The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-27, Page 4Tins ILOOKNOW TJ)ursdjkv', tL4� t'j III aT I FUSE ICuti 11 hucknow Ff Jbjo J4011don UO 4- NL of VII iWo aud farut to the jgrcal, valne tifthese tvaotircco i LSO At i olt, of j)f II "E .-M S -BAN pouId to 014itz that rstlea umde !a (;AJTA r 0.V,tljjj)j�, 4f� In i/4 4t relorti of L ANV RESIERNLi 9$00s0Q0 TIJ ile"61)"iL JITLY 1910. ont,3rio, and tjj�kt, tjjQjj&;tj a' ntbretbrell coo ra t A4 91 - - - , 0 ittep. ou Game and, V urT. A flen T iloral. Vice thand, Robt Tram.' All*, --t- AWWT ICOTTIM T1119 WIMM export. 'X4�lt�,- ItC(- 2�04 At 11- VIM JL"�"".�"`fy ilt JjA"10, jV�13 1!0Ut40$A fixild of on the view tho a Circular-Lette S CrQdit r IT it k, nn1116141, on o t fi ney 'IQ 'the le a Orders liJeral, Alaso to Ilkill. bt I e t1to of the oods r, rRal adduced ut I fed" eyi%n wlk�ll �tlle 6 n tol, 4NT The Vo noil hav umdonoto PS BANK IMPARTMV A. Wilooll. is UtW it- I part in $AVIN k uotic6 to ;All. ot.110 provillea '1�honld, 06 View W Jilglicat ipurrent vito tterltot ;4110 is ite lIat lot 'tti QV4, 419ig, Q ej, p*k la,�it a jy6jwrt 'tqjp�vo th or let % Coub *81temp-0 No' 60 Luclowow. frout. , OVA laq O Or R itiolklu In %vild life. Put a'stop to tradhil 11 Ify4or bet�VQel) atly I' 'A t tlkLVll between CankkCr4 and nitea their.rtreets: m tho bu�s lit the lit crill. 0110 Hat 4M, the, 11 Uoa L I V'Z 8111YJ VlXjjlnjtLC In JkNt� I I 0 1, 1 ac oo4 for (Ie tum in ises ta ally joijiMid. 'r.11ei.. ............ t liIAN Q. U. NV. lAueltnow 14advi No. lslk.1001ts the'request of thei 4 good, RK6 'COUNTY New natbat thes4 ,�ervatious. re. behig 6reted, the. -b nT-if�y blagio. oil W 11144.. oA the 4) ph Dental, i. oitheK The it , 11'e"y t�tly 'Wb.S �0 - *� (I of: rr, of . .. _ �;JV r . . . I . - Nr., �nd. Ur& ji 4*1 NvoterU b 6 ng rapidly I-0 1 9.16 C H. E V.R - Lot' s lilt oli tho shoal� hit 11 t for, M w p u us are', Invial Lev del-, Andi-0 on. pmseat rqo�t TO 4e.6110 fbeir, atiore by ta$ blj$k Man. .,e JbIlij 4 CANA"A. se.041 a Ni MAM' Ir is PO, 10s. it for 1110 .0 kt tile heahrluo . j, sCOnil ooNY 1011 by tho. JJKJ� Of, tile. lftt�gt fe, 01 rice 1; .,Pl -0 dth eTilts I* showh lledin% . wid'eh ille. P 01h etd 67 �M' f h shliAe ond' -A ivo6d plail fr� thO 04MIC11 to 0 I#Tip6rted. ;r6m, illion Iby bolumv Os ththlo 4 10itililla wd Nro4ld I y Pro- tor -r�t %I - A4 �Q 0 . '.n�tl 4- �JCAV' -four ilAti which. mirk, 4 sIt to tile - I�Qflltr4et far gre grazO tuseC IA .strov tile d llwssi�k , v6iip t e ou iii, net dt)% herg. ill 104, N t g t.,CarN I n.4 ion -A Rxrks. mallitin -.The 'it 4041(tvAt'OL, 111an owl thojob, to do.'the 14 .,: , ": - " . . Canadh's Bigg S a Ile,' remarlc� "Tlie� tt i�s of voatla nfu log. Wx�p to;,t a -own%. i 6o: Tho ire 4 the'.61ler N OU D —X utt traus- abu was In satistaix4� but the om A. ug'' '40, 00 1�ropity, . Nobod' id I'Ih u ablelanner b the F L' 11' Torm ft 0 y Coll A101 Domld Qlamis, 04t,, carr3i..g ott of �vliat iq common, 111plill of that, 1xind Alto plzip wpuld1w. illglie6t: all in ihjo� ouitrY. prac"Le. Of r-rlymoteral. ho have ac- th `red lid, sure fliat th4 Ae9da would be Qut oach All"0114CO I 0 .'ellgagemelit Of thelf qut L a or eontrit:et fa� That. tl�ey ore pf. gvmt present. value is DOES IT RIDE EASY '0 Lki, Company :to r d4u,ghter, Alipnlo, toGeorgo�Liurell.. eogoi0d, bat.there is alo 4 P;ten' tial which. it Is 134t-tdr Alit- �soll'of the l4te folin jarmll and Mrs. S.QA!,s C41111ee�,on wiff � 163kum and value ill pur. 8Lettino aljd� a-rFtATFi0FkD- ONT, P, UORDZIJ. HAS IT POWER, In ean itruitigp, to tb,Q T1681V02 - Allisou oecqRied upon. de pulent, would'iu' tASK AN lation to Giltierlil the Shell' T 0 And A lTrF,:. 