The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-25, Page 5y �cll'tlx�ay:.Xvl y .25th,, 016 U in 14044%:1101/1,i 1 4 The awelito"C'Xa; Stores GANA.DA'�/ S FAOR TE DRUG STORES Busy - 'Hardware,- Rape PHONE 06 will: Reliiver.'if'our Qrdea AA Sio4 as: lire IltegOive It re e. leaning, ' Bow ,about 'a 1111e-- • Good .Vacuum Sweeper, Carpet Sweeper,, -Jlnstjess-fit Stretcher, Step Ladder and Wood and Metal Poiis:bes. • • atucday, June 1st, 2ud aiid 3r :Buy as often as you like and 'as much as you like. 'No orif= ers from This' advertisement will be delivered. You can phone r your 'order and have goods reserved till you: call for them. erhaps.. you have a f e* . chairs . or Other _Furniture whichneeds 'a little brightening up. Try a can • of Wood-L'a. c Varnish ' Stain' an.d see what'•a difference° ya$ can 1:nmake ' with very little' expense. h.one We have a large • stock of Window Screens and Screen :Doors' in all sizes and, . styles. Any Single 'Article in • this Advertisement. at Regular Price, Second One . for lc. More ROXBURY GOFFE.E A Choke Blend of Coffee, fresh ground, is lb. 5Oc, 2 for . 1 . Drugs Sc. Pkg. Salts ' 2 for .06 • .,5C-Pkg. Sulphur.: 2 for .06 Sc Pkg.' Borax 2 for .06 5c Pkg. Senna: ':2 for .06 10c Pkg. Boracic Acid 2 for .11 15s Zinc Ointment 2for .16 15c Castor Oil 2 for .16 25c Olive Oil 2 for .26 50c Emulsified Cocanut .51 Oil,.2 for.' 9'u• Yrrnxide._.of IMydrogen`-2(�.., 2.for •v 25o Aromatic Cascara,. • 26 :2 for a • .. • 25c (Jascara GaxatiKo Tab -26 'lets, i for .• 25c biz. Aspirin Tablets 26 • • (Genuine) 2 doz. (Only one lot to a customer) • 25c per2 100 131aud's •Tab • ..2�. lets,for' Statjon.ery 25.e Pkg. Paper and Enve-' •.26 ' lopes.2 for • .,.. . '. DOC Pkg., Cascade Linen, 24 Cor-' respondence Cards, . 24. 'sheets Paper and 48 Envelopes 51 • • 2 for. ..a• 10e Pine Linen Envelope's •, • 1 2for • lOc Copying Ind▪ ell.ble 11 ' Pencils, 2 for ..... . 5c Lead Pencils,72 for. .06 IOc'Quire Linen, writing 11 • paper, 2, for......::'. 5c Business Envelopes -6 2 -for .....;, .. Household : , Goods. • 15c Bottles ' Flavoring Extracts, vanilla, lemon, pineapple; 16 etc., 2. "for• - lOc P.kg. Spices, white and black Pepper, Mustard., Ginger 11 Or Cinnamon, 2 for IOc Nyals_ Fly fads,: 2. for 11 10c Antiseptic Gauze -Band- 11 ages, 2 for. . . • 25c Medicated Skin Soap,' .2ii" - 2' for U '50cScissors, 7 inch, cai•bon- 1 ized steel, 2 for.: • J 1 10c Doz. Fruit Rings, red or white, 2 for ...... • 1 10c Turkish dyes, 2 for .•k 11 ' 10e, Diamond Dyes, except binok; 2 -for', •.11 15c Snap .Hand Cleaner, 2.' 16 tor, -.• 10c. Rolls Toilet Paper, •2 Red Rambler 2 .qt. Hot 'Water Bottles Regular $2, 25 • • 2 for 2:26 Toilet Preparations Pure Dutch . •,10cCake WilliannsShaving 11 . Soap, 2for.'.: . 25c Alniond Cream 2 for '•26 256 Tooth Paste, 2for j::. '.2' 6 bc' ail Scrub 2 for.:. tl Roxbury Fountain=; Syringe, 2 qt, good red rubber reg. 1.75,.. 2- for 1.76 1Oc Sewing Machine Oil; 2 4:1 - ' for .. 25c Auto 'Metal Polish, 2 � 26 :fpr 254 Whisks, 2 for'. 1Oc-Pumice Soap, 2 for... 1..1 26 10c Pk . Absorbent ;Cot- 1 1 ton, 2 for Specials NYALS 25c' Healing'Salve 25c Eye Salve.• . 2-5c-Carbo-Witele. Hazel - 25;c Carbolic Salve - 25c Corn Ifemover. Any .2 for .2.6 25c' Witch Haael-Cream,-2' 26 for 25c-Dressidg,Gorribsi .2 for :26 • 25c Tooth, Brushes, .2 for X26 75e , Toilet •: Water -Rose, , 76 Viokt; Lilac,'etc., .2- for • 50t . Romera Cold Cream, 2 : 5.1. for _-.- 50c Romera Greaseless.