The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-11-23, Page 2et
'VIE desolation and
hardships of war, and
the worst of winter
weather, cannot damp the
aPifits al our Canadians
when the Christmas boxes
arrive froril
As you plan the parcel for
HIM who is dear toyou, don't forget that Gillette
shaving equipment
is just as keenly appreciated on
active service as are sweaters: mitts and "eats":
If he already haft&
A2% Nieef
draw on =Oink if you ars to do so. world would matter. Lucky Standonl
His son turned to hist affectionately: dare not.think of the future, if whet
No, no Ws" his said gratsfully. Ihsper *aid WWI Uts."
"I don't 'appose they aro a* bad as At laid he, too, returned . to his
Mil that. Jasper will 'tee to themroom; but it wit* almost morning be -
The word* were scarcely out of hie fore he Mint() a troubled slumber,
mouth when he regretted theta. fl
gel be eentinUed).
father's faVe darkened; his eye a grew
"JasPerlawas ISSPers he snarl -
The Folly Of Taking
ed4 even as. lifertinter Shelton' had
doneck this morning, • instead • of his Digestive
ne. " It's 4 . didn't reak his
Miserable tool,"
Adrien uttered a protesting =la.
nation; be would have Sacrificed 113re
thing sooner than 'have Oven hie fath-
er this opportunity to revile MO
friend, .
"You eauet be blind,- sir," continued
Lord. Berminister, now Working him-
self up into -a rage. 4•Dicl not you see -
and 'hear enough from that jockey
this Morning to- ;palm you realise what
that: preciotis friend tit ,yours had
done? I tell youeAdrien, that, Jasper
Vermont bribed that miserable man to
rope your horse. For him, You have
allowed your friends, my guests, to be
swindled ;me of owe money), stomach cteitlitY, etoPs.. toed fernientas
tion and thus insures 'normal, Painless
was the first time in Adrien'e re- digestion by enabling the stomach to do
its work without hindra.nee. •
send him le generous supply of Gillette Blades, for
probably he is sharing the razor with his pals who
are not so fortunate,
Clean shaving is in high favor amensour troops -
because it is 14arlitarr•-because it makes the dressing
• of fa ace wounds easier -bet msst of all because of its bracing
effect, The Gillette is best for the job -and -the man .
' who has one is most popular in his platoon.
Whatever else you put in his Christmas
box, be sure- there's a Gillette Safety
'Razor or a supply of Blades. You can
• buy front your Hardware Dealer, Druggist,
Jeweler orlVien's WearDealer-"Bulldogs"
and Standard Sets at $5,00- Pocket
r.ditions at $5.00 and $6.00 -Combination
Sets at $6.50 up.
- • ,
Gillette Safety Razor CO. of Canada, Limited
• 217
. Waning to mespeoetcs.
Tile habit of taking digestlY0 PPS
°Ste' regale nakice* chronic dyspeptics
notinY4bastsacids of Men and women
because artificial cligententn, drilla and
mealeinee have 'practically no inalience
Amen the excosinveity acid COndition of
. the site:smelt eentente which is the cage°
oe most Terms of indigestion and dys-
Thee after dinner pia merely /lenSens
the ;sensitiveness of the etomamenerves
and thus givers a false sense of freedom,
front pain. If 'those who are otabJect to
indikentiOn, ilatigence, belabing,
bloating, heartniims etc.; after eating
would get about an ounce of pure bis-
urateclmagnesia from their druggist and
take a teaspoonful in a little water after
meals. there would be 40 further •neeetc-
sity for dense or medicines because bi-
sorated magnesia instantly neutralizes
Hints .thc:Hoise
•W‘ \'*•`‘‘VNX \t'S\
, A
P 0
s"•:.1111 " \.42 •
collection .that the proud. 014 man bad
* ever everrehinted that Berminister
Castle- was. not entirely his nen% Yet'i'
that the guests were those of his fatle-
:ex's• choice a&Vell as of his own.
Adrien'e' eyes blazed. .
"Father," hes ahlin,ie 'Mee •:e*, but
is hard as steel. "I, know-yeu haVo,
always bated M, Vermont, bit this
goes farther thee hate. Fergive me
'WI ask you,. hut surely you have some
proofs?, Otherwise you would not
• have accused him of such villainy.
Give them to Me, awl I proznise you. to
punish him As severely as you your-
self could wish." -
• "Proofs!" 'his father eePeatecl stern-
ly with knitted brows. •"Whe., eet Pro:RA.8- hes and compared with the :slower -
methods of the latter.
