The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-11-02, Page 1'u x.p per year, in advance; $4,00 otherwise' LOCA, ANO. nwNERAL Get the: I,lfel uoy long Rubbers at I,ittle's shoe store.' Mrs. Wm. J. Little isspending the N eek with•'friem.lain London, Mr. and: Mrs, Armstrong,, of Corrie,' spent Sunday at the home of their son, ' cJ..G. Ariglatrong. . Miss Lillian Mitchell; Kent to Wing,.. haul last. week,, where she is taking .a COUrs3 to stenography at ;the- Wingham . Uitsiuest; Uollege: • f Mr. George Walwin, operator at :Ore• ‘0. P; -It. station at Teeserator,•. and Mies °, G}cenacbe ,visited the former',q :cousin, Mrs. ii.. T„.Phillips; art Sunday. The women of the village are request- "'• ed to bear in mind the meeting in the •Conncil. Chamber tins (.Thurad:ey) after- noon at 231.., for the purpose of continri- ing the work for the soldiers. --•Secy. - The ladies of the Methodist churcleare :preparing for.a Bazaar, to be given on Thursday, Nov. 16th. In connection with the Bazaar there will be a museum. Proceeds to go to the Patriotic pend. Further notice next week., Mr. and Mrs. George Aitcheson, Ford and Miss Freda went by auto to Camp Borden on Wednesday of last 'tweek to visit Pte. Clevebefore the departure of a -tris battalion, the 161st, for overseas. ethey returned Friday evening. .Mr, and and Mrs. Wm. Stanley, of Kincar- dine,•Ontarta, announce the engagement of their daughter; Alva Frances, to Mrs'' David A. Andrew, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Andrew, Lucknow, . Ontario. The marriage to take place• early in •• November, i,. At the close' of the war, conditions swill'inake'another change. They will never be as envious to' July 1914. Changes that will surely affect the •farrn- .ing industry will take place. You'want to be prepared for . this . change. '.fire Weekly San will de its part for youby keeping you posted • on the different chargees that are likely and how they Shoe -s. E We have .30 .pairs Men's Plow Shoes that were bought sometime ago be- fore the advance in price.. These are good' ,shoes, the l , with double soles. We are offering these while they' last at per pair a 2.90 ,• .J.• IT'S`. Sole Agent - I Ayn Two.Pens In One Self - Filler and Safe- ty Pen. The Peri of highest efficiency fl simply press die buitcn and 611 my- selfin iwo seconds) SELF -FILLING. SAFETY *FOUNTAIN PEiN. Give me one drink of ink and I'lf write len thou- sand *ords for you. I earriie-flltt; riuhtsido up or stand on my head for• mySafe- ty Cap keeps , the ink •.. locked 1 Drug Store 1, Rt 13 BROS., io Lucknow. Stud Open Monday, 'Tuesday and • . Wednesday Views and Family Groupe taken anywheig in the country. •` ' will affect the' farmers. It remains for you to.help a paper,that hs served its subscribers and tho Ontario' farmer gen- erallyAnfattltfully during the past guar, tor of a centuryThe subscription price of Thh•Sun ,remains 'the salve as former. '!Y, and le cheap at tiro price" We' .will he pleased to saceept subscriptions for Tito.$04 at this office. • • Mr.. and, Mrs. Arthur Gaynor, of West Wawanosb, have the sympathy of friends in the less of their little •son,: 0 • = tus Stewart, on,.Sunday.. Tho li e. fello.rr suffered an attack of appen a cititi, which. is•ubusual in one, so young ' He was. 2 years and 8 months of age Craws Or TiLetaurs.-.