The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-12-28, Page 3_ . .F-. �� I I I I - 1.1- 1. � -1 7�.
.1. TW � 7 � ` d-'- , .7 "Mm" T -, - ,Ik7o . . : , . � I f . I
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. 4 I � I 40.1 Ri I NOW I'Morm 1. 1. � . 1. 1. 1.11 I �. � . . � � � � I � - . . � I i I *_ I - . I I 1,
. I . "�- , -- ;� I .- , _�_,.:=': ! ,__:_ -""__17� �_,�w_,�,�";6��.i_ ��_
. � . . , -'----"- . . � � . _:::.11:�_6":� �:11 2=� � , _ . _. .- I I _ _ -77_77.. % I . 11, 1.1.11-1 - - Z;Z . - --,--.,. ''. _ 1. I -
I ) I � , I . I . � - tboir livarl"Jr-tboy no lQ0$;er.XIV , . , - , . - . 41 14 I
I . I .. � . I '.., . " 0 U!OAD t ,; r ize that aa Fir.4 Sim Lord bo'bits; ro, I �, � -
. ". - d* or " I k- as ` , Aye tb .
- An E it . .� I their 9WA namov; 430 loum - M" I Olk-edpromotiQn. Some of tbola, oee,w
I I I .. 1� . . . I � I � , , 'k clieve that Sir I .
I � #0141 or Ispiritulkl, life's V419b W9
. . VeA ,
. � . ... ky to 1) . Henry '44son 4 . ,
. . W", I . all ,material demands gr a . the Mmiraltywas tv , I
- 1 . pe . , , SPOASIble fox! tile t - '10,
. , qt1top
I � $;. 0 # 0 *1 . .� � I I I � , I *, .. I ,
'Oth '� �oliege, to ok ' . , 00110TION abond-0,nment of. .the t0a,41tio'nAl 0 -1- , "; ,
The '4 . mumt be 00 DOY41 contur , o4u a a bree -h will � I � , 11
, ., o; . ,4 WhIr
.P'l * ' I I , . . I � - , v , ,- . 1.
,,urQIY,. The. ,a - oforg4nivatiQns. s . the � tbo. The horlzQui,�as bRep w1donvoll: to, the - " I I tish, 4 -4, attacki oind , QX- " .
� um�qr - I a �
_ . ,, � stand ;� ...V41 policy. I
. , UCC 00 . rigors. qg
� I �.. I .1 0 gully " . 11-r"." . .
I thot havq for th 1. - I I . womou'P, view. .!Every -avohue of work . I I � I t A .. I I 11 . � I 1. ..
1. .eir objec.t4be making Onta xct that tPer, endous.,;ao is the prob� � � � - - - - - � - . . "
rIQ,C1ImAt9 I . , �� - 71.�,, ., .
I . . 4A4 usefulposso'b-op ..
Of b hi , .1 .
. #. *. I .
. ff-a R to tho Wad of in woi u, - �. __ .. I . .
,en - t4k,;. A * ,en p., Oho b*v RIKART IT APP , Is H1$ Join, involved In brInginefliorGermans � �
I , .. , ROV00 ,Y I I ,I I
, .1 I . , . . I
�1 , , � �, country needs �a -4, V , .111.
,rto many and: are 1,10.10age.r. to.plf an ''aft f P44ce 1. . men- � . - - A. 11
' , I . I I
. still '� 40Maa - men o py. rain4s.11` W . Ing. � , or . __ I -A. into, a0tIPA it will be 041ved by, J01111- � . 1, ., � I 04" - , ,RPM 11 11 _, I .� *4 I
. .,y of in
. _4 .. I .0 FRIENIM IN ANEW I I
- . 1.111 � . Char I V11 � I
I , m � ,
I 'MultiplyinQ.r. The. l4to4t cyllIng for at- .,Wrote this, for 'a headline" on Copy . Rftcat!Qn- 0190s . the P � I 0 coo anot 0oatty, it .0uAt to U- born -0 I - I * -, . . % V
- . I I
. .
, I A ,
. I �, , tenti=,anil for recruits Is hgO14 books in our teacberdo t4ught ind desire,, aiiid the educated I ,M . in cooking, H .
, . yo, HOW. true I � . mindo, too, that Je1lW,0 has. had ao , og reed Unprolitsibloi, , .4004, " -The farmor himself 4
� .
. . na ' t . fid brings ipp . .
. med "I, arm. Boy CavAliers . I experience in ,actu
- ,. Is the otgteme is. to,diiy.�-nvver worq w0men,' who. marries a I ).
, at , . .al -a The Advisability of ,cooking gr learn What W vxopf req
I I _ . xarfoi that
. 11
I . 1. , , 11 en, is gn Importajt,ass9t't6 the I some Incidents in- the Lite of the New s' st iiiing fQO4, for , vire, ito I "i
I b9upol to. catch farm boys all right,, so, We have, just, read In a roll, 0:49, I I . X
-w--.* , - , , gi . licUld. be of priceleps..'Oventa 04 -bil .. I as 1
, .. go to
I , 1, , , Its, name it =unity- . I I - ,0WInQ was for many What I I Poll contal .,. learn, , �11.. if I
" I too. In 'spite of is non- weekly_whicb�should.lell 'Only true ,, guaranteeing qsr ,sho. � � Commander 9f tho ROMA him in the Adminalt la . i , ho W . .
, ,
I .� 11, � 11 � V. Before the be. years thO. 910494t of Aluel
� , � . . .. , . i co4tro
� , - t I �jms, does, th '11, be * War noliody-h4d any many of the'most s .. versy; , eking I# Us 8.011j'. 104-rA W to sup., I .
� , At tbk
I , - spiritu , v
. ol. lite
military, altbou . ,be members on, sto . . .n . kinillh .
. , rjosis�tha
'94 . I at a Voted scientist cli 1. � g' of this,
I � I mounted on Up I 1. fp maintained, and th;tt.she Willa .. weessful feeders Ply the 40AC104*5; V4,4.tben he MAY
i I ,,rsvabaek,, A .that flowers as -A i .. . , � Ot slpl; I NaTy. - such experience, and It was !essary *both In 'ng
I parade w. ,, I , � , Ca , �: " 'ed y 11 . .
.. ne(. .,, da, �aAA in the, U, safely log for J*ro 4
1. . I I -viol, of the, ig . � �� .. .. I 1.11 . uIto .t.
some idea ;,; 'tis, . ,
I , steady diet are to the le no.r4'46rol - . , !Olds ,and
quartet of mottoes,, o � . I that Onaval man without experiencos �Stat*s, heldr Wadosl.,�" dig -PrOSW, ' I , .
. , ,,, bave�'r uperiortg1he vegeta,M6 , ,A)l ' prent VrOAW. . MV0 Ve ,,
I I '. I h 3. wh9le conception .. . , ere has. ,been much intelligent _ ,t * 11' 4, ,study
I . its oiperationp-servi - � of )!to ,is the - . , I 1. uite a! -Widely # -
11 Of lee, Honor, custome4 to e . . in modern. n a but. the 1arMer" m
,at. He expresses Oils �w " Aval warfare should bo" 444 differiial 4 . 'I ,ir, . :got ,work out r ��
,; , ,, - unbridled Indtilgenceof the Comment In, the leading American pa- I la . , . any
l .1ty. Achievement on, t b . lower First Sea Lord. . As time pa 1, how. , practice. During the vast I of, hisown problem . .'! _4 , .
I , -, `,,, , � . Thrift; Loya .. pas., I .1 .. �
., . lie . -1
. - . , opinion boldly, Ii. this -Why the her - e I � I � . . � S80 , A I 1, is ov��'4iii' , ,
I . ... Wons. I perm upon the riieenf-changes In .,, the . . $0414 ,
I farm and 4niiiiiinity betterment 4rp.` , . . ever, and the e,xp . asm , r,
,... I . ivorous animals Are healthier .than erience was acquire' hOwOvbl,, the proce ness. In. e under his qw4 coaditions, by triali by
.,. ,:. I . . I . British navy e6minonds, which are I . .f � ., . I I I
1, ,� . Its main scope, and there will be no men?. Petite& that is *by cows have , . it Was onlY.6mmon sense that the CA, fallen'. very, iar . test, QUO li� e*perlm ., I I
. . . univerissair approved. It is' natural I . oes .
- 4'A advji;e. to -the brewers. �.
-1 .... . t ,for usefulpeso. i " , .Henry For .. � . I �. � . a ,y . I � eat. . 1 .
: . . . lack of dpportunity such a peaceful ex ression In repo4*- is O.K. Brewery pl that any Proino a for Sir Pavid Admir It should have the advantage ly. into disuse. It has been I - I �
I �
: p I , .