An -Englishman back from the front
London suggests an interesting ex-
planation. It is that the French
•Attributed Fact That. Meii Image
Linpedimentee Behind, •e
• .,
French elan in attack is, of course,
an old theme, but never has the dash
Of French seldiers been nuire con-
spicuously illustrated than in this
war. The speed and brilliancy of the
rush with which they captured Bon-
cha,veut snes and lomiles of Gerinan
trenches between Combles and . Pe,
ronne SePtember 12 einphesized
this characterieeic, which 2, has been
noted admiringly by their Britieh al.
would Such clever scoundrel leave
about? This morning's work should
be...sufficiently proof even to satisfy
Yoll• '
• Adrien drew himself up 30 his full
height, and confronted his father with fantry charge without impedimenta,
leaving kit and supplies to be brought
'a resolute air.- " • • . tip l tee. There is of course, the risk
"It no use, sir.,'? he said. "r 888'' .of mg cut off and compelled to sur -
Tend r from lack • of food. There is,
howe er, the great advantage of rap-
idityof movement. • ,
T e British soldier, on the other
hand, attacks carrying his full pack of
about sixtY pounds and crosses No, one application will be required to se -
Man's Land at a very steady pace in cure the best results. • Use a small
e special formation designed to keep brush and distribute the dye evenly
casualties to. a 'minimum. The men, over the hair. .
once in firm. poss,ession of the objee-
tive, are nun independont of sup-
port.' • • ‘.
It seems to he:entirely a' matter of
method deliberately adopted in each
case and perhaps also in • each case
based upon experience of whet best
suits the temperament of the men of
the respective races. •
DARK ..,:$.::14.ADO1.!S
Or 7114.e Sunllgbt of Love
,Cittt.PTEE .
But that night Adrien, Leroy could
not take a drunken jockey's ramblings
as proof of such en awful thing as
that.;- is ray 'friend, and be-
sides, it is more to his interest to help
me than to hate nee."
Lord learmixrister sighed deeply.
The experience of age had taught him
the Impostibility of convincing youth
against its will, • . - • , , •
"Well, my boy," he said, "have your
,own way, but markMy:words,(you will
live to repent your folly! I have
Ina mere -proof; and to ine, no more is
needed. Men on their death -beds (10
not lie, and I am as firmly convinced
that Jasper Vermont forced that man
to sell the racei is though I had the
e confession on peper. Still, I wilI say
•. ,• . • . :no more• -you are young, arid
17vith 880g88681 tthat 6flistaneP knoti‘r. s All. Find out for yourself the
Man't character, I shall not warn you
not sleep, Diimissing • his 'valet, the
loved -rife fact, was secretly engaged
to; Lord.Standon.
His•reasons for Oa were twefold.
again. 'You are placing your faith in
threw himieif into a chair,. and began
1. 1. •
Adrien. married Constance, A.da
a thankless ,cur; don't grumble when
to -review the- events et the day he turns reund and bites the hand
had affected .hirn More deeply than he that hes hel d him. As for' me, I
„Lester woold:--,whether with or. with-
out cause -hold him responsible, end
was More thee 'capable of Carrying oat
her 'threat to unmask him to his
patron. Moreever, „jasper loOked
upen Lady COnstance with an appre-
• •Selected Aeelpee.
FlaYaring Eauerkealite-4. 4elletelle
flavor is in tO sanerltrant by ad-
ding a OP of need/WWI raisins' te about
, two quarts of the kraut. If the WI-,
er is placed M the oven to ,cook there
'will be no odor throligli t140 Inntse.•-
• Ake LoaL-Butter sg.` bread Pan mid
line with Ace, eteallted and Still'elearsP#
about an *ell 444. Fill the center
with geld belled salmon moistened with
'egg sauce (parsley may-ulso be ad-
, .ded), 00er with ricerset in Pan of
het Water, cover with' buttered paper
OW bake one, hour, Turn •on. a het.
Platter, pour an egg sauce around it
and garnish ;with hard-boiled eggs. • '
. 'Cern Muffins. -One cup flour, one-
half eon cornmeal, three teaspoons
baking. Pew4er, one tablespoon sufetiri
one-half teaspoon salt, one egg, one
cup milk, oeblespoon better.
and sift the dry ingredients together.
Beat the egg and add the milk to it,
then add this to the dry ingredients.
Add the melted butter last,. then beat
well and turn • heti well -greased tins.
Bake in moderate oven about thirty
minutes. . • •
• An °Unexpected Company" Dish. -
Break into small pieces sufficient mac.
aroni or spaghetti to serve Your guests'
and boil until tender •in milt •water.
