The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-05-18, Page 4Nee 4 *iii a "Va.4)==m) kioNS, Ind., 0004 "Ire spa marling. tTiff ,$.1.114,03),Aimeim k.ew.thiti Agent 311tazen srarlever linos et letturaliee. Fire andldfo slasS oomP4nies guarectecd- Only t saint in latekriow ot the Tairialm *teal. A numbcr. of village etel Rana , peel:stales for aalc. 1 Q. O. Y. lareltnew loclomeete every Friday Afeoning ot.ti,Q, Clock in 1,11011+"fialls. Lin.bat street. All brethren cermellY invitee. i1siteers:,-Noble CiratAl, if. T. Armstrong;- -.1,-..t.c.7,;:.tr.-;ca.1-4i.„,...1.„kz.,. RGS5;14e, Ce.,• A. U. DoSi Fin-ftcY., be. Pate:leen. IShe:r4141140111 ovary Walsh% mornialit Ontario.. • p, 1:440gE1iZAB, t*tor, • and:N.00r.; ]AT .l8t1". 1010. THE RESOLUTION RE -"-12.14IUOVAI. cl`air:OLS The Liberals who refused to vote with A TI 0 141110K be considercid, ',liberals spoke in favor of the resolution, Censervativea opposed it.. 4fter tlietepceebett camethe vete. But lb Wes not a itraight party vote. Neither leader took all of Itis usual following with him. The motion to pats the rea. elution% was defeated by 107 to GO. EleventUberalls broke away .frorn Sir WIlfred, and eigirt Conservative's voted aginit• true tirliiceof Btaillenw' sozernrici. WHAT CATARRH IS . been said that every third' person bas catarrh in §ome tam. 'StzkueOhas shown that nasal catarrh" Often indicates a general, weakness of body; 4n4 Iota treatinent? m . the form of snuffs and vapors, do htti.0,.! if any good, ' cOrroct catarrh .191141,301 treat ne. cause by enriching YOUr blood verth the iit-SerWs•40ittiCion-witielk-Wa. ,t medicinal food free. harmful drn Keen interest vas iliNre op r g Amami)! 8e- . „ ec 31. It• 0. 014 l'Alce meets Sir NiTilfred for the resolution, were all ' gigy Thursearight on or beano the tau eat tne country Mat "Weelg. ill a, vienaw. , cicala& DownekTereate.+Putp i the s es deafen Havelock street • '.western -Men, with the exception of. Ur. • n T..ou:sekanrotwIn.;+.41:*):10...rk."3.,TD.Armavisosutroo.snget4. which took place Jii_the Ifeibsopt Cous- Truax.,,,menaerAr_soto Bruce.. The - • .- racon---on,-- og--404tVoksoi,-catives-Isbo; roted-bs ..the „ 1 , V. F. Court elterweed, No. 50, lareknow. . xneetseveryiast igonday or the month in in the ikideellows' Dan. Visitiinchrethern, !cordially invited to attend.: tohiet Danger, . John E. Deli, Rea. $ecy..,, Rot, urairam Pin.iseek ,itoot 4,oreasnin, Trees, 3) It. .40:tipw..i.sticknow•tiodge,,f iskineete scce.A Mender oreacb month. in oie. 'odd.- fenowie Hum,. master worionan. Mac.Diermid;Fia.Seey....D.B.Maelnteshiltee. • Secy. • Oco. Vetter. wrens .. Alex. Ross. • ,Atatant0 . ',. 4 i)eutat ' Cfrgf- FOWIXR, .fl; D. S., IL 0, 4. Office np. stake bi-Bettoalilook. Teeswater. Spec attention te_goid, plates,. ,erowelnu.'"ned bridgework. visas liVroxeter 1t.. and 3rd. NY,n.st.:+1aY of each -month; Portia Thur. ' 'G.' A. NEWTON, D. 0. E., Dentist, Office Anin Bleck.-1.40new, Ont. All 4noclers • methods .used. isest materials ternisbee, .0rown and Ptidgewoilg Paiole4s (name+, Ion by the use..of the .intest, _simplest' and • safest ,repiedy. 