., . . This f ants all over the . ,tio pretty , . I - . . . ,, *
11 . ., . A brief prospectus gives a brie ,Why I , .. - I 'Of it. The Changes in the'n .
sheep looks so very .contented continent represent Beatty should . .. avAl high. 42011clu.sively proven that, unless 'under i ,
.. . . . I . � -millions give satisfaction � in the , I I A wim''o.44'. - , , �
. . .. 1: Outline: I . i when, no dogs are n of dollars. . I command, therefore, cannot be classed exceptional: clio6timst
, I I., � ear, 4nol-why ,61os, If -they can be turned to piactical 4c; United States, for the A4mirallas wife mo- I I I . I. ances, better rpe- I I 1p , I
I 11 '
I r . . � , .� , There are* three . ranks,: that of phAnts, grow so strong. This scientist I . .w . le, ,,, , . a ng ti;e,,changes tha I . ,is "
� . t, ought tp have 1314RA are. olitained from a giVeil'4TOunt Tte wosed prob , pne of thoxaOst,
. . . . .1 �,:' I I count and at the same thiae to human. WAR Miss F1 Id, of billcajo, the only Zeen made'long ago . .
I I '. :1. : _d . I . I . I 11
I . . page, that of Esquire, . and t Would have us. believe that a diet of . .1 of graln or roots given raw t � s coilfrontIng 0 d' 9w m .4 I "
. � a* onefit instead of to Its *hurto how. daughter of. the late Marshall Field. I it fro .�tg era �
. � , I , a0k *u
0 1 ; s
1. 1. . I., All Cavali rs'enter in the I violets, sweet peas, geraniums, nas- David, moreQ' - ' 7 . ___***__P! I 18' a mil r 441, some Weeds ar , , 0 1
. I I . .1. I . .. I . , iiy, , b tha �m aserl Isr
. � .. . . . Knigh Q , much better it will be than to "scrap Sir . ver, has many I P__ I . .I U amount after it has -be Z a el in*, I "
. 1� , , . nk, of Page and pass on to the high- turtlums, is omore healthy than'a. diet . 1 . CANADA AS AN E cooked " . 1.11 every le o i '_ ' li
.. . .. ra I I 11 . I . nds in tile American nayy, for be ,, � � XPORTER, I I . province, while � �x cause
:� I * ' Me � _ o h a, ,
, I
� ., . I _. I - Oconomically, it w ,_ I it t loss,'Wberegra,
. ,� I er ranks by obtaining, achievemeh them." E
, I . , t of beaim-, cabbage, potatoes, turbijis, to have.them operated to I ill be good . Iwo , _e of, . . I . ;;as io�fherlyl believed, and is 41011 I .
, - w- .. - . P . . . .1 , badges. An achievement badge, may' I I here associa d with tbem. at the. thn . - . In fam.n ii ex,
� I . . carrots, parsniJps, etc. If he is right ,,4sQ the still by many feid the 'pro- elusively practis�d. . Wild' o4tjs,"gro� %,
I Z . . w0i, the Boxer rising. in China, when he What an American Magazine Has to . . ers,. that ' ' -
. � I be earned by showing certain definite I id's wealth if the. world'& good,can . � . . Cess of Cooking Increases the digesti- lb , t I I
I . . . . . what a lot of work may be shunied. A was in ' , Say On the, Su, ject.. , I . I terr* le poiis A. the PrWrie Provinces
I . , I comma 7 . I
. .,.. . . . . work done, such as alfalfa - growing, mari need not to wait-, for a cooked be*.accompli,shed by so-.dotag.'Mr. Ford .u. nal of the battleship - ' lb 1, WHY ' of the food - s � been and must be dealt with, earnestly i4
1 1 1. , I � . I says that e ery standard Berfleur. nlKe. Owen in the � New. Yank- I , but it ha
; �., - _ � ,f- v brgw' ing I .oses are inclineal'to look on the, shown &hot as' -a rule' tfie contrAry is order to keel) them under ceiatrol. ! , �
.1. ,barnyard sanitation, bee"culture, bee breakfast-j.uqt step out to the flower . . .. - I
.. � . . . I '71 : . I , , paratively small coft can - . e I i0i, time 'eg' 'Various meth I . I ,
. , If . . . . - I . in the case 'of food .Qds axo: advo - f
. . . . . . ... . . I . I catod ,ex.
, ''
. . . - Phi in protein - Extensive experl- their ,erAdl lop, but one"of the , -
I calf feeding, bird study, blacksm th%. o�rden, -and gather-jo, boquilet of flow- be converted into a'distillery for man ek and resourcefulness In connec6 for the r 6ountry of less than that of rich' , ga , i
plant at c9ni York Times says tliat be show d great qanadians, with a , total ` populat
'. . . ... Ing,. pig raising., .I '..
. .1�1, Z I., . . � . . .plowing, poultry eul- era and eat Ahem along the way. A 145ptuEng. denatured alc�6oj ' tion with thoi.capture oftwo.Clifilese New york City, as of cb , ,, very" ,. , -
I I . � 1'. . �ure, shbep raising, horsemanship, etc., writer says it will be'sq. e6s for." ., for use' . miparativelY meats, conducted both Go' ' best Is- the f2low'An
. , � . y batteries. At thq head of , d fall qo in ,
� rmany anti , , QthQ4 - t ,4-4#
. I � . '. two hun- small,- * in -4 1 1 1 1 *1 - P.
, , � Cwho..,ared able to, mo' in alitomobiles and ot4er int�ernal corn- .1 ...t -
, I I . � Boys -of -a I consequence in, the adjustment in America have been remArkably uni. PrActisea I nd recommonded b$. vnoi 9f,.,: '. 1: - I
" , . . � . .
. '�, ... . . . . AY Ago th� g. thers to send� the children out on the .bustion efigines. If ' dred. bluejackets he was twice wound- `trade'� which is ex .
�' : : : .1. - mQuqt a horse from rounatand roadsides.. . the world's supw of world results, and unite -to rmes
. I Pected to forM. in their the oldest And m6st s '
� I � , and, meadows. to eat' dande- ed, the result being.tbit;hoi was pro- take place after the war. Yet Canada. show that, pjo�eln- is less. digestible 0.9the. Northweii�. ' � � � I. - I . I
. �, � .. �, W: , , , ply of petroleum, and , therefore; of � �
� .
�. .. I . . I . , 4. I �
� i . . .. i � I to ride at, a gal -lop, may join the or- lions when. they� ask for cookles. If moted to th&rank ofocaptain, thougif ls:not biind.Ao her opportuoittea., * : , ,
, I , ,
t, . , , . . .. gasoline, Js feat becoming exhausted I 1.
��'. ., , ,. ganiiatio.n. A ,orrespbnding branch tfie scientist Is right -it Would be more only 29 , rior after * The infested field sh
� I .
1! � � � � ,. . �21 , . � I and the clay of alcohol. fuel for autos y.Vars-6146 He had been under . . exposure, to high temperatuie, I . . ould :be piough-F " , , - . I
1, j.", ..� �. . , 1, , �. . for farm girls is called 1�116me Clya- than inspiring to sit down to. a. bowl fire bef will she neglect theiii. . 1. . The'digestibility of starch is to some ed deeply.(se.ven or 8191it, li��ies, it" .�'�'. I
.I , , : �, . I 'i ore, when he took c6himand of . � I . I .
t'p . : � ...". . '.. lierie,k�-also 4 very appropriate name. and tractors - i. Just dawning, brewery . :Already there Is a great deal of extent incieased * by. �Ooklng and fori Possible)* as isoon as spring se I �
, " . I . . u -leaves on a June , - " I , e(ling, �- - �-e,
.. �f cr shed rose the gunboat flotilla on thie Nile, Ad . . I
". r: ,,-,� e. 1 '. - . The b . It properties are hssured a future -much .Canadiah money in -vested around the. this reason potat V . Is. over, and each dayli ploughing
I . I �. � . I ead of this troop�of farin boys,is morning, for surely�,a man could wri.e . kdr�, � - � .
, . I , oes should always be ' , . i , ". _ ,.
, ".�, I . I.., . . ore useful to.the communi.ty around miral Colville having been wounded,, ,- aribbean Sea and in South Amerlc$, cooked,for ho; feeding. d as plouglied. ," eiiih � . I
- � *. . I.. .. , . . , . Mjr,. T. A. Erickson, University Farm, flowery sonnets afto such a break- in . . and'fought the.. enemy determinedly. .0 It must be.. . ci�p 0 ,. I. � 11N.
�� ��, � . 1� ., .. . :" I I St..Paul, Minn.,- tg.A. Boys arid fast. Itwould doubtless bring a great them and. qu,ite as profitable to their . . particularly Southern Brazil. 'arid the conceded -that some feed stuffs, such as r 1'e vated,6' . ..
