The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-06-22, Page 4Skov* Trip 1611111111110W 1111:011T114151.4 Tituro:day, rk3 220 10 Sr,„xt. Prepeetias y cads NO. Ltd,, 01401 , • PS. X.Imommv. Ont. Agent W iniurartoe. Fire 404 Lif uare *Mai genteee. Cmiy t b miskao* of the Loudon *wise qr. Wisp- awl farm aala. 9.0. Y. Imeknow Logu moors every Frldsr ge.milug On OP Cloak in thew. Ilan. Caron - Amt. AU twathren tamilany Invited. unteerat-Nonie upon, t.. stnitittOna; Moe Gould, Relit 'ishe: Trees.. Alm ; Bee. See., A. 11. Boyd; Ylo. Seq.. Pa. altergou &A. M. G. It. 0. Ola Light Meets trmyThamitty sight on or before hell 140013. t*?, UP,VOSCK sUfuce 1.41CIOQW. F. T. Armstrong; S. w., ta, martin; J. w., W„ j. DaVtiOnj e'rer*, 4. AVII004. Cl.p(a. F. Court Shemetta, No. 80, Lueknow. 3neets every last Monday of the Inonth An'tha wit -Wally invited. to ttend. ohler Ranger. John I. 11011,1tee, 4e6y,. Rob. graham *Wit, 4041.. .loblistOn,„ Treas. Ja*Plotesu, 40. lintitnnuilithuthir Pabliabed every Thiasasy morn* ' at Imam*. Ontario. A. P. ILAOKVNZIX. Pro sister , Md F.ditor. LF W Luektiow lodge. No 137, meets, eco,ciloaday °reach mouth to . the Odd - fellows Hall, Nester Workman, J. Mail- Diarnild; Fin. Beey..1.11 2.1.aulatoshateeZ , Geo, Potter; VW.. 1401:14 . • • Dmitot. • �. bDWJ4FLt 14iLS„.i 0.•8 011iee UP • stairs in Button:Block; • TeesWater. -.Speer latattentiou to_gold plateserow04atr and . bridgework.. „visitS•IirroxiitorAst,s314,4‘. Wednesday oraheh.month; OtterW Thur. .- 00 .4:NEWTON, D. D. S., Dentist. Office. Anin Meek, Lueknow, Ont. • All modern moti*xis used. Best materials furnished., ertlwq and Bridge work. Painless extract. ton by the use of the latest,_simplest and • seep repiedy ODJANQFORN• ,Neigeot • thimtla artificial, teeth. •aluethan &toed non realtable: TITUR4DAY, JUNE 22nd, MO. PECULIAR POSIT/ON ' IONICS CO. GERMANS A Tinker U'f Clermana living in Car. .riek-and.rutut4rAvinshilVAiltugt41.07 4nd theMselVes. in a peculiar and cliffi. •oTitioratim. YOU CAN SECURE A POSITION- Oolthtil tbat Conned ba0 been passed allowing dor shoutiog on `the Peninsula tido btlt no dogs will be allowed. For the rkext two years after no deer huntIng • will be allowed tbere. Mr. Jaa. DoOf4a.e. Reeve a liepworth, presented a very initructtva retwrt of the proceedings of the Ontario Bduca. done.] Association, to Which he had been Sent by the County. A large number of interesting and. important kn at t er0, .e.specia4fiesliM.r4t101.904,&119018. were considered and same important ,cult poeition. The.se are real Germans legislation may rgrow on.t of the Assad - Without even, a bYPhen to protect them. , many, and who, thrcareleaness, we May suppoSet ..dev.F. until 'recently Made application to becOitie naturalized citizens of Canada. A number haVe for yews been vnting at all elections and 'otherwis% exereising enjoying ell They are men who "came.' out from ough and Ger- the priviteges ' of ..eitizenship .Without their eIghbo8, knowing, or peillaps themselves suspecting, that they ;were iniens not ',entitled to suel privilege". • The war with Germany bas subjected the atanding Of these 114eU • to, a 'closer . • :11,you talre a coarse with us. The *Mend Upon us for trained kelp is inany times• the number graduating. tudents. are, entering eaCh week: iron may enter at .any time, Write at Once for Our free catalogue, D. a. atet.AcH;Art, PranspaL „ - , . CREAM WANTED WO ;vent cream and will pay tfie4, • hi:ghost:market prices for geed .1creeni. Smuttier Creamery and '-eheesa Factory. - Patrons having .cream during the winter months '-would do well to shin tons: We weigh, sample and test each 'can • ,• of cream carefully that we receive, and .return -a statement of same each time,. Ve furnish twii cans; pay express chines and issue • cheques for croon twice. each.. Mouth.. Write nS and give us a It will, cost. you inothing and we guarantee you satisfaction. • For further- particulars *rite or send for cans. and .give us a trial. The Setdprth Creamery, Sealoril,, Oat , czenta A Chriitiah college -home, healthful situation. Porprospectusandterins,writethePrinelpal• R.I.Warner,M.A.,D.B.,St.Thoreas,Oid. ation rccohirnendations. ' It was decided to pass a by-law.lic6ns- ing junk