.o .Q .that gentlemim for can nevertheless be differentiated in he found what work he could at odd 16 inches. It took 1,630 of these blocks LLL . rslifipaZ r secondary schools in jobs, and finhlly reached New York, to build this silo. son's Weekly. . I - erth. Middlesex, Wa- the same way as the yellow stone, for where he had many ,friends. Some "The particular part iii to get'a solid . nd Lam; . n. ghose it emits very sparkling rays, while of them persuaded him to brace up foundation. I bound the wall with a t`7 (� RathWel� li C. Hoare rindppassI. A. ay- the crystal appears dead. In spite of again, and he did so, and. became an No. 9 wire between each tier of blocks. State of Ohio, C#ty of Toledo,l • C. Pief'-. of 4loderich ; this quality the white sapphire can- accountant with is Wa1L street firm. i ;. GFtindry. a ichCli; not be mistaken for the diamond. He did 'not hold -the place long, for, Of course the cost of a block silo de- Lucas County Shoes I;arnia • Fairchild,, These stones are not met with in the nes neon the kind of material you Frank J Cheney makes oath that J' �,•r*�SlC , the appetite for strong drink" was such pe is senior partner of the firm of F, J' !r1 a.a of St. Marys, Dav- regular course of trade, They serve use and distance to haul it. This silo that.he had not the will power to re' Cheney & Co;, doing business in the Iso Vibe Principal rather as collection treasures. silt it. coat. me:comPlete :62"Ei with about fi!- City of Toledo,UountyandState afore- . tratford, and Mr. D. "One collector has a gold brooch Then be cut loose frons his old teen days' labor; includbis myself and saie, and that said firm .will pay the ut Of Sarnia, forming a quarter foil, in which sap• friends and sank lower and lower in team. sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS Wheri you buy - Gah'ant who has been closely as- phires are set in the shape of pears,. the social scale, at last becoming a . "There are quite a number o! them. for each and every case of0atarrh that , . ted wi h Mr. Carter in bringing ( and each leaf. 'Es represented by one regular hanger on in Bowery saloons, In this section, and they are giving the cannot..be cured b the use of Hall's "Uolarship scheme up to, its pre- of the colors above referred to -rose, and sleeping, when he had the price, best results. :I' would not build any. Catarrh Cure. FRANK S. CHEIVEY a Piano you' wain « condition, was appointed chair white, yellow . and Ceylon blue. in a 15 -cent lodging house Tied. .Sworn to before me and subscribed '•ii'#. the meeting, with Mr. Cress-' "The rarest is the starred, sapphire: thing else. I gave this silo a thor• in my presence,this 6th day of Decem- .ig specials for Silturday • the best., aisp gi Sarnia, as secretary. This is, properly speaki4ig, not a' sap- An Official Blunder. Cush ,coat of coal tar #inside," which her, A. D„ 11380, i,, $y put, Mr. Carter's generous phi I at all and is of a reddish gray prevents the •of .the ensilage get' A. W. GILEASON, January 22nd, . s as,:.followe : $800 annually in color. This stone has a starred centre, A Canadian peeress—there aren't ao �g mm the blocks." (Seal.) Notaryq* Public. Buy a I *ships to each of the five coon- from which emerge five or six many that the identification of this• Halts 17attarrh Cure is taken Entern- beady mentioned, the conditions branches, or rays, and is sparkling one should prove difficult —tells an Size of the Silo. ally,and acts directly on the blood and - th g be and deseri tion," amusing little story illustrative of the Questions are so frequently asked 91"at. fhe students taken the y p fact that .in -,spite of Canada's sive mucous surfaces of the system. 15 alta of Ladies Honae slippers in Ott a ate in Honor Matricula- concerning the size of the silo needed y O' Rea Black Brown and Green regular No r-10 gK and importance it is not as well cn- F. J CHENEY & CO... Toledo, ♦ , 'lar Entrance to theFaculty of Edu- that the following table will be of .in- Sold by druggists, 750. $1,00 and $1,25—Speoial price 85 Cents .1. JV.,.) will be awarded the �•gilN•••Nb•NOAgtlitNlNt derstood in England as it might be. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- . hip, thusfor the first five lead- • even in circles where it seems •a terest to those .who contemplate build- Delicate Little Babies. The tion. . 12,pairs Laaiee felt leas and gator topped lasiew named—$100 for 1st ; $80 .. = bounden' duty .to know something of �g one or more silos this year, with leather, regular 1.50—Speoial prko . pct 5$.80 f or 3rd ; $40 for 4th, and i - — "`bur Dominions beyond the Sea." average quantity of silage fed daily - ioit •$. Every delicate baby starts •• Having a Canadian girl as her' guest, is placed at forty pounds. This. is more $1.15 We keep in stock ita�Satrrrdaysmeetingtheprincipals life with a serious handicap. + a Montrealer to be exact, she ap- 'nearly a maximum than an average, Wrong Method: ussed with Mr. Carter a plan for al rious mayend = pealed to. the proper authority for lent it is safe to figure liberally, for it ge breathed his vow; yet still she re• 1 Daae of Laaiee rabbere_in 'storm ane a 'full line o violin = Even a trio , erinfssvn-ta take Icer young visitor to low Regular 750 'and 80o Speoielrprioe distribution of these scholarships • fatally and the mother is kept"•" "� is always better to have silage left garded. him with disdain. •••• g A'ould be satisfactory and fair to tricu-• in a state of constant dread. sonic well-known gathering—the Royal over than to run short. The average "It is from my heart of heartst" he : 650. Supplies. ,� . niece en�traneAs e to faculty ,exam• Baby's Own 'Tablets have done • enclosure at' Ascot, if memory, is to _ . protested 2r1 air men a boa calf blather regular y more than any ether medicine _ be relied• upon. to her surprise and ! P p e entirely separate, the = to make sickly babies we1T and..* indignation, or she. is very Canadian�3: i{•r : d you go sch d _ la ice . �•� •'lyhere id to Doi that $2;25 do $2 50 Sped' 1 pr' S1.9S of the meeting was that a •strong. They Sive mothers a • in,sentiment. in spite: of a long reel- l ,.C< you breathe from your heart of iirts alis for comparison could not • . rather than from your diaphragaiY" _ — . feehn of security as 'through deuce m England; she received a re- ' g ed on the results of these their use they see her delicate lily from .the office of the proper court 'she demanded severely. -Puck. r istions and the meeting was • • 1-1 -- Other special lines to' clear Try us for Har- ..the request of Mr. Carter to • child developing•healthly. Mrs, o.,icial stating that it was customary ��rr Theodore Mordon Bala Ont. 't icer Americans to seek the desired e elan t remedy fnthe nppar says :—•`I can says with oonfid=• , atfvilege through their ambassador; NERVOUS PROSTRATION. monica's ; prices from y g • ence that: Baby's .Own .Tablets i slid consequently that Miss --, of at :big reductions before ips satisfactorily aeved my baby's life. I did not • Montreal, would Have to make appli= 2�C .up t0Is00. ,e .e s every, probability that the know what it was to ' have a • ,+,tion through the United States cin- Indigestion Causes It— stock taking. ants of the scholarships donated • 11Ii•o-na Will Cure .It _ _ le Carter will be largely increas- good nights rest until we start•' • bassy. {.� nd eventually made to em. '.� ed using the Tablets, but. they Being wise as well as patriotic, the If 'you have ,indigestion, you don't. so C'. RCawet' C•' II Irsalre^' ce a .large part,. if not all of the ' • have made him a strong, heal- gil•1's hostess suppressed her indigna- - et all the nutriment .out of your, foo .izce, and as Mr. Carter's inten- thy child, Bold by medicine tion' find wrote a nice little letter in ` f= I'':'' �'s'j� ����� idealers or mail at 25 cents a g re it 'ex lainin ' ust where in Worth thatyou•shrn o � lYl . �iSW`P�r1 �yY11Yl,-1i'1llflll� ,to donate a very large amount A . . � box from by Dr.. Williams' • �1m liCa the city of Montreal was sit YQ Your worn out stamaeh passes the e- for this purpose, be is natur- • food on, without extracting euou h• 1V1 d' , U Brockville Ont, •ted' The desired card came by re." l t� —M sous that any plan for distri- = e lone o., 1 • Bich may be formulated, be •g*j*••6••O•Y••••tlNdta•M• +i i turn mail, and needless to say it was nutritious substance -to supp y e blood and nerves. « pt, fair and so practicable as I not 'sent owing . to the intervention of And if the nerves are not supplied terefere at all with the stu- , a foreign ambassador. _} with nourishment they begin to rebel. ho are pursuing the higher I Flags off War. .. 