0 di -a 1-4- CAL MIR Uial, $horth e, i ECONO twe"c 11 it on 6 -(Mtn "tuision. .1.8 ..all- 'fatlip Borden "eMiug vocatiomki hy De It" to it ..an OoAoldie at L -was, - OWNER persons, its to dij. Piwoms" bad the following- etroft ollio �'iou.14 become in deti-ontriktion sfiitions� for the IS' IT EASILY ST'JEERED.L Our graduates are nalixio has a population of a pi-ilxinlittoly SCO - foregoing rOfert .that thiy may take advantage of tile p I3 t the, lulater df Militia %lid the of _eour.i-� r-alates to, the agreement. nd tooderd nietho(ts of -S, it HOLD 00%. and has now. -t5,000 motor 'cars. made bctNixon -YcQuillij Bas .DOE It THE ROAD' tibug for trahle(i help.', its At sick, aud awrorth with, 450. i4rial)-italits has Clildv:04 fixini one million as. a C0111- Th� re nee for our free, catilogilte, port is replete with iflustr4tions 7 in able, �L T4141i n0likery trite, th6u.4houpost- issloll for proepring the bj_ to 14 motor cars in fhe'v act v�ed a D MCEAC.*jLANL Princip% I ill limits, and .Allison subsequent]v being ailo If you buy the Ckevrolet yao are, -0 of' tio erS in of the commissiou'recelved now has A larpr number in #ro.portion port o by -1g. a car 1, the troilble, -that end in view.. The tjjan*,Diatroib.. Amount SttidtV,Lhiiited. gett'i hat' loo�s like a A very an opula.r with William Thontp§oni a retired farmer TowaTds t1te ecinciiiio" their 8 I Q'oo car and tht tides.1i1je I n The Ontario.Liceuse. Board dia- 1441n$ of th�wen. Letter from tile mell of Chealey, 78'years went out report tile commis0opers again refer CREAA& WANTI�D ro s'of age, I . - tributed to all deit6hs, physicians, drug- N�ilt appeari to th18'transact1bk at greatel 1pngtll. jF t 11 r -la "Aftor li4viug giv�n the -ti L i: the. $ i 000. car for 111�k local Iiiapera proe this be- one day lasti �veek with his brothfo mai VAts L. land vetefinary surgeons in the W,�lket ioarket prices lot g gi*ATest 0on'. The mud, beat, ud flWs h0y ;lderatIoii,'.`- they say. liwe -Province of 0otario a blu6 book' ' wbi 'h creikul. Satutner Qreanlery aud Calib 4teinhoff, to help "haying, are com;�.olled' t6.,the conclusion that e 'Ch'eeSe, VaCtory ait** the A Very hucom- ahAlliso u's cannot . be. j16- will 'go vern It Ile] icoild-lict I'll 'the'n iatterl nitn*d soddeb cauUng th6 old'mah' cevte. qnd to Qf L reqUiSitiotWfor a at;QuId �10L Ship to JIS. sin.- to be acting d the -frlond of 4,, to tilit -roivid. He alighted oil Geller 9 t�ir could phone up d.m st6i e test ear ber that it would Ile ju$tL al to. be doing what IN 1114 hea_ and, L glecatili his nee , - JT H 'AGE T -W L- die,j he. did si3lely out ot friendship fdi liim, tell the attendnts to. give a I'mfient 11 U0. ff. SM LUCKNO and return A S _�Lkule A40ut t n whe-M else. , It was im- d. with ti certain amount 4 litItion' S�metinies r I .. an . .6ut ny eNpecta on or . hrtft- furnish. two 621s, tion of receivtng any- remun6raijon'tof -the draggistwas deceived I)ytill�n, forfaliat� that the, loanlpwas opened jV81t cbars�es, And issile 1�1�oppnl� W.kD 308. vo,,t� his qel*vf 0,1, . Allls-�n wis instramittiftni and the License B a:rd is boinift that IV 4 9f . etwmmjV�J.