The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-06-15, Page 4-
rituktutni *rata
Wished elfieelleenPrir Moraine
at latetrathor, Oeterlit.
A.,D.AtAMCI1NZIR. Fro itletot
owl rielner. •
konnesnow-trat. Agent
reverence. Fire tied IX*
de guarantee& Ostlir
sallt auw ot the tondo*
A ausabee ot ead tem
I 0.0. Ir. tiekedw'tediteuiSeta every ErttleY
Invabotrat1 0' eaglet la 4,boir elIMP-•
hell West. brethren cordially invite4.
UosriI .Nobe Orttnd. F. tr. Armstrong;
Ties 0=4 EAU Elsner; TU10.8.. Alex.
Bow. 80n; A. 11. WS; MD. Sea.. Or -
old :Lehi Lodge iniOt• o -
every urs47 night oa or betoro the tult
the X880810 Hen. Rev street
W 11.. F. T. Armstrong; S. W..
Devisee; Sec'.;. • W.
4,mok. r. court Sherwood, No. 60„, aitteenow,
meets sveeilast blowsy ot the month v in
ivi Itut Oddiellowli" Hall. Visitiingbrethern
-word/eft invited, to attend. Chief Ranger.
Joint L. itell,Ree., °Secy.. Robt. Graham
•aget,t nolst. 4onnsten,'Treas, D 8.
TuuRsrox., JUNE- 15th, 1916.
know what thg rMane thought of the
death of Xitchener. •
r ;thee; ;Oiler* Petipr;:s7libteat' rave: uozf
tlw had to sat about ic;
..we shall cakily give expesiio to
the feeling *roused by the itetts of
£.04 troy. 1knrw1ode. No. iv. moots o6neee death -a' ,gritri. and Inetifiable
eeeo.;i1 Monday °reach the Calk .
rellowat RAU.' Nestor Workinan, j. Mac. 14,;. %aim ,irag ono • of the.
.DlarmidtPin. Seor../.0. It. Arm:Dace)); Hee., •sv•T "'"" ""-"'" "77' "
*Ore. Go041,00er: 11"OW,Alex, 1108s' mo8t dingeroue end' Moat ruthless in,.
g•Dental, etiPtOro of thio war, has:found dOalli, 0
the hands' Of oultia.vyt: London still
Under the cloud of the had neWs. from
Sliagerrack, may now feel bitter dePte11.-
'tzol, the
hated GerMair feet has ganged thedeath
of the one .men on,whont Great Britain
had set ita hopes for a favorableonteeme
of the iiar." •
That m apretty feir sample of lies and
venoin, The contention Is still that
Britain brought on the wat and that the
German navy Won in the battle near
Skagerrack, , '
it surely would. he an sinful thing for
the world if a nation of, sudelying brutei
shield attain its end of Worlddomino.,
0.8.E0Wf,En, R. ',Mice up
• , etairent 'Button mock, Teeswater. SP .00
1.1 attanone to gold Mates, crowning ono
bi$gework. VigteWroseter Mt. and brd•
Wedn$ay at eachmonth; Horde 'Moro.
. _•
O. :A. NEWTON, •,U D. a.Dentlst: Office
• Atha Block, ..mieknevr. Ont. An modern
methods used. Seat :materials, tarnished:
' Crewniand Bridgework.: :Painless extract-
ion by the nits or the latet kinplest and
wow reinedy,_-.80111NOForiaa. ;Newest
thing In t:ecth. 4,43mitim• elatesa
• 5.,
:If you take a course with us. The.
',...deniatid upon us,for trained help Is
I'many tithes tfie,nimber graduating.
SttPlenta are entertng, etivli week.
Von may .enter it any thne. Write
at once for our free catalogue,
WB want cretin and will pay the
highest inarketpricestfor geed
cream. Sumter .ereaniery and
Cheese .Factoty. Patrons baying
cream during the winter months ,
would do well to ship, to us. We •
:weigh, sample and test each can
of cream carefully that **receive,
and return a statement ofsame
each, "time. We furnish two Mins,
Pay express cithige.1 and bine •
cheques tor for , cream' 'twice each
trial. It will cost you nothing and
.guarastee you.. satisfaction.
'fuer itatthe.r particulars write or
.-send forcans andgive
us-a trial -
The Seafirilt Creamery, Seafertik Oat.