11 - school courses and that at been deposited 1 @ , ` «' /i They kick up a great disturbance. They make you irritable and cranky, e time the scholarships should There has just _in the archives department a number of WARNING " c `� `• ' x�T»': ' you worry about trifles, and ,you ave sleep soundly at night, you have a stimulous to the greatest pose- : flus which good Canadians. will re- of students, g .' = ti i' + t+� + not bad dreams, and you .get up tired in: umber ` headmasters assembled on Sac- vere. They were borne by loyal men .r day expressed deep appreciation of in the war of 1:312, and, blood -besmear-- Vince its introduction into. Canada the, sales of Parisian Sage have been ,,, , t , , -•„. the morning. . Try Mi-o•na tablets, the money back 11 e noble efforts of Mr barter in so ed and bullet-i*im, are hanging'on the to of the -new building,, set aside phenomenal. This success has led to many imitations similar in 'name. ��;!: :,r � : ,•; s? ;..,£:>.t«:.-..:, .,.... `O �c �a>.� ,zw� < � �^� cure: .Mi.o-nawill cure ,your nHrvous. by driving out the cause. ns- , ' ' onerously donating his wreath avails able undertaki❑ Mr. as. sacred fo Canadian historY ch a laud a I 'Look out for them : they are not. the Hess ur. . Will, you -relief the first hook. It as the ion- Thi flags arc Those of 0 4th soil” .Carte be regards p .r �, Wf.}kl.e <.731.carporahed.;, �heme genuine,, See that lila girl with..the Auburn hair is con R .r aro , e o T ilLoas siLa 1.will cure acute cmei.ffi i few days,and , in a few weeks ._. tv,.;RcmitiiUn.ts,,,; eeri he has undertake.A..� 5b b f C x el I p Canada, the 100t>7' _tYr,tp m you'cau always;get the ge 'lit r `" eedlflg season df six' months is' also chronic cases Belching of gas, sour e has given the subject r(iuch militia g bought and has informed himself as i Artillery, the Royal Emigrants, the . W: S. R: Holmes. taken into .consideration in . forming ,heartburn, taste of food, waterbrash;' foul breath jthoroughly as possible in all the mat- 15t Canadian Regiment, the' Quebec tdie Royal L+`ngi- Parisian Sage is the.guEOlceat acting and most efficient bair tonic, in -*the this table: Average is lter of i-.0 na-,i and .otherjd mighty of MI o na,- the mighty ters connected therewith. militia of 1775, and s Atter three or four hours of con- necrs. I `f a with the rincipals here on , Thv flags of the 1st Regiment, the world. It is made to conform to Dr. Sanger- Estimated No. of to consume.; size of silo acres corn cows. about tons, needed. needed. ,before power `.TryMi•o-na. W. S. R. Holmes sells it and will refund .your money if it •, ,, erenc - _ aturday and afterpdiscussion of the i 4th ltaghnont, and the {•lueb c Militla bond's (of Paris) proven theory that g 20 9x:0 ' .1to2 doesn't cure, and only_50 cents a large many difficulties to the various' are badly tattered and -torn anis indi dandruff, falling: hair, baldness and 10x16 box. r cbemes proposed, Mr. Carter ex• i tate the severity of their engagg- scalp itch are caused by germs. 9.- . 30 IOX2 2to3 a third art of the rosar during the dioceses on Good Friday. This -col- a wish to have the matter still Parisian Sage kills these dandruff 11NA .t sw 5,,. "`J"I a i % ~ p y .g lection will be awarded to the chancery ments. t- 1.".�,.