8,011.1NOFOEX. Newest thing in artificial teeth: Aiumium platesd non breakable - • CTRAI. sTRATfo,rip. ckwr. -YOU-CAN 'SECURE A POSITION riu take a course with us.. The ' demand Upon ner, for trained .help. is tininy times the ramber 'graduating: Students are entering each week/ ' Tett May enter at, any tinie. Write at once for our free catalogue, •• + •• IX Mcf.ACIII.AIN, Principal.. CREAM WANTED WS want cream and will pay the highest Market PriceS:for gocd cream, &Hamer ' Creamery and Cheese Eactory Patrons hiving crehm,during-the winter- Months • would Act well to. ship to ifs. We , Weigh, -Sample and -.test 'each can • of cream careftillythat vii•e receive, •and return a statenient Of -same each time. We furnish two cans, pay express' charges and issue -• cheques for eream twice each month. Write 'us and give us a trial., it will cost you nothing and ' . we gainestee, 'you satisfaction. For further . particulars write or , -send for .cana and-give•ns,a trial: The Seaforth Creamery, Sealinfli, Ont. French English schools in the •province ea6lution, and. against be Prime Mtn Ontarki., „ • ' aster, are Freueb-sPealtlng member! from ucatiela I Matters' in th .As ed le conlitry .the province of Quebec.. ; ahe apeechea Oh the resolution were are Fntifely under 'control •in the all or a hio, Qraer provincial legislatures, it is gelendilrfell ..statesnianahip, 64 to us • it leeks very that tli,) discussion of the. matter was much as though :the introduction of OS .altogether out 'opiate lathe House of. rest/dim' waarjRt a move in the tome Gemnioni, and it is of no small 'interest of politics --a bidding for the pro-Vreneh . • •. to Wad* AS to -Whirit-Was-introduced vote of QueheC,' •, • , When it was argued there • : that the resolution , • • • ' . as 't WAS out Of order Sir Wilfredheld that it .For months there lias been agitation wnotomel stated that several tinies of this goestion Of bilingual Schools in since be becamenoinembei of tip 1101190' Ontario. The agititeti, however, are :resoltitiOnefavering Home RuIa in [re-. • . • t"• .1: land hadbeeli SUllmitted' , diScuaSed. and not Ontario but Quebecpeople, Y4.10 Onq voted upon.. telieveithatit was the might suppose,:Woeld do Well to mind __. • ._- •late Prof. Goldtvin Smith:Who' ilia to - their own edneational affairs and allow • , say that those Irish Home Rule resole - the people of Ontario to look after tbeirS''. Lions Were merely bids by the party That, however, is not enough for the introducing them for the Irish vote in aggressive Freaeli-Canadian element in Canada. That appears to be about the Quebec, whose first concern appears to be truth of the matter; and there is little nursing andentoagement of the French doubt but that this resolution favoring ; language not only in Quebec but through- bUingual sehools-m.Oetario as intend - out• ed as a bid .by -Sir Wilfred and his !Thttre6o°elanuttrY'de.bate in the' House Of French followers ter the .Quebec vote. Commons was precipitated by the intro- It connnitted thein to nothing, while it •duction of a resolution- by Mr. .Ernest • gave the party orator's an excellent opportunity to show and express' Byre - Lapointe,. a French-Canadian member, patlay for a eause very dear to the: ex - the principal part of which read as fol- lows; . treine French Clement in Quebec. Had • • That this House . . while fully- 4the desire been to do, anything suh- recognittngthe. principal of ;provincial stantial for the cause of bilingual schools : • rights and the necessity of every child in Ontario,' the matter woutd have come' beinggiven a thorough English educe- up some timeagb in the form -of a motion tioa,•respectfully suggest to the Legls. -; to disallow pe 'rtainy4Ontarier legistation , lative Assembly [of Ontariolthe wisr a-Oiki of making -it clear that the priV, lieges Of the children of French par: -::which is held to affect adversely the teaching of Freneli in the Public schools entage of being taught their mother of the province. But that would have tongue be not interfered with. . ' raised a storm in Ontario • Oa 'resolution doesn't. mean verv As it was, when . the :resolutign was 4meammiimememele _11..YEARS'OLD, : Itade'Stiong By Vinol , , 0iiienviliekilS.:c..,—Kiiialit Others. to know of*tissest benefit 1 have de- rived I am 81. yearafold • • andMinet„.bas given Me strength; a healthy appetite and overcame nervous- • neu.It .is the beat - ionic reeon. +1 stricter ever =ea.'