The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-11-16, Page 141 - 4P• o. per year in abanee; 2,00 OthOrWiae *UC NOW, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lgth, . ea. We have 30 pairs Men s Plow Shoes " that were bought sometime ago be- fore the advance in price: These are, good shoes, with double soles. - We are offering these while they last at per pair 2 90 W. J LITTLE I Am Two Pens In One : Self - Filler and Safe. ty Pen. The Pen of highest efficiency . simply press the button 'and fill my- . •Gallia two seconds! SELF -17114.11,10. SAFETY •FounTAni PEN. , 'Give ma one driek•ef ink • mid. I'll. write ten :thou- . • sand .:words for you. .1. can 'lie flat, right side. . • :up rstand on my.- •• - head for mySafe- iy pap keeps. - 'the' Ink lOcked•• • n. CPARItee) FOUNTAMPENie DR. SPEb10E'S Drugstore • • 1 FREE BROS. I Studio, Lucknow. , Open Monday, Tuesday and • Vednescliiy ' Views and FamilyeGroups taken anywhere in the country. NEW MEAT •MARKET .•. Will be Open SATURDAY MORNING with a full linkof Beef, Perk, Veal and Lamb. All kinds, of Salt and Smoked • Meats. Sausage a Specialty. poultry. , seasoti • • P• GRAF PrOp LOCAL AND OBNOBAL, B'ataar in the Town Hall this, after- noon, • . • Ger tlie Lifebuoy long Rubber Boots at at Little's shoe-etore, ° •1,083 011Ye McMurehy was a- weekeencl visitor,With hien& in town. • • trimmed and untrimmed hate at half price: Mess Astemed, ' MISS Rena Gordon spent, a few days Of the week with Toronte friends. ... Mrs. Aitcheson' of Berrie, returned hothe after a briefvisit :at her former home. , • . e . Mrs, R. Imrie and 'children, left on. Saturchey'for Toronto, where the • family will reside, D . Sinelair, Who far sin;e yearshas been practising et Kinloss village, has moved to Ripley. ' Mr. Angus •Cameron, of Winn jeieg, is visiting his brothers, Metiers. R. D. and Kenneth Camelot). Mr. Box and Mr; Cox will be at.he entertainment to be given in the Town Hall the second week Of December. Mi. Matt. Sproule and Mr. Harry Mc - Charles are home from the West, •where they have been the past four Ponta". ' MreC. Spence, who for some time has behn principal of the Ripley Public School, has resigned owing to ill health. Mr. H. Dee -Weeds, of •St. Helens, took poesession On Saturday of the grocery business recently purchased from v1r. Bogues, , Miss J. J. Allan, eyesight' specialist, will be at J. Garnet Armstrong's Drug 'Store on Wednesdey next, Nov. 22nd, one day only.. • Mr. Malcolm McLeod, of Chicago. • called on Lucknow friends last week.. He had come (Ater, to attend The funeral of the late Jelin O'Connor, Kingsbridge, who was a' personal, friencloi his. . ' Are you/considering' a irictrala for Cbriettnai? If so; call, write or phone Arnistrong,'theJeweler, and he Will•haVe, any instrument you wish demonstrated inflotti &sq. home. : ' , ,Word was received at TeesWater -last • week that Pte.::•Thorrifon Rear, who enliated'thele, had been:killed in action. He Was 48 years. of age and - a son of, Rev. Ezra Fear, who was Pastor :'of the Methodist church at Teeswater 'Syhen, the war broke out., He is the first tees water boy to fall.. • . • • • The.committee in charge are makine very satisfactory progress in •preparing for the honae talent concert to begiven in the Town Hall about mid-peceniber." The proceeds of this concert will -go to , cover expenses of • sending the "Chsist-, mas Cheer" boxes to the inen at the Front. 