The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-10-05, Page 1".7-"•• . -•••• A 1' •••• ' 4 •••••• • • IPL.so,per lean, iu advance; Imo otherwise ILLI.CILNOW" .0. 0. THURSDAY,: OcTOBE:R .5th, 11,9164. :Single Copies .3 eenis . . • • .. .. . ., . .. .. . .. i..a.m....:.o......n.. . . • iv _ 11' - • • j " • . •••'Not.e-04ryoue •• Of Dian/wide unneces.sary ' ing at this • faction • •• luolley'refUnded ,, 'An Diamonds , ed. by. us..persOnally . fore .they ., . , .•‘•• st.oek and . , - , . prleeS, ate , Diamonds • our present a good inegt • • See our , . , ' . $25 . ' ' • . . .. is a •jo,4.ge • - but this IS when. buy, store'. . S4tis». guaranteed .0.1' in full, .are select- - • • . be, • are. put. into at the rate. tile. increasing. 012; . . . •.• plose getting' • stock naAke. vment - .• . Special • ,„ • N, . • • , . ,. ... , fleirselirdeteit3 the 1 volica Sod 511 my, ,, , . Wile two Accerim3f ' .-.......,--,............ . .. . , - • , LOCAL AND OPNERAL0 - ...„. ....,,,,,,,,..:,,,1„.....„..,,,4„,,,• - . • PTI.. MURDOCK 'IVICLEQD ,.' .. . .1)11 V -I N 'F R A N. C U• LI.104.NOW',S. iPAIR UAW CASUALTIES IN THE, • • CANADIAN AMY HIT BY WEATHER MAN . , . . .. ... . BRUCE BATTALION • FOR 0 V E RS E.A. S . . .. . . . .. . ... • i 0 ',---, ,...,,n •. .ne 1 , ,Oet the Sinter Shoe for Men at.1.4ittle's, shoe store. • .,!••••,, ' be It has .often been remn..rk. e. d how' fort- tinate• were all the men. serving .at the • . 0.010 REGEIPTS,,f1A-1.4Y: clit•-•-•' ---„, Out of the 304,000 mop enlist's(' in • .014CggT. noss„wst.t. • • Canada since the war .commenced there ' 13(1k$1101110 •0111 LAO . Leave -Big CrOW(1 See Them Off 1 . • ' $elf . Filter . • Safe, Monday next will Thanlisgiiing • • , and n publie heliday;, . , .• • ' ..? J 1, rent from .Lucknow and vicinity. ,... ihougli seine went over With the first . • are about ;310,000. eifectiyea left at the Lt week was an Unlucky one for , • . . • 5 . • • • , • . • .., • • • end of the • twenty fifth month. - •Or fall fairs, , ' • Tuesday. " •• -; „and . . - . . tYPO. ID • •.- . Tho Poi' of , - highest efficiency . . Miss Edythe Smith recently viSitecl . • . with friend :3 in RipleY. • . • 'it. i h" T i .1fGit - tias. bir.otliPerils. haeYreQltit'S: week vis4e4.wk-tri- , . - • . . • Contingent, and other who. went later . bnYe been long in the trenches, not until , this weelF,N!ae there.rePorted 4 fatalltY. .. On Mende), the lkilitia, Dep.., reverted the'death of Pte.- Murdoch. McLeed; Of and .14, nek..now .Agricultura.1 thekie, about' 90,000'. men; or , four full Society was among those to Snirer• In divisions, are at the front,. 120,000 are , . ,..„ ••tbe.51 Y.Pnrs Of its niistence .it has• not in England, and about 100;000 in 'van; .• . . , . di- ada. ' The remainder of the total enlist- enconntered worse • weather,. ecei i tons . • • • • - ' •: ' ' • - ' ' • , • , • • '' - ed. ate aceounted for is follows:-C4.-sual- It.loo. lied like last % ' over again, early in the week; sO numerou. were the • - -. • - mien. about in the King's uniform ',It ' ' • - .... • '' .,. • was the last leave for a visit home Dv ••••• • • . • - • ' • - t ay clJuvk. * ' fr,•,oi:Fwty SE‘Fii-tAwo : : . FOUNTAINPEN PiVe Me one drink of ' end I'll 'write ten thou- sand Worde'for yo....• 1 can be iinhi$40 • .. "up or stand °piny, beadforniy'Soro4 ' ty Cap keeps the ink . . ,locked' •• •,- . .:, , , irik • '+' . .=....,...-:.• * .tet,•:Cl• . '....g -g-•-•*.. .. `7 ''''''. : ::•••••77,. - • • `\ . Mrs.„ Jewitt,, of Bluevale, viSited :her .. '. parents. here a leer daye.last week Mr0CTitylOr, who was .tinder the . . , . . • • I. Dr 'a °ate lest week, 18 about again. • .• : -Miss '11,1. "'I -Unison' of Peterboro, iii: vial -tang at the h.eine o'l her -sister, :Mrs. T. R Finlay. ; , ,, . • .,. , . • . • ' M18.S. Ella Feilison yeturried . te .her . • . . . . hem° in Ethe • Q11 SaturdaYaf ter visiting her friends •the .Misses ...V.iihriter.. , • - Luckno• r., WhO,' a. week earlier, wee. re. . • .t. ported •"eericniely ilrItappears tila .helwas not ill hut•W01111ded, baVing heel) hit in the heed"'Wehell'or ,shrapnel. . Pte. McLeedWas the third eon of Mr, ,?•".d. Mrs ' jabn *teed, Who live in • Kinloss, a• short distance north of the village. Haenlisted and went overseas With the'33rd., Battalion. He 'was a fine type:44 man physically, vigorous in mind and body, nridall who knew, him has a Ter the big event •tor which. it. existe aml op 'wiliCii it d'eP3°4 . .g, The; first:day of the Fair was gloomy and wet, and. throughout the. :evening • whilethe exhibition:hall was open there was a regular down.p.o. 0; There' vt'as • still hope that the. second day would be, favoinbie, but here again the.e was dal; appointment, for rain fell almost-coritin- non.sly throughout the'forenoon; • and to add to the • disagreeableness' it ,turned • .ties „hiave totalled 'about 40,00 „On ' 4.ngiist 3.1:,•;the.tetal. was.37,861, • which incluaed 5,998 killed .in: action, • 2,248 • died of wounds, and 398 died of sickness ., waking a' total Of 5,.644' died; 723 • pre- sinned died; 97,212 'wounded; and 1,282 Missing. Since. 