I I � I A I Appears it should be culti r . % ',
� 1. .... � " , . * owners as they, have bi��n., Mr. I his gallantryat Om� Argentine. Much of this money has turnips and Pumpkins, -are m4de_z�uch d- up to the 10th or 12th of AiL. % - .
;'�,� . � . .. . " : girls'who take active part In the Can-, amount of cheer to eat golden chrys�- We , . . -made a coximander 'Roalstse . 1.�
, . . - .. 1. � tit on to say�that-the greater part'. durm an he was ' � d I . . .
V �, � adta'n Rural School Fairs, may. Pro� anthemums on a "dull N'ovember aft ' been put into public titilitles,,so that more acceptable -to pigs b3� c.OQIJ* gust �irhen the fie'ld should be. I
� I . .. .. - . . er, o and invested with tbe.D.S.O. � . . ing, olvon, a . �: � .,�
L � . � , .i the brewing apparatus and maebin.r . . I �t�' thb CA adian -exporter has some Ad- and wilt' . final Preparation and seeded about I I
, "
� . .1 I I.;, ... I . .:. I � . . . Rall in some cases give I
, . . . perly organize a troop, .. I noon at tea -time.' Food like thht - . . - . therefore ' .
I I should . I I I '-' , I
. . .. � . * * , ery �rt any brewery can,be -used in I . . Some Beatty .Stories.' e, A .one, .
, - . . . VAgtag' in many cases consid6rable, better ' Aug. 15th,et the rate,of -ohe` ., � "
1, ,�� "I . . results cooked than raw; there a' a 1 4 . 11
,� I ,�' : , . , - I . ' I . bring forth 'at I . east an ode. maiking�alcohol, the Addition-' netoled Jn having been precede(t-by Ca'nadihn,is also s.9me advanta,4,e in giv- " quarter bushels of r I
, . . �:.:._ . ,I 4".1 . prise solely go - ing feed I rye end ffiaek-s - �.,: - � -P
Another enter . . The atoiy told a few days a'* . ' I . fall .
, 1�1 ... : .1 . . � 46r boys' Shall we. become a,. - f1bwosr-eaiI"g ,only'being a continuous stili. i
� i - -11 - I. . benefkt has recently been launched. in i4ce? . . . . . . I 1% BeAtty,'v,ben iabharge of the British ipterests. which,'fr8m. the very nature Warm Ouring cold -weather, but b6th'ed or harrowed after.seeding, The * '. , I I . . : �
.. . Z, . . * . � I . ��
� . . . JA � - Canada. Its 3bjects, too, are excedd6 . * * 'K. * - . squadron visiting,Kronstadt, draining of thqir enterprises, must make a German and American investigai4s] bats that germinate with the rye will.' , �. ,.
t, �, . .. . . .1 I . .'' ,4
% . I f The utility a;'id wider benefit of the' a huge bumper of champagne without' careful analysis of' local conditions are practically uninlino s in condenin- be wintosi:-killed, and -those comin �, .: '' . : �
1, . .. ; �, ' . . togly qoinxiien a'bl?..' If efficient and Tho gospel of good cheer is - a. . . u
, I ,
. .. - . 9 lip ,
11 11 ,V.. ., . . .- . . enthusiastic leaders can be placed tit healiliful one. It is so easily to I - proposed change is another good feat- taking,.th6 beaker fibm his lips, and and needs. ' Ing the practice- of cooki in the sprin I : 4 .
. I . . I - I g w ' ill * not ripen before *0 ,� �7,
� ��, : . .1 .1 � , . � . I . . lye Lire, fo.r'this man of wide and perie- thus makivk,a profonud impression. reisources Canada' is as er than Potat6es,,that- are palatable in I rye Is ready',to harvest. , The bettor � ', � I—-
�.. I 1. the - direet, couhsel and. n-, u,p �; Some persons. are born tratiVe vision and wonderful initiative upob his hosts, -is widely, quo . ted. the'United States. Labor their raw state, becAuse it redu ; I I to cu tivat4d and pi,;epared 49.' *. I'' '' ` _'
I . .bead to I In natural
�;,,- I : : ,.� . I . �.. . struct, aye, and, encourage the'boys.ti) full of go6d 'nature 4nd as they gro' �. - �n. well off as the Sol I
, , . . W ces the i . I. %
4. , . . " showed that the*raw Materials thit deed, it Is stiid that by this feat I of sive, but this con- digestibility of the Rrotein; a los'i for I te Wl � �,
, , . I * . has been more expen I . � receive the rye crop the r At ill .',, -
I� . . t % �. I '��q
11 I � . : . . �_,.; .. I � I . . .: ety. We qu.ote� they go. 'They'are known far ' and laboratoriois'-, in what pno�L might call draughtsmanship - - ely to,adjust itself. for la-' which in the absence 6f any increased, e number of oal �d and - _ � I � � ,
. . ' .
:1, ,� 11 ... . ... ; �. .. . producing alcohol cheaply- are not Only he' contAui, ,he United. States is Advancing palatability - it offers no . compensati g wintera!killed. If nece ary
, !I , . ... .. , . Ukebola'with a will andrViM, Success up it radiates, from them'' wherevdr, have been used in'the ilition is"lik . , beth ;s. ge r A ,
� ,� , I . . _1. . . . from the Orillia Packet: - wide for their good cheer., Theirw coin- ed more thqn ho or his bor in t I .n , Ear, this, �., ,!_� , `1
::, �, � .. .� I . . . . the -various kinds of'grain but, fruit officers could have in cost constantly, while it is to be &_ ad It is now ge -. 11 -. , ,�:' 11
t : . , � . � - The. Canadian Standard Efficiency ing.ihto a home. is � , vantages. treatinentean be repeated Fa rye . �
, F I . , . Oke the joy of . done' in Ally other nerilly .con-! . `7
: , . a and vegetable substances aw well. I . . A . I �
[�. , I � .. I 1: . I I : Test is the nanie Of the Jatesi popular, radiant " morning. ' Char] s Grant . WAY 0. of the visit , that .pected that immigrati a ceded by those who have given the is a sur the gr krjagos; 4 good � .,, �., I
, I . e to the'succes' on to Canad , o crop, -
, I .. , A . 1. . I . . . . � . �.
. � .. . Te�ts were made! with coM and wheat; proved. so ferfile in p.dlitica ' after the war will h feeding of'potatn'4 a fair study that PrI6 will , .. .1 ��..
� ,. I .. movement,in Sunday -school and Y.M. 'M . I . ave�a steadying e, and- it is the one ctop which .
I , I 1. I I illeir te4ls us that good cheer is a I results.
. . . . I I � . .. _. . - - . ., I 1''..
, � .
I "'. .., . .. ., . b � �C.'A, circles, inhugurated f6r the b:dne- then with potatoes,. grapes, cherri6s, Not io'fav,ra, , -was the ' effqct onAhe labor market ,of that these tubers fed raw have veri'lit-', klPpn ahead of the wild oratis ,.k. C.,*� , -- -,�,,
i��' �f , . . ,. . . ... simple habit -one of the best ,in all I Peaches, clirratits, sitawbefrios and* impression country. . .. ". . I I I I .. "
, � ..� ,.'." ...." �, � . . fit of the*boy of "teen" Age.. It is an the list of good* ' I he..ereated in Kiel'when in 1913 he . .. . tle� nutritive, va in Conservatioxi. - � ' . �1.
-, , . .. . :. . ,habifs. It is a splen- . . I , ,Ipe' but when'cook�dl . . . . I .. I � �, �.�, ��
."! I 1. . , r I .
,,, ;, ! . Canad' particularl�. well 'fitted i the� are worth a ' , L- . . .. , 1.
� I .. many other kinds of small fruits; tur, And his s4uadron.Vigited that port. 'to - . I y bout. one-quhrtoir as * .. . ... . . .1
"t ,01 ..- � I.... ! . attempt to' develop him .in his mental, , ,did ,tabricant-oiling all. of life's ma- .nips, c * L .. .
. t I I
. � ,
�, _.; . . .1 I . I sugar &eet the Kaiser. Night had falien for igncommerce�throykb having I much iis�,mixed grainw�Canadian ShortAge of Grak World'Wide. . . I . 11 , I
I I . . . . I 1.
, : 'physical,'r gious, and social life, and chincry: - "'A -merry heart . goes all cane and even woods were ' two ports which ' Countryman.. I % . , '�
. . . - eli � arrots, mangolds, beet,i; .. fore a "'
� .
