Clinton New Era, 1910-01-06, Page 3r.177— -7.1�_7 - - 7, r Parallyflills In Owina, Ira VISITING LADIES' MAID. I Te, That AJw HEADACHE - Paraly'shi it) itowlifle jaoo"t ottoul fol-, OF TITLES iovv4 ovi-at-edijig or richijitrogePoklos, a. ey How a Girl Made Her College Ex- AND Pauls to anillalls IbAt are el94 '011. Ftiasonoi For Unhappy penses. filled. IlIgn; (to best !Vbre:) 41lowed a SALADA i$ grown- in the finest ;tea gardens of --VljNItttIg lady's maid Is illy Way of -ousiderable range Poo lint •*fed totiltii Burdock Blood Bitters. id, reaches tff platily Post, authul Of rhe highly. As this affection 14T91yeri The 'the Island of, Ceylon, picked everyday ai lidla, over [lit' suluIller, uud I find It and other tio%ei* dealing very salisfactory," declared U YQUE19 iplual cord. It is not Rely 11able to later- 'a fifteen weeks after being dither* l' t Ja Grp no ter a asserted in au in- her way The presence of headache nearly always -ove fatal. but is not, as a rAlle, 011114- %Voinall wbo is paying e118 us that there is another disease people, asst WUSE IV through an eastern college. In title Ili id. Its vidtive Pu: are presery t rity, and fine flavour Cd 'I-, �ftrvtow th4t American girls which, although -.ve rus not be aware of factortly treated. First relfl9ve Ill*', -flnfi a us do before Eu.)uths I non studying for an 4neful influence, entise. Cut down food and allow pl,,,jj- in air -tight sealed " SALA DVI 'Pack6t& You vard,, rr1Uj;Q 44 Europe, it, is still exerting its s the wives (it A M. degree, while during the suw- and perhaps awaiting an Opportunity to ty of range. and if TIQJ fed tone liberally tbv 00 1 be happy a. eed tea , of unvarying good qualitylir I Poll.b ualls. tuallicure feet, -age about orld get eser- are guarant inel assert itself plainly'. they wtji fill ,rsmagegs, She said 'e' elsi,. Voting plgij only parthifily partio. i;tq.ur$e trot ail Ual tj u[ Slia lupoo hair, clean gloves. Sew flurdock Blood Bitters has, for years, rosettes oil slippers and keep my pa- been curing all kinds of headaches, and iL lyzeci will often come right treated at; Aimerjean g1ris to foreign titles Prove I trolls' wardrobes ill order generally, you will only give it a trial we are sure it fitinve advised. Old aulmolS will ')Of 4, tuft When they are LioL It trll (10 for woo what i� hat; done for thou- onLy, proves that one or Our country_ "it Me ellough to keep mecoul- well of others. - often respond to any form of treat women has successfully curbed bet, torlablN. file fyllowitig winter, which ha -++++ intent. d,: tntltptal 1.� 11101, that, tutoring or hotne other ++ -++ litfm. John Connors, tendencies -teas attaiucd tile regarding matri POLISH u accomplish— + Headache + B u r I i 11 F t o in, N.S Euroqlaula manner of reg STOVE y VUeatioll NVOUld aCCOUIPilb + writes. - 111a been Overfeeding Cat'-IC6 that is, of course, unless I got pupils + and it, ve it Is argued by those who feed all mottity. it ti hard. but it (-art be done, "Ito could afford to IwAv 01) unusual + ♦ + troubled I llea:a- 0one. l3lack I,:tiight" Stove Constipation + ache stud constipation the corn cattle will c0l'sul"P. L-wlat� DA and It has been I,olish �&a, made for wouieu I Ill -ice for itly set,% ices. + Cured. + for a lung following at