-.A Christian college:hi:limb__
The Grand Trunk Railway
Systsm will run
onteseeliersI Excursions
' • (Inclusive)
. Tickets valid to return within two
months inclusive of date of sale.
WINNIPEG and return -
-EDMONTON and return $43.00
Prcp0rtthnate low ratesto oth
tion. ' • •
Since the fighting became warm it
Ypres recently, andCanadian casualties
began to Mount high, it appears 'thet
Premier Borden suggested to the British
War Office .the advisability of having
the Britieh and Canadian line retirefrom
the Ypres salient. Sir Sam 'Hughes has
alsoissued a etatementr• that while he
was in England he had endeavored to
impress upon Lord Kitchener the advis-
ability of retiring from Ypres.
This lookrs a good deal like sitting up
a whine when the battle becomes hot,.
and puts the country in a rather dis-
wont to olleuott tbs R000toolt.ingo.
TM* hetug the we, it looks 'very
radios though the contest will be be;
tween ffughea and Wiltion, with the
ehenees of auccesaiu favor er TEuCchol it
he gets the bulk a the rregteseive vote.
The'RepOlicifl aPtirrOgredsive coa-
l/641MM limo called tket8eCt at-Ohicaga
at the same tune, 10 the hope thao they
would get together mid lemalinate tlio
eagle man, Differences* leawevert proied
toe wide, •
-;71 trighWilr'letigli type of-litiblio-man
and one of the 'very best andalie servants
the United States leis so. far produced.
TheDemeeretiP Party convention fa
in session at St. Luis, Mo., this week,
, is spoken of as democratie can-
didate but President Wilson
THE sarrt,g,or .11.rmitNto
ThOugli, they new admit far- greater
leases than they at first reported; that
they toned it necessary to retire to the,
shelter of their land defence* and .tha.t
the British still -maintain the 'blockade
• f_theireeaporte, AftnerMani3 ____Altagaifctilp. Ind rsDoyi have
of their greet victory over the • Bntiati
, .
navy on the afterlicien'of May 318t; and
'the Kaiser has gone SO far as to COngrat-
glate his admirals end assure his People
that Britstin.inay no longer'bout of ' be,
ing ""mistiess of the seas" -
The whole World, outside of Germain
of course, laughs at the strange claim' of
33 Manitoba, Saskat_lievian and Alberta.
,PttU particalare and tickets on applies-
tien to agents. -
, 0. MARTIN, Agent, Gneknow.
1,hurAday, 03 504,s,7916
, Kt
rreliSratiOSS are Wing outgo at
Clinton for big °reap eeldnation
0171 4uJy 12 Seveuty five to * tatudrod
15)clges are expected.
11. A. Thomas, who has hoop 0.11,4„
station agent at Ittyth the ps5t
years, has moved with his family to
St. Mail%) where he tidos charge a
A heavy rein and hail storm proud
over Clinton and vicinity on the even:
ing of Sunday, 3 tine 4th. 0014r8 were
,tiOoded and the hail did considerable
damage to garden stuft
then attack owe utud. thot *as mud
indeed and rould uot make good, tittle,
but orOssing into the State of Indiana
round the roads a little better and
the daT fairer, Se we made up Pr loat
time and reached logonlier, bd.. after
runniag WO :Mlles.
571r.spav, MAY
Before Making our atar(1this morning
we heal a -Tight breakfast and finding
parts of the rol4 closed with construstion
gangs working on thee], we had to go
around te few reZ7At "One jTo it
ihre* lig. off our trail about seven mils,
and. at this place we .sortof lost our
and hadto make 50113e inquiues, so
wentioack a short dintence to ask a aro
about it., US Was ea old min, a typical
Yankee. " Be knew the way we should'
take, but he ,could Ant take time to tell
me for -koocking that pew road, the tiu-
coin highway, that Was being cemented.
He Seemed to. be *tanned upin the idea
that, any inconVenienee he • had' put up
..v4h wasplenty god enough for the
neet generation and that improveme 8
• Were very unneCessery. •Why, he eaid,
'We Will be rtestered to death by tbieveir
and robber a from the Coast to New York.