1�. . �� � .'' , . ,. I .: - ! lq� - '.. . y lV examinations- the'day, Your sad tires in a mile, ?a-" e+ . Also test-fbefoie Xier'was reached and as.there . are the'elosest Am-, . � ., 1: Rigid economy througliout � the worl(b. . . �.� r
, '. . '
. . . '"
.. . - - was' dense fog the people of Kiel I . . . I ; the co I usuitaption Of food, in view .. I .1.
. I - exposrimentors found -' erican poi# to EuioJpe aAd7 Asia- ' ,___� . .. .1 . , ,',:,,
� .,
, ,. , � - comp6 on", the grow�- -Good I cheer is * duceE, that the Wastage from eva sup- Ha ifax -and Van . . . I of I � .
. I ,� , stimulaties by thi . * Fdrther, the
,� � I * '. " '. , I . i . in
. . ... .
I I I I I . .Jrbn -wou d I the deficient crops and the extraordill. . .,-, ` - I
, ; I * . I . Ing boy along these lines.. The. tests says �ame . porators, posed,tbit the'British s4ua ' f I ' .. espe�tively. ' Study,'Ybur Soil. 1. _
- . 'ity. He's right, canneries, sugar factories'and:-.simllar Halifax is also nea I -
i,;,. . the -authol"
: . . . ' . ary requirements by the . International . � -1., I 1,
,�W � - .j."-', I - .. ,,�. . -result in the boy getting .standard t 'derfull ' .. farmerls' capital 1� �,
. I � ."'.. .. I . . I . � . oo, for it 'adds Won . lanchor'dutside. To their aitonishmefit rei to the Iiorts'of The- soil is the
.;'.�,t � . , I . y to one's colwerns couia be 'utilized such Brazil'and Argenti' 14 . ,,,
",;, . I �'_ - proofs.;of "where he su�ceeds, and Also active, ability and .I ". I as I whoin ne than Boston, his Workshop, 'Up � . �,
I 1.� ,!�� I . -, , " �.' . , I . . they. awoke in th . � . on ii, is founded the - Inkitute of Agriculture, which, '.:h a ,
. I . picreases hiplital apploi, p*eeli , e,morning they, I a , . �. lv'. 1, I
"" � -, '' i e , . ng ' . . an- New 'York' or I 'Halifax, whole business of'farming, and up . ; ' r "
�%",�.';� . ' ,British. ships. lying at . '. on ',made the m Ost I I �
. . , 'hy§ical power.*.' Best � of- - all it topis -usually thrown away oil is nb�v in. fhe-,mi . . #Xtensive report it has.
" , �i�_, I -4: .. . '' *here'he fails, and have been found to and.p .js, cherry Pits, � vegetable -found the Philadelphia. . , I
4 I produce excellent results. This plan! makes. . . I 1 f.1rins, chor in port. gre4t harbor it 'i
14-1--, '. us. hosts of 'frie - 81 It could dst of a, . . -7 '. �
.. ..", . .. ''� I , �ds, and hAP .not have bee Is fertility will depend in large MeA isioped since the war b 'I . The in . ._ .
,�, ,,�' ... , . are unusually high. in alcohol *al6e � I n developmeni costing , $3.0,000 Sol $ . egin . It . " I
,� ": I is Ifeing. locally introduced in Orillia,. us to be interesting *aind tigreeable. " -, Utirely agreeable for , ofthe*farmers'opei
,,�. pt: .1. .- � . .. . F ariner s* ' . I . . I . them. to fedl I . ,000, i re the success I stitute says all nations are: copfrontid. .1 I ,,m��.��
. �', _ .1% I , I .and there will, Y& :four "consecutive will be furth,er.ifiterested in,�. -that Beatty. knew his way into which Will ei.iable tile. Port. to handle tions. - Too Often, it is not given the.'Witli a . I , 1. . �,, � � �
.., , "'I", !. I.... . . I I . A business map, good cheer 'will at- knowing thatong of t � Kiel +� grave situation. j -1 I . �
� "" , .. . . .1 , . - 'k ,7-vel-Y,,best ind" I . . - expeditiously, I . . . -1 I I
; I . . -weeks, in . _hL . � . harbor at 'night and in a thick fog k. A 111 c I ent intelli- I It is estimatedthai at'least 2,360,. * '
V . I , I -boy leadei hers ' lers,'sell More'. goods, terials'was found io be corhgtalkf - iredt . P with the West by -thie Can , 1_�'.
,c. Z ,� . '. ., .. �.. %. , .. � I . .,aining class for teac tract ore cus.ton It is connected proper care nor is suffici
. I .
, '. �_ " t, :... - And , -sAo make themselves ajo,M(ire business with less wear and a. r u to veb a German,pilot.. C � , I �
: ; �' . � - nd'*eq ot e' . ' . adian North, gen e exercOed in its use. 000,060 bushels of liheat will be con. ,. , .1 ., :
I �!. . . . ern and Grand, Trunk Pacific . .
1 ;1. , * fridtibn than any other qpallty of the which, ground-li ,.,'mashed`a�d boiled, I . '
� .:, ... .. . . 1.
. " , , profi cieht in, this great work fpr boys P ttans'- The Plant derives ' certdin I' , . ..,,��6
, � . . . P.�. :.. . ' � ' . Kaiser, as.Na,Val Strategist. sub- sunied. iii the.year ending July 31, . . . .
, I . .I- . ro ' . . . . . � I " i 1. . 11. .i .* . .
. . em .
� .. . . icles. We, believe it true that op4 aclre:qf cornstalks, We are told,,- will! ,On this visit the Kaiser, as was. his have auxiliar Ishippin - Perviceis �oh from thd sbil; the. most , mportant Of the w ,
I I 11 I . . , . . The class will meet,,in the Y.M.C.A. art' P d4ted. a.very"high'perce4tage.-Arr, I 6!ontineiital railways, both. of -which stances necessary to; its development; 1917, and that the, end of this' .
,1 I . . I . p od
I .. , . . . . . I ;
. "
"i :. 11. . . this and each-f(?Ilowing Thursday for timism'ig th� greatest * I ' ! . y 9 . I ssurp � �
.1 � . ; � , prod' '02it, fetq(19, the ,Orld, lus supplies of -wheat - I J
I . I
I ,� . 11 I I .1.: . f. . .. . .. four weeks�,.at 6 o'cloc4- - biggest, trader ,and truest achi�6yer in uce 100 kallons of alcoliol , and....'NN. - ,visitifig sail6rs, iii the Great Lakes. Each Of these rail- I these are ni . . . . . I , " ��_
d , .. , � . , when a sup trogen, Phosphoric acid and will have " decrease to ,46,000,000,' , * I �, - ,
� . I ... . ,.. , ,per. will. be -served, and brief address'- : ,.some edimstlks, will yield 50 pDr cent. I royal ,style, and was'pr,pfuse in his roaas Ppens'lip largk areas- Of natural I potash. ,The farmer - s ; ..� I
i.,. . . , I I . .' .the: wprid-of,.,triide and. commerce. . . r1outd. know bushels. .The rep6it iays. it Is . .. I
� 4 .`. I' es to ox'plaill i nd ,in' I 1. . more. %pr;f . I . On* - .1 " "'..., ., I
.. ,- :. I I . a teach ' ethods of Anoth'br, feature, a it,blo'cOMPliffients to their. commander. Si� iesouraies, bOth Agricultural, and min- I Whether bis'soil contains thes el in suf- ` on decourit of the .fact that last year's .. �, .:,.,
. � . I
. I . I I..",- � I
. ',4
I . .
I I - . .. 1. . � mples in, yo'ur ofib,, too, is that tho� distiller ; David, Beatty was invited -to dine 'W'ith er4l. . . ' ' I ficidnt que,lithiesto meet the requ . ir; - harvest Was abundant, leaving, 4'bal- , , . '.�
� " , , : !,� . �. �.:, , .... . .,., work..'Will be given.' All., meninterest- own Circle' of business acquaintan I can. sell � . e . i . - e
". .. , . ce. h1s,waste back twille farr his Majesty one elvening and ., . . �.,
, ._ -�, ... I -ed are, iniited,. to these conferenco�s. .Not'onl ners for, ca' ; aft,�r. ,_ Canadian shipbihg is in ille hands, ments of a mixiiiium drop provi fing ance of A6,000,000 bushels, that ther6 � ,;_..�i
. . ..:1 I Id y in the shop butAn socie , , * . . . t-, tn6r the . � . .