dealers'ie the .County. ” P.ra.Tats were made. of V2,000 • te. the *allterton HOsPital,' 01,000 to the Kin- cardine . *,50 each to the Vil- lages of Tiverton, and Hepworth. for reads, . Mr, Anderiob, 'of Lucknow, pointed out the ;liffictilty there was in many parts .he Comity in ebtdining. magis- trates; to try cases, and medially. Innior cses, and thought the `ViOvernment Should he -naked to appointpolicemagis- • trates for districts. The Cetumil; how- ever, ilenlined, to ' take any Wien in the matter. ° • scrutiny, .tia recently a Allifiber of them*: A byit -law ws‘pas,sed to riuse,$48‘000 have made applieatmi to *the courts for nituralization papers.. These, however, have been refused, Justice Clute, z.vito dealt with scune of the cases, explaining that subjects -4;4a° enegnYcountry shall Pitt take the Oath, Of allegiance dining War time. • • Another lot of twenty one made &poll-. Cation at the recent Sessions. of • the reace; at which Judge. Klein presided. Of these, three Were admitted to citizeu:. ship; but these•did•-not ,have the mis- fortune ot having been bore irn the land •the Kais . :Two, whose names might well Aran . suspicion; Eleanor Strunk and Annalluernienn, are,natives of the .United States, and !Jacob , Huber was born in Lorraine, France. The .difficulty ,of, the situation for these alicati becomes apparent when it is learned thet,thelaws 01 -our -country 'Makes itan offenee,and doubtless a 'serious offence too, for any British sub- for f.'utriotio pmposes., This money is required to pay the grants for this pur- pose made at January Session of the Council, Tho money is payable under the by-law in ten years. . No furthei 'grants were made at this •Session for theso. piirposes. • • Messrs. C. a Bowaiati and W. D: Car - gilt; M.k.P11;.*erepreSent on behalf of the BrucePreparedness League and.ex- Plained fay the objects of the League,. The nitiOns of Port tAlglir Illade things lost pleasant for the members of the• Councif during the week, and treated the members Wen auto trip, so they could ail see the large Couoty bridges in thawection, which Wee• very much sp. predated by the Council. . • Connell adjourned tat meet at Connell Chambers; Wolkeiton, ma Monde*, Pee. 4th. next, P. A, MaLokuusolv, Clerk. . ORINTELATTACK tANADWIS: $(1.CC 11.0110114 Y4C411: of 'Trench,* at .Zillohaks 'Retaken7,41yOWittlsas • IFIsPortn, Officially •. , The following Byelijtneas. yeetirt. MOO the ilinister Militia from on -Friday: About .1n141,-dar • Olt June opened Vielent, .1)04- ent ,on the "ldt peter ot.our ....MOM*. In the ofteriXOntx 'tour num* wore exploded: ,-dlreetlY • under. our trout line,system. •at.11otigo• . The 'COM- ovito ot .00r. 28th Nothwooterkpg, haldhigAblar leot„lokt;.,..eitifered Morerely.. and the iteMrutnte, .01, the gart ripen. were unable, th.e,'Oere.r. Mona 111 check Wheni1hey".lannebed an attack .immediately t',After • .thn,„ ploaion. ..• , • - • • .The- enemy .0ectinle.d, our front *14.- but.tilte:..attemPtC"te .44.V414C04 be. .70141' tine ware ,lefeated, by. machine. • gun., - and -17140. fire • directed.. upon hire • !OM tlitr° 'flOPport trenchee • and -strong ."polxits, with this:: attack,the Germane attempt- ed to eeize. trezichem.,,furtiter -to, the 'south, lint were -everywhere repulsed. with 1058. At one ,pOplt. of.. the trout s party. of the...sparer MACK9000 • by oeeterIng • one, Mour:advanced ;trenched but was 4‘44110)*- eieeted, '. • Canadian Cotintar '.cionsolldated 7-*011owing the attack. litoOge, artil- lery duels occurred On ;nue !';'12th all our batteriet combined a 'bombardment Of poltitiOnet captured Canadian kbe . quarter. at '11te- trout On Motion of Messrs. Christie and Hun/ - from no on June 2nd, The -lire was sympathy with the objects Of the LeSglie, tensity. ter the COUnClif declared itself fnlly in ' geniemeteir at ultindtntli dusk, and wall rine- ' At pneg,o'clela InCfhellatia'• and 'ted $100.00 towards its ex- ing of June lath an attack wag de - pen ea• Special grants were made to hastnor and Itmaber of 410) each to assist in Maintaining roads over which the Whole traffic Of the Peninsula diovsd, and which had to he kept iip for the benefit of several Townships. . ' .. •-' 4 very lively fight oeveloped ever