�' ho� In bringla-'abot a..con rafet in will4li such praptices Alijamay L pired' �> t must !*ase. The, bLltie of. � , ex through his. hgrQtemeni wito, Yo alon h, Vrite'us and very -suddenly at. . I k= .. bo -k contains a forin which ruu.;t- be trial., at; will cost �vq iloilthig autl 'Wislottipillit. and it *as made: her Wine on the ovenin of July 13th. of Februiiry, 101-6, Le *as pecatilairi we , g�uaraittoe ly Oiled out 63r the phy�sicl;u, and sig,ned 00 timea,�Vorso 'h the I- that -be. lirtlieperson.to Mitim the liqtifir l'S t I interested it by Uter ar4itig� f r o in '-NWJL-eqon, -or rot W�,d to share otlitallymith dt particulrs' fuittic be ent, _t revIeNT. ' - bou -h IYoakunt in tnv Venefit-4hat Yoakum 'enii oIlreview P01111 where she and her. busbatid bad, spent The Sotforth (;reavicry, statorlb, 00. I 1 lit rectilve.' �itu&,6y comm , issloh O; liqu!-T is.required and -what -a it, -she M rs. itz w 0 1 vit no ather iibject thal. the glorl- tlia.day, Kre 're othirwise.. '%Ve have only to,add that ouncea lie �eribed �to �ook- ag,over -tile gat*u 'when NIrS. it we 11'�',d Col -W -to diffliZrent con �b ct,% tioll of Sir Sltim', andj "i A thr interijal u.t a oint Way ho ob- T tiudiianlv collapsed.. lusio , ond 'Qe�tetd-'XWso� ' i ' I if is' in lw b 1"t win 4 He er little popiilarit� lie - 09t .state lenU we would haie' been bound The'preittiption ixy he' f, pauion tiled tp assist lier-tb rise, tbink- to t, his conduct in i4R' 1� hr Ing tile j and iiiast be filed in- that. -,he had stu bled,. It, was- benefit., of the aireemet as. to the �'The'blhe book codtain% ons. of in solcriets 4sed t a* free I ife, liarId ind accepting 'the, 'right I ard I the . Ontari6 T4MLA_4-ht"&' Act fi)r thi- -THE FOREHANDED: M soon discovered that she was (6id., to" �hare in it. e ally with.-Xoakum, KN 0, o The. 'aamp from riience rf the -plij96anR -arid drug- I tt. w 7 #hout informing General Hu radive IPS -t a L gheig ind ihe c "titte tivies'doubtle-zi has 'certiun advan- I e.' an "it14 their me who p!a6S .hjS, 09jr., Mrs. Yogb was a. native of Waterloo of the proviyuh,,, deti. Oe oil Committee obtaininf re t -their, consent' could n6t be eitbei jusfi- pnwerp and duties a�nd the pe t' -ftir 0ount, and 66. years 1__'e 1es Uige4� bat It will be It' M, if not inipos.- r- filtu' with cart 'an to0#1 'Uketf Blays, I fied or excused." The comnlist�i -of t Iget men to enlist %yh n they' - I)MIX U." CVLRQS�.— F0l10Wjjkg.- fiVe� oners 1-lafracrions, -he law. W-fien'his conjeSj. hie e A Gtorklaa.Ua Algonquin Pirk. Itat 'thefr­relltarx ks -atTl' -with -,� - - � -- 11 I I . -jone- inontlis:4 'or -.:r 'rea0l, River' Nvatk River 'a th wlated '-Which. Allison would: hdvd- been. en. TWO tlUNS:V110- MUST HAAG bf a Bank Acco* t camps. the 2nd.' -eba Cuiri ssed away on. el ed from the Edward Valve: 'anil u wli 'is of first im- Nly 15 at the 4�e of '52 ye�irs. . Mrs ;'blanufacturAng bad, the. wo- po rtance. 