'It will be one of the treats of the season. •• • : • "Froth 'week to weeiquestiOna and othertvise of the utinost importance to tho farmer. are coining t� the front. Thep questions are in •many instances • permitted to pass without, comment by some newspapere for :political • reasons. That old and reliable friend of the farmer, The Weekly Sun, does- net allow any questions affecting the farmer or his family to pass•without comment. •You may not always agree With its opinion, but the Sun being • free from • party or political control, gives its readers an un- A•few of thi Social Club spent. an 1:iased Opinion on all questioes.. These I evening last week - with • Mr: and Mrs.. opinions are always worth reading, while e Sun's market reports have long been Geo. Brooks,. of Clover Valley. th considered most reliable from the ,farm. •er's-standpoint. Are7yotr-readirqr this - exponent of you; interests? I( pot; you are missing many good thieisleach week: You willfind ths, Sun instruCtive and • profitable reading. An pyRning at fantail. They. are 14 $0Cialand hospitable people the residents of the village of Kintail and vicintty.. They.aave ell the . fresh- ness and self-forgetfalness of a prosper. 9Us'eountry community with the social instincts and aspirations of .villegeelife. Tae Lucknow Dramatic ComPanY were made aware of:aim) (tame) who didz. bad weather ..and rather worse IreadP, n'e know it. before) when, through leather they journeyed there on Friday of last week to give •the play: "Under Two Murdoch 44e Oameron , , ..., . -20 •Vlags". • The Weneen'e Institute of Kin- .Ctee. T. Aitehespe, , _ ,, ' ... , . 15. tail, had arranged -for the evening in the n R N:fftTntrigh ..• •,••••••••,(••••0001,0,01.• 0 V• 0 I, 0 A I• 6 15 intereets of the Redeeross, work, and a W„.E, Henderson 10 ' niost suceeesful venture it proved to be Oliver Johnston.: . . 10 The Institute. there is the live social or, William Mardie1 .... 10 • ga,nizatioa bf. . the locality. ,It has a Andrew. Leahhart • . . , „ ..„ • . ... 10 number of active and, faithful workers, Walter Treleaven..% .. ,(... • ,., . 10 who, with the rresident, Mrs. 13eckett, Steele U. Murdoch . and •family • JO And Secretary, 'Mrs Maclennan as pre- Oen. II Siddall ....... ,...... 10 e.nt leaders, are untiring in their • efforts epee ereQuefe: . •5 00 to carry on the good work of social im• Wm. Allin proveroene and patriotic giving. Ie takes Mrs. tied Mae Davison... **,.. 56 000° . no small reeasute of courage, tact and Win. Reid ....L. .... . e. ... 5 00 perseeerence toehold ep Institute toge- Miss Lizzie II, nderson 5 00 ther arid conduct it successfully in a rural Miss Pearl Henderson 1 . . ..., . 5 00 community, but the ladies above.referred Miss Rebecca, Campbell.. : • 5 00 to, manage. , Harold Treleaven' • 5 00 ' That these efforts ate appreciated in Willie Treleaven• 5 00 the township roundabout wee evident John W. Hendersoe ...... • *3. 00 by the crowd which filled the hall Fri- Conaad Pecker e • • 3 00 day evening. Every seat was occupied and quite a crowd found only .standing Miss I. Merdie ..... . : .. , Mrs. McCluskey * .. • 3 00 , p. 3 00 room at the back and in the aisle. In Jemes Irving.........- , 3 00 fact, the crowd was all that the hall Ford Aitcheson 3 00 would accommodate. To be sure the Sam Letieh • e 2 00' hall ie. not large,, but there is not mach Wtn. Lockhart . ' 2, 00 village population to draw hem. • Ames Boyle ..... .. . 0. : . . e 00 It wite_an orderly crowd.too--as good iVliss Margaret Murray . 2 00 as could be asked for -and the play eel John McDonald 2 'OP 'other features of the program ' were en- Win. Fisher • • 2 00 •joyed and appreciated throughout. The Mrs. Lachlan McIntosh- .... 1 00 .MaleQeartette was particularly popular Caesar Perdue 1 00 -and was enchored at every appemance. James and Mrs. Jackson ' 1 00 . "Reke" (otherwise T. Watson) as usual 0. Mariin • 1 00 found favor with "the gods', and his James •Ilendereon ... , ... . 1 00 lectil hits brought doien the house. • George Mathieson. 1 90 Receipts of the evening ameunted to Archie Barbour ..... ... , 1 00 $67.60. At the conelusion of the program lt. V.