the same time in tht- pos. + , time. After -But the effort. I thick. , a I, bet,' v -made to a\e thein work, IWI-011s tll'P the boarders fit the utiffetent doe- tures. that (lie 1109s will 111he care of Ask your grocer fora package to-744kill You'll like It. -t that is necessary likened to the effoi worl+ '111.1 wearIlle". %VOIllell, �ootijjg and old, who tors' medicine a friend till that Is nor digeRted. It lit true That in speaking a furvign toll:,lae ovilt-11 you "lila, k I;uight­ is tile :ire there for 11 gm -d tillie Itild vo-anc to losked tile to try llklrdOck Biuod Bitters. the qwine will gather all the 4-1-11 Ill are sick and tired, The .,�uierivau girt easy-t­shioe Stove Polish. look Ilivir best and HISO save their I lind I Woo COutI)ICtc-ly cktrod after lia.ving A7.6P fee a foreiguer tijust, learn to Just a fctk light rubs, with ee bo 1". '1 can safely recone- The voidings. but It Is also trllt' Illilt who marr YOU 1111\e Ito idea how the t:tllell tlIr cattle vvileu fed ver} heavilv will e(it' to all." put her thoughts Into his king-tittgu :IS cloth or brubli, brings a Illend it. tha":,en it I)Iillia:ltl\ I)lAck polish that slime and (1121-st lore flood' 4 KEEP POSTED ON FARM, NVWS life if, a hotel at a fits it 'ona ble sum _4"oeir, ivords. I -or sale by all dealers. *4 lasts. 1001' resort (Ist.s up ogle s time, strength be asslildlatell toy the 'Matly of the unhappy 111terliatiOlIzIl Nlaillifactured Only by Tile T. Milburn It's reads to use - no nII(I (.IottIeS. 11 1-; :1 wonder to ate that neither the anincil lo WIllet) marriages Lire tile fault of ill(- girl's mixing -nu soiling hands-- %voillell ([Ill)*( brenk flo\Va Oftener than co., i.iiiiited, Turontu, out. the wine, will get the fill th,> frau IQ mother. The Ainerik-an mother's pliwe -ork- and cheaper • is fed nor no dirty \� they do). zois a rule, they have clothes bent fit of tt.�! 1:1 The Canadian Farm Is to see that ber d:Iagbter is tiot mar than any Other because it e11011-11 11) slot 1, :1 ,ilrill Shop. and to 14 Tying a good-for-tiothing creature, de goes farther and you get a -jal posItIoll Illikl bigger call for iuc. % sljo,t\ fill-in .111 they art- ko'lot colltiuual- k%olllal ILI Scale Of Ii -a" Clay Vold of even the So( a,)(I going flit, rotinds. pri,pal%ilions recommended to reduce Cooks Cotto Root COMP60114L. and the, she fancies she is attidning American rt -k Knighl' at your ly ( dealer -or send iQc. for a largc klolbc,, pa0dii, and S%%clllng and paha. The great Uterine Total% and W modlers are blinded by the coln fre, po.,Ipald. Monthly 1 11 - I Regulator on which women cau tnip,u Liu horn, putting in it stitch it IS said Italt ill', lil6VO."I of cin- only safe effectual with which the European lil."Ii treats THE F. F. PALLEY CO. 1,111111TED. -v, that naulua [)at'[,; 91 -Is relief to sensitive them. They fancy that the s"Pertivi:11 Hantiltion. Ont. 19 ll(,I,e atill Vo-lpil)g off it spot there, depend. Sold iffirthree, dNoreas ellnton New Era N.h... a th. f-,- i,; I" Sh.. P.111h chief 1,:irt Of illy Nvork. If teell, Ulld gutn,.,. l'ol* tile q0IjSjtI%'eDeS8 of striingth-No. 1, % ; o.2. [)I.N the ( 10 degroca stroffigi ; No. % chivalry displayed toward th-11 is the (,:Ill,t :Ifj,oIlI to 11:1ve her per- brought nh §5 per box� ()ill IoV :,(.ill fruits cleaning for aircial cases, -tiicli to. fuund :I happy 't-Illitniv(I chalk and Sold all druggists, or split quality upon dul-1,1., the sum- the Ivo.