The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-11-02, Page 5• n• *Play,, oveld"dhol' fat is Home, without Music? !!! Made in • • Fit Anfy 85 Canada ,' "HEARING ISBELIEVING" T.he Columbia dealer nearestto you will gladly. demonittrate. Very easy payments Little cash required, •Dealerwill. explain terms. , Send for a iaew.:free catalogue, COLUMBIA GRAPH PHONE CO:. "Creators of.the =Industry.' • "Pioneers and Leaders in the Art' " Ownora of the Fundamental Patents." CANADIAN ' FAOR"Y, TORONTO • :For Sale b'3': • THE FIRST STEP . tout ardandepandence is a Savi:gs Account in the Bank of Hamilton. The'first $1,000 is the hardest to get; blit once "a start is made you'll be surprised to find how quic::lv your. savings accumulate; Will you begin now, or win you put it' oft ? LUOKNOW- BRANOH Capital' Authorized $5,000,000 J. A. GLENNIE, mases er,. Capital Paid-up - $3,000.000 Surplus - r '..- - $3,478.000: . . Verdun • tilonday,:Oct. 30.• . "Mr.. and ,:Mrs: Will McMullen Sunday- ed at .A;: Armstrong's. . Mr:: Walter Draper.spent Sunday with friends on the Second, ;: • Miss Annie Blue• visited •,:1Ziss • Pearl :Hooey on Sunday last, IIlr9, 11.RI,t'id• is at present visiting her sister, Mrs, Caraliam,"of •Sheppardton. Helen .Blai;r and. Elsie Steele were. the guests bf Nellie McMullen Sunday last, , Miss Mamie 'McDonald .spent' a ,few •days. of•. last .week the. guest of Miss Lninia geld. • M. John Eldridge, who:went overseas with the y:;. contingent, is visiting in the -tele i' i hood, again. We sire. all pleased to.seo Jack -back, ulna. hope, it -w*on't, b :long i-ill`4ie comes back to stay.' ., • 'PHOS WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAvt4FUNND5 '.P QUCR'ING: hal -M- Y --RU R.C1alASE.:. A71. • • INIQW.OF:CANADA.KOERTURESTO.4.:: IN' 'SUMS OF .$500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. , Principal. repayable 1st October, 1919. . .• • - Interest payable half -y y, lst April and October by:'checlue, (free _- •of exchange at any chartered Bank In Canada)'• at,the tate of•five O'er cent ' er dnnurr frons the date of.,purchdtew. e• - .. ' P tock' will have the privilege -a of snrrenclering:apar nd', .. •� . Holders of, this s accrued interest, as the equivalent - f • cash.,. m paymetit of any allotment :made under any futni' war';loan issue in Canada other than an 'issue of Treasury Billsot other like, short date security. i Proceeds of this stock arefor war purposes only. , b- . mission of one- ur rater of dile. pot 'tent will ;be allowed to ree0g4 .z A and stockbrokers. on allotments made in respect of appliattiotia .:. tilted' bond and , for this stock Which bear their stamp.' w L F'or aliplication forams af•;''; to.tho Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DRPART OF hAC,Oit'ri. ,Va,, ; •• • BiOiLR 1916. • ti • C ,O'0ungil met on'Oa`;ttgber 1l3rd:' 14m - :hers all present, Moved, by Oase and<Dogaltlson-Tl at we gave q grant of $00 to growl the road 'opposite Iots••I0 .and I1, 'con. 14 and 15, and that al'oltn Armstrong expend the. sable, Carried. • -boncaldso McPherson T h a, t 't he 'Court of Revision: re, the Thacker drain be. now opened .:and .that, ,than Reeve- be t liairtnau of time Court. Carried.. Arena rong-,Merhereen 'hat t fp Court do now . ad)curia 1.. roget at 2 o'elpek, , �lrnistroni--McPh;srsont: J.'bat we ap. DRUM ENGLAND GThc. following .letter as from, Lieut. R. Rutherford, a. sopa of Rev, Mr, Rutherford, of Pipe River.; «It was act- dress=ed to ia., cousin at