When done, turn mit on a deep platter
an‘fl make- as many hollowa 'or nests as
there are persons, to be served. Into
.each of these break an egg. ' Dot all
over with generous bite o butter, sea-
son and place in the dven Until the
eggs have set ,which should take only
a few neinntes. Garnish with parsley. '
A little grated cheese sprinkled over
the dish before baking adds to the
Sage Tea. -'-Two ounces of garden
sage, two ounces of green tea, two
Ounces of eau de cologne. Steep.the
sage and • the tea separately,. each h.
eight dunces of water. Allow the
liquids to simmer on the stove for sev-
eral hours until they are reduced to '.
two-thirds of the quantify. Strain;
and combine the liquids, and when
cooled aliPly to the hair. More than
Magic Baking. Powder Costs,
no more, than the ordinary
kinds --For economy; but
flipAinacr.41..tir_t„ .
,9Romm. oto,
Make cotton bags about one yard,
long and four inches wide, and diP
in a strong salt,water • solution to
harden, . AlloMr the bags to dry., and
then fill with 'Sausage meat, preitsing
it in tightlY with a potato masher;
The bag sheuld be tied very tightly
and then stored* a 091 place, When-
ever .desired, the -bag can be pulled
back and slices of the-eausagetmeat
Ott off anCfried or coked as pre-
ferred. This particular sausage is
delicious iteerved fried With fried ap-
ple. ,•
• • •
Food Vries According to- Their
• \Nationalities
"The prineipal moi of the Ruspiall
Almond Cake.-One-cupiul butter,
two cupfuls sugar, four eggs, one-half
crififureilmonds, blanched by pouring
water `on them Until skins easily slip •
off, and cut in fine shreds; one -hal:
teaspoonful extract bitter almonds,'
one pint flour, orle,und one-half tea-
sPoOnfuls baking powder, one glass
brandy, one-half -cupful milk. Rub
butter and- sugar to a smooth white
creem, idd eggs one at a time, beat -1
leg three. or four minutes between I
each: Sift flour and powder togeth-
er, add to the butter, .etc., with •
ahnonds, seetract of hitter', almonds,1
.brandy and milk. mix into a Smooth
With Oystere; ,
Oysters in Blanket. --Drain off as
17.1.8nY oysteis as you need, salt and
pepper 'them. Have thinly' sliced
bacon large eneu,gh to.cover an oyafer,
and fasten the pieces cif baCon with
toothpielcs. Wheel they are all ready,
fry in a small amount ef butter. Gar-
nish. the dish with lemon and parsley.
Season with a chili sauee.
roiled Oysters. --Drain theoysters,
heat the liquer ever the fire.- Boil arid
skim it. For every twenty oyster*
allOw one tablespoonful of butter, put
in the saucepan :and, hrown. •Add a
tablespeonful of browned flew-, then
add One-half pint of the oyster liquid
Stir the Mixture until boiling; add salt
to taste, and „a teaspoonful of paprika.
turn all this into a double boiler and
add a teaspoonful of seasoning. Heat
an ordinary pancake griddle very hob,
and brush it lightly with batter. Lay
on ,a few oersters at atime, as soon as
they are brown and Curl, put them
in the oyeter sauce in double boiler
and -continue so' until all the oysters
are broiled. -The griddle must be very
hot or the juice a the oysters will
prevent browning. *
Oystee Pie. -Make a rich puff paste;
roll out twice as thick as for a fruit pie
for top crust, ordinary thickness for
the lower. Line a pudding dish with
the thinner and fill with crusts of dry
bread or light cracker*. Babel. edges
of dish lavishly that you may lift up-
per crust without breaktng. Cover
this with thick crust, ornamented
heavily at edge, and bake: Cook the
oysters as for a stew, Only beating in-
to them at the last two eggs and the
thickening with one spoonful of •fine
cracker crumbs or. rice flour. They
should stew only five minutes, and
time them so 'that the paste will be
ready to receive them. Lift top crust,
poor in .smoking"hOte4sters and seeiee
nonsehold Hints.
It is better to boil cabbage in tWe'
waters. •
A very sweet dessert ia not up#
: ur pW° Plati:etd! ' etirilletelibOvteshfi:ihsi !),(/(1 eoveriag fOri
' 4. lonk-handled itui4pp.n is -a ,great
p:vvraEl ::jec ale;leurde.l. lachinahousekeeper. pantryaelcaladeii from
i ofm4 c. ..
:cloth hemmed. . ,
Simple milk puddings should not he • ,
put in a very hot oven, for the milli
• *illnrocuwrndell breUderunebs can be used'
. .
as a breakfast food, and are really: •
palatable. -.