'then .Canagian forces have Sustained aloes of several thonsand. Iii the gghting ou the Somme -the Cena- 'dia. ns lost 400 killed .1,200 wounded. ; and • „ 300 missing.' In addition. to the casnal- • the, m. en of •the 'Bruce Battalion,. end most of thoee who enlisted here Were in. town and the country round about from. ' Saturday until T.uesday neon: The bat- ' • • - • - . • .ts,iiou will be. leaving Lendon •very Seen .. . • • , and the Men,,had to report beck at camp Tueetday night. r. . • • • Business pieces, closed for an how. be .... -. • • fore tram. tifne, and half the' population • • went the statipn to nee the, . boys( off: , • , . ..., . School was dusinunied for.• an bout - and . • • • , • . ln: .. - . . , . . the children formed • it 'p'recession and , . pARKEPt FOUNTAIN PEN IN Mrs.-jaraes Turner and son, of Hills- visited at the honie cf her brother' good word to Say abut Murdoch Mt, Leod, Angus, a 'younger 7 brot4er; is 6614. The afternoon Was dry, Lot the change came eo late that most of the in ties. enumerated above,. there, are about - 12,000' men employed"' 10 garrison and marched to the station where, they Sang - green, . . Theme; Webster, few days last the 100tli,' tending visitots, had deeided ' to • 9 number of patribtie songs. while., wait duty, 'who be - ...... .,. -. ....,1,4,.........- ..„ - , . • • 'W$?-14oraw- a , week; • The Lucknow Pipe. Band is id niuch ,,i,„: demand at fall fairs this seasien. 'it • as at Teeswater yesterday and is in. Einbro . .. with . , . The bereaved f.amily'have the sineere • , s.ymp.athy of a wide circle. of friends, and we are Sure':of.a grateful:county. . . remain at, home:, " ,. , - ' Under the circumstances the wonder la that there was any show or any crowd at but '.'e h i b i ' guard ehnnot elassed as ef- - ing for the train. .- • . feetives, while of the total enlisted from . • .The men were • kept busy . shaking • two to 'three thausand.have been turned. •h • • • an s an saying Goodtbye",,,to mothers, down at the seeond. inedieal insp.ection sisters and Mende until the Kincardine haste deserted • . F ' 7 ARMSTRONG . ..• • 0, •-,. . . . -.4.... Jeweler• Anti Optician . Phone 92 . i'T A, zt.,,....... - t'' '''im& ' '. '"''''- - ' to7dity; . • • : ' • . .all; , x ti 0 n or fall fair erowds for their or • - ' train pulled in for only a, few minutes". ,•.:,1 - • • tit. John' Connell, •who visited - his . • . • . .LATE DONALD MURCHISON are proverbial good nature and persistence, ,and, in, • • . . .. stop: Several of the 3oaelies "vete aheady • SCHOOL NOTES.' ' \\DR. SPENCE'S • - , • brother, Mr. WI* Connell, left on Mon- . ... . ,, Pi°. neer Merchant Of Paramount Passes Away • - , . spite of the ram, there was a small crowd . • almost filled .with soldiers.frem Kinear- . . .,• . Drug Store day on his return to Florida, :whMe . be . of spectators Thursday Fri• , . • dine aed Ripley, and a hearty, robust. being " , • .• v S' COLUMN • Will spend the winter. , .. . ,- . . TipirsdaY.merniag of last week was evening and day afternoon -in fact • the . attendance Arrangements aro . made . for lot•th.e weie as .with loud. shouts they • , .. • • . y rEVERYBODY holding its annual Field Day ",•Sperts op •Kit • • , . . . Meat • Marke - • ' . ' • • ,..., .ti • .. • . • . . , . . - Do Not Fail to Take .: . There•is to be a big Liberal . meeting 4 in London on Wednesday,' Oet.• 110 .at which Sir Wilfred•Laurier. N. W. Rowell and Premier Norris, Of Manitoba :will'Five . ; , be speakers: . - ; , ' . Pte..ClarenPe McDonald -Was home on, la•st 'leave from .London yesterday: A draft Of 31 for oiterseas Was .inade on the . • 'medical Corps• and Clarence was among . ; .0e number ,Seleeted... °. Marked by the passing away of ,Mi.... Donald. • Murchison, one of the early :settlers,of 'the -bonndary west,,ond pion- Paramount wont hs° eer inereliant of • . . • ago Mr. Metal -men suffered a pariLlytic , stroke, from the:effects of which he did not r I S' that t'' . 1'•ad , ai y. inceime he sank gi . - ,ua•,.- I ''1"1 d II "'•-' 1 y mail t 13 en lune. . e was nearly .