St. Relents.] London, Eng., 40116. Deaf; W$4 - Perhaps you have already heard. I am in Blighty enioying, Rnglar,d'ii best, after having stopped a couple of iron rationa that Fritz had nal further use for. :ale pretty neatly made an.uudet taker's job Of it, hilt maybe it was his saving know- pitiiit >sbe Eeevr, ]Oonaldaora•and Case to )edge of "ku-Iter" thatwould not permit investigate the cl�eaims Tor daniages re hps-sympathetic, lovable little person accident .to auto en. C.:ulross and Turn- that he is -killing me. Ire any ease, berry Boundary, and consult our Solid= 'whether through luck, Providence, sav- tor a,n4 act•laccordiogly. Carried;' mg grace, or :some other dispensation #Z4.1?lierson-Bonaldsor�-That we given Jaid dowtt by the Shorter Latechistn, lie a grant of 6,,fer the. oacow road con 13t opposite lots 18, and 19, and th'a't Win. Oaae have the sane expended: carried. ° has-Arinetreng-- That this Board. 'give want of $50d to the. British Jed' Cross Society, the same to -be -paid not later than the 15th. of December, 1916.. Iivuntz -McPherson, in atnepdwent- That th s.e.oencil grant the sum of °$1,000 to the 13ritish itepross Society, to ,be. paiid as soon as convenient-'. For • the atnendinent, Kuntz and°McPherson; for the ntotion,.Lase,. Armstrong and Don- aldson. Motion carried, Donaldson -Case -Teat this Court of Revision on the Thacker Drain be ad. adjourned until Monday, Nov.' 20th., at 2 o'clock p in. Carried. " Donaldson=Armstrong-That a com- mittee composed of, the Reeve, Case and McPherson beappointed to, award the contract on.the Pinnell drain. . Carried. Mo Pherson-A•rinstropg-T 11 a t the Clerk write M.iddlebro-. &• Spereman re Fischer and Tone chaiul for damages' to auto: That as seon\ as we can consult oar solicitor we will inform them of our, action in the�tnatter. , Cart ied. Case-Donaldson=That we •'give 'an amount to the south:end of the gravel road eufiicient to gravel the porting that has. been graded,:and-that the •niover and Thos. McPherson expend the same.• (:lir, vied. •Armstrong-Case-Tbkt the Collec- tor's Bond be handed tq the Treasurer for safe -keeping." Carried.. •' .The -following ac oux ts, were : paid: : Geo.' Waddell, raking stones off .road,. as robbed of a corpse., 137 all, the rules, regulations and secret signs of .musketry, I. Should at, present be a :two weeks' member of the R.I.P. club, but not, yet for,awhile anyway. However, I have. every respect. for Firitz'.s snipers: Tn all probability I shall carry marks emblem- atic of that respect. also. Alehough be has to• be handed it en the spore of accuracy„the laurel .doesn't elor,g ,to him when it is a case of decency or sportsmanship. II will ex= Plain. He had already sniped one of our officers' through the neck, which is legitimate fighting. When he was hit I:got three or four men, and we were performing the duties ofstretcher-bearers -lifting him into a shell hole to dress him. Then it was that Fritz showed :what kind of fighter, he`was, for he got two of us right together with the same bullet. Luckily, it didn'tget either of us badly -grazed the other fellow's groin and continuing on its journey, bored ,through my right arm: It didn't take long to get that fitted up, as it needed Only arm light treatment This was taking.place.amongst•a.con- glonieration of shell' holes, no' trenches, and they resembled the top of a bowlful of boiling porridge. It was at our farthest point of advance;:. 