• A table; of weights and measures,/
typewritten and famed under glesee
should be hung in every lcitchen, I
'The syetematic brushing of the halt
every night will de much. toward keep.:
. ing the•scal ncl hair clean. •
Do rui ait until afternoon to' plan ,_
the e ening dinner. Haste Makes
wasteful maiketing and pow Meals.
Wash colored San ill nOld water
and a, mederate amount of soap. Do -. e
not rub the soap directly on the fabric. . '
'• A good dessert is made with bane,.
nas put through the pqtato ricer and
sliced orange and pineapple added.
1 When making tomato or asparagus
soup a few grains of baking soda
should he added to the cooked vege-
: baPbTpliit' nIuft.nithey are good,. oil will in-
egs by pricking them With
• stantly spread around the Puncture.
Even left -over cornbread can ' be
made with egg th and milk and flavor-
ing into a delicious and nutritious •
pudding,- •
When rolling cracker crumbs , thee
Ipiece of brown paper. TheY can be
will be saved by rolling them on a
easily lifted and. poured into a jai and
the table will not be- Fevered with
Crum S.
' Stains can �f -ten be removed from ,
clothing with ease 'and no rubbing if
the Stains are rinsed out in warm
Water, then well rubbed with a good
soap and alloyed :to soak in boiling
water for an hour. ' .
e .
would confess to. - Then the -mere twel.t.' etlieve "nee, •would far soldier consists of stehee, sornething, batter, and bake cm•efelly in a rather .°
Standen had convinced •hillt that* any deal you any fur:hereernhappiness, so ingredients of which are cabbage, poe Shoo -Fly Cake.-Haye two bow/e
0 .0
IAunt -----Why didn't you scream when
lee kissed you? '
e • Niece -:-He threatened me:
' Aunt -Threatened you? ,',' e. • :
1 Niece -Yes; he :said. iitt,I, ellisd he'd
. • • • never kies again: •
sight of .Lady Constance with Lord rather know myself tbe Wrong than between a gruel and a -soup, the chi& hot oven for twenty minutes.
hope. of ever Winning_lier for his:Vife let us drop the subject for a tinie: ' I tatoee, oatmeal and fat meate-Prefer- ready for the mixtures. First linee
. or Tells How To Strengthen.
,i4Fas at an end.' For so. many years' . did not mean to bring up the man's ably pork. • These are boiled, together, a deep piepan. with nice, flaky pie Eyesight 50 per cent Irk One
be himself 'Weis wooed wed eoughe cietive and. covetoOs ge, and name. I want to speak" to you,of far with salt and other seasoning, the re- crust; then into the first bowl put twe ' . week'S Time In Many Instances.
• after withoUt reeponse that he 'was if he could ever ingratiate mse ` more imeortantetbings.P ' • :suit being a thick, nourishing and bee cull's of flotir and one-half cup of sug- - •
as ,ignorent•of the rules of the game with,her sufficient „ P His voice grew more grave indeed -n it lit ble dish d w i t this with
ly for her to remise • •
• . . ar, an o no sthe fingers
means u pa a
am ion would be reached.
sneered at it jested at its power- all "Adrien; I am an eld man, nearing did. Marchers, live largely. on a farin-• shortening. I generally use half lard
his- we. but now h • • gi t Adrien deceived. for
Jove as any child. Love! he had to become Ins wife, -the summit a Ins almost solemn. - •
ff • The Italian -soldiers, who are splen- a geed half cop of any preferred
. e waS begmnin o . ' 1k v
, gra e, an , aa is only natural, M'
mX amens' diet-macakoni- --- hetti, and and half
, rOse haStily and throwing open the .(1. 40 did n°t,41'ess C"S a s' race . -
2. You are the last of our line,
. so on. ,They are also very partial to am e. Into the second. bowl pub one -
that t nee'
fruit, which is issued; together with half cop molasses and one-half cup
ver o mil expr ssed pleasure in the
, window Of hiS:CireSSifigsreoM; stepped Y. P Y q it is to you I look to Carry it on. ..
You , wine my: cigars, aa.part of their ra- boiling miter; mix 'one-half teaspeon-
_ .
g butter. ix well and set
. suffer from its: papge himself. He with all inn faults howas.not • conceit- thoughts turn to the future of our •
out on tha balcony. e company a Lord, Standen -was to yre.• are no longer a boy,' with a youth's
vent the diecovery of her real an ;tone w enever ful leaking soda with a little vinegar,
passionate longing for. that. of her
'stsr$ shone like diamonds, tet their • up your teeponsibilities-.".