. ,
It . .1 . Is . ty, I tle food, as only the alcohol lia�s -been ', ..s ared'ind the of three-stroing organizations wbiell. gop a . .. 'A
I .. .1 - , . . . I . . 01 I e mill'and'factory,' . �..,
I H - I 6 ca . , ,
1� . 1. � " 'Phone 'the. e-retary for particular , p 'it es, Ili' th W I. al. cultivation is given, or, if heAs is aiailable sufficient 'wheat for* the : ,
" � . . .,: I Se . di . table. a' cle
1, , I .. - -or Nv ' taken from it -,all the. n rd6r'given for beer land fifteen box�s, ' n be counted on .to. co -o I I . . I . . I
. , .1� "., .. or come i you are, ,afit16 be - a the farm,, in the: pulpit, in th ' iA,-,ro.gei,iou-s . .. . satisfactpry, -year ending with'itext July. ' ., . '.1 1.1,111
I I � .1. � . I e.,new§_, re to go, ba k to tho� I ,perate with I not getting' yields,, he . . , 1, "I, .,
. -
� - �. ., �. : % . helper of the* "teen" age boy. , , , ' I matter is itill'Aid , ,Of matches. 'Spreading "'out. - ihe Canadian manufacturers and ,ex ort- !should find the c . ,.. , .1
i �. �'. , , - , �. . �� . ., Paper,, in the letters you 'write -'ink soi I Inai. p ause. - No two farmi: The woild's surplus of -five ce?eals.:-._ �. vl.
.. -1 . . . . . * * * * . � . izer. . I roceeded to inw - ' 11. . �',.�
� 7v I . . . I ., : �. . : every A'Vdnu , - I as f� . rii] ' I .� I I .. : , ches the Xaisei p . drs.e'. These are ' . . . . � ��
"" '. . . . ... I e of lifws activi�ti'es' Ahe - . I . . . ' . the.Allan Line, Cun- ,'have been treated and cro�ped in past 1 wbea't, rye, barley, --Oats, -and corn ' !� . .. 1
.4. -: . ,. tttuct the visiting'B I s ard..Lin6 ailal. the C ' ' . .
I Is. ., . .. 1� _0.___________� . . ritish officers- .a IF years in -'e ' I ' ' .., .1 .4
1 . � .. . . I (3 smile ' d . I 'to blow ships ought ti 6 ' an ' adian Pacif 5�aebl ,y the sam'o way, which is placed at 533,000,000 bushels.' , This � . -,
,. , 4 _. . The. farmers of .Canada -have �fOfiA& -faVorite , 1 " -V - ' s , I I
. . I" . i. �.' , . . 9' ah ays the chebrfu .-per- I
.1 .'... . . * I a,new friend Ili 4be persbn of th � new 1 GERMAN WOMEN NIUS, ' I o e .handled - in i Railway. - adjoining farms may includes . , I
. . . soil With the bright' ,r I . They �fiave, been- gradually means tha � I ,
''. �� ail 4ilitt I . TOIL... ,t. eveh the unexPorthble 11
. . '' . . .. . ,n cono:iidoins Of., naval warfare. il I . . . �.
111.1 .bi 114 Russian
. 12. Goverti'tir-General. Addresiing. th-0 thoughts. ` - - ,' , - , - - ` . 11 I .. _. . - �,. ".. .". .. 1.1 rn-Odol . !-absorbing the' independent -lines unt - be entirely different so far. as soil re- I stocks and also the .stocks of Ruma. .�
. . I I . . 11 . Ai
. .. ..
., . � .s 1
. I . ... . .. ... . . studiints it .'the Agricultural College.: - - , . RiA, an' � _1 He manipulated1he little ti&s with �tbe Canadian Atlantic is fairl t i ' ' �4
� I �. . . ; . ! , . . -, . * �'*.* *' . .1 . �d Poor Called to � Arms and, I . y �vchly I quirementeare concerned. "'To bring: nia and Bulgara The surplus'of oats ' le�l
I .
i 4
.� .". - .. .. .� ,ft -the occasion of his first visi* . - . .. . I I 1. . . I I such 'iniehuOy, and darink that. I the. i divided between them, whil6 the'Can,_ 1. it up t . �. I � �
. . I I
.- - -
. . , . . . ,
�. � t .tO! jThe, other day *Ls tried to'rehol a -- � .-�,- Workshops. .. .. 1* profitAble produc- I is, placed at 166*0060,000 bushels. -A , I
, '
; . - . that institution, ion �Nov'. 30, the D ke' . . I 1� .. . N ffi'et- he Aupposdd hims�if to b� ' - I adian . Pacific. Rai lway has It .. . 1
:.,� ' . 11 book tIitit- 1'eq�i:idd'coliti-olled..thinki'nt The Am'sterdam. i i, - . Coin I held' t e,j tiveness one fairm may ieed a rotation I general, scarcity, of fodder is ' . .
� , . corrers -d. a Temarka*bl' . - . . � I . qxpect-: � . I . . . .14
1 �;. . . . . �'. , : of 1)6VOnshirc sh . . . pondent of mapalink mchiev� . ,e vie ilead'on the Pacific'for many years. I differelit from the other ov!a. different 1'ed. � . . . . . I . . . .1
. - , 1. I - . I I
. I 1. . .. owed unmistakably , to comprehend the thought of' the the' London -Exlyr ss writes .that Ger-.. U'ry.' Subse'quiently, Beatt -w T6.fact thatCanadian shipping� fa- i fertilizing treatin ' . .
. I .I .. ... J. ' his- keen int�p'rcst ill anil intimate ac-. .. ', Ani I ' e . I y As. asked I . I I ent. I ' ' - `.- H
.� .
� .
. 'in , -of the Kaisers stratqgy: cilities are bein modernized, and con-,; books, eAperts And governments help I now storedwhich� if military condi. . . I 11 4
L.., . . . I I thor. mated talking of childir,en any has 66w Bull&ins, I The total��. Russian stocks of whea
. ,46abitance with' . decided to mobilize all for bi.s Opi . t
��: ... �. - . :, .. .: . farming, and . . nion . I 9 � , �
. ! more.. playin - in - thoi 'room diverted our eligible en for' -war work. .- - . and bijefly. t�p " "Ex tantlY enlarged means that the -Do'- � the imer in- niany I . 7 . ��,
. . . 9
I .;. . - . I - .11ed: : .. .d I . �a I
. I I
" � , . . ,,pa�ticularly his personal :interest ,in thoughts, -iry'as we. 'would Ao'.co' bilization .decree is published in the , �Iev�r foi- ail min 'Impor Ant - . . ,. . . . �1'1
l I . I . . I . I ncen- _nl T I I :wayos, but they: tions permitted,vould beavailable for
i. -:.0;- c-. .' -, - 4 stock breeding And raising. Ili' tile ' ., amateur, but hopelessly:. ion.will be an I I
: , . -. �.. .; �.* . trate thern. on. the ,book. - Thought .shape of.a Wolff.,, serni-Acial ' tele�; f4tile,,in.,real Warfare." - .1 . " . . .t -factor in, cannot be expected .to �urrxish, every, export at the next ha�vest are lesti- d .., . I . .. ., , 4
1 . . . I
.1 L . . � ` despatch to the Press the Duke.: .Of - _ . , " ... I world'tra& it means that th6 mar, detail in a manner to fit his ev I I ,� I.. �� 1, �
. . . . . works on a hair trig- r and is a ' I 1. , I ery.'.mated. at 300,000,900 bushels. I I .1
. � . - f I . . - oyMty. . I 1 IM6 which the'Unitdd States is look- I . I I - . . 1. . . I I I . ,�_ �.
. I : . _e I won- grani'making a dramat.ic.apiien for . I . .1 I 1.1_4_ A
, . Devonshire i"'jaported to have said . Fric*nd's oi R i . . .
... I . . I - �etful thing. Onl� think'bf it: Light! feminine help.m. . . Ing to ' __
- �
� �": . , - . I n h the . new is a sfow�moving tiling c6hipiired with I . In o der to *Il� 11 ... .. . Si -D,avid Beatty And fiig Wi ' as tile nu . . . - . I , ___ - - __ : - ___ - __ __ __ _-I -r,!� "". *, "
- ; I .. . - �,:*, - , at an exce. lebf . ill cheon I' ' _ I C *1 .1 , fe arel pleus of future Ameri I �
. I _- %`%_ '. .1 dimng-ha'll.,of � the4 Ontario Agricul- , , I .r ip hesitating -Or .un -1. :,can. worlaiTcommerce, may . . to find -put all.,th, ' . I
: " , , I � W to'�enjoy to -an not� be. ,so i : ..'
-,. .... �- _ . . . : thought, A�hd this vei� 140t of its 'Willing women, into - sat ' ..unusuAl d6greel; I . 11 I � ey can about their I - . 0
. ., . I? tural College, -that he.brough,t A mess- o.bedien�e "the .easily captured as av�pearanees indf ,SECRETEY0 OF',, - may i�tere.qt' I .