It will not he asare place to live at all
I .felt very l*,f1.‘tIttit 11n7 face had betrayednie in a strange land, but all -these
things got° make up the amusement cf
the trip, and a good laugh shortens the
Way. We drove almost all day in the
State of Indiana, passing through South
Bend and Telparaiso as the most noted
place* crossing the border into Illinois.
Towards evening we passed' just one
mile 4-onth-OrChibitgo Heights and
reached Joliet for night, a distance of
WEDNEsnaar, Mal( 24th. •
Dr, A, 13, Macklin, uf 110ficlich,
ivho, wore. than a year Pin offered his
serrieee to king and eenntr, and has
been rn the "military hospital #t Dub
ho the past year; has' returned hinne,
"Reseal Orderlies are the.inost pleas.
sant Red sure remedy Ior constipation:"
Sold only, at.Rekall Drug Stores, 15c and
_ .
• left Godcriek and gone, to Seattle,
Wash.,where a deugh ter, Mrs. Bon runaal•
lives and Where. the Judge has an
'interest in a fruit firm. Judge Doyle
was 33 years on the bench in Huron
County. He was appointed junior
judge in 1884 and senior judge in
1902. He is 70 years Of age, and by
his long service is entitled to the fullest
victory, la -wonders why the. German euperannaffon ;allowance. •
graceful position 'before the -world, The
,nearedloasay_tba '
ever got up against the real thing in war
they would show the white feather; and
It oo very muc as though ettmelead-•
mg men werepreparedto-fulfill the in-
solent prediction ,_ Thipits the first sug-
gestion from ,any part of the various
battlelfrontethat there iihould be any
such yielding_under Pressure which: is
not overwhelming.
• The Australians -were- for nionths un-
der much worse conditions and sustain -
in F much heavier loenes on, Gallipeli,bilt
initea& of being anxio s to with w,
'they Stoutly .opposed abandonment of the
miterpnee, And -the Canadians actually
'on the fighting line are as good PP their
brothers from Australia. ¶Lhey don't
*ant to yidd an inch, slid it firsaid that
the one anxiety Of wounded Officers is to
get -patched up in Oder that they may
'ref -Ureic) the. trenches Judging by the
lettere from soldiers too they not
afraid to Stand their ground.,/Isn't it
just as well to fight it out where they
are as elsewherel • What sort of conceit
suggested Us Sir Sam that he could wise-
ly • advise latehener and Haig as to
where it wotild be best to make a stand;
and how Could Pretisiet Borden expect to
wisely advise the generals who have
,been on the ground fer nearly two years?
• If in Australia there was ever a, sug-
gestion that:the men be withdrawn from
Gallipoli and be given !something easier,
at kept, wee not given to the world
by the men at thelead Of affairs as has
it/einpared-Witti-Untted -States-Large
. Non -farming Areas
, •
Interesting lectare was given on
,the subject of 'Canada's toren wealth
Dr. J. S., Diame. Saperletendent of
'• the 'Peseta Produete Labotatoritet. be.
• :fore the , Natural' His,tory Societe,
ldontreil.,.. The forests Canada, he
admirals do not come out to "win" an-
other. They will have no trouble in
finding the British ships. They will be
waiting for them.
It wonld'appear that the whole thiog
'Was staged by Germany in order to'en-
conrage the people at home. • A monster
felsehoed was evidently intended from
the first. The German navy would _go
out, fight a battle aim no matter •what
the outcome, the people a Germany
would be told that the navy had won a •
• Miss Margaret Clarka' daughter, of
Lancelot Clark Stanley Tn., was
drowned in the Speed River, near
Heepeler on June. 18t She and a•
number of Mein% mostly ladies, were
in a gasoline launch when it caught in
the overhanging •bows of a tree and
was capsized. All hut Miss Clark
caught hold of the branches and were
later rescued by a' member of boys.
Miss Clark Was 27 yeare ef age.