• 1 . $1.00 Sy>eiip„ 11ypophos- .01 Uream, for... .. phites, 2 for 11 6 •`25c • Svruaf I+sr 2 fir C�� COCOA Auto Supplies, Port. land `'Cement, . Wire Fencing and Netting cLEOD & JOVN A- high grade Cocoa, put up specially . for Rexall Stores' and of Rexall qual ity, reg. I Z lb. .. Pk. 2 5,er 2 for-,_ Successors to Bell St : McLeod THe COUNTRY GARDEN. PARTY] articles of historical interest and.rnGemen- . toe of 'bygone days, in' endless numbers and variety, all correctly - labelled with , name of owner, age and facets of; interest: Those incharge of this small museum,: who might be dressed 'in..00stumes of "ye olden time",.would exact an adniis.` Ston fee from all would-be sightseers. 'A • large tent might be used for this.exhibit. Bright music and a social atmosphere: should be provided, while•a few bright - people might make it:•their Sole duty to go among the people keeping them in - good humor 'ant/ helping them Io realize what .a good.. time 'they, were having•' ,.. This last factor I would again -emphasize as most necessary: if we would entice the . elusive coin from their pockets and send them hi me happy in the thought of how' Unselfishly (?),they had contributed to a: ,- good cause. - Patents 25e Nyale White . Lini . 2 ° . went, 2 for.....:.. 6. 250 Good gamaritan Oil; QR '2 for , •• 25c Compass O11, 2 for 20 .25c Camphor Cold Cream, • '9 . • • 25e Cocantit Oil Shampoo, ;' 2' for, . .... ... .26 '25c Rose Talcum,'2 for. '26 • • 2bc Violet Talcum, 2 for ..26 . 2irc Sure Cure Col; 'Fes ' V 25c. lb. cans Baking Pow- . ^f6 • der, 2 fora !� 10e Pkg. Jelly Powder, • 2• 1 1 for ' • - 25c Bottles Pertume, 2 for .26 10c Clear Gum Nipples, 2. 1 s1 • for1 25e White. Ivory Soap '26 •Boxes,•2 for. . •' : !r l0c ,Nyals Straw Hat. ...Cle.rner; 2 for. ' • : • 11 25c holding Waste Paper .26 Baskets, 2 'or, . 15c_Snapshot Albums ° .16' 2 fur.,..... ••... • .. 10c Rolls Crepe Paper. (any 1 1 • color) 2 for : "10e.Fotintain Pen t'nk, •2, for' 11 25.9 Pennants, 2 for .. •_ -10c Silk Flags, 2 for . .1 1' Srokers 25c Tins Orinoco, 2., for .26 10c harmony Cigars; 2 for .11 .1Oc Marguerites, 2 for .11 10e Bachel'ors,_2_fdr_LT.:. ., too Biwristers, 2~'ftsr-•.1 r" : 50c- .Rubber- Tobacco Pouches;, 2 for 4 P • iOc 'Drawing Pencils; ,2 for 11°' ?Sc Menthol Plasters; 2 -tor .26 . 25C. Red- Cross Plasters, _ 25c Strengthening,Plaster • 2' for :26 •NYAiS• 2;ic Little Laver Pills . -26ie 'Buchu .Juniper Kidney ; Pills -' 2rie Stomach 'And Liver Pills .25c Yellow,Pi is . '25c Baby Tablets ..• . °Aly :2 for .2.6 '•NYALS� 2;ee 1'acd 'Cream' Soap -:.:5c Tar Soiip ' . 25b Sulphur. Soap° -Any. .2 for: -.26 Good Reading 501I"Reprice 2 •ftnr G-1 25c Books, 2 for .20 • ` 3bc Books, 2 for .3(1 " "��`2 c 3oys' 13boks �i'fiiF iii ,tis Iinoks,2 for .26 8c Children's War School Edition . 2 : fa .00 NYALS. $1.00 Spring Topic, 1 00 'Sarsparilla 1 0'0 Vegetable Pi eseriptron 100, Celery Nervine • • '100.1-1air'Restorer „ 1.00 Blood Purifier - ' `1,00 Rheumatic Cure 1.00 Hyeophosphites with Wild. Cherry. and Creosote • 1:00 Digestive Tonic 1,00; Cotnpound Syrup of Hypo- ' •Phosphites ' 1,00 Veterinary Col'ie Ilehiiedy 1 00 Veterinary Spavin Liniment Any 2 for 1.01, 2, fur..... , , ,.26` 50e Sage apd.Suipliu'r hair' 'Restorer, 2 -for' ' •�1. 25c Nyals Tooth Powder, 2for,. 26.. 35e H.azeline SSnow, Co .:Bream, 2 for .. ,.•ld ..:. '•36 25c Nyals '.Red Rose Cream, 2 for .26. 25c yel.vetinee, Face •Pow - der, 2 for... •26. 25c'Ingrarns Velveola Face Powder,.°2 fun ....:.., .. 250 ,French Jibe, Powder, ,for . .:26. 