? Mrs. M. A. • • Mid is a .delicious cod "flyer and Aron tonic 'without oil; guaranteed to • Oveticeine run down, weak, devitalized - &Wiliam; and for chronic 'coughs A. M. Spence,. Diaggist • LuCknow. , . , • A Christian college-honie, heiltliful situatiOn. TOWTOPPe%Cble.*Itei+ii'rgetbei'4nc:ipal SaMisinerALA.,,140.St.7.24) Ont. tit Here! Ottio d Seeltt Was fair and laav411 and they played the. To.iicr with rde-eivil= lane while it lasted and admitting deteat when the situation hecatne hopeless. It ike.Germana were the right 'kind they weold, not cempIain of their wTpenand childrep bcing starve,d, for the German nulltarY aothOrlties, and not the British, are inflicting the stovatiee., • ' • much -not. nearly- so much', as men introduced, Sir Wilfred could be very theughis while the debate was under way and the newapapers were - reporting ,the proceedings. It is merely a suggestion to the governinent . of Ontariejust word Of advice. -Many who were .not able to follOw Up the Subject and make a studyef it, got the identhat it,:meant spine very decided interference with the - recognized ttighte of the9rovince, Or even the disallowanee of SOMe legislation already passed. : • • . 'Alien' the TiglatitiOir WfIS intiodnced Mr. Knowles, -of 'goose Jaw; 'chained that if was Out of *order; the subject her' in outside thejdrisdiction-of the :House - .REGULATION 17 w16 is known that feature Of the Ontario school 'law whieh bas excited the, actiiiity of the Quebec champions,3f.bmlingual sehdols in this province: In view of all that bas hcen, said of it recently it Will be infer; esting to know jut whit it is.: j'yhe portant features of it are:is follows: ,4F irons pesition for both mon and much erodit j duo Pte. Watson for bis time' ly aid. The horse Wari 44sily landed alter sPonding two an I a hairitosirt in the water, OKOD 011E4W GAMIN -0Esrns The death o W. 1.1.Perrin, 41Y0 tbe. CHO' tQU.11Tew8o Calle tO mind the faet that I o WaS the Is of a trio a grain buy Clinton farn us as a, .grila eoritre. • the early -70 e grain from us far north Is Teeswater and as far smith as Ese ter feeti4 It,way to Clinton -niarlie4.4. and-- the. rary was the scene of Much eompetit ion.. The ,lryers at that tine were Rich. Irwin, Thos. Stanbury and .W. H. Perrin, all deceased, TOese', men bought and seld Or* thele owl". behalf, alick'Whila•tbey.• at times made money, thikrunfortunate fact bas. t!),- bp 'record ed that each died comparatively poor% At that time there was great competi tion,betweenSeafOrth and Pliziton as Sebject, in tinicaSe•of each aebool, , the. direeticia and approval Of the cluefinspector, the following modifi- eatmes shall also he made in the course of Study the end separate shoos: .„ • (l) Where neCe.ssary in the case of • French-speaking pupils, French may be used as the language of instruction and conimunicatioe; but snob use of • French shall not be continued beyond Form. 1, excepting that, on the ap- • prove' of the 'chief inspector, it may also be used as the' language of in- struction arid •cOinmunication id the case of pupils beyond Form 1 who are unable to speak or understand the ngis language. • Section .4.