-Ih %%ilh Pit For $1.50 Prepal on receipt of Price. au,liter. Tlli'�% I'L' brush TN future for the (1, I'lle to Free pamphlet. Address.. undorstu(h jorigs, to have her ward- miter I,,; slit or sh niust % sinused to attention atat robe ;lilt] h0r.11'Ir 111%iays Ili perfect be soft COOK MEDI0IN'900.,Tan0NTO,0HT. (/OrmalyWindfurlo THE CANADIAN FARIM, published in, Toronto, is th6"Natlonal courtesies. Ili America everytiling IS (-oll(litioll tile %i_-ijjjIg I -- ­=�_ oil do 114A , m:11(i IS really A well known breeder says: To Im- Weekly Agricultural Paper of the Dpirlinion. The Work and the Americau girt. Our Ill N -(,j -V person to have One firm money spent on its production makesift incomparably - superlor have time to liv gallant to our illothel's 1 started nut I took a prove tLic drafter work him. "Then the Aniericau Illotlit'l", :11'0 at Is Your Nose has imported 4,000 stallions into the to anything. of the kind. Special writers for special depart - fault, too, Ili the triining (110Y ONO rot.mi in all iiijexpetish It boarding United States from Europe In.the past ments. All original, matter in every issue. Splendid and their daughters. If :1 gir' Nvenhroli'll" fij�lij()wible quininer resort 'Phis is a frightful waste of liable crop and a Everything up-to-date.O the re.-tkier of' the Stuffed With Cold ten years. reliable market reports. up properly ,Ili, would ljot :11111 bY %\atching money, but it vVill continue until Amer- Finely illustrated.l Choice and instructive reading for the ra selling herself for :I litio. [Im the o- loplenihor %t ;I I wrllv� I -pular hotels I \\;IS able to I Don't I. load down Trans work their stallions. Ili Europe No farmer can afford to be without clety girt of I-; educ, !,qI ouly Springfield, Toledo, CICV01all(I :'o(I �:`ll k\jIi,jj v%otnen \%,(,r(, without your stomach \% ith stallion,; :Ire worked, and we have farmer and his family. thvii Selld up toy it. Every farmer will make more money wh.o reads it:- -Immol,i, :"'(I is ,Ar. rat tll:lt (Itiskv will be 111:1id, I .vould cough nit-Mcill-. there fur the qualities that labor to �410 to be aid ot -ices wore \%,e (.f)llld breed just as will Joiu. 't;Iting that Illy som rat,di porlietil"Ites'. S�.ml li-aling position. Wilt -1, Io- ;Ib] "Id , !w Ntk,; I"(1lo I�irn, cation lit ough the _ooLl dral't stallions , . as the French It %ovck I had all I could than Farm fit Tolill., flit. dv� ... 1,111, ;it- 'k, itioni as the French- All subscribers get The*Cana falls all ea-7o.�r N i, th;i 1,. 1110 lXt -IIjlzt 11w 11, 1 IwtriIS-s,I,II4I it Into we wulild of i, "l- I t , i> Ili, :11"I w) very liberal forills. ToNint-0 11 1 (11). \\'j, joj. tile 1,16or of these from now to the 1st of Jam, .1911. il. than docs Iler 11, , 11'.1. t , I Ito \VWMIll I po."agk'S 111W Lit"' wily (,III, :tIA It,,: Ilp- I 1� Ili it seftsoll I was out, day ­Tbe European twil,• (;''d bis fri * infl;tnil (I with ('a- Impair OIL, vl,Lal- 1\ork hits 1J.-vil i1w It -lowelillod. 