the 'Equalization of thesCounty.._ Yor some were taken Prisoner. Atmieted by our. tbne the question as to whether' or not • supporting battalions,. Our troops en- trenched themselves on the apprOxi- income and business assessments should • . mate line of our original front trench - bp included in the Equalization, . hai ject to either buy from or sell to, or in been a bone ,of contention; the . repre- livered by our infantry. On our left the Western Ontario:1.4041k* bombed its, way up to our ,eriginal 4ine, al- though ,encountering constderahle op - :position, while two of OW*BOOttle11 battalions and it Tore* battailen , a magnificent advance rushed rapidly forward until they had recaptured the *hole of the high: grinind itnOWo as Mount Sorrel and Oligervatory Ridge. About one hundred and fifty Unwound- ed Germans; including three officers„ any way carry on business with an alien, anew. This feature Of the law, of course, was not intended to appy to snob cases as those in Carrick and Brant, but is-cliffimit to see how they are to be excluded If the enemy country and f.gintativs of the rural; municipalities contending they should be and those frem the toWns and villages that they should not be, Up to1.912 these were included but. in that7Year .Tidge 13arret, on art appeal to hini, struck these assess- ments. off, leaving the County rates" to es, which. had been alma obliterated . by the German bombardment (Winne 2nd. The length of ihe front recap- tured Was oferfifteemlnindred yards. Several Attempts ;at egunter-attacks by the German infantry were frus- trated by our artillery slre... - "Borden to Cansglene Canada% pride in the laplendid.WOrk of her troops, who on Tuesday morn- .ing retook 1;500 • yarde of trenches from the Germane expressed by the scene- Of. hostilities-were-44:0-ot• - Whiffed -teat estate onty Last year cit • ' - Judge Klein, on an appeal to him, 'held message- to General ir Julian Byng• necessarily be strictly enforced. ' ray accept and zation Cominittee this year brolight in a .conve t e. Oanadiansi are at/Serving . of 'sympathy, mien the gallantxy.an repourcefulnees included, but on a clime 'vote conncil join the Bruce Battalion, said that he titsitarNd4nrrenit tiecessfut attack." Canadian Corps riolinVe prrenclirs other day of One who, On being asked -to thidreport *as sent back tiC theCommit:. e would -wait until -the- German -American tee with _instruotions tri include 'these" tiaogiref zongratulations oonveYed ba; assessmenta Colitinittenhiter-re- y u in that he would join that army, ported.aRiin with theraincluded. After • ".ThecoanlyeCeature in the on Friday was the he army came over from the United States Others are said to have become quite considerahle chicusSionj. another Vote - th aCanadian lines 7 Ile k ao if oir 71E1 ale. • on hand, this feature. or the law would' • • - libIr Robert Borden, 1 the following commander of. the :: ariadian Arm ' , . they should be included:. The Equali- Corps in F anc • "P Y Some of 'these Germans and German -o anadian f reef; under your • while others are net. W heard ' report' recommending that in they be net comm3;nd our warmes cOntratulations „ Wethe. LOTTER 10 TR PUBLIC • . . From a PORCPSS Patricla on Sick Leave I Om leading a quiet life,' away iron, my battalion and from my Oa aeSociatekt X am getting Well rapidly and ..itithengli 'he doctors assure.me 1 win htm to keep qtiiet for a year I don't Bee 140W1 an lo it: I feeling° a Shirker 'lyinghere when, there' is such, tii3ig task Were the Itritieli mimeany poop e are own.. cast just now over Ole pews that bas come to them, but the old Empire will Prove, its strength in a lictorions elicheg Of this war. ' . • treCeived alletter from One of my Weeds 10 tilie Prineesa Patti," Re vayor, "Peitz and Bassett were killedllte ,first TiOt hi the trenches. Webb, Laidlaw,, GirlfAths, and. Michael followed, •How 'many more I do Mit knew, Aileen WAO shot in the left eye, but ts getting better, Charlie Fitch died in England with spinal meningitis, Richerts is 111 bia shape -with T B (tubercular tiouble): ix as Tpan see, MI are the luckiest'. one in the bunch »• ' I know those boys'and I know they hated, war, but, they' did not considets