-7In scheols where French .has hitherto been subject of study, . the public or separate sehocl board,as the case 'may be; may provide, under the following conditions, fOr• instruer • tion French reading; grammar and , composition in ma For1.to 4 in addi- •tion to the subjects piescribed for the aqd separate sehools. , Thii faineus regulation, it appears, aqui & made by the Ontalio Legislature in June At thattiine it w4s discovered anent In his appeal the People of • Ontario fo' be more considerate of the °' 1912- ' French scheolohildren, without provolcthat in a number of school; in French '-' ing serious ,anta.gonism. The Govern - met -that( is PremP ier rden and his fellowing-could net sup ort the resojii- tionstithotit administering a slap in the .face to the Conservitive government ,of Ontario, while to 'oppose it niealit offend- . mg the Freneli of Qnebec.... settlements practioally no . English was being•taughtf ThW In feet, ere ere. in-' stances which the teachers could, scarcely talk English; let alone teach evident aiin of the regulation was to make English th." principal langnage Of all the schools in Ontario, while, du Tiltadday, May 1916 a Market, and buyers often paid a cent, or two more a bushel than the in' arliet warranted, thousencis of bushel, often being Marketed in a single „ cla.y,. while here,isbardly this mtleh handled in a whole season now. Mr. W..G. Broad feotnow and for tame years a red, dent of Triekertimith, was also a grain buyer at that time, he purchasing for Fairs' mill, • • • WILL THE PRICES LONTINUE? , •••••••••• Is the farmer, justified. in believing that the firm tone of the horse market and the present high. prices for live stock test upon a secure foundation? May he 10* forward with any gonddence to the next season's or next year's market? Should he prepare, as against an adver- tised shortage and high, p1 ices or all classes of farm animals, by breeding a larger number of mares or.of cows, sheep, hogs and poultry? We are confident that the farmer has never been in a more secure position than the present, as re- gards- the- extension of his breeding operations, but, to enable him to form Anorti easily his own copchisions, the folloWing facts are submitted: • • '• itoitsEs ' Since the outbreak. of the War, the Bridal Remount COnunission has pur- chased irk Canada' 15,000 horses. • 8,000 have been b,ought by Preneh contrr arils and 25,000 by the Canadian Department a Militia. • The Department of Militia. is 'now .engaged iwbuying an additional thousand head, .The Rritish flentount Commission. has purchased over '700 since, Match and is baying daily* tin II on - tree!: French contractor's are anxious to obtain supplies and are arranging to • Verily polf.ties is a beautifnl- game; French districts, the Freuch language andSir Wilfred seemsto be "some sheuld also he taught to some'. extent. • ', player" i • But for our Art we shotdd Bat there is an element in Quebee-which* think ,more highly of hini iehe •didn't aims at wtiluig short JA 'pitting the -try those fine .half -dirty tricks -There French language On an ennal feet* with of Coninions:,_ This itself incited a sharp. _iS altogether tae .nitieli pandering .80. and :English even in Plitario: Their evident little debate Which showed the stand the bidding for the vote of that narrow ultra + ain't is to. preserve for all time ttAir little party leadere.we,re likelY,ta take „on_ the French_ elsailent.: it, is that Which givet,„ French nttion within Canada• . ' . . . regretthat the resolution should he in: that Mr Truax had the back bone to ...