'I'll, k. -, I Swl) into t1w private o Ice I" - Ity ,f llwir plo"elly :1,1(1 pour a flood family. v, ­tl;ill ill -l' ill he (oTdrol Iii-nire I, flit, uotltl,­: of filill, Iljo 1' 1110 1141tt'l The [][]fill- doll'. I, v ey illi Europe :is a vollse- Our Clubbing rate is $1.50 for the two. papers.- 'Subscribe has bestowod Ilk ll:lo flill"t ho I I I I v I 1 in li' 111, if I would mind 011 )I10 _. ill 1,v :,rad :it hor H.- i Im I Ing (%Itarrhoz to I' if [Ili ft X 11*11 Va I with respect III I'llhho at I'l at once and get the benefit of the full term. -t 111th. lillvil ilit-11 of I'1:iII( I, tho iawrlilulll.t S''1101"I'll I:,,,, 'ill'i 111M, :101,11 1 flindi, a \% Ilich cill"'S Culkl, Ill I Irixe owned i"InIllolis of the vile, 1�111111'y \N;I, J.;lid 10V fl).V lWard, tl-II luililit"s, Irs and have ;Ilwoys noted Sample Cople! of The Canadlau_Farm to be reen at this offic I ei always treated his \k il'o \) it I, the lit null of the \,i,l. s.s (Ill.ollie vutarr}t 1 hir forty y(,: ;I \N ;k 1'41i�(l I he COlit l':Wt fOl' 1 "*(� 111 Y 1 - "r err.11:0 the , ijllt�. tjt StgIllotis deteriorate roost deferenct, Iii public, Ak0­ 110 ;Itntwnt•trent- I it, I ('Iliti-' field to an'l li�- scratched ho�r eyes -it \\ lit- I I W\ WATt' V.0[0 11,4111,P1ld !�I 11w trilth ill f(:Ir and czl4c but it cares In a short tilli- I!dllly. rnrely linving .1 Stallion son alone, but ill sociO3 his I­lI1tVl0I- W:11 1:111cylug lit, Vt;l-� :111011t ii, charge I ' )selves. jjl,� fj,j, lilt, prl�.ilot�,p ,I, NNorking Ili the the acme Of courlesy. Ili America. 111HOSPHON011, BREATHE CATARRHOZONE to "Iel 3.ola see, a mail treats his vo-ife its well - The I wl Al. 111m."Ine Illy S111,11rise wilt'n he Pleasant to Use, 91.1arantoo,I i,t cort, tj�l(j IlItL ttl:lt IliS (,j)j('('j \\'11'4 to engage Clud So -or as badly as he loves her. Itis Io\V Electric Restorer For .111ein _. I \ lel� for tho patrons ,If(. I (,1111tj Illay as.- it. 41--L ChildTen Cry 4 Children•Cr-k Restores every nerve ill the body to "I" to \\()"k ext -Ill Catarrhozone; largo $1,00 sly- FOR "FLETCHER'S zll-gliflates his altelfflolli. Ill Ell"OP0 g7 and of his h-ii,ze (Ile coining Season. lute guarantevd; ;mall SIZO, FOR FLETCHER'S Q psqp)h4 Cff]T there are ;I-e:1irs qIIII Y(lars of tradition I ts proper tension: restores virl, lhkly coughs, cumscolds, beat einature decay and all Tlicy had rocelveil so lii;1113' calls for all dealers, or the Catarrhuzmw C , 0111- Qui -ngs . . . 25ccutts 0 -A S.71,101 R .1 A .roe VVh;It tle he 1;1(1� Of tile vitality, Pi the throat and Iti res, 'etI!, l" d , ss averted at once. Pho- I li�n pany, Kingston, Unt, CASTOR RIA sexual weakne y �on let's III the office at little,,, NN tie. phonol will stake you it new ritan, I wit; viijawted visewhere that they had "The European mall, sf)(,�Ikll_, go"' Price VAX) a box, or two i for $5 00 get ole or "onto equally pro- eral y, does not rare for the NVOLliall Or Mailed to any address oil ceipt of decidod to , %vomen Ili his price. The Scobell DrugCo„it woniaij to till these Orders. ,he stage. Ile (I S "it goes Nvithoilt Saying that I slutp- Own social sphere. If) most case-; the Catherines, Ont, pod at the Offer. lit! ofivred file rooln -wife entertains unknowingly the ob- S illtelitions. I& Saving the Gown. ;ITICI b0.9"d f1`00, with lfh'� privilege of ject of bet, husband's pi -loo, for Ili), Nverk and setting nly own may be more degrading, but if Is its o%VjI oeenslon" -30 trolling my Own hours." crude." 