'it Was an exquialte nighi; and the # follies and takes; it is time you took •
. •daily menu complete without a sal; stir until it ceases to bubble. Pour
"eerery dietance. and detachment 'from, -calisin' Adrien made as if to speak, but his
Reereefortb; , he told himself, he "fether ' checked him, With a gesture e" kind Or. other, and the this into the pie crust,and then gently
, en Adrien'S MelallehelY
., n:II things . earthly en1P'aerved to doer,
.. , , e in that- his hand, of ,i sage teonlersr its flavor the ' better A ' idnroaP inthaeortaiiteer oenveiiiclt.ureitinwtomita;tBeakats.
' Before him must do his hest lie hide th pa
Hence- • "Stay, . ' nutritious rpaetaimaso.u.p is also -a etapie. of
good as it looks, First the crisp
stretched, ie, seemingly .'endless vista, .was.. gnawing et, his heart.
hear inc out," he Said; "When the army
tba, %%roods and lands of his .her-itage• forward, the pleasure of life would be I was your age your mother was at The in of the French soldier under crust, then the dark cake and on
A far as cyc , • Id reach, .,.eh . earth as Dead Sea fruit to him*. His hand My side, I had given top the 'nice, mellow crumbs of flour ,
- 'and. all within it and upon it belonged 'fell on the balustrade. in his, uncoil- Leroy its son and heir.. I _was mar-
oe H°888 -'4A consists of his beloved as he
eugar. ThTdirections sound long,
, In him; and yet ile oighec/ fur the ioee 'Woes despair; and at that moment; calls it It is really a thick, nourish -
kit they are very siinple, and the
ried, and had left the lighter loves of ing stew, niade of meat, potatoes and
whole thing can be prepared quickly., 1
. •
, -tSausage-Stwestions. • 1
No German soldier considers hi* to dissolve it, add to theemixthre and
and devotion pf one frail irl which' another window farther down the long e
the world for a more lasting and re- -
vatious other vegetables.:
lied he hilt kneven we're already balcony opened, and the figare of Lord'
As -he -walked- ixi,and-t--itre;;he was-;.14arminster
again assailed by a WhOlesonte distaste light -
his present empty, aimless exis:- Adrieit• was no hunter to meet
tenet, and a great longing dame over even his father; he, Was too weary in
Ylita to break away from it and itert epirit to confront the old man's, satire
. afresh, Yes1 he was very tired of it with his usual calm; so.he shrank back
steed Mit into the moon-
sponsible- one. You knew The English "Tommy" is omniver-
but though I am no longer of the gay
ous, but the things lie loves above all
world, I yet hear something of its do- else are..aa_____con jam.
ings.. You 'live , the pace,' they eell
Me, and are the idol of the smart set. The Food of the Cod; • ri
Barminetet Castle, Adrien, looks for
all The men, and Women, with whozn into the shadow Of the buttress against • something hikizer than that in its lord
he had up to this event his tune, were which. be leaned. Bu ii Lord Barmin- and master. . I repeat,: sir; At your
• beconiing abhorrent: to him. The ister's eyes • .were quick to perceive age I was married." ,
thought of the soft ,lips and glances hirn,• °and, striding forward, he laid his , "And loved," said Adrien softly.
that had hitherto beguiled. him; and hand on his son's shoulder.. ''"Yes, indeed,'" e;ielaimed Lord Bar -
lulled hiin into a state bordering !anon , Adrien; he commenced,
' :sbiipOr now filled him, with shame.; -"what is Wrong? Can't you "sleep, or
Love,, 'that , marvellous panacea, had are you given to spending the titan
driven- out the false; the impure vis- hours in etar-gazing?"
" end as might retort in kind; . sir," re-
thortinghly ever Hercules -ereansbd turned-Atrien, pulling-'hii scattered
the Augeari•stables. -': • - • 1 thoughts together, and faint.,
The blood of lila face stirred within , ly,
him; he would- have liked to:, have.i "Ah! 'am old," said his father.
A. Press Prescription Yon Onn Vann
. DOW and Don at Horne. .
'LONDON. DO you wear glasses? Are
you a victim of .eye strain.or other eye
weaknesseta ? rf• so, you will be .glad to
renorwealthheotpeaCcoorrding to Dr. Lewis there
f you. itle.,ny w,hose. eyes
were failing' say they have had ',their
eyes_ restored through . the -principle of
this wonderful free rpreseription. One,
man. says, after trying it "I was' al-
TilOSt hicind I could not see to read at all.
Now I an'zread'everything without any
glasses and my eyes do not water anY
more...". At night they. Would pain dreads
fulLY .now the, -y 'feel fine all the time.