—. resolution. • Premier 13orden : expressed it Maine' power. We are glad to see trcidncectind suggested that 14-1.,.:Lap'oint vete against his leader on the occasion. , HURON COUNTY NEWS I do notproceedwith:it, andhe advised His action and that of the western Lib- . . the Speaker (Chairman of the Muse of "erals.vylio Voted against. the reaolutie ' ' ' . °Opinions) to take. a d'ay, to consider, as will miggest • that such pandering to a Viringhain, wi I be granted four months' to whether or not the resOlution • wriain . fanatical and unpatriotic element Cermet order. •lie-aPpeared, hewer*, tO 'be of lie done Without riSk of -losing as ii,rich , . . vacation On account of'ill health..., .. At the .close• of a recrui ing meeting beld kit Week at the little villaj". of the resolution wee, in order, and appear- I.. 'seven youug men offeltd . . FOuD aCARCITY IN 1/ a'Pcist°." e Provincial Constable Phippen, of oPiniOn'that it was in Sir Wilfred an\ in Rained: • -`• ' . 1;iiiirier spoke briefly inaintaining that * • • 4 ed-anxionethat become.. the themselves for enlistment.. * . subject of 'debate. . • The day following, the Speaker ruled Stories of the:searcity Of food in Ger- -.WON THE Pft.IVC.. -The prizeof$10 oftered by Magisti•ate Kelly, Gocierich;• that the resolution was in order.' Mrnieny have ,been reported With a good to the person suggesting , the moat •..member. . for 'East deal cif regnIarity for the Past twoniontlis • • f h 3 Efis• tings, objected eiid at)PeAlea- to the These. Steriei May. , or, may not be true appropriate name or t e 1 1st Batta: , House againlit the riding of the Speaker.- i• • • . • • • wasiwOn by. Dr? W. J. R. Holmes., e Germanssreclying out anout t4 co in! •ty Treasurer, Goclerieh, who One hendi-ecland. thirty nine 'Voted to - ;British, :by • their • blockade .operations, names them The ilurOnsl. As sav:-.. upheld the • Speaker :and, nine voted .aainat his ruling-r-Inat hithe nitre voted Starving the Women and children of Ger- erarothers seggested the nanie 'name, .the pike wits given by allotment. • bi% #olmes generonsly handed the $10 „over'. to'tbe War Aukiliary. ratexall ".93" Shang:a:to Pante Cleanses-. . the hsir. and scalp' imparting a lovely • 25c. fins. Sold oely by the Rekall Drug 8tOres.-1. Arinatrong. • . Hati-CLoss.Cafate.,--Mrs, David Bell, oj Coclerkth. recently. received a letter from her grnndsoii, Pie. Nelson Mae Math atilt Battalton, in which hede:scribes ;•his experience with • a "coal box" • *He states tlmt,!fet. 'three days a party of, nien. -were:in:at* crater ittre-machine4un,'.;withontionri.and it .was irt_ipossibleto get anything.' to lie :says n number of dorm:ins" tried to "inah all -of --wheel-- Were killed, with the exesption Of three who Weri'made-prisoners:----,Gieiglit- linen! who We're in it".bay" when n' shell ex pleded 'Pee. :Tigae-ozath Was; the ',611.1t olio Who escaped, the others being killed or wounded. "'Ile lost:his pack. end:everything he Possessed. .' • itoiisergoi Ekt 1.3Aii --Considerable • . eiceiteinent prevailed in •Wroxeter one evening yet:aptly, Abhilt 7:30, a horse ("Wiled bv. NidLeofi; whiCh had - • wandered 'front a line nearthe doctors residence, was diseolored.in the iriVer, ‘• It, hail. gal rr the.curient.and had COMO alhort distanceof the dative /dive rt, was almost 'linpossib'e for the aniMal to land... Dr. St -Leed, in. an atteMpt 'rescue Scalped 'a boat; but'unfertunately was ups et and *as.. *in 'a very dangerous. pesition ;until Pte. thos, Watsod, 'with the aid of the hoentiMisi reached him, As the.aight ',veto* wattV.cald, yaw aver. d v• eAPITAL AND .RiseRve 68186019QQ .