their' feelings-; They. knewi that- theyhad do their share. That is what they lived for. There is no'doubt of the crying need formen. That little phrase "Your king and;Country need 'you?" is so familiar that we Pay little heed to it. Every night it cemes home to me, and 1 try tefigure out what My duty is. De- cidedly it is my duty now to take care of myself and to get well. BO after -- what? Could f. stand the infantry? The. doctors say not and y officers told me to stay at home, as I had done my share. Nehody has done their share in this war until they •lia.Ve „done all :they could. Some have their. duty at • borne. But God help the Man that stays out Of this war -or keeps any on else put of it -for I4elfish reasons. Ood help this 'country if the people dp.not conduct themselves CAPITAL AND RESERVIi 48/8000000 $6 Brandlies, in Canada ,. A Ocileral Baaldng. Business Transacted , Circular Letters of Credit ° ;Bank Money Orders ,sikvirip&BANK-DEPARTlytENT Interest allowed at,higheet current rate - • T., S. REID, Manager. „ with an unselfish sprit, - Oar friends are over •there, " carrying their heavy 'nicks. thrOUgh mud and . . . sheli-kelea andshatteredtrenches.• ging and lifting,- Sweating, shivering.tud •sethetinies.'stailinilr; until•itis -altin,st: 'a relief .when• they "get, theirs" , -and Ilia - "are hurried off to. the cheetfid, whole- sotne.h�sital. Can you iand I feel„.thitt. we:have 'done Our , bituntil we know that we ean do. no niece? Can anybody justify „himself. -in. staying home, lintel* It's sting:hOme is of vital interest to the boys . at. the -front/ There i8. imbody that can take niy. plait! , At the front - until I ani .no longer. fit: for that place. L never thought.L.vvouhlasay anYthing,in thi a line, but 1 can't help. myself. .I that it is the .duty Of many to go who have not gone Deitz, . Webb and Laidlaw are •lying over there. • They. are. happy hecause they -did their bit. They tried to holdback that grey horde. Isrow that they have fallen, are we going to let theT Germans advance overtheir dead: bodies to over -run • the. World.- Surely we are ,notafraid. , We. have no right to be. Fear has'no Place inthie war -*ith . . us.' If you have any fear; _go, over and Out it bite the .Geruittnii., We are piit• Ling -the fear 'into them. Come and help: . .1 have sialcl that a person should know their own business best, and .'should know enough to enlist without. anybody :else using their. influence, But the -boys in uniform need you. • Ho* are you, going to meet.• them when- they -come • hack? Those:that did not come back, wOuld you have them selftheir Ihreain vain. Go' tothem, take • up their rifles and .fight.:' .kight, and prove yourself a Man.. . , - -Yours •in earnest, PAT, • . CHEVROL • M.IDE IN CANA A Pri00, ComptOol$675;00 Canadas'Biggest' cat VahiE • - • • G AND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM RE YOU GOING WEST/ The Grand Trunk Railway' ,Systsm will run' omeseekers' Excursions wss taken on the question by the uhole dshort time yesterday:afternoon, jubilant over the, death of • Kitehener.• cor ing to tb,e British official report At the other extreme we find the young Council when by a ni 't f • • , sjori y o one, it on the ca,mpaign in' Flanders, issued men of German deficent 'who hay° en^ was decided that theme aseessments . Friday night. listed of their own accor d andwhoshould'not be. included. The County rates Widi therefore again be levied on RE-NO1VIINATE PRES. WILSON stoutly resent being called German, the real estate only. , EACH THEsDAy ing they are Canadian and nothing else. Democrats Unanimout and Entinistait- _ . Another. question of large importance . . tic-Amerleartism and Suffrage ' THE INGOT KING which Was..before the Council was the - - , A. former Bruce boy who recently en- Cominittee was appointed 'th look into. :aert: -*The beidoerati3 National Con- - President. Thoin7R.- igaralT111. 'Tit d The Committee business and leaving wife , and children was. nc'w Presente--: ncia 7th TO OCTOBER. 31st (Inclusive) • Tickets valid to return within two • m,Oriths inclusive of date. of 'We. WINNIPEG and return $35.00 ADMONTON and return 4143.00 . . ..Froportionate low rates te other points *ir Manitoba; Stiskatzhewan and Alberta. , Pull particulate and tickets on anplica- eon to, agents. O. 