• :. • • • • . • • 50 years of age :. ,... , - . • •..,, • , m - NI h - t•• - aue late. • r• , iv ison was a me ive of Seotland,, but left that.eountry -Mien , . • „ . on the evertieg Of.the.fii•St day was little • . . below the banal. . • . ' ,• The out•elbo'r exhibition 'of live stock, •• was almost up to that a other years in numbers; and ,the horses and cattle' main- tabled the high Standards of Lhe put. The hall'ex 'b' ' • ' ' • ' . in its drew niore, than the 1'f "'''' ''' usua shareo attention, the visitors bequicklylsecured ; . mg entertained for ha,. hour' or More ' , t - • • •. • lhursday evening and Friday afternoon.. -by nievieg, picture •eXhibits...'Tbese were • ..0Ct. 13th instead of . Oct .• Eoth., ..as.: was ' formerly intended. • The boyi.'are, work; in hard to make Field Day this year g , , ,. . . bigger and better than ever. -There will be a Marathon Yace, a bicycle race races or each o ,e c asses, as e as e . f h f the I ' ' ' ,.,7 1I• • ' th. USIM Jumping an pole vau ing. , 1 '' ° dIt. • A • • • keen. competition for. the Senior and ° Junior Chan) pionahip. is looked for, • . .., • • • ' The following students_ of the High • ^ • •• • weeted, their comrades at Lucknew, bags were IhroWn. aboard; .the men in' . ... . kliaki cli .'. , . mbed On.tind. in • tho midst of cheers and linrray,s for the men . from a I . . ' ', " ' rucet the train pulled out . 'he men • 11 looked' strong and hearty They vee a . . . • y • • in, the best Of Spit /VS an:d apart from he iminediath effect ot•i6vihg;seemed glad • . • , • , .• . . • . they Were about to • niake the' overseas • .• , : . . . . 'trio' •• , " . - • - ' - ' There is uncertairit ' as to when the. -- - , - 3'.. • .. . battalion leave *London,. but it . . • •• . NON ltY TO LOIN, -(in mortgages and Tinto i . • at reasonable rates. Piro Insuranc,e, not • ' VintleifeaerodnettroleTtbejonstilLietetis=ir . • - GE°. A. SIDDAU; Broker; Lueknow Dit..PARICER, COTHOPATH, at Cain House • .• Lueknow; every Wednesday afterhoon:' Al . ehronic diseases successfully treated. Os teopatby remmres' the physical causes' - . .• disease. 'Adjustment of the spine is mord " • •.' and with fewer treatment.; ..,. • ‘; - by OSteopathy than by .any other .methp.d•-• : . .. 31-7-p.. - • '• • . • . • Notice - ' .' For all matters regardingiGreenh ceMeter . . refer.ta; P.' C.' Taylor Secretary. Advantage. ot the: , . .. • Cheaper. Beef ....„,,,'... : . :. . turgan .. a,„rner• e: lad and • came to Canada... After working for a few years e came . . " - ii ' • provided by Mr., E • a. JOnes of thePro. School have zoomed. certigcates., from . .. ' . . • - • . • .,. Viiicial. Health Department. They were • the . Education pepartment•Arter • com- - . . . will will be in the near future. . • • .. ... . , ... .' . • .. . . . still find it easier to buy .and ' • ... . - • •.• Tuesday, Pet..4. .. . .. .. .. la the -"of Huron and -Settled .• • ,v.: . . . . , (;ri'tvfarei;.but gliding merchandise more , . . _. . . •._ renietkably cleat • and • well presented', pletmg three.mopths work on a farm as . . ' . . • • . • • • - required: . :I..... • •• . Besides • 1 id , „ possessieg an, e eme • of enter-'.. • . . --LOW& A . . . • Many for the Job ' • . . For Sale • • __. I eali. maie another cut in .the ' • • • . retail prices:- - I.. also. • hd.ndl ,_._' all kinds . Of CURED MEAT'S • - . . .' .1301.,b'GRA • •iiz .F•14,SA S.AUSAGE. : - R: j. Button. •• 1.' • '44. • . , • . • - • . • 'Mass Etfia1•1301 is Visiting friends in Fort Albert-, • • .• . , .. • •,.. : . •. . ....• ' • ' - ' ..Mr.. and Mrs. b.: •Br.a... 016.! spent ' Sun,- day.at capt.'Brovin"s.. ; , •• ,. ... . .- Afi: JaP., Brown and Misi Annie are - ' visiting' friends: in Teeswate r. Wilbert Mary Walden, •to his' liking, he opened a store' at Para- monnt, and for me:14 years lie-.. and :his wife, there denducted athriving business, • • ' at the samOtime;ferming a very wtde ,• • • . - .. • • circle of acquaintances. He was a peace' f 1 - d • ' ci •••t ' • 't • ' ' t d u , an • in us rictus .ci men, es .eeme awl' liked- by all •who : 'knew, him: in • • • • . • ,, - tainnient, glina Were mainly -intended to ' linpart.lessOni in. sanitation, •ith-Prove. - bents. in,farni life' school .-life, and the ' ' ' nurriery. , Thii exhibit was very sliecess • . • fui, receiYing- the . best • ;Pt attention h ' fi ' • - ' - ' •• -• • • ' • • t mug. out. • . .., ... . , , .. • • A 'part Of Thursday evening,Was•ocew ,' School -Saw Alien, AIME. Nioli.• 9 • - ' ' • ' leen, linsaell..MeDotigall„Gerdon 'Web- ' •eter• • . • . ' . Middle S.claciol--HarryIA.ton, Eldon - • Twandey. . • •T ' M ' Tx .*. A.1,. , • . -unior..-atticulation--,u.arry..miLon. 'the' West The Annuar Convention ,of • • - "" • .4 • - • • ' - • . ,. ACcoriling to. the Walkerton Teleseope ' ,. , . . ..' • . there is a pretty Warm- contest on for the - . .. .. - • ..prentien of County Coiirt Clerle;..renciered ... . • . . . • vacant by 'the :death of 71/1r.. Matthew .Goetz. 7,, . The Telescope, saYs: Dr,' Cht.pp . ,.,, . „:„ . , who, it was generally understood, did • . . • • . . • . ' • '•• ' . , • Foxt SAJZ.