1100 yards from where we start*, and the • discon- certing part•ef it •was that' five :-our. par- ttcular company .of the battalion -had no right to•be there at all. '• This error arose awing to the fact that •there had been an unavoidable alteration .in ,the officers who went in,,' • As "this change .to,ok .place- just a• few minutes before we •$1 25, Louis Becker., :abutments. for -went up, it was but natural that the new bridge; ,211. 50. ` Dune Grant,.cul+erton sideroad 2048 00. :°A. Haldenby, sheep. killed by dogs, 25 00, Wm. Baptist, Jamb killed by dogs, 12 00. Jos-Voison, inspeeting - sheep . killed, 1 56. blas: Whiteman,. as yds•gravel and cbad, 4 80 • E•1: Masse!, cement tile culvertcon,12, 4 00. Jos. Silhck, operating road drag, 3 .,50..-- M kb • Fischer; 74 yards • gravel and road; - 8 40, Phi•1 Keffer, 3 '-days: grading, 2 teams, .27 .7.5: Phil- Keller, working'gra,der on„boundary, 4 ,75. E: Ca. Kiiiatz, selecting jurors, '4. '00. " John •Rettinger, 10 yds gravel and read, -2 00.. John P,ettinger,- 50 yards gravel:, '5 00: W. H, :Wall, . 9'yar da gravel,. 7- $0.. F. Keiffer, putting in . tile, 1. 90. • :1'Wni: Barineriitan, •repairing bridge .eon.- ••14' '0 •0o Wm. Case,•170 lbs.,fioi#r• for in digent, fi 9p. 'Thos. Elliott, 71' yards gravel \read, 8 '141 Jain Harkness, ,rep, covering on bridge, 15 .00: • Weis Bros.:, beef • for indigent, 1' 40, And • Schnitrr, 91•'yards •gravel, i share, 4 60.' \folson's Bank for solivenire for soldiers, 1:5E 93- R -Donaldson 'butter and for'indigent, 2 60: ; Agricultural Society grant '25 0'0' Robert I'aterso'n•i , pa ' re t Mg bridge, 2 00. Rod .Mcllonalii, re= p~iring: bridge, ` 27 00. Ci. Benninger, tailing for sidewalk, 95.57.-' McPherson-•- Donaldson- That the l+finance report, as just, read, ,be adopted and orders issued for payment of:'ac- counts; and that we do now adjourn to meet again on°Nov 20th., or at •.the call,' of the )Reeve."' Cai tied j. - b • Chas. Button, Clerk. HURON OUNTY NEWS Victor Dale; a Stanley. •Township . farmer, was fined $25:60.in the Pence Com t, Clinton, for ill treating.a horse.. Crown. Attorney 'Seager conducted the • prosecution, , ..• - • Harold' J,tasvis, the Detroit tenor,' was rnaitied on Thursday •afternoon, 647--1".2 tit ' ' lits bride is ;l2aravfA aloluide J.uds Vin; daiugliter •pt.L G13, and Mrs. •. ' Judson,'.Iiazlewood' Ave., Detroit, and is a member of tlie First Presbyterian aI 'ui i wTieiti:1Tr..flarvis ging ' Eightli Con., Kinloss • • -Monday, Oct. 30.• ;';hiss BeatricesAlhson spent Sunday at Malcolm Sinith't.: , Miss ]rtLa :McLean spent Sunday with her friend, Miss 1tosie McKay, Mia.s l+:viti •Culbert spent, the latter part A men` shquld be 'unacquainted with the lay of the land: As a ,inatter'of fact, I did not know I was goingti!p;ti11 fifteen• niinutes„before we' 'moved off:' - I had net read the orders, etc., and vyas entirely, ignorant of what was''to be Mone Our companywasbattalion.reaerve, to be used atAny time or•place when need= ed: •'After the boys want over the top - from the front''line,'we moved up fibril the support -line where we.had been'and waited in the' evacuated trench.forfurther., orders:. We' had wonderful• opper- tunity to watch from there the whole attack. Believe me. it was beyond des- cription. The . bombardment that was put up by our guns was siitiply hellish. No can ever imagine whit it is like, unless, you experience it;''those Who - did experience it have no great desire to go through' it again.. „Our aeroplanes were thick up above, watching and signalling back .to 