The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-27, Page 1••••••• *11 145 o per yeart adv c • amo,tetemise...... •," • • itioq.41: AND .0ENERAL • Mr, Jelin Ackert heti •returned !Wm the We9tern provinces. • * . Mr. W, W. Hill lip so far recovered es to be ableto be ithodt. ' • • Miss Mary Arnold, Of Kincardine, is Visiting, with friends in town. Ise Merle LOvell," of Termite, ie the, g 'gueef, of, Mts..,W J. Spindler, llfr!-IlagtiltaMaclionald has SeP to queinh for a week's, visit with friend% •'Mr. Robert Pritchard, of Newmarket, is spending his holidaYs at los home . here: Mrs CL E. Whitehouse, of Oleytland, vieiting her cousin, Mrs. W. J. f3Oititl1et ..e " • Mt derdon Johnston, of Dutton, is spending his .summer vacation at his hoine here. •, Be sure aud Visit Cimirell's Etore and get some of the lines at. the cut in price this week. * Mks May Arinetrong has gone to • Dieter Spend: a *Ogee vacatien With her parents. Pte, %Inlet MacDonald, of the 142nd Batt., is home iront Camp Borden on 'a mootn's fiirlougb. • Mt Seedy Sinith, who was eeriously ill with pneumpia, a copple of weeks: ago, isImproving. . , 8: Mr. John :Bennett, a Lucknow "Old • Boy'', of Toronto, anithhie wife aee ing here this Week.. , 'kliatiee Ethel and Sara • Johnston, of :*()al, Lake, Lan, are guests of Mips ,/l9rabam thie week. ." Mre. W. Habkitk, of .;*Ki ncardine, is . , _ . vieiting her Wither; Mrs. P• Orsbarn, who is seriously 01, ••••.• Mis Florenee_Cooke_ has_reterned . utter spending be vacation withfriendS in London and Arette. .Dr. °lilies, his. Wife and Mrs. p. F. itichato90; of 'bOslytiter, called on Titeriday. A aunt* of ll'apleiv bowlers paid Lucknow a visit on Tneedity rind gave local devotees a gond afternoon's enter- • • • taininebt. • -••• " • • Fall Wheat his ripened rapidly and is being cul this Week. There. , are many gooft fteldiand'thegridn is eaid to have • Ailed Well.. • • We have - Pure Paris Green, Copper Sulphate and 'Arsenate of Lead for Bordeaux: lYlizt*est, to. -.stop Potato _Blight ...aut4 Bugs. You will he wise,' if . use the.m.•• OR $PENPES •.Drug :Store. Spring Stock - , Just Arrived Mack and Blue Serges, Fancy Suitings and Pantings-- , Something New, Perfect Fit Guaranteed. TEMPLE CLARK madam Timor, . IREE B Studio; Lucknow. Open Monday, Tuesday and • Wednesday and Saturday Viewit urid POOP ,Groups • taken anywhere in the, .ccitu:00. .MARkETS icorrecto u t� Vitednesday noon). • Wheat. tt*s/o ill 0 li•iyel,*41.••;‘. .89 20 Oats.. 1.416.41.011•1111 .. • 45 lOariet • /111:11',i6„41•1•44.4,••' • • ' lattektiheat tio41.00.1110001.04* • ... • 11.10, flew laid . • *41 ' ta 114 4, 44 of • is .4 t iiiVr 4I. Il 35 LiMilie Eggleatiute. „ • •., " e• , Dr. J. t Mackenzie and liandly,, of Detroit, are ayeusling their dnaual vaca- tion, at Bruce Beach and making frequent vts te Lucknow. Messrs. Oalte.nnd Gledhill ancl Misses 6lerirucle Begley mid Meta Youngetob thotered up. fro. Ooderich and spent :andaY. witb frieiala here.. I--suts in adiesWhite Voile Waletet4 • clear; also in. many links . of ebnimer drets goods. ° ace those printed Voiles • St 25c, per Yardet conuews. ,. Mr. Jobe 0. Kuntz. of Aelifield,. Tbas • taken the agency for Maxwell autornot bies Ilie'lannobncement to this effect b9 found on another page. MrS, Alex. Morton and •Mark, have returned to their home, in Paisley After a two lieeks? visit with her sisters,. Mee. Porter and Mrs, Fted.MacDonaIel.. Mises Alicia and Lilliin Mitchell, accompanied by Miss Olive McCullough, Of Tiverton, are epending a few weeks with friends. at Toronto and Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bh3sett and daughter, Miss Hattie, of North Debate, are visit- * Mrs. S. Leach and • other friends about town, •It is 34 years singe Mrs. • Bissett left here. Mrs. Sara Nicholson, an aged resident of „Con. 2 Kinloss„ died at Ler /Anne On Tueralay of this week at the age of 87. The funeral takes place to Kinloss cem- etery this afternoon.. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, of Detroit, • have moved to Lucknow, With the in- tention of residing here for_ some time.. Mr Smith is to upholsterer, and is pre- paring to open a repair shop in that line in the shop formerly ,OccriPied, by Mt LaChapelle. • Mr. Joseph Hogan, a former Ashfield • boy, whn has spent the last 20° years in , North Dakota,•is visiting relations and • 'friends Omit his old lutne. • Mr. Hogan hone well intheWest After teach- ing for a nuinher of years, he his Hap to the position of superintendent of selmelein his empty. • • We learn from klre Paisley •Advooate • thatl the Entrance Class of the pnbhe echool there, of.whicli Mr. Jack Newton had Cliarge Since February, •was very sueceseful in the recent exams. There were 15 in the class, but only 14 of these had,.attencied throughout. the full term, and all fourteen ,passed ---a very • go9d. record indeed'. • -The. Hoti Dry Weather . • The weather nean seems to be weak on variety tins year; When it was wet it, ...watt nothing but wet, and fibvir that it is -dry there is a killing drought. Vier quite a distance from the like shore there had been no rain it all since the end of.June, and eleewitere-there Int-velye-enordy-local' shoWers,, some of thein altienat attaining the proportions of a cloud -burst. Apart from the 'excessive heat, which Made it unPleaettni for the worker, it has bee,a grand haying weather, anti the biggest crop ever has been harvested in the beat :Condition. The drought and heat, how- ever IOC beginning to tell on the.spring: eine; potateee and other roots, There areignite splendid fields of oats and hat-. ley, 130t much of theiie crops idebertand light. • A, Week, or even :tWO weeks of such hot, dry weather as we have endur- ed for four weeks is not iiticominon,but it rarely lasts throughout a'whole month. Whitechurch '—'Ineadity,'July, 25. Miss Isabel Fox, is spending. a few weeks with her aunt inGalt. • • Miss Cholen, of Clinton, is visiting with her brother in the village.. • ,Miss M, Sutherland, of• yinghani„ visiting at the home of Alex. roic. • Miss Ulleda Xorish, of Walkerton, is meiting at th.e home of Wen. Barbour. Meg Isabel Reach, of Collingwood, is visiting with her aunt, bireb Dr. White. • MitA BreCkenridge, otRipley;_altente,-, feW days With her leonine, Mrs. Welter *Lett. • Mr. and Mrs. Phipps and family, of TeliaWater, visited at G. Middletoni,s on Sunday.- • • I Ur, S. Kehr, of Benito, Man, is visit- ing at the Wilma -of Messrs. p. ten And Joseph Holmes. Pte. Wiridsorief Catep. itoitlen, and • Miss Ida Carrick, of Winghams, spent SlInclay at the latter's heti*. •• _ Rev: Mr. Earchinitin. Of Toronto, Oellt;,, 'jitsdtberesbyterian ptilpitton Sandal. Rev. Th41es/111th, of Horning's Milli; will 'conduct serviees !text Sunday. ' • The Ott:Ici nieetibg Sunday evening was led by Prenkltota, the subjeet being! dtittlittsiom, Its :Value and llow btu Cultivate Iv." The. topic for next Sin: day evening 13 "HOW Miesitem are Illeseing�ur.. Natioe The leader is • • • LUCKNOW,a,-ONT, THURSpAY -411JLIt -27thqq, LETTER FROM„TilE TRENCHES rm.W. illcINTO§11 WRITHS IMMO ed(0111, '• "SOAIEWtIpl8 IN FROM ••1 July Dear 1:00,41— •, i Teemed you lettera few daye ,agd. Weave etill back at the rest cattiP -behind the Bring line, Where the ellelle are got Intesting or bullets whizzing, and we sure enjoy it 1 an f,having