• 90 Branches' in 'Canada A Oenerai Banking Business Transacted Cirnular -Letters-of Credit: ' Bank Money Orders QSAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest cut rate T. S. REID, Manager. bay all, that-tire-evaiiable;--beth-in-the • East.and in thelVest.:. It is Underiitood that, as a Mink of the pnrchaSes a Irea4 .inade, erMy buyers are finding it ineital-' ingly difficult, .bothin United Siatesand in Oaeada, to: readily: Semite the nurnhe'r of-horses:016 they reauir. Pirtietr4t- ly i)f the type suitable for heavy cavelrY or heavy artillery: , • , • . In addition ti) the purchases flr army acanant, cominercial activity ficiin • two distiricterierters has exerted a. very evi-^, dent influence 'upon the c inadian horse market during -the. past three...or four monthi. Since the beginning of theyear, 6,60.0 horees reached the Winnipeg Steck , Yards. from Eastern Canada and 5,Oli. were shipped froth the saine yards west; . , ward, Mostly-, tb Saskatchewan : During 0,400,40,0„ kiessostiviomaisofteasftsesolupoisfessimodareatlpsdeis~Me+43). the inoriths 'of January. February and . . / that the renoltitiori 'Wks Mit a. fit subject Many, there. are thene who think' this complaint is justifiecb . It doesn't- seeni.a.fair thing fe• 'Starve the women and children to. death, and .the Perman) endeavor tojnstifY their killing of Brit- iSii, civiliins. :by air'. radee. beeituse_the .Briffsh are-endeaVoring to starve thsir of debate ii the. 'genie of.. CeMmOnS, . .. , ... .... . .: gi. Lioomt t4e0.1,nade ...a c, -speech. in . support of ihisresoletion;..... but ..he . does not appeOr..to.have i.taidnitieh ati•to why the rescilition'nhciuld be intraiinc0 .-or pissed. ..;11i6.tipeeele :in :Thieugherit ' an, argitirsetivitlaVa'Of-Billligliell"sclioals: He was followed by the seconder , of kis' eiViliani. "So. the -Gleriinins May be will-. Ing te have . the stories Of food scarcity.. -go abroad in orile'r that they MO .-be, jiigtiaed before , the _ivOylcf, in theit.'law- . 'less:warfare. • • -; . 4 a.74,P1-3, .• -10 .484 .a,;11jfefsed MA. .-.7BO., betwee$_.the Britisk:atarVieg of tilifthe,reSolution Should balintrodiiced;. the Cernian Went* And ' Children . 'and te,v'odli not seethat it-WOuld aecomPlish - the -Germap shelling -of vast -tewrie, 'Air- nygond, VAlitelt-rdight Atit-tivrwatr.:,--ilidiVeatd-sibiting-of:posetrgiir7thipF 'nista' -• , He . also eltPreised tiorprii‘ Withont warning, , there ja all the differ - +hit kvIaapointfdici-netstibmIt'..his:4i-.--eneet-OfieWful-ondAinhiavi-n-1-.Worfare.j---.-,-. ()lotion while there was: o-pportniiitY• Ot• • A few Months' after • war broke out • disal:Wwiertile:PritariCrietv''whiehieerrirrthe ,i`‘,31errriart -military. nutheres:--seized- ed iiihe coninlained ...Of.: , He. cOnclided? -all food.supplieS'in thecolintry, 'and.. da 1 by taking that he for one wold . fetiOrd sooner did -food the. 'boutitrit. *an !lie vote ne,ioet tbe,..F.erAtti9ti. ,". .• ' .. it became government Property, civil - '.The Premier wati.:followed by' Sir Wit-lie:isle Germany have nO food' supplies, . •• hid Laurier,rWhe 'nitide the longest and nor do thelimnort.anY. . They cannot,.., Most -eloquent .npeecli Of the debate, fa,4-1..fe)r no sooner doeS: food "get' 'within . the .., . 'wing- . the; aOptiov of....the. "teeoitition. i territory Controlled by. Germany than:ft' .: ...(fis,speeek. h(;;Nvever,, was ,:noi,.. So% Mach i be.pornes a'part, of. the. military' Stores.," ' .., on .argitineilt in favor of adopting the!, AO international law and tie rules- of: resolutiOn. as an bppeal.to the .Eaglish.; i...war among ..civilized nations .recognize f,.fitle.s.kitigpople..of pete,rio is Itaye:sym•,:t.the righ.t of zi., riatiOri at war . to prevent .pathetiti.coneiderailoe for their. f.ellpir ,,,ite inerny.frion getting ; tililittry Stores i. ditizetAs of the Preneb tor4ae. i There 'of any kind fio; if the women and . . . .. fat_ionggsttiee ,S 4.641,1etaing ' to:4 413-...,ebildreti'of Geriria.nY il.iie beingt starved; terferinebritlt proveacialylegigrition in ' if is tihfe:fimIt ....of . the Gerrrian GoVern. of 0i:10016.i:0 , 'either • f•Antaiii.). oz.,' Went, 'i`xTirch allows . no, privately toy•ined ' Manitoba -the WO. piovin* in .. Whih:. food in the: cotoitiy. " t,f4 qiieition Of Villogoel eellOols lies:be. l , .The BritiA army reaently star.' ved inie coot netwe,. 