--Two houses and lots at low prides. . ;'' • Owner§ leaving latekeom.• For further in; fermation, apply to. tnam. ., .• 21-9-t-C,e.1 • „ . : • . . 1 - _, . Fe°R SA,I.E.-Oite TraCtion DIteher, gasoline. . • * DO (10.one up-to-date zement- tile . vont, consisting Of Otte' 17 h, p. steam. 4m. , • -f '..• gIne;* Bosser ule maehine, reek crusher;. - , miter self' feed and cars; for $1.00U. . Both :- ommas re' in good repair and arc doing: it ' • 'good bnsuiess. Apply.t/o•Thos. Sandy; .7... 'it&io-e. • • ,...Looknow IL R. 3. , - • ,...• , . , , t . Pte.; and Miss , .. .. • ..," • - , .. religion he WW1 a Methodtst and in poli.. orbit:vet; sPent Sunday at Jno••• Walden's. : .... -.. . -. . . ..4,, • ' '• • . . piecl by!, an.addresS by J. "I.....ockie Wilson, • s ' • - j. -• ' " -faits. • • - . Bruce Teachers' .association will be .he id : • • lc • Cl• ' • ' Oct '13th • . not Want. the Job now has his hat lit the' . - - . . • , • , - . • ' 'ring, and is out to -land the'phini." Dr. • • • . • tics a Conservative. . : ;.:-.7-. • ., - ' • • T •E', liott arid little's • •• • - • • " • •• • and Mrs Oh 'a -sneerintendent•of • Mr, Wilson•rs. ntl d '9' ' wear. ine on.... i. an . , - • , . . ,. - . • • .. ,„ . .• . • . - k oviler, of •Tee'sWater, is another very. .., - -FREE ..BROS. ,2111r. . .1 , 1 M 1 on leav s a widOw and ix , . . ...1 r: nrc us a . of . London,. are -visiting at ;Matthew • .. d daughters•• John,'f Toronto,• • ... .. ,.. .. ..... . sons an., .0, . , Welsh's. .. . , .: . ., , .:,. . ,. William, of &Vale; Peter, in North a vigorous an e:nteitaining Speaker.' In • • • d (I- h - ' • f (1 l'• ' - ' h f I' • f tead, ower,- o ea -mg •wit • a • air , ,.• Or 4r,icultu,ral his •speech.wits . „ ... m, ', • reaSuccess Q lt Was6 t' '' - . • '. • •-, strenuous contender' for •the 'good .job, . Arthur•CP'llitis, XX; is still looked upon • • - ' • ' • Auction Sales '. Studio,' Luclinow„.. , , ...., . Mrs. Asp Palmer receiired official Wad • • • -Jame 1 s . . • - , Dakota-- • s 'it SA katchewen -now • t' problemS, _ largely• • ' •• - • i •would h been . patriotic an • • ave . ., -- . . . • • e.q i s‘yo. e y me 7 Th •Autograph iflt rk' d b tn - here.as the likely man, • 'It is understood • 't•th ''''') ' • • - - • _,_ ..,_ .• ' mrs. soloraon Will di*Pose . . au,(03.72$08.81..z.,- h r household effects by liblic. au'e ••- • e PSt e - • .tr 'rtly'argeat.91tlinalsertifinueng'ON - .• - '.cociouck.a''rerm oast', - ..,,, - • • . - 1 . c.: HAULM Ile KAMA'. • ''''' • • - - at At u • A i' • .0Peri. 'Monday,- Tuesday.' and ' . .. . . . ,Wednesday and Saturday -. .. .. , . • • Viev4 and FainilY Oroupe " • token.anywhere in the ' • •h en, Menday that her son, PLe, It F. Pen- 'enlisted and. at' CampilugliesOlis... B.' • . cock, had been wounded and• admitted-. MOrdockin•Dkreit, and Sani a:ad:Annie . , .- „ . ., . , . to a hospital•soinewhere in Vrapce. •at, hoe*. ' .,•,' • • . . . ., . .. , . The ftineral Of the late Robert :-Hend-• Thefurieral to. Hope chiireli cenutery ersen. wai.held Monday afternoon, . The Wasilatgely attended on Satin -day 'after- • g me, ing. , is apProprate at a licruitin`. - t' • .ii* own only'son his to..tle front, and . . , gone i . doubtless beaause of that the war 'shim: tion apPealsmote strongly- to him • ' • ' Mr: il. F.- Bailey; Assistant . eput. bets of the tucknoW Wornen's Institute , and ii.few friends• was .on exhibition :at • ' . . .. . • their:booth in the Agricultural Hall ' on' - . . • - • lag Pay, and wan -sold ,by pnblic.auction atconcert at night: • :There were 830 '1 i ''''h ' , t „a , , e, °ea • mem er. tia been so beset an all sides of late. that 1 ' is •Itilll'eNVF ; - - . • ', . - 'e -: , ng • the responsibility Of, .recOmmending a . - - , • .• . . . -• . man for the job over onthe-Cons.ervative • ' •• • Executive of the Riding:. ., • • -. ..• ... . . - .. • • . ...fax Sale of Lands:: • • • - • country, ' . . . deceased pabseclaway on Saturday night noon. - - --•• ' Minister- ' of -Agricultitre, was on the . . ,the naines ,vorked. on the at 100 each, . . . • • - Notice •• '. . Notlee is bereby ':gaven, as. directed •bY.the • ' • .Assessinent. Ao•t. - R.8.0.. • 191.4,. .3c..1.19. s...s..1, that a sale of lands for tu•rears of tax'tis win •be. • Mild,j'at the town ,or Walliertom on Friday • '• „ n i , oun . Room , o . . v t 13 'pth 1117 I - Il e C • ° ° el ' • • ell R , of VI -' • • co et nildingsl at the hour of tWelve o clock . . noon, whea.the following described lands will ',, . , be offered fort...rile by nubile auetion (inlets Um takes and.charges liaye- been spoiler paid': - • :. • • it .. „ in.s...b1:11:: lots 21. 22. 