a tine time, We drill a little While each day then 4Q as, we please, We play 'hall every evening, andhave concerts. They are really good. We live in has bern It is lovely weather here now and every- f.thing is looking fine. • You - wonldif.t ,think that but a few inilefi 'away war was raging. „ Dee evening in interesting thing I watched When in the trenches was feve ,aeroPlanesilying in a V shape like ducke out over the German trenches, and the Germans firing at them, When a AO goes up at an aeroplane and,bursts there • is a little cloud of smoke appeal*then in a little while you hear the , report. • Well, they started shelling them, but on they lbw right over their. lines, shells • bursting allaround- them; but -on they went forawhile; then they turned around and came sailing back. You eould see the sky coVered with thousands of little smoke patches and you would• *ender how they could have , all been missed.' It looked fine to see them, flying always in that 'V shape, never varying: . None were hit. , • . There are lots of different kinds of shells. One peculiar kind of shell is shaped like a sausage. You can see it • coining up, turning end over end, very, ery. sio'r17. it is filled with high ex- ' plosive for blowing aip trenches. You • can have lots of time to get out of it • readif yon keep NA and judge Where it. comes.. • Shrapnel Ads, you hear coming a long time before they hit. You could count 10 while waiting for them; itiWry decesSary to have good hearr • ing as you can \ tell by the noise they • make whereabouts they aie going. If you were out on listening post, when Your. head is , over the trench, (this it after dark): and r you -hear. one :coining, - your way, you can pull you headdown till it expledes. Shrapnel are pieces of hen, all shapes, some chunks is big as yourfist, just the way the iron case breaks up, some little and Bente large. There is a part of our equipment I never mentioned; that. is our helmet. It is made of some kind of metal. It is round and .shaped much like German helmets onlyA)ipte is no point on top. We wear the *lathe tune when 111 the trenches er bier there. They are a great protection agaieet shrapnel, You can see that, as.a great many of the helmets are dinged where shrapnel. has hit them; and would hare killed the wearer had they been_Without-thein I -•- ;1 am writing this in the -Y.M:C.A. • t, am going ifito town this afternoon te see what 1 cab see: We don't know when we go into the trenches 'again, but not for _a:Week yet enyway. • R. W. koiNTosu, 487474: CIVILA 40141MAY , , At the request of E'v Pother of citizens of the village, '1 hereby preclaint Vriday, augget,Ali, •letchriew'S Civic floliday for the year 19.16; and call noon all gni" zees and otlier,s, to „goyera themselves ecCoediegly.' • Y. Q.: AirPURSOF, 1leeve. WEDDING BELLS ' MARTIti-:41Xitoxit , A. very pretty Wedcliag Wati aulemnize4 NOOday, AIM 1,7, at the IMMO t?( Mr. and Mrs, Mercer; of. 3fOunt Vomit, ..0whnileve; htheceairii'm'"tIllit,h8tridde"glit oiOerr'Lvaii113: M 40,4 '0 'J R' egent • of 1„,ucknow; Tim marriage Was- tierforned bytheftev. Wm 'Cooper, B.A„the . bride's pastor, 4t two..o'clUelt the hridat WAY s9toreal the prettily decoreted drawing-roem to the•strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. A. E. Gibson. . The bride, Who was given away by tier father, was charm- ingly gowned in white • crepe de chene and Georgette erepe and wore orange blossoms in. her holt She carried a huge bouquet of bridal roses and maiden -hair fern, fier older, 41, rs.4-3/1. Brown, a Toronto, 'was matron of honor and wore a gown of pale hip Italian silk and shadow -lace. ThegtoOm's sister, Miss