'MARTIPI• Agent, Lucknow. Phone 2 arden plants Iand,FLOWERS • TOMATO PLANTS CELERY PLANTS C.AU LIFI,,OWER CABBAGE Asters, Geraniums, Climbing noses' such as Dorothy Perk. ins,, Crimson Bambler, Fair.' field, Lady Gay,the Blue Rose and a great, -variety Of Other Flowers; ' • Dahlia Bulbs. all Colors. A • limited amount of Home*. "Grown Flower Seeds. . GEORGE JARDINE , Bannockburn .Fruit Farm" R. R. 1, Kincardine. 1420o Lhurch Jubilee at Ripley a.* question of goad toads. . In January, a St. Louts despatches . on Thursday " ' listed at Winnipeg, giving up a good the question anct report, antheir report President, fo-U bYwaocormati n re-nmninated bioaun deethgreat e lur ep.t s' as had arranged with Mr. MeLeanvof the 'saw Inst - to do So, received aletter from 'his par - Government Highways Dent. to be"pres- big 45 minutes when .Attorney --General ents, who say they.do not believe lamer, ent and explain the good seeds legisla- protesting against the sten belied taken tion which he did at length, and cleart Y. and asking him if he thought he Was He pointed out that other ' enmities had doing right in leavinghis wife and adopted the movement ' and not one of children to go to the war, where he them had raised any objections , or tried might lose his life., To this the soldier in any way to Withdraw from it Many replied that his wife and children would People had the idea that it Was an ex- . be better off Without him Under, British pensive system but Mr.. McLean thought rule than they would be with Min under this bad come hos some parts where German rine • : they had no gravel and bad to import It Would be hard to frame a better crushed stone which ran the cost up reply than that. If you are ari expert; considerably. • In a • county like Brice trylt. • I • where they had fair roads to start on 'Diamond Jubilee and church ofening at Huron Church, Willey, will take 'place on Sunday, July 2n& Ilsv. Dr. Johnston, of Montreal, will officiate touting and evening. On the Monday evening followingthere will be a plat - forth meeting, when Dr. lohnston will deliver A lecture, and the local clergy Will give short at:10.430i. Tea will be derVed by the ladies of the congregation in the Agricultural Hall from 6 until 8 deleck. All are cordially invited. A free-will offering ton be taken p On SAbbath and a charge of 260, will be gPade'ett .Monday evening, Mid lots of good gravel the:expense BRUCE COUNTY' COUNCIL virould be very light while 'the roads sitOuld be materially . improved. The . The County Council of theklounty of Government W9,3 Spendieg, large sums Bruce met for the Jane Session at the of money -Whelp- counties in-thidTwor Town Hall. Port Elgin, on Monday even- and he thought Bruce should take lip ing, Jtine'eth. All Menabers were pret_ the qu.estbni_aud get 4ts:-"share -of ent ' money. D.ins,rd, Reeve, on_behalf of . the.... The,niatter_was thoroughlvdiscuiserl. Conned and citizens of Port Elginex tended a hearty welcome to the Council; to which the Warden snitably replied. Tho, members recognized that- the June Session is always a Strenuous one, and got to work at -once : The Road and Bridge Committee..,reported that the spring freshlets this year had dealt very gently withthe County bridges, none of them being seriously damaged, though some had fer a time been inconsiderable danger of being carried away. A Corm Mittee was appointed to ekallf11110 some of the chief bridges and. Make any re. paimfound uecessary. • CoMmunications were read front the Canadian ratriotic.League and from th Belaian Itelief..Committee giving partic- adars d tbe work done and thanking very heartily the Council and people Of Lire County f Bruce i.01r their veil gen• 0'011E3 treatMent of these funds, and for the example they had thereby set , for 'Others. at length and the Council passed a reso- lution approving the stheme and ap- pointed a Coinrcittee toploolt into it' and report.at ljeeember Session., • , • Messrs: 'Morgan, Gunton and Sayles addressed the Council 'pointing.