°=4 t� fainEly night prayers.ittherventilated and it was there The. two flags of the Royal1, mi- germs and removes all trace of deed- ; 10x18 ' 3to 4 ' .;?' ;`,. S Pastors are •• urged (a) to .hold as soon atter as possible. .e &blded that the scheme should *rants arc'curious. They are home- ruff in two weeks, or money back ; 1ix>4 .. ;',( ,'s�t11 r Lenten devotions in their churches cn u at the annual meeting l vcn on small worsted square it stops falling hair and Etching scalp 12x23 t , n 10 The obligation ul the Easter Clem., brought P nuula�, t1 u ( • Wednesday and friday of each week munion may be fulfilled from- Ash �''of the principals at the O. E. A. con hada;, �1 ovc n on small , -worsted and .prevents baldness. 17 • 6$ 12x28• 4toS ,, . such devotions to terminate with the And remember .that bildneas Ea 13x24 (Al My, WednesdayuntElTrinitySunday,both ='.vention in Toronto'at Easter. Inview sgwirs, %vith lyoles of lanol.s. All- of used b dandruff germs, those little -.,, �, 19xYb benediction of the Most Blessed Sac-' included. Its early fulfillment will , $i,`.of the important and extensive value ' tilt, flrga wr iF given fo Dr, Doughty's ca y n ersistent devils that � CURES CATARRH, AST;lMA, cement; (b) to make the ,way of the hole render our acts of penance and '� of the proposed gifts, it will be admitt. care b elle. Militia Dcpartinent. hard working n ' C •;1. It 71738. 6toi - cross in all the parish churches on, o virtues, donein a state of grace . , ed that Mr. Carter's desire was fully y _ day and night do nothing but dig in- - ti , 1 12x32 Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or Good Frida acid on an other Frida they vii justified. _. to the roots of the hair: and destroy its � • � .. 3', Y y more pleasing to God and meritorious - .i d„ Y mosey back. Sold and'gumnteed b'y' d.uring Lent they deem proper, to ourselves.. A resolution was moved and second ---T vitality. 4 =,i , al Ma herr of Stratford nomical leasa>tit: Parisian Sage is a daintily perfum- V r ,- X ;•,rl • 12x38 : ".,` Ito. Cililt011: S) By order of the Holy Father, a It is also asked•that a collection be f ed by Princip y y Ef%etive, Eco„ ° P Davis'Men ed ha'►r.dressin , not stick or teas , r:� h.,l .. 13x32 W. $. R. I-iOlttleS, ,•., ,and Principal Gundry of Otinton and What more can you ask.. Dav g y g Y i- �__„ collection for the holy places has been taken up for the work among the ';heartily carried, to the effect that this thol Salve fulfills these specifications and any woman who desires luxuriano 1'". `, lr' . i•• 14x30 n n ILc ulatio . .For The roan i r wee j y,' J' 16x28 ", con ded 'n all the chu rhes of the Ruthenian: in the t ?'3neeting of headmasters desires to `and is the best remedy for bites .and and bewitching hair can get EE in tw 1LC 1bC a -� .—___. _._ _ —_ - . l;i,i•place on record its appreciation of the I stings, skin diseases piles, etc. 25c per, weeks by using >t. 50 cents a large` i 0 , ; .. 13x38 Sto9 ArCltllioc SC action of Mr: barter in donating 1 tin. . • bottle. I : 14x34 . scholarships to the secondary schools I ^' — I . _ +I: ; I 16x30 His Grace of Toronto Issues 'a Circular of the province and to assure him of 161228. a IN 16x34 S to 10 to iiia Priests , i' their hearty co-uperation and support Should Date Be Changed ? • A� iD 1�1 ■*rr 16$32 � -.--- . f� in hispraiseworthyobjetof stimulating —�-- : CONCERNING N. td further efforts the young men and !0, 141 16x36 7.to11 17x32 :.. _ Elis Grace Archbishop iVlcEvay,, of LIFELESS Y : A number of papers throughout' THE SILO VOUS , women of the province. 4i 162 . "17x36 n to 12 Toronto has issued the following c r• , • 1 ,1. Mr Carter was greatly pleased with the province axe advocating a change 18.%32 - cular:. nn �p a ..` the cordial reception of his plans and in the time for the holding of, mun- .. ®• Eb I N � ® . e the hearty way . which rhe prf . 