Madge A. Martin, of Moose Jaw, Seek., aated as bride'i3 maid and wore shell pink crepe de chene with trimmings. of Geor- gette crepe. Only.the immediate rela- tives of the fandly were in •attendance, except Mrs. A. Robertson, a near friend. Immediately after- the ceremony a dainty luncheon was Served. The groom's gitts tO the bride and *Wants were lovely, and the other gifts, weee beautiful and numerous,. including many,cheques, show - mg the highesteeni i 'which the couple were held-- The bride travelled in a • opt:ray:tailored anit.et blue. serge With • White blouse and French hat to *batch. Under:showers a :confetti the happy Couple left on the 4.15traie for an ex- tended ti•iti to Detroit, Byron Michigan, New York and other Points. On their return they will resident Lucknow, Ontario 'Lest,144-4,,OttaTotr (The bride in this. Wedding is Well Sudden'Death at Teeswater Mr. -Robert Chapman,- for many years an esteemed resident of Teeswater, died .very suddenly on Saturday of last week, from heart failure or the eilacts of heat. He was helping Mr. Latchford Thacker at haying, and was 'onla load of hajr when death came suddenly. .,I1,53 was a quiet and unassuming man of num- proachable, character, a good neighbor, and deservedly esteemed by 'all who knew him. He leaves a widow, two daugkters and one son. Laurier --• Monday, July 24. Mr.aind Mrs. Ritchie called on friends in this vicinity... . Mr. H. Treat of Chicago, is visiting' .at •Mr James. johnetones Miss Sophia Kentpton has returned lierniViitter -viiitiniffriends at Cliiiton. _Duncan. MacLean, Calgary, is vieiting• his patents, Mr. and Mrs. D. MacLean, Mr. 4. N. MacKenzie hits returned after Spendieg. the past Week at his home herti: • • Mita Edith Breckenridge has returned. to Riley after visiting . Miss :Agnes Wiley, Mae and ,Harry Shackleton, of Port Albert, spent.Sunday K, F. Mac: - Lem) tas. ' • Mottling is spending the summer With her PttrOtittly Mr. and Mrs. Jane% Jelinstone.• •• • ' Mrs, A. MacKenzie and son, •Hector, from gm • York, and Mrs....Data, of Godericli,'"are visiting Mrs. K. S. Mac-. Itenzio. • • • • • • • Master 'Marshal Bradley met with what might have been nseriotte accident Saturday tight. While riding a hose to the field he VAS thrown off, nutting a boy gob in his head:' known in Lucknow, the family having lived hereuntil recentlyThe report is • from The Owen Sound Tintes)., , • An exceedingly pretty Julywedding tee& place at noon on Thursday at the hnme of the bride's Mother, Ninth street east, when Mies Mary La Verne, young- est daughter of•Mrs. Williem H. John- • ston, became the bride Of Mr. JelinVor'- gan Leslie, -eldest on of Mr. and Mrs. 3. K. Leslie, of Feurth avenue weal and Ninth street. PrOmptly at noon the bride entered the drawing -room escorted by her brother-in-laW, Dr. S. H. Ann - strong, of Toronto, and the ceremony was performed the presence of the immediate relatives of the family by Rev.4.-.Wallime Stewart, pastor .of the First Methodist Church. The bride wore a very pretty' travelling suit of greed cloth, with blouse of white silk georgette Crepe and French 'velour hat with pink crown and brim of pink georgettecrepe, and were' a corsage !bpi:meet of roses. The dravving-rooin ores a perfect picture in its decorations of roses, carnations, inargueriteSaind fides, with palms, ferns and vines. After the ceremony and congratulations, a dainty wedding dinner was served in the dining -room, Where' the' floral decorations were exceptionally attractive, Toasta• to the bride were gieen :and responded to by the . groom. Misses Mina McClarty; Louie Towriss Pearl Esplen and Georgia Birtch, friend; of the bride, made dainty