81)4414 victoiy. So what was pally , _
serious defeat was advertisedto the world
as a victory. It wasn'tnecessaile, to Wait
and. ascertalathe truth as to losses; the
victory -was to he prOclitimed in any eveet:
But the clunisy trick dOes net appear
to have Worked very well, forrathezthan
be branded as liars both at home and ienced very bad roads and a disagreeable
abroad, the authorities ate now • saw=
_day -but teaclied Brantford at 7.30 Pan
tficaTibe ritiropieig. ittigragps was
, ' •
laterestmg Accoliat of a Trip
• By George Potter
Leaving LucknOiv.on the. 17th of May
at 9 a., m., in a driving, rain, we exper-
not reported "for military reasone; and
and that they had reported 'the loss of
rind' ships, now,safe in harbour,
cause rescued British sailors had said
that those ships were lost. So all the
German lies about the losses on both
sides were due to "Military reasens" and
the lies of British sailors. ,
That the_German authorities 'should
• find it necessary to resort to such costly
and•monstrous deception of their own
• people is one of the good signs ,of the
-tithe GSM our viewpoint. - The whole
•affair -r -the battle and the lies prepared
-in advance-,-eas evidently all for "mili-
tary resigns'? and military necessity,„
beiti•done 111 this matter: of the caned-
ikuss:ot;-.Y-Iirea ;
General Vale, reply to Premier llOr-
den was that the Yietts Satient must be
held, and nnalonbt it will; he. .
. "
oxedelned,-.extend .from eflaittle to 111.-E-5IPPIIM. NOMINATIONStheA.tiantic. Bridah Cohn:tibia had • -
ihag the timber in the Dorairdon. Conr., • The Republicanparty of the united
Int east one findslarge termiteist„,„„. i;oeveuthati. at 'Chicago_ jest
%he northern side of the prairie pin. -7 - •• •
viucea while there are good forest week, neudisateLObarles.X._0118heaeOn
landshi northatn-Orifo, extensive! i-ject
areas through Quebec,' fairly wen of the Justices o a r*
• :ca
catered tands in New Brunorwiek, and' gnprente 6titi,, as a candidate tot the
=rather' limited ones in Nova- Scotia • :
and Prince Edward Islam!. presidency. . M.r.ilughetratonce resign -
It should .be. remembered, he satd,
• that the *Montt of merchantable tim;. ed foie the bench and aceePted the
'ter tn Cin.s.aa is only about onealtth nomination. •
to one•fourth of what stillrentaine itt•
• ithe United States and for this .reanan The progreasive party; a bra.ich °afire
' everything. Dateable :mast be .done tO regular Republican party, nominated
Increase Canada's forest resources,. ' •
Canada. 'however, stifl stands third tx-President Rociseeelt for the sante.
among thenations of the *orld as re• office, but ':RposeVelt did mit accept,
Ott, ,the United States second and
garde her forest wealth. Russia comes Nett • her
• -Monday,, thine .1,2
Mr. and Mrs. A. Arnistrong 'Spent an
evening of last week at A. McMullen's.
Lester "Armstrong and friend. Mitre
Beata McTavish, Sundayed at Will Mc-
Mullen's. •
• Privete Ardhie Wilson, of the ,Owen
Sound Battalion, spent Sunday at his
home here, ••
We regret to report that Walter Steele
is under the weather :at present. We
hope for his speedy 'recovery, •
• Misses Christine and Marie Welsh, of
London Normal, are spending their
vacation under the parental roof,.
Don't forget the re -opening of the.
Pine River church on June 18 and 19
Tickets 25c: Everybody welcome.
Quite a: number from the "cOmmunity
attended the funeral of the late. Mrs.
William Welsh, Kincardine, on Thursday
after driving e dietance of 120 miles.
After two days le the citywe started=
our journey on a beantifili Morning and
found the first ten miles of our roa very
bad, but the bale* of the day's drive
;was goad, through':;11tunilion, Oritnabsr
and St Catherinear the greet fruit belt
of Ontario. • The winding, pictuiesque
roadsaround the Mountain and the air
heavy with the pentium of the fruit trees -
Which were loaded with blown' was one
part of our jeurney which will linger
Long in our meniorlea :Regaining Niagara
Falls about 1 p. m., we Made a 'visit to
the Falls for aboat three hours, a sight
:that some Of our party, indudingmyself,
"had never secn. After dinner we creased
the bridge to the American side, where
we found a brick paved road to Buffaki,
a (listen& of 20 mile* and while driving
ao miles per, hour on this pavement
many cars passed ns at from, 4'1 to 60
miles per hour, tied the swish of their
wheels SS they flew past wmild make us
feel as though we Md. a yoke of oxen
compared with the racing mare Birdie
Macy. It takes considerahle time to
get through a city such as Buffalo, with
thajamof antos aaid street ears, but out
route book takesais through the center
of all the cities and cuts down the aver-
age of teileage a great deal., After leav-
ing Buffalo we found cement payment
to Predonia, N.Y., wherewe stayed for
the night, driving this day 152,:wi1es. •
Wattage le Ianath
A (lateral BanIcing Busincss TralifiaCtett
Circular Lette,r$ of Ctedit
Bank Money Orders °
Interest' allowed at higheet 'ctirresst rate
$, REID, Manager.