22 and 24. Villag& - , after a ,long illnesk . Interment teak • . ; • „- , • ' • ' Thew grounds for a few. hOtir,s Friday after- nd the proceeds from this Sentee -With, .. - . . • • - As -Others see . : place Pine River Cethetery. 'The set; . , . , . noon. He Was to have *marl& , the amount realized . et the sale, .inad& . . „ .1.! - - .. - Pref. n: 'K' - ' - • . • atz,,.. the , • .. haute- lo..Buy .. ' vices • U ere conducted by . Rev . Rather,. . , • , . • • • • - . Referring te the preseptation of "Un- • „ford and' Rev. aentiett •• der Two Plags,";at Eincaraine,.The.Re, . . . on the hill, but owing: -to the • disa rte.. • - • - ' ' • • . . • ablenessol• thd dit this was• canc • lled ' • • • • - . ,Y• • .- •• -• • • ' • ' - , about $95.00 which will go..t0.•patriotic . ' I ' ° purposes', " The ristatute desire tdthank • • .. - -. ' • • -- - .• "iii -aided _noted altd.• well, . know-•' - .' '''' •' • -• . ' ' n eyesight• .spectalist.,,of,..14istowel,. - • . • as one muc gop work around' here, '. - .. / ' . . . • . • • .- - .• - •=7 ' • Whitechurch. • • . vievir.:had the folloWnig:.; . -• ' . .. • •"The Town Hall was crowded :at night' •M3ssrs. F.T..Armstiong and j.0... wet , , Armstronit"liti'd attractive exhibits Of . . • - .• • • - • - ell those who anywo.y to mike this e•nterprise it •Suecess., . - .• _ , . . :• • . . . ,.- ..--..„, . As, we .. recommend a ,••••-•.,. - :--,-11' ' C. , ' _"t..:-.-,,'• by everybody, and ,ac., - A.•.ar•-•,,•taxeq-iin oiames-rsc,.13, . --.1i)f-l?u' • - - ^ - , . 7 in imli. 'Plc: Rits 2t,. 22, 23 Mic1.-2l, Village ' , ': , og Lueknow, Mips and 'chalices •$1,3:43. . 7.. ., A coMpleter•list..nf lahds to. ho sold i..# taAei.... .. is. pubinthod. in The, (intern) qazette 1n.ds , .is.snp.r. Of..luly.lst to 22yrdomelusivef aati aisoin . the Canadian iLehe of Nyiarton.tn ats banes .of July 811,10 September. 2i t h. taolasly0,.. • ' it an- tqourned sale. is..regnired_at. will. be . lield on 1 rlda,•y. October 20th at the aboro mentiened.place. and: hour. • . • .• r' .. .-: , - -. - . .. :`,4bRAIAN ii0UkliTSONT . .. . . • -; . . Treasurer,Co. Bruee: Walkerton...8CM, 71.81, i918.. ''. . •-• ' '5,10.7 ,. • -- • , ..• • .. • , -. •.- , - ... .. - • . • ; . . -ire - phenpgi aplin•-•.,Victrelas-incl &linens; . .. • .. •,,,..-• . ''''•-•.' inowleageil to Ce..t e ; ' :0 a oe-s- • • d''tucknows neo ..• -7-TuesdaY, Qc-t.• X. and -wine. turned away. - ' t• ' . • • ' ' '. • .- • ' •• - ' • • • : - • ntagedl `-`.1„Inder.Two Flagg!". 'It was, :Work las begtin • eniargentelit. ., • , • - respectively -and iv'tlf th • 'I., k ' '''. . , i • 0 ne now Pipe Band, iii. -good I. • . Chicken Thieves Active; - • • • • .. - '. ...k • .. ,. : . • . .' -;•• . niost skilled optician in • Ontario. . Prof E. Katz cati•relieve. eye. ... ., .. on the..: . ,... . . . . . ' ' , . , • • - •• fine•perfprniance very creditably inanag. • i • •which • was out , . .. . • , . : . • •. - . 'We l'bo7e. • ao: •pair •of 1\len's • .• . . - - , • • : • ".E•ogilih. Kip'Ptyw• Shoes; " .rpacle. . o the Methodist Church sheds. • • ... .._•• ' . • • 'ea by Miss X 13oyd. Bettveen acts there • Mr and Mrs. Wur Martin.- alul •son, ... •• • ..• ' • • . • • • • . • " • 4' • ' '• • . ..1‘ Were soloa by Miss Mabel-Alhn end Mrs. Brtge, viSited friends in Myth. pn.. Siin• w • j •, ' d "ii . ' b • ' 1 day.-- '. ' • ' , . . , .es: oynt.. an c (mimes y a. .ma e , qinitteite. LucknoW.certainlY has nits- . „ , strength .- enlivened.. the, afternoon. add , . . ' • • .-; • • - - . . ' evening withfinisic. , . -- . . . ; ,.. • • . ,... • 'The •friut exhibit Wap ,utiexPectedlY .' • • . • • good, apples having greatlYtinProveg in '• • ' .- •. • - . • • . • 1. size arid.gliality in the ast .few • weeks- • No sooner have the,chieke•es,on.which ..- '• •• '• • .• ' • • ' • . • -. many Industrious, villagers, bestov4ed i .nuch care thropghout the summer, come. • • to matui•itythanthealckemihief begins-. to pradice lus, nefarious game... A num- sight. trouble even whetiothers Pail. .•:N.Vil be at the Cal& House titeltimiv 'Tees- - „. . , • , ., ., • .. day n-egt, _Pct. 10.. Will, exainine eYes , - - • ., • -•. . , . • , . by the method. which never fails.-,. .. , - • • Pitov...7E....Z.:Arz.• - • to otk!tr :0Pdpty, St0mipOd . • .. ' . . .. • . . • • .. ' .1)gi.isil. -•.jcip• and :guaran.- . Quite a number .from here took in •the Mal and hiatrionintalentkof a- hie; dreier:.,, fowl su er- at St Helens • last Monde ' '11 - "Repbrter" ilid• ."Never ave .. • )31) . . .. . . . . Y T e .• . .. . , ., . h.. • '" ' p. ‘ . . . • La4ies'. work ,ancieeokery was..iii.. much. evidence as 'ever • but -, there was a . ., . ber of thefts have been reperted.the past ,- , . . , • : . . . • , • iveek, and the wise' tnad: Will from. 'tliit• ... • • • - - .0 ' • ' . ' • ' -. " • Poultry Wanted ..