waitresses, and the wedding festivities only concluded when the antes were at the door to Carry the party to the 3:101rain on their wed- ding trip to Toronto and Burlington. The bride was the recipient of many specially attractive gifts from friends, including the staffs of the "dolsons Bank, of' which the groom is a member, and of the Union Bank, of which the bride was a member. Among the guests and tele, tives from outside points .were: Dr, and Mrs. G. Howard Armstrong and daugh- ters,' Grotto. and Lenore, and -young son, I-Iowa:editor Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gus, Paul and Mrs. Thomaa Paul, of Meaford,' and Mrs: Mullin, •of raid:no*. Before- aetureing to town, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie will spend a few days at the summer cottage neer ,Meaford of tit. and Mit; 'AertieV-Onft. • The Advance in Rates • E Leh week we notice additional week- • • , ly newspapers alinounenig an increarie in their SubseripOon price to 21.56 per year, Tlielfruisels Post, Miidinay Get. ette . and '0 wen Sound Times Made an- tolincen ent of the increase last week.; They all have the sanie story: On iook-• ing into their business they found that at the One aollar-ra,.te the •itifitineration is riot Such as to make it woiali'whileto cantiniie the business, ,Besides, .as ererybocly kamvs, , as tempered with 'other things a Weekly Vapor is • now • cheaper at 81 50 per year tinin it Was I0 years ago at 0 00 per year; We are • pleased to find that the publit recognize these facts and are ;readily paying the• . $1.60 rate. We have added t ninnber of new subscribers 14 the new rate SMPe Ib . &tine int() eileet4 • 'TORONTO COLLEOE.Ot At the local Inancit of the Toronto College of Music, under the direetien Mrs. a H. SMIth, Mtle, Bac., F.T.0,11., the following pupil!' were eucCessful at the recent anounl-e*antinetione; Clreduation'Pecitalgiven in the Col- ' lege Music lien at Torouto--Frances : .• Final PiPo Examination—let CIPS Honors—Clara Mcguillin, Ione Sherrill, • Betsie Baritby. • ' Senior and Pieno-71st Class Honore —Freda Aitobeson. • , Junior 20d Piano—a'st Clasa. Honors Senier 1st Piano---ist Clair( Honorii7; . Uric; CaniPhell, Winnifred Mott, Ruth Mitchell lionors--.-'-Mildred TaeleaVen, Maggie Malcolm. • • • _ , • • -1-listory eausic--lat Claes Honors Sherriff. • 4 • Piano Harmony -1st Class Honors— Irene Slierriff. Honors—Bessie Barnby. Senior Rudimenta—lst Class Honors Aitcheson, Nellie Malcolm, Phentie Irving, Maggie Malcolm.• Hon- ora—Donalchi Macintosh. Pass—Mil- dred Treleaven. • • Juieron.DieanTme, • Junior 1st Piano-ast -.ass Honors— Ethel McPherson. Honors—Bessie Mur - die. Pais—Helen MacKenzie. , Primary Piano—lst glass •Honors— Cecilia crowston; Ada NeKay. Pane— Alma McKay. Successful tiarden Party St Peter's Church 'Garden Party on Mr. Mitchell's lawn Thursday of last week, was favored with a delightfni evening, and there was a good' attend- -ince. There was a big demand for ,ice Create and other refreshments -which were for sale on the grounds. ". 'Messrs. McCalluni and McQUillin favored the . . • gathering with a number of . bagpipe aelectiorie, and there Was an entertaining pregram of ,songs, recitatioes, addresses and instrumental music by home talent. • Civic Holiday • Reeve.Anderson him hisued..a Itioela- nittion making FridaY. Aug, 4th, Civic Holiday for•Lucknotit •.Places of bind:- ness will be closed\ and country -residents. trill do well to keep this in mind. Aug. 4th was selected because Hon. Sir John S.' Hendrie, Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario, suggested that that date being the second anniversary of the declaration! of war