Price -Complete $67:WY-H-:o,1). Oshawa
Canada's Biggest Car Value
I forgot that this was Victoria Day
until it Was nearly past - We drove
through the western Part of 111. to Lyens
and crossing the 'Mississippi river, over
=Sof the highest mad longest bridges
any bf our, party had ever seen _anti for
which we hadio pay toll for car ...and
pa:slimmer* This bridge is all electric.
lighted at night and must make a beau:
tifid sight We did not, see any large
'math on the river, but there were many
smell -ones. This took Os into the -State
of 'Iowa which hi practically all dirt
roads, but these are kept in geed shape
when it is dry but they are bad in wet
weather. •They are graded .high and
well rounded and dragged. This is, a
great corn 'growing State and taimerti
were ell inisy planting large fields of it.
.Hogs seems to be the chief stock and
:the: fields vrerefidi of thein. We 'ilea
load after lead going to market. It
made me•think of what we call "Pie
"in Luckeow. We -stopeed at De
Witt, Iewe,.for the night, after a tun of
Tnuitaitax, May ,26t11,:
Started out early is the • night had
been almost toohot to sleep, and we ex,'
perienced the greatest heat- ofour.:. trir
but the natives seemed pleased is the
wept nights and days : were just the
weather for corn. . COwing to Cedar
Rapids, we left the Lincoln Highway
and drove in a more northerly direction,
On what is kilo -Wrens the Red Ball trail,
indicated • by the •pests being painted
;white and then a. red ball painted on
them, and at corners where we should
turn the letter L. Or R. for.left or 'right
for our guide. 'We reached Charles'
City, Iowa, e distance of 190
• We Made an early start this morning,
taking p good drive before- breakfast,
and cresaing the Mississippi River again
over a long bridge, but not to, be cern
pared with the one 1. have Mentioned
before This brought ns into SC, Pauli
Minn, at 3:36 p.m., having driven 174.
miles. We could have made. Ole our
banner day for' distance if we hed been
going right through, but we dreire over
to Minneapolis where we stayed Until
Sunday pimping. -••;
SainliDAY, MAY :27th:
• Had' some business to ae in the Twin
Cities, as they are called," so si3ept the
day there. - •
did he decline the nominatioa?
then Canada. lt is estimated that and his filial action w.tiePend iiPon
*beet de per cent. Of the land area the platform or staWMent of principles
of Canada is good tor nothing eleir
hut the growing of trees; therefore the
forest mast be eoneldeted se a ,trop
-erhteli can be Made perpetual and ilia.
imaggey valuable by proper mettRide
The 'belies. of human being will
bear three Unita an 'great. a.. pressure
ne oak, and nearly Its tenth res wrought
WithOut being trushed.
Rate hafted People 'tonally oottesd
itietViters 14000' and 10,080 hairs en
:the *tete
laustrird sprinkled 4n tocto anti
)0014tred , With two paper Oat, Will
AU* 01. itOt 01,0wir
• ),-rt
.• --Monday, June 12.
• Mrs. Setsinith spent a week with
friends in Kincardine. ,••
Rev. Cree is -attending the meeting of
the Synod in London this' week
• Mr and Ufa Wright, "of Kincardine,
'visited at the home of Mr. tfenry Farrell
last week. • ' • •
• • :
Mr. Robert': McCesh, of the Lake
We are aorry to report that Mrs. Satre
net McComb le under the Dr.'s tare at
prestnt and.hcpe to. see lier "recovered
'soon..- •
• , . .