0ur Savi oukis oii oll, see ings De jrt' -HOTEL. Ms PROTEST (The Tatter) in, oulArt Cse, whose �maideu name was M, -ar- I tx'Adt with"diat compii. be ment will help you. arrall . ge 1�%-en,this war. e ,.I rid :a ay n as a hativp of , Culross'. out oa the,terms d by'llim.' s a t'll'_ d Thom,' hotels it, 1''fedicine Hitt, Ab at Influenced by. reckollin contest no dofibt unloy Hun.� a farm just i. T e commission find that having.been born:'on th fl�ej do. [ LUCKNOW. BRANCH,. their. dms' to. the public 1114s Will �ca' 'tfieie ju'st%d 4;apltal Atitho xpress across tile road froin. Ot It osierts. rizeo $5.000,006 M E -hoine. In I gree 'with the a. t id es Pe A)U &Xurdfty itight, -Jaly i�l 9tt and for -her Into by, na 1: Capl"l P31d-til) - $3,OOD. J. A. 6LE'NNIE, Manager. tile tiounsel f6r A1r. Xyte., tb�t. joy.0f.peice, -be inag n- 000 '-Stir lus $3,416.000 othe plao-Ang. and awarOirkIg of 6ontrcts-� linbuj§. I P _Not all will. h,l . i Li dart. a,ttt, for tfta- the Present have gone: ont of ng. m�ho: deserve, tin I., � ZI bF, General- e�j -, I R &iy. that withthe prohibition 'dang tl,vive. Tit otigh 'a, ev"ex Mr. Chse, who, *ith the SUell Committee was:,jufL-4*' Lid �kkik& . one 4ou and i. 0c I hanging.. Arf. - Httghes. The are of t.1i Rdi there. are -tw hter 411 ve Opinion , that this conte'tion 'Is not, 0.0etwansthAt meld *Rt they Cannot conuct their robittst, Mrs well foun(led. They decifixe to believe I that Wt e.-srittenby Pir Sam "Hughes er the -Britiz4h`41617 -Affssi -1 will ei and nti et. inomo the and fittend to household duties u IJ in General Be'virain 'Which pardon, These ai* Geo�ra Were- oro-.�. -AAO%~ t- charafter, j,vo d In re, the , contract wit 1116 inleshe has been confined to. -W.1-1. the inedie"Al 611i,ier re- About five 1110ittlit sinde which duced. were Of a Jalgropi� the sonte nake in at 6 n an Pr. -A,§�cIW41 rd A,b they ask- tian� nof Me .I ki& COOL SHOES for Hot Weat' O., AIARTIN, ft The faaera Y for 'time r-ge tuckno I I I Was IV to fuses at SC50. te oners My lit. ed the of, Ill 04- coancil to lower the light' and phont 2 Soniethinor ool for that the evidence establishes that no G the Feet is. Now in Deiiiand Teeswati cenitetery., ner. W. A. Brad eirman prison �_Ii.ap (it Vvittenb�,rg, 'des to them, but tfii6� 'ceuncil te- voninfissiiih was -paid to� anyone, in, These two �hall itnurredly �wing. :Foir IiIr conductin- the serv"lce'.�. IS contraeL The colinkleTiolt with thl do th L _y We have it beantiful.line of Putups and Strap Sl' k ippers, in Vic! think that the, company was wroligr , (fi� -, . , - a IM., _v. lfis iA the laiv Rid and. . ! . Pate!it, -it Orices from, 1.75 uo to $330. IS W11F.13, ClUZY. A described as a "14jus t ive ac, t er CAWIT' A4110 ehA -kd ageth iesident t beeau* obsesmj', because wlifle, it iv' We MOve full line of Woni en's, MiSses"and Children-si 0 W -Wer. it 10oks ve'ry inui+ like, a," -uhieh failed to make . aat �ae.,*pted Ili ��t in. the I lre�l. ,arap-.,*n7 whC6 (it e U6019 Shoes. Barefoot San,da , . _ Is. -for the kiddies- just . the � jbilig i witktl e idea, that. his wife was,cr*aY, deliveries on - time. It was brou if t he `mfMC_tj&te ''C'�nera* I A *rt of strike in -ght anjer' LA ON, and 4 e1j, hst Into existell ying n are of insanity agai ce; by a �roull of buslies . 