-T11.. ladies of the Red Gross Society, of- nip ey,. desire to express., their sincere than s to the Lock- navwDra natie.S.eciety for. tise entertain- rnent which they reeently gave. in the • interests of the Red C'rosa; y Sec . Riple. • Red Cross. „ The Luoknow -.Dee atic.' 'Co. .were ' greeted by a fold Liu at Ripley.' last Friday evening, w • 'n they presented. "Under Two Flag With a charge. of • only 25e. adinissi n, •rec'ipts•- amounted to°$95.00. Afte'' the play the members sof the company were• entertained at the home of Dr.d Mrs. McOrimrnon, who were delighted to greet folk from their former home `town. ; Card el Thanks Mr.. and Mrs, S. Iiathwoll wish very sincerely to thank the many friends who ,have shown sympathy and spoken words of kindness in connection with the death - Of their son, Pte. Arnold Rathwell.. It is all deeply appreciated. 'PUBLIC` MEETING All members of the patriotic commit- tees and all citizens interested in <the sanding of Xmas.' Cheer Boxes to our soldiers are hereby notified that a, Public •Meeting will be held in the• Council Chamber en Friday evening, November, 3rd, at 8 p., m. Show your 'interest, in the sending of Xmas. Cheer to the boys by your presence at this ',meeting. All are invited.. • . Robert Johnston, Secretary. In connection with the above, the Secretary is pleasedto announce'' that. Thos. S. Reid, Robt,:Brown and Jas. 0. Anderson have resolved themselves into a committee who will bP _responsible for a concert of a high class nature, ton, be put on for the above cause in the near. future. Keep:thts-event in n►ind. I.t will be worthy of; your boosting. Carrick Township Does Better The Township of Carrick has come in for a good deal of "roasting” beca.usei of its small contributions'in Inen and•money in the interests of, the War. But it ape pears, to be improving as time goes on. The Mildmay Gazette, which is the voice of ,the township, states that den effort by local patriotic workers resulted in raising $775.00.by. subscription for :'the British : Red Cross Fund.'' This is nota big amount for so rich a township as Carrick, but the Gazette sestet it. is quite as _im- provement on what wasldone a year ago. Lothian - :Tuesday, Oct. 31. M. Mcg, .vian., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. James McDonald. ' Cyril Ford, of Georgatown,'visited his sister, Mrs.:Gegge Swan, for a 'couple of weeks. • Mrs,. William Hogan is visiting her daughters, Mrs: B. and 'Mrs. J° Brady, Stratthroy.. ° Eli Mack met with a painful accident, last Monday.' that will , lay him upfor some time. He was hauling•in mangels when his horses became frightened and commenced to run away. . He managed to secure the lines,, but was dragged under the hind wheel of the wagon, 're- ceiving verysevere bruises on the back' ,and hips. A gloom 'was 'cast over this district' when word came last Saturday that one of our splendid men in the person of Alex.' nlanulton, son of Mr. Joseph Ham- ilton, }Iemiodk City, was killed..in action. Physically, mentally and morally he, was of the.hightest type of Canadian young .manhood,' $is aged fallier., bratbersi and sisters have the sympathy of every- body in their sal bere'tvement, tulross Centre' Monday, Oct. 30. • Boris.= -To My. and Mrs:, Thoe. Moffat, on Sunday,.' Oct. 29th, a son. Mr. McAllister and sister, Lizzie, of -C riii7-2; Sitddayed at`ti e -lronie--of-David' Scott. i Mrs: Walter Richardson, of Teeswater, is viaitipg at the home of her daughter, Mra'i Walter Pinnell, number front' here attended -11W entertainment and. supper which was held in the Methodist church . at ' Tees- water o'.1 Monday, 'Oct. 30th. Word was received here the .end . of last weekthat Corp.,'rllomas Hughes, of near Tiverton, bad been killed in action in reenco.