• McKenzie 1 00 Reeve Stewart, of Ashfield, on behalf.of the institute ladies moved that a vote of ' thanks be tendered' the DraMatic SO.Cie- ty for their services. This was heartily .given; and was acknowledged by .e1r. T. .8.. Reid, who spoke for the Society. ' ' 'eFolloWing the piny the' Lucknow *people Woke invited te the hoMe of Mi. and Mrs.' D.i.Mathonald. where they were royally entertained and treated to a delightful dupper. Which eneade ,•thetie feel that they were reeeiving more than' they had•gi yea. * ' . - • C1ST .011 coNerunitnroRs TQ C, FUNQ •The two list 'given „lbeloW were not. completed in time te. appear along with those already pablished. • " • • NORT4Ear DIVISION CobLioTons:--4. A. (4.11;E?TNIE AND • • . . A. Siooara. • • -X Anderson'. -'• • * DO 00 •03.00, ....... • . 26 06 00 00 o0. oo oo 60 00 00 00 00 Second Con., Kinloss . • ' •---Tuesda-y, Nov. 14. • ' Mr and Mrs. Jas. Irwin spent Sunday With friends peer St.. Helens.; . Borne'On Sunday,. Nov,. eth fpyi, and Mts. Rod. Campbell, a'sen, Miss. Ntirmit Nicholson, of •Wingliana, High School, was home over -Sunday.. • Mrs. Donald. Qamlibell, Lucknow, spent the:Week end with friends . on the I• :Miss Annie floss has returned home after spendieg e. couple of months, at Olivet. - $ 307. 00 John leicLeate who lige been in Detroit since syrinx. has returned home _her the e." (Not Previously Reported)* . winter. ' . s' Mrs. Otev.). Recleatone - • 2 00 ' Rod CaniPbell spent a few ' days- in Mrs J.; liabbiek • ... . • • • • 1 09 Walkerton. lai3t week, 'ben* called to •act ' -.SOUTH. LAST DIVISION • as a jurytuan.. • .• • • • 0,91-Axe:rein-D. C. tAYLOIt AND • W. J. Davisol/. A. E Durnin. eee .„ . „.. _1.850 00 W. J. Taylor .,.20 00 • Kittl-hong • Er-rfooiven 16 00 W. J. Davison:. „ ...... 15 00 W. H. Moise .. . . . ; . 5 00 S. Hunter " •,•.6 00: M isii K., McGregor:. . • „ . . 5 00 D..Qecideei ..'...... ° 5 00 D, E. Geddee * 5 00. Mies L. Lyons . , ••. J. E Agnev1,,, .... . 00 D. C. Teijor ee • • . . Maliough 3 '00 Miss Q. Giynot. .. . . . ... 3 bb Phillip Stuart ..... 3 03, D. Ce. Mc -Murree 3 d6 8 00 J Pickering..,...., Ie. Malden' •- '2 0.0 Miss.& Burgess ' • 2 00 Mrs. E McKenzie . . .. 2 00 Walter Webb •. • • 2 00 W.. L. Mackenzie' •. • 2 00 R. NOCliarles " • 2-00 Mies -Sheriff eee. .... . . 200 Alida Sheriff's pupils .....• ; 2 39 Jack' Wilson.. . ... , L. . 2 00 Geo.' : .. ' .... . 1 00 : ... : .1 0000- Miss Smith . . .. 1 00 Wm. 'Struthers .... .. .. 1 00 J. S Duncan.... e 90 John Watson .. 1 00. N. Matliesoneeee-e.. , T-Otf `Mrs, McDougall ... ... . , 1. 00 :Miss S. Burgess ... ; . 1 00 cen'Clittrce here lase Thursday evening '• Mea• Tennant e • e• e. ..... - 1 00 to listed. 'to ,a " splendid eritertitininent Wm Hoed .... . ,1 00 given byth0. Bervie Draiteitic Co: Every IL Nixon • , 1 00 • .. .. 1.0 0 '1, 00 Angus Graham 1 GO Cook I • . • . ,1 Oo '0. Stewart • ' . .... .. 1, 06 Miss (.).' Graham . : :4 . DOP 13urgeis • uen s .... 65 rs. Cook' Donald .Campbell . 1 00 Miss I. M urdiereClass (Primary Rome).:. ... • . Miss E. Mardie ..... . ...e , 1 00 Miss C. A. McKenzie.. e; ..,. • 1:00 Miss. M. M. McKenzie 1 00 Miss .13 MaKenziee . ▪ 1 .00 Kenneth McLean • • ". , 1,00 leolly Henderson ....e ; .4 ,00 AlexeLockhert. : . .. 1 00 . Andtew Oar; . ' • 1..00 Neil MeItinee, • . 0.0 , Dave Marie 1 00 William JohnstonI• 1 do ..Thornas Milhtr, • • • • 100 Cecil B. Alla) ; •• .1 '00* Evan • ; r 00 Eve: Greer ... • .... ... . • •-60. EwartMcPherson • *, 1 00 Mies Mabelle ABM.* ' 1. on. Andrew .... . 1-, 00 Mrs. Margaret Irwin , . • ... • . •50 Mrs. Mortis, Jr: . , • • e.**00 Tom Harris, . . 4..• • • 50 MrsP. , otcher ... •Ed. -50 -141rei. John Allen -50: Williatn • Jewitt............. • '.50. Maid Annie Campbell • •50. eimumusirsses% ProOet Your Eyes J. J. Allin, Eyesight Special. G. Armstrong's Drug Store, on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. ons.aminsmomasarit• BORN • .. Mounisox.