• • - , • .... : . ... - . - .... ' • • . ••: •Notice of Ce‘rt"of•Revisice, Voters'e Lists, 1916- • . . • • *. . .: ,.. . , .. .-.... • , - Netice is hereby'giVen Thitt•il • Court will •bo-- .• ' ft th' 0 ta, I Vor 'If i ...X • • •• • heldpuruano e n r o ors . s 41 It. b,y hiS.Iropour the Judge otthe'Cou Ity Court .. ' ' an. Den • c4'iiPineoi.29114en.tgife.!Auay.i7'.1)L,TobAollt.'4., 41eiti, 'at 4 wo•-•.- •••••••- ' ,' • • • ' OVIIOCk in the attention: tii• hear 'and deternitifiV '• . -60inavin;..of.dr. _4•ors and omissibtirgi in' the WC': '7 ...' ers' Lists -oF U.% alarticipality of Wok WaWan- osh for1916. : - • ., • • ,•• - . • • .batear4eetember.-1&491tt ' - . '• • ' . . ... .. • • . • . • • - NN .' A. Witsot, _, • . - • '. ' ' 7. • 'Clerk of West Wawitnesli:: .'. .• teed; a bargaiii-at•$4..00. ' ' -- • - • • . . ' • • ' • 'We- heard An • evening's entertainment night .g • .. . • . , • MISS •Berthe Mclitty, -of Wingliani, more:heartily praised Red'. eonornefided.'?. • ' .. ';• ' . • e • • 1. •• . • • -tharke,d-falling o• if in- goviers and . Vege- 1 • - • • ... •,,••• . .' • • • tab] OS; • 'T he Season his been paiticular,•,. . . . . • , .• • : • .. ' • op keep -his. ehtelienhouse . well. lock4 . • • +I - . likely•wall ' " t'l•'. ThA.8 ... netang • _ go on, un,..1 ' Overy. Wednesday at Iyucicno„Wpiation, . • ' Iot.., h. Poul, Tuesday,at• Kinloss and iCiii 9 .. ...-- ` • • s ent Sunday at het • himile •iir" whit- • :, .. - ... .Thio. is .ithe .time to buy • -1) • - • ' ' ' •ehurch., • • - e`UNDER:TWO.FLAGS" - - . . ... . • ly unfavorable to the produetim of these . ' ' ' ' • ' -•turnip - '1 sentence' " ",soinebedy.serves•-a jai . , . . ' try .niust,he starved•12...lioura before. de,- •-!.. . first-class . shops- as from • .... , • -. .- • . . • .. ,•. , • . Miss Nettie Cottle, Wingliain, ' • • • • • The big 'pumpkin; mongol(' and • ,..,.._,, • .. •• • ' - 1,i'vety....../iighest cash, prices paid. ••••••, ,... . . • r• 'r • Lvniq's ' " 5-10Ftl• - • • of gem, . , .• , , ... .Were Cdtispicumas by theit absence, Candidate Ilk North ...13euce : • . < ,.. 7 ' -7 77-7..' now the. war is over eral-Hoipital, if; wending a few days at . The annountement that Op' yeanatice • . . .. . : . . • • • - ' . . • - • • • ,, ,until. • . - --. ,... - - ' there will •be'.. a great at1-.- her home 'herei • ' • • 'play, •`,‘Under Two Flags", .1s.tobe again •hai OMB teenipts amounted. to $1 20 00 and- . • . . , . • ..., . . . hall receipts Thursday. ' evening 134,00. . . : .., The Position of candidate- in Not • .- • • • - • • •• - • , •• ' ' . culross Centre:,- '. • . • ., . • • • . • • v d..n ce i n , .the. price.- of •.'.111 • . presentedin LircknOw Tovi,ii.: Hail. e subject • for the".Gutld mee.ting . ... ,,, . , ... , . . . . . . lee.ttlier.. - - . next Sunday evening• is . The Grace. of been. reoetved by the .public with a. great, . " T ' . 'der' ' ' • i . •d deal of lavor; •and • already twiny have ' Gratitude:" he lea, is J. h. Davi .- . • - . . . • .. • , .,. :' . „ Th.. concert Inday evening. drew a full house and,:added,$209:60. to .the.eash ,re- -. .• . • • . .. -", ‘ ... . ceipts,- . • '' • Bruce for the Dominion Parliament bein - .. ; ' • . g rendered Vacant by the .death of -.Mt,. jobn:Toltnie, of •Eineardini3, a 00a veil.- . ' -- • .. • .: • ' ..e..-, ii ' y; 2: . Mo da Oct ', '.. , . - • ' . . . • ••• A' nutnber of the Bruce Battalion hoys' _ ', . - uc -fiett.0-Vgale • • -Ion • - a .. ,.... . e.: . • ' • ' -lisitrit404-lieis-intention-te•-lttalco • • • SOn..,; . ' ' ' ••• - - - - - .- - • . -``..., ' f the -Liberals of Ninth Brace' will °.. ' -• ire home.for the- week:0Zr: •-..• "-".: ' . .. P . . . ' . , • . , ' .. . .. f ,:. • . ' • • it ilf% '7:- Not only thotiO Who .fuiled to se; • . ' • 'ALL. LINES ..IN 'GOOD , Sergt...:Major Cerrick, 8not. A. Henry, • „. • , • • • .. ., . • ' . PteS: Cecil Middleten,. Alex. and. DitVid • eure seats .at.: the lamer • pres,entatioe, 'HO;ES.. CHEAP'. ... ;. Kennedy,•RoY •CaSerriere and William.- but man who attended. on that., oecae. . • - . ' • '' • • - •• • • • • -"Wake are all heme• On their • Mit flir'. ioriare looking °forward to On enjoyabie Followmig-IgTholistnif. priieViattere , .:. - • • • . '' . , : . • .. • , • .. Noitsts, ' -. - -.- . . ' ilitioirrin•II(inats • , .. • . . ' - - Imported' mare, .2 Xr•s•-;:W...McQuillin., ,,•19° • ' • , 1-3i,"""gialTiriiiit 1..-.12-6-ligetViiitlytharr.--.L_A-lelEt:,•Melsi$14-111-alt:-.4'.-atlied11.1)Mii• •• , • • . didat e: , Among•the niiiiieS mentionedin ; • • connection . with the position ...tie: <Twines • c anne Malcelm kineardine' Alex.: 11 C ' • 11 . . • • • :from Northern - 0.ntetip-last:Week*.• .;...' • . -. . .M.r. and Mrs: Joseph-Dickenson:Si:in- ' • : : _ .._ .. Walter r ..