- Corp. flughes . was well .known here. lie was a sbn of Mr. and 'Mrs. John 1iuglles, former residents of the 7th Cori., andawas born before the fetidly moved to Bruce . Township. He was a bright seeing man and for some time before enlisting was a mail clerk on a the G. T. Iu. between Winghani and London. 1-te enlisted at London with the 7let. Thebereaved family havelhe , sympathy .of many friends. here. • Q.147,„ tOVE BEJ 2o4. 1946, LUCKNO 'ON TO' Til E RED CROSS APPEAL • i eop1e 'Qin Cheerfully, And Afot nt Wali i gi.a'I. ,. 'That of k.aSt. Year ° • .Tho people of Lucknow have. again re- sponded nobly to the call. of the British. Red Cross. Society, and as .nearly gas can: be td timetf •t' ,tl e es..lnlit B a. o wing rl , lair '1'rafalgar,'Day contributions will equal ,that•of a year ago when $2000 was rais- ,ed, The work was again thoroughly or - g ridzed this year by the Patriotic Socie- tythe village was divided into „districts and,cc hectors appointed for each: Un • fortunately the canvass a ould not be Gar ried out ali in the one day, buethat does not' appear to have .materially affected results ' . • Below is published a list of core; tributions from .all the, divisions but North .east and South East. The 'can. Y vass in these is delayed owing.to theab- sence of citizens who usually are liberal contributors, and the collectors are re- luctant to report until these ate' seen. The lists from thelie divisions will apnea; next week. . The canvassers .state 'that'•this •work was rendered pleasant by the oheertul neas with which they ' were•received and the contributions paid over: The elm - lora bad dgnn their work, >lnd the suras were set apart and ready hien called for. The tocol Oddfellows Lodge were very genercus with a donation of '$10000, and the Lucknow-Fire Co., which -has always been active in patriotic and charitable 'work, also gave 8100.00. _. The Lucknow Table Co. headed the 'list with a. contribution of $150.00t. and the members of the firm also made per. sonal donations, Another pleasing incident of the cams- paign was that a number ofresidents in surrounding townships called to contr i.. bute as there was no agendy in their own municipality through which they could 'gyve.. These are acknowledged in the - list 'under the head cif Special Contribu- tions. e NGI1,TkT`CENTItI: DIVISION COLLECTORS-WILLIA>,i MJJRDIE.AND Ror iwr Bitowr. • GHURCH NewS•. Rev. D: B. McRae; of Armow, Bruce county, is retiring from his charge after 42years' service in the ministry. He will live retired' in .I+~incardine: - A *meeting of the congregation ,of Lucknow Presbyterian Church is called for this (Tbursday) evening, to bear the 'a'l'erts (f the -delegates' : who attended' the recent anti=union mbeting iii Toren: to. The ttnnuwl Thankeffaring Meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held in the Prresbyterian,ehurch on Mon- day, Nov. 6th, ate pin. Mrs. Goforth, missionary in Ronan, China, is expected to .address the meeting. All +ire cordially invited to attend. e rt The Adult Bible. Class of Lucknow Presbyterian Church had k very enjoy able ITa,lnwe'en party at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Fred