- put: the necessity for a Ohilciren's Shelter in con- neetiph with the work of the. Bruce 'County•Cluldren's Aid Society, and the liability of the County in •such matters under the Statutes. After full consider-. ation it was decided finch ashelter shelter be provided bY the County; and a grant, of $60O a year made towards its nittin- tenance. A committee Was 'appointed to 'look after the matter., The usual nufnber of accohnts were presented for ,payment, and :the uaual number of committee& appointed' toad - tend to 'repairs on Connty bridges.' !the comtniitee appointed to consider the -adoption of the bridge on the Oth, Con of the Township of trailb al; a County bridge reported against its The•Goverotterit Ofacialo notiged the, atioptioat 40(1 tepopt iinto adopte4. Wescott of New Jersey mentioned yiee_derp.w. Wileoh. The Convention (I F Way adopted' the party platform exactly as approved by Preeitient 8011, ainnntintgtatyliperitigromOnaitruetrtralcane.. The President insisted, upon the latter - plank and it was put through, despite opposition: The Plank on Ism drawn by President Wilson said in Part: "We condemn Eto antanees country, of whatsoever nett utility or ,and Combinations of this, descent, who agree and etinepire to- gether for the ptirPolie of ,einbarres. sing,or weakening our goVerliment or of improperly influencing Or 'coercing ourrnpeguobililauew crnepresgantatirf ,s4elligteaploinw3 o . • INTERVENING IN MEXICO linked States Suinnioni All National • Guard to Efolife'r • . • . DOES IT RIDE EASY HAS IT POWER IS IT, ECONOMICAL IS IT EASILY STEERED DOES it HOLD THE ROAD ASK AN OWNER If you buy !be ckevrolet you are getthg a, car that looks like a Sumo car' and that rideslike a $1000 car for $67!. , " GEO H. SMITH AGENT LUCKNOW • Washington advices -on Sunday said: -Prefilderit Wflson to -day ordered. out substantially the entire . National Guard o fthe United Stateclir_tieridee_ fn the Mexican campaign.. It in esti- Mated that the ferce will number 100,000 men. This action wad accepted ' as the beginning of actual interven- tion in Mexico. The open hostility of Carranza generals and civil officials In threatening to attack the evidences of participation by Carranta officers in the repeated border raids inspired the call for troops. , . ' kfuns\ Use Boys, at Verdun' • Fighting again broke out at Verdun • ot Sunday With the Geri:liana on the offensive against a: neW*Vrench goti., tion on Le Mort ilornine and against Prensh trenches north .cif Thitiumont, The Germans came on repeatedly, but Were repulsed everywhere. An, ofilcial statement *Molted in Paris says; "We bete -identified by prisoners taken two fidah divisions on otir. Verdun 'front. The preportiOn of men belonging to the 1910 Clads brotight tip as reinforcer: DIMAS by the Germans. haft Increased • .considerably. We. are able to aiicer- tain the presence of young soldiers. be. ,longing to the 1917 class." - • A I London ,anriourteed Sunday : MAW. Atleneral M. S. Herder Of the, 3rd Cali; • edibleMittel°ril i Prallee, heretofore • retiorted MISS ' 10 illOW illieffiebilly MOO 141112..' . , • ' • . likow...., . EaTABLIZHEDE--1872 THE FIRST STEP toward independence , is a Sav- ings Account in the Bank of Hamilton. The first. $1,000 is the hardest to get, but once a start is made be surprised 'nd h3w quickly your savings - ulate. Will you begin now, or will yotkput it off? 1,-UCKNOW BRANCH, J.A. GLENNIE, Manager. Capital Authorized $5,000,0so . Capital Pald-up $3,000.000 Surplus - - $3,475.000 • THE NOBLE DEAD (Daily News) Ati the casualty listsgrow in Voluine, anxiety inhnialreds of Canadian, homes gives place to the certainty of ,bereaVe- ment, while te thousands comes- the painful news that loved ones are wound- ed or missing. But death for all that civilization holds 'dear is nobler than other deaths. A ' young man Can do, nothing hitcher than lay dowri his life for humanity. Christianity can ask no mere This is the consolation with, bleb .the sorrowing hoMes can:now coinfort themselves. Viewing the heroic 'saerificeof -ciffidere and Men-wlm: -stayed the barbarians with their bodies at -Yprek-strkkeireanadianheartwat-hohte cati say with understanding; • 0 death, where is thy sting? 