500 Massage Cream, 2, for'.1,0c Pullers 1 Earth; 2 for... ..I 25c Tleoinas lslectric 0i1, 2 P, 2 for 4 06 lOc \lecfieaieientuiu, 2 for ;h:1 Perfume, 1 oz. botfes, 50c Kidney Palls; 2 "leer. oders . .S I..51 1 Gc FaceeIrruiirns, 2 -for 250 7-euoleuiu ,Lice Killer 2 .16 for •• .26 6 25c Stouiach and Liver Rills..2 for. 15c Sweet Castor Oil, 2• for a.... r........... °25e Wild Strawberry, 2 .26 .16 ' for .. . • • • 26 25c Corn Cure;. 2 for. . 26 25c. 'Syrup White .Pine -• • and Tar, 2 for.-...... !�V $1.00 Beef, •• Wine and. Iron, 2 for 1.41 25b .White Liniment,' 2.26, • for' . . ,., 25c Aromatic Castor Oil,. CSG+, 2for ....�.' ,:. 25c. Chamberlains Salve, -2 for •.26 30c" Milburns Rheumatic - 51 Pills,. 2 for • • $1.700 :#l. an al:i.n. Ilyspep- sea Remedy, 2 for..• 1.01 $1.00• Na:Dru-eo Sar- .1 O1 sparilla, 2, for - ti $1.00 Campbells Quin- '1 ir. 'Wine 2 for 1 5c Oei nge Stick for ... .. i .. X26 '50c Ebony •Mauicure Pieces, 2 for........... ,...: ..:51 25c Men `s' Dressing Couins, • Z 'lorN . .26 25c Powder' Puffs, wont pr • .. . down, 2: -for . ...,°..s•°.,..16 25c-Nrti1;.1'.otisl4 2 -for ..< ......x,.26 25c Cuticle Remover', 2 for .26 25c Golden Balm, 2 'for..: 5c .Greens Augdst 'Flower, , .76 •.26- (By Aunt Jo, ii the Canadian Countryman) The Annual Deluge will soon be -upon us. • O f,,what? you ask. ;Why,, of garden. parties,. lawn fetes,lawn socials' and all kindred gaities to furnish an evening's entertainment and incidentally to gather funds for some worthy -object, Now, I am thinking of it, I believe this, the mone -makin: `feature of the function is the most important thing irr,'connectiotr with the affair. Especially this `year,' when there are so many calls for help, it. is fitting.. * shonld_make every effort to swell -the col%rs.and=make .our .Social affairs as great a success as possible in a monetary way... - -'The first •requisite is. •that we, secure the right•place to hold our party If at a home, •let it be a well-known, popular :home,, with nice grounds, centrally locat- - ed. To secure the attendance I -have 'unbounded•faith ini'advertising. • In the' local press; bright, spicy announcemE nts,• by telephone, in every possible'way, •ad- vertise-and again; -"1 say ADVERTISE., Next, .spare no .pains in decorating. ' Flags, bunting,: Chinese lanterns,' mottoes, may all be utilized: It is wise to have a very energetic lighting committee; that :there. may beprovided a number of Large Iamps,. .lanterns; etc , and the groundswell light - ,Ail the afore -mentioned add tar ,gay appearance, help to .:put the; people in a f.stive mood, and are very effectual in .helping to loosen' the. purse strings.' The methods of raisinginoney arevar- led. course it y ould not be a garden • party without ice-cream for sale, and this may -lie served- in ,renumber of ,wayys;.. 'cones, plain in,dishe's,, and. if the ladies will spare some canned fruits, with the addition of ground 'walnuts,. .yon may have most wondrous cotifectionsq • called sundaes,` David Harunis;'or any ,other high-sounding. title, you... may ',choose,h . arging• for service, of - course;-im • pro portion to'the length andlofty •ring of • "the name.given. ' •• Iotne-nhade oandaes are always in, de- man ' an• many o our gir •• are exper s Rt this work.- In addition to: boxes: filled;• it is well to :WA, a • number . of •small -paper bags holding the amount you' can•' •profitably_sell for..five cents,, These ap• peal to the -kiddies and you can dispose of -an--unliniited-truthrber: • Tor. 25c Fluid Magnesia, 2 for 10c Ingrains Toothache Stopper, '2 for .11 JOHNSON'SND TOILET , A $ABY POWDER 13ks ' FOR BABY AND ' ' BET. FOR -YOU' . The Pato Toilet Powder that ' it is possible to snsourectur• • 26C.. •.tiohnston's Baby - Talcum y, Powder 2 •fur .26 NYALS. 