McDonald on Tues- day night. After a program' of singing and games which everybody enjoyed'. to the utmost, .the members of the .Class partook of a honey and bread and butter lunch, . Poring the course of the even-, ing regretful reference was made to the loss which the Class is about tos sustain in the dcperture•of one of its most valu• ed"workers, Mrs..Robert Lurie, in, '•tends leaving for Toronto in the near fnt•ure., A. 01 Elliott , . $ 60 00 • WinLittle 40 0D• Wnl•,'DicKenzle.. >' ' •+U. 00 Thos.`s. Reid' •..... •''25 00 Dr. Spence. - , ... . • 2rO. 00- -Rev. It J. Garbutir.. ; , 15 00. DZ.• Mitchell , . . . 15, '00 A: D. Mackonzle'.' ; . 10 00 • H: A. Doupe .... 10 00 Q. Ostrander a . , , . 10 00 Jesse Button . • .. , 10 •00. : H. McQ.uil'lin t. , IQ 00 Thos. lied (baker). , -10 00 W: A. Solomon. , .. ... .5 00 D.'Oilbertson 5 O0 Thos, Watson , .. .'�'•tr o0 Robert Mullin::; .`.'. ... John Spindler : , :.•.•. ,i Angus McDonald . A. Shoebottonl • • Frank Freeman - Robt, Graham.... , . , . Alex. Moss. , ,.. Robt-, Brown Rev.. Samuel J. Bridg The GiJILn.--The Flower Committee, 'of which Miss Carrie Geddes 'is� conven- er, had charge of the program at Guild last Monday evening.."Some of Nature's Beautiful Things", was the. topic and on this subject Miss Lorna• Campbell read a very 'good paper. Miss Le Chet Howe . gave an -appropriate reading.. Miss Rena Gorden contributed • a solo, • and the Scripture lesson Was. read by Miss Mae • Mcklorran. The Women's• Missiogary Society; having arranged for a uieeting to be addressed by Mrs.. Goforth, of Honan,- China, next Monday evening, • Guild will hot 'meet until Wednesday evening when' the Adult Bible Class will have, charge. ' tee LEAGUE -The,'. League• meeting Oh the past Monday, evening was excep- ' tiorially: ihteresting, and was in' charge of the Christian Citizenship Committee,- Ewart 'Tayler read the Scripture lesson, Mri Garbutt took the topic for the even- ing, "Cotnnuinity 'Life. Mr:.Garbutt' vividly pictured, .what he considered Comruunity Life now and what it.would be in the year 2000. Other numbers on - the peOgram • were' a reading by Miss 'Frances Spence, a solri .by Mr. 'Anderson G S. Free .•, G. S. Robertson Robt. Phillips , Rev: Eccleston Dave Archer •Thos.I3urns W. K. Stewart . , •}. Fred. Eaton W -n1. Feri is . Grant' McCreath : Miss McAllister • 2 00 Miss' Gallagher ; ... 2,00 Chas. Milne , ' " 2 00 ,Johp Celdiiei'on :.. 2 00 2.00• 5 .00 and a duet by Mrs. Dupe and Mrs. 5 00 . Garbutt.Tlie•program for next Mun- 5 00 .dry evening is in charge of the Christian b 00• Endeavor Committee, and a.good even-, ing id' assured.. • • • 5• '00 5 .00 5 00 00 Endeavor RESPONSE •,. • ,. ette, 5 00 ..1 b.. 00 We. are : in receipt of the ;following, 5 00 'statement from the British Red Cross • • e.` :3 '00 headquarters at Toronto: - ••2 00 The Province of Ontario's response to .,.t . 2..00 ° 2 00 the appeal. of. the British Red. Cross has '2 00 resulted in the subscription of ,$1,400,- ;• 2. 