between -Britain -and Geraiany; an effort should ba. made to stimuate patriotism throughiint the province. A' county meeting is being held in paisley with that objeet in view, and the holi- daywill give town .people - an Oppor- tunity to attend%• : —Monday, July 24. Edgar Ritchie. visited at his home here ait'SendaY,. " • Joseph Hackett paid a visit toothe Vircidar Town on' Saturday. Pte. Walter „Barbour is home from 'London on a month's *furloutb. •, Pte. Kennedy, ,Of London Camp, spent last week at John Reid's. • Misses Margaret and Ruby Ritchie spent Friday with Mafeking friends.: Ar.s. Johnston and family, Blueeile, visited at David Stroud* on Sunday. • Misses Adaund Frances Webster, of Locknow, are visiting at John Helm's. Mies Lila Humphrey, af St. Helens, was the *neat of Miss Margatet. Hunter last week. . •. • Misses Ethel Anderson. and Gladys Hyde, of St. Helens, Eipent Sunday with Miss Susan Webster. •-• • Mr and Mrs. Geo. Andrew and family, of LuoknoW, visited friends in • this neighborhood on Sunday. ".• 2, Miss Johnston, of Lucknow and Miss, Hart, of Winnipeg, were the, guests of 'Mary Nixon one day last week. - We extend'uougratUlalions to the Misses Ada Helm . and . Verna Stroud, who have been successful inpaseitig• the Entrance EaPaination: Mafeking • —Titeaday, July 25. „ ” Miss • Jessie Stothers visited Zion Mende en Monday. • Isaac Andrew. and AV. Wilton were week -end visitors of. Mts. W. Stotherd. . . The Misses Barbour, of Winghant,are visiting their consine; Misses Pearl and 'Mary Irwin, this wed. • " • Miss- Mary HOU is visiting relatives here at present. ' • Miss Janie Stotheri, of 'Dungannon, hie been engaged toleach S. 8: No. o next term. . 'Miss Leila Blake visited friends in Lucknow. over Sunday. Ties 1 W. Kilpatrick' rettirned to, Sheddon last week, having apent part of his %catkin bete. • . • • PREPAREDNESS LEAGUE MEETINO ($Peciai to TheSentinel) . Q•; The county was,fairlyavell represent - at the Meeting held at Walkerton on Thursday last. The getherinVias 044' by the President,: Judge Klein, as. 1. McCriinama had asked tri 'have' a Meeting of representative citizens ef the a0ust7..139 that he or Col, Williams might. disease the matter of.. recruiting with them. . ' . • The day *as one of the hottest of the • year, and many citizenshad at/Treat in- conveniencii to themselves attended to hear what the Military men 111 say Judge Klein presided, and Pip said that he , had made • irupairies,but neither Of the Men Who had. esked for the Meeting had entre' to town. There was general' disappointment, and seine very pointed remarks were made by several present as to the calling of the meeting by Cot. McOrimmon and not attending himself, nor yet being court - eons enough to Benda message as to, the non-appearance of either himself or Cal, ' Some discussion arose at to future re- • uniting in Bruce County, but the gentle- , men assenibled were not disposed to make any definite inove until respen- eible persons who really knew the situk tion trOm the Government standpoint had presented some convincing proof as to the need for further action, in Bruce County. • _ Dr: Biehn, of Chesley, pointed out the lack •of leadership in the 1Doreinion re- garding the recruiting question, While alr. Steele, Of 'Paisley, produced 'some .statistics as to the standing a Baia!) County, showing that at present it eteod in re high petition , ,A draft of 4 resolution 'was .read by President Judge Klein as to the position of the League on further vectultig.a; but on the suggestion of E R Sayles and Wr. D. Cargill it was -laid over to the big meeting at Paisley, on August:4th, Mt Brown, of Cheeley, and Win.