1 : .... ., . . ... :livibibikaion:On the- Tittre'ss.qtrvet , Made There *OD littttl' irtalea ti.7. Ile4i.eg oo.,coinplaint that six :the'4and'elvilians tt. 1 siS•af 'VA. Vittaetb: bat.tlato 014 ..pok to.4.$04170 ':0011.4 %vitt 600. It , Lmotion„. Mr. 'Devlin, Who. argued along ; Theseme " t 'these were foil -pi -ma by.Prenifer, Br -rden:wgwexpresSed -th&views -which he no doubt 'hoped'wourd - betaken.,by his. ENGIN Econoraiesd Lied Weiglit;=Substentiat- Fool-Proof Construction46. Gun Barzol Cylioder Bore Leak -proof Compression. • ,00• skid*. with • 1011a4 NAGNETO • .. • . • . . • . ;177' '`.....:'...-M4...--=--,_ 'IQ:1)14es. • 'a lb.% .-."-- ....;ezia..-,.. ..• n e. -11.• — - r , Nakios_ :-._:1.___:..1,-a, • .• - . .1' • ..•...Z't.. 4.1-4'.\\ /074,.'4")) , i 07-.4,, s• •••4 a.11V ........ , .-.. , ------.,-- ..- 4----ii7 -, . • - . CHEVROLET . • , 'FOUR -NINETY' MODEL PRICE•COMPLETE $675 F.O.B. Oshawa Front Sir Lyman Melvin Jones, President and Omer:0 Manager; . Massey-Harris,Co ; phnited. • . • • •,. 1: • 4 ' • Toronto, March lath; 1916.. i,. Chevro.'et .Motor Co.,. Ltd:, H. Borsman, 'Die' , Manager. • Toronto, Ont. My Dear Sir:- • , . . " .. ' With reference to the car which I purcliased,from you the end of January, I have used it almost daily and I want t() Bay to you that I am very pleased with it it is so'convenient and light that it is much more comfortable getting about in the' bad. roads of the winter than the heavy , cars Which I have heretofore used and it • does make ' sulth a large savrng in gasoline. • It rides ' splendidly, better than I expected from alight car. We have had no trouble _ with it My chauffeur is greatly pleased and is always'remarking , . . ( about its good qualities. He is certainly entfiusiastic. • , , With allgeod wishes; believe nie, - Yours truly, •.., (Signed) Lyman Melvin Jones. . . . . . • GEO. II. SMITH.AGENT LUCKNOW '' . . EaTABEISHED-Iil The se:ection of the Bank of Hamilton as the guardian d•your savings 'means' perfeet freedom • from worry as to safety. Small deposits of one dollar atidupward • received. ' LUOKNOVV BRANCH Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Pald-up $3,043,00e 11. GLENNIE, SUMIUS • • • • • $3475400 • • • • March, 1,000 horses were etportecl. to OUTING' SHOES the United.States. A few.. hundred went forward tet the same market in April. , The . horses. exported •Vmee good: farm chunks weighing" -from 1,300 to 1,500, lbs. Ai 'high as $500.00 a Pair was'paid for animals possessing extra -Axiality and • conformation. This new mOvement • in • With the warm, sunshiny days conies the desire to. be out of doors. -Outing, Shoes are bee6ming more pop- ular every year for out door wear. They are light aid ay to walk - in. We have them in all Sizes and tor all out door sports. See our,Wiadow' Display. the horse, market is having effect • . upon prices,all over Canada. . • • Buyers report that the. better :Classei of drafters and farm. chunks are, getting ' scarce and hard to huy. The same holds owpipsoimobsii;00.44•00410.9000.4frise".404,46, 0 ACKERT St RATHWELL '!.41 GOOD SHOE STORE FOR ALL THE FAMILY" true, of OW bigroadsters and saddlers 'The noticeable scarcity of good horses of these, destriptions illustralPs