00 0001np to date, with a'large number of BRUCE BATTALION SAFE IN ENtii,lND It ,was olheially announced from Ot-. tawa on Monday that the 16bth • Batta-k lion, along,avitli the 155th, 1:5..eth and 107th; had all arlr#qed in; England. A.. private"'cable to -Mr. R,b. Cameron front. Lieut. E. D. Cameron, bad conveyed the- information on Sunday evening, . Appar-;' ently on the same transport with the Above named battalions were part of the tooth,half ofthe 1.6 9th, drafts ofS fiath •cona• Horse and Medical Corps -all Ont$ rio men, • If 4a -transport', reached 'England land o g n Saturday, as it apjiaiirently did, she was jnct'about eleven days, in Making. the passage, and' the Bruce boys • were, just two weeks .on the way from • London,' Qat,. to England. There' will be general satisfaction. throughout the couety n learning that - the boys eluded the•U: '53 . and .all • her tribe. The battalion will 'likely now spend a few months training fn England; but a battalion with the good reputation for health .and proficiency.of the 160tJi *may be 'expected to lose but little time on the way to'il'e Front. Lanes, • ` .Monday, Oct.' 30. Robert Nelson has completed his threshing for this season. •v David. Farrish is hgme; having spent the fall at threshing in the West. n Mr:Solomon, of Lucknow; installed the water syste u' in I3. P. and Philip Hogan's homes. . ' The annual meeting of the Lanes Beef Ring was held Friday evening, ciosi rig a very successful and satisfactory year. All former officers were re-elected. • • • `' THE MERrDA DISASTEE..-Sincelast week we have•learned that tile' wreck of the Merida, lost on Lake Erie, •Oct. 20th.,. ,has been located, about the centre of .the lake and under 60 feet of water. It is said she '•wasdrawing ' 19 ft. 5.in, of water when 'she should not draw more than 16 ft. She was'heavily.loaded with ore and' bound for Buffalo. .Storm Signals were out 24 hours before' she'. started on 'tlie` fatal trip, but in'spite .'of "'the warning, the captain decided toventure out Only three bodies were found, those of David Corbett and Win. Bogie.. Both had but 'light clothing; and -Bogie's hands- *ere still covered with machine oil. • • It• is thought that the bodies of O'Connor, Quigley, O'Callaghan ' and&Austin are still in -the boat:• , An effort will be made to recover the .bodies as' soon . as divers can go down. ' • ' ' , municipalities yet to report. Bruce County's contributiola''are as James Spence , John Carter • •1 50. .A. Blitzatein . , . 1 00 Ito Mm . Toy g:. 00 Pat Gaynor, , �1.. 00 Joseph Nixon ... 1., 00 Miss Bowinatl .. 1 00 Wm. McIntosh, Sr ... 1 00 • Mat. Woods , , . , .. , •. , • 1 00 -Wm, McNeil - :. v • 1 '00 'Mrs, Thomas Agnew. , . 1 00 Mrs. Annie Cameron ... s., 1 00 Mrs. ,lC. •McLeod , .... , . 50 Wni. Walker • ..Miss Margaret. McKenzie, :.. . Mrs..,McLeLean follows: Carrick,•8600s,'Ettstnor, 350; Elderslie, 1,500; Kincar*ine Twp., 500; Kinloss; 750; Saugeen; 1,000; Hepwortl 200 • (to be supplemented by :council grant );''Pot Elgin, 1,606; •Tara, ,600; Kincardine, 3,200; "Southampton,' 950; Walkerton, 1,500; Wlarton, 500. It` is expected that Brant Twp. will vote 1,500. In addition, to these amounts it is ex- pected that the municipalities not yet represented wall be forthcoming with generous contributions,, and that the amounts given by the places above men- tioned .will be, supplemented ley. further 50 con'tribution's from individuals, schools, 50. lted Cross and other 'patriotic. somata - era tees. ' '.8 .385 25 - Teeswater SOUTH WEST,DIVISION' j • COLDEOToms--44.--A,-NEwnoNTF,11`, 1 -r...TneadayY...Oot. 31r--. Ani staltoNG AND .I :0. ArtaEusoly Miss M. I3aylock'18 visiting. friends in A. P. Stewart. ,. , ..,ss .. a,.,.:., $ 25 00 he .. , .- 'Robert Johnston - 25 00 tvy • • Harvey Lindsay ,.,_0 00 ... A, Brink invade a 'business trip to . 