8 ; the hi4tiric pple-'ltree:. i men of high stzindln& See. our, Ladies' High Cut, Kid Bali "Clas .Pyice $4.50 pwhibitin law4 or �va eL-brt tp; ttei )adjj had Chief-' Feruzon go - it G o t; sicMAke,!i' Excissive Price Foi� Grazit Fuie�s or a Mesure of refief and L MO thi towu r On bein� brou -to -W Thi�,iN%portt deals at length w 'anti "exam contmlt �wlth Ul e Anierjean Animupi- IT gh. ith the Civil e Le4. chira�roqi -ACKER & kAT jole" U4 ined b�y, two; (I HWELL A POOD SHOE STORE -FOR AiLL THE 'FAIKILY" bem. Vnrsk�d, en, th in "raze t� at, $4, which %'e- 04stc e TrMuc "She was foalld to be perfectly I t for fuse. se,emed -e big feAttire of the inquir 4Aiel' 0) wa�s U . . 10 71, ruet They, do , ri�it conider 4hU betuise 06tv one n Massed:,,, it Inj F. !% _0 j the two,i far nlo're' tax rug a voices. liziat'than her husbnd,- Acord- the Minister of AWIM signed the o0it. 130ft�. h6 it ing ike' 'Itei st�ry" as il bMk,_w,n net he th that terrible'conhidL 'It is fol, ,ey fund. the cotittadi, of thj� SjjeU ihe ot at, j. � eptumittee. The price Wd to nd she had to go t th "11231t certainlY not fewer than _;'ch�n­bskch Ner She r�edsoaable.. but, In the are h gfg; �1 1.0 M" and A, opinion of the Ljoners the prf6e pmd f� - "ar th.ere are others Wh4 richly cum ia commUs k tn.1 i that he'drank nearky he _;6t .0. graze fiase,,% w -as excessive.: he woulan kuo4,.s the discomfort 6f ore;ort �% Awl -c' th Som A?�-rzgh rlav have =0 that te 'trau4i, 444ve sta�ved and est e.t�nginz. o �34& y other,. but t feW real ize its, dangers: nat ie.ngtb with the charge tzmde w_At�t BS t Winter if it li�o It nst itfike stire. I)ut-i 4264sists o'f very 4nia I particles t)j lid tile rest flaky ri rn-TvEir =S4,; tuatter -t?-e tke .. t , I qf thern finejy� As :1� e tecedents -for tihi r A a 0 Oti's 9f drisA �6�!et j I �g. 0, The ble 4rid anj144 r alviays nir. it collects gerihs own througl?, tile potcs! th-2' t 4i u, e Mallet., A,,; it jq.fpl vt� 9,N A% 01-UNDFA ane every 11�scrlpfl -and frout iill sorts (2 -MUT 4 'th' ;rf Fe8t of se -o EM 'j t !911 iiallget:61isli A rid 0)aces*,'nft4., settles, still h6ldinAr cond Insteohto Vvm4kAr­� rs. an(l Fur* �t_­! iwelftp� ettf,- bie fill' ffle,: constantly iti_-rea:,.itig tjrn More (ust (,all ing 011' it, anti -the lilt tW",n crobes gro%%, 11-r he Liudia TRAFFIC fiR08EF_v,�, Y is thrown* up 70gel for 0411(14'to ettle o -tAbfeg In hel 15 r.f war picture pit. rY other, place t ev n by 116 ticle call find n.rp9ting -place. A 'dr, b -id" not eflitle flies, it crriesgeriiis Of ffiday diseases he 4* 6o na,, lg are' breathed ,'%%to thor of wil.--htps by Wdeett' st�� ngs of the is dalagt*o wil t"974iust the' r,,, r VC,,t 1911g, a'fid-of h and the - iroiin-cnjs� body else ill tile house 3et) peop e! ate in. a VL slca londiton, Idis 1! IQhfli�vn 'nur. xerto iate usually s as-ssfully ;Mr a junn, %voij but - vVe. Niliefi, 'L�7 _�4 kts a little t"A!n �r?A!r- 150tts; the br)(ly no 1�11�zer hti4, po%V,&r. to refleeituicrobes 'n t�� Hale nr it ls'that dust geiltis rry the great*, C:�, L- iv:i* t�t gj!; qv, r,t 0_7 up, est danger of sickitew or death. And it .14 U40 �q* 4=5 ft -t - . I . if E�hrs Z'�6�T !L ven if Use Dustbatle when YOU to t- "9 tt L—' a -It r,�2 at'i vr LUCKNOW OANDWAft& goAt L7 t tord I% F0 n, L titalw I lit k I o T� 4 al; i 11 go 11 t4 1). _114k ort N 1ARR W, 011M, W I day 0 e �elt u In P7 I