60 180 .17x38 12 to i3 Reverend and Ileac Fathers ri''. hea hold of the matter. There is - icipal electrons. It is pointed out The cement block silo shown in the 18x34 . Be kind enough to reed to your P 1 _ els t at a thoroughly hl feasible 'that the first of the Domes at the illustration was built b an Ohio people on the Sunday before Lent this I hope th g y y An Essential of Construction. p. P fan will b3 w311 worked out at the 'fag end of the Christmas season, when dairyman, who says Ofi't: The fundamental principle. In tho circular letter, with the regulations as is , g follows: I ('. E. A., meeting at Easter. host people are still engaged In the "It is thirty-one feet high• and flf- preservation of green forage when I All days of Lent except Sundays Yuletide festivities or else recuperat teen feet in diameter in the clear. (rhes placed a it silo is the ercl o're r air. are fast days.. $ear inefeeds the dry and unhealthy 'Ing from the effects thereof, Man. blocks gee 'made let the best,porilan� It is the purpose of any silo'regatdless 2 On these days only, one full meal " sealp,softens and gives vim to the hair. g y is allowed. a 111% of its construction to exclude air as y are out of town. at the time and the, 43J�ilti�44 PkedII,I 3 Those obliged to feet ma take a 60c, a jar. far as possible from the silage and len cup of tea or eoVe with 1 the small susses piece . interest of the people has not been -- + + this way prevent decal. to preve.ut of bread or biscuit sufficiently roused owing to the pre- the air from reaching .the silage all . collation of about eight ounces of" • SAPPHIRES. parations for and the enjoyment of Suffered Front Hor silos must have air tight walls. These food. , Christmas. All these contributing . must be rigid enough not to be 'sprung 4 The fallowing persona are. not there Are a Number of Varieties, ano causes fro to lessen 'very-miaterially F'o'rTys out of sh pe ,by • the pressure of the obliged to fast: Aa under 21 in over All Are Not Blue. Terrible bre For Nine silage, permitting air to enter next to ,% years u age, the sink and infirm; • the public sense of the importance • • g women nursin or bearing children, y of the event. On) a ercenta a of p a a n S Months, the wall, and all en a egg in servile work. In "There was a time in the histo* of y p 3 g g , 'jewelry when the • sapphire occupies the voters take 'the trouble to go to Not only the walls, but the doors also, cases of doubt the pastor or confessor a place equal to that of the brilliant,' the polls, and frequently the results �' must be perfectly air tight. To accorn • is to be consulted, said an old jeweler. "Unhappily it For'Backache, Lame or Weak Back push this they should be well tittejlg 5 A11 the da -s pf I:ent are days of is with stones as with everything elso cannot be accepted as really express- one of the Commonest and most distressing and the joints made tnore perfect by abatinenoe, lout loyl special indult the --they are the subjects of the capriee Ing the will of the people, faithful of this 'diocese are allowed lar time , ,symptoms pJ kidney inaction, there is no felt pads or gaskets, it is beat when the use of flesh meat as often as they. • of fashion. At this particiaAt the same time, it seems in one remedy equal to Donn's Kidney Pills for the silo door sets against a sboul• . the diamond and the ruby are in , wish on Sundtiys and at the principal Dense fitting that a newCouuncil should taking out the stitches, twitches and der to place clay worked Into the con» meal on ,Mondays, Tuesdays, Thuks- favor. twinges, limbering up the stiff back, and "Sapphires exhibit an exceedingly take charge of affairs around the first sistency df putty' in the joint. 'file days and Saturdays, Ember Saturday ruing perfect comfort: a S tarda- excepted. YOUNG MEN AND MiDDLE AGED MEN. the victims 0f early indiscretions and later ex, cesses, 1vho are failures in life --you ,are the - oneswe can restore to manhood and revive the spars: of energy and vitality. Don't give tip in despair•because you have treated with ether doctors, uo-•ecl 0lgctric belts and tried various drug storo nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds I�} m the brink of despair, has to- storcd`halipiness to hundreds of homes and . hag madosuccessful nien of diose who were , "down and out." We t,rescrlbo specide rem- edies for each individual case according to the • symptoms and complications—we •havq no patent medicines, This is ono of tho secrets of our wonderful success rm our treatment eau - not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual ease. Only curable cases ac- cepted. We have done business throughout Canada for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES- GUARANTEED. ' • OR NO PAY READER Are you. a victim? Have 7011 lost hopo? Are you intending to marry? 