'artillery, and. old Fritz'• kept peppering a'tvay all the tune at them., Anyway -it was ,ton much for, Fritz. The'Getmanfront line' -was ob];ii erated and they were .killed . like rats.. Some bunches of prisoners came -running back, hands np, wildly gesticulating, saluting and doing everything imaginable- to let us know they had had enough of it: They calve back by platoons, with only one'Tbmmy a8 escort, but the- shlmnier of his bayonet was enough to make the boldest Huns think of his frau and kinder before doing anything rash, ` `' The tanks, too, put ;the•w•ind up them: No wonder either. They sire are most fiendish looking things -hick part aniinal and part machine.. They- travel- along_ over trenches, shell holes and, through houses like a'cort cutter. At one:. part of the line•,tktere -was a particularly strong point to' take in the Shape of an old sugar. refinery and at • another , pl'ace a. sunken road` was strongly held. Mr. and Mrs: • Tanksthey are male. and feinale according to the 'weapons they carry=accounted, for, both of these troublesome points with immense econ amity of life for us _' I Saw one_thritugh_ that -had Apparently got ditched and lay there, grunting and heaving -away like a thrown horse, The iast••I saw of it it was still there and Fritz wasb aver a fine variety of stuff` it, .which wien't very pleasaa)t when you .liad,Rto pass right by it. ' The boys,` went right through and took what was; required anyway and did it -in slior't'tiiuo too. Wo went up to dig' a tre!ich for. support 0t4Ola..,, TSE BUSY .HARD AU HOUSE, r MAKE OUR STORE YOU HEADQUARTERS PHONE 60 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY +Coznbinatiod Wood, Hard Or Suitt C-oai TER Before . you buy a: heater it will pay you, to exa1 - ine the superior. qualities of this heater. Perhaps you intend drying a .few Apples r An Up -to• -Date Hand Paring - .. Machine Will make the work much easier and quicker. • . teneeleeept Just arrived -i , - large .as- sortment , of 'Stove ' Dials • aid Squares, all sizes, from 2 ft to -4=.a ft -square - • Fresh Portland Cement always on. hand. . " •• The' Store °-Where Your Mor 3y Goes Farthest 1 I We have appointed- W. J. TAYLOR our AGENT to receive cream. for Lucknow and • vicinity. FARMERS having' cream to sell should call at Taylor's Grocery.for.a can. All cream' will be paid" for weekly by Mr. Taylor at his store. • Cream to be left: there.- Call on Mr. Taylor for prices and full parti culars. PalmCreamery 'Co. Palmerston ovaria. MAC:HINERYI�11V� A few, heading mchi:nes we, offer for sale at this season of the year:. l: The Deering Corn' Binder 'The Oliver Tiding Plow The `Wilkinson Climax and'the International Ensilage ' Cutters., W. G. Andrew LU.^.KNOW such occurrences are only too commoating my left, eye -brow. I jest sat there, for awhile 'thanking oierYbody and everything r think Of that' should n in a big ehowsueli "as we "had on the 15th; but despite these little clicks -nn: comfortable: and sometimes, fatal. ---the whole show, as.you linow, was a success. Well, to get bark to the tiMe ''when Fritz got rite.le- the.arni,• ,'After getting it' in a sling, I started.to walk .II ack over land. to our old line. . :To 'get there meant`, Blighty and the; comforts of civilization, but Fritz was still sniping, and ''wot•"se than that, otir artillery8rgats fallitigshort. I crawled' -along. about fifty„'yards ;When bang .on the fiend. and the' ]igh.ts:'went out;. tbe'curtain,fell, and 1 thought sure I was