0. grave, where is,thy victory? In private and public message,/ from the field of battle we may learn of the high regard and even love in which men, and officers, dead and living, held one another.. It is only under the ultimate strees of such a supre'me straggle that men 'dome to know each other; and noth- ing &Mid be more gratifying that snob tributes to the fallen as we have from their, comrade:it and brothers -wild Sur- vived the terrible ordeal. The rank and file are heart -broken over theleas of thie officer or that, and the despatchestell oi men and offiderii who died in defending one another et in trying to reSene *MOO - ed cOMradea under the grilling German arT8'he.danarl' kids wbo-ittve given Odm. selvea kr Canada and tile Ignipire; for 13elgium and ritincej and future gener. taking, have Proved themselves "great itent1e4en, Glefitlertien thltqtaicir Dcgado V. womilisdos. falfrolosasidsifaguarSaRomtegiusiWall~49aoultraft•WP•Paillatr".0 Sh' • • ." • This .different shce store oe- Service .ls here to serve the people . . —not only to sell. sho.:s, Modern Styles. but lo give our paircti : the benefit of 'our years of ex; perience4 to give the very best service and tooffer shcas at as low a price as is consistent with good merchandising. These are the reasons we are enjoying a large share of business. We aim at keeping the very best quality ef shoes at popular prices, • • ' • . ACKERT& RATHWELL,. • .. "A GOOD WIDE STORE FOR AL L THE '. FAMILY" 04.40•0~401•0410404ifthiikimillbuko.40.400beftelsOWIANWRIMNOWhb they have attained to a, deathless fame, to be envied by true:men eVerywhere as long as time shall :last. Even in the •presence of their blinding grief, niothers and fathers and 'wives viaAld not have ad -their heroes do leas than theirWhole duty, orehirk the 'supreme lincrifice on be1nr1ff a Idly cause. Itis neon Snell selflessness as that of einnieti in Flan, tiers that thelonntiation.s of 67ibration are build'ed sure and strong. * MkKINO SORB "You seem to be rather busy." ' "Yes. I'm writing a love letter. I've been working on ' it ..for • inote than an, hour." • . "Why, take such pains?" • • "I want to feel sure that if this late?. is ever read in court -it won't' Make me look like a fool." • . WHY YOU ARE NERVO The nervous systetu is the alarm systent ofthe human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we haven network of nervee; but when 'health Is ebbing, when strength is declin- Ing, the seine nervous ayitem givea the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreaniful sleep; irritability and unless corrected, leada, straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's UMW- sioti is exactly what you should take' its rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feed e the tiny nerve -cells while the whole system responds to its refreib. ingtonig forte, Free Irenkhartnfiddrttgs; iNerna. Verente, Out, DEFEND the 1---7)11-1")VIE 'Every woman knows the discomfort et of dusting- but few realize its dangers. Dust consists of very smal .phiticles o/ niatter:zs-oliie of them finely -ground. mineral substances, and the rest Alley ittoinn. 'of drial..-vegetahle and animal matter. As it is blown through -the air, it.. collecta germs tictd microbes -Of -evEry--descrilitimi, and from all sorts • of places, and settles, still holding 't hoe. a n gero us little organisms, onto floors and carpets. Here it remains awhile, constantly inTegaing frolti more dust falling on: it, and the mi• creben'grow Wu timber. Along collies a .broom -the heavier. 'dirt is swept along, but the fine, gray; microbe -laden dttst'is thrown up in cicalas; to • Settle Ion tables, chairs windoW-leilges, picture iranies, and every other niece that a Minute par- ticle can flinl a rerting place. As it flies, it carries germ & of many diseases along .which are breathed into the lags of the woman who is -doing the sweeping, ,and of children and every- , body else in the house:: . When people are in a very gond phyirical .. condition, ' these disease germ 4 are usual lyauccessfully resisted -Vat when a mnn, woman or child gets a little "run7doven" or out of snits, the body no. Ionizer has pnwet to render microbes harmless, antlthen It is that dust germs carry the 'greata. est danger of sickliest or deatli.. Use Dustbane when you swag') • LUCKNOW HARDWARE /4 COAL 204 CO.. DISTRIBUTORS. 1 tt a • • •