25C' Baby 'Laxative 250 Teething Lotion. • • - 25c Soothirit,Syrup • 25c'Teething .Syrup Any -2 for ".6. - 50e Nyal Preparations and Item- edies Any .2 tor .51 .-25C S'YNOL, SHAM POO for .26 Garnet Arm ong IHURON COUNTY NEWS •`�' ' ThedentaF°praetice of the late Major - • Sale, of Goderich, recently'killed. in ; France, has been bought by Dr. H. G. MacDonald, a recent graduate of the'. Toronto Dental College., Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Blackliall,•o-f., - Wingham,' announce the engagerhent, of their, eldest daughter, Iva Jean, to Mr. Arthur C."Riley, B. A., Toronto, son of Mr.. and Mrs. W. Riley, Lon- don, Eng., the marriage to take place quietly,'ie; third week in May, - At 'a recent *meeting of the 'Clinton Town Council, it -as decided to order .. a tank ear of oil to be used on the principal; streetsof "the, town instead. of water as formerly. Al. the principal streets of the town ;are macadamized, and it is expected that'the oil will not only make the the streets' .dustless, but. preserve the road as well;. Reran Orderlies, keep t11e bowels reg--_ . ular and Healthy. Their action is gentle, :wild and soAthing. Sold only by. Rexall' Drug Stores, 15c. and 25c..boxes. JL G. Ariirstron$, • • , - ' "Trooper" Col. L. Molloy, who lost.' his eyesight while serving in'the Sputh African war, Mast gave a number of addresses in aid of . recruiting throughout Union County. Molloy' vas-a-bright-student4-nb-a` -when A tent with a. strikingly worded. sign he. wont to the wax and he is now an over the entreepe,. heralding to . all who eloquent 'platform speaker. His ad- • react thatrwvithiti7the: `m=ystic -portals -the- ares • .s ar g very highly spako f int past, present and future will be unfolded by a member of the 'Gypsy tribe, has proven a• money-niaking scheme. usually. The one or two young ladies in charge should be dres§sed in Gypsy garb of bright 'color:; and shining beads, and: the tent fitted up to correspond., 'Phe girls should :be ready with bright fortunes to disdlese to those who dross their palm with the magic coin, five, or ten cents being ..the tax.; All being fun, ,of course; which no one believes in, but all enjoy. "Rebecca at the Well" may •be another fair danfsel, oriental:OOsttitne, dispensing lemonade front a vessel cleverly sunk to a rockery, built to imitate a well of, Biblical days A'platform scale where for "a nickel one may be, weighed, 'and many other., original features may be introduced.' The writer recalls .one sticlratl'atr where a large front room in the dwelling wars 'given up' totttteithi lt'iotitlf cur%s,idles, favor of a chair. such summaries of them as: we have seen indicate that they are of a high,: order: The Huron Old Boys', Association - of Toronto will run their 'annual ex- • cursion this year as usual, with the difference thatinstead of leaving the excursion to Goderich -and Kincardine-` it will he to 'Goderich and Sarnia. The., ' ehango is made to ace urroodato tho people from the south part of the county. The excursion was not run last year owing to War conditions, but itwas greatly missed by many of ,ilio' members. • The election held in Berlin, Ont,, last Fridley to decide es whether the,nanle 'of too.,eity should be changed was , ° very' exciting one. The 'vote teas alt • • 4• • 1' •