It . N1761.8 'like a miracle to me." A lady ,
who used it sa"ye -The' atmoaphere
seemed hazy with or without. glasses,
but after using this preabription Or fif-
teen days everything seems elear. Lean
even. read fine. 1rint without glasses."
It' is .hOlieved that thousands who Wear
glasses scan now discard tileth reds-
ono.bld tirne.amit multitudes more will be
bl t strengthenth. b .
owed' the trouble and expense of ever
getting glaesen Eye 'troubles of many
desert pitons-1-11mi be_wend erf u I 1 e--•
fitted folloning the, simple tales,
• '
Asa wholesome addition to the win-
ter diet there is much to be said in .
faven• of sausage: There are' several
precautions to observe,thoWever. One
•:The end has the reputation of being -is that' sausage is presirved meat, and
as. omnivorous as the goat, whoee ap- shduld not be fed to children, as they
petite for poeters and old tin cans is cannot digest it .properly. Sausage
the subject of frequent " jests: The casings shoald never be eaben. It is
varied 'nature of -what the cod swal-.1 abselutely neeessery to pare carefully,
lows' not more remarkable: than the ' all the casings from all sansages-
Minster,. his face lighting up at enormeus..qeantityeeee According ,to • a frankfurters, bOlogni, ete.
thought ef the woman whom he, had writer' in the Scotsman, such. articles"' The casings are simply cleaned
lost, and mourned se long. "Your as silver broochlls, "clasp knives, books ; tines; Itaye -absolutely •no food valise,
mother was that which reeks above and rubber balls have been found- " ; and are highly iraligestible. Also it
rubies, a good and virtuous woman; itomach. One fisherman of Aber- . is best to broil or 'gook Sausages be -
_worthy of any man's love.". • _ deen has n stone that weighs more fere using. _Never 11Se theth iaw
Adrien. turned• his 'pale face 'away, than a pound, taken from a cod 'that! ,Sapeages combine .excellently with
as if to avoid Scrutiny, then ° he said had swallowed it for the Sea anon, beans, ride, eggs, etc: Egg ddusav
gently: ones with which it eves covered. The , is a popular feeeign trdakfast, and is
snatched ,Constance, and borne her• “Age.".has its. penalties as as ito 44i • ht lt :lite same ,fishernian'has also found sped- Made as followii: •
away on hislrusty steed, as his fore...! -• •1 s• d th freedom to speak . --------d. g. to nyea
,fathers would, have done, But .35.- plainly is one of the latter. Conie :- ' •
this, sir and if it rested with me " T wens of almost all the -stalk-eyed ' Six egd•s two sausages sliced' ono
, . egg.i, peiyi ege , an e
stead he must stand aside, and see her my boy, what is wrong? Kt you wvld obey you at once. „,
o , crustiiceans that frequent the north- 1.ablespoon, of better, heir tablespoon-
marr:m. to another. - Nay. he himself age I was happy enough; but you seem It does rest with you Adrien," east coast of Scotland, and of every , fuls of milk, :saft, pepper. The sail-
wohld be asked to attend the wediling,:•to' hatie taken' the troJbles of Ole L.urned his 'father quickly. "Surely kind of fish that a cod can master, in- imges should ,be sliced, heated and
• perhaps even give' her away, to the i world on al e ,blind not to eee that ten- eluding its own- yourtgP'Cod have been drained of fat. ' Beat the egg's tiler-
yet:1r shoulders. Are wet' •''''''" -- '- : . ' .'• - . -.
• ' ' ' • knovvn-tO sw llow artridgesi guille- ' ou'ghly, add butter :. and eggs to the
d smooth. While' hot' turn
a platter and garnii,h with
This is a very substantial
table -diet fora eedd- morning.
ges are baked by plating in a
tin in a single layer anct
in a moderate oven for about
one-half hours. As ioon as '
jiiown on "one, side they can
d over. When brown, on both
ain and serve hot. '
lel( way: of preparing sau.
s to dip them in beatee egg
d erumbs, place in frying bas -
cook in boiling fat for ten min.
Serve on het toast 'points.
matter of fact, sansage can lie
home With littledifficulty. • It
o „ well _during .cold -days :' A
y Wholesome •sensage iti made
ing fine ene-third.fet and two -
an pork, .Seaaart highly wilfil,
ePPer, red pepper, lint table"
ittle finely chopped thyme mid
• sevory. If desired, •ft little
agar tan be added to prevant
sage Meat from betomirg too
'Mix all together, , One
• seasoning 'fa one tablespoon-.
alt, one-half teaspoontiful of
one teaspoonful of oilier nen-
0 end' pound:. 1
AILlt.1 i I 'Yr nt, r v v 0,1 r.." IA L tzty ii‘p inure NY yr wiy
crf her trh" Adrien himself. • -' -
in 7". • —
• "No, • sir, I.•• am well triough;' re-
e, "
• .
whole heart." •
mot's. arid luires. 1 sausage
'thick a
, „I as'per Vermont had indeed &One
his work well. No sooner had; he
'ecu the clight of kwe sinning in his
thrned • Adrien quietly., • .