„,/tuOteri• .of Kincardine, thought that there was meh Misunderstanding and misinform. ation existing in utilita.,4 44ter•§/,. SA4 that the League would nave tO he shown • in a bnainess-likeand consistent Mannez the actual needt of the day. The gather- ing generally agreed with thie.vteur, and the:recruiting question was passed over; but 'net until a resolution of dii`Appeint- ment waspassed and ordered t� be sent to Col. MeCiimntore •• . Mayor Lippeit reefed api- Wm. Run - ter seconded that Messrs, 11 M. Lay, W. D. Cargill, LW. Biehn.and Sa,y1c.s draft a resolution expressing disappoint- ment, and the ,foIlewing paragraphs ,passed the -meeting:• . • Moved by D. Phelan, seconded bY. D. A. 'McDonald, , • •' .• "That this-meing of rePresentative men of the County of -Britee; assembled. at the request of Col.' McCrimmon and at the call of the President of the Biwa Preparedness League, to hear. Col: Me- •Crimmon or•Col. Williams.6n the cotes< tion of recruiting, are deeply disappoint- ed that thiagatherteg reprefienting the county were unable to be enlightened on this Matter owing, to the nonappearance Of either of these gentlemen. , • • "This gathering desires to Point but that Bruce County MIS contributed as requested' in mental& moneY aed while Ail! willing to do more, where need • is shown, it awaitairaire responsible leader-. ship iirthis'great matter of Empire l,S41,, vice." : •.• •• The resolution was unaitithonsly car, ried: Ei:-Warden Shoeinacher, of pop, Iey,, repeated that Paisley would lfe ready for the big ,meeting there on Aug-, est 4th, the second anniversary of the declared,* of Wit ke asked that every section of the county be rePresented that day at Paisley. , •- The objects Of the Niue were further discussed and enlarged upon. It wait pointed out that already rionia returned, wounded soldiers had cOme bit& to the county, but because ()flick of organiza- tion no work was found for these wen. Every municipality is urged to see that it has its organization perfectedat once. The Bruce Preparedness League • is de- signed .for tho purpose bI uniting the county for service. to the Eiripire, in supplying ' men and money, but also helping men when they return, and also in etidettioring,to establish high ideals • FRUIT BULLETIN Every housewife can put •'•.oiivii a gOod supply of Cuthbert Raspberries, The very 'best Of all • NiagaraPeninsula "1 tilipsfiGniAla grown. II la c k • cut rants :aiv, . als. o, • taxiart tow at their best forcanning Mold- infloavreenycoyuerlgrierone ere at their best. '" - ' "'Y * '''' • ee:l'onrdet; ati:o*ri.""c:,, '1,43-ok for this Inbel on• the basket, it is your gligroisrvattee of Honest Vritit; Niagara . • , EAT MORE CANADIAN P1101T, Single Copies 3 cents. Tile Lower Scliool Exams. The Lower School Batmen tO :Nor. Mal-n-er ROM= to IfoclekSchool--mc- •amination WS tbisyeara difficult sima14, mut tits casualit list among candidates throughout the 0K/c1Zide is heavy, ,Ite. sults were relit:WWI ti the Toronto papers iast Saturday. , ' • . . Seventeen of the litickneWTelais wrote and of these slit 'took the pass mark, and two others failed la One elthieet-arithMO: tic, ;1110b pro* ed stumbling block te a. great many. This is not a large percent - 'age to pass, but we understand, it is.about an average pereeritage for thie .Yeets Some schools actually felled to get apy.. nt a11 thrriAgh. , Vie atIcessfitl'pupits of the Lucknow: ' class are Harold B. Burns,. .14oVvey. Clara MeQuillin, Anna Nichol- son ; Treleaven, Winnie 'Woods Freda Aitobeson and /Dorothy Ceolt felled in arithmetic only, • • Besides these four of the bays' were exempt fromthe exaMinalion to engage in farm Work, and