, �., . . . . � . .�- I . quickness militates against its control. mobilization order gives,A. 11 'n' ' -the .friendship of King George -'and., , . fellow-travellds which � .. 1�1 . ... 'A
. � . . , age 0 - 'ith lightning rapidity oilb's -thought I corhparison between the' --vvaj� wO ., I I .. the . . I �_
I " .1. , " -, , f optimism. and W '-qt" go 'of Queen JANry. They. h-av;e been nei�h-,FA�'- It means that Canada I', -righi . I m , Germ4n secret police chiefs.. .1 I
" I I , . 1. . . . .
I �� 1!� th6 several -buiidred students , . . r ( , P dy' . . I I I ' . , . . I
I I of the , fl I e'.,, to ihe most distant ,part of -this -done by wo Y i bors for sev n -al Stmimers'- fo� La . nOw Mal ilig Plans 6'bec6me a for- I , . . I I Sicb,marine* Mail Service. I . .1.
I I . .,.. .. � college � who attended the Affair. - I .. en in - England and ., Ili: i�)c-gtty. lease(, tit'jolable cOmPetitdt,'und -4 `6n nearly'l ,THE KAISER . I . 11 . . .., �'..
� . ., .1 ... . 44 ' I . P, Germ%n.V, wnhl i 'castle* near Bat iiioral, N .. I , 'I . I - Difficulty of c6mm' .
f deal in' chrill and back a ain.. The'student " ol!3� to ti .� I - . I I . I I . unication to a ,, - - -
I . We`have talked -a griat � � it English wo- � eqUal"terms, with the United Stat I .
' . C knows .the simioeme valuq ' - co'n6en- men's- advIantage. Hprr Wpiff, quot-'wherc the 'Beatt'' frequently enter'- I . es, . . 1. I . severe hardship in Germany, for�mails ill , I .. .
_0 yk, 0 . I tained . a 4 . and that the whole entirgy ' I I . .1 . A'...
!�/ � - - . ' trated thought. flind'wha re I Kfnyg`s� nd Queen., Tile IMP4 to aYid from the Empire ai�� seized ,.� I
. .. I - . . the ., Past about a. self -maintaining the of British, �
le speech made. by'M.r. Mont.igit. p.i t I TRAVELLERS IN GERMANY-CO'N% . 11 �
I a _ ig, influence. will be exerted 0 1 1 1 - and if delivered at' ail ;. - ' - � . ',`..
. . *Empirc,"'he said. Nbw� it is tit -he for an'be done b lit. Eieeh�'.Although ' I ejidsl' . I
.. I � . . . . � things Ing tj '
. ,�. t
. .
" .. .. by. the alliesi -
. I
. . . .. . . c y in the House of C rnmo�s, in wihi'�'h, O'be all the morc,�ehidrkable i.n,v. I r, se etween Canada, - STANTLY RESET.' I - , ... - I
. I 11111. � . .; . - action.' We halve �6 see 4n the thh 6 lip Of the -two ladiesis . s i,4 further hite'cour" "bi
. 3 tremend, force ha ' ' ' ' t -
1. . us s gofte on un- he paid a tribute to women's'activity � of the..QuP_el1,s, . I are so belaied As to make Ahem . in .' �
I , . -'v the West Indies and South America. - ' ' I �,
; . '. .11 . ".. , futu're', ,.-Vhatever our relations may be checked ai;d' 'unguided, great things inithe interest-, of Englan 4 well-known dislike, of . . . I I 1� many, 'of, little value;L Only - . �
''. , I '
. . . 1. � . With other e (1, -frankly! � Canadii,ib '"'I'lit In . .... -1 . . . . ... - .
. I .- I , powers, tbat.we shall hav hav'o .been . _k the greati3st I . . .
, I
I '.1 . � ace6rnplislied.- But' such aacnoWledges the Minister's pride as I divorcees, ind 1ady fleiitt�, before be- cOmmere . .1 � I . . 1, . .such cables ,as the allies 60086 to . . �
.� � ��Omi�k the Wife Of't . Spies Are Ever where,. Witl Endi i P�rmitted transmission, so ' - - . .11,
. , sufficiently developed the, res6urcess of tbings are literallY' nothing -when "perfectly justifiedA I I � llo� British sail -or ever seeh., Her citizens and her gov, . . .y I ess � pass are. .
�� ial ot-kitilization thewo�ld has
... 1. : ,.. . - the,Empire to,'reljP on the products cotypared to tile magil'ific-entpossibili- . ,� . I . was Mrs. Arthur M. Tree' . .1 I .. that German . I
I . I � , of. Chicago, ornralent are in -a Position . nic s-
� . I ,,of our own countries. Whai has been ties 0j,. thought under control . and ftgrlhis involuntary but ullav6id- I wboin s&-di'Vorcedi a I nd who -has s* ' . lExaminations and.Red. ' ' .. ciimmu 4 4tion is , re-' I .. �
. I.. , ... . I I , . a le-) complime . I . I ;nce - to beilefit . .1 . . stribted to the wirelets, to supposeidl '; � . I �
, 'i. . lit to English women, -quickly from the ' I .y .. , , . ,
�1't .1 .. 'done in. this institution in the ', 'ast, guidance. What'can `n6t be accom� - t oug"ll'atAlie-tione when Queen m expert6nce of oth r, I � Ta e. . . I
I- " qj . . I . ,.� , , , . � . p ,th semi -4 cial "'German Inouthpiace''.died, , h . . I I. . e 1. P ., . neutral couriers, and to submarines , ..
. `�, I I '. . .1 -da� and. -what, ptished W"hen thought is properly tin , - 9W' f embet's of that or aniza i6 . .. . u1iieli'liave been see' . . �
.- �, what is bejnk,done to Ala I 19 I t on. To bal,- .1.
1''. :P. � . , . - . ary sh e( . mar e I retly conveying . . .. .
I- I h I a O . alid �'Lady' BeAttyl�(..gsoriet' 'I I
. .." . I tit, be 'done in A ei der control? - What the p,reacher 'workshops, fn t1le fotlowing. k a pleasure, in. aneb this advantagLf; the United States The traveller who succeeds Ili entpi� 1i I P,
��,* .. fill, I am cpnfidb -can. calls - the German --fr to t' arm� �' Il hiportant Gqrman mail anish - I .
. . . future, will help largely in ' I . y er first hus. I, better fitted financially than is the ing o3ermany,in war time must expect 1% ..I-
, ,1�.., : ... . . .. � . I grapplink 09 Without it? The surgeon .- � I .. . �`rtirring bani�was living. Notwithsealldingth6 ' ports, and. from thence it is forwarded . 1-� ." ,
. I
* C � at alf words - . � I Rcyal fiivor which Sit- DAvid is k� Dominion to'go'afte� the; trade for e all kinck�� of, to the United States ' �
'', . I � . � . I with these, problems.' . - - operation ph his Patient would make 4 � . to -endur' .. ",
. t , , . ; -. �, . � , 'Out* Wornon -have: done'nlich, .1 I which ihese-)two .
- ,� . . . I . iiown . - and, other pl;ices,
* I
',' . .- . . - He cori�ratulated the' college Oil -�errib . . u but'i,, !p�,,�sb,, it' will compete... The be -is constantly Wnder pbser�vatio 3 ' ��
, i I le bluriders Without co trolle�l . .has 'never beed hinted t,'nite-d Stato'1+9 no as mail. sent out of Spain is not seized _' .1 .
:11, �. .� . the magnificent work it Was . doing.; thought. Tho. I � n there is - more. much more, to be 'that his rapid'promotion. ha� bad ally forL not lacking in either and is subjected to repeated . examing- 'h� I ;4 ..
? I . business inan, the inech-1 ,� , * I -and co�nsored by thd allies. I
� . I .,I .
I I , done. Eve)'Y German wonkall must glit or fififlitY. It is. recognized tibns to Prevent -him aco�uiring ai�idl ----------- ^ . . 1. . , "
. . othei-cause than his own morits,'. ' the mo,,;i , 1. . . . . - "
. . , - .i - I
I * , . " Although lid lia'(t neve'r befor . e � v . isited: a-Afc, thid scientist,,ilie gamester, thp a'sk, herself how she can - best He energetic and persistent I carrying away* anything wbicli might ,
� . I - - I - I.
I , C . . I . . I ' . .. �rve body is -Scialous of hint; No- a-, I . : .1
. . I the institutiom, lie, did' not fdol a -parent ybody 11�liost, co�ntrol- *their her 'epuntr'j, health and' of nations But fhe-ex*�otters of the be useful to the EM ' I , . .