-In Kinloss Township, on • Nov. 8, 1916, to Mr. and 3,1i -r. Sam. Morrison, a.,son. • Death of an Old Resident Mr. Duncan MacRae, an old resident of Kinloss, just north of the viliage pass- ed away on Thursday of -14st Week, fol- lowing an illness which became acute 'a, 'few weeks ago.. Mr. MeRae was -a -resi- dent ofLuckneiw for about, twelve years, having, moved in -froth his farm on -the • 8th. con.. OLKinloss,About 22 years ago. He moved to his late resident on the 2nd. of Kinloss about ten years agp.•. He -was born in -Scotland 76 years.ag-and came to Kinloss in the early days of settle- ne . (AAalid7A11137:110.Yilir-l' mid.aie.nephetve. He was a Ulan of • excellent character and highly spoken of by all who knew him St.'Helens . 'T-TuesdaY.. Nov. 14. Mit..1), Bell, of . Torentet spent. i.Jew Mr. Little's. - Mr. Seeking& of Clinton, was 'a .titeek.- - endvisitoe at-Mrti. arIttiffeage's. . . . We are sorry, to tt Port that Mr Thos. is at pieseP very. po r Mrs • W. J. Todd and Miss Patti spifit*itidAy at Mr It. -Tailor's, • • AtibuO. • , • Mr: Stewart -McGuire has Ourehased • anew driver, a fact of riluch interest to • kniimber of our girls. " • , 'Reif% IVO, Little 'preached in Rieley on. • ) • - &ludo lase, Mid :Rev. Mr.• .MaLettie oc- • 'cupied the pogit hero ' • • • . . Tim' Misses Rae and one* O'Connor, Of St Atiqu'stine, called en Miss Pearl Todd on Priday of last week. , . • • • A numbet from our burg atimided the anniversary Yowl Slipper giveli by the Methedist Church, Dungannon, on genday evening. • 1 . • • • Kinioss ' . Tuesy, Nov, 1:4: , ''Nome) -Shier, of Xincardine, spent Sunday with his friend, Albert Stanley. ' The, maycx.. of ' cit.H.Ly,jkige_p_neposes.. taking a trip-to-Lriirope this . winter to stop the war. •' .•' ' •'• MrEi, Alex. fIewiti, has returned home after.sponding a month .with friends in, .• We are glad to .rePore that' Charles .Ba' echltir is dble to.resuine hiii duties in hia niill- again -after having his hand badly hurt. ' ' • Tom Prielgeon is at present. reinodel• hie house. Teen must have. some °We'd in view, but we shall noCsuggeet what it • • •• • " „ Dr. Sinclair Noted up stakes and left out; burg litet week.. WTe are sorry to see the doctor ic.w, but Ake glad that lie has settled as near to, our burg as RipleY. , , A:thoui,It fur -bearing ammalsaie very' scarce armed here; John Blaek has site: ceeded in capturing an exceptionally large 'eneile 110, XiaYs 4 *01.11.ci weigh abed N pc*** • . -Ttiesday, Nov. 14. • Mi. and Mrs. W. McLean and family Visited at Mk MeQuillies, St. Helens, on -Sunday. • • - ,• Word was received here tbat Fte. An- drew Lane Was, wounded, but there are no particulaxe. • Pte. G. Missal., of London, visited his • mother, Mr's ,Yoe Hassel, of phis piaci; • "a fele days last week. : • '' -• The L O. L 1139. are holding their nrinual Assembly, the Orange Hall • here on Pxiday evening. • Peoceeds.ge to • the 'led °rots.. •- • • •• . Mr: arid-go:Christopher Brock dnd Mr. and Mrs. John Brock nfotored ever from Owen.5ound to Kinloilgh and re- ina4ned1oVer Sunday at W. 11:.Elack Well's. - • , • Rev. Mrilmore, of Ripley, 'gave a lecture in the Presbyterian Church here on Monday evening, describing a trip • thrbugh Li'figraiikIrpland and Scotland. 'He gave us inuch intereatiinformia- -tierraeto"1-60inritish are overeont• ing the submarines and air -craft; :lisp -regarding the cruelty of the Gerdnies to the .winnen and children of Belginin. He said what the papers, give abent this is truee e • , • • ExrptTAINNiorr -There wits a rciArcl. ed house in the basement �f the Arigli-, Op_e_IlLthe-tretipellelrilltrartlieliirse• Ve8 admirably, • ;he Irish brogue of Benny ,and -Maryann was .fine. The rungieal leart of the entertainment *an given by Mr. J..G: Armstrong,: of Lucknow, with Jjja.,:Naiit;-.1Nison;----whittlili aus ience, • judging -.by their hearty applause, thor oughly enjoyed. •Aft'er •the entertain- -tiro -it l'unch was.erved to thi3 