11as your blood been diseased? Have you any wealtness? Our New Method Treatment will . cure you, 'what it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free, No matter who has treated you, write for an honest oVly,nlon Free of Charge. Books Free— " oyhood, hlanhood, Fatherhood," (Illustrat- numerous variety, both as to quality of the ear, The mid -winter season g A mCdicine that slice then, the kid clay Is placed on the bearing surface and Hastei a ed) 0n Diseases of Sion. color. The most beautiful reach y g and n s m that the are enabled to extract and lbs door placed over it, wind when 0 Lard or dripping of any flesh meat NO NAMES USED WITiIOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names, on bosses or envok- '' us from India, aro of rather deep blue fa the strategic time for the holding ey Y, maybe used in .lie preparation of the poisonous uric acid from the blood the, pressure of the TREATMENT. iIOME. and make a very rich setting when of the elections, eoming- as it does and prevent the Chief cause of Rhouma- against the door an tile tight joint Is p silage comes food,he followin pique he faithful dU � Dues. Everythi,tgConfidondel. Question List and Coat of Treaemont F E FOR surrounded with diamonds or mount- after 61i the work, of the old year has tism. obtained. are reoommendeu tot - ed parallel with the other. They go en coin leted and before the actual 111r, Dougald A. Mcisaac, Broad Cove The paper IS successfully used by in the holy season. (a) '.Chart they ab all well with hi h grade pearls be p „ itos: t0I was troubled MRSXENINED Y6KENNEDY-.- --_,--__..__. equally -_. _ l -, . � Dankcs, N.S., wr come silo owners either in st°rips. to._ alp -from all intoxicants -in rememb- .."_ and are much 1695 harsh than rubies work -of the year hag Commenced. f this with 1ny`kidneys for nine months, encs Cor, Michigan Ave- and GriswoldSt., �etfoit, Mich. 6f ordinary quality. Stones o Theaeasons for elections should not suffered with such terrible pains across Co�Cr the cracks around fire doors or ran0e of the sacred thirst of our Bless - 't still fetch a Cod time that I in widths sufactent to cover the entire° ed Lord,on the cross;(b)that they take All letters front Canada must be addressed high grade ,quality fr be changed, lint the date might very the of lily bassi all the t n no part in public amusements; C) that 4 *fee, althoilgh they, are fisc from . Could liardly got around. After taking, doter and lap at few inches on tb,. silo the assist re users- at the enton OT' E to our Cauadiati Cartesponclence )vepart- r1In • thoi rice of good hen fly, So lien near the end 1 two boxes ' I)oan's KidnC Pills'I be alt F i is g a of , y iy walls. devntions in t e, parEeh ,Churches, (cl) inent ill Windsor, Out. If you desire to '",Che . sees d quality of gaps, es, szliry wb nalt6 a better t Le in to feel 1+etter, and sly the time I had taken N .. "'.-� _. - ` „ thefxhdmPa at least see its personally call at our Mec}feel institute in Detroit as we see arid. treat i ?x, of aueyl%rl, ep cabs,• ai t}m::K l was C+l.i,i'I lely Ct eed. to find a sae+ that the recite in .- h6 patients ill our Windsor offices which arc for Correspondence and :,4.11111up1bKdible thing p tit with this .- " oedt, ler`ho or :i Eric 81.25 te> egnallAd to Th`e ll, &'i; " ,'Menthol --. - _ . _ . — Laboratory foir Canadian business only. Address sit letters as follows: rd A.I. ,t ni at 3t iia being , itawd. tint the gen. 0 _ _ C r y. bItS. KENNEDY dt I�ENN�b'k, Vin ot, OraE. 11 ler tide he+, bA► k hCg, Motif= _�v_.. , ..- 1" S Writs for oI'llur1. iyrlyate seeress.1. .'I, . AI ,.,,,,., . _ _. Leu.,., ..