1,, thatinevery c ('D le, should baa, g \N,t!llzlll • Ill ,,- __9 ,.chool in Wasbin,-1011 Will Is (Iescl'it)c(l oll it I, ojA-�- !I'll tile ;hat (lilt �A ent you", di"lliti(d. 1,0;11 Mid stylish TOFILONTO as a very Intellig twelve- adn'll: of no. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Inez Bower Is the UaIlle (It' a I, Fear -old girl 01' 1,0, is Pill hot nollrlpl- over the seat of neu- rd as the 11jost' momentous issues ever settled by What many. regard she r)AL' -it riVe"at'd Ili's 1)(ell Britain during the preaching Rel-luolls ill tile "'est- I ic pain and 1*(-[I(I\V fre4jllelftly. ', -as "converted C I_Aulteriiffll� for ill(, removal n Great n 4 olt , to mijilt., for nefirly the Ballot Box will be fought out 11 serriiont I of frockleS. Into III(] batterrout stalus. S our years. The,,(, :I f re described as f 11 and accurately report the ne.ws of thi logical And UM A (.11ijage ill* shoes :Intl stockings next two month S. r.()jjIplp(ely ovill lie found :is soothing a minister Of alfltltm are ('11" qq nllyjlihiL�, I'm- fire(] feet. great struggle The GIOLe has made elaborate arrangements. lularly PAINS �Ilver." A hodfbriflse (-all be caSi�d by apply - Mrs. George Keppel, who lia." 11:141 h notoriety ih(, friend- w,jj(q) 111 t,lsv haS ralled-w1wn dt,- ifI9 (11"POatilIV. 'I'llis is !'ISO excellent )nine n sliond(,rot of ever getting mlio-f-that's if olle flit, 1-111, ;1 nasty imil into the qIp for bet- of L�ill.P: Edward, has, Nvoll Ilip tiaw to torn to the om, rvine(]\ flesh. MR. STEWART LYON that 113olinrch's diSloleall-1170. it Seems. th-,it �ihvays does cure -always dotes Nothint-, relievel, the sting Of mos- 'J ­ f persons whoill he vo.Ill hriiig relic from th�, first apifliVil- as the list, 0 flnito bile- or life it-Ifing or hives like If IjIlthilig I hea, it, a weak soluton of car- plekqc,(l 10 meet, which he edils tion. 13i'llagelf, (Ifje% not 00T11:1ill thilt INIY'S •News Editor of The Globe, and a thoroughly informed. Cana - to Ille sol,prise of Society I)oii(. nerd :!rad \\ater. les. His letters. .-ame. tvd( Nerviline 11, the to liiiv(, snick to dian, will spend the next two nionths in the British Is in i,orl 0 111CIll. Voan(I (I(, tiol tear th(,ni off. but sof- of C' , 111 Mr. Lyronis peculiar s Nellie G. Roll tell wlih worn) olive oil the parts that "I or ('olalylbas- Instant Relief will ,appear e.NC1L151VC1y in The Globe. I and two v%*011l( -ire rooferriag, for certain Cure adhere, having til,,t cut away the cloth - three attorneys. . it), (.1I)se to file wound whIl sharp scis. -f Scotland a close student purpose of 'organizing fill Ohio In Use 50 Years ly, fitted for SLICII a nussion. . A native o y man's bar aqsocItitlion. The Satisfaction Guaranteed of Old Country politics, and one of the foremost jmirnalists,ofA�e )u will bo forni(41 ill Columbus Ill For .1 had t:111-011 fail first finder hot All soli Norvillne Ili larre venter nal ilien under cold. 1<eep this en pic­ tiw ow-wr fir,1vop Or hand - 25C bottle.,; try it. Dominloti, his -contribUtions will present vivid an'd-luminous p tures of the " Battle of the Budget." HOUSEKEEPING HELPS. Women 00 FOR A 0AAR A (loth aloktoned with alcohol will clean piano key -i. CABLE SERVICE- StAicken With Worry El THE GLOB 11011ext .............. ... 