trotipe by the teitellEirii of tlie Sunday' Schad!. All :who attended ale high •in their praises �f the enfertaiement. ••' MARK ITS • , 50 Single COplea 3 C'ellt • To Organize a Band Citizens of Luckuow interested. In the organization of q brass band are request- ed to attend a meeting in the Donnell Clamber of the Town Hall at 8 o'clock Mayday evening -the 20th. The organ- ization of a band has'been talked of for some time. and the meeting Monday. evenmg is with a view to getting it under way if practicable. The time is regarded as opportune, as in4early all surround, ing tewes the -ban have been - broken up by the enlistment of the members, and opportunities for service as a bafid amid be many. Mr. D. 0. IMcMorran has consented to undertake the leader- ship eta' band, ,t.o.d young men and ISCIS with a turn for music cen spend profit- able and'pleasant evenings in practice. Andrew -Stanley • We take the following from the- Kin- eardine Review of last week: A quiet wedding wes Solemnized at the residence. of Mr. end Mrs. William Stanley, Queen Street, Kincardine, on Wednesday _morning. Nov. 1st., when their daugheer, Elea Frances, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. David A. Andrew, of Lucknow. The ceremony •teok.plece at eleven o'cleck. Miss Verna Shipley, Atter of tbe bade, played Lehertgrin's wedding march, and M re. Sherman Stan- ley meg "The Sunshine of Your while'congratulatioes were being .41%r ed, oThe bride wore the custemary bridal veil and orange blossoms, and her gown was shell, pink with overlace. The young couple left on the 2.05 train followed by the best wishes of many friends here. The. bride travelled in a tailored suit .of nigger brown with hat to metch, The groom's gift to the bride was a Gerrard-Heintzman's piano. • Whitechurch • e -Monday, Nov. 13.. Wilfred Arscott‘:inatoted' 'to Guelph lest. Senrbey. •• • e .*• e • • , • .Sergt...A. Heary,.of fiondx,M, k :home for a few days. •• • • • Mit McKay, Who is working in.Brns- .sehl, home barer., -Sunday, ..-,.• • ,,'•• -SergtAdiijor.Cereick, �f - Loadoe, ependieg.4 few days at his Mane. Mise. MacGregor,- :et 'K,iIj4e'r- ..dine„ is. lashing., with friaries . here. . • - . William Milner, of ..Sts 'Aiteryseatteede "ed the funeral ofehis mother ca. day. • , •. • • -.. ,:* ° • - • • • Misis.NellieBan•nerman.-Cof Wingham„ 'spent.: Sunday at the home .of. *Wes. Leggett. • ' •• We are plaased to -hearahat- Carl Lott 18 aoiteg as nicely as- pessible:af ter 'under.- • going an operation. ., **. , • ': • .'• .Messrs Robert :and.. Aleic.„,MOWleraye ..Wingh'aine were Sunday:. visitors. h.e. the village on 'Stinday. •• • • Rev. „Hugh Ferguson, of Stratford, occhpied the -pulpit. in the' Presbyterian church.last,Supday; Rev. Me. Graham, of Knox College,lwill preach next Sun- . . . One of Whiteph'iireh's most highly esteenied residents, in the person of Mrs. Charles Milner, passed away in her 78th. year. ;he funeral to DonnybioOk•emi- etere on Thersdarafternoon was largely, , attended.: . • • • • ' , The Guild* meeting Sundiee. evening was led •by '• Miss a !FOX, , the subject being "H,ow to be Strong." The topic for next Sunday' is: eTlie Russians in Europe and Canada. The leader is Mum Cora Clubb. ' •• Holyrood BRUcE BOYS ON THE sa Lot E. CAMORON TELA.S. OF TRIP OVRR ME ATLANTIC, , Before the Noth Battahou landed at 141terpQ01, Lieut, Ewart Cameron posted a lstter to his father,..wilich vvill be of ietereet to our many, readers 'Who have brothers and friends With die battalion., - . • . , . A•fter the introductory paragraphi reads: • The Battalion left London at 2 p. in. ,• • on Saturday, Oct, 14,, and after a trip fall of interest and education to all, arrived in Halifax-tbe following Tuesday et 6 a. en. WP eilw the Proyinee Of On- tario at its beak, and cernparing it with • that which we afterward e paeeed through, inipeeseed, me with tbe fact taste old Ontario was rightly'deservieg the name of the "Beefier Province." .At 6 o'clock Sunday morning we left • Montreal via Idercolonial Railway and travelled through Lower Quebec by the • Lower St,. Lawrance Route. Quebec, the oldest provInce of the Dominion, seemed to Inc to• be the neat bitchier& The farmsand methods of agriculture of the French-Canadians are 25yearS' be - hied thet of Warier. 