.. ".�, . . 14 I . -ever: . , I TU NEL tALISH CITANNE'L.�
� . I . I officers and IN
. .�
. - . . . ,, .. . -�, stranger �o it. '*'I have taken,a wide qthoughj�_mtlst . tbifik deeply and ' . . hopie diities,m6i, aliKe rejoice that ll� should have United St' ' . ire is "enfies, I . - , I . , .. �
.. . I I -interept in itgricultuie,for nlany years 6ftell c I Permitting. Onr war indlistries"arie, I . ates will make a * - I *
. '� . I ". and the iePtItatibn pf -Guelph ,College, they .desire., "For g-tv- ' , I ell. I 9 y is to York Worild obsevver in Germany.' �. . . ...
� Gee"",g,iv,e,,, suprbme command of the they think -that thi cotintt " I . I I..
, I ,P - � _ OntinuOuctlY tb accomplish what i,n bad need of healthy young wom rail' 0 t, and have"A"lic utmo mistake it sayi Ijerbert,.Bayarr Swope, New, I - To Be C*on'sidored by Imperial De-, I . � . ..
,�, . . Qh the other hand, it is .sad I ; n . . . f0ice, Committee. I .. . � .
. � . ' to record I fidencew that under Beatty they will be. itnelf� . I port . .. . � . . 1. I . . .. I
:: - and scattered tho5ughtA,111vas a, very that'Plenty of thesd who were willing gi ..ork)*
.. extends outside,6f,, anada," iexplain� I ,Out, wandered st'coh-, ha�e the � Wester Hemisphere to Thei traveller is obliged to. re
, I I . ' ' -6d the Covern'or 2 . �
. �f fike Jts broad'.,1lcc'ssi1al,j .ayer. - -The, Bush (New. y -Mag�L. � The. long doibated 4tiestio
,_ I I . - -,.0 . ; � uponkrrivil tit the hdareg,t police sia-` n
. . t, e pl . �. . . vin sfn- opportunity of rehoNring that" .-' ' , tion and have' . - ' -of a. . . ,
. I..", . J I liberill-antinded !spirit and I aln very ; . ". 1* * * * - 11 workers when single refuse to Con .' argum6it'with'G,ermahy ' 11, wa. !2.111e. , I . � I I . his' passport Vised, tubnel'under 'the Cfiann'el from Eng- I � . . 11
, � '� : . -. _ whi . , � '
. � .. art � I , I . �
. .� - , , much pleas�d witg Whitt I halv'e'seen : , flfue war work onee; they -are M&r- disal)POilitingly, broken, 6ft ' V ]n" 'th6 . -774-� `� - '.. wben he is given permission ti) re- land to France is receiving much at- I., 11
. _ . - ,. I I ..
� .
� , , , We wd too fal' oil in tile Matti- ried, tQ (-I-s- They. simply lffash� 181�agc:r Ra I . I I ..A -Born. -8h ..
�. ,� l The wO116 iAects great credit- 'upon, - mofi-W iourne'k, to b. ' � . F'old! i ck, - I I I opper. . I main for a' stated period. . Each time tointion in British Parliamentary
11 . ' .
I . .,. : f , . . thoiso responsiMe for 'it. Agrlci�L e pereofially Con- - theit" state and cumin nal IllOwa4ces � i _. . .. . .11�. . 'k s, and �he question Will probably .. . t
I � . , �ure I . u � - Pl'ai9e-f�Dr Jellic6e, . ... Ole, --�"Now, sco'here, little' girl, I he makes, a trip he must report him- circle' ... i
. '. . I . I as never s6imp'ortant Os itis t.o-d.Ty , cellned, about the silbject of the brideV 'get . .
.. . . and for ti*t the Fatherjaild llecds, , can't. Rpend the whole day and coming.
. I
. : >, . promiging to obey tile husband inAhs% their'strength. They . forget *fil tha Anwrica 1. . sh.owinglaelf by the police going he submitted to the -Committee of Im. .. . ...
. ,� 'We are All. agreed. upon 6ne thing; '� the' n'at- ''. it Papers which haire. "You penny toys. wallt tiler, Travtl is discouraged by imposition perial Defence. . ..
1%, � ` th . vell1r.u.nted t . Do you '' I
r . f. t Marriage Ceremohy, bui we arb kj!en1V isfacti6h . . . . the Westminster .- .
at we must bring ,this war to e ' .' I , 6 bb derived from their , .. 'Ptill ' tlie Vlrankpo, 'theie i cArth iritli 'a red fmicb,aroun� it. for of difficulties. . . ;_'Gazette ,discusses the tunael scheme � '. I
. . ,
� . . . . - so c6ne rned'an ro'cent disclissions on, the I work lit factories. , I , 1. .. "! g%nwral disi)bsitioll -to, gl,%V- , I � . , .1 . " -
� I . successful it conclusion that oh future u . I I . JO . Sirlonecerit?" - . . . Miles of Red Tape. - as ?011owsi . .
I . . I , . I momen I to I S! question. Mbntreal mini.' "Then the oId'f � hit JO.IlicQe full Praise I - I .. I I . -he tunnel can . .
. . '. wari.011 bcJfiip6ssibl(r`1 ' ,. oolish spirit of caste .o. and to r6al-, ' Little Girl-I'Let me see it.,# ." ' I "We beli ve that t
� . . . I � 1. * e
i I ; . ater6. have, had a)lively titt . ,,� . . . . E leven, separate oper ' I
. , , O�wr this. alsointerfeies. Many of olp, w' -1 . .
� . He referred ,to the'students of the. omen - ---- - ��_, �-� _,.:,._,._' I . I . . , ations are re� be so. protected as to make its c6h. � ' - . I
- oing their Alit, . � d - � 1. . , - n a passport 1,
I �: . : I matter. Some 'say expunge " *the consfd& it beiieat,C their ignity - to ., - I , . I .. .1 .�_ -.. . `� . - - t, -, .1 quired td obtal struction a large� net increase of our, . .
� I college who wore d Y'at tiollev " others say su poft tr -, . 1 � , . . the country, -and ien day o, leave .
. . . I . the front... Of the Jupchepti'lle saLd;_.jaV��DM:n4 p aditiOnA work in fadtories. lihiWf -* i Ahnfi F d - _**�. .. - . �. - ,� . I - , _ - , 8 must elapse � . . .1
. =lTuditfull Ce - 11 � I . �-OY.ff-t-Q-CQZQP=hi�e-WidL-an_au $ 411� I
- is Ju � , : -1- UU -MT" the In . .
. ep . womaff fact t ' ' I 't -f o '. , *�� -
� 0 "I understand tort Ory worl ,s,,ils iffliportrint -r . `., 74kt�,' I lon an Europe, and to provide us With a new � .
_ ost 6f the, things narro*edt- enslaved, 1:�� IPC Actual.bon'. .
� �. I we have before us are products 6t .th *0 ured ? 'The -viebory, ai .fiel(� fighting. Thercf'or�` 1-� 11 rding of A train. These are , route which will greatTY facilftite' and I �
� .
. . .::- ` "' A9 9 . , progressive 'idea to-day'is that w6,, We appeal to You all. -German womep,. - . - . . tlib days of endless red, tape, vis I Itis I
� . � , tkultilkal Colic -6. it that i�' - ' .1 � cheapen .tiansport' and supply Of .
. I
11 110 nian Is man's &Iujil in thd'world of 4c. with strong \ A til ' numerous deparim6tits, and An. troops in tir4p, of war without depriv. . .
. 11 it Ireflects,great credit upon the Insti- arms �and healt' , 11
� . _o liy liqndif , . .
. 7� ion - I 'lle-not Makin 1b. \ I " N. sworing a tkultiplicity of questions on Ing us of .the seclarity which the - sea . I �
. . 1141t . I
' , tivities� 1-1 1, 9 900do: tPOo free: from -home duttvs,A,d war . . I the application sbeets. - .
. . .0 I students and faculty fdr the kind and I I - she� has eni- fa&i-ies, where your labors will bring I . .%�', L, %� . . � .1 Even' aftel ff - JExperienge 1h this. War It as I �
I tuo' .11 ,His Excellency thanked the in dvdry reaffti into which ,
� ' � I I
. .
I � -given. her onterit and intelreauairty than is and �yoiurselves.11 . ,� I I . .;. ", I - . � passports, must be shown furnished a great ffiany new . . �
-kd had been � reaching the Pbint of setual depArture
� cordial welcom.a.1 q.,to the V atherl4nd, �
tex,edl? Wizat grdater testimony to countless blessing. SN' q, �
. A. ., 01 am ceridin that my wife and chil, i . . 11, .. . - - I . tO tile -for providing us -witIl re so � .