30011" k*jpajI 111101putil vo-!ill warm water 7 1 pM .................. 240 rats. and poliqlf it Witt) milk. Better ................. I Oo ffhi. No � It seems, impossible fol: will include: �Ojp ()Ij window paries! nuh 27 doz. ........ I ......... 1110111 \Otjj eillier ilrohrol or ammonia W0111(ill ilot- to Nvorr VeWtAbt ........ Soo UK. in Ill:tko flier) Shine. whether they y, but MR. STEWART LYONIS SPECIALS y livorl.N 01, not. This represents a fair ra- Of,e-orntod china P1I(P9 should lie pat IINN,ti% A\ith roand plooeq of canton it is every womaii s ditty to "THE TIMES" SPECIALS s. tion for a man for a year. flonnol h,olweell Clem herself and family to savc CANADIAN ASSOC"IATED PRESS OE.SPATCHES J* But some people eat and niApplY the while of in egg "Itb a her strength and bid1d 1111 AMERICAN ASSOCIATED PRESS DESPATCHES ,.nmol, Imir hrillih 10 fly specks on pil- This l fT,:Illlrl :11111 11)('3 \lilt (11%tippear. her systern to me'e't any iiii I MARCONI WIRELESS DESPATCHES eat and grow thinner. .tofl ,oilp 11wilo from hillf a P011114,; iisual demands. weans a defective digestion 4,r f4ii;,li,ii (ioNN-n iiqrii soap and two I Ta preVeDt Ilel-VOUS break- (Iu!IrIS, of water will save the soap hill for the next fcw weeks will be a series of' and unsuitable food. A large :it tits'. down the blood inu-st he kepi A special feature of The Globe pinstor of jmri,; figures With rk })lir(' and mitritioiis. size bottle of conlincill' sinrchold waler, 1p'pcharacter sketches of 11riti5h statesmen from the pen of Dr.. J.,A. Mac- 1" zle It ,Ir} (ill Illt, sjIj,r:jvv and tile die! will 1 No inedicine is so benefi- donald, 1,"(fitor of The Globe. 6 171 cial as Ferrozone, whichacts' ll�ru,;h (,IT wit], tho dry V THINWIVI" To oi(l ghi,­; ponr strong :fit - i h oil the blood, the Herres, the TRIP ., t S EmuIs�on ,,,,,Ili:, .it it. so rub Vtell with a brus stolilach, (111d ill othel, or SPECIAL TRIAL I%llrl I,itiqo lit clovii wnter. lory and n,id it NNill then oiliponr I as, new gans that need strength. oats irt nourishing proper - Ir %oilr cool, 1,ol-Ws IA WnSillag tll(' To new qubscribers (Toronto (axcepted) THE GLOBE will be sent by mail pounds of meat. (11,11fA'jyj ill(, whill, the family daily for two inontliq for Fifty Cents. if not now ft reader of THE 0 ,es ten Ill nt flesqvit, 111,10 lipon her plar GLOBE consult your now4dealcr or rerillit to-dtly, with the attached Ou physic *ian can tell you ill(, Ili-lif"A to drillil upon n tworiv). FERROZONE It %,ill 14 -en vill-11 of cies iL how I A Woman's Medicine! I I Owl 10010 flTI(I ..00 bo V At I 11Rr1­`Zf'q lovohicha No other tin ents— Ine for ill(, weaknvii.;, o Months for - I I I howl Idni'd pains, dlso�o I whicii THE GLOBE bir mail Tw women gutti tib. All, or n _lW ?I 'a 1.." 1, 1 Permanent AX, It,, it 44. th. Y 4P to CONCERNING WOMEN. ovill s11millics know about %N,otjj:jjj of common Women afrnlit (,I, being struck by perio lice. lightning should Ill'. it POS-0blO, (111 :k Wi 0"VEq. (]lilt it is .1 fluffy or Irou bell, tbu head Of which has n projection rov saimortin.,,, cllr- 11 n t fil r - tains. such -1 bedstead forills till' Woril out of its XR most complete 11,glitfling protector that !,:",I V,ill 1;1,t hot one-half as can be devised, say,,, an eminent eloc- .1 clan. Loth of thr.:e women kno"', too, Nil Genevieve Clark. (11111."'Iller of 'vot Still Should -IS nepresentative ChumpCl,"Vk Of loolls \\(,N) lit till, bon \r. It is not I souri, is only foul-t0c"I Yeal's Old- but ;fail it will $0011 N;w ilf-is said to he familiar with PubliO Y. . 