soon going to hive a hard tine explaining soiiie.thingsyto St, Peter and Co. Second thoughts convinced me taint, I hadn't better take= a chiaince •• nn tliaat • andI canto. toy: • lie''had :plugged 'Me clean, through -the `steelhelntet, and. the bullet drove a piece: of :'it ('the : helmet) into 'My forehead also beauti" nil ']Mer shooting be thanked&.on suck occaj;sii ns, aiid inter, tying the wound np •I started on .the way, gain. It wasn't very • healthy all' -the ay across •No• khan's I.and�-or' Kt least ' what had -teen; but Was.nnw1ra - tart I managed to make ill, and believe Ole, after things had cleared up, somewhat. As I said, instead to of getting to•our proper place 500 yards behind the new line, five landed up in front,, A nice pickle we of the week -with her stint;' M're. Mur- . were in too -very fewshovels aiid"'no7 -dock McPherson , One of tate bays of a ile•i iiboring town paasse& through 'oa4. burg on Sunday, Soule swell turnout! ' , %rare glad to report that i.eslie.Con-. gram is 'able to be,.around 'again after sutffering'fixpm a sliratnecl ankle. • A number• Froin here attended the concerts at Ripley on Friday and also the institute entOrtaitltncnts at I r lytood en Wedileeda ' , meansofshowing our planes our tiosition,' for theay were now overhead getting the positions'ef. our front line, but five didn't have the material with us to show thein'. The,result of that was, of course, that our -artillery, not being ittfoi"med"is to nurq;"sosition,'put a barrage on just ahead of us - iii bias some fell •short. 'Well, - there we reltn between the devil •and' the oea, nits sniping and our own artiI: kry going anitort; Of Course, wind you,e • a w• the priceof stocks went up -considerable when I. landed back.in our old :line: .From there tine going wars «good, for,, it , :. :Was at least 1» trenches,d• and about4 miles ]a iles I got; to. the anibulanc'es,-,had a shot of Scotch and -started on the way ..: to Blighty .I Was ln;base l%osl;ital fni ten days and just carne "over : here' this week. • Hope to be out and ar�ound'soon as wounds :'are : doing fine,: This 'is'' ai . terribly long, letter;. -but not havingany;: triends'here; I main Makeup' for it fps' ' letters; : . Give.uty% • best to the rest and •.'any others inquiring: ' Ro•ses ELL. MRS, MELTON'S LETTER "To, Tired Worn-out Mother$ Jackson,: Miss.-•�"I sae;ll • feet , repaid " ' for writinthis3 'le•tti•r • if • 1 tail'. help' any - • .i'ired, worn•oia mo ar'r,o housekeeper- • to •find- health and strength as •I have:• "I•• have •a family of fire; -seta. cook '.. and do nay •lionse'iro rk and I bccatnee Tory.murh run-down in health.' A. friend tryv�'inal. 1 oil so -and -now win 1 well and .strong and, my old', time.' energy. -has ben restored, duel has no superior as a :tonic,. for •'worn -cut, run.ilowu, tired' mothers ,or laonsei:eepers."' ---' airs ,T , N.. D r:T.1`s2Yi 'Jacltiien; bliss. R - D. A. M.-SPENCE . ,, L'UCliNQ4i!' • GET • Wo Wart you to grit tale ` TULE A B'T . habil. of calling our sting. aatore " your" shoe store': You wait,t to deal ilii a store where` you.can.:get quality, fit and variety` We have a great variety its IL.adies' and Gentletnens' .!lite Shoes, • • You can get " I;nvictus" Shoes from us.: •5• . Our toys' Sat"iii'Cali'-Blucher fit' $ .so .is' worth while . exat lininri whevn tmi need of Boys: Shoes.: ' IMen's Heavy ,Work Shoes 'at\ $4.00 are eat • ` vat,ue. ♦a ACKERT RT & RATtIVV ELL - - A GOOD SHOE STORE FOR ALL THE .FAMILY" ` rt^ .9? s