• .. • .. home Day' Re4. •Tflt fall11-76tick7-,•:,-..,•-2-. :- "••• . .. .• - - • • : , • • • At :.the Cain-,floo'se.-Barno'Lniekliono, _ ow SATUUDAIr." OCT '- i4th 1910 ' ' • -- - : ' . . ' '- •• - • *..- • : ' • .- - 6.-... Coinnie-ricing at •. o'elOek-p.m•.., there . • ' - -• .- • • • • ' • • • - .. Iva' be offered ftir sale by puhli..1•Oiet•iiiia ."-::•••• • • the. f011OWi fig stocki, Mostly ' our QW11 : br d ,. 1 ' d• • • • _ee pp.„, .7„.caing ant. goo , - • • , ,. . . - . •'..,...•. '.. l• . •-...- •,••• .., : •-• , „ . .- '• • • • 2 wrauglit •rillies; '4 Years,. roan -... . • • ... - . • • 2 Driving Fillies, 2 -yes: AO 1 yr;',' iiiildg ' .• •• - , .ri,:i.iltaci1-.0.e.tdino„...4.y...ta.„..ao_tyr;•..„..._., 1 ir -1. t4tr1/,v,i4 iflatt.i.... • • ' ". ' ' •• .. . • . • • , .11 yrs,,•,•suppesea to be ....., with foal •• , • *. ,.: • • '•. ' .• . . -11 Mitch Coivs., supposed to be .With. calf; '.• , .. - froni 3 ' ..td 6 'years old ,i.. '.• ',-„ . . ' ' ., 7------7,----------.' •- ' ' '•:' - ' .,,,.. - • -' •• .?loxigh.'befoie gpingeverseas, t ••• ---":7•• '' •-• •alrlikelihnod' 2; • Tin ported yr..,V.••Jilef-•: . , ' 'A. .dayed. at the •4 of • -,. ••• - • • ' ' ei;etting. This will, in be*. •1•-41.1d .•mare„,._1. ' ‘j. • 7Altii. e.e.r;•7 tohn 41eAti' la Wiartaii; g 1; • ' ' • • -- •••"•-• ' '•"" - " '' .."."' ':' '•• '''' Alre. :Walter, Richaraion spent • ' • i. I , . 'the last. opportunity ..thtif- a Luoknew : . . .. .. . . -Alnlough • •• d• . • • : - t .- this au icnce will ham or • wan ssin.g - , , „ ... Me%iiinin: yolgate... tiii.k• Ago . .•Quillin„. . ki . '. • ' ' t) "Ilin J Ada untie; • - .. - • ' W Mc m . -. - - ' .- • -,.... - • ,, • • • • . .-3.r' . Mewhinney, Bruce; 0. ltastner, Whir. on, and•Jr E. Campbell, Hepworth, • . . ,Mr...and - • - • • • - • ' •• ' , the week -mei with friends • in .Ashrield... . . . -, - , • Neil lioNay„ has be .. •••. . • ' very entertaining play . by:••the -present- .. • : - ., . .. Tuoaday °et: 3: ' .c.BUCiety • • . ..11L'AvY, r•ItAo. 011-T, IlOns•ES , ,. , ,. . Span ,in harness,and j . . . • ...• i ' • who n in the . , ,,.. . . Weit rot:amine .nionthi, . returned, home ,,,i 1 . Reseried. seats will .... •, ... wagon,. :gm- .. .: %ants All -',Fhat's Coming' , • ..•. , .. 1•.. • . . , _ .._• . Afri.. George Maleolin is having los barn be , 3: .kenzie -- will e oc, an d 'I':'..'11 " t th , - -IV Webster, ' Wm--Mackenzi • -...........4._:„...., . , • • • - . • .. . .•-.. . •. on Friday last, - • • • • .. . • , • •••. • - , -...---- . - _ - - , .. .a proceeds go_ ,0_, :Latirier"re•shingled. • • • • -: •, . . . -- -Mare; .. • ' • -- - .. ."' . . . RedCross ilund. , •;... .- .4. :•• ' • .:: • . , .•..., - , - • - •- • • - Nidrior4itzell from .. • 13roeel Jas Hackett, D McKinnon, • r ' .• . •• . ' ,... Axe-riot:la Casein connection the .. .. . . _. Mrs.. McKenzie„7.3rign' gon. Ill sa, - " .! • -.--Ttiesday Oa, 3: . • • is •:.tip. ,Torento. • : . • ., -..., • • ,. - • ... visiting het...Mother. • . ... • .. Hotyrood it . J NI ebster F-dly fo 1 of 1916,, W Taylor,. " • • W Bueglass; TwinYear,old . gelding, J. patnotic work of last is lias..detel-, oped over'at Tectaater: 'It appeatn that is vigiting- at the home, of liei- daughter, Mrs. W'alter Dap`, • - _ ' ., ••., ; . . : • .. :' • . • Mrr-Mbert-Gibsoirancl--stiici••-•Sundity;-• .'. ,••• .7.7±-•.------,--'711-etharrniceit4liteliett-4,0ahinet;.T.W.o.:,_while.the:= Miss Edna Wise is visiting at• Win, . W in las . 'majority • . ed at Mr: Jarnes1rance's; ' . ' ' • • .t old' ra re • e _ thevillage The of tbo fanners •liava fin. • • ' •••• X0114)0114- . .' . • .... ' •••• • ' ' i •fi ' • • 1.1) m i• , ' Mist& Sadie P nsOn is a • , , et.tean.s, : ar.i at present ,r3 . ' - • • . ' • ' ; , . ' . - -''. Own milting and silp• filling tire.' the .. . • .• : . . - . order di' illo :dly .with„the fa mer • 7 . ' 1 ' " ' • We are 0.0'0' kepartAiat Jack Jan!, .-.. •iesen la 'reetiveting after lioaeoldent.,, . . Mr. and Mrs. T...ilanton and*Miss 'E.• ""%Viley.•itiototed to. Detreit last Saturday. . . ' • Mre,"Kinelilee and: so „tettiened• to ._ . .. -Chicago after sPeneling the summer at • D. MeLean's, Sr. ••• . . • ' •Dan MeNtliFi, W.110 lete'ellelit tlie fintn- - ._ ' mee•at lits home here, Tainted • to Tor- . . • ' onto 40 attend .the JET niitersitY•:' .r..a • rs.• .. 1. P g instill are, : , . . :-Tuetiday, Oct -3, ' M fid M '. It f li d k* - • ' • • attending the anniveria.4 and supper at . , Mr.•-abd MrS. R. Hamilton have moved, . .„,,„ , .. . . . . ,. 11.1thira epurcu; - •i• - ,, - - • . - - ' to their 'mew home in .1,11C1C.110*. ' . Mt.. and Mrs. Vanderburg,. er Kincer- miss Ipear.i. risbans of tuts], is- visit.; -dine, visited friends, in ICinlough, Satur. • ' - •5 • •°: • .. ing: at the home. of :MT& E. ,Ackerta.