• "Thee are you wOrrying-over your
, Adrien star -fed up, his, lice alight„
and quivering With excitement
1,, a , .
"lenposeibile, sir. he exclaimed,
_ ----a
. • -
How to Get . Rid Of Catarrh, • diem oi
• entarrhaL.Deafness or P Y•
'Would to ileaven it were true, for I
- -feletuPe feee-1, ham he had
tind, like .-the grim. spider; of evil he
resembled, had filled Adrieri's „mind
Because,_altlfough, ad yqu lcnow, I do
•nob inteefee with your money matters
.as "a rule; you are quite at liberty to
krls no other woman to whom 1
- el dly devote' my Ms".
would so -- a -
The grim old face softened ;and re-
, Head , goise. Sauer
if you' liave ca,tarels catarrhal deaf- ;
nese or head Seises entitled by 'catarrh, leaving
or if. phlegm drops to your throat and s
-"' .
laxed. He had pot expected such on has. emitted cote. S 0 Ai t I . one an
overw e ming vie ory. .owe s you will be glad to know that ; y ,ar
• ...,
. '
•„,_ .
0 •
• " - •
is picked by automatic michin-
ery in strong white Cotton bags
and .cartons at the refinevy. '
This is feesafer and more sanitary. dune
'Sugar patkdd by hand iti a wealcpaper beg 1
which eneats ate touch. Isto hand touches
1.4144TIC SUGAR until you open it your- I
• self* ,flog 'out off die corner ofthe &own I
and pour out the sugar as. yott need it.
• : 2 and 54b Carton s - '
10 and 20-1h Bags ' 1
. k
111 -
'" ,
'• plitiZsfne
.• -
, R
1 ,,
,,, •
A PUreCane
s '
', 1
,t r•
. ,r_ J
. ,
. il c
a at
' v
Attica •
„ I . those clistressit* symptoms can be en-
"Why do you say it IS impossible?"tireir overcome in many instanCOS by
he asked, ' ' .the follewinS treatment Which you earl'
fyourr orn own halite. at II t-
'4,11tien did not answer for a mom- Tr.i.elYesljellIt::„Iene r druggist I
-erst, then lit said hoarsely: - -ounce of isarmint (DoublO Strength).
"She is already engaged , to LOrd This will. not cost 'you more then 75e,
Take this 'home and'add tO it S pint of
Standen." • • , hot water .and 4 ounces of granUlated
An excIemation of -astonishment side 'until dissolved. Talce one,
statiliglaersp'•oonful four tinme a daSs. A dee'
burst from the old manon lips. He deed' improvement is sometimett rioted'
put out his hand in involuntary „sym- merblotrfizsLlasz'awrgtren„liinazt4
.path_y,, and the two S.0 -Ste•itheely silik head stetkes, •headache, shilltusts, •eiondy.
yet So wide apart in years, -clasped till.mirtM eatet'iofl'InutV,I)Yt.IL,E4,1;,Igitt ur,!:,41.1.
hands, Then, as if ashamed of •the of schen, Mete, detective tearing sod
momentary eznotion„ the 1V_Ile" 111'01)14"g hi t.he . haelf of tha_
• • .
ed away, saying quietly; , 'threat ere" other• sympforne which mig's
"This ia, of 40111•66, a surprise to m.. gest the pre '11. of catarrh and whieh •
tarifatment. Nearly ninetY Per cent of
eer troubles; are said to be direttly '
It's truth yet remains to be proved Are often' overcome .by title „office:Ili:I:
but I should feel inclined to doubt it eanseer 03' eatarrn. therefore. •
MYself." Wibh Which he went bee rea8rteattVAMI)'tli1P'sivnliTint." iggir4111friZI
.to his own apartments. . rsent.•
be turm
. , ,
Skies m
A cil
sages i
and bre
'ket and
Illade al
win. icei
- .h.,
.- ..1,1
thirds 14
black 'p
i •
Sbarodw, na lE
the sell'
''. lite, Aliallurpose Sugar"
.1 r!'.--
". .