11 she co'll tilt.11-4, questions, about vollic it j, Ill:j ill ilie house on, v--im-OkIntly S4,rocs to the Friends' 1e (trimly and fot.111111,10. NvIIII, ,.chool in Wasbin,-1011 Will Is (Iescl'it)c(l oll it I, ojA-�- !I'll tile ;hat (lilt �A ent you", di"lliti(d. 1,0;11 Mid stylish TOFILONTO as a very Intellig twelve- adn'll: of no. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Inez Bower Is the UaIlle (It' a I, Fear -old girl 01' 1,0, is Pill hot nollrlpl- over the seat of neu- rd as the 11jost' momentous issues ever settled by What many. regard she r)AL' -it riVe"at'd Ili's 1)(ell Britain during the preaching Rel-luolls ill tile "'est- I ic pain and 1*(-[I(I\V fre4jllelftly. ', -as "converted C I_Aulteriiffll� for ill(, removal n Great n 4 olt , to mijilt., for nefirly the Ballot Box will be fought out 11 serriiont I of frockleS. Into III(] batterrout stalus. S our years. The,,(, :I f re described as f 11 and accurately report the ne.ws of thi logical And UM A (.11ijage ill* shoes :Intl stockings next two month S. r.()jjIplp(ely ovill lie found :is soothing a minister Of alfltltm are ('11" qq nllyjlihiL�, I'm- fire(] feet. great struggle The GIOLe has made elaborate arrangements. lularly PAINS �Ilver." A hodfbriflse (-all be caSi�d by apply - Mrs. George Keppel, who lia." 11:141 h notoriety ih(, friend- w,jj(q) 111 t,lsv haS ralled-w1wn dt,- ifI9 (11"POatilIV. 'I'llis is !'ISO excellent )nine n sliond(,rot of ever getting mlio-f-that's if olle flit, 1-111, ;1 nasty imil into the qIp for bet- of L�ill.P: Edward, has, Nvoll Ilip tiaw to torn to the om, rvine(]\ flesh. MR. STEWART LYON that 113olinrch's diSloleall-1170. it Seems. th-,it �ihvays does cure -always dotes Nothint-, relievel, the sting Of mos- 'J ­ f persons whoill he vo.Ill hriiig relic from th�, first apifliVil- as the list, 0 flnito bile- or life it-Ifing or hives like If IjIlthilig I hea, it, a weak soluton of car- plekqc,(l 10 meet, which he edils tion. 13i'llagelf, (Ifje% not 00T11:1ill thilt INIY'S •News Editor of The Globe, and a thoroughly informed. Cana - to Ille sol,prise of Society I)oii(. nerd :!rad \\ater. les. His letters. .-ame. tvd( Nerviline 11, the to liiiv(, snick to dian, will spend the next two nionths in the British Is in i,orl 0 111CIll. Voan(I (I(, tiol tear th(,ni off. but sof- of C' , 111 Mr. Lyronis peculiar s Nellie G. Roll tell wlih worn) olive oil the parts that "I or ('olalylbas- Instant Relief will ,appear e.NC1L151VC1y in The Globe. I and two v%*011l( -ire rooferriag, for certain Cure adhere, having til,,t cut away the cloth - three attorneys. . it), (.1I)se to file wound whIl sharp scis. -f Scotland a close student purpose of 'organizing fill Ohio In Use 50 Years ly, fitted for SLICII a nussion. . A native o y man's bar aqsocItitlion. The Satisfaction Guaranteed of Old Country politics, and one of the foremost jmirnalists,ofA�e )u will bo forni(41 ill Columbus Ill For .1 had t:111-011 fail first finder hot All soli Norvillne Ili larre venter nal ilien under cold. 1<eep this en pic­ tiw ow-wr fir,1vop Or hand - 25C bottle.,; try it. Dominloti, his -contribUtions will present vivid an'd-luminous p tures of the " Battle of the Budget." HOUSEKEEPING HELPS. Women 00 FOR A 0AAR A (loth aloktoned with alcohol will clean piano key -i. CABLE SERVICE- StAicken With Worry El THE GLOB 11011ext .............. ... 