3 %V . doynt ,I" 20 00 Toronto on Thursday and remained until, G. A. Newton,, "00 ;Friday .night • J. A, Gtonnie ', .. .. ,.. 10 00 W. J.' Spindler .., .:... .10_ 00 ' Dr,. a S. Fowler. sppent_t:hreeday in A, Millson . :-.....',....s.•!-10 00. Toronto lest week visiting his daughter, :Women s I etitute....s'el:4.:.: s -s-•... �,LO_ c10. _ -Miss -Grace-Fowler, cif PerthsAve seliobl: Bertran. Smith: 10 00 Temple Clark 10 00 No services were -held in the Presby - W. G. Airdrow . 10, 00 terian or Anglican churches on Sunday W : C, Johnston, , . , 10,00 -evening on account of the re -opening' of W. W. Hill ... . , ., ._.T _.. 10 oa.. ,,Mail ifetift bilralt. , . _ :�. A. H. .Boyd . ...... •.10 00....,.....,....: , Jack Sherrill . . . . ..... . .•. 10 00 • Miss Lot tie Tillits2n's lecture on 'theled. Horigins . ., ,..... , .., , • 10 00 Rama iin Island's, lin Saturday evening Qeo,-H. Smith • 10 00 was nut largely' attended. :The local T. II. Pritchard....: a .. i • '10 00 P.talent was lttuch appreciated. 1. 7,. Armstrong.. 10 00 1 .. Ebben Darnin. ,`; 10 '00 The .Methodist church was re -opened W Connell... , . 10 s'0 fo anniversary b 'Safter r services onu , Sunda A, I't, rialayson, ;Miss Irene I•iolmeil ...,..,;:, Jas. C. Anderson .... ; :... A.,2. Milison T. F,Oain.',.,.. a..., Edgar :Hnll yyr ua1.. n J. : Armstrong;' .. . Alex. McCarroll Jim Miller : i v... on Page 8) • • • a I vided *Upstairs later in the evening. 10 00 being repaired and redecorated. Rely, P 00 0 Mr, Bur+, kes a former pastor, preached at 0 eo both serVtces. Although the congregation 5 00 is small,. ' the collections wore large, `60 11 00 amounting to over $500. On Monday 5 00 evening a very auceessful tea -meeting 5 00 was held and a splendid program pro. - (Continued • • •• • 6llamis -Monday, Oct. 30. Dir. Martin McKinnon is home from Detroit, Mich. Mr. Sidney Johnston is engaged at Joseph Purdy's. . • Mrs. Thos: J Gamble; and son have returned -home. frotn'Stratford.• Miss. Annie Currie.is;;spending a week with relatives in Kincardine Twp. Mrs. Frank Maaltlim, of Ripley, is spend'itg'a few days in the viltag Mr. and Mrs. George Perris, of Rip- ley, Sundayed with Mrs: Woodstock. Mr, Joseph Purdy left this week to spend .few weeks in Northern Ontario. Pte. •W. McNally is confined in Lori= dein Hospital: with inflanlation of this eyes. Miss Abhy Symons left on Friiley''to visit her sister, Mrs, ()ridge .Ford, of Philadelphia. • • r l , Miss Dewar, of Tiverton, was the guest of her friend, Miss Reta ' Mckin- non, over the Week-end:.Q,• Miss Kate McKinnon visited hep ternf Mrs Alex. and Mrs. John McKin. iit5tf; L'OCkhOW,-.last w'e'ek; .. , Mr Edward Chapman left for London last week to'enter id military services. All wish *"Ted" every success: Miss Mable : Ktrtown and friend, of -Hanover, .metered here on Sunday and spent the day' with her patents. - Altare sorry to''hear of'I. J. Husk's - three son's:' being i11 with typhoid fever, -•All-•hope-for their -speedy --recovery. -- Mr. Fidelis and Miss Mary Webb, .of Vesta, and Miss Florence Webb, of Pais- ley, were Sunday visitors at the latter's , home, • W" A"Il'edrosy 'Society was organized. here last week. We hype everyone will •join, and help,all they can to work for this good cause. , Tho'oficers appointed were; Mrs. John Deeban, .Pres;; Mrs. Dave Robertson, Treas.;'and Mtas Laura Cunningham, Ssc. . ' MARKETS . (Corrected up to Wednesday neon) Wheat..4.