• ,... (lay and Sunday ., . .. .. .;..,:.,. - • .-' • • • - • ' , •• .. .. .Mr,lild. Petty who is wider the doe- ••••• George:Elliott 48 .apanding a few 'days.I. ioti,' ,g, _..._., :. • . , '3, . .. ,.• _ , .. . ,, _ _ , .. .. .... , _ • ) care %is 'Mit improving as testae illa with. his faster, mrs. 4liner Ackert, • ' • many Mends Wish. ......• • -,,• - . .•.., '''. .„.., „ • • Mrs unloat ' orDimgannon, 'who .. • V 1 1 13 I r 0' Yen ' : • • • ' ' - - M r. and 1 ra, , .0 in roc rt..o .. - won Visiting'oe this line. has returned Snund, are snentling A. feW 'days with.' • '' I,. . • ' . ,,, , .., „ ,, ,, , . „ . air. aim m NI, vv. ri.. Dia.ciewen, . tolier.lioine. .. • ' •• . • . : • , Mr. and Mrs. JamettlIenforkof Chen-. - A :few WO111 arothil ' here Attended .C11, 'who.1.1,-e been visiting. 'at . Iltr• ' .4, LtialtrieW aod ItIpley .. fairti and report "Illeekweli., !eft for. their. home to day.Teeswater. .. elf • but it bad weather' - . . Aon. , airs, vc y .. , On accent -it of the rein • ell Friday' • - r ' • • 1-• ' • • - : There will lie no•servieein the, Meth- lotto a. number from. around bete *ere d• • -p 'ixt‘ d not getting't L k °dist chnrch here 011 Sunder on a count istip oi e , 0 Lucknow . . . ' • . c . •111,tar... • • " ' • :'' . • ' .' . of the'ennivereamt servieea fit ritithiiiii,1 Year•ohl filly, J Hunter, Wirt TaYlor,_11; • ebSter, Ono year old elding, It Web stUr,.. Wm Taylor,• One•year--.old fillY, Jos Hackett, j• Webster; Best tlitemyear••pld Mare or gelding .J •Foster 'Witi'' Taylor` ...,-• • , „ t , • .., ..vv lineglass., Female, any ageCiteadien b el' J ' 1,•ll • A M r'"' " . 13- d , re , .aeo toiler, , e ‘enzte,. roo mare,and two of her pragettY,'N TaylOr4 n, • \,st,i) t .•*" II t A i '0 d. b d e s, et s OS %I:3 , Aim ian . re ' • • , • '. • - ' • . n - horses.from either Iluroo pr , mice, W• Taytor, :1 itanhot:Jas Pester, ,11. And -reW, J• Hunter. • .-- •" ' • ' • • . . . aonielwromit - , . • .' SPCA in harrien's and tug, D "..1,1eDeintld, It gcott, ' It. MelCenzie; Brood •filitte,:. g,.., Andrew, 'Geo tate, • Vf 13ilegiass; Horse inntaitillAti nil PillbAir, irnIteN . , .......-.......„...._...........-. vt.,inter a.vacaptstore building. wo.s taken,: p.ossession of and . used as a club rooni -for the Men., The Owner Of the building, • . W. Dit•Vis, a comniercial ' traveller . WaS ' - tl ' West ' d - tasked about m lean . • was no . '... the use Of hisPremises by. the soldiers ' ' • On his• return to the. Village • seine 'time ago he eritered a claim against Pao vil- '' -- . , . . , , • . ' . lage for rent and damages to Ins build. • ing, He is, asking $10 per montlt rent and 400 fOr damage. It apPerirs that, i". i i• - ' 1 1. I, '4,1` '. ' • Adriteriy tee witoie uni...ing upstairs as well 'ati down was' rented at $6 00 per month, andthe eoundil do not feel like 'paying $10. Davis, howevtr, thinks he los a good claim and ie taking action to eelleet.•• ' - • . ', ished threshing and' are r-iiii-V-tii-•srfilling their Silos with corn.. -. • . . ••• '.'. °.. • • ' •:.,- • . . •, • . . ., .. • • • s trout here gaily trienda.and•rehition • ' • A:deeded. -tile leneral Of the, late • 'Sarah. 13 11 +.1i 0 Monday,9 t 25th • ' a ak, n . el) . 0. 1. - . - .. ... Otir..SchoOls Were well represented at ' ' Mali' wss If Id. the. Aural Sehool Fair w : . .e i eewitter on Wednesday last •• ' • at le . .. ... . , .' 'Mrs. Jelin Clark and •Mis. W•illiam Little, of•Tees " " 'd f '' ' ' water, visite mends oh, the Ot1 C on Wednesday f 1 t '', I on, •ii • as -week- ' NI . . a .- N r *' . .Vbeitt i .r.. an Mrs. John ,.1c. %.enzie have ' • ' 771 returned to. Brantforip after, spending two weeks. with • Merida -here, and ' an • • ,. • . . . fr, •V - ' • • . •• • 11, . and ,, re. James Struthers have , retUrned• .hotne froM. the• West f . 1 - • , f •• ' • • • a 'r , spending a ew weeks with their (laugh. itm._ Urn:16/1fl (3011.nilitaisaiii •••----• ,TI.M.1$•-'8. months' credit, tvill•-:be . given to purchasers farms. ng approved ... .: • ' • . • ' hi .'"• ' mint notes or a discdent'at•the rate , of • • '4 -,pCrcent.-Pei annuli"' alloWed'fOr dash ' • ' . ' X . - • • • - - - - . ' Is, R• !SUN V' • J PURVIS ' • . ' -, ProprietorA • • .*: : uctioncer • . .. ---•-• ' -• •• • ' • ' ' ..r. , .. .. , :. • MARKETS'. '-- . - • . '•'• , . - ''' -. • w_orlrected ti 't u4 (t. • .4 ''. - '" '•• ' ...- , . , p .0„ c nee ay noon). .. .. • • • - • ••• • •••• . :. : • . - , • • • ; - - • ' .• - • •'•••••• .' Orits.::... ,. c. ; ....: . • .•4 :,...., .4ti' , .44 • . eY• . - .7 . •. .. !.... ,,,•4 t re. . 7.0 - ••14 4'9 • " • ' ' . • • . Rutter, .,,,,, " ... ..... • , : '' • il •-•28. • , • •• '• bgge; new Jaid, ; ', .. ; ; ..... ,' :34 ". • • • At • • •••:!,;,