Rev. Kellum, of RipleY, occupied the
pulpitin Knox church On Sundayexchanging With Mr. Gilmore for the
Mr. Walter Moore has charge of the
,n3iik route on'the Durham Line west on
account of the illness of Mr. Pete Mc-
Who is the young gentleman south of
Bervie who,: speaks to -disrespectfully of
our pLay, even calling it the "little playl"
which Mr. Hughes will make in form- surely he hee seen a greet deal of the
aliy accepting the position of Reptiblicae world.le jay„
candidate, If Mr. lieghee statement in • The •first Garden Party in our vicinity
at all in harmony with the °Progressive was last Friday, onthe. 7th. con. The
party's principle* Itoosevettwilleappert weather mu laV-Ored greatlY bis#nit'
thowem, but still all report, eaMite a 600d Ftimonty Ohio, s distane,e of 238 miles;
.. •
thnet and there Was nothing dry abofit outeieligest, doe, rute
it either. Tiose froni direction , • „
whoa/nista in the program were Mits • meNnia.V, AIM(
Lizzie Pair. bfr, and tam Ball. Sir and ,iljd.liot,"ttako vox early start, as it
him; if there in WO Wide a ,differenee, oze *Me Willril°11 rOftWilg
Roosevelt May ace,ept and become a
• • lo
candidate, With a vie* eplitting the
Republican vote alid allowing the re
election of President
This, however, bi Mr.
Flugheii is pretty. retch a 'progressive
Ortli4Offr 114 41,11 ;41141040 to 49k)isto Ptpop Oloott.
We started out early on a very fine
morning and took a 45.niile drive tefore
breakfast, bringing usinto the State , of
Penesyleania, where we had breakfast
at Erie, the principal place in this state.
There is one thing when travelling in the
• If you bur the Ckevrolet you
• getthg a car that . looks like a
$f000 car and that rides like a
$iipoO car for $67.! .
The Bank of Hamilton is nOt de-
--tiotitlie-Tprcisperity- of
an one section -of the country.
• ,It is a. well -entrenched institution
. with branches spread overCanada
,•at each of Which a general bank-
• ing business is transacted. °
Capital Authorized $5,000,000
, Capital Pald.up $3000000
Surplus 43,475.000
. This was another very beautiful morn -
IL 5, 'you can get a meal at any tune oft ing, and very good roads, as there seelie
the day or night in all. the twnis of
,. any ed to be more gravel in this part, • and,
size. for there are lunch=enters and f011etving the Yellow &ono trail 'tidiea.
eating rooms in all, of them.. New York ea by a yellow band painted around the
State has the credit of hiving the best posts, wa.reaciied Ortenville, Minn,_for-
roads in the TT. 8,,, and to merely say the night We got eaughtin a thuuder
they_are AntKi iftnot 4oing'them_itistice,_fitorrn_to,dalkintt7 made_ a distancanf_
as we arta* for miles on pavement and 210 miles, and Only used lights for .orie
, following what ia known as the Lincoln - half hour, as all our trip was made in
Highway, a,route that rims, from New daylight with this mtheption.
York City to San Franciaco, and in it, MoNDav, MAY ssth.
few years it will be practically,a bottle. This Was the last day of °IVA), so
yard all the way. There areeontractors' we startedearly as We wanted" to gei
outfite along the route in dozene of places through before dark. After Crossing
pitting in pavement. We crossed to into 5. Dakota we experienced bad reside
the State of (Alio with fowls jw3t the i
and had to go around in Several places
same, with a stretch ef macadam ,hertwhe_
re the water had overflowed •the
'and there. I -noticed some grain Out in midi. "Wa got duck, but managed to
ead.earlthinkit 7vIepasrye, bsuetdbittrsee:Iugheci lift the ears out without the aid of
horses After reaching the- N. Daketa*
the city of Cleveland, which is a Wadi- boundary, there wars cheering and was.
fill place, ' Our loath lending in and out ins hate and wowing ho,no,es, we had
of it was; grand drive, ' with the most good roads the balance , of ' our trip to
Magrificent homes and the 'best • kept Oakes, N. Dakota, 'leg miles to tiny,
"SWIM you totild find in the beat red-
, ,„ iced in all 1748 mile* After travelling
dential•part of any city. We 'reacaea through those nine States with crowded
eitieS, one begins to realize what a very
small part of the world One place is and
what an insignificant being is one indiV.