Left alone .otiee more, Adi.ien wellc,•
ed restlessly to and fro. r . Every man has eortoin tights , in
If Constance really cat•ed for Me," thjs world, but u'ust °I them littPr 411
'elle fel
ful of e
, ,.,..., , ...a,r,„ Ai( ,,,,,, rgrimpeaega
in soid to tiling& ugothing also i" the aretl`t worth hell* disagreeeble about,
Setting I
Here is the. prescription ": Go to ,anr
active drug store and get a • bottle. of
,Bon-Opto tablets. .Drop one BomOpto '
tablet in a. fourth . of a glass of water-.
and allow to dissolve. With this liquid
bathe the eyes" two t� • Emir times. daily,•
You should notice. your, eyes clear up
poreeptibly right from the ntart'and hp
nammation will quiekiy disappear. ..p .
yaue eyes are bothering you. even a .
little, take stens to save- .them new - be-
fore it ie- too lata ' Many hopelessly
'hlincl might have beep Fp ved If they had
.dared tor th ir i ti • • .
•Notes. Another' prominent Physician ' •
to whom-. the above artiele was submit-
. -ted, said': '"Bon-sOpto 10..s... very' tenter:lc-
able•remetly., Its constituent ingredients ,
are ,,well known to eminent eye special-
ists and widely peeseribee by them. The ,
manufacturers guarantee it to .strength-
en eyesight. 14:1 per cents in one weelc's
Aline in many instances or refund the
money. It .can be obtained from any
geod druggist and, issnie of the very few .
preparations t feel should ,be kept ore •
•hand •for regular use. in earnest every
family." The Valmas Drug Co.; Store. .4;
Tereatasse.411-1111-scetrr-ordersur-- S
druggist eannot. • • „ , • .
••1•1111101■1•WI .
Dee September, 1946. Interest payable march and September
• at the 'Union Bank' cif Canada.. Callable at 103 and accrued in-
terest on three months" nodre,
•'` 4. Denominations of OW and $100.
• Of thia amount 5200,000 are prestntlY 5n3t0ohoAroird $Ialsosou
•Thrty-yer 0% Gold Mortgage Bonds ... .
' 'ia.
.siseselrleoll for511? f0utura'ree pburpoinogooheol`in
fd the , • '
Company, '
• Preferred stock
c10;00:2CorMon Stos 30001 31001
The -Union Bane of Canada. The ToSonto General Trusts (70eperation
D. E. Etidonf, 4s4., Preaident North American. Accident , nesiirance
CO., 'Toronto.
Wonsan T. Bradshaw, Bee., n"ice-Prosident MurraysZay" Limited,
• Toronto,
• Godfrey Bird, Esq., Banker • -
Wililatit Latail, Bisq.sPresident P. Lyon Its Sone. Clo-nritructial"
• • n3itreal
MOt7Esc.."! oulactt Boiniulon Limier •
ComPalse• tnitToroh;0.
drawsattentlori to the following, particulars regarding the•
• ' s• company :- •
•1. • It specializes in hies grade bedroom and dining ronin f unit hire.
'2. _Its- products, stamped _wait .e.Te-IreCee-teatto-mare. ortriseing -
not only throughout Canada, but also in the United Sia.tets
3. Its PIMA le' one of the most modern in North America.
- 4. Its assets, including real estate, buildings, machinery, equip -
Merit, lumber, etc., amount' to••$496,0,60.25.
Z. Its earnings for the six months Which ended May 31st, 1910,
stOitgal.00lsod ple4r3,a1nOnO.uaml,:011,e,.the A.:Att.-est cin the entire Bond Issue is
A sinicinerad of 21%..eeprovided.
. Subscriptions to the proaent issue may be paid 10% on ap•
efilcation, 10%, 20% or 25% per month, as the subscriber may
PRICE 90, YIELDING 6,2-3% -
and carrying a'borms equivalent to 25% of common stock. .
. .
203, • 204, 207; 208 Traiuipo#atlon Building
•12O -St Stteet - Montreal
•1 :lieeetiy Mirelfrise • $ ' • 20 Year 11% Gold latirtgiSgo
isonde of the Torehte Purniines _Coin -pasty, Isterittedssit I9-0 'Pet 4100"iiend, 8530
. , . .
• , •
•enSlese $ . , being payinent of 'the n.moteft due, on
asusleation,. It :undertitood and ctgreed that am•Sti reeelVe fUrther 21%In ,
ceinmen Stook, of t1e. amotint_ etsbonde lititehattea by and allotted telusa
as a bonua for the names teiteftletftion. ••Plectee have •reeeint 0)0.. Said .
:payment on acceun.t,' hewed In the -
*llama of
44 • C.4.• 4 I .**
A nit send to the following t ddrene
Thie Stibiseelptieti bias* Islay be ant out end tided.:
01 6