30011" k*jpajI 111101putil vo-!ill warm water 7 1 pM .................. 240 rats. and poliqlf it Witt) milk. Better ................. I Oo ffhi. No � It seems, impossible fol: will include: �Ojp ()Ij window paries! nuh 27 doz. ........ I ......... 1110111 \Otjj eillier ilrohrol or ammonia W0111(ill ilot- to Nvorr VeWtAbt ........ Soo UK. in Ill:tko flier) Shine. whether they y, but MR. STEWART LYONIS SPECIALS y livorl.N 01, not. This represents a fair ra- Of,e-orntod china P1I(P9 should lie pat IINN,ti% A\ith roand plooeq of canton it is every womaii s ditty to "THE TIMES" SPECIALS s. tion for a man for a year. flonnol h,olweell Clem herself and family to savc CANADIAN ASSOC"IATED PRESS OE.SPATCHES J* But some people eat and niApplY the while of in egg "Itb a her strength and bid1d 1111 AMERICAN ASSOCIATED PRESS DESPATCHES ,.nmol, Imir hrillih 10 fly specks on pil- This l fT,:Illlrl :11111 11)('3 \lilt (11%tippear. her systern to me'e't any iiii I MARCONI WIRELESS DESPATCHES eat and grow thinner. .tofl ,oilp 11wilo from hillf a P011114,; iisual demands. weans a defective digestion 4,r f4ii;,li,ii (ioNN-n iiqrii soap and two I Ta preVeDt Ilel-VOUS break- (Iu!IrIS, of water will save the soap hill for the next fcw weeks will be a series of' and unsuitable food. A large :it tits'. down the blood inu-st he kepi A special feature of The Globe pinstor of jmri,; figures With rk })lir(' and mitritioiis. size bottle of conlincill' sinrchold waler, 1p'pcharacter sketches of 11riti5h statesmen from the pen of Dr.. J.,A. Mac- 1" zle It ,Ir} (ill Illt, sjIj,r:jvv and tile die! will 1 No inedicine is so benefi- donald, 1,"(fitor of The Globe. 6 171 cial as Ferrozone, whichacts' ll�ru,;h (,IT wit], tho dry V THINWIVI" To oi(l ghi,­; ponr strong :fit - i h oil the blood, the Herres, the TRIP ., t S EmuIs�on ,,,,,Ili:, .it it. so rub Vtell with a brus stolilach, (111d ill othel, or SPECIAL TRIAL I%llrl I,itiqo lit clovii wnter. lory and n,id it NNill then oiliponr I as, new gans that need strength. oats irt nourishing proper - Ir %oilr cool, 1,ol-Ws IA WnSillag tll(' To new qubscribers (Toronto (axcepted) THE GLOBE will be sent by mail pounds of meat. (11,11fA'jyj ill(, whill, the family daily for two inontliq for Fifty Cents. if not now ft reader of THE 0 ,es ten Ill nt flesqvit, 111,10 lipon her plar GLOBE consult your now4dealcr or rerillit to-dtly, with the attached Ou physic *ian can tell you ill(, Ili-lif"A to drillil upon n tworiv). FERROZONE It %,ill 14 -en vill-11 of cies iL how I A Woman's Medicine! I I Owl 10010 flTI(I ..00 bo V At I 11Rr1­`Zf'q lovohicha No other tin ents— Ine for ill(, weaknvii.;, o Months for - I I I howl Idni'd pains, dlso�o I whicii THE GLOBE bir mail Tw women gutti tib. All, or n _lW ?I 'a 1.." 1, 1 Permanent AX, It,, it 44. th. Y 4P to