•:;...1 w..,: 1 75 55 •Oats . Barley • Peas Butter l:ggs;new laid liege ... a ... b i .. .11 011 110'► * * . . 1e 85 .4'. :.,x•-00 2 00 ,.:, :.,.:. 32' , 34 35 4 .iw. to bingie.0:opieS + entn • Ili li 4 ta. MARI( • • �*^MMK (r rr Something New! ' b Someth ig fetter i Our .Victrola De artn t ` 1 ' ' A .len tales p easuxe. in announcing another great improvement' to thi. Victrola. , The •'Victor system of changeable • needles,bas always been .cl e of-the'best-fe ures of this werld,famous instrument, ' , • Now, however, instead biasing steel needle'sr' which . should 1.7-e changed ftir revery .record;- we- have ehave on sale the -new VICTOR TUNAS -TONE STYLUS which will play. from 5o to 200 records' without • changing. It is just as a tsily attached as the.;or- dinary-steel needle, but is remarkably hard and of extraordinary wearing qualities- ;hence its long life, Now on sale=3 for io cents, at YICTROLA NEADQUARTE .RS F.' T. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician. SCHOOL REPORTS •1• U. S. . 14 S , E. AND W.`WAwA.*rasH' :' Sr; IV -Mary Laidlaw, 76%; Jean Egglestone, 70; Fred Newman*, 65. Jr. IV -'Anna Morrison, 68. Sr,I%II - Margaret O'Callaghan*: 65; Cassie Morrison, 63; Aldin Pardon, 58. Jr. III-Frrank O'Cs,1'laghan*; 80; Stanley ThowDson, 70; Ruby Everett, 60-' Sr. II -Elizabeth •Inglis*; 63; Lottie Martin, 60. • - . , Jr. II -Winnie Ferrier, Madeline 0'- ' Callaghan*. I• -.Nor.•} Falconer, w - Pr., B -.(,'Mary' Martin, Iiobena'• Mar- tin*), Garliet Farrier. Pr., A-sAlex. Inglis Those marked (*) were best spellers. during Septetnber and. Cctober,. Number on roll, 21. • ELIZABETH WiLI4ON; Teacher. 0 • 'S. S. No. 9, Asn xxil Those marked with an asterisk were. absent for sonic of the tests. : - • Senior. IVB -Cecil Johnston*, Hatvey Anderson*. " Jr. -IV -Lennon O'Loughlin, •Bernar- dine O'Loughlin, Madeline Johnston, Laurette Hackett, Tillie.liackett•*(Fred Finlay, Frank Moran*. ' . .l`r. III -Norman O'Loughlin, •Finlay' Shackleton, ,George Twanlley. , Senior II -Caswell Hackett; Palmer Kilpatrick, Elizabeth Alton; Allan Fi n- Jr. TI-0race-B1ake-Millicent Hack- ett*,. 'Dominic •Berger,; Elsie Anderson*, Esther Glazier*. • Pt. II -Olive Kilpatrick, Mary Finlay, Alice .Shackleton. I --Walter Lane. ' tr1m .e - r Leo''Clare: „ E. JEAN• STOTHERS; Teacher;. S. S. No. 14, HURON AND ASIIFIELD Sr. IV -Annetta Towle; Willie Ketch-. abate. . Sr, III -Ada Pickering Verna Almil= ton, Nelson Raynard.• , - • Jr. III Annie. McDonald, Carmen Hamilton, He : e n MacDonald, Ellen 'Ketchatbaw, Dorothy Pickering, Pearl Raynard.. . .Jr. II 'Annie Ketcltahaw,. Ilazel Ray- - - I • - '.rt-•. Sr.. it. IIFred Martin. Jr. Pt. 1I=Alvin McDonald,.'.. A ---Ethel Martin,' Amanda- MacDon- 1dd; Jimmie'Kletchabeay, klery Cook. No, on roll, 19'; aver. attendance, 16 I. M. McDiAirailp;_Tsae11er. Crewe Monday, Oct. 30: Mr, and Mrs. Ciilnpbeh' visited at ' W. .7iPr'F nn .