the fact safety' is the proper stuff," he 'says, that demand has already overtaken' the When feeling chatty; '"twelve *Miles an supply and inikes it very evident, that hour is feet enough for any 'man not alt° the. really good sound mares in batty. • The itecidente of whi we read the epentry.shotild be bred this year. It ire &rased by duffers have ,tO. cannot Stronglyeurphasised,-how77.,hit.e.bnormal.spqed, inany a, duffer ever, that they should'he'. mated only. stiffer6:' But when he 6 hid, his car nine With strictly bia7Classoireic-, The:twin= weeks; he senthi,it forth al lllllll and ber of horses :rejected :by . aruiy -bt,iyeis every country village shrieks_When it be-- ClearlY,indMates that there. is . place" lu.Ms !?4'nn'Inknn," sOYn for the nniCiiiid horse ii.r" TerAbe udt;fit!-- Suah snit:eats:have been; ..are now. and: go Et.% hizzing past me" ,so he Alayg.vhIrteii."-:-Wiii: on the Marla&scorches- iliehtirate 1r/or:ling, he winds his car around a' tree• Breed to the best if you would -have the urniShes a -wurniog. lient.70nsotind Orliialiermed incites arc. -±-14" ;Omit as bad as unsound stallions. It is .easier to raise a good animal than's. peer One. Manage •wol k this Spring ln order that the best Mare on. the farni ,may be regularly returned:to the' ,hoise. . 'Nett year a good crop cif sound, healthy. . cob' will b °Odes a. bank. accotint Canada -is likelY to ;enter:slier:11Y the 'SINGLE FARE -Good going and cenninercial export markettatianodtodtphtaet. ir.ArReteur7AingNMDay ONE-THIRD .m. arket will require all .yon Good goinglilay 23 and 24th, return . Aimit Alay 2,5th., • • , • t,Motortni • ileinto tickets will be issued between all • When Ara a fellow gets a e.ary toxfu.1PrriogotiratraAziz haVigatee it slowly, "base -fiends," he Lifsio ..a , Mich., Pciyi,"ihose natieeddra are -their while N.v., AND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM VICTORIA DAY (MAY 24th) is mogt ti,. pii,.aly." There'll Iv ss re.. 43.00" ricttetd•atut full particulars rin applieit. skim blit .'jo.g glong skilille4, ' "Olv Phon. s I speed, for him„ - sash stuff annoys him Han to tieket'ageat.S. ' 'greatly, lie Will mit Natireb;br ectiOt or 0, MAIITIN, Agent Luditnatr • I ' .., • .,, DEFEND the HOME Everywoman knows the discomfort of of dusting-•betlew realize its dangers. Dust consists 01 very sine I particles of mattersoine of thein finely -ground mineral snbstanees, and the rest flaky Atoms of dried vegetable and animal matter.. As it is blown through the rt collects gerinsund nificrehes of , every description and 'front 'all sorts places7-antl-;settles-,--still-holdi! t hese dangerous little organisms,' onto floors and carpets: Here 'it remains awhile,. vonstaiitirAwreii7ing-1 ol4 more dust -falling' on it. and the, mi- crobes grow in number. . Along comes a brooni-fhe heavier dirt 'dirt is .Sweptalong. Inn the fine, gray; tnierebe-leden dust is, throWn up in clouds; to settle on tables, theirs, window -ledges, picture ironies, and every other place that a minute par- ticle caw find h rerthig :oleo'. As it flies, it 'carries germs of niftily diseases along whieb are breathed into the Itings,of the womau who is doing the' sweephig, and of Children and every- body else in the house. Wlien people are lir a very good physical Conditibn, these disease germ are usually sitetessful I y resisted -bet when a man womati or child gets a little "run-down'' Of out of. sorts, the hotly .no longer has power to render microbes harmless, •and then it is that dust gernis carry the great- est danger of idelinede Or death.. Use Dustbaile when'you sweep 4 Warn*, HARDWARE& NM 20'4 CO.; DISTRIUDTORS. ;