will receive certineateS from the Education Depon completing their terin of Work. They are: Samuel Ruesell McDougall, Alex; Nichol- son and. Ciordon Wehster. • EvERvuor)v,s coLuriN • . . :MONEY TO LOAN. --On nutrtgagos and notes at reasonable rates. Fire Insurante, both' Stock and Mutual Companies. , GEV. A. 811?0AL1,, Broker, Luoknow TEACHER WAN'PRK—For S. S. 3:4; WAsh- ileld, Second 9laiis Prnfessional, stpl* aL ary expected. • John Ferris)), Secy. • IL R. 7, Lucknow • HEIFER ESTRAY. --Strayed frOnt the prom:. of the undersigned, about. Jitne 23rcl. 1910. a small red, two-year-oldheifer• RitrtY giving inforrantion leading to its recOVerr • will be suitably rowarditd, • W. J. Scntt„-131aeltornith, 27,7-100-c, (Longsidt) Lucknow R. 5. • . , 9ATTLE ASTRAY.--Strayed'frout the prem.. hos of the undernIgned. dth Con. Rtnioss% t red and whfte and 2 red steers,2 years old, I dry. cow. Any person giving infortnation leaong to their recovery will be suitably rovvarded.:°-•„ „ • 3-8-P..' Rose. nolaroocial. . Notice .- • For all thatters regarding Greenhill centetetY refer to D. C. Taylor, Secretary. • __Auction Sole • 1101.1thEtIOL1) ,FT.TitNITtike--,A1.1 tiff intuse- . hold furnituretteltnigitrgth Jas. Strachan,. will be sold by public anetion on Satitrday. July 29t1i, colornencing at o'clitck 10. )L • Jerins:- Cash, . • . R. MOCIrtantEs, • Mortgage Sale Under'P' cow'er Cissac in a Mortgage Thntitan. Gundry, Auctioneer, will offer for sala".at the .‘Tthaurt idena„e7 ?ederioir,-„on Nrediteiday, Aug--- - at 9, 191e; a twolvo o clock, neon, the. lands • - know_n weihe_ilorth Half of Lot (inc. Oonces7 'sl!PheT)1114r34i It:y!",411rez.nds.4,'Crkt'ilslaigraetlite°4ctititnP.,7411T traisiigller'eltaltVg;Tingt/4tpphtl'ev 1111Vc5:.. For further particulars and conditions oef sate see posters or apply to either of the undersign.; • e.rdbatedihis..12th daictiJUly, 1914. .Gbderloh,_Ontario,-- - 14nountroor.,vittentdisooluast & -Moue, — ' • T1102411,8 GUNDItY.110 ier:rrrs 34-300-e. •• Goderlch, °grade. '• • Olivet =Monday, July 24.- • Mr. linam Smith,' of Wingham, spent. a few days-lastweek at W. 0. .Smith's. Miss Derpthy Wtilsh,•Tororito, visited her aunt, Mrs. W. B'. Wilkinion, Ititt week, - Miss Sadie Rattle, of Swift Current, Sa,sk., is visiting her tidier, Mts. Joseph Colhng • Mrs."E: A. Heston, of Moose Jaw, Sask.; ie visaing herdaughter, Mre. 'McNair: , 5 Ptes. Dick Scott, 1ercy Roelston Wilbert Walden ere spending a month in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston • Roulaton at- tended the funeral of their cousin at Teeswater last week. The Olivet W. M. S. were.entertained by the Ripley W. MS. on the parsanage lawn an Thursday afternoon of lop week.. 'The annual Garden Party tinder the • anspices of.Olivet Church is to b.e held on the Church grounds on Thursday even ing, --Atignst-• ard. orcitizetiship, and developing the county tornmereiellY and,indestrially; • Although the day :was hot and the first part of the Meeting soinewhat appointing, when diSenssibn arose tis' to the further objects of the League, , Stale interesting remarks and suggestiOris Were heard from Warden .1110Xab, Or E. Klein; Reeve tallashey, LA. Johnston, Slayer 1 Miller, Ex -Mayor Pattereoa. • , The gathering adjoinfied to meet at -•••' Paisleyon Aug. ath, when truee Co4nty, through the League, will pledge itself to further Itivinire service,. and arldresseS • willl be heard on • future work of the : °League. The League assembles at Ivan. and at 2 p. in. the program provided by Paisley will begin. , Letters of regret were read from Reevo • Douglas, of Ilepworth, also con rAttiht* tory letters were heard from Hearst and X. W. novel •-•.•