'The long, narrow farms witei their low -set, whitewashed buildings were of.particular interest eto the Bruce, boys after the broad acres 'which many of them have left behind: The fitst trai,iu command of• Major McLean Motfet,-seipped at .Drummon- villeeied for an hour or more we had a route march through the towie On every band •French was spolien and the zom.' .inuniti looked upon •us as foreigners. Absolutely no sign of patriotism or even, friendliness'Was shown t6 us and we were 'glad to. get "e...weahe We ell were mere firmly convincer than ever that consmeptionean come none too soo ) for the French•Ca,nadia,us in. Lower Quebec. Our trip through New Brunswick. on Tuesday ,was .uneventful. The northern section ts still heavily:covered with tim- ber. The sceeery elon the Bay Of Ohaleur and the Restegouche River •was extremely. beautiful,. '' We. had: route marches at Cam pbellton and at Moncton: We reached. Moncton 'early inthe (nen, ng and were inetAt the station by •the Mayor and COuncel and two brass hands. As -we passedethrotiah the:chat' all • man- er of good things were .`dhewered- upon. by,the.wietnen and girls,and .later at station. The' boys 'sure made:the best f their short time and were sorry to limb on the train toletwe s they termed it after 'What they had aised.through Quebec: Ourjourney hrough Nova Scotia wasMade at night, ndemany were diseppointed at not being bletoeibe the Scotch -province. • We reaehed•Halifax early in the' Morn. ng, and after 'breakfast we merched through the city to the ireel.0 A, where we were all refreshed by a kooe bath.: ,Halifax is an intereitinge eity. It is° b'uiltonhe side of a,hill and the streets are steep and barrow.. The , fortress ' Or citadel i situated on the top of the hill and commands e good view over the bey and harbor. '. • ' That afternoon ewe -left the train and embarked on the Sletagarea and Pulled out into the .harbOre Where we anchored until Wednesday at o'clock When we sailed. • •"•• ' : :AS'We'passed through thle •harbor we. •met the greateinet, the Maueetapia, the sister ship' of • the ,Lintitaeia. :We were. notified that the. new.(eoeleenoreGeneral and his wife, the Duke and Duchess.of - D e-, evonshiree were en- beard. Immect bendswete-bionalitt out and .. focused on the big ship. When they werfediticerneble dieted' cheer broke forth and the bandit .Played "0 -Canada." About .300 _returned.. soldiers were on board and they were: elec.' given a rous- ing welcome. The nekt thingtbat drew our Attetition was the presence of the. big Pettish cruiser - Leviathan. That• was perhaps . the' first'. glimpee'of .that greet and powerful arm,..that, moles Our Sleep peaceful art- nigheon the deetie When we gazed•Upon those bigsguneatiel the smart cieW a mighty cheer went up from ',the boys in ,khalric which WO answeeed loud and.. long by the- blue. jackete: Sailing'down '-‘• the baa, We*.7. pissed through the narrow. passage for Ahips through the sebantrine net -s. They. look on the surface .exactly like fish :jets; The getagaina witsAccomps.nied by the Northland and tile 'Cii,rneropia and the whele• was CO1lYeyed' by a, Ftencli crniser, the "Petite Torreae".