Mut& Any of us that feel like throw.
int out our chest ami saying, 11 am the
great / aftl,!/ may go arinkyhack and adOWNbOo i it 14.1'04 11, iv v� ow
Mrs' St4111eY. Mr. Cr% trid *ea raining And kept at it all forenoon,
fitarold Ahnetunt .140100.0?% .b irra effect the toed' foie a few
slobti Patttbaugh, /An cooks wins u to,
V ...if...We
• MI 017 WOO Ofttsl 1044
* '
aillIVIE04" W.011.14.0".4"rti".08°V. 4101014.044."(0*****4104400
Ldi' CI.r AT . POPULAR ' aesFine.:.PRItES •
There are more Ladies' Fine Shoes.s0P At 3.00, 3.5,D '
and $4..00 than any other prices. . We always carry a
large range of these goods and are verY careful to
• select good -fitting, stylish lasts. Wehave exceptional
•.. values in these lines' at the pres..nt time and are al-
ways pleased to shovi; them. •
. • L
that we will be mimed when gone,
Now, yr. Editor, :kindly emote any
grammatical erroraer. Misspelled' -words,
assl was never even kicked' out .of
'back door of a linivereity...' _
• fitneerely yoursi:
0 eo no z . •
. .
.-Monday. hole 12
. Joseph Viiifiert visited 0,t4s.s.....-4/0m4
tiie1:amFrdirliiittey; in nil 0. a business briny,.
Ripley:lest week, .
Mis'Myrtle Oongrato visok4 jy0,1,
and Mint JiilJgan Jt*yrai4
spent tee week end at Mae
Jithe Culbert, has seldliet
horses Itt Mr, 91' Toltqfp, .
'homes (lottgratri aftif won, .W114141 ,;1
Winghitte,•ealled -ort -releti•ves, tarp, id,
,Alex MegenZie, fxreesel,,,,
vitae& with- het father; HMSO, P.11e,o,
on Friday,' •
IlOw la our 1'ar.13 Iti hos obrp71 tv
(Oust of late,. "la lie stela'. iiht«
afraid tort; try. 4014. . ' •
Ina Culbert, AO boa hos
tending .Normal 'Befitted. Itiniff4ie ti
turned to her hone oh the -J. -kelt; .14.uf
iday. • , . • ..• •
floor fierrigan Cois 4 Aut.
rolet, It is r4porteoi the., 010.10:411
of oar fanners 13 gatilno 4 kr;r4' 11
farmers around lieteelfte, Went Oh fit Pit/
o ths 01414, •
aver y
witk 110W 8 ihe•discomfort
ef et tee-. 'fan few real ize ite.dailfters..
,tfti:iettlptif ni,ritti?fl;ini.of;)ivetritye. en11141111 iloattyrItictieoleustird,faf
foul the rest flaky •
:coottat ./irfret vegetable and tildinal
-41 it it -1S-1114W-fi.-throngTiltlEe.
Kit, Prtalleaa getion and microbes of
•Vivry 4•ACri plI88 11181 110111 Alt sorts
81 placeq,•. and. nettles, Mill lit/Ming
• 4040 do ketone lade organistnia,thsto
finqre Kari carpels. 'Vete. it remains,.
e felling oti it, and the Mi.;
1;:ei:iiiisilllitanliliyitiliivio:_rea.1.11,r 'ft:77
o' nlo,ig ii
rftio duel IA thrown up in
• ii.N/f§, likqe Oil bibles, chairs,
;Allure 'rallies, and
fi IL 4.1 USIA ger mniof tutaity.d1 stases
off ?leg ..#111,11 re' breal bed 'Int° Abe '
VCINni uiIIItI 111(1 114 dditig the
cqvir frfe 41111 ofalitithen aliti every!
teolv t•i4P 1i 11110 * •
.1.11/0tt petiole tire lit'e very good
nflwnrol. • infuld inn t11088 disease
kot tit ItflP tranelly,Nuerefinfully reSisted
when 814ip,108.811 II Of Child
‘i•481 1t11.. "run down" Or otit Of •
rinl4; ljle,ito/W 110 !OMNI 11115 thitv'er
tro LAPP 0ii 17110,011110111101111, 1181.1 then
:04n/ fti;1.siti;i itt rrift•:kt
CV,0 ble11144110 whets yoawep
11,4 Oft. 010111110111TORL