^tiu►tda x. Mr: and Mrs Wi11b m•. llaldwili were reeejt visitors at Robert Curran's.' Mr and Mrs, Robert Blake,-. •C}in'ton • visited Crewe friends the first ;•of the week. Me Taylor, 0!.Lueknow, bad charge of services in the Methodist church ' on Sunday in the itbaence• of the pastor, Mr, Moltelvey. The loss of the Merida " the 'storm on Lake Erie iof Oct. 26 L e on the n 0 nig brought sorrow to thin locality, as a number of the crew Weill well known here. EVERYBODY'S ;'COLUMN LOST. -7-In Luoknow. alady's ttngerring, black ' onyx and pearl. Finder please leaveat this office. - ,.26-11-p. • WANTED. -Second hard _piano to front by -Luoknow High School. Information at the , v e Sentinel Of le . • • • • MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgages and notes • at reasonable rates'. ' Fire Insurimee. hot, ,Stook and Mutual Companies. Convey- . blueing done'with.neatness'and despatch. , GEO, A. STDDAT.L: Broker. Luck now DR. PAREEIt, OSTEOPATH, at Cain House Luoknow. every Wednesda afternoon. AI • chronic diseases snoeessfglly treated., Os. teopathy removes the physical, pauses. disease. • Adjustlmont of the spine is more ' ''quickly secured and with fewer treatments • by Osteopathy than by any •other method, ' S1 -10-p.', y •'• • Notices.• Tor all matters regarding Greenhill cemeter refer to D. C. Taylor Secretary - For Sale FOR SALE. -Two houses and lots at low Hikes, OwngrA leaving Lupknda.. For further 1n- • formation, apply to•Giro. A.,SIVDa1.z„ 21-0-Gi c.; -• FOR SALE.-Gurifey=.Oxford Range, coal of wood', good•as new, also nickel plated Coal 'seater. Sj ..1. LITTLE. FOR SALE. -Art Onrland'-Parlor Cook, base • burner, good as new. 'For partiaulars.apply ' . at Thi Sentinel Office. a 11-c..• '§AI.E.=' . iso frau 1 U t 10 houses, es the . y • of the late. 'lames Williamson Estate, will be sold at a bavgain:'• Apply to 0.. A. Sm- DALt., 0.11-c., FOR RENT: -"A nth. e•roomed hou.e,'hard and • soft _water._ very.convenient:-_also-_good---'---- stable on premises. Apr iy� •to 2-11•p:. •A . BAUOOUR, Luoknow. FAIRM:'F011fiALE.-Anexcellentgrass farm ' on C6n. 5, north half of Lot 4, Ashfield. con- . Wining 104Ktcres; well fenced, and watered " •by"artesian well and windmill. Also agood grass farm n' Con. 9,.south hal f of nor t h half of Lot's.Ashfield, conWeining50a r a . •.Gopd appleorchard; well fenced, and water- • edspring creek, For further. artro lnte ' aptAY to • MRs. Sons T. GitiFFIN Phone Gil r 1... Iiintail. Ont. •. 26•10;tf. Auction Sales: t'CTION SALE. -Tire Mises Leas will dts- , . :poses ofAtlreir household fliraattp.re and Other • eft'ect bi} public auction at their residence.' . on tiaturday, Nov. 44 191ti, commencing at.. , - o'clock. a 2•i1-c..1t. 11celtarlos. Auctioneer: • • • Pbu'ltry Wanted • ' `„Eery:Wednesday and Thursday at ..1). C. McMorran's Store, Tuesday at Kinloss auk t4.1 116i:ell • Poultry ntust be-slaw-eft- 12 e"staysail"12 hours before delivery. • e.liighelst cash' prices paitL 5-10•tf. 1. T. LvoNS. The Jungle -;Tuesday, Oct :31, R•ay' Hudson spent the wilek.end-'. '' is home- shoe. :' • . , • Mr, Fred Webb, of \1'awairesh, and ,tisai Mae Davison, of Lucknow,: visited ° in the Jungle on Sunday, :' oltn '•Purvis finished. his threshing season for this year nn Monday, 'when he cleaned nut fits owl barn, , • • . Mr: and Mts. P., A. Malcoiiison. 'and .. 'Aildrei) and. Miss Nebel Ililtyon, of . Kincardine, visited Mr: and Mrs, Wu. I')awson on Sunday:. s • It is said by those in a . position txr .. •: know tlili,t there were forty-seven auto passed through the jungle on Sunday last: Ne doubt thiswas u11 account of - it b'ri'dge being: out of rboair on .tire boundary. Be that as it tray,. the it''- matkable thing is that We do not know :dip single puncture, althciigll they all passed over our beautiful s no causeway which now crosses the bland which. has been in that tinfiriished state flit; sevetal weeps; . • ' • tit ft 4 It •