• For the first fire '-weather as -fine, abut -Since then it has been Very.i.Ongli and to.,:diiy we have. had the worst infirm that the Metagama has encountered since, her maiden voyage two;years ago. ' . Wheuwelatid , at Liverpool write you a better account of- the last four days on the -Atlantic and take it from me, they were 'real ones, and I shall be glad when we reach !Liverpool to -night. ' , • ejeetweiree-,7,-e. . . • SPECIAL gOTICE RE W OMEN'S •INsTi rue. -All parties wishing to contribute Christmas boxes,fra the soldiers at the Front, are requested to have Ahem m (at Purvis's store) not late than Monday .next, tile 20th. •• '• '• MRS. A. ACKERT;• Seey. • Bervie dey 'Noe' 13 .*•Mr.. Lawson, our junior pastor,. beolt the seririces in Bltievele-On Sunday. • Rev. Williams took the sereices sin Knox -Church, Kineardine, on Bine:ley • evening: • Mr. DuncanMeTeliish took pare 'of . the services 'on the •Bervie eircuit on ,Sunday in the absence, of Mr. Lambe. Alarger attendance is reeueeted at the weekly League meetings, as some special meetings are coming oft in a ..couple-atte - Quite a nember from. Bervie were in • Purple Grove On -Sunday and -report very successful services: Special music' was provided by the term male quertette„ tuid Rev. MacArthur preached two line_ sermons. „ •. ,Oeet PEOPLE PASS -It WAS with re- • gret that we heard on :Saturday last; •of the death in Kincardine ot the late . Mr.' Todd. • • He was . buriedon Monday. What Makes tlie•sorrow .deepee tlu:kt his ,•WITeTtlie late Mrs. Todd, passed away only about a week ago, being bur- ied one week ago. 13oth ,111r. and Mrs, Todd were far pest the three score you's and ten, but wer quite ew wee s ago. Mrs: Rebt. Brown, �f Bervie, is a &tighter of the pleceased, •The Willa have the empathy of the community ip their bereavement. A pleasant social evening was etijciyeti on Friday hist it Knox Church. • The object was to. Ind farewell to Mr. and Mrs, j. T. letninerton and Russel, wire are soon to leave our Village. The reeme bers of the congregation also took that opportunity of showing their apprecia- tion of the serviceaof Miss Belle 'Aiex- andei, former organist. Addresses were read and the above mentioned :parties, were given remembrances from their Mende. An finprompttt program WAS Oen and lunch was erved. 'The best wishes of the etentrninity go with Mr. and Mrs: tininertoil and SON &tom), to Lochalsh, -Tuesday, NOV...14. Miss Mary Ensign left or Wedinsday foi. Sank where expects to speed , the Winter. - We are pleaded, to rewire that Mrs R. -SfacLeilattit*na Mrs Jas.' MeKendriek, both of whom have been ill, are well On t he Way to, recovery, In a recent )88110 Of The Olobe we no- , s 10 2.-15 deed the familiar face of a former Loch - I 00 alsh boy, Rod.' K. Finlayson, who Was woUitded'at the Front SOON time ago. -He enlisted with a Winnipeg battalion, having attended college ;ri that eitt .• • (Corrected iip to Wednesday noon) Wheat... . •' • 1 81 . 55 •• 00 Barley- - 1 teo 1.10 Buckwheat • , • • • Better „ . '. ao '86 Eggs, no* laid 1, 10,...11,1. 40 i10$8.1. . ... • .. 4 I 'K 05 . their new home. •, orlirSom• J81flOfll .eareeste 1117e 1 I st 1'1:7 a rua 4.6;ny au ee°i and'ls1 gi7ok r ,4 t ebiy looking et, ,We thOught • not. Only an.expert dO'ttlat: Only a pers_ovawbo•hatelles teem- ' all tbe time calgreally juqg!.. these geins:' Why not 'buy•eliani:onds •" that have already been eudgecli THEY ARE HERE • We:ye inextro, nice • display of Diamonds and they were all chosen for their Purity and beauty. „Everyone is •"guarentee,dby. us_to tie whet we Say when we talk about it. //ET WS EHOW VOT.J. • F T. ARMSTRONG Jeweler andlOPtic1an• EVERYBODY'S COLUMN, • HOUSE OR SALE -The' Leos, residence on • Camling•St. Apply al the 1191.180- - 16 ill) WANTED -100. cords 4 -foot. weed, _green or • dry, at The,Lucknow Tabie•Cd. 7-12,,. . • -• MONEY TO LOAN.L.