. I ,�� . *� ed by ,giving, Itor' the franu � , . 11 . , tiumerou� in'spector.s/ at tile ste such a Means. of S ....
� . .-_-101_______ I . �
. % . dren will be only too pleased to visit oxPl When then, asks one wrl . I �,� an,al on'the trains. -The liotelq` nr - f1l1f 11
, .
. ,
. . . ehise ?"' �, . �4jpiiq conimunication� if thege clonditiblis are -
. � I . , Id. � - '' __ I r age. service? .ter -_ war, it WIMPOrtant that ... -W . . _'N"'d 'w' ,# ,,led" Vrallcfy�liut . . " "
I I . y.oVAn-th,o4u.tuie,1'_hesai I - -, - IlImber Statistics. - . . � Tlie*-tiinnel,-raoreov,er'-wb,ald , -
� . . . . * -* * * . _sball IPM101 PCOmigi to Acy tiny, - � . . with spies ilL the g.4i.-�U',16f gk1,!,tS he �'a 0 �!. , i
'' , . ' f� time,of , W ' door itot oni� ii�to I ,
I I longer Ili tN mA rl It Is an�mployes, and the stranger. in
. . - When later he visited the live st6ck really the man Who 'Obeys the woman � Ili ,��, I I Gernidoy Is never out of sight. of Crov. gerflerally, and from Ell. . .. .-
I . , manufstbtur s,, atl1d pro4kieers gener. into Europe I*.
- . . � .., "ha I I , i rope to us,, From all tbese'points of .
. 11tow- as Accurately as � ernmeni agents, and I
I he, Aed throuilt the stables and en. in the long run, and by whatever ally,, should , "I'll the clothing and; �
. I I I , _ �. ..
I . . , . Itered small Pens to AMY' inspect means employed; but the woid in the possible the pro'duction of Caliada. I'll .� 11, , - property of guilitts In the hotertooms I view It ftiust be tm unqualified' good, .�. , �
. . ., _ � 0,$ �the_ilrlwmally fino-stoak _Z�d ma�rfage, - ' *This is done for 6uy for. ' � .1.0A_ X, � . I I . I . . - 1.1, * . _..,� � �
� - I . _'a =.-Of, and staple lines. . 4 And do nothin' but welconle-a, � 0 _�
.. I . . _11.,'�111_ ?= ` I I ig'AhOroughi rwol dtl.qpj�p fancied project wlifell . , in� .
, I V 11 1. _. . . . ;_ - . . ! - I lkate. our , , , , - -
. ,1 , . was especially impressed With the should be expunged,, It-belatigg to tho eat industries by the annual 6ulldtills - I %I � Y�,--. , , .. . .040-ilow4f loc`ks. , a � . sularity with t . I
11 1. " Miortgorn. bull, "Proud DfiilaonVy 1)�yk Ages wVen Ihe -%vohian Was a of the. F oiestry .Branch of thb De- - - , , *_ . I ,.��-.,, . I I. I . eprivi I the ", I
. I I ... ng u's of .f.
� , I . Socre -lye ' ' adva itago b , . 1. � . I- . $
. I _ flRe !a good.forward; but a Wit wCo'k ehattel$ as she is still a cliattel in the Pertinent of, the Interior. The sej�ies I I �. I I t F s Sloy"On Ait 11 I an lalld.,� . 1 .
I . I . �
. In the,. flank, -valthough he ' stands Past. ItAints the world of -the e . .A,...V. It\ 11 I 1 %4- - � IisplonRke 14 hot emifined -to Ani. I � . - � .
l I ", .1 , . " , . _1.*1,0.1 I .�
. % covering tho'calendar year 1915 has I , I �,; A %r,�,,, . N %*k ericans in ('01`111111W, but embraces CohWhImetit a * , I ,A-, 1.
8trongly"I eohi 11ted Hia Excellene: mim ' I Vo- . .1 .. I I I I - .
l V. , Who hauled Iris lust beerr �olmpleted, - It conAlats 'of 9 "r ". ___ , 1-� ( . it.".. I Blessing.' .. -. ,,,, I
.9 ,
I 11 VeA halt. of Q ��, ol, beat , Woman by the � .. , ,� . , � . . eVen Austrians, Bulgariall.s.and Turks "Do, you tit " -.,��� ,
� . Then 140 118113 any questions Into.insell.ql - - ,,�� .. � . - ______ _1 I t ,,
I leti I a er I - Bulletin 54a foi lurnbei lath and I . , , _ I- i illk 'rantentmbfit
.. I k . . .. . . . . c e seeret eyes . blessing?il . .
. I gatoling the met od of feeding, PO bIlity, and made her slave.and fend shingl0s; 59b fol! PUIPWO4 find Wood. . I I all must' oine under th 4 1.
I I ' ' . ; I . . . I ol stid - egrs of the Kaiser. German i 11 . ,, . I'�
I � o I 1. wt of fodder aid th6 m"150 ' t pricli Of f6r him, -Educated wonion no longel� pulp; and 5$e for poles Mid. railway I - . ` 4c . 196the Weight. ' , .0 '. ., 0 A, ea travol 611 till the trailstalhiltic M "It depends -oil 1 .11 . i iftwd 6 . * � �;
1. I . '. beel. Ili the Poultry building he shOW- Use the Word "SbOV'l in the sorviec� ties Aby cltlo�en int&-ostod eah go. 11ullo, mateAl J30en tar?" , . I I � 6nt. It YiDuv ont!��O " ; 'fl" 14, �
e a copy'free by Alit) . lying t6 the ' , 1113eon fir,,indo;1I 14alf over jiners run Ing ,
tol nhich- interest in the heavier breeds They no longtp ,�' , . . at �
� . crialt. the allegalcur, , frOlh Denmark# fte- I to the fact t�at . I I
1,'tanee and Nlgiu�, tind, welve got tile eno, okw and'If011and to .. -have 0`1 . , * , � "
ot lowl. and -in tho"afforts of �tqreaaoao for r I Ai�_triejk tiling �,011. *oil I I , , " . ,
mar lagol toi be read in ,Director of Votestry, Ottawa; � other halt in,these dlarnod,bap.'C-London, O�inf6n. ; 6 I -i'dott � . .
I . .
. I I . . ! � 4' . , .1 I I . . � d bee ag'v'dn,.and it is th, , I )�� ,�,�
. . � . V . I . I , I . . , . . . .. I .
.11 �1 11,
"' ;
�1`1 -1
. I . '� , o,v * - , . i able. 11" -
. � . 11 I I I . . . . . .� . 11 I . I � . I I .!
, I I
.1 .. I , I . . . . % � . . I . . I . ,� .1 . 0 '... : - .1 . . I . I I .� ,
. . .. I . . 1. . % I I I . -1 I o . 1, " I I . .1 . .1 . ... . I � . I .1 . I , . r" I I . 11 . ,,, I I
I . I I 11 *t� I ., . I ., .,� , .. . . . 01"\,s . . , . I I � . . .
* . , ,,, . I . .. � . .. . . � . 11 I . - v . I . 1. Z . I
, .
" ,� I . 1.4 ; . .- � . I I . . I I I . I I . . ,V . % I . ov., . . . . "
. . I . 14 � , , . r . . � I . . :., I . ".. � I . . I * .., I ,6 . ,�,�',
. 1. . . .a, i '. I I , �, . 4 . " 1. , I . . I I . . , .� 1; . I . . I . . . .
. . . I , � I I I � , . . .. . I .. .. . 4. I 1 . . I I 6. ?! , 'i I . f 't .4
. I I . I , �1�
I I . t, I �r , I . I � � I . I . '. . . . - , I I . 1.1 . I . . I . , , .
" " , . ,I , !'. � I , 0 . I I ,�t. 1, , 11 ,
"I .
, .
� .
. � . I . . . I . . . I . . . I" .... 6 . I I � . . \ , . I I I I � ,�.--- I' � , � I I'll ''I . .I., t, I
t I , , � I 11 .1 � ; t, , i . . � I " A, I . I L I I I . 1 4 . 14 I .. � , 6,6 . "' ,
- I I I . , I - � i - , . I , * It "* I , ; 1� � . , , "'.. I .I- . � *` ,
. -11 --111. ,1- J .... .. _�,_I,. ,-",.,�-,(,-.�,�_,,,_-�'ll"�lI . ...... .._1_11_____ _,"." A----- __ I , , . , � % 0 I I - .
I 1. 1. � ., - _.___ .. �...Ii�o'..��,11'...�.,.,,.,.,��,,-- -, " " A " ,N-1111_� -A- I— , .� .1 - ", '...", _.;_.... Abi: .N ,�� .", I , - �
. -1. . . 1-111-1 ,� _�, , . _ I-— -,',,.I � ' � _..�. - . "