-0s-mortgagesiand note • at reasonable rates; , Fire Insurance. hot:, . Stook and .Mutual Companies. Convey- • Musing done with neatness and despatch. _ . ' • 0,14.9. A. SIDI)AI,, Broker. Lucknow . ,. • . . • , . , RAW FURS WANTED. -Highest prices paiil • %for all kinds. , • 3041 75. . PETER t1RAP, 741.1CICROW. . NINE -ROOMED H0,SIt- for ren't. Apply to"' „ • 1041-p. -•• Arch. Darbour. Lucknow. , , , FIKIFEit ESTRAY.LCame to the preraises of • the Undersi4ned, Lot. 3; Con, 8, Ashfleld, on ' ovabota Oct. 10, it ,red -roan heifer. appar- ently 3 years old. OWner,torty hare same • op -proving property end' .paymg expenses. 1 PaTnica: WALLACE.« • WANTED abillet-makers and other 110113" - Men or •oys. Apply at (Moe. 742.. , • The Lueknow Table Co. • • DR. PARKER,DSTEOATH; at'Llain Howie Lucknow. every Wednesday afternooh. Al '7 •'ellrofrie d!sease.ki succeadully treated. :, Os .-termatliy remoVeS the physical. causes diepasa, • Adjustment or the -spine 15 more • qtnoldy secured and with fewertreittmeut- by Osteopathy thatkiiy. litlYL other meths:U. 31-10-p. • , • . Notice ."• all matters regarding Greenhill eemeter - refer tp C..Taylor Secretary. _ For Sale -FOR SALE.-Twoho,titses and lots nt low °Hobs: • • • • • ' Owners leaving Luoknbm . For further in,- . ' formation;apply:to thro.".A.,Sit DALT. „. ;. :FOR SALE.--TWo frathe bbliSes; tho ropertY . :Of the late Jituies• Williamson Estate, will • be sold ,itt it bargain. • Apply to.(1: A. Sm- .:RAU. - •• 9-11,o, ' *V'. A FOR SLAis-.-A oruli•scit •of farm- ifnp14Mants; including Binder, Mower; Seed drill.; Wag- • • on. Sleigh's; Racks. ote„ otc:), all in -good • condition. sotno.nearly.now. Inspection In- . ••• vital; Apply to Edwin Percy. Isinlough. • 18 -11 -p. - ..; .FOR SALE. -In the Village of St. Helen's, store'', with good dwellingn oonected.,lately occu-. pled by Mr. Henry Woods ns general store. . ..- Also good.lergestable on prof:rages. \Via. . :sell itt.reasonablo ,pi -ice. possession. Decent. • ' • :bor 15th.. loor full.partioulars phone:NO.1u, • -• • Wingliatni or Write to,,fiertnn Sr., Co., Wing. - Iiain,. . •••• - • 23-11-c. • Auctioit Sales , . . , . . • ;30 HEAD OFVATTLE. 10 QOWR in calf Zir with... ' • calf at: fent; and- .20 Yearling •Sl000, and • IIMIers,at Cititt-ikuse. on Saturday. Nor_ • 251.11..1015- . • • - • • • D. A. MclinNixtti, • • • PC-jtvi83.- - . • Proprietor. Auctioneer.. . 93-11-c. ' Poultry Wanted • -w•edneed-ay-iind Thrirstral at tY. C: mcigorraii's Store, 'Zneiday at:Kit:doss . • and 1i:info-writ. Poultry Must be star'ved• .12 hcittrs lie.fpre flefiVery. .Iliatest cash • prices' paid. .. .• • 540.tf. ' •• • 1. T. 1.4v6iis: mop • -114est-tay,.Nov.14 • Johil Gibson wiig in (hinter' on 'San- • . - • . Mies • Hazel ' Webster , • of:luck:ow :Ji;fin, and Mize' (...lardnex Snot...hayed Paramount with relatives at Dungantiop N'oe..• • „ .11,11p•II'gfrn toba all fall', arrived hoax) on Saturday., ftitvfl.cly etatryl •tasiJohnston,weekitIe io.vfeld14erliilyN tt, .epiin eeee.e., 7 • iVilianj Ilatreettf Kinioes, visited las sister,. Mre. elui.ehisodi fee a. few days. .11rti. Itilpatrick and scri,...Falruer,-fof. • . Mrsereech hd Anti of P111, Ili ke,r;* Mifeking;•caile-d On riends. hert.% on Sat- stpmrtn spent Sunday with her It .1"-v.06as, of v06; Nvxs 010; Stewart Robertson has° reinilit and 'sn.Ast, of he,reensini: ileien :Woods, thev thoroughly overhauled hte eild et ibies s eel`. k.,.,,inct.. .j oia.111, )iave ,a_knnitidiousa -nctioinfOrfidskr When the, work IS •poinpfeted he , will. w..1;artii M18s Annie t1,11a,rittion, who teaches school near"' ".oneb;idtaYttnidasNt'lew8,e.6.pra‘iter-80.11---it';n',..h.i. a lnderWeted, eves Mlle fee a ,. . Stroade' . • r. • ' gnatIni of I4Plon. Were yisitoto at on Sunday Softie of the eoting''folli attended tbci anniveisary 'services .Siniday and the , fowl supper illoedair evening in thq path -Ninon Methodist thitich. ' • , few days last week. • The letimpe . were prevalenein (lag school saetion, and as no pupilswere coming -to school, the. trUiitkeil advised ,her to take.a. feui holi- day? until the•Childten Shottld 'get over their trouble. . . . • . . •